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How To Use Increment In A Sentence

  • It may be that the industry has reached a leveling-off point at which improvements in garments are so incremental that they're not worth the added cost, unless one is willing to drift into the realm of couture or the world of Chado Ralph Rucci where even a cotton poplin dress can set one back several thousand dollars -- but looks like it's worth a million bucks. Olivier Theyskens's Theory of relativity: High standards at a lower price
  • Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Forest trees are good experimental objects because they are dominants, and because suitable methods are available to determine growth increments.
  • The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent.
  • There is no substitute for continuous incremental improvements and training, but these tools can help.
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  • With the development of tourism, tourists to Mount Wudang Jinding successive incremental.
  • Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • I worry about incremental reforms that take so many people off the tax rolls in order to make them politically palatable.
  • So Ive made the script and made it copy the number written in the exceldocument, and then i try to use the following command: count++; increments count by 1 msgbox, iterationt = % count% AutoHotkey Community
  • Traditionally these machines have belts and pulleys to change increment speeds, which wouldn't change so often.
  • Rather than taking the incremental, linear approach, he's quested after different opportunities, different experiences.
  • Over the course of the day, in 2 hour increments, the number of voters having signed in was counted, and the voter count checked against the vote count on the machines.
  • And it would allow for smaller incremental moves. Times, Sunday Times
  • When, in the middle of the the first season, callow account exec Pete Campbell walks past striving-to-be-a-copywriter secretary Peggy Olson's desk without acknowledging her, Peggy's incremental comprehension of her powerlessness with this guy she's had sex with is documented in her face's shift from anticipation to abashment to acceptance. Sheila Weller: Mad Hopes for the Mad Men Women
  • We generally move in careful increments at a measured pace.
  • They also unequivocally demonstrate that noticeable change can emerge on its own by summing up the steady unnoticeable work of incremental deletions of the unfit.
  • Caspium, et Persicum sinum nationum atque Gentium Imperatori salutem, et rerum prosperarum foelicissimum incrementum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The simplest type of diffusion is Brownian motion, (also termed a Wiener process), which is a simple random walk in which the increments between random variables St have a normal distribution with a mean value of zero. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Note that only incremental costs are included. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • What is not meaningful is incremental meliorism in the face of a coming catastrophe and against the opposition of a overwhelming oligarchic hegemony. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • We turn finally to the problematic results for integration as measured by the increment from free recall to cued recall.
  • If the last character of the file name being saved is numeric, then the new file name increments the numeric suffix.
  • Blakeman's party has committed to injecting $8 million more into the arts, with incremental increases each year from here on in.
  • In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following: The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Incrementalism is the medium of adaptation, which is quite different from change. Globe and Mail
  • This week's emotionally intense, all or nothing energy inclines people towards radical solutions and massive rejigs rather than compromises or incremental steps.
  • In a telephone interview with The New York Times she made it clear that now she was free she intended to lead what she called a nonviolent revolution, rather than an incremental evolution. Jamyang Norbu: Seeking the Power of the Powerless
  • Dosage began at 250 mg/day, increasing in increments of 500 mg, to a maximum dose of 3 g daily.
  • The court stated that a number of criteria used by employers to justify incremental pay differentials will have to be justified.
  • As oxyhemoglobin circulates to deoxygenated tissue, oxygen is incrementally unloaded and the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced.
  • The geometric nonlinear problem of whip antenna structure underthe action of nonconservative loads is analyzed by means of the loading incremental method which has the balanceiteration format.
  • In this function it is a significant incremental improvement to pre-existing telegraphy and telephony.
  • The characteristic of this system is the employment of an incremental encoder as the speed sensor.
  • The most likely incremental reforms include insurance premium caps and price controls on hospitals, doctors and pharmaceuticals.
  • Incremental backups are scheduled in a multilevel fashion, with the baseline for a given level being the previous lower-level backup.
  • Everything hinges on the assumption that the incremental cost of increasing the radix is the same as the incremental cost of increasing the number of digits.
  • Scd brevis morborum recitatio, quum lucidicri argumentorum expHcationi infervirc poflit, propofito baud incongruum videtur, imOf Adveniente molis augment! termino, cadem ergana, quae corpori virgineo pabulum miniftrarunt et incrementum, plus j) ergunt conficere quam fola corporis nuJ: ritio jam exi - git; quod fupereft fanguinis per vafa uterina jam pcriodice eroittitur. A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • Discovery Bay Games Atari's iPad joystick accessory The company hopes to capitalize on surging sales of casual games—software that lacks the whizzy visual effects of high-end action titles but can be played easily in increments as short as a few minutes. Atari Takes a Trip Back to the Future
  • Ms. Flournoy did not react immediately to Mr. McCain's comment, but much later in the hearing she said that "I would never have used the phrase incrementalism" to describe what she called a "very strong commitment" of American troops that are to increase to 68,000 from News | GT |
  • Perhaps not NDS specifically, but "modern evolutionary theory," "standard model of evolution" and whatever else you want to call it has always assumed evolution proceeds by incremental small changes in phenotype by virtue of the relative success of certain minor variations. Approaching Difference, Not Likeness
  • Well-meaning pedants may wonder why so gifted a verbal prestidigitator as Mr. Ives has resorted so often to imperfect rhymes, each one of which diminishes the hectic glitter of the play's verbal surface by a tiny but measurable increment. Flying Couplets and Canapés
  • You simply set a starting bid and leave an instruction to raise the bid in preset increments up to a ceiling.
  • Each quality layer represents an incremental contribution (possibly empty) from the embedded bitstream associated with each code-block in the image.
  • The Internet auction system will automatically submit bids in increments one higher than the current price.
  • The land development funds are composed by land development and municipal accessory facilities fee, land use fee, increment fee of land value and other profits on the land.
  • The council are wanting the football club to take a more incremental approach to developing the stadium, including keeping the running track and building temporary stands.
  • When programming with incremental value, in radial direction, the displacement of two times the actual value, and the enclosed said direction signs (omit the positive).
  • It's the idea that basically, the increment to wages that a worker requires to leave him indifferent between performing two tasks -- one which is more unpleasant than the other -- that's what you call a compensating differential. Steven Levitt analyzes crack economics
  • If the hazard ratio is larger than one, then an increment increase in the variable causes an increase in the risk of predation.
  • This is about the highest quality, incremental changes each season and the best service. Times, Sunday Times
  • We refer to these layers as “cementum increments” or “dental increments”. Tales From the Crypt: What Teeth Can Tell Us About Life, Death and Prehistoric Human Behavior
  • The training promises to provide empirical evidence of incremental improvements in staff effectiveness.
  • This means, however, that the mother may lose not only her proficiency in her job, but also the regular salary increments that go along with normal performance.
  • Analysts on Wednesday called the auction proposal incremental and said it would not provide immediate relief to users struggling to keep their smartphones from grinding to a halt in congested metropolitan areas such as New York. FCC wants broadcasters' unused spectrum to help meet growing wireless demand
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, 100\%: the Story of a Patriot
  • This is no time for the incrementalism of quarter-point cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The machinery of contemporary human reason thus turns out to be rooted in a biologically incremental progression while simultaneously existing on the far side of a precipitous cliff in cognitive-architectural space.
  • “The Shah of Persia,” a mellifluous voice announced, “contemplates an increment of his hareem.” At Swim, Two Boys
  • This means that if I work for 8 minutes on a case, I round up to 15 minutes and write “.25” on my timesheet, which is the minimum billing increment for any entry. Advice
  • The Rankine scale has scale increments equal to the FahrenheIt'scale.
  • Now that you've got a setup like this, incremental changes to the code are very simple: Try to change the text in the function "index" and just recompile the function with C-c C-c. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Before we get carried away in praise of ourselves, note that we gain in breadth what we lose in precision, because we register the world's stimuli in logarithmic rather than linear increments.
  • This paper intends to illustrate the data extracting system design, with focus on two key technologies in data extracting, namely, incremental data extracting and duplicate record detecting.
  • Notwithstanding occasional spells of credit-market pressure, further incremental monetary policy tightening is advisable to ensure inflation moderates and to prevent inflationary expectations becoming unanchored," the report said. OECD for Raising Rates to Combat Inflation in India
  • Many of these folks have legitimate concerns, but they rally on the wrong side of issues to blame Obama who is NOT the guiltiest party in this mess created since Reagan and others began the incremental erosion/elimination of U.S. Laws and government structures and controlling departments. Tea Party Express rallies against 'big government'
  • It is therefore impossible to predict with certainty what amount of supplementation will result in what increment in the serum phosphate concentration.
  • To circumvent the problem, what we need is to propose land value taxation in an incremental manner, first as a hypothecated tax or benefit tax linking benefits to the community with the land taxes paid and demonstrating how the community or city development activities lead to land value uplifts for land-owners so that it is a win-win situation for all. Scott Baker: Will India Lead the Way in Urban Land Tax Reform? A Mission Director from the Indian Ministry of Housing Provides Some Answers
  • Whereas only 1 of the 12 patients fatigued their quadriceps after an ISW, two thirds of the same patients did so after incremental cycling.
  • The November 1992 unveiling quickly became a pipe dream, and the museum now plans to finish the new wing incrementally.
  • (The increment is to ensure the price moves up in quanta larger than a penny.) EBay, Fun, and Social Waste, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Since the incremental value is encoded in the operation field, there is room to specify a store address in the instruction.
  • Home improvement stores in the U.S. have prospered in a country with a vast middle class where the incremental cost of paying someone else to do one's handiwork is prohibitive. Home Depot
  • It is an 8-week lifestyle program designed to incrementally elicit and sustain habitual physical activity behaviors in previously sedentary people.
  • We bump it up by another 5% after five years so that the Y6 increment is 15% - then by Y10 they're up to 291% of base Grade 12 (K-12), I see the definition as: Transparency
  • As private sector workers they are not legally entitled to automatic increments in base salary.
  • We can borrow money from the European pool of savings at no incremental cost to ourselves.
  • The titrations were done in 10 mM increments, up to a final concentration of 100 mM nitromethane.
  • No problem, all you need to do is grab the version from last night from the incremental backup.
  • The CT quality control phantom was employed to analyze the stair step artifact. Helical scan was done with different slice thickness, pitch, increment and phantom position.
  • Instead of plotting variables as a function of time spent foraging, foraging activity variables were plotted as a function of an x-axis where numerical increments of one corresponded to individual dives over time.
  • The average person would think Intel would just increment the family code.
  • Based on the constitutive realtion of elastic viscoplasticity, the incremental functional is de- rived by means of non-linear functional analysis theory in this paper.
  • Todo lo que teniamos que hacer era cerrar una, o dos de las salidas y la piscina se incrementaba. Global Voices in English » Colombia: Living with Flooding in Barranquilla
  • At Storytown's peak, over 2000 prostitutes, in various bagnios, were selling Love in hourly increments.
  • As we saw earlier, this will increment the counter for a particular word in a particular file.
  • But a good half of each twenty-second increment was typically taken up with preliminaries and formalities.
  • There are few Eureka moments, just lots of incremental steps. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also got its own currency, so, unlike the travails of Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy or Spain, its woes don't require the endless fearful summitry of a disapproving euro zone, where progress comes in tiny increments if at all. U.K. Debt Plan Can't Cover All Its Sins
  • Unlike Big Ideas that beget standardized commodities, these products undergo a continuous process of incremental change and adaptation.
  • Animators made hundreds of sketches and watercolor background scenes for each cartoon and used dozens of hand-painted cels per second to capture each increment of a character's movements.
  • In the normal range, the expectation is that staff progress through the increments on an annual basis.
  • Maiestatem V. sapientiæ & prudentiæ, omniúmque adeò virtutnm heroicarum indies incrementa sumentem, ad summum imperij fastigium, summas ille regnorum, omniúmque adeò rerum humanaram dispensator, Deos opt. max. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • We already have had invalid flights from people using the cheap eTrex with only automatic time interval and no fixed time increment.
  • Rolling contact problem was handled by increment constraint method with tire tire and roadway developed.
  • Anno Domino 846. natus est Haraldus Harfagre (quod auricomum vel pulchricomum dixeris) Qui deinde Anno 858, Rex Noruagi� designatus, vbi 鎡as viresque iustum incrementum acceperunt, formam imperij The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • lecturers enjoy...steady incremental growth in salary
  • GE – a TOP sponsor – says that "something like $158m of incremental revenues have been generated from sales incentive programmes that have an Olympic element in them".
  • How fast will an increment of the excitation voltage reach 95% of the difference between ceiling voltage and the system voltage rating.
  • Only three operations may be performed on a semaphore, all of which are atomic: initialize, decrement, and increment.
  • Fowden and colleagues described that the cortisol surge toward late gestation in sheep was coincident with the slowing down of growth, reflected by a decrease in the increment of crown-rump length growth.
  • It seemed to Peter that every time he fell asleep it was to the music of proletariat and surplus value and unearned increment, possibilism and impossibilism, political action, direct action, mass action, and the perpetual circle of Syndicalist-Anarchist, Anarchist-Communist, Communist-Socialist and Socialist-Syndicalist. 100% : The Story of a Patriot
  • We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
  • That is how the usurpers get away with liberticide — incrementalism, at least until their control grid is completely in place. The Volokh Conspiracy » Obscenity Conviction for Adult-to-Adult Noncommercial E-mail About (Fantasy) Sex With Children:
  • Changes at the newspaper are more incremental than radical.
  • Then came advertising in record increments as young manufacturers searched for national markets.
  • Leaf elongation rate was calculated from daily increments in leaf length using linear voltage displacement transducers connected to a data logger.
  • We are incrementalists, but in this case the incrementalism is moving in the wrong direction.
  • The signature aspect of the current president is his belief that incrementalism is bunk.
  • Students use standard procedures to qualify saline and sodic soils, observe salt and sodium effects on water percolation, and conduct a bioassay of incrementally-degraded soils with plants of varying salt-tolerance.
  • Since we employed multiple trials for each data set, our random number generator was seeded by the computer's clock, and each file in the Monte Carlo series was identified and seeded by increments to the nearest nanosecond.
  • Anno Domino 846. natus est Haraldus Harfagre (quod auricomum vel pulchricomum dixeris) Qui deinde Anno 858, Rex Noruagiæ designatus, vbi ætas viresque iustum incrementum acceperunt, formam imperij A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • If the incremental project can be accepted then the logical conclusion is to accept Project D in the first instance.
  • According to Macrovision, it "wakes up" every so often and increments counters in some of the product files.
  • The characteristic of this system is the employment of an incremental encoder as the speed sensor.
  • By law the program is supposed to help blighted areas that wouldn't attract sufficient economic development "without the benefits of tax increment financing" - that is, areas that won't improve unless the city ponies up to get rid of "dilapidation," vacant buildings, and environmental problems and bolster infrastructure. Chicago Reader
  • These incremental changes will lead to a big change in infant mortality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The observations gleaned from my look at Ecuadorean housing relate to several major observations made in other countries: First, build in increments and plan to make an ongoing series of additions over time.
  • We measured the reversal potential following each of a series of conductance increments and calculated the reversal potential for each increment assuming they were independent channels.
  • The operator DT command may be used to change the data partition size by page increments rounded up to the next page boundary.
  • The body burns fat more effectively with small incremental downshifts in calories.
  • Does the collector current rise in equal steps for equal increments of base current?
  • Organism with no eyespot experiences a random mutation due to natural forces, which produces some minutely incremental change which happens to move the organism towards an eyespot, and which is somehow promotable by natural selection. Kicking the Legs Out From Under the Willfully Ignorant « Whatever
  • XP proponents practice continuous, incremental refactoring as a way to incorporate change.
  • The 10/32 threaded vertical mounting rails easily adjust in ¼ inch increments for accurate alignment, while numbered U positions and copper busbar attachment points further simplify set-up. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • Now that which is of divine birth has a period which is contained in a perfect number, but the period of human birth is comprehended in a number in which first increments by involution and evolution (or squared and cubed) obtaining three intervals and four terms of like and unlike, waxing and waning numbers, make all the terms commensurable and agreeable to one another. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • While government and industry officials jousted over Hamaoka, the operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi plant reported incremental progress over the weekend in the long battle to bring the crippled reactors there under control. Japanese Power Company Chubu Declines to Shut a Working Plant
  • CHOI: Well, when I hear the word incrementalism, I think I hear the word shut up and, you know ... CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2009
  • They can incrementally diminish their debt over a number of years. The Scientist
  • The REFRESH TABLE statement returns a warning, a reminder that the "integrity of non-incremental data remains unverified.
  • DEATH TO ALL STEP-FUNCTIONS! the logic is clear and simple, to achieve true, well-defined progressivity, the increase in marginal utility of every infinitismal increment of income must be accounted for with a corresponding infinitismal increase in TAX RATE. Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
  • The term breakthrough innovation is used consciously as opposed to nominal or incremental innovation with little or no social value. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Innovation at most companies is pursued with desperate, random acts or unevolved strategies; or it is so incremental and predictable that it isn't really innovation at all.
  • Now think about the income tax that would have been collected from that incremental pension income stream, and the Vat and excise duties from the incremental income.
  • Russi�, Magno Duci, &c. Salutem, et omnium rerum prosperarum foelicissimum incrementum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The latest spin is to refer to the incremental cost above and beyond the cost of a new biometric passport.
  • Obviously, the M.O. is a slow, incrementalism which is at odds with the soaring rhetoric, but it might work better. Matthew Yglesias » Justice and Stabilization
  • The unit can also be set to an autocycle mode, which allows the machine to be set in tenth-of-a-second increments up to 5 seconds for automatic cycling.
  • That's innovation, but the way language does it, incrementally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sholom Aleichem is known as the Jewish Mark Twain, but Bikel enlarges and ennobles the man in ways that turn the world's greatest Yiddish writer into the living embodiment of Huckleberry Finn -- keenly observing the end of the 19th Century in Europe and Russia, the dawn of Jewish life in America, and the incremental death of Yiddish culture that was foreshadowed in that migration. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • The CT quality control phantom was employed to analyze the stair step artifact. Helical scan was done with different slice thickness, pitch, increment and phantom position.
  • As oxyhemoglobin circulates to deoxygenated tissue, oxygen is incrementally unloaded and the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced.
  • The essential design of a grand piano, apart from incremental technical advances, has not changed for more than a century.
  • Barry Boehm uses the analogy of stud poker 2 to illustrate the sponsors perspective on an iterative and incremental development project.
  • Meanwhile, the state's burden on individuals and businesses remains punitively high, both in terms of Paris's tax take and its regulatory demands, and spending reductions have been incremental at best. Sarkozy's Last Chance
  • The steady incrementalism of this advance may be less spectacular, but it feels more solid.
  • In transient rheological aspect, apparent viscosity increases more evident with the increment of cooling speed.
  • C5 fragment induced MPO and lactoferrin release was produced in an incremental manner with elastase, however a biphasic response with cathepsin G.
  • Many teachers qualify for an annual increment.
  • From this point forward, every incremental rise in the surf temperature equates to a couple more fish on the stringer.
  • Thousands of Zimbabwean mineworkers from mines owned by Rio Tinto have gone on strike to demand a 150 percent salary increment.
  • Total incremental height growth is a summation of first flush and lammas flush growth.
  • One of the key issues in data integration is the detection of incremental data from a specific information source in an efficient and timely manner.
  • Scientific investigation proceeds not by amassing conclusions but by accumulating incremental evidence, which is all that we can know.
  • Emerging incrementally from individual clusters of endless ruffles, five women eventually twirl to full height as so many efflorescent flamenco dancers. A Pruned Garden of Delights
  • According to Mr Soulsby, this enabled the prompt payment of dividends, which had posted an increment of 50 ngwee, from K16.35 in 2003 to K16.85 per share in 2004.
  • It is more often characterized by meandering incremental steps designed to make problems less bad rather than "solve" them. The Full Feed from
  • Shifts in the field of view directly affected displacement output, but density increment and strain, being differential quantities, were unaffected.
  • We have two worldclass deposits we can incrementally develop over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enlargement is supported by the observation that many small conductance increments can lead to a large decrement.
  • If this is the case, slacken the rod by small increments until the buzz goes.
  • A disposition to incremental change can deflect one from considering or even comprehending wider and more fundamental problems.
  • He wants the reader to involve him/herself in the "intricacy" of design, to find in the tracing out of the incremental, spiralling pattern a source of interest at least as compelling as character identification, if not more so, since Powers's novels make it clear that the writer's job is not merely to tell stories and evoke characters, but to use such things as story and character to make something fresh from the form, to find the means to unite story, character, and theme with form in a way that is mutually reinforcing: character is tied to the evolving revelations of form, formal ingenuity itself embodies and discloses theme. Elsewhere
  • The essential design of a grand piano, apart from incremental technical advances, has not changed for more than a century.
  • What I believe Clinton meant by the "conventional wisdom" is the kind of doctrinaire "purist liberalism" that allows for no pragmatic compromise or recognition that liberal reform must come incrementally. Lanny Davis: Liberals At War Again ... With Each Other
  • Network integration kit to bring GMR to the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Increment 1 Joint Network Node systems.
  • The maximum increment in damage there will be equal to 2.
  • Absrtact: By taking incremental exercise to establish overtraining model, in order to provide the experimental evidences for Aralia elata staving and eliminating exercise2induced fatigue.
  • Compared to Tennyson, her inestimably more modest but equally self-elemented textual incrementation of historical destiny at the close of Middlemarch begins in the imagination of other secular ordeals presenting (and notice the vocalic escalation) a Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The electorate will not be inspired by any approach that appears to be insipid incrementalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calibration is done insitu using a chopped laser beam to provide a known heat increment.
  • The average yearly increment in labour productivity in industry was 4.5 per cent.
  • However, if we look at a person's lifestyle choices in increment values, increased precaution that may delay or prevent doctor visits (doctor visits that are mainly picked up by a third party), rather than premature death or a delibetating illness, the incentive to take care of oneself will be less if the true cost of health care is not completely realized by the patient. Reality and Health Care Spending, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • And finally, the incrementalist approach may also prove too incremental, that is, too slow, for those of us who are used to the speed of modern communication systems.
  • The sum of incremental changes is not sufficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increment the iterator variable iter for each "article" element, as in Listing 20.
  • The trouble with surgery is the incremental change to your face that you don't notice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Step 2: An administrator creates a new object on DC1, and DC1's USN is incremented to 3001, as shown in Figure 2 .
  • In my view, the field—with the exception of exoplanet research—has advanced way too incrementally in recent years. Smithsonian
  • Managing non - incremental innovation can be defined as management of technology transition.
  • Not giant leaps but incremental steps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The voltage is then incremented and the process continues until a determination is made as to the objects operability.
  • The sixth chapter is the future of the increment operation and J2ME.
  • Bullet weights increasing from 110 to 180 grains in normal increments seemed like a sensible idea.
  • Demand can be billed at a flat rate or, like energy charges, can be billed at block rates based on fixed increments of demand.
  • Built incrementally, it was originally a theatre, with a pleasingly symmetrical Italianate colonnaded frontage facing the town's main square.
  • And over the years those increments of certitude had made me the perfect foreigner.
  • The biological basis for seasonal increments in dental cementum and their application to archaeological research. Archive 2006-11-01
  • Kaizen - the never-ending quest for small, incremental improvements in quality, technology, processes, culture and productivity - is impressed on all staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • The increment operator is ++ and means increase by one unit.
  • By the increment Interrupt of LPC2292, the day type and the tariff type can be selected, and energy can be measured by different time segment.
  • Some carmakers also have been bumping base prices in increments so minor, most prospective customers don't notice.
  • Physical examination, simple laboratory tests, such as hematocrit, renal function, and electrolytes, and electrocardiography provide incremental information.
  • The caries increment (increment DMFS) was extracted from the dental records and bitewing radiographs after 2 years. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In reality these new cars feature only incremental improvements. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have an SLR that has a spot-metering feature, take a reading of just the bright area and then bracket in half- or full-stop increments toward overexposure.
  • Though the supply chain was capable of supporting a previous increment, it may not be capable of supporting future increments without additional planning.
  • Because when you have the labour in here, plus the other thing that we did experience through the start-up of that rolling mill is incremental scrap production and something that we call cabo Home Page
  • But incremental change can be rapid. Times, Sunday Times
  • After getting a good deal of (sometimes grudging) praise for being cautious on the Rove indictment story, and making slow, incremental progress in other areas, the last thing we need to do is “sink to their level” on an issue like this, especially inviting the good guys to start untrue (or at least unfact checked) swiftboating. Firedoglake » David Broder, Pantysniffing Pervert

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