How To Use Incorrigible In A Sentence
And I could not but thrill as I glimpsed the vastitude of spirit that inhabited these frail, perishing carcasses of us -- the three incorrigibles of solitary.
Chapter 20
All the while, a hapless Maggie sits in the drivers' seat, helpless to stop the incorrigible bug from exercising its mighty will.
I hear he is an incorrigible flirt.
Governments are incorrigible optimists; they believe unabashed self-promotion will yield electoral dividends.
A cat person, claws in velvet paws, he was malicious, vain, an incorrigible snob and social climber, who oiled his way, first, into the society of prominent persons, and then into personal prominence.

“She shall tell you herself, thou incorrigible intermeddler in what concerns thee not, that it is her wish the ceremony should go on — Is it not, Isabella, my dear?”
The Black Dwarf
---I was sent to Hennington Hills as banishment for being an incorrigible youth.
The Kenny Anthony I know is someone who would see his family deprived of their just due so the incorrigible among us would have nothing to whet their appetites with suggestions of nepotism.
---I was sent to Hennington Hills as banishment for being an incorrigible youth.
“Haud your peace, ye knave, and hear what I have to say till ye — We are gaun a bit into the Hielands” — “Ye tauld me sae already,” replied the incorrigible
Rob Roy
Approximations may be corrigible, incorrigible in practice, or incorrigible in principle.
The Unity of Science
The most compelling portrait in the book is that of Sukanya's grandmother, Ragini Devi, dancer, scholar, and incorrigible rebel.
He is an incorrigible tinkerer who holds four elevator patents.
Given his history as an "incorrigible" criminal and the content of his nonlawyer calls, the SEC says, "one can only imagine what took place when Quinn spoke with his attorneys.
Behind Bars, a Cat-and-Mouse Game
The only properly basic propositions are those that are self-evident or incorrigible or evident to the senses.
I'm incorrigible/tak makan saman/saja cari nahas like that.
Nyeah nyeah nyeah
Stories about a wild man - often envisioned as an unclothed man, hairy and incorrigible as a beast - were widespread in medieval Europe.
Cities are complex and demand innovative representational procedures capable of conveying their incorrigible plurality.
She then carries this view into her interactions with her students, whom she regards as incorrigible and unteachable.
But enjoyable though it is, even an incorrigible geek such as myself has to confess that the mainstreaming of geekdom is far from a healthy phenomenon.
I must admit to being an incorrigible optimist.
For so he that makes the baser element subject to the better has self-control and is a superior man, whereas he who allows the nobler element of the soul to follow and be subservient to the incorrigible and unreasoning element, is inferior to what he might be, and is called incontinent, and is in an unnatural condition.
Plutarch's Morals
Because he was an incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
But after this pile-up of patter, the best he can do is to accept that the poor creature is incorrigible.
From the point of view of modern English criticism, which likes to be melted, and horrified, and astonished, and blood-curdled, and goose - fleshed, no less than to be "chippered up" in fiction, Senor Valdes were indeed incorrigible.
Literature and Life (Complete)
I bet she knows her husband is an incorrigible flirt who seems to have sex on the brain all the time.
I wouldn't run out permanent on my best friend, even if he is a liar, a cheat, a thief, a drunk and an incorrigible wencher.
The Time of the Transference
He is a great, flabby sham, an actor close to suicide, maybe - and this is an extraordinary display of incipient madness or incorrigible playfulness.
This is due to the government's incorrigible tendency to downplay the costs and exaggerate the benefits of the deal.
Her husband is an incorrigible flirt.
We would rather not lock up many criminals, who might best be guided gently into better ways, but if such guidance is rejected what alternative do we have for protecting the community from the incorrigible?
Sue, you are incorrigible!" he said.
Thus going to Pont du Sable for a day's shooting became a weekly delight, then a biweekly fascination, then an incorrigible triweekly habit.
A Village of Vagabonds
At length, as she united a final row of hooks and eyes, she found leisure to chide her, saying she was very naughty to be so unpunctual; that she looked even now the picture of incorrigible carelessness: and so Shirley did - but a very lovely picture of that tiresome quality.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
He fell into the common fault of incorrigible offenders; lamenting that he had not subdued the first cravings of desire, and wishing to recall the irremediable past, while to reform the present was too vast a labour.
The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
I see no reason why those few illegal immigrants and incorrigible ignoramuses like those found in predominately black areas should make one bit of difference in the political landscape.
Think Progress » Washington Post Reporters Upset About Links To Blogs
Beset by financial troubles (including a spell in prison for borrowing money while an undischarged bankrupt), he remained an incorrigible optimist.
Only months earlier he had been a sequacious adherent of it as an incorrigible womanizer, and yet now his actions were more impotent than a misfiring and his manhood was debunked by being sodomized.
An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
He's an incorrigible womanizer who wants to change in order to be worthy of the fiancée he abandoned and then lost track of in the war.
Besides, Robinson was supposed to have been one of the most incorrigible skirt-chasers of his time.
Hereby the community or whole body of the faithful, even to the meanest member, are vested from Christ with full power and authority actually to discharge and execute all acts of order and jurisdiction without exception: e.g. To preach the word authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent.
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
The incorrigible nanny provided the majority of the laughs throughout with her classroom scene and exercise routines the most humorous of the panto.
All who do are either heroes or incorrigible optimists.
True to Mozart's intention to present the incorrigible libertine as a dramma giocoso - a funny drama - Erwin Schrott was a charismatic and riveting Don Juan, while Kyle Ketelsen's Leporello, the Don's comic and unwilling manservant, stole all the rest of the scenes.
Don Giovanni
The sagaman consults poetical justice very well at first, and prepares us for an unfortunate end by depicting Grettir as, though valiant and in a way not ungenerous, yet not merely an incorrigible scapegrace, but somewhat unamiable and even distinctly ferocious.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
'The Secret War of Harry Frigg' (1968) Paul Newman is the incorrigible U.S. Army private who allows himself to be captured by the Italians during World War II so he can free five captured Allied military bigwigs (French, British and American).
'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
I wanted the chance to meet Roy Hodgson privately and having done so, I'm very impressed with his plans for the future," added the England captain, who, in fairness, had already moved to dampen speculation linking him with moves to the likes of Real Madrid ... by performing like an incorrigible galoot at the World Cup.
$tevie Says Relax, I'm Staying At Liverpool
I was driving to work this morning when I heard the incorrigible duo on the morning radio talk show.
A preposterous seventeenth century opportunist, a loose cannon, an incorrigible hypocrite.
However, Singh has also long been seen as an enfant terrible, an incorrigible roué. There is something gratifying about such an image, and I don't particularly judge him for cultivating it.
A preposterous seventeenth century opportunist, a loose cannon, an incorrigible hypocrite.
An incorrigible striker of attitudes, which is all the more dangerous and at times effective, as he talks himself into believing them himself… Has no sense of morality, thoroughly selfish.
The book leaves the reader often stunned by his intermittent inhumanity and his incorrigible sentimentality.
The endless repetition of incorrigible and isolated individuality is the statement and each time he makes it he makes it afresh.
These are, of course, the sour thoughts of a crabbed and incorrigible old cynic.
an incorrigible mess
Ah, you are mediant, incorrigible," said the lady, in broken English, laughing as she spoke.
Won from the Waves
His Franz was an incorrigible flirt, but not completely empty-headed or cold-hearted.
Yet, even above the clatter of their hoofs did the incorrigible Nanty hollo out the old ballad —
He is a great, flabby sham, an actor close to suicide, maybe - and this is an extraordinary display of incipient madness or incorrigible playfulness.
No one could understand why he stood up for an incorrigible criminal.
You may pass me off as an incorrigible pessimist for having spoken thus; but believe me, if you were in my spectacles or better still if you analyse life the way I have, may be you would have separate ideas.
Thou incorrigible varlet, what brings thee here?" replied Tell, in an undervoice, giving Philip a rough grip of the arm.
Heroes Every Child Should Know
Now note three things: (a) Cecil Winwood was so detested by his fellow convicts that they would not have permitted him to bet an ounce of Bull Durham on a bedbug race — and bedbug racing was a great sport with the convicts; (b) I was the dog that had been given a bad name; (c) for his frame-up, Cecil Winwood needed the dogs with bad names, the lifetimers, the desperate ones, the incorrigibles.
Chapter 2
I am a bastard, incorrigible, ungentlemanly and a beast.
Is it about the fundamentally deluded nature of human existence, or its perverse, incorrigible optimism?
However, now pushing 60, a twilight-years philosophy is creeping into the Lemmster's previously incorrigible worldview, with takes on death and environmentalism.
Gone is the agent provocateur, the incorrigible controversialist, the incubus of discord and scandal.
Times, Sunday Times
The program is incorrigible; once a boondoggle, always a boondoggle.
As for me, I derived but one benefit from my old violin accompanier, that of becoming a good timist; in every other respect I received nothing but injury from our joint performances, getting into incorrigible habits of bad fingering, and of making up my bass with unscrupulous simplifications of the harmony, quite content if
Records of a Girlhood
You left out the bush whackers, rump rangers, fifth column traitors, child pornographers, baby rapers, brain addled dope smoking malcontents, serial abortionists, incorrigible violent criminals and drug pushers as well as the Clintons that make up the Filthy Left wing of the Liberal Losers.
Think Progress » Rumsfeld on Iran Today = Rumsfeld on Iraq in 2002
The incomparable, incorrigible Sally Bowles had me reaching for the green nail polish - divine decadence, darling.
The strutting paycock of the title, ‘Captain’ Boyle, is a workshy boozehound, an incorrigible fantasist who rashly pins everything on the promise of an inheritance.
There are incurable diseases in medicine, incorrigible vices in the ministry, insoluble cases in law.
The usual plan is to hit town and grill the nearest toothless old codger or incorrigible oddball.
Bully was a wire-haired terrier mix, and he was quite simply incorrigible.
Spoken from the Heart
Alongside the canoe, still in the water and peeling off the grisly clinging thing, the incorrigible old sinner burst into the pule of triumph which had been chanted by countless squid-catching generations before him:
They have proven themselves incorrigible; drawing and quartering would be too good for them.
a loan, whereby the 'barrer' was replenished and the surly husband set to work; but if all efforts at peacemaking were useless, this new apostle had methods beyond the reach of the ordinary missionary -- he would (the case deserving it) drop his mild, insinuating, persuasive tones, and not only threaten to pulp the incorrigible blackguard into
Side Lights
It does not mean by this that a scrawny pullet is of more importance than family honor; it simply means that the man who steals a pullet is a cowardly thief, while the one who ignores the advances of a pretty woman is an incorrigible idiot.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.