How To Use Incorporation In A Sentence

  • In 1896, New Jersey passed a law that made it easy to charter a company - and it quickly became a leading venue for incorporations.
  • The story of Hyderabad's ultimate incorporation into India is a complex one.
  • Very often the cost of the shares, representing the amount subscribed on the incorporation of the company, is very low.
  • The pope and the king of France taught Edward II to dissolve the preceptories, to the number of twenty-three, belonging to the Templars; in 1410 the Commons petitioned for the confiscation of all church property; in 1414 the alien priories in England fell under the animadversion of the government; their property was handed over to the crown and they escaped only by the payment of heavy fines, by incorporation into English orders, and by partial confiscation of their land. The Age of the Reformation
  • To prefer food to art, capriciousness and indulgence to "simplicity" and "contemplat [ion]," and eating to other forms of incorporation, is, of course, a female or effeminated preference (Gill 597). Wordsworth’s Balladry: Real Men Wanted
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  • Zinc is required for the incorporation of cystine into keratin.
  • They succeeded only because of the wider social context of working-class incorporation.
  • Incorporation of any such existent data would surely bias our analysis.
  • A reincorporation will allow MGEX to distribute exchange assets to members, including three buildings in downtown Minneapolis and the MGEX Clearinghouse, which matches and clears trades for all exchange activity, according to the exchange. Minneapolis Grain Exchange Gets For-Profit Conversion Approval
  • This has allowed the protocol definition to evolve in a controlled way by the incorporation of tested ideas.
  • (A) BrdU incorporation assays revealed a higher proliferation rate in primary calvarial osteoblast cultures from transgenic mice after 2 days of differentiation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • My study of Yunnan is aimed at revealing this mechanism in order to present a case for its precapitalist incorporation into the Chinese world-system, as well as to improve upon some inaccuracies in the world-system debates. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • The pro-incorporation committee folks argue that nobody who opposed incorporation should be appointed to the council -- once more demonstrating their exclusivity.
  • The government encourages the existence of charitable NGOs through tax exemptions and liberal laws of association and incorporation.
  • In my view the incorporation of a local action group ought not to be a bar to the bringing of an application for judicial review.
  • It may be objected that the Royal Commission which issued its Report last spring, did not recommend the incorporation of proportional representation into our electoral system. Proportional Representation A Study in Methods of Election
  • Feduccia (1993, p. 162) stated that ‘there can be no doubt that an airfoil is produced by the sifaka’s arms and the partial incorporation of a “lift mechanism” would advantageously augment the horizontal extent of a “leap”’. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • The incorporation of microelectronics in products and manufacturing processes is likely to accelerate this trend.
  • Furthermore, in times of economic constraints, the incorporation of aspects of an economics-based strategy may be beneficial.
  • Incorporation here is a bodily procedure of internalization that effects a psychological identification.
  • Rates of incorporation of carbon from malate, pyruvate, and acetate are expressed on an acetate-equivalent basis.
  • Incorporation of dissolved ions makes water a better conductor of electricity.
  • We hope to secure the signatures of two-thirds of our registered voters, thus bypassing the need for an incorporation election.
  • Specifically, FPHCI does not include dividends received by a CFC from a payor corporation that satisfies all of the following three requirements: • The payor is a corporation that is a related person to the CFC; • The payor is created or organized under the laws of the same foreign country as the CFC; and• A substantial part of the payor's assets is used in a trade or business located in the payor's country of incorporation (which also is the CFC's country of incorporation). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Mr Johnnie Walker, on the other hand, is a villainous incorporation of bloodthirsty evil as he murders cats, devours their hearts live and deep freezes their heads.
  • These small businesses are compelled to publish announcements of their incorporation.
  • Six years later, his name appeared as the second of 25 signatures on a document requesting the incorporation of Richmond.
  • This led in 1881 to the incorporation of a privately owned company financed by industrialists and bankers with headquarters in Montreal.
  • The R193H cTnI mutant alone encroaches on this limit as it has a dominant effect in all combinations to cause a Ca An equally important factor that likely impacts the additive effects of two activating mutant alleles is the combined incorporation of each mutant into the sarcomere given the central role thin filament stoichiometry and cooperativity plays in the regulation of contraction PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There is no evidence, other than that within panels of the window itself, for the problems posed by the later incorporation of the heraldry of bishop and chapter within it.
  • Proponents argued that reincorporation would make the company's officers and directors more accountable.
  • Incorporation of some of the linguistic information that humans employ is necessary to improve text recognition systems.
  • The see is at Palma, and its incorporation with the Diocese of Iviza is provided for by the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • In in vitro experiments it was shown that inhibition of 14C N-acetylglucosamine incorporation into chitin by proleg epidermis is less pronounced at 20°C than at 25°, 30° and 35°C (Chandler et al., Chapter 7
  • They found an enhancement of ABA incorporation by monolayers at low surface pressures only under acid conditions.
  • Civil law powers, such as France, were more systematic in incorporation of metropolitan law into non-metropolitan territories.
  • The applicant was the largest creditor of the corporation and substantially financed its incorporation.
  • But really, the climate issue is just a way of trying to grapple with this fundamental uneven marketplace; the incorporation of the "cost of carbon" (because we have used the "fear" lever in the spectrum of fear and greed that the marketplace right now recognizes as the only two drivers for economic activity) is a way of monetizing fossilization in that extracted petroleum, coal, hydrocarbon feedstock. Alison Wise: The Clean Economist: Clean "Corruption"
  • Incorporation of old carbon into basal gyttja yields ages from bulk samples that are initially about 600 yr too old.
  • To what extent should special rules govern the incorporation of such onerous clauses in the contract or prohibit their use completely?
  • The execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate or conflict with any provision of the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of the Company.
  • The supply of detritus from a continental interior with little incorporation of volcanic material into the basin suggests that Eastern Avalonia remained attached to Gondwana throughout deposition of the Manx Group.
  • Apple's incorporation of "Gestures" has taken advantage of how we naturally use things. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The department's policy promotes the incorporation of children with special needs into mainstream schools.
  • Individuals wishing to vote on the changes to the articles of incorporation must fulfill the membership requirements by August 14th to be eligible to vote.
  • New Amsterdam's incorporation as a municipality in 1653 accelerated its transformation into a city consciously modeled on Dutch prototypes.
  • The reincorporation of the South into mainstream American culture is making us a bit more Southern.
  • The sixte and laste is, they wilbe [111] pleased to change the savage name of Kiccowtan, and to give that Incorporation a newe name. Colonial Records of Virginia
  • They are undergoing constant transformation and the incorporation of innovative elements.
  • There was no measurable incorporation of C into sucrose, hexoses or the raffinose family of oligosaccharides at any stage of the incubations.
  • Their incorporation into these pedigree herds as suckler dams or resale as in calf cows offers a very lucrative second-hand value.
  • A recent investigation showed that acylated proteins found in lipid rafts were displaced due to the incorporation of eicosapentaenoic acid in Jurkat T cells.
  • The incorporation of plasmids or prophages into the bacterial chromosomes is called transfection.
  • Christian "collegia" seem to have differed but little from those of the pagans, in respect, at all events, of the obligations imposed by the rules of incorporation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • It allows for the incorporation of a shear plate to seal the car's underbody as a hedge against drag.
  • Petition of Captain Macphedris of London, merchant, on behalf of himself and several merchants, clothiers, hatters, dyers, and other traders, praying a charter of incorporation empowering them to raise a sufficient sum of money to purchase lands for planting and rearing a wood called madder, for the use of dyers. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  • Carboxylase An enzyme that catalyzes the incorporation of carbon dioxide into a substrate molecule.
  • They also stress the permanence of the mechanisms or structures for incorporation. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Incorporation of harder or more fibrous material in the diet could provoke such a need.
  • That means ... they are thinking of the possibility of reincorporation -- in other words giving up their independence with a view to form part of a broader federal structure in ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Even random bits of doggerel cannot escape incorporation into the design.
  • Several others are use patents for direct incorporation into human foods as ingredients or spreads.
  • His tireless advocacy of confederation with Canada paid off when a second referendum on 22 July 1948 closely approved incorporation with Canada.
  • An additional welcome side effect is the "magnetization" of the cells after the incorporation of nanoparticles. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • Incorporation of a deflectable tip on the EndoEYE provides surgeons with the flexibility to change the direction of his / her view giving them a new way to observe the anatomy. Undefined
  • Sustainable development will depend on a more positive incorporation of women settlers.
  • The incorporation of the aforementioned additional anions in the composition can be effective in the form of the acids or salts, typically, the calcium and tervalent iron or aluminum salts.
  • Incorporation of this foreign DNA may lead to mutations and oncogenesis by several possible mechanisms: Your Right Hand Thief
  • There may be good practical reasons today for accepting the incorporation doctrine, but as a historical matter, the idea that Americans and st legislatures in particular viewed the 14th am as incorp the bill of rts at the time they adopted it has no validity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Justice Stevens Sees Himself as a “Judicial Conservative”
  • This has allowed the protocol definition to evolve in a controlled way by the incorporation of tested ideas.
  • Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors, as described.
  • The shareholders of a corporation do not have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares except to the extent the articles of incorporation so provide.
  • In some cases, the only chargeable asset to transfer on incorporation is goodwill.
  • But the proposal is limited to a small number of so-called expatriated companies, corporations that have moved their place of incorporation into a tax haven. GlaxoSmithKline, IRS Tangle in Tax Court
  • While many scholars focus on the incorporation of the globe into the modern world system, a few, such as Thomas Hall, call for research on "precapitalist" (that is, premodern) incorporations. 13 The fact that the Chinese were extraordinarily successful as an imperial power in East Asia and Southeast Asia will provide a better understanding of precapitalist incorporations in world history. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • In fact, the entire concept of "incorporation" is a bogus construct anyway. Itchy Trigger Finger « PubliCola
  • Combination tools are tillage and incorporation tools that combine disk gangs, field cultivator shanks, and leveling devices.
  • The merging of local deities into a larger national deity and the incorporation of foreign deities into a specific pantheon were not limited to Egypt.
  • In the 1800s, states began to pass general incorporation laws, which let people create corporations without any special legislative intervention.
  • Th [e] concept [of selective incorporation] is important to understand in regards to the Second Amendment, and I'll explain it briefly: the Fourteenth Amendment says that "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • The incorporation of food taboos linked distinctly to one's patrilineage, an institution not customary among matrilineal Bantu people but subscribed to by many Gogo speakers, probably also resulted from this intermingling. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • If the articles of incorporation prohibit the reissue of the acquired shares, the number of authorized shares is reduced by the number of shares acquired.
  • The price of the benefits of incorporation is 'double' taxation. Defending Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Every AP has a load and every DM loves having a bunch of rumors to pass out, but their incorporation is always an adventure-specific hack. Life In The Big City – Gather Information « Geek Related
  • In an earlier chapter we saw the impact on patients and staff of the closure of one large psychiatric hospital, and its incorporation into a neighbouring hospital. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • Again amplification and electronic augmentation are the rule here, but the distinctive incorporation of vocal material is unique. The Begining (of the End)
  • April 30th, 2008 at 6: 55 pm PDT the incorporation of the segate logo into the masthead is a classy touch. reply yongfook Robert Scoble Sell Out Complete
  • Adopting a Yanesha perspective as a departure point, I argue that what appear to be expressions of acculturative processes are the result of a long‐standing indigenous openness to the Other-particularly the white and mestizo Others-and the native conviction that the Self is possible only through the incorporation of the Other.
  • Abercrombie & Fitch Co. delayed its annual meeting, which had been scheduled for Monday, as the teen retailer said it has been unable to obtain a strong consensus in favor of its reincorporation proposal. Abercrombie Delays Annual Meeting
  • The incorporation of guttural sounds and shouts appeared as honest and spontaneous reactions to his movement.
  • The two ideals conflict, and the triumph of the Newtonian ideal is a repudiation, and not an incorporation, of the Aristotelian ideal.
  • The incorporation of a variable iris diaphragm into the optical couplers allows the power of the beams to be independently set.
  • WALLACE presented the petition of citizens of Preston, Barbour and Monongalia counties, asking the incorporation of a joint stock company to repair and macadamize the Morgantown and Beverley turnpike road; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Extra Session, 1861.
  • The cottage cheese industry is benefiting from the incorporation of fruit into its products.
  • The co-op's incorporation papers established two classes of stock.
  • Despite Netanyahu's momentary, tactical enthusiasm for peace talks, his Likud Party has always favored the de facto incorporation of Palestinian lands into the state of Israel.
  • But I would also argue for a third possibility: that there is no longer any rhetorical or judicial space available to discuss compassion, redemption or reincorporation as virtues that a democracy can practice. Archive 2009-08-01
  • My example of the "walking" was one such attempt: I didn't say it was likely that such would happen in practise (it is not), but rather that, legally it wouldn't make sense to assume the literal right to assemble without the incorporation of some panoply (or "penumbra") of associated rights that, while not explicit, in their absense would gut or make a mockery of the one right explicitly given. Balkinization
  • Individuals wishing to vote on the changes to the articles of incorporation must fulfill the membership requirements by August 14th to be eligible to vote.
  • They also stress the permanence of the mechanisms or structures for incorporation. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Unless the incorporation is as a sub chapter S corporation (and not all businesses qualify), corporate income is taxed twice; first as corporate profits, the second time as salary or dividends. Sound Politics: Jerry Zucker's "The Taxman"
  • Sir William Ouseley is said to have brought from Persia a MS. copy of a portion of the Hezar o Yek Roz which he describes as agreeing with the French version, but, in the absence of documentary proof and in view of the fact that, notwithstanding the unauthorized incorporation of three of the tales of his original with Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • In fact, any such improvement conferred on the paint medium was probably due to the incorporation of driers into the oil used in the varnish production.
  • .. this introduction contains the pseudo-introduction the original the variants of the original the pseudo-original as well as the variants of the pseudo-original the apocrypha and the incorporation of all these texts in an original arpocryphum with apocopated whiskers as well as fifty calcinated medals and fifty suns of fifty years because the .. Quo Murphy
  • There has to be recognition of the professional concerns of staff affected by the proposed incorporation.
  • The trichroic element in the visible region is either transparent, for observation near infrared radiation from the sample using commercially available video cameras, or a beam splitter, for incorporation of a visible light illuminator in the attachment.
  • The incorporation of film segments from Brooks' career was a nice touch that brings context to the play
  • Incorporation of crop residues; conventional tillage.
  • Ammonia incorporation in animals occurs through the actions of glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamine synthase.
  • Incorporation of these tools into the learning process holds promise for positive reinforcement and possibly even acceleration of overall learning.
  • The operation of the relays was greatly improved by the incorporation of ‘high speed diodes’ across their solenoids.
  • The projectors of the private bank in 1714, not only reprinted this pamphlet bearing date 1688, but they prepared a separate scheme of their own which they termed a projection for a bank of credit founded on land security. 32 The presentation of the petition of the projectors for incorporation produced considerable discussion, in which the public to some extent participated, through the various pamphlets then published by the disputants. 33 Currency and Banking in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay [excerpts]
  • Our results show that the most efficient incorporation of added oleate into oleic acid / oleate vesicles occurs under conditions that avoid a large transient increase in the micelle/vesicle ratio.
  • Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the acquiring Banking Enterprise.
  • If Casas Adobes voters approve the incorporation, Paez estimates it could cost the transportation department roughly $ 2 million a year.
  • Such a company may not make investment for the incorporation of a new one-person company with limited liability.
  • We will be advocating, as we have up to now, the full and total reincorporation of our beloved sister republic of Honduras in all of the region's bodies," she has said. Nikolas Kozloff: U.S. Marines to Costa Rica: What's Behind the Story?
  • The incorporation of microelectronics in products and manufacturing processes is likely to accelerate this trend.
  • Also new at the show this year is a series of decorating vignettes by renowned interior designers installed to illustrate the incorporation of fine art into the home.
  • However, when for whatever reason the loss is incommunicable, words no longer function to fill the void, and the mourner strives to deny loss through the implementation of ‘incorporation.’
  • The major nuisances that discourage the use of simple pit latrines - smell and flies - are reduced or eliminated through the incorporation of a vertical vent pipe with a flyscreen at the top (Morgan, 1977). Chapter 4
  • Incorporation in this fashion would occur through the action of the state ---a charter of incorporation from the sovereign, or incorporation under some statute such as the Companies Acts.
  • Note 29: On the incorporation of mixed-race children into "white" colonial society, see Heese, Groupe sonder grense. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Florence observed its diamond jubilee on June 9, 1947, in celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of its incorporation as a city.
  • The pro-incorporation committee folks argue that nobody who opposed incorporation should be appointed to the council -- once more demonstrating their exclusivity.
  • In agreement with a tumor suppressor function, HD-PTP expression inhibits ras-mediated transformation of NIH-3T3 cells; this effect is abrogated by deletion of its PTP domain as well as by incorporation of a C / S mutation suggesting that HD-PTP catalytic activity regulates this function PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Companies Act 1931 provides for the incorporation of companies in the Isle of Man.
  • If Casas Adobes voters approve the incorporation, Paez estimates it could cost the transportation department roughly $ 2 million a year.
  • Simply specify things in a way that can apply to nothing other than a single church without ever mentioning it by name, same way Congress regularly gives individual corporations tax breaks by specificying “general” facts incorporation date and state and the like without ever having to mention the corporation byname. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Sotomayor Supported Censoring Biblical Verse on Homosexuality from New York City Billboard”:
  • Company edicts protected Khoisan from enslavement from the earliest days of VOC settlement, but Jan van Riebeeck employed local servants, including Krotoa, whose incorporation into colonial society as Eva was never complete. 22 Her liminal status was a harbinger of things to come for Khoisan, whose own family connections or sense of belonging were often no match for the colonists 'insatiable demand for labor and the dominant society's concomitant ability to construe subordinate identities as subordinated labor. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Specific gene sets associated with the central metabolism of C. aurimucosum apparently provide enhanced metabolic flexibility and adaptability in aerobic, anaerobic and low-pH environments, including gene clusters for the uptake and degradation of aromatic amines, L-histidine and L-tartrate as well as a gene region for the formation of selenocysteine and its incorporation into formate dehydrogenase. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Objective : To study the influence of anti - tumor drug incorporation on the physicochemical properties of calcium phosphate cement ( CPC ).
  • To achieve this, WHO has developed a broad partnership that promotes the incorporation of deworming into existing institutions and programmes, for both the education and health sectors.
  • By their incorporation into illustrated journals, photographs became a part of middle-class literacy.
  • The name of the post-office was changed by the department at Washington, from South Groton to Groton Junction, on March 1, 1862; and subsequently this was changed to Ayer, on March 22, 1871, soon after the incorporation of the town, during the postmastership of Mr. Harlow. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 1, No. 2, February, 1884
  • Injection or incorporation into the soil, as in the case of nematicides, makes the pesticide most readily available for leaching.
  • Incorporation thus brings with it a useful device to facilitate borrowing, from both the company and the lender's viewpoint.
  • Trainspotting's subtle incorporation of the past contributed to its success.
  • For in him we actually are by our actual incorporation into that society which hath him for their head, and doth make together with him one body (he and they in that respect having one name); for which cause, by virtue of this mystical conjunction, we are of him, and in him, even as though our very flesh and bones should be made continuate with his. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Marriage for women also represented a rite of passage - separation from their family of birth, and incorporation into their husband's community.
  • Other factors, such as the enhanced capital gains exemption and liability concerns, also make incorporation highly desirable.
  • It is generally accepted to mean "low-budget genre cinema," but it seems to be quite an ornate French pun, at once referring to B-movies (Cinema B's) and the serial nature of much genre cinema (the French word "bis" means "encore"); it may be a lucky accident or inspired design, but there is also something punny going on there with the incorporation of the English word "abyss," evoking the very bottom of the barrel. LES CLASSIQUES DU CINÉMA BIS reviewed
  • The company comes into existence only when the Registrar of Companies issues a certificate of incorporation.
  • E.D. Cope had advocated the abolition of the order Apoda and the incorporation of the Caecilians among the Urodela or Caudata in the vicinity of the Amphiumidae, of which he regarded them as further degraded descendants; and this opinion, which was supported by very feeble and partly erroneous arguments, has unfortunately received the support of the two great authorities, P. and F. Sarasin, to whom we are indebted for our first information on the breeding habits and development of these Batrachians. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Sister Guadalupe, nun, June 1983 Right from the beginning, we have actively encouraged women's incorporation.
  • But Richard Kugele, who follows the company for Needham & Co., said the company 's recent reincorporation in Ireland subjected Seagate to rules requiring early disclosure of such developments. Bain Capital Mulls Joining Buyout Talks With Seagate
  • Crucially, however, incorporation into the upper reaches of strategy-making is offered only to representatives of the respectable citizenry.
  • WALLACE presented the petition of citizens of Preston and Monongalia counties, asking the incorporation of a joint stock company to repair and macadamize the Morgantown and Beverley turnpike road; which was ordered to be referred to the committee of roads and internal navigation. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Extra Session, 1861.
  • The union has filed a brief supporting an August 2002 shareholders class-action suit against the company; the suit is seeking an injunction to stop reincorporation and damages for breach of ‘loyalty, care and candor.’
  • McCraken discusses various changes to the paperboard packaging the company uses as well as the incorporation of post consumer recycled plastic in sundae cup for the Australian market. McDonalds Restaurants Sustainable Packaging
  • Existing non-profit corporations, chartered under the current Canada Corporations Act, must apply for incorporation under the new Act within three years.
  • An era of incorporation fostered a pontifical tone in American arts criticism.
  • Aquaculture, valued foods, formation foods, oversea incorporation, breed aquatics, feeds & livestock product.
  • This was the first time I learned about the importance of reincorporation. The Care of New Gamers – III – A Contenders Review « Palimpsest Games – Joe Murphy
  • We show that incorporation of this highly reactive beta-turn inducing aromatic "Eda" moiety at the scissile P1-P1′ amide bond of a prodomain peptide of human furin led to a potent furin-inhibitor with inhibition constant K PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Good soil tilth is still a prerequisite for effective one-pass incorporation.
  • Democratic incorporation is a great way to moderate extremists. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Filibusters
  • Some herbicides such as trifluralin (0.5 kg a.i./ha) * and alachlor (3 kg a.i./ha) require incorporation into the soil by tilling or rotovating the top 10 cm. Chapter 7
  • He led his country from the defeat of communism in 1989, to its first free elections in 1990, to its economic revival, and to its reincorporation into the international community - into NATO and soon the EU.
  • Channel incorporation was typically achieved within a few minutes after ‘brushing’ the membrane fraction across the annulus with fresh lipids to form a new bilayer.
  • For many, incorporation is perfectly reasonable as it confers safer limited liability status. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors, as described.
  • What usually occurs is the incorporation of the acrolect's symbols and ideas, the dogma and doctrine, and the basilect's practices and rituals.
  • Mismatched and unpaired bases arise during replication by misincorporation of nucleotides and strand slippage, respectively.
  • The fusion of the corolla lobes to a sympetalous corolla is late (late sympetaly) taking place by meristem incorporation and fusion across the backs of the anther primordia.
  • Following the dissolution of the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) and the incorporation of its functions into the SAPS, government needs to pay particular attention to ensuring the SAPS is capacitated to respond more effectively to priority crimes. ANC Today
  • The successful bidder will have to contribute its own funds to the incorporation of the fund.
  • Firefox 3.1 will run many Web-based applications such as Gmail faster through incorporation of a feature called TraceMonkey that dramatically speeds up programs written in JavaScript, Mozilla said Friday. Internet News: Firefox 3.1 and Web Apps
  • Faster social and spatial mobility does not in fact remove the challenge of incorporation.
  • So the thing which you think is most unlikely, the sudden incorporation of the transposon from a bacterium, right into the right spot in the right receptor in some early fish genome, didn't have to happen all in one step, indeed we now have evidence that it did not. Assessing Applegate's Attack
  • He and his group have found that folate deficiency breaks chromosomes due to massive incorporation of uracil into human DNA.
  • Present day incorporations of towns and cities derive from this medieval use.
  • Increased funding and support for recordists' fieldwork, for sound archives, and for incorporation of vocal sampling into genetic sampling studies will greatly facilitate such analyses.
  • The constitution and by-laws were adopted and a committee was struck to proceed with incorporation and registration.
  • Deuterated water (D2O; Aldrich) was provided as deuterium source for incorporation into fatty acid (FA) during de novo lipogenesis and ceramide synthesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Whereas the incorporation of the working class modified their systematic resentment at policing, police conflict with the residuum at the base of the social hierarchy remained.
  • The piece consisted of a strong masculine quality through the incorporation of proud gestures and demonstration of great physical skill.
  • The idea of incorporation brings organic relationship into the present and the future by aspiring to a more perfect union, human and divine.
  • The cherished and lost object is introjected and this possession or incorporation represents an attempt to preserve it and simultaneously destroy the hated object. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • The incorporation of microelectronics in products and manufacturing processes is likely to accelerate this trend.
  • The concentrations of the inhibitor solutions were determined by testing the incorporation of tritiated uridine and radiolabelled amino acids (S-met, S-cys mixture).
  • I strongly advise against the incorporation of emergency laws into our ordinary legal system.
  • Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors, as described.
  • It is also possible that a diasporic population will display "creolization" -- the incorporation of new cultural elements into the mix of its practices, values, and meanings. Archive 2009-08-01
  • If a person's failure to be fully incorporated is inculpable for some reason, God can and does count that person's positive response to grace as a measure of incorporation into Christ, and therefore as a degree of membership in the Church. Who can be saved: reconceiving the question
  • The reincorporation puts us in an even better position to do what we do best - deliver quality news and entertainment to millions of people around the world every day of the year.
  • An attorney helped the steering committee file the articles of incorporation.
  • Kincheloe's death on takeoff resulted in incorporation of the RAPEC rocket assisted upward seat, but it was too late for him. Columbia Report Issued - NASA Watch
  • The title therefore was imaginary, and the committee would recolleft, that in thofe old charters, the word burgeffesvizs not neceffarily a term of incorporation; but that it as frequently meant the tenants of burgage - pofleffions, according to the opinion of Lord Holt. Reports of the proceedings before select committees of the House of commons
  • Before the promulgation of the ELT law, China generally used the place of incorporation to determine the status of Chinese resident enterprise.
  • Several studies examined the incorporation of proteins or large molecules into lipid bilayers.
  • It will be the foundation stone for the education and promotion of sustainable design and the incorporation of renewable energy technology.
  • The idea of adding a hard drive to a handset isn't new, but so far disk sizes and reliability issues have weighed against their incorporation into mobiles.

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