How To Use Incorporate In A Sentence

  • Mohawk is a polysynthetic language, in which noun objects can easily be incorporated into the verb.
  • Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
  • Allegheny Technologies Incorporated manufactures titanium, hafnium, tungsten, and cobalt. Eric Lotke: Steel City: Forgotten but Not Gone
  • I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
  • The ufological entertainers, mentioned above, have incorporated it as part of their acts.
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  • Unlike several other states, Pennsylvania has no provisions for unincorporated territory.
  • The diagnosis of acute or chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer was determined using previously established criteria that incorporated symptoms, radiology, pathology, and serology.
  • The "smart" in "smart underwear" refers to the fact that the printed sensors will be incorporated into logic-based biocomputing systems that will monitor biomarkers found in human sweat and tears, make autonomous diagnoses, and administer drugs. - latest science and technology news stories
  • They are typically incorporated into the formulation through a latex emulsion.
  • For lipid overlay, 0.05 mM biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine was incorporated to the preparation of PPM or IPM with a 1 / 200 molar ratio toward L-α-lysophosphatidylcholine. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The multinationals and their advertising companies were always quick to incorporate signs of otherness.
  • The articles incorporated substantial sections of the Minute both in direct quotation and in paraphrase.
  • We raised the level of the veranda to the first floor level and incorporated ramps into the new veranda's design.
  • Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.
  • It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
  • Earlier attempts to incorporate social and economic history into art history usually focused on macrosocial and macroeconomic issues.
  • Conan the Pseudonymous: 1. in order to really train the mind to observe the "suchness" of now, and to incorporate so many ... Savage Minds
  • Any attempt to incorporate it after the contract is made will be unsuccessful.
  • The company will also incorporate two species on one window and offers extruded solid bronze or aluminum cladding.
  • Have you heard of any good dance programs in California colleges that incorporate tap?
  • The cylinder incorporates a central spring loaded bushing that permits the cylinder to move forward and backward.
  • All of the steel grillages and columns that were left in place or incorporated into the new structure were sandblasted to remove accumulated rust.
  • At present, Wallis is still part and parcel of the overseas territory of Wallis-and-Futuna, a French variant of American Samoa, since 1900 an unincorporated territory of the USA and also to be found in Western Polynesia.
  • In 1949 President Harry S. Truman signed the Organic Act, which established Guam as an unincorporated territory, with limited self-rule.
  • Then mix the white bread base and the achiote paste in the machine until incorporated. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a bicultural setting the challenge exists to incorporate cultural content into cognitive-behavioural practice.
  • The goal of her thoughtful analysis is to reincorporate the father back into the family picture or narrative, a narrative from which he has been excluded both figuratively and literally by the mother.
  • Along with brazenly ridiculing government and society, Ko began to incorporate short comedic skits into the band's sets.
  • On October 1, 2009, Octapharma provided a $4.5 million advance to ProMetic on a long-term prion capture resin supply agreement signed in December 2008, linked to minimum yearly purchase orders for the prion capture resin incorporated into Octapharma's manufacturing process for its solvent/detergent treated plasma product, OctaplasLG®. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The storm of comments has forced the provincial government to delay releasing the study's final guidelines while it sorts through and incorporates the comments into the document.
  • In a medium bowl set over an ice bath, combine all ingredients and mix until incorporated.
  • Secondly, it briefly analyzes some major inadequateness of ideology and morality presently existing in the rural youth, which incorporates the two parts of daily lives and public lives.
  • Council was incorporated by Labbe and Cossart in their collection of the Acts of councils; that of the works of St. John Climacus, published in 1614, was reprinted by Migne in his Greek patrology The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Well, it may not have because Qantas was an incorporated company.
  • The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
  • The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements.
  • All of the patents incorporate photovoltaic systems, which transform light into electricity using semiconducting materials such as silicon. Smithsonian
  • Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
  • Statistical Reports Future annual statistical reports will adopt the same format and will incorporate information similar to that contained in this Update.
  • When this happens, the AFP's will be incorporated into the crystal as defects, rather than excluded as colligative solutes. Archive 2004-09-01
  • His compositional palette incorporates atonal and nontonal elements, but within a primarily tonal framework. NYT > Home Page
  • He offered an innovative design solution which incorporated the use of low-angle overhead baffles, concrete floors, wing wall baffles and a bullet trap system.
  • One of the oldest dances in the world, belly dancing is super feminine and made for divas with belly rolls, shimmies, deep backbends and hip bumps - moves easily incorporated into modern street dancing.
  • The US purchased them in 1917 as part of a strategic passage to the Panama Canal and they are an unincorporated territory of the US, with a republican-style democracy.
  • A system for handling sloppy input was also incorporated to make the game really playable with the analog stick.
  • In 1776 Cagliostro and his wife were in London, where "Cagliostro" became a Freemason, joining a lodge connected with "The Order of Strict Observance," a secret society incorporated with Freemasonry, and which (on the Continent, at least) was concerned largely with occult subjects. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • Once upon a time the peasant had been incorporated into the community as a full member, with all the far-flung consequences we considered earlier.
  • Simons continues to peruse a multitude of mediums that incorporate his gymnastic talent.
  • Care of the technology-dependent young adult should be incorporated into the training programs of adult pulmonologists, adult neurologists, physiatrists, sleep medicine specialists, and internists.
  • It's a metaphor too good not to overuse, which is why everything from insurance companies to arctic icebreakers have incorporated the word Sampo in their names. The Lure Of The Sampo
  • When an Olympic event incorporates brawling with the paparazzi into its most compelling moments, something has gone horribly wrong.
  • As these three examples demonstrate, the "one-China principle" has been used by the PRC as a means of waging its "legal warfare" to incorporate Taiwan and to accomplish its bottom-line goal of de jure unification, as explicitly stated by its declared intent to use military force if necessary under the "anti-secession law" of 2005 to "reunify" Taiwan. Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
  • An incorporated trait of resistance to a commercial pesticide might conceivably show up in other plants.
  • He was incorporated a member of the college.
  • The new concept incorporates a clamshell design.
  • At any time, incorporate single-discipline routines or individual moves into your regular exercise regimen.
  • There are many good reasons to incorporate more heirloom varieties into your gardening.
  • North West Hospice is incorporated as a limited company and is also registered as a charity.
  • To handle the extra power at high altitude, the Columbia 400 incorporates a larger rudder in both chord and span, along with a ventral fin beneath the empennage.
  • Moreover, even though the men in the film do ultimately incorporate the mother, her return is experienced by the audience as an unfair intrusion and the men's inclusion of her in their ménage a generous (if also pragmatic) gesture.
  • Nevertheless her ‘Nightsong’, which incorporates and subtly updates a line from an Irish song, is very fine, as is the even more stark, shell-like vocal of ‘Psalm’.
  • The mill incorporated with others.
  • Political scientists use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations. Libertarian Blog Place
  • Washington incorporates a range of movement idioms - acrobatics, African dance, capoeira and social dancing - but always with an eye toward line, height and pinpoint accuracy.
  • Her topmost priority is to incorporate practical aspects connected with all-round personality development at the school-level, in her institution.
  • A related term is "vodcast," which describes podcasts that incorporate video. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Many models now incorporate a thrust race below this bearing to reduce this effect.
  • The muscle is incorporated because it acts as a vehicle for perforating blood vessels that supply the overlying skin and fat and that originate from the deep inferior epigastric artery.
  • Species richness is one component of the concept of species diversity, which also incorporates evenness, that is, the relative abundance of species. Species richness
  • This effect was most obvious in classrooms that had incorporated telecommunications activities, but other classes used technologies such as satellite broadcasts, telefacsimiles, and the telephone to help bring in outside resources.
  • A warm midrange is the appealing platform that supports Jim James's voice, one of the most alluring in rock, as MMJ delivers songs that incorporate elements of rock, folk, funk and, on the track "The Day Is Coming," a charming bit of old-school jazz-pop vocalizing. My Morning Jacket of Many Styles
  • Some squatters were incorporated within the local housing orbit, some weren't.
  • But he also incorporated a 150-square-foot sunshade printed with what he refers to as a mirthful interpretation of the apocalypse by Roy Lichtenstein. The Vatican Breaks Its Da Vinci Code
  • The pride of China's naval fleet, wags say, incorporates the very latest in radar-evading stealth technology, so powerful it is as if it didn't even exist.
  • Subsequently, a wetland near the Southern-most point was named after the Zoetendal and it is envisaged that this vlei will be incorporated into the proposed national park. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Whilst they were debating these points, the Lacedaemonians had incorporated the men of Tegea and the men of Mantinea, and were ready to debouch into the bimarine region. 256 And as the two armies advanced almost at the same time, the Corinthians and the rest reached the Nemea,257 and the Lacedaemonians and their allies occupied Sicyon. Hellenica
  • As the taste for chinoiserie flourished, textiles such as chintz, wallpapers, screens and cabinets freely incorporated Asian motifs both real and imagined.
  • Ammonium is then incorporated into amino acids via glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase.
  • It is important that a supercomputing roadmap be driven both top-down by application needs and bottom-up by technology barriers and that mission needs as well as science needs be incorporated.
  • Even so, a number of crosses and grave slabs from northern England do incorporate warrior imagery and scenes from Scandinavian heroic culture.
  • Similarly, the yoke of a 16th-century Russian Orthodox vestment incorporates 14th-century silver plaques from the Golden Horde. Glories of Gift-Giving Diplomacy
  • Face-to-Face" incorporates the power of many women in a collaborative co-creational dynamic by a direct link for customers with these women survivors of war through Women for Women International (www. Nancy Northrop: Face-To-Face: How Women Can Make A Difference
  • Now besides singing in Romany, Gipsy. cz incorporates all kinds of traditional musical elements: violin, cymbalo ... how do you like that creative aspect of mixing the traditional with the modern? Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • In "Time After Time" 2000, which opened the program, Mr. Lerdahl incorporated what he calls a spiral form, in which a simple and stable musical idea is expanded on. NYT > Home Page
  • I say all this because I study linguistics, so when I try to build a model of language I know specifically what the output of the model should be (because deducing all the variables that you need to incorporate is a doable task). Douglass North, On One Foot, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A ceiling fan can help ventilation but can also incorporate lighting and be decorative.
  • The brocade incorporates Chinese symbols such as the dragon, fusing Islamic motifs like vine and floral patterns with a distinctly Far-Eastern style.
  • All the combatant nations introduced newer designs which incorporated where possible the lessons of the earlier war years.
  • The carved eagles at the comers suggest that the table might have been made for the Borghese family, whose armorial bearings incorporate an eagle.
  • And his Tex-Mex barn-burners "Demasiado Corazon" and "Spanish Stroll" go so far as to incorporate doo-wop and Dylanesque folk touches. Brilliant, Shook-Up Guy
  • The fax side as many features; you can store your signature and incorporate it in faxes, for example.
  • Famous structures were incorporated into the layout including models of the Eiffel Tower and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
  • It changed the nature of suburban streets, with cul-de-sacs replacing straight streets as desirable places to reside and house design changing to incorporate carports or garages.
  • Other clostridia have the capability to ferment sugars to produce ethanol, butanol, isopropanol, acetic acid, acetone, and similar products, and perhaps the genes responsible for these properties can be incorporated into organisms that can produce alcohols directly from cellulose. 3 Ethanol Production
  • We may, I believe, safely compare the history of The Nights with the so-called Homeric poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, a collection of immortal ballads and old Epic formulæ and verses traditionally handed down from rhapsode to rhapsode, incorporated in a slowly-increasing body of poetry and finally welded together about the age of Pericles. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The new album incorporates vocal laments from Eastern Europe and a dirge-like hymn from a Croatian church congregation.
  • The liability of each party will be negotiated upfront and incorporated in the tripartite agreement.
  • Similarly, the transistor took decades to become incorporated into commercial products such as hearing aids, navigational instruments and computers.
  • All the classrooms incorporate energy-efficient lighting and passive solar heating.
  • It is one of the extraordinary anomalies of the system, that combined with these principles of self-reliance and perfectibility, Buddhism has incorporated to a certain extent the doctrine of fate or "necessity," under which it demonstrates that adverse events are the general results of _akusala_ or moral demerit in some previous stage of existence. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • This is most stunningly displayed in the show's chief highlight, a re - creation of the dining room first exhibited in the 1903 Arts and Crafts Exhibition organized by Stickley in Syracuse, N.Y. The room incorporates the handsome, massive furniture in a setting where everything from the oak-and-burlap wainscot to the pottery vessels on the table and sideboard was designed or overseen by Stickley himself. Four-Square Reformer
  • Nearly 40 new homes will be incorporated into a modern development consisting of semi-detached houses, mews houses and bungalows.
  • Rorrer's lab aims to incorporate elements such as silicon, germanium, titanium, and gallium into the diatoms' silica shells.
  • The latest model incorporates some novel design features.
  • Several women incorporate woven grasses and native timber such as totara and kauri, and use these media to interpret their particular geography and history.
  • The idea is to incorporate these nanomaterials and nanodevices into the future soldier's uniform, and associated equipage like helmets and gloves,’ Thomas said.
  • In the future, additional functions will be incorporated so that kanji and kana can be used properly and declensional kana endings can be checked.
  • Elements such as rubidium, zirconium, and aluminum are mostly incorporated into human biochemistry as a consequence of their association with essential elements present in the human diet.
  • Like other studies of rheas we also observed that the male incorporated to its group chicks from other groups.
  • A solvate is a single crystalline phase of a given compound of specific chemical structure in which a solvent molecule or molecules have been incorporated into the crystal lattice.
  • What he had to do now was to analyse the new material and incorporate it into his profile. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.
  • For a machine to attain full efficiency, temperatures of absolute zero would have to be incorporated.
  • Consider dual-purpose benches, for example, that can incorporate storage chests beneath the seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • These creatures could incorporate raw meat in their diet and process food more efficiently.
  • Nylon and fiberglass are incorporated as well forming an extremely effective, mechanically and electrically nonresonant connector body that may just be the most sophisticated in the world. OhGizmo!
  • In the penultimate chapter, the author insightfully compares the theologians and theologies, then proffers his assessments: they need to strengthen pneumatology and to incorporate more fully the resurrection.
  • I incorporated some of what I liked about Miller's recipe (namely the sweet), my own contribution (the bacon) and also subbed in smoked Spanish paprika for half of the chipotle peppers, my standard sub for the kids. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The study was still undergoing substantive editing in order to incorporate the suggestions of the lawyers and public policy analysts who reviewed its preliminary drafts.
  • The Golden Circle is located in southwest Iceland and incorporates three main sights: Thingvellir National Park, a site of spectacular natural beauty where Iceland's ancient parliament convened and where the American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet; the high-temperature geothermal area that most people know as Geysir, on account of its best-known hot spring, from which the word "geyser" derives; and the beautiful Gullfoss waterfall. Alda Sigmundsdottir: The Magic of Iceland's Golden Circle
  • Headed by Dr. Brad Bootstaylor, SEE BABY is the first high-risk obstetrics medical practice in the U.S. to incorporate a chic upscale spa-like feel within a perinatology office, that cares for "High-Risk" pregnancy. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • In this case, the semantic theory used incorporated the principle of bivalence: every sentence was assigned either the value true or the value false.
  • Quickly fold the ingredients together until just incorporated, taking care not to overmix. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this does not diminish the importance of the provisional discoveries which it contains, which the writer has moved to incorporate.
  • Air dusting is used by the exhaust gas flow of air pump mixing Cup incorporate both.
  • The car incorporates lots of Formula One-style technology, from trick underfloor aerodynamics to special steering wheel controls.
  • Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
  • Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob. Brave New World
  • In 1412-13 Bishop Wardlaw and Pope Benedict XIII incorporated and chartered St Andrews University, the nation's first.
  • But it turns out that snails don't incorporate the calcium in the dart into their bodies.
  • The emphasising also the analogies between the development of the organs of our bodies and of those which are not incorporate with our bodies and which we call tools or machines. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
  • An ideal measure of market - wide liquidity should therefore incorporate elements of depth, breadth, tightness, and resiliency.
  • New commitments from the sustainable development plan would be incorporated in the White Paper's tables for subsequent monitoring.
  • The notion of failure ( "the sand in the oyster that isn't a pearl", as he wrote in Anyone Can Whistle) was quickly incorporated as a theme, along with ambivalence, mild irritation, petulance and panic - states and sentiments that traditional musicals shove aside for the bigger, blowsier ones. Culture |
  • Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed full of solids.
  • Poem Videobox is a software developers kit that enables programmers to incorporate the company's decompression techniques into their own products.
  • The loading door formerly incorporated in the east elevation of the extension was replaced by a large fixed window of plate glass.
  • And his Tex-Mex barn-burners "Demasiado Corazon" and "Spanish Stroll" go so far as to incorporate doo-wop and Dylanesque folk touches. Brilliant, Shook-Up Guy
  • We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.
  • We molded it into some kind of microstructure to incorporate some air pockets," Bao said in a telephone interview. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Thirdly, except for considering uncertainty of the coefficients of a linear optimization model, we also incorporate implementation error of the obtained solution into the model.
  • She studied traditional dance and kabuki in Japan but doesn't incorporate it into her work.
  • Vernon officials argued that businesses would shut down if Vernon is disincorporated, that the Legislature has no legal standing to abolish it and that corruption here has been cleaned up. NYT > Home Page
  • Additionally, the furnace will be equipped from day one to incorporate a retrofit of proven NO x reduction technology if required in the future.
  • Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
  • The original baptismal basin was incorporated into the installation and water flows continually among the pieces of the new baptistery.
  • VENTURA COUNTY - A fare increase takes effect today on Gold Coast Transit, which operates buses in Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura and nearby unincorporated areas. Ventura County Star Stories
  • Raytheon's next-generation SM-3 Block IB will incorporate a throttleable divert and attitude control system and guidance and sensor upgrades to improve performance while maintaining the reliability of the Block IA. Japan Achieves Third Ballistic Missile Intercept Using Raytheon Standard Missile-3 - Yahoo! Finance
  • A fish pass was incorporated into the new culvert constructed over the Corroy River to allow passage for fish when river flows are low.
  • In 1848 the Minesota Mining Company was incorporated, with Knapp as the mine agent.
  • Having used small man-made objets trouvés in his early sculpture, from 1958 he began to incorporate parts of machines salvaged from breakers' yards.
  • In contrast, the charter party bill of lading did not contain the charter party contract, but incorporated it by reference.
  • Three of the Virgin Islands were purchased by the United States from Denmark in 1917 and they became an unincorporated territory of the United States.
  • The reliability of waterproof cases could be greatly improved if more manufacturers incorporated two independent seals.
  • He also has incorporated nicotine patches, cannabis and datura leaves, methamphetamine tablets and other prescription drugs and hallucinants.
  • The Web messaging service library is used to incorporate the publish/subscribe feature in the application.
  • Those who enjoyed the privileges of being a director of an incorporated business did not appear to be aware of the duties they had.
  • I call on the government to dramatically increase funding for the 40 per cent of Territory roads which lie in unincorporated areas - roads currently ineligible for funding under the Roads to Recovery program.
  • The promise went to Abraham's singular seed, Christ, but other people can be incorporated into Christ and thus inherit the biblical promises to Abraham.
  • It was incorporated with Galicia in a single province in 1786, but was separated from it in 1849, and made a separate crownland. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The above General Terms and Conditions were not reduplicated in the revised 4 vessel policy; but the case has been argued on the basis that they are properly incorporated.
  • The strategy incorporates new policies to govern fraud, corruption and whistle-blowing in the city.
  • This training has allowed Kathryn the incorporate body/mind medicine concepts.
  • With the arrival of the Age of Enlightenment, the warship was a product with a difference, and the technology used was later incorporated into merchant navy vessels. Ships, galleons, frigates and corvettes
  • Good risk management practice incorporates several possible strategies: avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance.
  • Additional character state information was also incorporated from descriptions of holotypes and additional fossil material.
  • The resultant compost is a fantastic soil improver, and it usually comes with a healthy population of beasties and micro-organisms which will contribute to your soil's health once incorporated into it.
  • In addition, it describes the historical origins of demonstrative evidence and incorporates recent social science research on visual processing into its analysis.
  • The revisions go back three years, as the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) incorporates more detailed tax information from the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Absorption spectra of three novel coumarin sensitizer incorporate benzylidene cyclopentanone moiety were studied.
  • These siRNAs are incorporated into a ribonucleoprotein complex known as the RNA-induced silencing complex, which targets homologous transcripts, catalyzing their degradation.
  • The unit incorporates left- and right-channel speakers, along with a sub-woofer to give the bass some welly.
  • In contrast, the charter party bill of lading did not contain the charter party contract, but incorporated it by reference.
  • Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.
  • The abbey appears to have been almost abolished shortly after the Reformation, the only parts of the monastic buildings allowed to remain being the fratery and portions of the chapter-house, which were incorporated with the mansion-house. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The relative simplicity of the style, combined with its ability to incorporate in some abstracted manner more traditional architectonic elements -- Wagner's work incorporates clear if modified references to everything from Byzantine to Baroque -- renders it particularly useful for modern church-building, especially when budgets are a concern; there is less of the risk of the finished product appearing, in some sense, undercooked, when key decorative elements are removed due to monetary constraints. Jugendstil
  • Using the gas zone seismic reflection character incorporated with drilled wells to predict its lateral distribution, we have obtained better predicting effects.
  • Nearly 40 new homes will be incorporated into a modern development consisting of semi-detached houses, mews houses and bungalows.
  • The show could also incorporate elements of Ms. Couric's stint on "Today," where she was a co-anchor for 15 years, one of those people added. ABC Hopes Couric Can Replace 'Oprah'
  • During 1957, an orange flocculent precipitate containing metal sulphides appeared in the spring pool and became incorporated in the marginal sinter.
  • A partnership is an unincorporated business owned by two or more partners.
  • All of which makes, of course, for a heady mix: the world groaning into wakefulness, the ice splitting, the tubers stirring, and the whole cosmic rhythm incorporated into a scene of priests solemnifying the return of the light of the world. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • He describes this as part of a global rebalancing process that's reorientating developing nations away from a high-savings, export-dependent economic model to one that incorporates a greater role for domestic demand. Emerging-Market Forex Rebound Tests Central Banks
  • Sight deposits are, in the main, cheque account funds while time deposits incorporate an element of withdrawal restriction, i.e. notice.
  • Even the pros incorporate hitting the cue ball on its centre line into their practice routines.
  • The authors attempt to incorporate cartooning basics while telling the story, and there are some inspired moments, such as when they show you can juxtapose different backgrounds to depict motion or when the elf underscores the relationship between text and images after coming across a wall "ten miles high and a thousand miles long. Robot reviews: Adventures in Cartooning | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The circuit incorporates a nanopore mechanism with a molecular trap that forces the DNA molecule to oscillate back and forth between electrodes, measuring the electrical signal associated with each specific base.
  • The American Kennel Club incorporates CERF numbers on registration papers and certified pedigrees.
  • • Herbal: Also referred to as a tisane, herbal teas incorporate flowers, roots, herbs, and spices, but contain no actual tea. Front Page
  • Incorporate a little equestrian chic into your formal accessory wardrobe with this beautiful pony and leather baguette.
  • There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.
  • Sardara, Ploaghe, and other places; and considerable extents of trap and pitchstone are frequently met with on limestone strata, while others, tending fast to decomposition, are incorporated with an earth formed of comminuted lava. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • Then a unit of the semi-state airline's personnel department, Parc developed separately into an incorporated entity.
  • We also bring down the rate of tax on unincorporated businesses.
  • But eventually, he suggested, television would incorporate those same enhancements into its own equipment, and television would once again assert its advantage of convenience within the home. Lights, Camera, Action!
  • Incorporate plenty of sharp sand to ensure no waterlogging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except when incorporated as part of the cap device, the corps device shall be so place on the uniform that the staff of the caduceus is vertical and the anchor is pointing inward. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9993
  • Ways to incorporate dairy products in recipes were presented such as substituting non-fat milk for water in soups, cereals, oatmeal, mashed potatoes and pancakes.
  • Cancellous allografts incorporate to host bone, as do autogenous cancellous grafts.
  • When this is fully incorporated, carefully fold in the rest.

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