How To Use Incompletely In A Sentence
In addition, the enzyme systems for reducing methemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin are incompletely developed in infants under six months of age.
The chemical properties of coal are still incompletely understood.
This could occur during the migration of a retrotransposon, or when a virus incompletely inserts its genome into the cellular genome.
Dembski versus Europe - The Panda's Thumb
Anorectal malformation (imperforate anus), a congenital anomaly where the anorectal region is either abnormally or incompletely developed.
Diagnosing and treating pediatric anorectal continence
Most likely, these taxa are synonyms of more recently named taxa, but this cannot be demonstrated because the types of the older taxa are incompletely preserved.

The mammary glands are specialized cutaneous glands that develop rapidly but incompletely at puberty.
Fruit oblong, or obovoid, the husk separating into four parts; nut smooth or angled, bony, incompletely two to four-celled.
The Pecan and its Culture
Like other bot flies, adult sheep bot flies have incompletely formed mouthparts and do not feed.
An incompletely resolved puzzle is the mechanism by which vitamin A reduces mortality.
But in 2005 the journal Environmental Health Perspectives published Swan's findings that - among a group of 85 mother-and-son pairs - boys whose moms had high levels of phthalates were more likely to show signs of "demasculinization" (such as a shorter distance between the anus and the genitals and incompletely descended testicles).
Whole Life Times
One of the neatest evidences I see of God in Creation is the bison...with an incompletely divided mediastinum.
Archive 2008-07-01
Patients with obstructed outflow were diagnosed either with urodynamics or clinically in the presence of a low urinary flow together with an incompletely emptying bladder in accordance with standard urological practice.
Twin A was a typical acardiac/acephalic twin with massive diffuse soft tissue edema and an incompletely formed skeleton with no normal head structures, no normal stomach, kidneys or urinary bladder, and the absence of normal cardiac structures.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
During the transition, inflation would lower real rates; nominal rates would adjust incompletely.
They had run off terrified to their panel van, and backed it cautiously down the track before roaring off in a cloud of incompletely combusted petrol fumes and clattering beer cans.
The study reported, "Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), a compound found in cruciferous vegetables, has been reported to have anticancer properties, but the mechanism whereby it inhibits growth of human pancreatic cancer cells is incompletely understood.
Which cruciferious vegetables help prevent cancer, according to latest studies?
This vessel was incompletely oxidized during firing and has large amounts of grog and bone temper in its porous clay body.
An incompletely resolved puzzle is the mechanism by which vitamin A reduces mortality.
Anorectal malformation (imperforate anus), a congenital anomaly where the anorectal region is either abnormally or incompletely developed.
Diagnosing and treating pediatric anorectal continence
He had been incompletely briefed by Jet Coach Bill Parcells and his staff.
However, it has been pointed out that the presence of the articulamentum layer is often difficult to detect in the early fossils, since many Paleozoic polyplacophorans are silicified and incompletely preserved.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) is a disease of the airflow limitation and incompletely reversibility.
Its deeply territorial nature is incompletely accommodated to the disciplined consumption demanded of a truly global consumer system.
This lethality was incompletely penetrant in gametes and completely penetrant postfertilization.
The incudomalleolar joint is a saddle-shaped diarthrosis; it is surrounded by an articular capsule, and the joint cavity is incompletely divided into two by a wedge-shaped articular disk or meniscus.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
In the absence of UV-B, both peltate and capitate glands were incompletely developed in both mature and developing leaves, the oil sacs being wrinkled and only partially filled.
This vexatious problem was resolved, incompletely, by civil war and secession.
words incompletely understood
The most common abnormality was an incompletely emptying bladder, either because of obstructed outflow, an underactive detrusor, or urethral stricture.
Besides, he had none of that intuitive knowledge of the bad which in natures not good or incompletely so foreruns experience, and therefore may pertain, as in some instances it too clearly does pertain, even to youth.
Billy Budd
Twin A was a typical acardiac/acephalic twin with massive diffuse soft tissue edema and an incompletely formed skeleton with no normal head structures, no normal stomach, kidneys or urinary bladder, and the absence of normal cardiac structures.
Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
It is well burnished and/or polished and, based on its core colors, had been incompletely oxidized during its firing.
The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
T.A. Chapman has shown (1893) that the completely obtect pupa characterises the more highly developed families of Lepidoptera, while in the more primitive families the pupa is incompletely obtect.
The Life-Story of Insects
It was attended by a large concourse of Friends and others, and a solid meeting was held on the occasion; after which, his remains were interrd in Friends burial-ground at this place (Jericho, Queens County, New York.) I have thought (even presented so incompletely, with such fearful hiatuses, and in my own feebleness and waning life) one might well memorize this life of Elias Hicks.
Notes (Such as They Are) Founded on Elias Hicks. November Boughs
Incompletely extinguished cigarettes may smolder in mulch, leaves or potting soil until a breeze causes ignition, Teevan said.
Va. fire apparently from smoking materials
The attachment of a poxvirus particle to a cell triggers a multitude of incompletely understood signaling events inside the cell.
New Scientist - Online News
If we take an infusorian sufficiently large, such as the Stentor, and cut it into two halves each containing a part of the nucleus, each of the two halves will generate an independent Stentor; but if we divide it incompletely, so that a protoplasmic communication is left between the two halves, we shall see them execute, each from its side, corresponding movements: so that in this case it is enough that a thread should be maintained or cut in order that life should affect the social or the individual form.
Evolution créatrice. English
He had been incompletely briefed by Jet Coach Bill Parcells and his staff.
There are many reasons for male infertility, including low sperm count, inactive or incompletely formed sperms and other factors that hamper fertilisation.
a form filled out incompletely
The chemical properties of coal are still incompletely understood.
The mammary glands are specialized cutaneous glands that develop rapidly but incompletely at puberty.
In the incompletely obtect pupa, this motion is evident in a greater number of segments than in the completely obtect, the number concerned varying from five to two in different families.
The Life-Story of Insects
Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported.
When, therefore, they walk about before they are whole, the joints which have been luxated are cured incompletely; and, on that account, while walking about, they have pains in the leg from time to time.
On Fractures
Faint and fine suturai lineations, incompletely reflecting tabulation, variably developed over surface.
The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
The trifid third and bifid fourth lobes are incompletely separated by a lower and smaller fourth lateral saddle.
The golden mountain is consubstantiated with the property of being incompletely determined.
Nonexistent Objects
More precisely, Pillard and Weinrich theorized that although gay men do undergo masculinization — they are, after all, fully male physically — they go incompletely if at all through another part of the process: defeminization.
Homosexuality and Biology
The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
What may be called the evolutionist theory of population was originated and incompletely stated by Charles Darwin, and developed by Herbert Spencer.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
The proposition is incontestable yet incompletely enounced.
It was shown that most mutant genes are incompletely recessive (not «overdominant») and are acted upon by selection while heterozygous.
Hermann J. Muller - Biography
Many of those are incompletely preserved, and some are decidedly tubular in appearance, calling into question their affinity to the Hyolitha.
The causes of the phenomenon are still incompletely understood.
In addition, the enzyme systems for reducing methemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin are incompletely developed in infants under six months of age.
During the fourth and fifth months the corpus striatum becomes incompletely subdivided by the fibers of the internal capsule into two masses, an inner, the caudate nucleus, and an outer, the lentiform nucleus.
IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
The still incompletely excavated "niche" in the central part of the back wall suggested an original use as a sacellum (shrine?), of which the later reconstruction still respected the original layout.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Macellum Report 4
The four-voice Puisque ma dame/Je m'en voy combines its primary poem with a second, incompletely preserved text in the contratenor altus in a way that finds no counterpart among songs of the period.
Archive 2009-04-01