
How To Use Incomplete In A Sentence

  • The example he gives is of tender and incomplete feelings of love for another. Philosophy at the Limit
  • However, Nature, that at first sight appears so lovely, is on consideration almost always incomplete; moreover, there is no painting intertangled foliage without losing half its beauties. The Mind of the Artist Thoughts and Sayings of Painters and Sculptors on Their Art
  • LIP is one of the treatments to salvage vision in patients with incomplete ophthalmic artery occlusion if no contraindications for thrombolysis exist.
  • The related axiomatic study of epistemic notions has benefited from application of techniques used for proving incompleteness and indefinability results since the early sixties. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • This article classifies the uncertainty as essential one and uninformative one in term of its origin. The latter results from incomplete information and need more attention from economics.
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  • Obama: ... we didn't "misread" the economy, we just had "incomplete information ... Iowa GOP to Palin: Come to Des Moines
  • The highest conception we can form of heaven is the reversal of all the evil of earth, and the completion of its incomplete good: the sinless purity -- the blessed presence of God -- the fulfilment of all desires -- the service which is _blessed_, not toil -- the changelessness which is progress, not stagnation. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • Officials admit that the figures are an underestimate, as they are based on incident reports from soldiers with incomplete information.
  • But what fascinated and drew me in was the incompleteness.
  • I suffer frequently from indigestion, incomplete evacuation, passing hard, foul-smelling stools and gaseous distension.
  • I feel though that this experiment is incomplete and requires further knowledge due to the inexplicit fact that this is in fact only one group of specimens dubbing it as a theory.
  • The "cotillion" or voting materials may be incomplete. How the Opposition Could Win (Or Lose)
  • Yet although Katz's book is necessarily incomplete in what it can cover, it lives up to its goals remarkably well.
  • Though I can make a cursory record, a quick sketch of those first sensations and impressions that flood the traveler, I find these jottings to be incomplete - just notes.
  • Faint and fine suturai lineations, incompletely reflecting tabulation, variably developed over surface.
  • The skeleton is highly incomplete, consisting of hand and foot bones, epiphyses, ribs, vertebrae, the right ilium, and teeth.
  • Many interesting sights are mentioned, but in many cases only incomplete directions are given for finding them: the book is more a guide than a gazetteer.
  • The profound neglect of psychological, social and political considerations renders such treatments shallow and incomplete.
  • An interesting story, no doubt - but rather incomplete without some discussion of the fact that the fuddy-duddies turned out to be right.
  • Suppression of the androecium as a teratological occurrence has been most frequently noticed in the following plants, omitting members of those families whose floral construction is normally incomplete in the majority of instances, and exclusive also of cases of substitution. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • And as a result, we still have only an imperfect, incomplete understanding of the answers to the problem of pain. Christianity Today
  • Another thing that a mehndi would be incomplete without would be henna itself.
  • This is where I realized that my childhood, and indeed my life so far, has been woefully incomplete.
  • Incomplete restriction sites produced on the junctions with linkers and adapters are indicated by enzymes with asterisks.
  • The Frenchman did not want to look back on past glories when his work remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1842 the linking of England by rail was still very incomplete. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • The scholar's lament in the face of incomplete knowledge, however, underscores the completeness of our own.
  • Instead of breathtaking touchdown passes, there were too many errors, penalties and incomplete passes as conditions seemed to get the better of the teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incomplete squamosals also slope laterally and ventrally away from the parietals, slightly depressing posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae.
  • Yet simply earning a profit is an incomplete organizational objective. Christianity Today
  • The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
  • The most important spoon in the Jamestown collection, and one of the most significant objects excavated, is an incomplete pewter spoon -- a variant of the trifid, or split-end, type common during the 1650-90 period. New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
  • Death is caused by incomplete ecdysis and cuticle malformation. Chapter 6
  • From one crawled screechingly an inchoate thing that gimped on incomplete legs while upon its back a fully aware man, or the top half of one, gripped and tore and pummeled the creature to which it was attached with suicidal violence. Perquampi
  • After large transfusions of low titer group O blood into patients of groups A, B, and AB, it was not possible to demonstrate foreign isohemolysins or incomplete antibodies in the recipient serum.
  • In Florida, the way incomplete or otherwise invalidated ballots are "rectified" is that AFTER the election, the Boards of Elections mail back the ballots & tell the (non) voters what they did wrong. Franken Camp: Don't Start The Recount Yet!
  • The epicyclic character of the theory, piling ad-hoc hypothesis upon hypothesis, its incompleteness and the appearance of a singularity in the big bang universe beginning require consideration of alternatives.
  • While the history of this participation remains sketchy and incomplete, individual contributions have not escaped notice.
  • Besides, we're heading off for Mexico before long, and it'd be silly to travel all that way with an incomplete kit.
  • This Kobeh species differs from both the types of Mesophyllum lonense Stumm, 1937, and specimens referred to that species here, by having excentric and incomplete septal cones.
  • Forming methane hydrate a quiescent system a slow and incomplete process.
  • Unfortunately I do not have the information because our records are incomplete.
  • As for urinary retention and incomplete emptying of the bladder, four out of five (79\%) are not willing to undertake long term catheterization as their only outcome. - Latest HealthCentral News
  • T.A. Chapman has shown (1893) that the completely obtect pupa characterises the more highly developed families of Lepidoptera, while in the more primitive families the pupa is incompletely obtect. The Life-Story of Insects
  • The fact that hypotheses are abstractive demonstrates only that they are incomplete, not that they are false. Correspondence, abstraction, and realism
  • It turns out that the tome is incomplete however, and Brendan sets off on an adventure to finish it. ‘The Secret Of Kells’ Is A Best Animated Feature Oscar Nominee… But What Is It?! » MTV Movies Blog
  • I mean, when he teamed up with Lenora Fulani, for instance, someone who's made a lot of anti-Semitic statements in the past, and their sort of political union was covered as just another news event rather than Pat Buchanan teams up with discredited whacko, which is much more accurate I think, yeah, that's incomplete news coverage. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Are the Media Excluding Third Party Presidential Contenders? - June 24, 2000
  • In other words, at issue here is the ethical dilemma of undertaking human experimentation based on inappropriate and incomplete basic research.
  • _partial_ impaction, that is, an incomplete or partially successful evacuation of the contents of the bowels: the incompleteness is due to disease of the anal and rectal canals. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Or believe that those who identify as asexual feel, or are, somehow incomplete. BlogHer
  • There is a theorem proved by Kurt Godel in 1931, which is the Incompleteness Theorem for mathematics.
  • The crossing lay as the en-chantress had promised, a row of flat boulders spanning the dark rush of current like footings of an incomplete bridge. Stormwarden
  • While incomplete, the steps that were taken laid the foundation for Workplace 2000.
  • Instead of breathtaking touchdown passes, there were too many errors, penalties and incomplete passes as conditions seemed to get the better of the teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glitzy banner adorning the incomplete wall has four large Chinese characters.
  • In places where those records are incomplete or lost, we are left to conjecture when people from past centuries were born.
  • But disasters are similar to battlefields in their degree of confusion and complexity, and in the consequent unreliability and incompleteness of the information available.
  • It was attended by a large concourse of Friends and others, and a solid meeting was held on the occasion; after which, his remains were interr’d in Friends’ burial-ground at this place (Jericho, Queens County, New York.) I have thought (even presented so incompletely, with such fearful hiatuses, and in my own feebleness and waning life) one might well memorize this life of Elias Hicks. Notes (Such as They Are) Founded on Elias Hicks. November Boughs
  • His joints ached a little, but there were no other symptoms of incomplete decompression or nitrogen narcosis. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Incompletely extinguished cigarettes may smolder in mulch, leaves or potting soil until a breeze causes ignition, Teevan said. Va. fire apparently from smoking materials
  • The attachment of a poxvirus particle to a cell triggers a multitude of incompletely understood signaling events inside the cell. New Scientist - Online News
  • Hand written prescription sheets can contribute to drug errors in that they may be illegible, incomplete, or subject to transcription errors when rewritten.
  • If we take an infusorian sufficiently large, such as the Stentor, and cut it into two halves each containing a part of the nucleus, each of the two halves will generate an independent Stentor; but if we divide it incompletely, so that a protoplasmic communication is left between the two halves, we shall see them execute, each from its side, corresponding movements: so that in this case it is enough that a thread should be maintained or cut in order that life should affect the social or the individual form. Evolution créatrice. English
  • He had been incompletely briefed by Jet Coach Bill Parcells and his staff.
  • There are many reasons for male infertility, including low sperm count, inactive or incompletely formed sperms and other factors that hamper fertilisation.
  • The strangeness of it, like black-and-white, incomplete stop-frame animation of life. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • Again, his was an incomplete realisation, using just one pair of symbol and chord pages to create a version that lasted about four minutes.
  • The wiggy 60s gnarl emanating from the speakers does not sound incomplete, however. Grinderman
  • Prolapse occurs with a bowel movement and is associated with an uncomfortable sensation of fullness and incomplete evacuation; patients complain of a lump at the anal verge.
  • Does the cockroach undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
  • It is necessarily too anecdotal and incomplete with respect to the immigrant experience for that.
  • a form filled out incompletely
  • Equipment malfunctions may result from poor design, incomplete qualification, or calibration or maintenance issues.
  • Yet simply earning a profit is an incomplete organizational objective. Christianity Today
  • Meanwhile, Ms Hood ruled that voter registrations would be deemed incomplete if registrants forgot to check off the box affirming their citizenship, even though they affirm their citizenship elsewhere on the form.
  • Stimulation of osteogenesis leading to bone repair, as in patients with large bone defects, fracture non-unions, and incomplete allograft consolidation, is clinically desirable for early healing and restoration of function.
  • Without the confidence to become what he is meant to be, a man remains incomplete.
  • But the process remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also remember an old discussion on exorphins, defined as bioactive peptides resulting from incomplete protein digestion. Eades/Cordain Tahoe picnic | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • the study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research
  • No matter be, consider for the spouse, the male is in Bacchic beside had better lean close darlingly still in the sweetheart later, with thick sleep wine of disappear disappear incomplete.
  • The latest count of overnight arson attacks, still incomplete, could rise further police said, adding that it did not include shops, gymnasiums, nursery schools and other targets attacked by bands of youths.
  • The misanthrope was the supreme failure of life because he had not the intelligence to realize, or could not reconcile himself to, the incomplete condition of human nature. Rezánov
  • incomplete metamorphosis" of the Orthoptera is the primitive one, Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • In such cases, the gait is stilted, that is, there is incomplete advancement of both members and, of course, the period of weight bearing is correspondingly shortened; hence the short strides. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • In some cases, they discovered, McGarry's work was so incomplete that bodies were "half-autopsied. Medical Examiners In America: A Dysfunctional System
  • Notes taken at the time were incomplete and a summary of the interview was drawn up only afterwards.
  • But both the Italians and the Englishman felt the entertainment would be incomplete without hearing the celebrated vocalist and improvvisatrice who presided over the little banquet; and Madame de Montaigne, with a woman's tact, divined the general wish, and anticipated the request that was sure to be made. Ernest Maltravers — Complete
  • The severe inflammation is less common for intertrigo alone, and a likely incomplete response to antifungal treatment would prompt a search for other diagnostic possibilities.
  • The chemical properties of coal are still incompletely understood.
  • The drawing below, showing the branches of the columellar muscle of Helix pomatia, is from the last volume of Libbie Hyman's incomplete series The Invertebrates, published in 1967 shortly before she died. Tangled innards of a snail or how we know the intelligent designer was a klutz
  • It is likely that this, too, is a function of the incompleteness of certain taxa in the data matrix, which increases ambiguity under resampling techniques such as the bootstrap.
  • After large transfusions of low titer group O blood into patients of groups A, B, and AB, it was not possible to demonstrate foreign isohemolysins or incomplete antibodies in the recipient serum.
  • The analysis was never officially released, because the data were incomplete, the agency says.
  • The mammary glands are specialized cutaneous glands that develop rapidly but incompletely at puberty.
  • In editorial theory, incompleteness will occupy itself place.
  • In the incompletely obtect pupa, this motion is evident in a greater number of segments than in the completely obtect, the number concerned varying from five to two in different families. The Life-Story of Insects
  • The reader, viewer or audience is actively involved in the construction of the work of art, and without the act of reception / consumption, the cultural product is incomplete.
  • He also pointed out the dangers of giving out incomplete information about suspects, in the age of social media. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I say _Socrates is mortal_, the moment _Socrates_ is incomplete; it falls forward through the _is_ which is pure movement, into the _mortal_ which is indeed bare mortal on the tongue, but for the mind is _that mortal_, the _mortal Socrates_, at last satisfactorily disposed of and told off. [ A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • A stylish Philadelphia parlor is conceptually incomplete if the fireplace is not fitted with wrought-iron andirons and a cast-iron fireback.
  • The essential attribute of library products is incomplete public products.
  • It refers to an incomplete or absent division of prosencephalon (forebrain) into the distinct cerebral hemispheres. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The old idea of the feast is having a comeback as more people recognize the value of such events for family and social cohesion, and as under-standing develops of the dangers of incomplete mourning.
  • The decision was based on incomplete or inaccurate information.
  • The supervisory authority may forbid the publication of an offer document that is incomplete or requires additional information.
  • Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported.
  • Theismann pass deflected at line and almost intercepted in backfield (Bokamper), incomplete. - Super Bowl XVII play-by-play
  • Called the " silent killer " because it is odorless, it is produced when hydrocarbon combustion is incomplete.
  • A second witness, onsetter Chris du Plooy, was also asked to stand down minutes after taking the witness stand, when mine counsel Chris Loxton pointed out that du Plooy would be cross-examined on incomplete evidence by Potsane. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Dicentrics were classified as complete reciprocal dicentrics and incomplete dicentrics.
  • That the problems continue shows incomplete and inadequate system planning and implementation.
  • When, therefore, they walk about before they are whole, the joints which have been luxated are cured incompletely; and, on that account, while walking about, they have pains in the leg from time to time. On Fractures
  • As the pot cools such a glaze often 'crazes' and the tiny cracksso produced mean that an incomplete impervious glaze coating forms. 3 Packaging materials
  • I have approached officials several times and a year ago they attempted to grade the road - the grader got stuck and they left the job incomplete.
  • Below is an incomplete code segment for taking the timer event message (which is stored in LocalEnvironment), and fixing up the StartTime by adding "BurstInterval" to it.
  • And what utterly fascinated us was the incompleteness, the fragmentary quality of his writing.
  • The list is incomplete, for the boundaries of the subject are steadily expanding.
  • Does the housefly undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
  • A stylish Philadelphia parlor is conceptually incomplete if the fireplace is not fitted with wrought-iron andirons and a cast-iron fireback.
  • If the outermost shell is incomplete, this element enters into chemical reaction.
  • political consequences of incomplete military success
  • The perception of the brain drain as a transaction in which the recipient country gains and the donor loses is incomplete, says this Nature editorial.
  • Recently I picked up a slightly crazed Edwardian wall tile, part of an incomplete design, only to drop it in horror at being asked for €10 a piece.
  • So without further ado, it is clear that the existance of “at” (no matter how good it may sound to me) simply cuts off the sentence in midway, leaving it incomplete and fragmented. Where are you (at)? « Motivated Grammar
  • It is well burnished and/or polished and, based on its core colors, had been incompletely oxidized during its firing.
  • The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
  • The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.
  • It was founded more on faith than fact—on incomplete or erratic data, most of it gathered from photoreconnaissance conducted over a part of the world that lay under perpetual cloud cover for great parts of the year. Masters of the Air
  • My brain is wired for that strange form of ambidextrousness known as incomplete dominance I do some things with my right hand dominant, some with my left. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Wrapping it all up, with or without the nice, big bow
  • How and why whales got so big has remained a mystery until now, in part because of the challenges of interpreting an incomplete fossil record. Smithsonian Insider
  • The few subsequent endeavors, tentative and half-hearted, to repristinate my venery were foredoomed, partly because I had feared they were, to failure: erection was incomplete, ejaculation without pleasure. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • Valuing a loss of biodiversity is more difficult because markets for its preservation are either missing or incomplete.
  • The trifid third and bifid fourth lobes are incompletely separated by a lower and smaller fourth lateral saddle.
  • We live in a world that has completely lost track of the semicolon, we speak in incomplete sentences, with three little dots of ellipsis understood, because we never find the right word… Life is beautiful, but it has no form.
  • If you're looking for someone to complete you, then by definition, you're incomplete.
  • The book does feel somewhat incomplete, but it is apparently purposely designed as one of a set of four - matching a similar volume also by Fara on electricity in the eighteenth century, and also books by Stephen Pumfrey on the seventeenth century and Iwan Morus on the nineteenth. Recap of Season 2
  • Looking back, there is little that I would now regard as incorrect, although much is incomplete and most of it has gone unaccomplished.
  • But under the circumstances with incomplete information, price leadership may contribute to the coordination of prices among the enterprises and constitute the concerted practice.
  • Pachycephalosaur fossils usually consist of only portions of the frontoparietal bone that forms the distinctive dome and many remain incomplete. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The website doesn't contain contact information for any of their MPs, and only a few incomplete details can be scraped together from the Government Portal.
  • The golden mountain is consubstantiated with the property of being incompletely determined. Nonexistent Objects
  • The other provides amazingly quick service - from an incomplete concrete house frame in a backstreet.
  • It takes courage to make such a joke, to admit that those who died were not paragons but incomplete, unsatisfactory human beings.
  • A tour operator says that for many visitors a holiday in Kenya is incomplete without a visit to a manyatta.
  • When he died a few years later, not only had he constructed no machine, but the verdict of a jury of kind and sympathetic scientific men who were deputed to pronounce upon what he had left behind him, either in papers or in mechanism, was that everything was too incomplete to be capable of being put to any useful purpose. A quick thought on Babbage’s methods « The Half-Baked Maker
  • Worse, the transformation was retroactive and the eventual mechanisms for opting out were incomplete in that the economic value could not be decoupled from the informational value. Google and Theory of Mind - Anil Dash
  • Yet despite the apparent rigor of scientific method, the images themselves are what you might expect - diaphanous, blurry, vignetted, and incomplete.
  • At the beginning of a song, you might have an incomplete bar called a pickup bar that leads in to the first full bar of the song.
  • The convey of the right of signature of works can be divided into three types: complete convey, incomplete convey and renunciative convey.
  • More precisely, Pillard and Weinrich theorized that although gay men do undergo masculinization — they are, after all, fully male physically — they go incompletely if at all through another part of the process: defeminization. Homosexuality and Biology
  • The challenge of science is to overcome the constraints of our neurological wetware and understand a physical world that we know only second-hand and incompletely.
  • Incomplete questionnaires or crude, poorly written, or flame-like responses will be disregarded.
  • My answer is mumbled and incomplete and leaves me and my questioner unsatisfied.
  • Now, the contract may have been forged (as his lawyer's alleging) or incomplete (he may have presented this in the context that "I've written what you will do, now you write your contract for me," though I doubt it), but to automatically defend something because "It's BDSM" is wrong. A Note On The Sick Dude With The Contract And All
  • Please provide us with a final account for work done adjusted to take account of defective and incomplete work.
  • His narrative must therefore be regarded as still incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • A recovery by two or three tenants in tail with crofs, remainders, and a fine by the other, leaves the title incomplete as to the Ihare of tlie perfon who, levies the fine, - •* 23 Tracts on I. The Definition and Nature of Cross Remainder, II. Fines and Recoveries by Tenant in ...
  • Claims that hundreds of voters were coerced into handing over incomplete postal votes to party activists were made in the days running up to election day.
  • What may be called the evolutionist theory of population was originated and incompletely stated by Charles Darwin, and developed by Herbert Spencer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task.
  • I still need to sort through a little over half of that for duplicates, incomplete files, etc.
  • And so even if Mr. Isaacson, as he told reporters on Jan. 13, kept CNN true to its generation-old journalistic mission while synthesizing in sparkier, show-driven lineup-and, as he kept pointing out, dammit, those ratings are better than they were a couple years ago, even if they're not nearly as good as Mr. Ailes 'are-his work feels incomplete. Little Orphan CNN
  • The proposition is incontestable yet incompletely enounced.
  • That journey remains incomplete, but this was a forward step. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is stated that incomplete examinations have detected _cinchonine_ in the bark. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • The latter story, a somewhat incomplete-seeming outline of a tale, is as much an early exercise in metafiction and ghost-storytelling technique as a coherent narrative.
  • Head with gilded pubescence, cinereous behind and beneath; antennæ tawny, second joint above towards the tip and third joint piceous; thorax slightly covered with gilded tomentum; pectus with cinereous tomentum; abdomen with gilded tomentum towards the tip; legs tawny, femora mostly black, tibiæ with black stripes; wings cinereous, dark-brown about the costa, veinlet which bisects the subapical areolet incomplete, as it is also in the following species; halteres tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • There are different techniques for counting pickup notes but if a pickup note is used at the beginning of a piece of music, the last measure much be an incomplete measure to make up for it.
  • So that he's working on the second gathering, the second four pages, the second leaf, while they are already preparing the parts for the incomplete cantata.
  • It transpires that the theory of arithmetic (technically, Peano arithmetic) is both incomplete and undecidable. Archive 2009-06-01
  • These clefts are usually incomplete clefts of the lip only.
  • Our chronicle is representative, but as we said, incomplete.
  • The input may be partial or incomplete, as discussed later in the paragraph on intuition, prediction, and statistical pattern-matching.
  • ‘At the risk of sounding immodest, I know that any history of Tamil cinema will be incomplete without at least a few chapters on my work,’ he asserts.
  • Unfortunately, subaerial erosion has made the continental sedimentary record very incomplete and discontinuous.
  • The first is that our account of humanity remains embarrassingly incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • The work was incomplete at the time of his death but it is still a work of the greatest significance in the theory of probability.
  • Constantly trying to make sense out of an incomplete picture, the private eye is an imperfect avatar, always a few clues short of the whole story.
  • The Frenchman did not want to look back on past glories when his work remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • At best, they are a waste of money, which buys incomplete information that has no medical use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gene governing taillessness is an incomplete dominant.
  • Conclusions drawn from applying statistical techniques to incomplete data may be very misleading.
  • One common reason for the malformation of fruits, such as asymmetric carambola or pears, is incomplete pollination.
  • Apparently I have touched a sore spot, since Hilsman, instead of dealing with the substance of my criticism, quibbles over allegedly incomplete quotations, how many weeks constitute a "shortly after," and what kind of teletype machine links Washington to Moscow. An Exchange on the Missile Crisis
  • It was shown that most mutant genes are incompletely recessive (not «overdominant») and are acted upon by selection while heterozygous. Hermann J. Muller - Biography
  • However incomplete deglutitive relaxation in LES and primary peristaltic waves were detected in several patients with achalasia.
  • In standard metamathematics, an important role for a thorough understanding of the second incompleteness theorem has been played by Löb's theorem (Löb 1955). Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Design, development and management have in common the absolute necessity of taking action based on incomplete information.
  • Shapiro said the State Department was right to question the players' documentation, which he called incomplete. NYT > Home Page
  • Most recently, a new ankylosaur was named on the basis of an incomplete mandible and fragmentary cranial material, but the ankylosaurian affinities and validity of this taxon are doubtful.
  • That journey remains incomplete, but this was a forward step. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many developments go through difficulties, most have to sell properties while the site is incomplete and dirty, snagging is a perennial irritation - all this is not ideal, but yet properties still manage to get successfully sold.
  • But the process remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete. New & Noteworthy
  • Their anatomical incorrectness --- incompleteness is more like it --- would seem to be a problem, but they are drawn together by a mutual fetishistic love of fashion and trying on outfits for each other is their version of sex, which makes the interrogation scene very kinky. Lance Mannion:
  • $274,850 for improvements to the Baysville bandshell, which is 31 kilometres from the site and also incomplete. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • His narrative must therefore be regarded as still incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • The former governor had refused to take part in the trial, but he surprised everyone by asking to make a closing statement in which he insisted that he should not be tossed out of office on what he called incomplete evidence. celebrity news that matters to you
  • So, if I understood you that only a person has relationships, then as incomplete disembodies souls, man still remains a person after death. What happens after we die?

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