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How To Use Incompatible In A Sentence

  • Such a level of monitoring is not only impracticable; it is incompatible with intellectual freedom.
  • The modified expoxies, ie, those with plasticizers added to improve workability, were found to be incompatible with the fluorocarbon flotation fluids.
  • The two needs seem incompatible, but somehow we will manage it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Prime Minister, who seems to make a fetish of showing that power is not incompatible with panache, is (or so his spokesman says) a Stones fan.
  • I was indeed incommunicative and incompatible with the kids at my grade level.
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  • Remember also that many disk and other utility programs are incompatible, this is not necessarily a problem as they are largely redundant.
  • Not only would it look out of place, says the conservation panel, but it would be incompatible with grazing livestock.
  • Moral pluralism asserts the existence of a multitude of incompatible but morally valuable forms of life.
  • Privately in 2006, I was told by a prominent, scholarly absolutist at that end that the Barragan-Martini view 'BMV' for short, and thus my own, is flatly incompatible with the entire logical structure of the Church's teaching about sex and marriage. Condomania
  • I don't know why they ever got married. They're totally incompatible.
  • As a result we expect two incompatible things from politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • If unconditional, it converts to dogma, which is incompatible with intellectual honesty.
  • As a moral matter, however, anything other than universal suffrage is incompatible with the fundamental values underlying its creation: the just powers of government by consent. The Volokh Conspiracy » Violent Misdemeanants, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to Vote
  • Pauli pointed out that a (self-adjoint) time operator is incompatible with a Hamiltonian spectrum bounded below. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • As a skilled political counsellor More had to display his rhetorical skills in justifying often mutually incompatible or contradictory statements and beliefs in the service of the state.
  • To be reliable, a cognitive mechanism must enable a person to discriminate or differentiate between incompatible states of affairs.
  • These and other physical realities mean that almost every aspect of life, from taking a simple breath or eating to finding a mate, requires different, often incompatible, adaptations in the two media.
  • The two experimental set-ups were different, incompatible, and so could not act together.
  • She empowered him to tell them, that whatever blame she might throw on Mary's conduct, any opposition to their sovereign was totally unjustifiable, and incompatible with all order and good government: that it belonged not to them to reform, much less to punish, the maleadministration of their prince; and the only arms which subjects could in any case lawfully employ against the supreme authority, were entreaties, counsels, and representations: that if these expedients failed, they were next to appeal by their prayers to The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • It is outrageous that the 43 police forces of England and Wales all have different and incompatible intelligence systems.
  • &c. The undesignedness of the coincidence thus indirectly brought out is incompatible with forgery. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The artist may have neglected to size the canvas properly, or may have used odd substances like charcoal which is incompatible with oil paint.
  • He acknowledges that different value systems are incompatible.
  • It seems that in situations such as this, politics become incompatible with conscience, principle, decency and self-respect.
  • Further, changes that have been promulgated to promote clarity may be incompatible with the very nature of doxology.
  • This is true by definition, for different individuals will always want and desire different and incompatible things and their unfettered pursuit of their own objectives will inevitably bring them into conflict.
  • His greatest problem has always been that they inevitably prove to be incompatible.
  • Any new video system that is incompatible with existing ones has little chance of success.
  • Furthermore, changing formats, and incompatible hardware and software certainly has created situations where data has become difficult to retrieve.
  • It says the dual targets of cutting costs and increasing efficiency are incompatible, with large job cuts leaving the HMRC reliant on untrained staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • What I wanted was my snarky reproductive endocrinologist to get a goddamn gray hair, who was he in his smooth Armani suit to tell me my FSH sat where my LH should, higher than a cloud and incompatible with life? 1998, What I Wanted
  • The two pictures are not, however, incompatible, they merely highlight different aspects of meaning.
  • The new packaging may be incompatible with existing machinery, requiring the purchase of new equipment. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • I don't know why they ever got married. They're totally incompatible.
  • To beg for votes, as if they were alms or broken victuals, is a form of mendicancy which is incompatible with common self-respect, and yet it is a self-abasement which thirty years ago custom imperatively demanded. Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography
  • I fail to see how this is incompatible with a 35 hour week and with the capabilities of the female sex.
  • The term, "self-sterile" is often used, but I think it is a little more exact to say self-unfruitful or self-incompatible. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
  • The teaching methods of Kodaly and Orff were incompatible with the Italian school system and social context so Joan decided that an appealing professional series of music books for learning solfeggio needed to be developed for the student population not enrolled in State Music Conservatories in Italy.
  • MIT's goal was to build their existing assortment of incompatible workstations from various manufacturers into a network of graphical workstations.
  • Accumulate all the possible circumstances which shall re-enforce the right motives; put yourself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way; make engagements incompatible with the old; take a public pledge, if the case allows; in short, envelop your resolution with every aid you know. An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy
  • It is reassuring to know that the two conditions are not incompatible. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are few direct tests of the dominance of incompatible alleles.
  • Sporobolus is mostly self-pollinated due to a high degree of sheath cleistogamy, while Panicum is a self-incompatible outbreeder.
  • Western women, fully accoutered with nail polish (which is incompatible with manual work), high-heeled shoes (disastrous for the posture and hence the back, and quite unsuitable for walking long distances over bad roads) and brassieres... denounce female circumcision without the shadow of a suspicion that their behavior is absurd. Nomad
  • He unfortunately relies on philosophical categories that imply the debilitating skepticism he argues is incompatible with true liberalism.
  • Educating people that this is not the case is hardly hypocrisy, except perhaps to those who hold the intenable position that the two are inherently incompatible. Science versus science or religion versus religion - The Panda's Thumb
  • Why should these things seem incompatible? Times, Sunday Times
  • When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.
  • For a pagan Platonist its particularity seemed scandalously incompatible with divine immutability and with a universal operation of providence in the cosmos as a whole.
  • The two may be incompatible. Times, Sunday Times
  • And those two may have been incompatible from the get-go and it was just a matter of time before it blew up. Williams Flap Ignites Controversy Over Objectivity
  • It is incompatible with the manipulative attitude implicit in an instrumental view of religion.
  • Other tenses, the various modalities, and of course negatives, would be incompatible with this characterization.
  • Likewise, no evidence is incompatible with mythicism - as long as one is willing to posit an arbitrary mythmaker who invents things for no obvious reason, and who often expresses himself so poorly that one often gets the "wrong impression" that he is talking about a historical figure. Is There Evidence For Mythicism?
  • Biology: The lining of the rectum is very thin and a ready route for disease and easy to rupture during the vigorous thrusting of anal sex — easy to contaminate your blood with fecal matter – the sphincter muscle of the anus can be damaged by too many intrusions making one incontinent – hemorrhoids and anal sex are surely incompatible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • They are cartoony, but they're some of the talkiest cartoons ever made, and talkiness is actually not incompatible with cartooniness. Archive 2008-06-01
  • He explains how believers in the paranormal and scientific skeptics arrive at their conclusions via very different and incompatible ways of thinking.
  • The French noes and the British noes are the most incompatible of all.
  • Whereas the sexton's son, Heidegger, had decided that the life of philosophy was incompatible with the dogmatic system of the Church, Stein was led by phenomenological study to God.
  • New computer software is often incompatible with older computers.
  • Whewell brought the point home by identifying competing theories of capillarity, due to Poisson and Laplace, that were equally able to reproduce the phenomena but which were based on incompatible atomic force laws, as Gardner (1979, 20) has pointed out. Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century
  • The indefinite detention without trial of foreign nationals under emergency terror laws is incompatible with European human rights laws, the Law Lords have ruled.
  • He gravely thought poetry a sort of disease ” a sort of fungus of the brain ” and held as a serious opinion, that nobody could be properly well who exercised it as an art ” which was true (he maintained) even of men ” he had studied the physiology of poets, 'quotha' ” but that for women, it was a mortal malady and incompatible with any common show of health under any circumstances. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
  • When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.
  • The new packaging may be incompatible with existing machinery, requiring the purchase of new equipment. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Though confusingly three different and variously incompatible recordable DVD formats are created resulting in some unnecessary duplication of effort, zounds!
  • A Christian Darwinist is bound to maintain logically incompatible positions: that evolution is both a tool and an autonomous process, that providence and chance are both ultimately real, that design is potentially detectable and that it is a priori indetectable. The Panda's Thumb: Science and Faith Archives
  • Clusters of genetically identical plants, for example, limit the number of mates available to self-incompatible species with limited pollen dispersal.
  • Erythrina variegata is bird-pollinated, outcrossed and sometimes genetically incompatible. Chapter 10
  • To say that they are incompatible is like saying that the Cosmological Fine Tuning argument is incompatible with biological ID because it only discusses the physical constants of the universe. Blast From the Past
  • This process is an example of a structural contradiction: a strong sense of devotion and commitment to one's tribe that is incompatible with cooperation between tribes. Sociology
  • There are some good reasons for the adoption of this principle: different states often have different and incompatible religious beliefs.
  • And their nomadic way of life appears incompatible with the realities of modern society in these crowded islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Progressing on a linear course toward heaven or eternal damnation, Christian theology is incompatible with the cyclic framework of Buddhism.
  • At first, job and home plans seem incompatible, but you find a way to make them work. The Sun
  • It is incompatible with the notion of a fixed term appointment that it is terminable at pleasure.
  • Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.
  • According to this incompatibilist conception of autonomy, autonomy is incompatible with determinism.
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • It involved putting incompatible prisoners together in a cell, then betting on when a fight would break out.
  • The term employee also includes an officer of a corporation.www. (a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof - (1) Person The term person shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. - Financial News
  • The self-incompatible composite Senecio jacobaea (ragwort) exhibits geographic variation in the frequency of rayed and discoid (rayless) individuals.
  • As Greenblatt observes, ‘Purgatory, along with theological language of communion, deathbed confession, and anointing (aneling), while compatible with a Christian (and, specifically, a Catholic) call for remembrance, is utterly incompatible with a Senecan call for vengeance’.
  • Yet, as will be discussed in a later section, Descartes also holds that rest and motion are different bodily states, a view that is incompatible with a strict relationism as regards motion. Descartes' Physics
  • incompatible personalities
  • Absurdity may exist together with tragedy and loftiness but is incompatible with comedy.
  • Some very recent examples will suffice to persuade us that piety and knavery are incompatible.
  • Instead it has made him think that perhaps we are incompatible and need not be together.
  • Literature by living Cuban writers was judged incompatible with the revolution.
  • Both are odoriferous and incompatible with most of the newly-discovered positions described in the Kama Sutra.
  • Scepticism and trust are not necessarily incompatible.
  • However, there are a significant number of exceptions to the UI ‘rule’ that pistils of self-incompatible taxa inhibit pollen from self-compatible taxa.
  • While these two paths are not incompatible, they seem too often to be followed in divergent directions. Christianity Today
  • According to SPRI, PVC membranes are chemically incompatible with bituminous materials.
  • Initially, they were investigating fruits that appear frequently in the flavours of wines grown in warmer climates, but cherimoya, melon, papaya, passionfruit and banana all proved incompatible with Vitis vinifera.
  • Fundamentalist Christians claim the series is subversive, because they say its focus on wizardry and magic is incompatible with Christian beliefs.
  • Traders could get caught in the crossfire as they try to comply with incompatible systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may find his two policies incompatible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideally seed orchards should contain only self-incompatible trees to eliminate production of selfed seed.
  • IOW, is there any reason to believe that nested hierachies are incompatible with design? A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • This behaviour is completely incompatible with his role as a teacher.
  • VATICAN CITY (RNS) Pope Benedict XVI on Monday (Nov. 15) warned against doping in athletic competition, a practice he called incompatible with "human and Christian values. Pope Warns Athletes On Doping
  • This requires normative theory construction which can show how punishment is incompatible with notions of equality or justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • Maintaining quality is incompatible with increasing output.
  • Do not use incompatible cell phone batteries and chargers.
  • Director Wolfgang Becker focuses on the microscopic to explore the macroscopic as he tells the story of a small family divided by incompatible political ideologies and the changes wrought by time.
  • But even Stalinist modernisation was not incompatible with older architectural modes.
  • Coarse advances toward potentially unreceptive acquaintances are incompatible with the dignity of one's position.
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • Semantic mismatches and incompatible data formats are a staple of data integration and are not likely to vanish.
  • I picture the editor and director putting their heads together in the editing room, trying to cobble together a sequence out of incompatible footage because they cannot afford reshoots.
  • A further antirealist argument, the ˜incompatible models argument™, takes as its starting point the observation that scientists often successfully use several incompatible models of one and the same target system for predictive purposes Models in Science
  • Plotted on the abscissa of the graph are the incompatibility values or the proportions of informative sites incompatible with the particular clade in the set of artificially generated sequences.
  • This incompatible trinity has become self-evident for academic economists; today, this insight is also shared by the majority of participants in the practical debate. The Prize in Economics 1999 - Press Release
  • Certainly, that notion is incompatible with cruelty and unkindness to one another.
  • Increasingly, it appears that the answer to this question may be incompatible with what should be Europe's central goal in this exercise, namely putting Greece on a sustainable debt path.
  • The term employee also includes an officer of a corporation.www. (a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof - (1) - Financial News
  • A latitude extending thus far might lead to results incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention.
  • In addition, there are still compatibility issues among Fibre Channel vendors requiring users to separate incompatible hardware into separate switch zones.
  • If we take seriously the idea that change involves the application of incompatible predicates, then the sublanguage cannot express the contrast between old Oscar and young Oscar. Relative Identity
  • The T. turgidum nucleus is incompatible with the T. longissimum cytoplasm, producing nonviable progeny.
  • More than three years of desert battlefield experience has proven that too much Army Reserve equipment is still incompatible and not interoperable with AC equipment.
  • You will regard it as inimical to the British way, as incompatible with liberty, as an affront to your maturity and autonomy.
  • In other words, even though some individuals seemed conflicted, or torn between two incompatible discourses, their discursive practices were not found to be neutral.
  • Their theoreticians and ideologists also reduce civilizations to culture, cultures to religion, and religions to inherently incompatible archetypal constants that vie, clash, and struggle with and against each other.
  • For contrary to what is commonly believed, modern evolutionary theory and philosophical naturalism are quite clearly incompatible.
  • Indeed, although heart can stand some degree of hypoxia, this situation is incompatible with its normal bioenergetic function, and ischemic heart disease with compromised oxygen supply to the myocardium is a common cause of heart failure This idea is clearly illustrated in the present study by the concomitant severe decrease in contractile activity and PCr concentration measured in Control hearts perfused under low oxygen conditions compared with previously reported values PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • You would not use HTML to exchange data between incompatible databases or to send updated product catalogs to retailer sites, for example.
  • To even try and understand how two such incompatible people stayed together for so long is something the film tries to explain, and in fact it does very well.
  • Few dispute that the Khmer Rouge led a campaign to annihilate groups of people whom were considered to be incompatible with its revolutionary aims.
  • Compilers will warn of most type errors, and there is no automatic conversion of incompatible data types.
  • I'm reminded of David Chalmers '"Moving Forward on the Problem of Consciousness" where it's mentioned "It is interesting that philosophers reject interactionist dualism because they think it is incompatible with physics, whereas physicists reject the relevant interpretations of quantum mechanics because they are dualistic! Book Review: Quantum Enigma
  • But even if you get your iPhone 4S from Verizon, whose CDMA network is incompatible with the GSM networks used in most other countries, you'll still be able to make calls overseas, either through Verizon or by inserting another carrier's SIM card. NYT > Global Home
  • He may find his two policies incompatible. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • Production lines were stuffed with incompatible parts and the organisation was badly run. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any new video system that is incompatible with existing ones has little chance of success.
  • The majority of Christians will likely find this title confusing and contradictory at best and entirely entirely incompatible at worst. All articles at Blogcritics
  • Coyne imperially declares faith and science incompatible. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • Can he not see that these two positions are incompatible? Times, Sunday Times
  • What lines like that really lead to is a climate of fear incompatible with a free society.
  • But even Stalinist modernisation was not incompatible with older architectural modes.
  • But a motory force of a body in one direction, and an equal force of the same body in an opposite direction is not incompatible, and the result, namely, rest, is real and representable. Biographia Literaria
  • And, again, the fact that their clothing and cleanliness patterns are incompatible with too great a familiarity with the physical environment of the street would seem to be as much effect as cause of their level of orientational discipline. Behavior in Public Places
  • English departments marginalize it, perhaps because academics consider religion incompatible with intellectualism.
  • This is a story about the love between a seemingly incompatible couple, a starry-eyed and mischievous high school girl and an all-conquering and powerful public prosecutor.
  • The laser printer is incompatible with the new computer.
  • A science degree and artistic interests are often perceived as incompatible.
  • That freedom and order are not incompatible ;that reverence is the maid of knowledge; that free discussion is the life of truth, and of true unity in a nation. 
  • The first problem is that stable prices and rising activity may be incompatible objectives. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Lord Grenville's office of auditor of the exchequer was thought incompatible with that of first lord of the treasury, and as his lordship was unwilling to resign that lucrative office, a bill was subsequently brought into parliament empowering him to name a responsible trustee for holding auditorship so long as he should continue premier. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • Protestantism sat at ease, unmindful of schisms, careless of proselytism: Dissent was an inheritance along with a superior pew and a business connection; and Churchmanship only wondered contemptuously at Dissent as a foolish habit that clung greatly to families in the grocery and chandlering lines, though not incompatible with prosperous wholesale dealing. XII. Mr. and Mrs. Glegg at Home. Book I—Boy and Girl
  • Many plant species are capable of self-fertilization and even highly self-incompatible species may show varying levels of self-fertility.
  • Moreover the idea of systematic change is incompatible with the ideology of sports.
  • In a capitalist country, political dictatorship is not incompatible with economic modernisation and can even facilitate it.
  • The bind arises when the speaker expresses two or more messages which are incompatible, at different levels of communication.
  • In an English fort, to think to have a mosk open to the ingress of a large body of Malays at all times is wholly incompatible with a certain reserve and security required from it. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • By nature, the two are incompatible, for even a cottontail rabbit will fight to protect her young.
  • But this requires a degree of intellectual self-renunciation which is incompatible with individualism.
  • As Freud's view of the unconscious suggests, distinct but interrelated spheres of reality or experience obey different, even incompatible, structures.
  • The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they are incompatible.
  • Common avoidable problems include overcrowded or illegible slides, irrelevant or badly prepared handouts, and incompatible multimedia equipment.
  • The maximum use of force is in no way incompatible with the simultaneous use of the intellect.
  • The view of many other scientists that faith and science (or reason) are incompatible is ignored or disparaged. Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
  • This requires normative theory construction which can show how punishment is incompatible with notions of equality or justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • The pursuit of knowledge is not necessarily incompatible with politics.
  • They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.
  • It is a pity that with that botchery (chapuceria), that ridiculous attitude which is incompatible with the dignity of the position, Mr. Kennedy sounded that sour note and dropped a stain on an action which was motivated by a lofty humanitarian spirit. 4TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CUBAN REVOLUTION
  • It would become incompatible with his organization, or rather it would 'transmute' it, and the process of that transmutation to the senses of other men would be called The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1838
  • After a week together on vacation it was clear that they were totally incompatible.
  • While the Macintosh still possess all the benefits it seems, to a casual observer, to be an incompatible system.
  • Yet the office holder will have two quite different, and largely incompatible roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • It cannot co-exist with fairness and justice. It is incompatible with democratic civilization.
  • Old models of ‘one party, authoritarian states’ were rejected as incompatible with democratic socialism.
  • Its claims are not incompatible with those of science, technology, and democratic self-government.
  • Therefore, theistic evolution which assumes divine direction to achieve divinely ordained goals is an entirely different and incompatible theory.
  • A thoroughly apophatic commitment to divine unknowability appears incompatible with the claim that God is known in Christ.
  • In the last part, the paper presents that, as a philosophical conception, alienation is not incompatible with anagenesis, affirms active effect of Chinese blog.
  • These flaws were not innocent mistakes: The framers fully expected the new national government to melt the states “down into one empire,” which was incompatible with “democratical principles” and freedom. Ratification
  • They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.
  • And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names - liberty and tyranny.
  • Now warlike pursuits are altogether incompatible with the duties of a bishop and a cleric, for two reasons. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • The conviction that the strong are bound to prey on the weak, as dictated by the law of the jungle, is incompatible with the principle of competition.
  • However, while the foremost priority is to increase the use of te reo, that is not incompatible with the promotion of the languages of other communities in New Zealand. NZ On Screen
  • It provides that it is unlawful for a public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with a Convention right.
  • Even the most reasoned and eloquent theological discourse will not reconcile viewpoints that are rooted in incompatible assumptions about the nature and purpose of our faith and community.
  • Until he came to his senses and realized that leftist ideals were not incompatible with pragmatism and general prosperity.
  • In any case, Myrvold's proposal demonstrates that even if state collapses are not hyperplane dependent, they need not be incompatible with relativity theory. Action at a Distance in Quantum Mechanics
  • _ Accumulate all the possible circumstances which shall reinforce the right motives; put yourself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way; make engagements incompatible with the old; take a public pledge, if the case allows; in short, envelop your resolution with every aid you know. How to Study and Teaching How to Study
  • It is entirely incompatible with the domination of unaccountable private companies that seek to monopolise knowledge in the interests of their own profits.
  • Since then, it seems the Government has become wiser to the problem posed by the presence of too many ‘culturally incompatible’ foreigners.
  • Here's where I, again as a noneconomist, see Austrian and mainstream approaches as incompatible. Roger Koppl - The Austrian Economists
  • Scepticism and trust are not necessarily incompatible.
  • At first, job and home plans seem incompatible, but you find a way to make them work. The Sun
  • When estimating the probability of events, why do you use two different and incompatible methods, depending on whether the event was human-caused or not?
  • Churchmanship only wondered contemptuously at Dissent as a foolish habit that clung greatly to families in the grocery and chandlering lines, though not incompatible with prosperous wholesale dealing. George Eliot; a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings & Philosophy
  • This consistent approach would by no means be incompatible with the current system.

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