How To Use Incoherent In A Sentence

  • Passengers' eyes divert to Lauren and they begin to mutter incoherently about her.
  • The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it .... Two Years in the French West Indies
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • Well, I just stop I guess" the narcotized looking Boyle warbled almost incoherently. Melody Breyer-Grell: My Issue With Susan Boyle
  • Sullenly, Andrea settled down into her seat and grumbled something incoherent.
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  • Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
  • They show the star sometimes rambling and at other times virtually incoherent. The Sun
  • They show the star sometimes rambling and at other times virtually incoherent. The Sun
  • One of its key arguments is internally incoherent.
  • The day will come, soon enough, when I'm gibbering, and incoherent, but right now I'm in control and I don't want anyone else to know.
  • They'd go all "Nixon In The Rose Garden" on us and give us a bunch of incoherent mumbletypeg about quality and service and how none of this was really their fault so please don't sue. CarBuyersNoteBook
  • Even if one forgives his poetic license with the facts, the book fails on the grounds that its arguments are incoherent.
  • As I noted in a previous post on this subject, the disclaimer that the school board has mandated be read by the science teachers is incredibly incoherent and confused.
  • “The caller, in other words, you, is described as incoherent and hysterical.” Red Wolf
  • Thus the newspaper man, wearily certain that regardless of what he asks or how he asks it, he will hear for answers only the clumsy asininities behind which the personalities, leaders and sacred white cows pompously attitudinize, gets so that he mumbles a bit incoherently. A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago
  • The interview editing renders what would have been boring and incoherent conversations with old people and stoners into a thoughtful, funny psych exam for the national consciousness.
  • It's debatable whether the studio recording actually contains the f-word, given the incoherent roar Jim Morrison emits at the song's climax, but there's no ambiguity to the Oedipus context in this live version. Eric Williams: F***ing up the Charts: on F-Words and Music
  • Tom groaned incoherently, having still not recovered from the powerful blow that he'd received.
  • There is acute onset of delusions, hallucinations, incomprehensible or incoherent speech, or any combination of these.
  • One drinker said: 'They were almost incoherent. The Sun
  • Other pupils have been completely incoherent. The Sun
  • ‘He was asked to give his details and was incoherent and uncooperative with the police,’ she said.
  • It is often assumed that “moral subjectivism” must denote a kind of lumpish relativism according to which whatever sentiments an individual happens to have determine the moral truth for that person; it is often assumed that moral subjectivism would therefore render incoherent the ideas of moral improvement, moral criticism, and moral disagreement. Moral Anti-Realism
  • The result of this animalisation was the disempowering of homeless people through their representation as incoherent babbling drunks, the wild, drug crazed miscreants and the ‘feral’ runaways.
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • She began to mutter incoherently.
  • But he does not engage in a moral defence of the ideology of liberalism; rather his strategy is the much deeper one of showing that totalitarianism is typically based upon historicist and holist presuppositions, and of demonstrating that these presuppositions are fundamentally incoherent. Karl Popper
  • She was glassy-eyed and virtually incoherent at times. The Sun
  • The killer, Yigal Amir, a student of Jewish law, was an activist of the organized religious right. He was neither delusional nor incoherent.
  • I thank those members who have opposed it with incoherent arguments.
  • The film is so over-populated with characters (many of whom don't need to be there) that it frequently feels disjointed and incoherent, thereby undermining the overall enjoyment.
  • Tony grumbled incoherently and ran his fingers through his hair.
  • But taken to its logical limit, the aim is incoherent.
  • David muttered something incoherent and rude and scrambled to his feet, fumbling for the sword.
  • I find him very inconsistent and intellectually his policy positions are often quite incoherent.
  • The fragments of concrete poetry that make up the bulk of Free Cell honor the rapid-fire plausibility of waking thought, which is to say the collection's often self-contained stanzas are by turns intimate, aphoristic, and incoherent -- but never less than truthful. Seth Abramson: December 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • Yes, Brigitte is a total lush; yes, Ryan is rude; yes, Charo is incoherent.
  • The psychological goal of such amnesia was the elimination of traumatic fixation; the narratological goal was the elimination of chaotic, incoherent reminiscence.
  • It is incoherent and wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outcome of her babble is either incoherent or a blatant lie. McCain campaign adviser pushes back on Palin book
  • She's incoherent, crying, sobbing, and there is not a person in the room who doesn't know that it is all an act.
  • Although he is verbally incoherent due to heavy medication, John has worked solidly for the last 10 years on this collection of abstract paintings.
  • Instead of boring you with one of my long, incoherent ramblings, I have decided to cut them up into shorter, incoherent ramblings, for your pleasure.
  • He is too incoherent to tell and we leave him squatting outside the entrance to accident and emergency, smoking a roll-up and gobbing more blood on to the ground.
  • And for the last time cease and desist from sending anymore of these decrepitly incoherent four-hundred year-old fossils from its ex-vice presidency outpost who did not have the balls to run for president crapping all over the one who had the stones to seek victory and claim it. James Campion: 2010: Year of the Faux Revolution
  • Why do some actors write hilariously incoherent and over-the-top political commentary?
  • The rest were pretty much incoherent whenever they spoke.
  • Ben, drunk and incoherent, slumped in a chair.
  • He came up to me after and he was completely incoherent. The Sun
  • He argues, surprisingly, that the notion of enforcing God's law is logically incoherent.
  • Williams subsided over his beer, muttering some kind of incoherent threat, as Leslie smiled.
  • The coding in incoherent light-source is used to restrict the coherent noise to obtain clearer images.
  • While such definitions are generally vague enough to allow for fiction founded on most any conceit of technical possibility (i.e. “speculative elements” in general rather than specific conceits like the robot or the rocketship), incoherent attempts to disallow conceits of metaphysical impossibility have led to an artificial distinction between futurological Sci-Fi and works of a more conceptual nature. Hey, Janet! Have You Got Syfy?
  • Trump said in a statement that he was surprised to hear Cosby blabber, somewhat incoherently, 'you run or shut up.' Trump will 'probably' run as independent for White House
  • His interest was centred almost entirely in the "shoppy" parcel, which by its shape might be "soldiers"; but he knew the rules of the game, and disregarding the large, ostentatious brown-papered thing, he went magnificently for the two small incoherent bundles. Jeremy
  • Slowly gathering up all her baggage, Mercedes muttered incoherently a number of rather shocking French curses.
  • The letters of correction were almost incoherent with joy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most incorrect or incoherent claims are easily refuted by experience or logic but religious concepts are different.
  • The full explanation by the artist of the new work was sent out to journalists and the Oxley Gallery mailing list in the form of a rambling and incoherent press release which we reproduced here in full last month.
  • Make note of the incoherent speech, grammatical errors, cutesy nicknames with reporters, and crankiness from the president and obsequiousness from the press.
  • The events of the passed few hours had left her confused and incoherent.
  • Killer 7 has an excellent, although often completely incoherent, storyline about global politics.
  • This ugly incoherent woman had no absolutely no redeeming features.
  • Lies, Damn Lies, and False Rape Statistics yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Lies, Damn Lies, and False Rape Statistics'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: A rather angry and somewhat incoherent rant about rampant "misandry" on college campuses spurred both editorial concern and heated "discussion" at OpEd News yesterday.' Lies, Damn Lies, and False Rape Statistics
  • A nest that was placed in the fork of a bough was composed entirely of slender twigs, the petioles of some pennated-leaved tree, bound together all round the outside with abundance of cobwebs, so that notwithstanding the incoherent nature of the materials the nest was extremely firm. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • It's a fairly minor wound but he's quite incoherent.
  • The dark-haired boy buried his face further into Sully's neck, answering Sully's sleepy inquiry with a incoherent mumble.
  • Nonetheless, it is hard to ignore the fact that there is something incoherent about UK monetary policy at the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He came up to me after and he was completely incoherent. The Sun
  • We're not actually sure why they bothered, though: most branches of Tescos have their doorways cluttered by hordes of incoherent young people in ugly clothes getting in people's way.
  • The following morning Miss Cadden's friends believed she had gone out to an exam and she was not seen until lunchtime, by which point she was rambling, incoherent and unable to help herself.
  • I turned red and sputtered something incoherent.
  • Still, in rebutting the charge that the Trinity is against reason, the philosopher may offer conceptual clarity to the skeptic and show that the doctrine is not incoherent or irrational.
  • Though he was incoherent and loud, at times my impression was that he was not psychotic or manic.
  • Natural language is incoherent, and its underlying sensible structure is that of an infinite hierarchy of levels.
  • His mother gaped as he blabbered incoherently, dripping his own blood and vomiting bloody red raspberries onto the linoleum. Eggshell White Frigidaire
  • The cool, cerebral White House might logically conclude that Wednesday's decidedly uncool, uncerebral "tea bag" protests were intellectually and politically incoherent, and therefore not worth a second thought. Best of the Blogs
  • In this paper, we propose a novel digital matrix vector multiplication and the incoherent optical correlator to compute discrete wavelet transforms.
  • Son, inconsistent and incoherent is no way to go through life. Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • Now an all newborn procreation of our youngness module hit the quantity to undergo this incoherent fear: blockquoteWarner Bros. is doing It, tapping Dave Kajganich to alter author King's novel, with Dan sculpturer and Vertigo's Roy Lee and Doug Davison producing. Planet Malaysia
  • He didn't answer, but muttered something incoherent under his breath as he slowly shook his head. The Sun
  • And that night, coming out of the cannery, he was interviewed by his fellow workmen, who were very angry and incoherently slangy. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • The literal English translation is simply ungrammatical, and most readers would find it incoherent.
  • The report shows that he was incoherent and confused at the interview.
  • To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless.
  • The heart of the matter was simple: post-war planning was completely incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have not found that the ordinary logical mind has in either ancient or modern literature been able to find them internally incoherent.
  • He was, at first, incoherent with rage, and, with his clearly visible, ever-mounting blood pressure, we feared an apoplectic stroke. THE LONELY SEA
  • Prissy burst into tears and incoherent mumblings: " Poke!
  • Unblinking, he stared into the fire, mouthing incoherent words, repeating the unfamiliar syllables through limp, drooling flews.
  • So tepid arguments between mumbling, incoherent, misinformed gentlemen speckle the news programmes.
  • In its predecessor, Fiasco, Ricks’ heroes were Gen. David Petraeus and the military dissenters who saw the Iraq war as incoherent and astrategic. One Wrench | ATTACKERMAN
  • [T] he doctrinal battle ... [in Kaur] really is rooted in empty, incoherent blather The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Debate Over Eminent Domain “Empty and Incoherent”?
  • Abelard defends his thesis that universals are nothing but words by arguing that ontological realism about universals is incoherent.
  • There is insufficient link up between conversations and the plot therefore becomes flat and incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darin was right; I did feel better after babbling my incoherent misgivings.
  • War also can be inchoate and incoherent, its object not far removed from insensate mayhem.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • Incoherently coupled dark-dark , bright-bright and bright-dark screening soliton pairs in centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals are possible due photorefractive effect.
  • The result is a borderline-incoherent story that is so riddled with holes and impossibilities that it defies understanding.
  • This is not simply incoherent and irresponsible, but a monument to self-contradiction. A civil rights official disgraces himself
  • The tripartite structure was incoherent, without clear lines of accountability. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, if one agrees with most contemporary philosophers that divine simplicity is deeply problematic (if not incoherent), then one will want to look for another solution to the problem (or give up the dependence claim and insist that the sovereignty-aseity intuition does not require abstracta to depend on God). God and Other Necessary Beings
  • Mr. Stiggins began to sigh in a dismal manner, he plainly evinced his disapprobation of the whole proceedings, by sundry incoherent ramblings of speech, among which frequent angry repetitions of the word 'gammon' were alone distinguishable to the ear. The Pickwick Papers
  • Here's the American Heritage Dictionary on "maundering": 1. To talk incoherently or aimlessly. "It was a strategic mistake to send Sarah Palin out on the stump as warrior girl. Mr. McCain is war-y enough."
  • I assume that incoherent sentence translates as "I've never seen a post or link with instructions on how to join the fight". The draft scare.
  • Sorry, Nathan, but I find your “arguments” here to illogical, incoherent, and full of wild leaps and strawmen. coturnix AAAS Dismisses Blogs - The Panda's Thumb
  • Hulse could, of course, have found a large number of economists -- including those who have worked for Republican administrations -- to note that steadfast insistence on deficit reduction, without any willingness to raise taxes, is arguably incoherent and plausibly indicative of dishonesty or detachment from reality? Jonathan Weiler: New York Times Acts as Press Secretary for House GOP Freshmen in Deficit Fight
  • The old man became incoherent as the disease got worse.
  • I'm incoherent and sad and inarticulate and outraged.
  • He was so drunk that he was quite incoherent.
  • It claimed the current system was unsustainable, unfair and incoherent, and other countries such as Germany and Japan had produced much more coherent systems for assessing needs and sharing costs.
  • As with K60, the semi-variogram of the cross-hair samples is essentially flat over all lags - and here we note an excellent correspondence with the level of incoherent variability exhibited downhole.
  • All I needed to read was about three posts of yours to realzie that your incoherent flailing around for a stick with which to beat Obama was not in any illuminative. Hillary: Obama Is So Friendly, He Won't Fight
  • What was this hymn which now the tenors sang, and what was the answer that came from all the voices so close to me, the words in Latin unstrung and only incoherently enveloping me: "Lord, I am come into the Valley of Death; Lord, I am come to the end of my Sorrow; Lord, in thy deliverance I give life to those who would be idle in Hell were it not for thy divine plan. Vittorio, The Vampire
  • Yes, I wonder whether there might have been a scribal error in that case: the sentence as presented seems not so much ungrammatical as simply incoherent.
  • His economic policy is completely incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • JB has a tiny gun, and it makes him lash out in incoherent and angry ways. Think Progress » POLL: More Than 70% Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Comfortable Serving Alongside Openly Gay Troops
  • On Friday, though, for all its colour, flair and energy, his playing was often incoherent, self-indulgent and slam-bang crass.
  • Your trolling is very incoherent, very positive, but incoherent. Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Grant
  • The letter is long, rambling, abusive and incoherent.
  • Schizophrenics express their thoughts in incoherent ways and harbor beliefs unshared by others, usually encompassing a suspicion that they are targets of attention.
  • Its strange how so many little problems can render me a mumbling, incoherent madman.
  • If you want to hear incoherent ad-libbing, take a trip to the links I posted. Barack Obama can't even repeat the Oath of Office without the prompt being repeated
  • [T] he doctrinal battle ... [in Kaur] really is rooted in empty, incoherent blather that can never be a satisfying basis for a doctrine. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Debate Over Eminent Domain “Empty and Incoherent”?
  • This encouraged speculation that a man so apparently incoherent couldn't have written his own lyrics.
  • Her mouth opened in indignation as she sputtered incoherent, half-formed words.
  • Soon after, they found Hazel sitting by a tree, muttering incoherent threats.
  • There is insufficient link up between conversations and the plot therefore becomes flat and incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, it is hard to ignore the fact that there is something incoherent about UK monetary policy at the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • His economic policy is completely incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Luciana appears near incoherent (based on Giovanni's side of the conversation) and her debonair, eloquent lover a frazzled and henpecked rube.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • Much of the rest of the e-mail is rambling, incoherent, badly written, nonsensical, fanciful, and downright unbelievable.
  • Let's be honest, a huge number of songs are virtually incoherent usually due to the artist's addled brain.
  • Let us banish from our minds the New York Times's recent profile of MIA and its author, Lynn Hirschberg, who, depending on your view, is either asmart journalist that gave a gobby, incoherent pop star enough rope, or someone so intent on stitching MIA upshe might as well have rocked up with a sewing machine instead of a Dictaphone and a plate of truffle chips – Arulpragasam's fondness for the latter being apparently symbolic of her inherent hypocrisy. MIA: Maya | CD Review
  • The second main reply to that argument is that it involves an incoherent mix of determinism and indeterminism.
  • Sentences swerve between different constructions, words are sometimes misapplied, set descriptions incoherent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, the bloom is off the Engage rose, as what I thought was a good-faith exchange of interpretations of Seven Jewish Children resulted in a display of incoherent, mocking defensiveness that I had thought, in my innocence, was largely absent over there. Archive 2009-05-01
  • If we approached him, he would yell loud and incoherently in a state of extreme panic.
  • But his methods are so boneheaded and his argument so incoherent, it's impossible to tell what he wants to do besides humiliate his actors, insult lesbians and drive his defenders into a state of apoplexy.
  • We didn't really take it to its logical conclusion, so it's sprawling and incoherent and needs working with some scissors.
  • Four sides of incoherent and interjectional beginnings of sentences, that had no end, except blots, were inadequate to afford her any relief. David Copperfield
  • Their atrophied sense of integrity and largely incoherent rambling suggested that this would prove a far more difficult task than I first imagined.
  • This means that coherent spin waves will appear below the temperature at which magnetic ordering sets in, while a transverse incoherent component will exist above.
  • Its incoherent political structure had altered little in a thousand years. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • Mrs. Hastings sputtered incoherently in response before suddenly jumping to her feet in a desperate attempt to compose herself.
  • Clearly unhappy with the attention he was receiving around that time, he gave a number of rambling, incoherent interviews that hinted at some of the darker recesses of his psyche.
  • The literary establishment's incoherent critique combines snobbish disdain for popular culture with an ahistorical philistinism.
  • She pressed her palms against her stinging eyes, sobbing his name incoherently.
  • The man was almost incoherent with fear.
  • I found it by turns, unreadable, incoherent, breathtakingly dull, or positively disturbing.
  • Moreover the capital controversy revealed that important aspects of aggregate neoclassical theory were logically incoherent.
  • This is a very odd stance, simultaneously incoherent and wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not everything works well in Crime as its second disc gets a little muddled with some incoherent and cartoonish moments of slapstick.
  • I don't think he will appreciate us turning her into a giddy school girl with incoherent ramblings.
  • Stare amazedly at incoherent stack of parts and "hardware" while wondering how in the world she talked you into this again. Lance Mannion:
  • French viniculture is a stumbling, incoherent, incontinent thing in terminal crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The entire café erupted into an incoherent mass of noise.
  • Edwards begins by attempting to show that libertarianism is incoherent.
  • He started walking, apparently ignoring Ron's loud, angry protests, incoherent from within the shop.
  • This is easy to believe about one of the funniest comedians around… a man who has raised the bar for incoherent muttering and elevated rambling to a high art.
  • By the swaying of the sea which late he overpassed, being tempestive, and by other things, my nephew is rendered incoherent. Privy Seal His Last Venture
  • This form, music video, paired popular songs with series of incoherent images held together by thin narratives.
  • I'm not a public speaker to begin with, and so what if I just embarrass myself, or come across as inarticulate and incoherent?
  • I suppose he means by this two things: that these great movements of our modern life are not any evidence of a permanent advance, and that our whole structure may tumble into a heap of incoherent sand, as systems of society have done before; and, again, that it is questionable if, in what we call a stride in civilization, the individual citizen is becoming any purer or more just, or if his intelligence is directed towards learning and doing what is right, or only to the means of more extended pleasures. Complete Essays
  • He's a fascinating character, albeit a frustratingly incoherent one when the copious drugs he takes are in full flow.
  • A couple of months ago when Deborah Howell was "deluged" with "uncivilized" comments about her failure to correct a blatant misrepresentation, the Washington Post ombudsman and others had a shrieking fit of the vapors and spent days on the fainting couch mumbling incoherently about the rude insults they had to endure. Hullabaloo
  • The Prime Minister raved incoherently: ‘I see myself as the big fat spider in the corner of the room.’
  • It is incoherent and wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an incoherent assemblage of biological and cultural energies, each open to indefinite mutual recombinations or failed combinations that can register at various points on the scale from general experience to complete idiosyncrasy, the "subject" can never be apprehended, however often it is interpellated and in whatever terms (language, desire, class, gender and so on). Is Literary History the History of Everything? The Case for 'Antiquarian' History
  • The writing collapses into incoherent ranting, lacking grammar or punctuation.
  • Embarrassed, all he could manage was mumble an incoherent reply.
  • Remember, that chapter is written straight from his inner subconscious, so naturally, it'd all be a babble of incoherent thoughts.
  • It made sense at that moment, you know, to roar incoherent nonsense while standing on stage with one of my musical icons.
  • The archbishop being with the gonfalonier, under pretense of having something to communicate on the part of the pope, addressed him in such an incoherent and hesitating manner, that the gonfalonier at once suspected him, and rushing out of the chamber to call assistance, found Jacopo di The History of Florence
  • Some of them feel a need to defend this by writing indigestible, difficult to understand books that are incoherent.
  • Rather it's the incoherent screenplay, direction which jerks from one improbable setting to another and lets itself wander off into teen romance.
  • The Pythia would rave and babble incoherently.
  • I shouted something incoherent, about wanting to be first in at the death, and as they halloed encouragement after me I put my pony to a trot, hanging on grimly, and set off down the road. Fiancée
  • I suspect there is a direct correlation between the 'dumbing down' of America through a crumbling education system and the pooh-poohing of knowledge as elitist, and the increase in kooky candidates and those already in office who spew brazenly incoherent rhetoric, scientifically disturbing stances, and culturally backward ideals -- a breed of candidates and politicians that is eminently unqualified for offices they hold or aspire to. Rizwan A. Rahmani: The Anti-Intellectualization of America and Commensurate Candidates
  • She knew she was rambling; she knew she was slightly incoherent; she didn't care.
  • How is any of it illogical or internally incoherent?
  • His most recent press conference was rambling and almost incoherent. The Sun
  • Given the facts in this case, the jury's verdict is logically incoherent.
  • I was tempted to yell back from my room, but anything I said would have come out highly muffled and incoherent, although to my mind it would've been a cutting remark yelled at the top of my lungs.
  • Well first of all I believe we have to change this language, which is incoherent.
  • Madmen are of some nation, and their language, however incoherent in its words, has always the coherence of syllabification. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • One wrote on a web forum: 'It was an incoherent mess. The Sun
  • At last, he asked: ‘How can we help you?’, on which cue I burst into tears and blubbered incoherently.
  • “I don’t know if the term incoherent would apply,” he said. Lawyer in case of slain children may use defense similar to Yates
  • He called the policy 'incoherent and ill-thought out'.
  • This is a very odd stance, simultaneously incoherent and wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the light in her room grew ghostlier, Princess Sophia's voice became gradually incoherent, dropped to a vague whisper, and finally ceased. The Genius
  • My father, who spoke in occasional incoherent utterances, and was fed through a gastrostomy tube, was intubated and placed on a mechanical respirator a half a dozen times before he passed away.
  • The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurses.
  • The startling images and poetic text seem at first as incoherent as the ramblings of an old woman's mind.
  • His wife sputtered incoherently for a moment before shouting, ‘But he cannot afford to marry her!’
  • She was incoherent and hadn't answered any questions.
  • Many of her speeches could sound pretentiously gnomic, or ramblingly incoherent.

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