How To Use Inclination In A Sentence

  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • Few chefs teach them and fewer have the inclination or time to learn. Times, Sunday Times
  • That most people walk in an ungraceful, ungainly and awkward manner with a forward inclination of the body does not mean that it is the normal way of walking.
  • You must follow your own inclinations when choosing a career.
  • We should be basing our decisions on solid facts, not inclinations and hunches.
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  • My polygamist tendencies wouldn't jive with your inclination for monogamy.
  • In order to convey the coal by using gravity, most coal mines have upward angle of inclination.
  • If you decide to follow your own inclination wear a bulletproof vest. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the world will say: now she is at liberty to pursue her inclination, the parson is the man.
  • First, the relative inclination of the two orbits means their paths do not intersect.
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.
  • What attachments to the homestead shall thus inweave themselves about the hearts of those whose interests and life are cast with it -- and still more, of those who go forth from it, by taste, inclination, or bias, into the more bustling centres of competition and trade! The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • First of all, the penalty for the ISS orbital inclination is only 6.3% of payload capacity. Today's Video: Like None Other - Restored Moon Images to Help Future Moon Missions - NASA Watch
  • This inclination was supported by his decision in 1909, to join the Theosophical Society, where the religious mysticism encouraged him to turn inward to spiritual life.
  • General Assembly of the Kirk, his acquaintance with the nobleman who held the office of Lord High Commissioner forced him more into public than suited either his views or inclinations. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Even so, Sabriel had a strong disinclination to enter the realm of the dead until she absolutely had to. SABRIEL
  • I have neither the time nor the inclination to play stupid games!
  • Don't speak, one can lazy pig to sleep with a rod, and three insolation, a person can follow one's inclinations no emotional baggage.
  • You must follow your own inclinations when choosing a career.
  • All this exactness of requisition appeared to me to be going rather too far; and I exhibited my feeling on the subject, in the tone in which I replied, that I had stated every thing that was necessary for the satisfaction of a "man of sense, but that I had neither the faculty nor the inclination to indulge the captiousness of any man. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • Besides catalyzing their mystical and religious inclinations, he also provides assistance of a more practical sort.
  • And that may be faid to be impure or mixt, which is partly voluntary, and partly involun - tary; voluntary abfolutely or upon the whole, but fecundum quidy or in a certain refpefit in - voluntary, or againft the inclination of the Will. An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal Or Intelligible World. Design'd for ...
  • Mortimer also discovered symptoms of lush-logic, for though he had an inclination to keep up the chaff, his dictionary appeared to be new modelled, and his lingo abridged by repeated clips at his mother tongue, by which he afforded considerable food for laughter. Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. Or, The Rambles And Adventures Of Bob Tallyho, Esq., And His Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall, Through The Metropolis; Exhibiting A Living Picture Of Fashionable Characters, Manners, And Amusements In High And Low Life
  • Am I not, Sir, a bookman by my inclination, a bookseller by my trade? MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • She has artistic inclinations.
  • It also acknowledges that patients differ in their choice of therapies according to their aptitudes and inclinations towards the various options.
  • I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could inspect my behind with a wooden spatula.
  • He is, by inclination, eager to please, keen to win support within his party and go with the political grain.
  • Bona fide amortal: You have strong amortal inclinations and are already living agelessly, at least in some respects. The Guardian World News
  • He has an inclination to stoutness / to be fat.
  • Your inclinations are based on common sense and sound medical practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, like grace and beauty, that which begets liking and an inclination to love one another at the first sight, and in the very beginning of acquaintance; and, consequently, that which first opens the door and intromits us to instruct ourselves by the example of others, and to give examples ourselves, if we have any worth taking notice of and communicating. The Essays of Montaigne — Complete
  • Sin has much more weakened man's will than darkened his intellect, and the rebellion of the sensual appetite, which we call concupiscence, does indeed disturb the understanding, but still it is against the will that it principally stirs up sedition and revolt: so that the poor will, already quite infirm, being shaken with the continual assaults which concupiscence directs against it, cannot make so great progress in divine love as reason and natural inclination suggest to it that it should do. Treatise on the Love of God
  • The natural inclination of the index finger is to point. Times, Sunday Times
  • This small journey seems quite a formidable expedition to me, and that sort of cowardly feeling of incapacity and disinclination for the smallest effort or unusual exertion is the growth of a two years 'habit over that of thirty preceding ones, and is a greater sign of age than white hairs, wrinkles, or loss of teeth. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • It was in a particular manner noted for fornication, insomuch that a Corinthian woman was a proverbial phrase for a strumpet, and korinthiazein, korinthiasesthai -- to play the Corinthian, is to play the whore, or indulge whorish inclinations. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • For I question not, but God can so qualify and determine the will of a rational agent, (and that without the least diminution to its natural freedom,) that the inclination and bias of it shall wholly propend to good, and that from a mere love of goodness itself, without any consideration of a further recompence. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Many people in this category have strong artistic and creative inclinations.
  • The machine-rolled product tapped into pro football fans as the brand they can trade up to from mass market stogies or down to when they do not have the inclination to buy a $5 smoke.
  • The higher coercivity component has a inclination that is steeper than expected and a NW declination.
  • Jillian says: In a way my initial exploration into the people we call the Celts had nothing to do with the Celts themselves but more to do with my growing inclination and curiosity with the world and events that surrounded them. Hosks Half Hour
  • A slight inclination of Roxy's head indicated to Helen that she knew about her estrangement from Tim.
  • There is, however, with us, an inclination to apply this word particularly to those purer and more compact sorts which are adapted for fuel, while to the lighter, less decomposed or more weathered kinds, and to those which are considerably intermixed with soil or silt, the term muck or swamp muck is given. Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel
  • Hounds that show a disinclination to kill are kicked or whipped as punishment, and may later be put down.
  • Our daughter of 22 months makes a lot of babbling conversation but is showing no real inclination to speak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The various non-stoichiometric substituents may be responsible for these observations, which subsequently may lead to the observed inclination.
  • Americans have either no leisure, or no inclination for those moments of delassement that all other people, I believe, indulge in. Domestic Manners of the Americans
  • The genre was known for its urbane disinclination to perform any icky operations involving hearts: pouring them out, for instance, or affixing them to sleeves.
  • Even if the ministry had the desire to do us justice, their unacquaintance with our wants would prevent their inclinations from being of any service to us; though I am not disposed to think, from our past experience, that any Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • This volume argued that true religion resides in the heart, or the seat of affections, emotions, and inclinations.
  • A man with a university education, with an inclination to the practice of cunnilinctus, assured me that this inclination began in childhood. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • Given New Yorkers' inclination to declare themselves with intense passion on even the most minor issues, this silence might seem odd.
  • As the modern man of fashion, when an exterior compliance with the tonish habits of high life rendered simulation and conformity necessary, he generally acquitted himself in a style that seemed to say he was only in his proper element, and met with his equals alone in the first circles of elegant society; but the real character of this young and amiable man never appeared in its true colouring to such advantage, as, when freed from the trammels situation and circumstances frequently imposed upon it, he found himself at liberty to follow the genuine bent of inclination, which secretly pointed to rational enjoyments, pleasures unaccompanied by the sting of after reproach, and a participation in all the milder and more tranquil virtues to be met with in the less elevated stations of private life. Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
  • Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself
  • My uncle, indeed, would have released the young lady vi et armis, had his strength been equal to his inclination; and in so doing, I would have willingly lent my assistance, both from a desire to serve such The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • But they are all still Leftists with the same dictatorial inclinations.
  • We discipline our natural inclination for freedom without responsibility. Christianity Today
  • That most people walk in an ungraceful, ungainly and awkward manner with a forward inclination of the body does not mean that it is the normal way of walking.
  • Despite the hand-wringing that followed, there was no inclination to consider whether the NSC should be reserved for civilian leadership. Dangers of a politicized military
  • Another cause of widespread absenteeism is the fact that many teachers are posted to remote rural districts to which they have no previous ties or inclination to live. Capitalism without Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But none, I assure you, of an age or inclination to elope with an adolescent foreigner!
  • It should be noted, regarding Hammett's disinclination to sell out his employer in this story, that this desperately ill, lifelong claustrophobe, an old man at the age of fifty-seven, spent twenty-two weeks in federal prison during the Red-baiting fifties because he refused to give up the names of men who had trusted him. Locked Rooms
  • For instance, even the most scrupulous "handicapping" system can make little allowance for the indolence of a horse like Sea The Stars, whose superiority always seemed masked by an inclination to take it easy once he had hit the front. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • He then showed his inclination to teach by tutoring the other pupils at the school for their final examinations although he was much younger than the pupils he helped.
  • From the moment of his arrival in England, George of Denmark showed no sign of any inclination to use his social position as a springboard for a political career.
  • I have been informed that polygamical love and the love of the sex, also the lust of deflowering and the lust of variety, have induced the minds (_animos_) of some to desire repeated marriages; and that the minds of some have also been induced thereto by a fear of the law and of the loss of reputation, in case they commit whoredom: besides several other circumstances which promote external inclinations to matrimony. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Placed in Charterhouse School in London in 1817, Beddoes showed a great inclination to literary production and public spectacle. Introduction
  • Being ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, you've always had the inclinations of a new romantic, even when grunge dominated.
  • The first force is the inclination of the masses to convert into reality the political rights conceded to them on paper.
  • Because of the Mercury's high orbital inclination, it can be seen crossing the disk of the sun only rarely.
  • For example, at each location on the globe, the geomagnetic field lines intersect the Earth's surface at a specific angle of inclination.
  • Unfortunately, this education breeds and dignifies some dangerous inclinations.
  • While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
  • Now, though Captain Riga had not been guilty of any particular outrage against the sailors; yet, by a thousand small meannesses -- such as indirectly causing their allowance of bread and beef to be diminished, without betraying any appearance of having any inclination that way, and without speaking to the sailors on the subject -- by this, and kindred actions, I say, he had contracted the cordial dislike of the whole ship's company; and long since they had bestowed upon him a name unmentionably expressive of their contempt. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • Slope inclination and aspect were recorded at several locations within each stand.
  • This place needs a tenant with an eye for aesthetics and the inclination to show it off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every living being is under the plan of his natural inclinations in terms of the modes of material nature.
  • The results of the analysis could play a important role in prediction of herringbone buckling and its angle of inclination on strip rolling line.
  • What I certainly don't feel is guilty about the fact that I have no inclination to watch.
  • I've no inclination to hang around bridle paths, panting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though, as I mentioned, my inclinations are with Wilson, I think Gould is right in staying onside with Hume - I think one is always right in staying onside with Hume!
  • Many of us can think of a dream job… that perfect position matching our aptitudes and our inclinations.
  • The conversible World join to a sociable Disposition, and a Taste of Pleasure, an Inclination to the easier and more gentle Exercises of the Understanding, to obvious Reflections on human Affairs, and the Duties of common Life, and to the Observation of the Blemishes or Perfections of the particular Objects, that surround them. Weblogs and the Conversible World
  • “The inclination of the axis of the earth is so duly proportionated for the making it as habitable as it can be, that the wit of man cannot imagine any posture better” (p. 162). COSMIC FALL
  • The equivalent linearization method is used to analyze the nonlinear vibration of engineering equipments caused by certain gap between different parts as well as some preload inclination.
  • I also, though much against my inclination, shall decamp; for he might perhaps consider me as an adviser, caballer, confidante, or at least a troublesome spectator. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • The most recent studies are focusing now on apigenin and BITC that show a complementary cancer prevention inclination. Which cruciferious vegetables help prevent cancer, according to latest studies?
  • But his great abstinence of all was from Sleep, and strange it was that one of such a Fleshly and sanguine composition, could overwatch so many heavy propense inclinations to Rest. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • Whenever I do have a little surplus cash - not very often may I add - my inclination would be to invest in art.
  • The direction and inclination of the stratum remain the same, and the thonschiefer, which takes the look of a transition-rock, is but a modification of the primitive mica-slate of Maniquarez, containing garnets, cyanite, and rutile titanite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • And if you would allow wearing of crosses, but ban burkas … Or, maybe support the banning of both (as is the inclination (if not the legal situation …?) in secularist France …? Anglican Diocese of Montreal supports the burka « Anglican Samizdat
  • If you decide to follow your own inclination wear a bulletproof vest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freedom for him is something that belongs to a person when he is not hindered from following his preferences and inclinations.
  • When I came home, Andy had taken his place and showed little inclination to get up after I helped R. on with her robe.
  • an inclination of his head indicated his agreement
  • her inclination is for classical music
  • He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things.
  • He says the NGO presence has permanently " infantilized " the country, creating a vicious cycle: The government lacks the money — and historically, the inclination — to provide social services. Aid Spawns Backlash in Haiti
  • I think that they have an inclination to talk too much just to what they call controlled assets, that is spies that they ` ve recruited and pay. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2006
  • This explains why he has neither the time nor the inclination to form his own tastes. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is also an inclination towards fragmentary form. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Baron showed no disinclination to conclude their somewhat dull sederunt and consent to an early retirement. Doom Castle
  • They are people with special tastes, inclinations and resources.
  • In addition, the inclination of fibers relative to the sagittal and transverse planes was lower than in wild type fish.
  • Teachers simply do not have the time or the inclination to investigate these matters.
  • Among the characteristics of the yellow or xanthodermic race are: deficient length of the limbs; total height 7 to 7.5 heads; mamma papillata; brownish-yellow to light yellow skin, coarse and black hair of the head, with a round cross - section; hair on the body scant; inclination to brachycephaly; broad, short jaw; slight frontal ridge; short, small, strong foot with moderate arch. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • I have neither the time nor the inclination to play stupid games!
  • Our attraction to the sin in the world and to the temptations of the devil is called concupiscence, and is defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church as an ‘inclination to evil’.
  • We discipline our natural inclination for freedom without responsibility. Christianity Today
  • It uses a swash plate design that imparts reciprocating motion via the inclination of a faceplate on a shaft relative to the axis of rotation.
  • The speleologists have been so busy up here in what we call the temperate zone that they haven't had a chance or the inclination to take their lights any deeper. Flinx In Flux
  • In it, he argued that people were not prisoners of their own destiny, and that happiness was thus not to be found in simply following one's own inclinations, but in perfecting oneself through active cultivation.
  • Learn while you have the time and the inclination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great diversity of plants in the formation is due to local variation in soil conditions, topography, slope inclination and resultant microclimates.
  • He practiced law at Florence and observed with optimate disapproval the increasing disinclination of Giuliano and Lorenzo to share power with anyone but their intimates.
  • Those Romans' stolid inclination towards straight lines meant that if a topographical outcrop loomed in their way, they simply built up and over it.
  • But if the adversaries will contend that the fomes [or evil inclination] is an adiaphoron, not only many passages of Scripture but simply the entire Church [and all the Fathers] will contradict them. Apology of the Augsburg Confession
  • By depending on the religious inclination of the general public he has evinced extremely penetrating insight.
  • While his political preference is for compromise, I think his heritage meas that his natural inclination will be for an investigation with due process for the deceased. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • So now, when they are most in need, investors have little inclination to bail them out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor do I have the slightest inclination to learn anything more about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The powers remain, but they now follow the inclinations of man's perverted and self-centred heart.
  • * leave them void of opination, and without inclination, 01 mo - The Court of the Gentiles, Or, A Discourse Touching the Original of Human Literature: Both ...
  • To this exhortation, which seemed intended for her sole behoof, the lady answered by an inclination of her head, more humble than Captain A Legend of Montrose
  • There is also a "parallactic" libration, depending on the earth's rotation; and a species of nodding movement -- the "libration in latitude" -- is produced by the inclination of the moon's axis to her orbit, and by her changes of position with regard to the terrestrial equator. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • The problem is that many of us are out of touch with our natural inclinations.
  • Unfortunately, this talent had a weak side: her inclination toward indulgence and spoiling her little darlings.
  • There's no reason to believe the president has any inclination to stop him from kecking up his verbal bile all over the office carpets again.
  • She had neither the time nor the inclination to help them.
  • Collections such as these enforced a natural inclination to conservatism on the part of their founders. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Neither of my children showed the merest inclination to follow me into journalism or television.
  • Inclinations towards freedom, however, are not proof against systematic countermeasures.
  • If you've got the time, or the inclination, layer on a single stroke of eye shadow in sheer shades of lavender, iridescent plum, taupe or bronzy brown.
  • We see a little more of Zhou Xun and some inclination ofhow Confucius became the wise man we all have come to know and love but, and the reason this trailer is being included this week, the movie simply looks like a movie that deserves to be sought out and seen. This Week In Trailers: Re-Wire, City of Life, Massacrator, The Way Beyond, Confucius | /Film
  • his disinclination for modesty is well known
  • As an old countryman, I have never had an inclination to hunt, but to compare traditional hunting to ‘sports’ like pig-sticking and cock-fighting is offensive.
  • In this situation the vertical axis of the body is rotated against the inclination of the substrate as if to compensate for the effect of substrate inclination.
  • But universities inclined to blame schools for low student attainment will find that the inclination is mutual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are you ready to finally have your most deafening inclinations and desires voiced for you?
  • He was a marketing vice president and a highly creative and task-oriented person with a natural inclination toward dominant behavior.
  • People with gluttonish inclinations can easily and do make themselves sick while subsisting on an entirely fruit diet; hence, if discretion is needed in the use of the simplest articles of food, of course it cannot be dispensed with while indulging in other sorts. Minnesota; Its Character and Climate Likewise Sketches of Other Resorts Favorable to Invalids; Together With Copious Notes on Health; Also Hints to Tourists and Emigrants.
  • It is not their inclination to debunk combat heroes…
  • Three of the ladies made it through the first ward, with its cases of scrofula, scabies, eczema, defluxions, and stinking pyemia, before deciding that their charitable inclinations could be entirely satisfied by a donation to L'Hôpital, and fleeing back to the dispensary to shed the rough hopsacking gowns with which we had been furnished. Dragonfly in Amber
  • The anterior cornu (cornu anterius; anterior horn; precornu) (Fig. 736) passes forward and lateralward, with a slight inclination downward, from the interventricular foramen into the frontal lobe, curving around the anterior end of the caudate nucleus. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • And the same, who feeleth this inclination in himselfe, by all likelihood may hope, or rather confidently repose in the preordinance of God, that in this last age of the world (or likely neuer) the time is compleat of receiuing also these The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of The English Nation, Vol. XII., America, Part I.
  • My natural inclination was to say no.
  • There was a tendency to abuse freedom, and a disinclination to accept systems.
  • In politics there was little to commend a disinclination to cause offence.
  • So now, when they are most in need, investors have little inclination to bail them out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every herdsman and shepherd knows the danger to be apprehended from the inclination of some of either kind to "sidle" off from the plain and beaten track and pluck the green leaves of the laurel to their own destruction. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
  • These bodies move in planes at all possible inclinations in orbits extremely eccentrical and without any general direction -- as many moving contrary to the direction of the planets as in the opposite direction; and when we consider their great volume, and their want of mass, it appears, at first sight, that comets do present a serious objection to the theory. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • I would not have the time or inclination. The Sun
  • “Raising taxes to redistribute wealth in the present ignores the long-term disinclination to work hard in the long term” was the worst one. Expect a Homeland Security Threat Level Ramp-Up Sometime Today « Whatever
  • Thus the man is just; and he goes towards God with fervent love in eternal activity; and he goes in God with fruitive inclination in eternal rest. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • The papers were fragmentary, consisting of parts of a Reclaiming Petition and some portion of a Proof that had been led in support of a brieve of service; but I got enough to enable me to give the story, which I shall do in such a connected manner as to take the reader along with me, I hope pleasantly, and without any inclination to choke upon the foresaid bones. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • This place needs a tenant with an eye for aesthetics and the inclination to show it off. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the Supper was over, the Count renew'd his Addresses to _Isabella_, who seem'd a little more compliable, but would not allow him the Fredom he desir'd, which had the usual Consequences of encreasing his Inclinations: It growing late, he carry'd her, to his Chamber, where after some Time, she, was oblig'd to go to Bed with him. Tractus de Hermaphrodites Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites
  • For fapans, the mimeograph was the reproductive method of choice (and wouldn't that statement have gotten a reaction from the membership), but a few of the sixty-five members had the equipment and inclination to get fancy. Sara Ryan
  • The amaryllis is ideal for people who have little time or inclination to spend on high-maintenance flowers and plants.
  • And it's also the birthplace of Banjo Paterson - a balladeer with a romantic inclination when it came to immortalising the bush and its inhabitants.
  • A revolution of some importance in my plan of life had just taken place; for instead of procuring a commission in the footguards, which was my own inclination [1], I had, in compliance with my father's wishes, agreed to study the law; and was soon to set out for Utrecht, to hear the lectures of an excellent Civilian in that University, and then to proceed on my travels. Life Of Johnson
  • His natural inclination is to stay as close to the slope as possible, because it feels safer and more secure.
  • Many Gujarati Hindu women in fact shared it; they showed little inclination to soothe the pain of the victims and survivors.
  • The way of avoiding such tragedies is for everyone to follow his own inclinations, more or less as they arise.
  • Since our inclination is usually to evade what's difficult, we may find an increasing disproportion between our power and our depth.
  • The amaryllis is ideal for people who have little time or inclination to spend on high-maintenance flowers and plants.
  • he had an inclination to give up too easily
  • In matters of dress she followed her personal inclinations rather than fashion.
  • MAO's thought of remoulding society by morality is the most resplendent part of his early ideology, and reflects his moralism and voluntarism inclination.
  • He recognized the claims both of social convention and of personal inclination, and no man better evoked the power of passion to overwhelm the scruples of even the most highly principled person.
  • This is not entirely the result of political control, since the privately owned press shows no greater inclination towards investigative journalism.
  • Chut, chut," cried Aimée, the more irritably that her maternal feelings had to overcome her natural inclination to superstition. A Loose End and Other Stories
  • ‘The refugees and asylum seekers are generally law-abiding and educated and have no inclination towards crime,’ he said.
  • We also recorded terrain inclination angle, observer distance, time of day, date and year.
  • All six are retrograde orbits with inclinations greater than 90 degrees.
  • My natural inclination is to find a compromise.
  • My own learning has taken place at the fertile conjunction of Hinduism and Buddhism, although my deistic inclination firmly locates me in the former tradition.
  • Those sentiments of love, which fathers and mothers have for their children -- those feelings of affection, which children, with good inclinations, bear towards their parents, are by no means _innate sentiments_; they are nothing more, than the effect of experience, of reflection, of habit, in souls of sensibility. The System of Nature, Volume 1
  • From foxhounds to sheep dogs, none can be successful in their natural inclinations without proper training.
  • But in him the disinclination runs particularly deep.
  • Gordon Craig with his "this is I" and "this is mine," with his three wise men, his "sad French greens" and his Chinese cherries -- Gordon Craig, so inclinational and unashamed -- has carried the precept of being a good critic, to the last extreme. Two Poems
  • I have little inclination to listen to you all evening.
  • But I say that, after it has been impressed and inculcated on the minds of hearers or readers that the apostle is treating about a regenerate man in Romans 7, it is not in our power to hinder such persons from understanding the rest of those things which are attributed to this man in a different manner from that in which they ought to be understood, that is, from receiving them in an acceptation which is not agreeable to the text and design of the apostle, and as they are not received when they are explained as relating to a man who is under sin, and under the law, especially when the inclination is a persuasive to such an interpretation, and when the concupiscence of the flesh gives a similar impulse. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • And the same, who feeleth this inclination in himself, by all likelihood may hope or rather confidently repose in the preordinance of God, that in this last age of the world Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • [186] In this connection I may quote an observation by Raffalovich: "It is natural that the invert should very clearly recall the precocity of his inclinations. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
  • CD: Although my natural inclination is more towards SF, I did end up reading a lot of fantasy during my tenure at Solaris. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Christian Dunn on Black Library's New Print on Demand Book Line
  • He portrays the young wife as a heroic suppressor of her own inclinations and passions for the common good.
  • First by reason of the very inclination of a vicious habit which we call malice, and, in this way, to sin through malice is not the same as to sin against the Holy Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Central to the concept is the paradox that while we believe we can tame nature we also seek to learn about our deepest desires and inclinations by communing with the primeval.
  • In that context the audience would include beings of varying capacities, dispositions, and inclinations.
  • Not all in higher education have had the inclination to cover up or resist community service.
  • Her sophomore disc, the even better "21," is a breakup album with strings and a vague inclination toward rootsiness. Album review: Adele, "21"
  • The various publics, having other interests or no inclination toward foreign matters short of war, tended toward apathy.
  • By measuring polarity, variations in intensities, and changes in inclinations through a sequence of sediments or rocks, researchers can reconstruct paleomagnetic history. Poles Will Wander
  • The third possible explanation for the shallow inclination of the high temperature component of magnetization is that the dykes were rotated about horizontal axes after magnetization.
  • However, in her representation, she observes that such inclinations are quickly receding from the business landscape. The Cultural Contexts Of Mexican Business Dealings
  • Through her I have satisfied many inclinations to revenge.
  • These inclinations are apt to be familiar to the many reporters, editors and pundits who feel that career advancement is extremely important.
  • An inclination to tyranny has seldom been so readily exposed by a public figure.
  • It's not enough that those knuckleheads in Chicago and those sensitivos in California want to waste their time on the foie issue and the Whole Foods people figured out a cool marketing tool in playing to our arrogant anthropomorphist inclinations-giving lobsters spa treatment so we feel better about driving a knife through their skull. Michael Ruhlman

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