How To Use Incitation In A Sentence
Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture.
Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
This certainly seems like an incitation to violence.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Former Leader of the Southern Baptist Convention
It's called incitation à la haine (raciale, homophobe, sexiste...), and it deals with speeches or texts that encourage discrimination, violence against a given community, or the apology of crimes against humanity (sorry, that's literal translation).
Turn on the wistful Charlie Brown music
If we're not very careful, the whole campaign will assume this character of intolerance and incitation to hatred," he warned.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Perhaps I am not tolerant of intolerant people, especially of Stephen Taylor who not only condones such behaviour/remarks/incitation, I think he seeks it!
I got your wingnut welfare right here.

For a brief moment he rose above the odious web of incitation, fabrication, innuendo, attack, smear and dirty tricks that is now the standard Republican political campaign operation mode.
Archive 2008-11-01
(The incitation to violence could be illegal, but Timpone hasn't bothered to report it to police.) Outs Rich Homeowners, Sparking Glee and Anger
In that case, they should probably arrest themselves afterwards for incitation to violence.
Second day of student protests - how the demonstrations happened
In fact every time a ransom is paid it's an incitation for new candidates [and] it's also reinforcing the economy based on piracy in Somalia," he said.
Somali Pirates Threaten Far Reaches Of Indian Ocean