How To Use Incisor In A Sentence
Generally, the front, incisor and canine teeth have one canal, premolars have two canals and the back molar teeth have three.
The chief limitation on the number of fossil species studied was the rarity in museum collections of skulls with complete dentition, especially incisors.
Not too surprisingly, it had broad upper incisors and chisel-shaped lower incisors.
All animals in this order lack incisor and canine teeth, but they may have numerous simple molars in the backs of their jaws.
The latter (Fig. 17) comprise four incisors, two canines, four small grinders, called premolars or false molars, and six large grinders, or true molars, in each jaw -- making thirty-two in all.
On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals

Most diprotodonts have three pairs of incisors in their upper jaws, but this number is reduced to one pair in one family, the wombats.
During gnawing, as the incisors grind against each other, they wear away the softer dentine, leaving the enamel edge as the blade of a chisel.
Generally, the front, incisor and canine teeth have one canal, premolars have two canals and the back molar teeth have three.
Rodents and lagomorphs are prime examples of breeders among mammals and have enormous incisors for their body size.
The labial area of incisors was calculated from these measures as an approximating rectangle, and the labial area of canines as an approximating right triangle.
Unlike the large cats that have two enlarged canines, marsupial lions had enlarged incisors that were used to stab prey.
The location (distance from the nares / incisors), length and resting pressure should be recorded.
It is usually the incisors (front teeth) but the molars can also become deformed.
Megadermatids lack upper incisors, and their large canines have a secondary cusp.
Immediately she pointed out dense milk-colored pus, coming up from his gumline at his bottom incisors.
The caries located at the top of the root of the second premolar diffused to the first molar and finally caused and abcess in the jaw. a-Tarter located at the border between the crown and the roots of the incisors of the maxillar. b-Infection of the bone tissue causing recession of the alveolar bone.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Biological Anthropology Report 1
Two more chimpanzee teeth were later found at the site, an upper incisor and a tooth tentatively identified as a molar.
He opened his mouth to show a gap in the front of his mouth where an incisor should have been.
He’s a postcard president posturing for a good photo op and a one sentence sound bite so the chances of him severing his tongue with an incisor is minimized.
Think Progress » From “Mission Accomplished” to “Tough Days Ahead”
Anyhoo, all three of these migrations were of what might be called the Mongoloid racial type, or more properly were all sinodonts, since the characteristics of the Mongoloid type were still in their incipient stage, but sinodonty (a dentition pattern characterized by the presence of shovel-shaped incisors*, which evolved in Central and primarily East Asia) was a trait held in common among all members of the pre-Mongoloid race then, and the Mongoloid race today.
What the shit? -- A Bad Archaeology on TV Rant
About a quarter of the tusk - a greatly elongated upper incisor tooth - resides in the animal's head.
Moles have small, sharp incisors and canine teeth that are used for catching and eating grubs and earthworms.
The incisors seem to fly right on in once the gingiva is exposed like that.
Eruption Hematoma (gums turning blue?)
On the left side, the sockets from the first and second incisors, the canine, and the two premolars are visible.
I smiled and waved but rolled my lips over my teeth, self-conscious of the chip in my incisor Seyyed had given me during a past argument.
To Hit a Woman (Lightly)
Between the lingula and the canine tooth the cartilage disappears, while the portion of it below and behind the incisor teeth becomes ossified and incorporated with this part of the mandible.
II. Osteology. 5b. 8. The Mandible (Lower Jaw)
Each impala possesses an antelope ‘toothcomb’, comprising movable canines and incisors, specifically adapted for removing parasites from its coat.
The incisor branch is continued forward beneath the incisor teeth as far as the middle line, where it anastomoses with the artery of the opposite side; the mental branch escapes with the nerve at the mental foramen, supplies the chin, and anastomoses with the submental and inferior labial arteries.
VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
Billy has been left with only eight back teeth and his two front incisors, which dentists say are so badly decayed they will fall out in months.
We recognize four basic kinds of teeth in an individual's jaw, the incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
Yet its only luxury was the bottom of a breechloader brass cartridge, inlaid and flanked by the sharp incisors of the little Wabar, or mountain coney.
The Land of Midian
I touched the chipped edge of my incisor with the tip of my tongue.
To Hit a Woman (Lightly)
The first teeth to erupt are the incisors which appear at around 6-9 months.
The latter (Figure 17) comprise four incisors, two canines, four small grinders, called premolars or false molars, and six large grinders, or true molars, in each jaw -- making thirty-two in all.
Lectures and Essays
For years, our Scandinavian cousins put us to shame with their gleaming molars and incisors.
Firmly embedded in his forehead were two human incisors - mementos left by his would be robber.
In the mandible, there are four incisors, two canines, four premolars, and six molars.
We had a Power Bar with little incisor holes in it, some saliva.
A Bear Story
Ruminants also lack incisors in the upper jaw, and most lack canines in the upper jaw as well.
A sweet chestnut lay close by, its glossiness marred by decisive incisor scratch marks.
Billy has been left with only eight back teeth and his two front incisors, which dentists say are so badly decayed they will fall out in months.
First tooth arrives - a maxillary lateral incisor - though status-conscious parents describe it to relatives as a bicuspid.
Gregory Beyer: Life of Bro: A Chronology
Each of the four ‘worlds’ has two incisors, one canine, two bicuspids, and three molars.
All but her front incisors are capped with some very red gold, it's either very red gold or it looks coppery.
The persistence occurs most often with the upper canine and the lower second molar, and less often with the upper lateral and lower mesial incisors.
Incisors cut food, and cuspid and bicuspid teeth grasp and tear food.
In contrast to man, apes tend to have large incisor and canine teeth which are relatively larger than their molars.
Their characteristic feature is the mouth, which has two robust incisor teeth that are joined and create a ‘beak’ that can easily break madrepores and pick up tiny algae off the rocks.
My bloody incisor, a miniature phallic symbol, I will pray to you for guidance, I will bow before you and ask forgiveness.
Miracles, Inc.
The lowered position of these surfaces require downward flexion of the rostrum in order to maintain occlusion of upper and lower incisors.
These were impressive-looking beasts easily recognized by their distinctive dentition of intermeshing incisors.
As for the upper jaws, percentage incisor loss appears to be a more sensitive indicator of breakage than molar loss.
It is very difficult to judge the age of horses that have deformed mouths or that are in the habit of crib-biting, because of the irregularity in the wear of the incisors.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
The large, ever growing incisors in both rabbits and rodents do not undergo functional replacement.
A lion is a monodelphian mammal, predatory, walking on its toes, of nocturnal habits, with a short rounded head and muzzle; dental formula: Incisors (3-3)/(3-3), canines (1-1)/(1/1), præmolars
Logic Deductive and Inductive
As in all rodents, one upper and one lower incisor are always found on each side of the jaw, and canines are always absent.
The sculptures seem like bellicose battleships, flaunting jagged-ribbed fins and sawtooth incisors.
The canines are long and sharp, the carnassials are usually well developed (but not secodont in a few species), and the incisors are unspecialized.
I know that on the eastern coast of Africa is found a smaller species of walrus called the dugong: it has long incisor teeth, but not tusks; and certainly resembles a seal rather than a walrus.’
Swiss Family Robinson
Although the living African rhinos have lost their incisors, the horns are elongated and function as the primary weapon.
During the struggle it is believed the woman may have knocked out the man's lower front incisor - such a tooth was found at the scene and is being examined by forensic experts.
Each jaw has four incisors, two canines, and four molars.
First tooth arrives - a maxillary lateral incisor - though status-conscious parents describe it to relatives as a bicuspid.
Gregory Beyer: Life of Bro: A Chronology
All rodents have a single pair of upper and a single pair of lower incisors, followed by a gap, followed by one or more molars or premolars.
As in the traversodonts, a large gap - the diastema - separated the incisors from the square cheek teeth (seven on each side).
Their mouths are small and contain small incisor-like teeth that can occasionally be fused to form a beak-like structure (e.g., parrotfishes).
Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
Again, the saltatory insectivores of Africa (_Macroscelides_) not only resemble the kangaroo family (_Macropodidæ_) in their jumping habits and long hind legs, but also in the structure of their molar teeth, and even further, as I have elsewhere [52] pointed out, in a certain similarity of the upper cutting teeth, or incisors.
On the Genesis of Species
In contrast to man, apes tend to have large incisor and canine teeth which are relatively larger than their molars.
He also had large incisor teeth and the typical overbite characteristic of other kings from his family.
Incisors and canines are absent, but the anterior cheek teeth are enlarged, triangular in cross section, and canine-like. They are separated from the rest of the cheek teeth by a diastema.
The molars' purpose is to grind food, and the incisors and canine teeth are used to bite into and tear food.
The upper and lower incisors are broad and spatulate.
The digestion of incisors from mammalian carnivore prey assemblages is more extreme than that of the molars.
The normal permanent dentition comprises four incisors, two canines, four premolars, and six molars in each jaw.
The upper right molars, upper left incisor, had been broken in a way that caused some trauma to the bone and left resulting bone lesions.
-- Fur above pale yellowish-brown; under fur lead coloured, mixed with longer piles of stiff, broad, plumbeous black tipped hairs; head long; muzzle narrow; whiskers long and black; ears large, subovate, slightly clad with fine hairs; eyes large; incisor teeth yellow; feet brownish above, but the sides and toes are whitish; tail longer than head and body.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
The upper lateral incisors may be duplicated and the development of four molars or two supernumerary premolars may also occur.
Like bovids and cervids, they have a full set of lower incisors, but the uppers are replaced by a horny pad.
Our teeth include incisors and canines designed for tearing flesh.
An exaggerated fraenum in the centre of the inside upper lip may cause an unsightly central gap between the upper incisors.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of the teeth is the marked wear on the lingual surfaces of the canines and incisors.
Armadillos lack canines, and most have no incisors.
The blood supply of the palate is provided anteriorly through the incisor foramen and posteriorly through the great palatine foramen where the great palatine artery emerges.
The jaw of the walrus is the least regular, and the incisors are generally wanting, especially in the full-grown animal; for it appears they lose them very young, as you lost your milk teeth, only, unluckily for the walrus, his never grow again.
The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
A gnawer by nature, the hamster had formidable, chisel-like incisors in both upper and lower jaws, and it knew how to use them.
Both the incisors and canines are unusual as they have a "talon" and "heel" structure, with the talons of the upper and lower incisors intermeshing to create a crushing surface between the heels (Boonstra 1962,
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The bit sits in a part of the horse's mouth called the diastema, which is a section devoid of teeth that lies between the front incisors and the back pre-molars and molars.
The latter (Fig. 17) comprise four incisors, two canines, four small grinders, called premolars or false molars, and six large grinders, or true molars, in each jaw — making thirty-two in all.
The location of early caries is found most often in children's maxillary incisors and first molars.
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (B B T D) is the term adopted in 1986 by the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Oral Health Coalition to describe the decay of primary maxillary incisors that occurs due to prolonged bottle feeding in young children.
This group has approximately equal numbers and proportions of isolated and insitu incisors that are digested.
As in rodents, canines are absent and a large space separates the incisors and the first cheek tooth.
It is common knowledge that the tongue partly rests between the bones that form the jaw, and to be more precise, between the dental rows (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) and on the floor of the mouth.
The incisors are somewhat larger than, but the canines and premolars approximate to, those of the felines; the crown of the incisors is cuspidate, and the premolars increase gradually in size, with the exception of the fourth in the upper jaw, the carnassial, which is treble the size of the one next to it.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
All but her front incisors are capped with some very red-gold, its either very red gold or it looks coppery.
-- Yellowish-brown, with a rufous tint on the back, paler below; tail brown above, whitish underneath; feet concolorous with the under-part; ears small, hairy and nearly hidden by the fur; incisors yellow in front.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
The first measurements they took were the length of the hard palate, from the first premolar to the last incisor.
My teeth are as white as the moon, an orderly upper and lower row of molars and incisors with long, sharp fangs, on both the top and the bottom.
In the mandible, there are, in front, four incisors, two canines, four premolars, and six molars behind.
No evidence was seen of restriction of digestion to the tips of the incisors.
The teeth most often missing are the third molars, second premolars, and maxillary lateral incisors, and other teeth may be reduced in size.
Our teeth include incisors and canines designed for tearing flesh.
The major anomalies were an increased frequency of cryptochordism; a decrease/delay in ossification centers of the hyoid, metacarpus, and metatarsal bones; delay in eruption of incisors; and a decrease in body weight.
And so on the sprawling grounds of the twins festival, the Wickert twins were lost in a sea of identical twins dressed alike down to their shoelaces, twins so alike that in one case they share a similarly crooked right incisor.
At a Convention Full of Them, It's Apparent Not All Twins Are Created Equal
The solenodon has poisonous salivary glands with ducts opening at the base of its large second lower incisors, which are deeply grooved on the inner sides to inject venom when biting.
The well-preserved teeth - incisors, canines, premolars, and molars - look to have been ideal for feeding on fish and aquatic invertebrates, somewhat like the teeth of modern seals.
Gophers are rodents and have large incisors, like squirrels and mice, that are used for gnawing.
Both the incisors and canines are unusual as they have a "talon" and "heel" structure, with the talons of the upper and lower incisors intermeshing to create a crushing surface between the heels (Boonstra 1962, 1963, 1969).
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Also new to me were Vicuna Vicugna vicugna, a small Andean camelid with rodent-like incisors.
Archive 2006-05-01
The lower jawbone of the hippopotamus reveals six incisor teeth, whereas the hippopotamus that survives in Africa has only four incisors.
The small part in front of this suture constitutes the premaxilla (os incisivum), which in most vertebrates forms an independent bone; it includes the whole thickness of the alveolus, the corresponding part of the floor of the nose and the anterior nasal spine, and contains the sockets of the incisor teeth.
II. Osteology. 5b. 2. The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
The lower jawbone of the hippopotamus reveals six incisor teeth, whereas the hippopotamus that survives in Africa has only four incisors.
The later dinocephalians improved on this system by developing heels on the lingual sides of the incisor teeth which met against one another to form a crushing surface when the jaws were shut.
Anyhoo, all three of these migrations were of what might be called the Mongoloid racial type, or more properly were all sinodonts, since the characteristics of the Mongoloid type were still in their incipient stage, but sinodonty (a dentition pattern characterized by the presence of shovel-shaped incisors*, which evolved in Central and primarily East Asia) was a trait held in common among all members of the pre-Mongoloid race then, and the Mongoloid race today.
What the shit? -- A Bad Archaeology on TV Rant
This group has approximately equal numbers and proportions of isolated and insitu incisors that are digested.
The Indian rhino has well-developed incisor teeth and two long canine teeth in its lower jaw.
Incisors cut food, and cuspid and bicuspid teeth grasp and tear food.
The ability of ruminants to store partially chewed food in one stomach chamber and to return it to the mouth for further mastication explains why they do not need, and do not have, incisors in the upper jaw.
A shovel-shaped upper incisor (a common Neandertal trait) found in an upper level and the fact that stone tools in the upper levels are Mousterian suggest that Neandertals survived in this part of Spain as late as 30,000 B.P. Before now the latest date for a Neandertal was 36,000 B.P., from St. Cesaire in France.
The Last Neandertals
The snaggletooth spider would have crawled right up their nose, and remain in hiding until nightfall, when the spider will crawl into the open mouth and commence a feast upon incisors, molars, and any other kind of dentition.
Snaggletooth Spider
He†™ s a postcard president posturing for a good photo op and a one sentence sound bite so the chances of him severing his tongue with an incisor is minimized.
Think Progress » From “Mission Accomplished” to “Tough Days Ahead”
The foremost incisor and foremost molar are the earliest to appear in that scries; the intermediate teeth are acquired sooner than those behind the foremost molar. [
Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
It stood in front of me and it curled its upper lip, exposing one canine and incisor.
Those are the things that the front teeth, the incisors act on in order to regulate the bite size that goes into the mouth.
The premaxilla is the segment of bone from the back of the teeth to the incisor foramen from which the anterior palatal vessels and nerves emerge.
Unlike the large cats that have two enlarged canines, marsupial lions had enlarged incisors that were used to stab prey.
Perhaps the strangest dentition is found in the vampire bats, which have enlarged and bladelike incisors and canines, but molars extremely reduced in size and complexity.
The teeth most often missing are the third molars, second premolars, and maxillary lateral incisors, and other teeth may be reduced in size.
Moles have small, sharp incisors and canine teeth that are used for catching and eating grubs and earthworms.
During the teenage years, boys and girls get each of their top four incisor teeth filed to a point.
The canines are absent or vestigial, and a substantial diastema separates incisors and cheek teeth.
Henry Ward, commercial, from Ipswich, had a gold filling in an upper left incisor and a small mole under his chin.
The teeth most often missing are the third molars, second premolars, and maxillary lateral incisors, and other teeth may be reduced in size.
If you will examine the incisors of any rodent, whether it be a rat, a mouse, a rabbit, or a beaver, you will see that the tips are "bevelled" off just like the edge of a chisel.
The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 355, October 16, 1886
All animals in this order lack incisor and canine teeth, but they may have numerous simple molars in the backs of their jaws.
The molars' purpose is to grind food, and the incisors and canine teeth are used to bite into and tear food.
During gnawing, as the incisors grind against each other, they wear away the softer dentine, leaving the enamel edge as the blade of a chisel.
The lower incisors form a comb-like structure that is thought to be used both in grooming and in feeding.