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  1. lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
    touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers
    an uncertain smile
    moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps
    unsure of himself and his future
    uncertain of his convictions

How To Use incertain In A Sentence

  • Page 48 the LAND, and the Rights and Privileges of the subject, by which great and manifold mischiefs and inconveniences have arisen and happened, and much incertainty, by means of such proceedings, hath been conceived concerning men's rights and estates; for settling whereof and Preventing the like in time to come, Journal of the Senate at an Extra Session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Convened Under the Proclamation of the Governor, March 10th, 1864.
  • Administrer un monde incertain: les nouvelles bureaucraties techniques. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Leak closes French nuclear plant
  • The rich grew in a moment poor, and the poor as suddenly became rich; so that it seemed a philosopher could nowhere have so well instructed his pupils in the contempt of riches, at least he could nowhere have better inculcated the incertainty of their duration. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • His thick outline reminds me of Mike Oeming and Stuart Immonen, both of whom I enjoy greatly, and his women manage to be attractive without the excesses of anatomy you find incertain big-nameartists coughMikeDeodatocough. Dynamo 5 #7 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • If it be admitted however that war, on the fairest prospects, is still exposed to incertainties, I weigh against this the greater incertainty of the duration of a peace bought with money, from such a people, from a Dey 80. years old, and by a nation who, on the hypothesis of buying peace, is to have no power on the sea to enforce an observance of it. Letters
  • Or quand le futur est incertain et le présent angoissant, le passé prend sa revanche car il rassure. Archive 2009-04-10
  • Un moment il était pâle et blême, comme un homme incertain Literary translation (English)
  • Avec l'avenir, maintenant incertain, de l'exploitation pétrolière, on comprend Danny Williams de tenir mordicus aux paiements de péréquation. The revenge of the Newfies?
  • Page 45 the LAND, and the Rights and Privileges of the subject, by which great and manifold mischiefs and inconveniences have arisen and happened, and much incertainty, by means of such proceedings, hath been conceived concerning men's rights and estates; for settling whereof and Preventing the like in time to come, Message of His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, to the Extra Session of the Legislature, Convened March 10th, 1864, Upon the Currency Act; Secret Sessions of Congress; The Late Conscription Act; The Unconstitionality of the Act Suspending the Privilege of the
  • Or quand le futur est incertain et le présent angoissant, le passé prend sa revanche car il rassure. Archive 2009-04-10
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