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How To Use Incense In A Sentence

  • A samurai warrior, before going into battle, would burn incense in his helmet so that if an enemy took his head he would at least offer his beheader a pleasant aroma. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • He then lit the incense and let the smoke rise for a few moments before taking it and walking around the room muttering the same words he had spoken before.
  • She slowly walks to the small open fireplace and carefully lights the incense and stands it in the ash. She steps back with her palms held in prayer and begins to chant.
  • The elector, incensed at the unsoldierly destruction, challenged the mares-chal to a single combat. Sir Charles Grandison
  • Locals from Mountmellick are incensed by the amount of household rubbish that is being illegally dumped in areas of the town.
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  • Pat was so incensed he got up and hit Jack.
  • An extravagant collection of activities centered on the family shrine, as the sweet scent of incense hovered placidly above us.
  • The only smoke that will fill their meeting rooms will be the smoke of incense and, offstage, choirs of maidens will sing sweet and low. Times, Sunday Times
  • Browsing the shops is the main pastime: the stores offer rural knick-knacks and antiques as well as a fair amount of New Age wares such as quartz crystals, incense burners and Indian rugs.
  • Because of its sweet smell, it was used in perfumes and incense. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is all this business about camels and gold and frankincense and myrrh?
  • Country hands reach foorth milke, creame, fruites, or what they haue: and many Nations (we haue heard) that had not gummes & incense, obtained their requests with a leauened Cake. The Facts About Shakespeare
  • Brooks's to hear a rechauffe of these things, or assist at the incense offered to Charles, or his benediction and salut to those he protects. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • She raised both hands above her head, holding incense sticks, while praying.
  • Careful with that incense burner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air in the church had been redolent with incense, thick and sweet-smelling.
  • Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.
  • Pat was so incensed he got up at once and hit Jock, and Mrs Lennox screamed.
  • Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
  • Every year on St Paul's day, while the soloist on the ambo sang the melodies of the fourth vigiliary responsory, the Pope, entering, as we have said, into the camera confessionis, withdrew the censer - which had been let down through the hole on to the tomb of the apostle at this same Office in the preceding year, and introduced another also full of burning incense. The Station at St Paul
  • He was so incensed he felt the need to put him in his place - despite the fact the row was in full view of other guests. The Sun
  • Picrochole thus in despair fled towards the Bouchard Island, and in the way to Riviere his horse stumbled and fell down, whereat he on a sudden was so incensed, that he with his sword without more ado killed him in his choler; then, not finding any that would remount him, he was about to have taken an ass at the mill that was thereby; but the miller's men did so baste his bones and so soundly bethwack him that they made him both black and blue with strokes; then stripping him of all his clothes, gave him a scurvy old canvas jacket wherewith to cover his nakedness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • Then, I saw the smoke of the incense rise in a spiral, just like the coils of a snake, you know.
  • The decision to reduce pay levels incensed the work - force.
  • Ligeti went to see the film in 1968 and was rightly incensed.
  • I've also been experimenting with Autumnal incense, using myrrh and dried oak leaves (gathered last Halloween) as a base, and trying out various other ingredients.
  • I really love the incense tree evergreen tree bulb, we would love it.
  • To think that a bad review could result in an incensed author and their posse showing up on my doorstep is pretty damn creepy - online stalking and harassment is equally creepy in my mind. I'm Not Saying I Condone It, But I Understand
  • Frankincense, which was burned in the shrines of numerous deities, represented divinity.
  • Is gaiac wood also called aloeswood, because my mom burns aloeswood incense sometimes Posted on 25 March 2009 Now Smell This
  • After the candles burned for several minutes, I handed Xun an incensor (incense burner), filled with smoldering charcoal, which he placed on the floor in front of the candles. Temezcal y Xun - the sweatlodge
  • Thisis onlygoing to incense the legal fraternity even more than before, andcould well come back to bite Musharraf in the proverbial over the next few weeks. Power broking in Park Lane
  • The gospel is incensed to signify the sweet odour which it communicates to our souls; and the ministers of God, to signify, according to St. Thomas, that God maketh manifest _the odour_ of his knowledge by us in every place: "For we are unto God _the good odour_ of Christ in them who are saved, and in them who perish". The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • The thurifer carries the thurible and boat when incense is used at the Eucharist or other celebrations.
  • The incense employed in the service of the tabernacle walls compounded of the perfumes stacte, onycha, galbanum and pure frankincense. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The sweet smell of incense wafted in the evening wind.
  • There was the flick of a lighter, and I could smell burning incense.
  • John between the preceding vision and the following one, implying, on the one hand, the solemn introduction to the eternal sabbatism which is to follow the seventh seal; and, on the other, the silence which continued during the incense-accompanied prayers which usher in the first of the seven trumpets (Re 8: 3-5). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Incensed by his insensitivity and spurred onward by the events earlier in the evening, Lucy's eyes smoldered with resentment.
  • There is a scent of a pure and smokeless incense.
  • Not surprisingly, the unions were incensed, but failed to stop the Bill going through Parliament.
  • It had the typical incense smoky smell along with a bit of earthy amber, hibiscus, and a hint of patchouli.
  • Also available are candles, incense products and giftware.
  • His book calls on its audience to return to ‘spirit, love adventure, poetry, incense, kicky language, and rock and roll’.
  • The candles lost their power; and the fumes of incense were just that; the smell of smoke, and nothing more.
  • When the time comes, settle yourself in front of the area, light the candle, and open the bottle of perfume or light the incense.
  • Crown Chakra: To aid in cleansing and opening the spiritual connection and communication of your crown chakra, you might enjoy making use of incenses such as copal, frankincense, juniper, myrrh and sage. Xml's
  • Flowers and incense sticks were placed at the murder scene. The Sun
  • It tells us that heaven's worship features white robed presbyters, choral and instrumental music, and incense.
  • My labours (if I may so term that which was the comfort of my other labours) I have dedicated to the King; desirous, if there be any good in them, it may be as the fat of a sacrifice, incensed to his honour: and the second copy I have sent unto you, not only in good affection, but in a kind of congruity, in regard of your great and rare desert of learning. Selected English Letters
  • You'll see vendors hawking everything from incense to books on the latest conspiracy theory.
  • The discontent voices really didn't seem that incensed, and the energy of the crowd as if it was felt wanting in resolve and determination.
  • The fans were incensed as the Frenchman lay still before a stretcher appeared then quickly disappeared.
  • Or they smoke with their head in the tumble dryer and burn incense all the time to disguise the smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more complicated your life gets, the more people you interact with on a daily basis, the more incidents occur that can irritate, annoy, incense, madden, infuriate and enrage.
  • The smell of incense fills the church. Christianity Today
  • The people also held various kinds of burial rituals and burnt incense on special days.
  • My father, as may be imagined, was highly incensed at my perseverance, which he called obstinacy, but, what will not be so easily believed, he soon after relented, and appointed a day to take me from the convent. The Romance of the Forest
  • The reception area smells of incense and curry.
  • He led me upstairs, into a seductive little bedroom lit with candles and fragrant with more incense. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city was famed for the production of frankincense which in those days was a treasure that commanded a huge price on the open markets of Alexandria, Jerusalem and Damascus.
  • The restaurant had worked hard to conjure up vivid images of Thailand in every detail from the artwork and carvings adorning the green and maroon walls to the incense wafting through the air.
  • The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
  • The smell of incense mixed with chlorine filled the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Catholic liturgies, particularly before the Second Vatican Council, were sensual feasts, complete with incense, candles and bells.
  • Frankincense is a type of sweet - smelling gum from a tree.
  • He drew his chair forward; he pushed it back; he looked perfectly incensed , and perfectly helpless.
  • This he pleads with his Father, for his intercession is made in the virtue of his satisfaction; by his own blood he entered into the holy place (Heb.ix. 12), as the high priest, on the day of atonement, sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice at the same time that he burnt incense within the veil, Lev. xvi. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • But she could smell the fragrance more strongly than ever, rising out of the pyramid like incense from a mountainous censer. GALILEE
  • By their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, they acknowledged Jesus as royal, divine, and destined to suffer and die.
  • Who is this coming up from the desert like a column of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and incense made from all the spices of the merchant?
  • They found the Christ child in a stable, worshipped him, and presented their gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.
  • Hence, I cannot tangibly warrant incense an undeniable stimulant, but, I can, nevertheless, cite many semi-credible theories in support of incense's stimulatory power.
  • I turned on the CD player and watched as Amanda lit the incense.
  • It hath reached me that the folk are incensed at my failure to come forth to them and are minded of their mischief to do with me that which is unmeet for that they know not what ailment aileth me. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The great defender of traditional liturgy could also be its critic when he thought the fog of incense was merely hiding a vacancy at the altar.
  • Both are gum resins from plants of the bursera family found in the Middle East and Africa that were used to make perfumes and incense.
  • I just love sandalwood: soap, incense, oil and even talcum powder.
  • Flying into this Himalayan Shangri-La, I was immediately struck by the world's highest unclimbed mountain, the exquisite temples perched precariously on cliffs, the friendly and handsome people adorned in traditional silk attire, and a healthy dose of wafting incense and chanting mantras. Chip Conley: The Happiest Place on the Planet?
  • They feed on various things, perfume, music, incense, smoke from cooking, or emanations from a monk's meditation. The Gaki in "Children of the Night" by Mercedes Lackey
  • Local soccer lovers were incensed and felt cheated when Bucks announced the match would be played in Port Elizabeth.
  • Flowers and incense sticks were placed at the murder scene. The Sun
  • Portraits of the royal family placed at crossroads were heaped with garlands of flowers and swathed in burning incense. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • The incense [3171] also, in like manner, [was compounded] of stacte, onycha, galbanum, mint, and frankincense, all which do in no respect, either as to their mixture or weight, harmonize with their argument. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Some day in October, the spring in Australia, the afternoon warm sunshine shined on the abandoned chair in the backyard. Let the homemade orange incense taking a nap in the warm, sluggardly afternoon.
  • Catholicism, however gripped the masses by virtue of its incense, its ritual, all quite arbitrary, compulsion without purpose.
  • Add boswellia aka frankincense at 1,000 mg a day and willow bark so you get 120 to 240 mg of the active component called salicin, which is also, by the way, the active component of aspirin—we like the aspirin itself. You Being Beautiful
  • Priests chanted prayers and read from sacred texts as incense wafted from the corners of the temple.
  • Your first option is to apply a mixture of frankincense essential oil, lavender essential oil, and jojoba oil to your scar.
  • Always interested in the animal mysteries of China, Texier has created bronzes similar to ancient Chinese sculptures, where hippos or oxen carry incense burners on their back.
  • Incense is passed around, poems are recited, a lute is played, and songs are sung.
  • The tropical scent of frangipani and incense wafts throughout the indoor/outdoor living room surrounded by verdant rice paddy fields. Chip Conley: What's Your Daily Offering?
  • Treasured by kings, wise men and people of discriminating taste for millennia, the aroma of frankincense and myrrh evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, majesty, reverence and peace.
  • Irish officials, while making no public comment on the trial, are said to be privately incensed about the slur on the reputation of one of their most respected and popular colleagues.
  • The incense will slowly smoulder, filling the room with its delightful fragrance.
  • For sunburned skin or after exposure to strong sunshine, experts recommend a Swedish massage with Oil of Frankincense, blended with geranium and calming lavender.
  • ‘You're talking rubbish,’ said I, incensed that a flibbertigibbet biscuit such as the pink iced ones with white swirls could be held in higher regard than a Rich Tea which, as any fool knows, is a noble biscuit with real dignity.
  • Fender, 52, carries it high over the ground and loose in his hands, like a priest holding the censer while dispensing incense in church.
  • It includes, besides hyacinths, sweet neroli, an abundance of the ethereal rosewood essence, light and airy lavender oil, elemi, sandalwood, myrrh and frankincense. Requiem to the Zodiac Perfumes
  • In the club, the air is smoky and smells of burning apricot incense, and there are ladies and men dressed in clothing that bedazzles and confuses me with its glory.
  • You could also use incense or burn essential oils in a purpose-made burner.
  • Jamie was particularly incensed that his attention was drawn from a beautifully lean and perfectly cooked fillet of beef by lumpen, doughy and oversized foie gras ravioli that needed considerable endurance for him to dispatch.
  • The celebrant receives the chalice, places it on the altar, and incenses the host, while the Pope, remaining uncovered, puts incense into the thurible. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
  • The human spiritus can be affected by material things like incenses, collyries, unguents, philters, and other substances used to cause magical effects. Loss of Faith
  • Tensing, his annoyance growing, Ikeda huffed at her statement in disagreement, beginning to feel incensed at the offense to his partner.
  • He that burns incense to God, and so puts contempt upon the incense of Christ's intercession, is as if he blessed an idol; it was as great an affront to God as if they had paid their devotions to a false god. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The women were incensed, since they adhere strictly to the laws concerning MIKve after menstruation.
  • Above them, a small incense burner gives off a languid and heavy, musky scent.
  • A pungent mix of sage and frankincense fumes away in a censer on the front counter, while in the back, a row of nervous customers await their consultation with Obaike, the in-house santero, or spirit doctor.
  • The blue haze of burning incense wreathed the dragon-created roofs of the Cheng Doon Teng temple.
  • When news was brought to King James of the despite done to his authority by the defeat and slaughter of his representative in Dumfriesshire, he was much incensed.
  • Check them out for interesting beads and glasswork, Indian dresses and fresh, hand-rolled incense.
  • Apparently, Wilbur was incensed at her bad manners.
  • The café is smart, and the shops sells every item which can conceivably be lavender scented - from soaps and candles to incense burners and perfumes.
  • This breeze reeked of the incense cast upon the brazier of such sulfurous content to seem as though spewed from the bowels of perdition.
  • From Bikram, I branched out to Jivamukti, a school of vinyasa yoga, which links poses together in a callisthenic-like flow, employing music (jazzy, jivey, new agey devotional - think Zero Seven, but with repeated references to Hindu gods), incense, a bit of massage and brief lectures ( "dharma talks") on yoga philosophy. Lauren Cahn: From Cancer To Yoga: 10 Year Nap, My Ass!
  • I do pilates for my back, and if I have a chance I love nothing better than a hot bath with frankincense and myrrh.
  • Mel has become quite matey with the woman opposite, Sybille, who writes self help books and whose house smells strongly of incense.
  • Outside are insignia, shown in state ; But here are sweet incense - clouds , quietly ours .
  • People used to burn incense to please them. Times, Sunday Times
  • As if incensed candles and a carafe of rosé wine would be waiting alongside her bed.
  • They light candles and incense and kneel down to pray before the image.
  • The thirty-staired Seats, all round our Amphitheatre, get instantaneously slated with mere umbrellas, fallacious when so thick set: our antique Cassolettes become Water-pots; their incense-smoke gone hissing, in a whiff of muddy vapour. The French Revolution
  • Hamlet," and then create a revulsion of feeling by somersaulting over the centre-fire of the circle and standing on his head before it, grinning diabolically at the incensed pot? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
  • Without exception, the children were incensed at the idea of Scottish battle sites being desecrated by building development.
  • Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
  • The behaviour of this rascally sycophant incensed me so much, that one day, when I was beleaguered by him and his hounds in a farmer's house, where I had found protection, I took aim at him (being an excellent marksman) with a large pebble, which struck out four of his foreteeth, and effectually incapacitated him from doing the office of a clerk. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Gerstner, a temperamental type, was incensed.
  • Duo-Derm Oil contains essential oils of lavender and frankincense which are powerful skin regenerators.
  • He would be incensed at having been entrapped by an ignorant enthusiastic declaimer into an admiration of objects whose authenticity may be questioned by the first cool examinant.
  • Mother likes to burn a stick of incense to drive away mosquitoes.
  • After burning incense on the stove, he began to chant, holding out his hands with his palms upward.
  • People used to burn incense to please them. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it was rosemary and frankincense in it perhaps, that the swinging censor of incense, and I just found it all so beautiful and evocative, that ritual going on.
  • Now, John was quite incensed about why rice has gone up.
  • There was an unmistakable smell of incense in the air.
  • A gentleman in a nearby seat informs me that their resin is the source of the incense whose odor clings to this old world. A glass garden
  • It is a confoundyous injective so to say, Shaun the fiery boy shouted, naturally incensed, as he shook the red pepper out of his auricles. Finnegans Wake
  • The sweet scent of incense filled the air.
  • Opening with labdanum, cistus oil, olibanum AKA frankincense and smoky notes of guiacwood and burning cedarwood, the scent gradually softens but remains rather linear and unchanging. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The rite involves incense, candles, litanies and novenas, and set hymns, often in Latin.
  • The Lady (on the other side) seeming to be very angerly incensed, starting faintly up on her feet, yet supporting her selfe by the tree, said. The Decameron
  • Exotic scent mingled with the more religious smells of incense, furniture polish and veneration.
  • Frankincense and myrrh are made from resins from trees growing only in that area.
  • I lit two orange candles and blessed them and also lit an energy incense in my incense burner.
  • My church life has consisted of Hymns: Ancient and Modern, acolytes, incense and sermons.
  • The Americans resent the charge that they could have prevented the looting, and museum officials are incensed by insinuations that their staff allowed or even profited from it.
  • They put the flowers specially brought from Mother;s room on his body totally covered by cowdung and mud.. then all prayed, gave incense sticks then They put camphor on his chest and my son in law gave the fire. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Religious articles, holy books, brass lamps, candle stands, incense holders, scented candles and perfume diffusers are also turning out to be much valued presents.
  • The lights were dim and incense was burning setting a somber and meditative atmosphere.
  • But Polly's was like the mad and lawless ceremonial of some heathen temple where incense arose and nautch girls writhed. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • And the LORD said unto Moses, Take unto thee sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum; these sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be a like weight: Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • For what else could be meant by that sweet perfume but the odor of his holy and innocent conversation, or the incense of their sacrifices and prayers, or the primitial fruits of his happy soul, which was now flown up to the holy mountain of eternal glory, there enjoying the odoriferous and never-fading delights of Paradise? Purgatory
  • Into this great space filled with music and incense and drugs, this great huge warehouse with pineapples and bananas.
  • It's a combination of frankincense, grapefruit and guaiac itself. Yael Alkalay
  • Try burning incense or lighting a scented candle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here is balsam of Genesareth, incense from Cape Gardefan, ladanum, cinnamon and silphium, a good thing to put into sauces. Tentation de saint Antoine. English
  • On the other side of the political aisle, an incensed Sen.
  • Thinking of people close to me, lit a candle and burnt incense in memory of them.
  • And there was ordained an horse bier; and so with an hundred torches ever brenning about the corpse of the queen, and ever Sir Launcelot with his eight fellows went about the horse bier, singing and reading many an holy orison, and frankincense upon the corpse incensed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Incensed with rage, he commands that his wife should be carried to strait prison until they heard further of his pleasure.
  • A perpetual fire of fulminating balls would bang from under the feet of the faithful; odors of impure assafoetida would mingle with the fumes of the incense; and wicked drinking choruses would rise up along with the holy canticles, in hideous dissonance, reminding one of the old orgies under the reign of the The Paris Sketch Book
  • The room was lit almost completely by soft candlelight, and the air was perfumed by sweet-smelling incense, and men smoking pipes filled with herbal concoctions.
  • Incense of sandalwood swung from the thurible in his hand, smoking blue over font, chalice, and paten.
  • Among these elements were the language of sacrifice, the vesture of Aaronic priests, clouds of incense rising like orisons to the throne, and the prayer of worship chanted by priests and people alike.
  • Both times Sweden players, angered by the cheating and incensed by the lack of punishment, shouted at officials.
  • This triggered an undisciplined period by Hertford who were baffled and incensed by the referee's decisions.
  • Giant lanterns in the shapes of roosters, fish and dragons illuminated the night of February 23, with families crowding into the City God Temple to see the lanterns, solve the lantern puzzles and burn incense.
  • (We pick up in the midst of the Divine Liturgy with the new Archbishop being fraternally greeted after having been vested with his pontificals) (Do note the two large icons that have been place on the pillars of the ciborium for the purposes of the Byzantine liturgy) (The altar incensed) (Litanies) Eastern Divine Liturgy and Episcopal Consecration in Santa Maria Maggiore
  • This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.
  • In May, market traders were incensed to be accused of selling shoddy goods.
  • The wafting incense smell made my head go drifty.
  • He could see the cloth wrapped crystal next to the burned out incense stick.
  • The temples are gold and glittery and smell of incense. Times, Sunday Times
  • Palestinian human rights campaigners were incensed by the finding.
  • OK, you might say, this guy with his "Obama's Burning Taxpayer-Funded Incense To Whatever Pagan, Foreign Deity He's Worshiping" nonsense is just another attention-seeking rightwing rent-a-ranter. Clay Farris Naff: Jesus Concerned About The Poor? You Must Be Joking, Says The Christian Right
  • Its resin is used as medicine and varnish and is burnt as incense. Times, Sunday Times
  • “And why not, huzzy?” demanded my cousin, who was less incensed at the affront than I expected. Uncle Silas
  • You can almost hear the organ playing devotional music in the background, and detect the faintest whiff of incense on the breeze.
  • They valued its trees which produced the aromatic gum resins frankincense and myrrh.
  • incense filled the room
  • Replays indicated the call had been a harsh one and an incensed Williams unleashed a verbal tirade and waved her racket at the line judge.
  • To the most religious people in the world at that time God said: Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and Sabbaths, the calling of assemblies.
  • Petra was the capital of the Nabataeans' independent kingdom, and as Greek and Roman demand for such exotic goods as cassia, cinnamon, frankincense, and myrrh increased, so did the prosperity of the Nabataeans.
  • You know, like it might be the day that you sing “Happy Holiday to You,” blow out the menorahs on a pumpkin pie, exchange boxes of gelt, and then play spin the tail on the dreidl until midnight when three wise snowmen riding on a red-nosed reindeer fling Champagne bottles full of flaming frankincense and myrrh at your front door. Gaucho Grill - Having Nothing to Do with Anything. Or Something.
  • The nativity, a scene that invokes images of a child in swaddling clothes, gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • We would stop on a whim at any temple or hamlet that appealed and absorb the smells and sounds of incense sticks, prayer bells and birdsong. Times, Sunday Times
  • For meditation, yoga or for a philosophical discussion, try a blend of frankincense, myrrh and cedarwood.
  • The French were incensed, for Britain had no direct interest: Napoleon had taken nothing from her.
  • I never imagined I would be laying here, with the scent of incense and jasmine filling my nose, lying this close to anyone, nearly drowning in them.
  • The musty aroma of incense made her head swim.
  • The heroine takes off to India, where she ludicrously exchanges her laptop for Tibetan incenses.
  • The Ethiopian government was also incensed when Eritrea renounced use of the Ethiopian birr last year, introducing its own nakfa. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Incensed at the shameful slaughter of his son, Harald Harfagr came over from Norway about the year 900 to avenge him, but, as was then not unusual, accepted as a wergeld or atonement for his son's death a fine of sixty marks of gold, which it fell to the islanders to pay. Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time or, The Jarls and The Freskyns
  • At last, their dispute came near to an open declaration of hostilities, the incensed episcopalian bestowing on the recusants the whole thunders of the commination, and receiving from them, in return, the denunciations of a Calvinistic excommunication. Old Mortality
  • Originally a toilet box, jewel casket, or container for incense, it was adopted as early as the 4th century to hold the reserved Host, and carry it in procession or to the sick.
  • There is incense and soft music, a relaxed ambience in contrast to Iti, who carries a ceremonial adze, his full facial moko topped with a Mohawk.
  • Within a week of the interview, Dorothy Rabinowitz of the Wall Street Journal wrote an article entitled "Deepak Blames America," and Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View called him "Glitter glasses whatshisface" and mumbled "Go light a bowl of incense. Michelle Haimoff: My Uncensored Interview with Deepak Chopra
  • Not so much as an incense burner. Times, Sunday Times

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