
How To Use Incarnation In A Sentence

  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • Most Hindu communities have a fundamental belief in reincarnation.
  • On another song, she was accompanied by a montage of dozens of her previous incarnations.
  • Topics include his exegesis, Mary and the incarnation, divinization and eschatology; but the Trinity and the Holy Spirit are the constant background.
  • ng Meeting 7 is available online at Bio: Fintan Steele, director of scientific education and communications at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, traces the history of personalized medicine from Hippocrates and humorism to ‘overhyped’ modern day incarnations. 2010 April 09 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
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  • Past incarnations have included journaling teaching, and an attempt at journaling straight lit and cultural crit.
  • In her current incarnation she is a demigoddess, the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta.
  • Before its present incarnation as housing, the site was used for rice production, its landscape characterized by a network of sunken fields, raised terraces and dykes to contain the flooded rice paddies.
  • But there is some confusion in its use, for it is applied not only to the supreme being but to a double incarnation of him called Nara-Nârâyaṇa, and images of the pair may still be seen in Vishnuite temples. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • The Englehart incarnation of bats is one that is plausible to have a successor for. Review: Captain America - Reborn #4 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • In addition, while some of the images are repeated to support reiteration in the text, in their second incarnation they often lack any annotation at all.
  • Passion, as containing Christ crucified; consequently it could not be instituted before the Incarnation; but then there was room for only such sacraments as were prefigurative of the Lord's Passion. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Platonism accomplishes the intellectual love of God through the mathematical mediation; Christianity renders this intellectual love flesh in the incarnation.
  • He had left his church, spoken of Jesus as a human role model, and used biblical history and Christian dogmas simply as figures of speech, supportive exempla in his powerful rhetoric against the dead incarnations of past spirit.
  • Over the course of the seven years that follow, Dana Scully risks her life investigating alien abduction cases, murders committed by genetic mutants – like a man who eats livers and can stretch his body in improbable ways or a boy who is able to summon lightning or a giant flukeworm which has evolved to have a humanoid appearance – and serial killers, some of whom may be incarnations of the devil. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Chaque incarnation nous permet de densifier notre taux vibratoire de conscience. Archive 2009-04-27
  • Though this has a similar sound to his previous incarnations, from the get-go there are some very noticeable differences.
  • It's a reincarnation of an old show we only did 10 times, about four years ago.
  • Or almost to the last, for towards the end of the story Rama is referred to as an incarnation of the great god Vishnu.
  • Kohl pencil comes in at roughly three times the price it was in its previous incarnation as an eyeliner.
  • Like the first incarnation of the band, it will provide part of a foundation for new admirers and for old fans to return to the fold.
  • This ritual apparently provided the necessary steps to propel the spirit into its next incarnation.
  • She's the incarnation of everything I hate about politics.
  • I would have been very sorry indeed to have missed the latest reincarnation of the Stephen Sondheim musical Follies.
  • Opened a little over a year ago, atop Burger King, cater-corner from the Virrey de Mendoza is Casa del Portal, which was a private home until its reincarnation as an eatery, café, and antique shop. The colonial cities
  • The G10 is the third incarnation of Canon's flagship 'prosumer' compact since the G series was reinvented with the G7 in 2006. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • The world's first superbike is back in a new incarnation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Already, over unknown trails and chartless wildernesses, were the harbingers of the steel arriving, — fair-faced, blue-eyed, indomitable men, incarnations of the unrest of their race. “The Kipling of the Klondike”: Naturalism in London's Early Fiction
  • On a personal level, I believe in reincarnation and the basic spiritualities common to all religions, but on a social level I keep those purely speculatory beliefs out of equation because they do no good. Ryan VS Darin Round 1
  • The “green” incarnation of travel, called ecotourism, mandates that travelers minimize cultural, economic, and environmental impacts as much as possible to promote sustainability. 2008 September
  • Except that it determines the course and context of your next earthly incarnation, rather than whether you'll be spirited off to heaven or hell.
  • An exemplary teacher of Negative Capability (a concept one can hardly resist teaching in conjunction with this poem), the urn is also the incarnation of Art, of aesthetic value determined not by its social location but by its power to dissolve all such determinations. Ode on a Grecian Urn
  • n. announcement of the Incarnation to Mary, mother of Jesus; feast celebrated on Lady Day (March 25); Annunciation lily, madonna lily. annunciative, annunciatory, anobiid Xml's
  • Of course, in its new incarnation, the book is no longer "real" pulp - printed on the cheapest paper, sold for a pittance - but a kind of canonised and reified pulp, beautifully produced and, at Rs. 195, priced the same as an average paperback. The Middle Stage
  • Appearing in its first incarnation in 1969, the MGB was an instant success.
  • She was the incarnation of wisdom.
  • But though in theory every living man and woman is merely an ancestor or ancestress born again and therefore should be his or her equal, in practice they appear to admit that their forefathers of the remote _alcheringa_ or dream time were endowed with many marvellous powers which their modern reincarnations cannot lay claim to, and that accordingly these ancestral spirits were more to be reverenced, were in fact more worshipful, than their living representatives. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • In the original incarnation of the rule at least 3 defending players had to be goal-side of any attacking player.
  • Such an acharya, or spiritual master, should be considered nondifferent from Krishna - that is, he should be considered the incarnation of Lord Krishna's potency.
  • The message of God's Incarnation and Christ's Passion is that, whyever evil exists, God suffers all of it with us. Macho Jesus for men.
  • I don't think he's going to be as eccentric and as foppish as some of his incarnations.
  • Will upending the old way of searching for the Dalai Lama's incarnation, in which priests search for omens, portents and meteorological signs, undermine the legitimacy of his successor?
  • The stories of heroism from the epics involved the use of supernatural or divine powers by the avtats or incarnations of gods and goddesses.
  • Misha wasn't buying it — and as the greatest regret of Viko's current incarnation was "chickening out" or his leap from the top of one of the buildings in Albany's Egg Plaza the summer after 8th grade and opting, instead, for a "pity me, save me" fake suicide attempt in his parent's mansion in Loudonville , he felt the time had come at last to do the deed. Case History #1 from The Karmic Adjustment Bureau files:
  • It would be a disaster for primary care and local services if these organisations became reincarnations of health authorities or developed into the inflexible hierarchical institutions that are hospital trusts.
  • He rejected certain Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Incarnation, which in his judgment failed to meet the test of rational coherence.
  • The abbess questions the existence of the reincarnations.
  • Though this tale of reincarnation and a love that crossed generations starred the peerless Barbara Harris, as a psychically gifted young woman with a past life just waiting to leap out of her, it was generally agreed that the 1965 production was overdressed, overplotted and more or less out of its mind. NYT > Home Page
  • The Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ is ‘the central revelatory act of God’. Jesus is without original sin and Mary is rightly called Theotokos.
  • Taufeeq Umar a team from Rossel Island technology stocks themes of reincarnation, occult, supernatural powers and magic tighter churidars Making a Comeback
  • The producer of the present production is Mr Hobbs, and he has been associated with this show in many of its reincarnations in the past.
  • Long before his incarnation as a Real Madrid galactico, David Beckham spent a couple of months as a 19-year-old playing for Preston North End.
  • Stretching from the castle esplanade to the palace of Holyroodhouse, the Royal Mile, or High Street, has undergone various incarnations since it came into being in mediaeval times.
  • For if it is true, then, indeed, there is such a person as God, who has created us in his image; we have fallen into sin and require salvation; and the means to such restoral and renewal have been provided in the incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity. Warranted Christian Belief
  • Premodern societies often had animal totems, and they saw animals and humans as intertwined through reincarnation.
  • This is simply technical, and had it not been so he would not have been s o accepted as the incarnation of Godhead.
  • The judge was making the point that the Pledge, in its current incarnation, is only about 50 – 60 years old and that the language “under God” was inserted at a particular time in response to concerns of that time and that the Pledge is not some sacrosanct invocation from the founders. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Reinhardt’s Dig on Sarah Palin
  • My atheist friend used the term incarnation to point to what he called the “miracle of awareness. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • Squatting somewhere between MGMT, The Inbetweeners and Derek Zoolander, this modern incarnation is all mouth and skinny trousers. Why do people hate hipsters?
  • We meet those who believe in reincarnation, those who believe in destiny and those who refuse to believe.
  • It's possible to believe in psychics, homeopathy, God, dowsing, reincarnation and probably much else besides.
  • Spiritualism, pan-animism, metempsychosis and reincarnation were at the radical end of a spectrum, but wide consensus existed for accepting evolution as a creed of progress.
  • They are actively worshipped, in various incarnations and forms, by many thousands of people - according to strict traditions which they themselves are believed to have established according to their own preferences.
  • Among these, the best known are the stunning Asiatic and Oriental lilies, dramatic gladioli, and the many incarnations of dahlia.
  • Their oldest literature shows how large a part the serpent played in the so-called divine age, how it acted as progenitress of the Mikado's ancestry, and how it afforded means of incarnation for the kami or gods. The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Since then the character has swung back to, then gone beyond, the heinousness of his original incarnation. Clown Prince of Crime
  • he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation
  • With their belief in reincarnation, many can hope to go back to India to live, if not in this life, then in the next.
  • The Apis bull, a sacred animal to the Egyptians, came to be known as the incarnation of Osiris, god of embalming and cemeteries.
  • From a Christian point of view the Incarnation crowns the Old Testament manifestations of God's love.
  • However, as an SMS-addict and avid tweeter I found the small keyboard on my old phone a bit fiddly and didn't see that improving with the latest incarnations.
  • When the apomorphia began to do its work there was a struggle of another sort, out of which emerged a pallid and somewhat stricken reincarnation of the governor. The Grafters
  • The centre failed to attract visitors in its previous incarnations as a visitor attraction and music venue.
  • For many, he's remained the best Bond of them all, despite the character's many incarnations.
  • In his new incarnation he meets another version of his wife, Alice, this time as a gangster's moll.
  • But the end result is as different from its previous incarnation as a subcompact is from a luxury sedan.
  • Three important concepts within Hinduism are dharma, karma, and reincarnation.
  • The following are brief synopses of the artists and the work they hope to have in the Grad Show; however, the exhibit's final incarnation is still in the works, and the show will undoubtedly present us with a few surprises.
  • There are also those who believe in reincarnation who would appear to have no orthodox religion.
  • Whether a lama is recognized as the incarnation of a previous master is not paramount to Tibetans.
  • Japanese pattern, and while the ivy that covered the Gothic ceiling trailed long tendrils of the palest and most delicate green, each leaf glossed as if it had been varnished, this unheroic-hero, this pantheistic-devotee, this heathenized-Christian, this half-happy-go-lucky æthestic Bohemian, lay upon his pillow, the incarnation of absolute repose. In the Footprints of the Padres
  • He was very proud of his family, especially Carmen and his grandson Dai, in whom he saw the reincarnation of his son Juan Jose. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • I see some guy that looks like a reincarnation of my boyfriend.
  • Though this has a similar sound to his previous incarnations, from the get-go there are some very noticeable differences.
  • Yet at the same time they deny the doctrine of the Trinity, of the Incarnation, of the Atonement, and of justification by faith alone.
  • In the learned, Grecophile culture of the Medici pope's court, courtesans were regarded as latter-day reincarnations of hetairai, the women who entertained men at the symposium in ancient Greece.
  • Historic Protestantism is different from evangelicalism in its current incarnation.
  • Whenever you take an incarnation, You select a rishi to become Your guru.
  • The British incarnation of the world’s most popular etailer is no longer offering The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology, a 318-page tome from John Duignan, who spent 22 years inside the top secret organization. Amazon UK pulls Scientology expose for ‘legal reasons’
  • A man who lost his True Love in uncounted eons of previous incarnations ago hears her voice through the Night Hearing, and learns that there is another Lesser Redoubt lost somewhere in the darkness of the sunless world. SF Signal Reader Challenge #3 - SF Books You Haven't Read
  • Whenever Sri Krishna desires to manifest His incarnation on earth, first He creates the incarnations of His respectable predecessors.
  • In spirit and body, he was the incarnation of She-who-must-be-obeyed. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • However, the manner of her reincarnation only serves to emphasize that she is irrevocably gone.
  • Emerson's worldview, repelled by orthodoxies, was open-ended, evolving, unspecified, rejecting all incarnations as strictly pro tern.
  • The irascible Irishman replied that a Scotchman was the incarnation of impudence -- and hereupon a war of words ensued, until the officers 'attention was attracted and brought it to an abrupt conclusion. Six Years in the Prisons of England
  • This particular hymn 28 celebrates the paradox of the incarnation, alluding to the feasts of Easter and the Ascension.
  • The latest CD technology attempts to tame the original tinny, shallow sonics that blemished the recording's three previous LP incarnations, but the sound is still only just tolerable.
  • The very purpose of the reincarnation is to carry continuously the task that was started in the previous life. April L. Bogle: Her Holiness: Is the Time Right for a Female Dalai Lama?
  • It has been a long time since the original, though, and it would be great to see that character in a new incarnation.
  • Vishnu the preserver, under the name Hari, or either of Vishnu's chief incarnations, Ram or Krishna, is the usual manifestation of bhakti. New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments
  • As such, the number and extent of his possessions seemed almost the reincarnation of Charlemagne's empire.
  • Thus there could be no diminution of the Doctrine, nor of initiation, nor of priestly succession through reincarnation, nor of the practice of religion.
  • Oddly enough, his belief in reincarnation was brought to Cuba by American missionaries from the American Theosophical Society.
  • I worked for her in her earlier incarnation as a lawyer.
  • The graphics are OK - I mean how hard is it to draw green baize? - while the players slightly resemble their real-life incarnations.
  • Not to betray my ancientness, but I have been around for every incarnation of this place.
  • I hadn't told him, and he hadn't mentioned that his exploits in his Siegwald incarnation had included killing a huge wolf. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • The holy land of Bharat is the birthplace of many incarnations and manifestations of divine power that descended on earth in human garb as nimit avatars and nitya avatars.
  • We have seen above that Hippolytus, in his Adam-Christ typology, sees in the incarnation of Christ the rebirth of the many as new, perfected human beings.
  • This stage musical, an amalgam of the three previous incarnations, premiered in 1997 with Cole Porter's Lyrics embellished by a new book by Arthur Kopit.
  • Her blog was recently resurrected in a more subdued incarnation, but it still brings the traffic.
  • Reincarnational cycles are a more reasonable explanation for the different states of evolution in which mankind is found, than the common Western theory which assumes that something (consciousness of egoity) came out of nothing, existed with varying degrees of lustihood for thirty or ninety years, and then returned to the original void. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • All Deities may assume earthly incarnations.
  • I'm not enough of a psychicist to know what the Lady Dallona's been doing, but she's knocked the theoretical basis from under Statistical Reincarnation, and that's the basis, in turn, of Statistical Socialism. Last Enemy
  • There is even a sect comprised of 250,000 people that believes he was the reincarnation of Christ.
  • In common with Hindus, Buddhists believe in reincarnation and that the soul of the human being may have inhabited, or may inhabit in the future, an animal.
  • The characteristic Anglican focus on the Incarnation is our own particular expression of that orientation.
  • In my reserve incarnation, I was an Aeromedical Services Technician (non-flying), whose primary peacetime purpose was to perform the paraprofessional portion of the physical exam to flying personnel.
  • I have been cycling along the beach track for several months now, in the hope that the too-fleshy photo above will soon be replaced by my new, lantern-jawed Californian incarnation.
  • The incarnation is itself the renewal of our humanity, and the ground of our hope as well.
  • The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
  • Would-be, wannabe, might-have-been, Moss is an incarnation of that combination of boulomaic modality and subjunctivity level so common in Crime and Realism, that of failure, of events that "should have happened, but did not". Archive 2008-01-01
  • The latest incarnation looks every part the French bistro, from the wooden floor and chairs and prints on the wall to the fresh flowers on the table and blackboards chalked up with dishes to tempt even the most iron-willed of dieters.
  • Displaying an incredible amount of maturity and wisdom for their young age, these kids share their most inner thoughts and reveal their deepest beliefs on death, reincarnation and the afterlife.
  • Jaki clearly affirms that in Christianity, a slide into pantheism was prevented because the doctrine of the creation was bolstered up by faith in the Incarnation.
  • I think I will take a trip back to my doc and see about one of those new space-age dexie incarnations that’s all, like remote control sustained-release and entirely wireless. The Apnea Of My Eye « Skid Roche
  • Karma regulates the reincarnation and transmigration of the soul, Sikhism links Karma with the doctrine of Grace.
  • On the contrary, she should steep herself in the rich history of these shadowy ciphers, for they can carry heavy loads, as freighted with meaning as any more fleshly incarnations.
  • Ritual slaying, feasting, and return of the skull and bones of a bear were fundamental to sending the animal's soul back to its original home and thus facilitating its reincarnation.
  • Under teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, reincarnation of important lamas is done through divination or mystical means.
  • Highly acclaimed for its "literary stylings", GAW, in its final incarnation, was marketed to the wrong genre. Why I Stopped Reading: The Gone Away World
  • Turks especially deride, Christ's incarnation, resurrection of the body at the last day, quod ideo credendum (saith Tertullian) quod incredible, &c. many miracles not to be controverted or disputed of. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Theology has typically confined the concept of kenosis to the incarnation of the Son.
  • William of Poitiers more Christian in his realism, ac - ceptance of the incarnation, and his humanism than his monastic adversary? LOVE
  • Metrosexuality, in both its female and male incarnations, is a necessarily self-ish post-feminism. Mark Simpson and Caroline Hagood on Wo-Metrosexuality and the City
  • In all these places, you can also say “hello” in Global English to that latest incarnation of the Ancient Greek discus thrower, your disc jockey, or, to use the abbreviated form, your deejay. The English Is Coming!
  • For a Christian, the answer is in the incarnation: because the divine mystery is made flesh.
  • Christians claim that the Incarnation changes the meaning of everything.
  • In previous incarnations he has been a Vancouver trial lawyer, a staff writer for The Prague Post, and the editor of Victoria's Monday Magazine, where an earlier version of this story appeared.
  • Eddie Donagan, who once had looked to me like the reincarnation of Bob Feller, was a sneaker salesman. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • It is a time to gain a new look on life, to purify oneself and to regain the sense of Godly aspiration as the central purpose for this earthly incarnation.
  • Every weekend during the sweltering month of August, from 1652 until 1866, the drains of the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi were blocked so that the waters would overflow and flood much of Piazza Navona, a sort of aqueous reincarnation of the naumachiae, or mock naval battles, that were once staged on the same site more than a thousand years ago. Archive 2009-07-01
  • In a previous journalistic incarnation I was dispatched to the inner sanctum of the Test Match Special outside Broadcast Studio.
  • The elaborate funeral rites of Bubis show their belief in the hereafter (life after death) and in reincarnation (return to life in another form).
  • Despite attempts to the contrary, it affirms a God who is diverse and who thrives in plurality, which is transgender (Male Father, Female Spirit and Two-Spirited Son who is a incarnation of God's feminine wisdom) and is immanent, transcendent and personal. Jason Derr: A New Conception of the Trinity for Post-Trinity Faith
  • The boy stirs her and her family, especially after she becomes convinced that the boy is really the reincarnation of her true love.
  • Such an interpretive clarification is critical because the idea of the self-made man in antebellum America has a long, entrenched historiography and, in its latest incarnation, couples masculinity studies with a discussion of the development of national markets and the removal of men from the household as part of the rise of separate spheres. 96 Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • There is something even more profound in her view of the body that stems from her theology of the Incarnation.
  • Religions with reincarnation as a central concept have dietary rules that are often more explicit.
  • The focus is on the Incarnation of Christ as interpreted in the fourth gospel, and the means of salvation is primarily the sacraments.
  • The Himalayan cave houses an icy stalagmite worshipped as an incarnation of the Hindu god Shiva.
  • The nature of horror is cyclical, with each ‘newly transgressive incarnation of the genre’ replacing the last.
  • It was so represented and made known under the Old Testament, in his personal appearances on various occasions unto several eminent persons, leaders of the church in their generations This he did as a praeludium to his incarnation. Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ
  • The Incarnation of Jesus Christ is God's Self-revelation to the world.
  • The name is considered to be derived from the Sanskrit _krishi_, cultivation, or from _kurma_, the tortoise incarnation of Vishnu, whether because it is the totem of the caste or because, as suggested by one writer, the Kurmi supports the population of India as the tortoise supports the earth. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • No doubt you've guessed that I think I believe in reincarnation - the doctrine of the rebirth of the spirit / soul in different bodies.
  • Some legends say these delicate creatures are the incarnation of the spirits, others argue that they are angels from heaven.
  • He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.
  • Rebirth has been addressed in different ways such as reincarnation, metempsychosis, transmigration, reem bodiment, metasomatism, and even as polingenesis and resurrection. Undefined
  • As a Hindu or someone raised to believe in reincarnation, he becomes Buddha. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interesting and Unbelieveably Depressing Interview:
  • The Dalai Lama was believed to be a reincarnation of Buddha.
  • They show his progression in the creative linocut process and the uniqueness of each incarnation of the proof.
  • In fact, the dogwood is a poignant reminder of the hundred-year gap between the first and second incarnations of this garden. A Brand-New Olmsted
  • Incarnation, a volume in the New Century Theology series, reads as an extended meditation on the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
  • Heard in this context, it involves the destruction and re-incarnation of the melody; at the close it appears over and above a series of jazz pianist sevenths.
  • City leaders are confident that the latest reincarnation won't suffer a similar fate.
  • In order to pad the movie out to a reasonable length (rather than having it end after 70 minutes), a middle act has been added that was not in any of the previous incarnations.
  • One must not identify it, say, with the pure, prelapsarian humanity favored in medieval accounts of the incarnation.
  • Gorakhnath, being an incarnation of Shiva, is worshipped as a deity by the Jogis, and has a number of temples dedicated to him.
  • The Era of the Incarnation, often called the Dionysian Era, was soon much used in Italy and, to some extent, a little later in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • After the bones have been thus interred, the spirit of the dead man is believed to go away and to remain in his old _alcheringa_ home until such time as he once more undergoes reincarnation. [ The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • Monks recite the story of the Buddha's last incarnation before attaining enlightenment.
  • All of it speaks of incarnation: the unity of divinity and humanity, body and spirit, flesh and soul, grace and nature.
  • Some Hindus in Nepal even worship him as a reincarnation of the deity Vishnu.
  • Cream never did reunite, but are rightfully acknowledged as the earliest incarnations of blues-based hard rock bands, soon to become a staple of the rock diet.
  • His various incarnations have accorded him iconic status, but his pedestal is not carved from stone.
  • He also says that Jesus could be a reincarnation of John the Baptist.
  • The middle of the twentieth century also saw the first incarnations of the term customer service, as businesses started to answer customers questions and take orders by phone. Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
  • I remember when I used to think that I was a reincarnation of Mary.
  • The years of the fructiferous incarnation of the Son of God had reached the number of one thousand three hundred and forty-eight, when into the illustrious city of Florence, beautiful beyond every other in Italy, entered the death - fraught pestilence. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • He also believed he was the reincarnation of Louis XVI and that your mother was Marie Antoinette.
  • The one and only problem is whether we can give an account of the Incarnation that allows us to reduplicate in this way. The Compositional Account of the Incarnation
  • But through Ramakrishna it had acquired a new and human face, for many saw him as an incarnation of the deity.
  • Those liberal Democrats will stand up and fight for you instead of sitting on the sidelines and whining -- Joe Biden got that right -- about you not being the reincarnation of Franklin effing Roosevelt. Robert Brenner: Bill Clinton's Secret Advice to Barack Obama
  • It's a system that works perfectly, and along with instant refills for missiles and health, removes much of the fiddliness of recent incarnations. This week's new games
  • Christian faith asserts that in the incarnation the very Word, or Logos, of God has become a creaturely human being within the materiality of the universe.
  • Paradox lends itself to the expression of religious ideas, especially Christian notions concerned with the doctrine of the incarnation, with its mix of divine inconceivability and worldly embodiment.
  • Then follows a series of embodiments, or incarnations, from lower to higher, in which occurs an evolution or "unfoldment" of the nature of the soul, in which it rises to higher and higher planes of being, until finally, after æons of time, it enters in Union with the Divine Nirvana and Reincarnation and the Law of Karma A Study of the Old-New World-Doctrine of Rebirth, and Spiritual Cause and Effect
  • In earlier incarnations of Sisyphus whose images can be found in the link below, especially in her medallic work, there is a higher degree of relief and, therefore, more of a boundary between man and what obsesses him. Penelope Andrew: The Freud(ian)s: Inspired by Sigmund's Passion for Antiquities, Jane Debuts Her Own Paradigms of the Unconscious
  • In the story's original incarnation, Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart, Frank is a pleasure-seeker who has indulged in every flavor of perversion money can buy. Deader is Better
  • Don't go convincing yourself you are a channel of some kind or a spirit medium or even, heaven forbid, the reincarnation of Lord Carstairs! SANDS OF TIME
  • He was an egomaniac; but Elaine should forgive him -- he could not be a reincarnation of her husband, and that was what she wanted. DANSVILLE
  • The incarnation of the Common Sense Revolution is not well today, or her protests would be even more forceful.
  • As the current standard-bearers for mankind, we must also bear the heavy burden of being its worst incarnation yet, and that, with the inexorability of time, things can only get worse.
  • They are very often reincarnations of previous lamas.
  • The Maharishi summoned us to a room full of flowers and colour where he talked about life's journey, reincarnation and release from pain.
  • I must confess I didn't realise it had been renovated - and I'd been avoiding it because in its previous incarnation, it was a slightly pokey cafeteria.
  • This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.
  • Vietnamese Buddhists believe in reincarnation and karmic destiny (the belief that people get what they deserve).
  • They thus shifted attention away from the historical life of Jesus, putting it into the shadow and promoting instead the Incarnation i.e., of a preexistent Son. Did Jesus Claim To Be God?

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