How To Use Incarnate In A Sentence
We do need to show that we can talk without contradiction of God's universal salvific will and the scandalous particularity of the incarnate and risen Lord.
the old product was reincarnated to appeal to a younger market
The Vera Icon clearly shows the humiliation and abjection of the incarnate Christ.
Rastas, numbering only in the hundreds of thousands, recognize Haile Selassie I as God incarnate, and believe that marijuana is a gateway to spiritual enlightenment.
Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
To the left, Zephyr and Chloris blow life into her, helping her to incarnate while moving from heaven to earth.
The Poet Prince

I am, as you probably know, an incarnate Star Wars fan, and as such, this is a nugget of pure gold … Or bacta.
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Great Regulars: For all his Hindu allusions, he Derek Mahon displays a resistance to the transcendental: eschewing good Karma, he sprays "Deet" at a mosquito, despite being reincarnated as "a mozzie myself once".
Archive 2009-09-01
an incarnate spirit
We are all quite aware that he is a witch-burner reincarnate come to re-enact all the painful past.
The media cast him as the devil incarnate .
She also incarnates expatriate women, like Hooda, living in exile in London and perpetually nursing her Scotch, and the American woman watching CNN in dismay.
He had the understanding, though, that each soul reincarnates until it becomes completely pure, and that each soul finds its own level, designated by reactions to its actions in this and previous lives.
I think I've always been drawn to communities that really do manifest some notion of a sort of incarnate Christ or being.
That movie is about cunning, wit and irony - as incarnated in the larger-than-life figure of an Austrian super-star who is more American than millions of native-borns.
He does not come ostentatiously and with anger, but is incarnate through Mary, whose suppliant obedience also demonstrates meekness in a relatively obscure village.
Eric Simpson: The Meek Are Reconciled With The Earth: The Basis Of Christian Ecology
The leader seemed the devil incarnate.
Because the incarnate Logos is the source and measure of all creaturely being, a full account of Jesus' identity includes the whole of creation no less than the particular features of the biblical narrative.
Put a knife in those teeth and you'd be Bluebeard incarnate," she said.
Walt Disney has done devilishly well in animating evil incarnate at the climax of the film.
Will You Go See Avatar?
Children are usually identified as having specific traits indicative of a reincarnated lama, then tested further to prove their identity.
My case was a little different because I was raised as a reincarnate lama.
With her bleach blond hair and pale skin, she looks like a reincarnate of Marilyn Monroe in army boots.
Pheadrus is an elf that has been reincarnated from a human thief; he retains most of his memories and skills from when he was a thief as well as skills from his current life as an elf.
The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
When one Dalai Lama dies, it is believed that he is then reincarnated, and it is the duty of the monks to search out his spirit in a newborn child.
In the typical Tibetan home, there are photographs displayed of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other incarnate masters.
When spirit incarnates and takes flesh, a Persona is also taken, an astral personality and this is another version of the fall into matter.
The media cast him as the devil incarnate .
Northern legends represent Buddha as having "incarnated" for the purpose of bringing relief to a distressed world.
Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
His strong left - wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives.
That is ultimately what a virgin is, a woman who is free, and it is a free, blessed and happy humanity that is able to incarnate God.
One of the romantic scenes, the Vrindavan episode, where Krishna incarnated himself for every individual gopi, is very common.
In this they were standing upon the high ground taken by Richard Baxter, an authority among the Puritans, who, denouncing the use of the slaves as beasts for their mere commodity, said, that their masters who "betray or destroy or neglect their souls are fitter to be called incarnate devils than Christians though they be no Christian whom they so abuse.
The History of the Negro Church
She also incarnates expatriate women, like Hooda, living in exile in London.
Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings with the ability to divine the future.
Strong-willed, sexually voracious Alys Robi in Ma vie en cinemascope incarnates the spirit of Quebec and its contradictions.
She plays him from the inside out, revealing his interior struggles while making fully incarnate his exterior -- the irony, sarcasm, ecstatic beauty, paradox, and the leonine raging against an incipient silence.
Music review: Yuliya Gorenman plays Beethoven sonatas at the Katzen Center
I think this one started when he was just a wee laddie with a ladybird book on weather but it was reincarnated last week.
The leader seemed the devil incarnate.
The beetle in his eyes is no ordinary beetle, but one of the gods incarnated in the insect for this special purpose; and the fakir is a holy ascetic, who has acted in this case by the order of the same god.
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
God fully revealed; that the Divine Spirit, incarnate in Him, comes upon men still and brings them into the bottomless, unsoundable deeps of Life with God, and makes it possible for them to attain a perfect life; that the Scriptures as outward and legal must be transcended, and that they must be spiritually discerned and experienced.
Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
But contra - dicting euhemerist apotheosis, myth represents how the gods become human, i.e., incarnate.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
He stared at her as if she had suddenly become its spirit incarnate.
The considered teaching of churchmen and philosophers still holds incarnate beauty to be, at best, the unintended consequence of accident or design and, at worst, plain old craven idolatry.
The prefix "an" negates, so the actual meaning of anatman is different from soul, self, spirit, and it is - oddly, the anatman which incarnates * NOT* reincarnates,
Progressive Bloggers
My aunt is generosity incarnate.
Holy Scripture must be treated as what it essentially is—the witness of the Father to the Incarnate Son.
He argued that if telepathy were seen as the action of the incarnate spirit, a principle independent of the material body, perhaps this would support the idea of the existence of spirits without a body.
They were followed by the Tsogchen Tulkus, high ranking reincarnate lamas.
Judaism also believes, as Hindus do, that an old soul can choose to reincarnate in a body well after birth, in someone who is say 15 or 22 years old, this is known as ibbur.
She was grace incarnate, swimming out of her clothes as if emerging from a cool, clean mountain stream, naked before him as she bent for the stiff cotton nightshirt that lay folded beneath her pillow on the raised wooden pallet beside his own.
The Silence
The basic idea is that one's soul can be reincarnated for an unknown number of rebirths and that what the soul is to be reincarnated into depends on the balance of one's sins and good deeds in past lives.
As the seven lamps before the throne represent the Spirit of God immanent in the Godhead, so the seven eyes of the Lamb represent the same sevenfold Spirit profluent from the incarnate Redeemer in His world-wide energy.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
For decades he has behaved as though he were God-incarnate, carrying a royal staff, ruling autocratically over his minions, consolidating power, eliminating opposition.
Judie Fein: Mubarak: Modern-Day Pharoah of Egypt
The underlying thought appears to be that Jesus is a pre-existing divine being who became incarnate in the skene tent/tabernacle of David, i.e., in a fleshly body.
Did Jesus Predict His Death? The Witness of Mark and John
But in the attempt to incarnate and ensanguine it I failed wretchedly.
Seven Men
The French propensity to incarnate ideas in depictions of the carnal reaches a high point in Klossowski's fiction, which indeed resembles Sade's in a few ways.
After their deaths they meet in the bardo and discuss their experiences before being reincarnated into another time.
Divided States Of America Part I [Review: The Years Of Rice And Salt]
You were the world incarnate; you were Majipoor, in and of yourself.
Only those people who are reincarnated members of the royal family and their protectors are feeling this pain,’ he told her.
Compared to the old model, the reincarnated Mini Cooper has a more powerful engine and looks more streamlined.
The exemplary view has a somewhat different flavor depending on whether the emphasis falls on Jesus as an example of human faithfulness toward God or on the incarnate God's humble appeal to humanity.
And if any part that is to come away shall fall off, the part will incarnate sooner when thus treated than otherwise, and will more speedily cicatrize.
On Fractures
How many hipsters there would have the will - or the gall - to refuse to unironically acknowledge the fabulousness of disco incarnate?
The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.
One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate.
With birth, your soul, higher being, superconscious or whatever you want to call it is incarnated into the physical manifestation that we call our body.
With their mix of male and female imagery, snakes are sexuality incarnate.
Tibet was a theocracy, ruled by incarnate Buddhas, and, in imitation of China, it had adopted a policy of almost complete exclusion.
After three days of life, a shaman evokes a soul to be reincarnated in the baby's body.
But, if your soul were to leave you, that power would be reincarnated into its next human heir.
His strong left - wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives.
Trinity Sunday celebrates the belief in the incomprehensible mystery of God, not only as Spirit, but also as God creator and God incarnate.
If consciousness could be incarnated in created physical forms, what are the requirements to draw consciousness into something?
Yang Caini is reincarnate " nocturnal goddess " , take the swing arsis that is being hanged in half sky to photograph photo, dimly discernible romance is full of mysterious breath.
Or this, further, it may represent, in striking and inspiring way, -- that the pure in heart shall win the victories in life; that the guileless are the valiant sons of God; that the heart that resists evil passion and is touched by pity for the world's woe is the heart that reincarnates the passionate purity of the Christ and can reveal again the healing power, the Holy Grail of God.
Parsifal A Mystical Drama By Richard Wagner Retold In The Spirit Of The Bayreuth Interpretation
The miracle stories of the New Testament can no longer be interpreted in a post-Newtonian world as supernatural events performed by an incarnate deity.
Siva's followers all believe in the law of karma that one must reap the effects of all actions he has caused - and that each soul reincarnates until all karmas are resolved and moksha, liberation, is attained.
Have mercy on us and give us strength to bear what the word of God reveals - that a sinless, incarnate God died for our sins.
Let's say you are six feet tall and weigh 200 pounds and believe that epiphenomenalism is false and that 5+1 = 51 and that tomorrow more than 93 of your ancestors will be reincarnated as bright orange unicorns or bluish centaurs in a parallel universe, and you would love to be a time-traveling psychotic computer program that designs completely undetectable entities.
Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
Touch his silly vanity, which he exalts into high-sounding pride — call him a liar, and behold the red animal in him that makes a hand clutching that is quick like the tensing of a tiger's claw, or an eagle's talon, incarnate with desire to rip and tear.
The Somnambulists
O Lord, to kneel in adoration before Yourdivinity incarnate in this world.
The death of any kinsman or woman from any cause might give rise to the hope of their spirit being reincarnated.
Because the eternal word and wisdom of God has completely occupied his human mind and body, we say that in him this word and wisdom has 'become flesh', has been 'incarnated'.
What is Christianity?
For Nietzsche, Manu and his code of caste regulations became the basis for a theory of the superman, just as the brahmin and the Aryan fused to incarnate the notion of ‘pure blood.’
Here's what we need to learn from Redwood Summer: the language of fringe environmentalism that was made incarnate in violence of ecoterrorism didn't work.
Ben Daniel: Jared Loughner And The Incarnation Of Violent Rhetoric
Monophysites were therefore quite right in saying that all the actions, human and divine, of the incarnate Son are to be referred to one agent, who is the God-man; but they were wrong in inferring that consequently His actions, both the human and the Divine, must all be called "theandric" or "divino-human", and must proceed from a single divino-human energeia.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
Wilson should not be ignorant, as he really would have been, of this timely service on the part of Mesty, who certainly, although with a great deal of "sangfroid" in his composition when in repose, was a fiend incarnate when his blood was up.
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Major figures have been humbled and political down-and-outs reincarnated.
The Sun
Since 1857 Hali, Sir Syed and Shibli adopted the new trend of ghazals written in such a way that they incarnated deep thoughts.
Although we might be tempted to see Spencer as evil incarnate, is there anything that might help us to understand him, or, at least to some extent, to empathize with him?
A Conversation with Jodi Picoult
In traditional belief, the ancestors reside in the sky or underground, from where they may be reincarnated in human or animal form.
And anyway, you carry the spirit reincarnate of the Lord of Stone.
Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens!
Literary creation of this period has also revealed group variation, which is incarnated in the choice and judgment of the writer's creative subjects and the artistic style.
It's the dark shadow of the fascism of modernist brutalism, the truth incarnate that every Utopia is unachievable.
Some people think he was the devil incarnate; others think he was a great social critic.
Christ is constantly being "corrected" in Papism and has largely been replaced by the Bible amongst the Protestants; in both cases, the Incarnate Logos (Word) is replaced by scholasticism (separation of intellect from life) and heresy.
Signed Digraph incarnates the coalescent modelling thought of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and the standardized modeling for a complex system can be realized by signed digraph.
Cultural criticism, by contrast, not only valorizes the refractoriness, opacity, and allusive metaphoricity of the avant-garde aesthetic, it also incarnates these same qualities.
But it makes more sense to me to speak of Jesus as one who incarnated God.
Even God, when incarnates on earth in human garb, adheres to the Divine Principle by offering Himself to the lotus feet of the perfect spiritual master of the time.
This has shown that Christ's priesthood cannot be understood as either male or female, but as a priesthood of the incarnate Logos of God, who assumed the perfect human nature without the sin.
The Son of God, who from eternity shares the fullness of life with the Father and the Holy Spirit, was "immersed" in our reality as sinners to make us share in his own life: he was incarnate, he was born like us, he grew up like us and, on reaching adulthood, manifested his mission which began precisely with the "baptism of conversion" administered by John the Baptist.
Archive 2009-01-01
I know the idea of animals having reincarnated human souls is hardly a new one… but this was an interesting idea to explore.
The typical teardrop is basic, just a bed and a little galley (kitchen) area, and this one is no exception, except for the extra-wideness of it and the spoke tires, apparently a sign of hot-rodness incarnate (and to be honest, not a selling point for me, though I get many admiring remarks - about the trailer - from certain kinds of men at gas stations, probably for that reason particularly).
Archive 2009-06-01
The central symbol of much of the ancient pagan cult in biblical Canaan was the Ashera tree, symbol of the Goddess Ashera incarnate.
The terrible grief I felt at the miscarriage was not because my body had evacuated a waste product, but because I mourned a human spirit never to be incarnated, who would never be, never know this world.
Baptists believe Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, the incarnate manifestation of the Eternal God.
The process of brand creation need incarnate in each project construction process.
The orchestral introduction grips us by the scruff of the neck in the venom with which it makes hunting and stalking aurally incarnate.
She is evil incarnate.
Even if you bid me good riddance and send me packing; if you wish I was dead as a doornail; if you think I am an eyesore, a laughing stock, the devil incarnate, a stony-hearted villain, bloody-minded, or a blinking idiot, Then -- by jove!
Ken Adelman: Bard Blog: Strange WordFellows -- Sarah Palin & William Shakespeare
And ascended into heaven" -- this passage shows the belief that He returned to the place from which He came, for the Nicene Creed has stated that he "_came down from heaven_ and was incarnate ... and was made man.
Mystic Christianity
Shhh… We'll get reincarnated and then one day we'll meet and we'll fall in love all over again.
If the soul must learn more, it reincarnates into a new body, and a new lesson is introduced.
They are depicted as descending by themselves, or with the dove of the Holy Spirit, or with the incarnate Christ Child enmeshed among the luminous striations.
Queen was happiness incarnate.
And Tom King, looking, saw Youth incarnate, deep-chested, heavy-thewed, with muscles that slipped and slid like live things under the white satin skin.
I believed that I was Jesus Christ reincarnate back to do a job for the planet.
After the spirit was released, it would be reincarnated as a fighter in the next life.
The Hindu temple, in all its diverse manifestations, incarnates this truth.
Cixin watership mine pleasure modelling, it is freedom from worry incarnate - openings and smile, laugh all ridiculous, tatu accommodate, let the world can hardly contain the matter.
Rudolf Steiner, who founded anthroposophy, recognised him as an authentic spiritual master incarnated on the earth.
When we die, we're reborn - reincarnated, in another body.
The Australian actor plays a woman who believes her dead husband has been reincarnated in the body of a 10-year-old boy.
I think Obama is a victim of his enablers who suggested he was cicero, Lincoln, and FDR incarnate.
Forget "my Muslim faith." The key line is "these guys love to throw a rock and hide their hand."
Have mercy on us and give us strength to bear what the word of God reveals - that a sinless, incarnate God died for our sins.
Bill used the word incarnate when describing Obama.
Bill: "Barack Obama Is The Man For This Job"
Then he would join his brother at rest, uttering a final prayer that when they were reincarnated, that they would be allowed to be together again.
For sociologists, doctors incarnate various forms of power disparities.
The Times Literary Supplement
Ok, so I'm really nothing like him but if I was to be reincarnated as a pompous windbag that'd be the type I'd like to be.
The cardiotachometer can incarnate the function of one's heart , reflect the burthen in the training and resume after training.
The monk explained to the interviewer his belief that the bullock was a reincarnated soul and expressed the forlorn hope that Shambo might have been a veterinary surgeon in a previous life, in which case I suppose they think he got his just deserts.
Previous lives
a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate
If Truthfulness is the Last Taboo, in the meantime the lowest common denominator aspect of our culture sensationalizes other taboos -- like sex of course, even shrouding ignobility over the very requisite deed that continually incarnates us into the continuum of expression -- to manipulate emotions into profit.
Sebastian Siegel: Letting Go to Hold On
The Lord incarnates Himself in each and every one of them and in each and every type of living species.
Correct Orthodox belief says that Christ has one indivisible nature, human and divine, godhead and humanity fused and inseparable, that the incarnate Christ was fully human and fully divine at one and the same time.
Jesus is the word incarnate … Hence the word is Christ News
I see that the truth that we see in circumstances, even “human” truth, is God’s truth, a kind of incarnated truth, as Jesus is God incarnate.
Jesus, truth in each circumstance
The essence of civil law idea is justice, and its core incarnate inviolability of private right, equality of personality and autonomy of will.
John expresses, oneself fictitious and reincarnate communicate around through frequency earphone with other tourist guide.
First families are often very agreeable, undeniably respectable, fearfully virtuous, and it takes great faith to resist an evil principle which incarnates itself in the suavities of their breeding and amiability; and therefore it was that Mrs. Scudder felt her heart heavy within her, and could with a very good grace have joined in the Doctor's
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
In the realm of mythic narrative, the same stories keep getting reincarnated.
Carrier writes there that Plutarch suggests "for these believers Osiris is "incarnated" in the sublunar heaven and actually dies and resurrects there
Mythicist Misunderstanding
But what role can Scripture play in such an understanding of God's ‘primal historical’ meeting with persons in the incarnate Christ?
Exiled daemons are reincarnated into all sorts of living forms, finally coming to be as prophets, poets, physicians, and leaders among men.
His strong left - wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives.
Jack's not too bothered, though, as he's now convinced he is Bill Clinton reincarnate.
He does not come ostentatiously and with anger, but is incarnate through Mary, whose suppliant obedience also demonstrates meekness in a relatively obscure village.
Eric Simpson: The Meek Are Reconciled With The Earth: The Basis Of Christian Ecology
And if I am reincarnated as a chef, I would hope I would make a better fist of the whole-wheat noodles, which were an overcooked, gelatinous mess.
One day, I'll be reincarnated, just like our faith says, and family members are usually reincarnated together, so I can promise that I'll meet you again someday, okay?
It's more like… the consciousness that is the Universe incarnates parts of itself to live in itself to learn more about itself.
The reincarnated Carnival Institute is a subdivision of the National Carnival Commission.
By following Hinduism they should be able to lead a very good life, so that when they reincarnate, they get a good birth to continue their spiritual education.
Did you all get reincarnated as David Letterman circa 1998? jacksmith wrote on January 25, 2008 5: 56 AM:
Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Bill Clinton Touts "The 1990s" In New South Carolina Radio Ad For Hillary
I discovered, however, that they reincarnate into another body when killed.
The whole infinite Majesty, and inexhaustible resources of the divine nature, were incorporated and insphered in that Incarnate Word from whom all men may draw.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. John Chapters I to XIV
The incarnate Son is as it were forcibly made discarnate in death, and his divine-human spirit returns to his Father and his God, just as in human death the dust returns to the earth.
She blanched with fear, as though her worst fears stood incarnate before her.
You saw me come downstairs yourself,' he pointed out, his tone grievance incarnate.
That enemy officer is a devil incarnate / an incarnate fiend.
However, the mighty barbarian is deemed unworthy to enter Paradise by the Ancestors and is reincarnated in order to redeem himself.
It was the habit of the eighteenth century to judge poetry by its form alone; the nineteenth judged it by the spirit which inspired it, by that which, as De Quincey puts it, was "incarnated" in a work of art.
Personality in Literature
But when the Reality becomes incarnate as the express Image of God, images become hallowed.
And he was sic an awsome body, that naebody cared to anger him; for the oaths he swore, and the rage that he used to get into, and the looks that he put on, made men sometimes think him a devil incarnate.
We surely are psychosomatic unities, ‘animated bodies rather than incarnated souls,’ to use a famous phrase.
Formes was indeed under the impression that he himself was the _Figaro Figarorum_, the incarnate half-Spanish ideal of that wonderful barbaresque conception; but then, the Formes
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 5, May, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
When people claim to be reincarnated, for some reason, they tend to have been the Queen of Sheba, and not some scrofulous beggar.
In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the early church, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divine natures in his own single person (hypostasis).
That is to say, the Word, a pre-existent divine being, became incarnate in the skene tent/tabernacle of David, i.e., in a fleshly body.
Did Jesus Predict His Death? The Witness of Mark and John
Moreover, Bakhtin argues that in Dostoevsky's polyphonic novels the author is only an unprivileged voice taking part in his own internal dialogue, where his conflicting ideas are incarnated by various characters.
Trinity Sunday celebrates the belief in the incomprehensible mystery of God, not only as Spirit, but also as God creator and God incarnate.
Politics oath system is a historical category, which incarnates people's affirmance to democracy system.
Moreover, Bakhtin argues that in Dostoevsky's polyphonic novels the author is only an unprivileged voice taking part in his own internal dialogue, where his conflicting ideas are incarnated by various characters.
The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate.
Firstly, it is the incarnate Christ who reveals the Father, while yet veiling the sinner from God's burning holiness.
The contest between visuality and textuality incarnates the interplay between the political and the aesthetic, between justice and pleasure, truth and beauty.
His oldest son is quite mad, believing that he is Jesus Christ reincarnate.
But Sarah and her mother believe that Melissa is her grandmother reincarnated.
You saw me come downstairs yourself,' he pointed out, his tone grievance incarnate.
The Foolish Old Man incarnates the courage and industry of the Chinese people.
Monophysites, and it is now plain that the chief points on which the various sections of Monophysites were agreed against Catholicism were the assertions that there is but one Will in the Incarnate Word, and that the operations (activities, energeiai) of Christ are not to be distinguished into two classes, the Divine and the human, but are to be considered as being the "theandric" (Divino-human) actions of the one Christ (see EUTYCHIANISM).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
A distinctive belief is that souls transmigrate (are reincarnated) from generation to generation.
This is also the meaning of the incarnate God entering human history through a manger and not Herod's palace.
World of Warcraft" is now welcoming his fifth birthday, while it was only a game in which enables the players reincarnate themselves into warlock, warrior, orcish and numen any longer.
So for all our brothers and sisters everywhere who share the incarnate knowledge of what hatred can do, what rageful reactivity can occasion: this song for all who would rebuild a New City - a Beloved CIty - to house a New Humanity.
Kathleen Deignan: Decade 9.11: A Prayer
Christ's Person is impanated in the bread, just as God is incarnated in the human flesh" (dicunt ita personaliter in pane impanatum
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Carrier writes there that Plutarch suggests "for these believers Osiris is "incarnated" in the sublunar heaven and actually dies and resurrects there" Yet Plutarch implies no such thing, and Carrier appears to be reading this into the text.
Mythicist Misunderstanding
'Good King Wenceslaus' was able to incarnate his Christianity in a world filled with political unrest.
Anne Dilenschneider: Good King Wenceslas: What Will We Risk for Justice?
The ketosterones found in Incarnate come from cissus quadrangularis
MyLinkVault Newest Links
Notice the Latin root incarnare which we find in the English word incarnate.
Archive 2006-10-01
And the beauty of it is that it never becomes disincarnate.
So I brought out the dirhams and sat down to await his return; but he stayed away from me a third month, and I said, “Verily this young man is liberality in incarnate form.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
You will be incarnated as a human to be a Buddha and save all beings.
I wonder from time to time whether Luke, by emphasizing Jesus' growth in wisdom and stature, by highlighting Jesus doing all that he did through the power of the Spirit, and by making Simon Magus the only person in his two-volume work to claim to be something like "God incarnate", is not polemicizing against another view of Jesus that is circulating in his time.
Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
And ascended into heaven" -- this passage shows the belief that He returned to the place from which He came, for the Nicene Creed has stated that he "_came down from heaven_ and was incarnate ... and was made man.
Mystic Christianity
When a soul, in the course of evolution, has succeeded in impressing its vibration -- its thought -- on a brain which it has refined and made responsive by a training which purifies the entire nature of the man, it is able to transmit to the incarnated consciousness the memory of its past lives; but this memory then ceases to be painful or dangerous, for the soul has not only exhausted the greater part of its karma of suffering, it also possesses the strength necessary to sustain its personality, whenever a foreboding of what we call misfortune comes upon it.
Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
This was not true of Jesus in his incarnate and unrisen state.
It is not ideology, it is incarnation and when it infects our lives we too become incarnated, real, fleshly, vulnerable, and strangely free.