How To Use Incapacity In A Sentence
The healthy but lazy who claim incapacity benefit are just as morally bankrupt as those benefiting from offshore tax havens.
Times, Sunday Times
She had suffered lymphoedema in her right arm due to the cancer treatment, which left her too weak to operate equipment, but she was told she did not qualify for incapacity benefit.
If a veterinarian - just as in the case of a doctor - is deemed to be highly incompetent or to have a mental or physical incapacity, he or she should be suspended forthwith.
Other problems included a shortage of learning materials, disorganised teachers and the financial incapacity of students from rural areas.
I had expected a degree of disturbance and interruption as I switched over to Retirement Pension from Incapacity Benefit, and still do.

their incapacity to govern effectively.
This small journey seems quite a formidable expedition to me, and that sort of cowardly feeling of incapacity and disinclination for the smallest effort or unusual exertion is the growth of a two years 'habit over that of thirty preceding ones, and is a greater sign of age than white hairs, wrinkles, or loss of teeth.
Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
Reasons for annulment include physical incapacity, physical violence, or pressure to change one's religious or political beliefs.
Evidence of his mental incapacity was never produced in court.
A novice defending counsel could get you off on the grounds of mental incapacity!
She submits, however, that the Board did not err in law, because it made a specific finding of incapacity based on the statutory test.
Testaments were vitiated in several ways: nullum, void from the beginning, where there was a defect in the institution of the heir or incapacity in the testator; injustum, not legally executed and hence void; ruptum, by revocation or by the agnation of a posthumous child, either natural or civil; irruptum, where the testator had lost the civil status necessary for testation; destitutum, where the heir defaulted because dead or unwilling, or upon failure of the condition; recissum, as the consequence of a legal attack upon an undutiful will.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
There were 103 cases of caretaker absence or incapacity, she said.
It said it could do so, with written notice, as a result of "uncured incapacity.
Sheen Sues Warner Bros.
Speaking quite personally, I'm constantly haunted by our incapacity to achieve ultimate meaning and I hate systems that, as it were, foreshorten the debate by saying ‘Either we have absolute truth or there is no truth to have’.
In an attempt to solve the present case, and similar cases of successive causes of incapacity according to some legal principle, a number of arguments have been invoked.
Margot essayed one Scotch air after another, and was instructed in the proper pronunciation of the words; feigning, it is to be feared, an extra amount of incapacity to pronounce the soft "ch," for the sake of giving her patient a better opportunity of displaying his superior adroitness.
Big Game A Story for Girls
All incapacity benefit claimants will be forced to undergo tests to prove that they are unfit to work.
Times, Sunday Times
And in the process instilled in us some uncanny, extremely unique, weird and peculiar inability and incapacity to fathom how this place works.
The discussion of soul-shrivelling tedium here – which is representative of just about any exchange with an atheist – started me thinking about the seeming incapacity of many atheists to go back to first principles and inspect their unstated assumptions.
Atheist irrationality « Anglican Samizdat
Many teenage boys seem to suffer the same incapacity, but bigheartedness compels us to admit that they may actually be using the phone for business.
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Mental incapacity of the accused must not be allowed to obstruct the course of justice.
Times, Sunday Times
She is currently given 98 a week in incapacity benefit.
Times, Sunday Times
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
If a farmer is aged 55 or over, or is unable to carry on farming as a result of physical or mental incapacity, he can let his farm under a lease for five or more years to a lessee who is not a relative of his.
Government now has its work cut out on incapacity and housing benefit, where some brutal if necessary changes are under way.
Times, Sunday Times
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
If an individual's incapacity prevents him from aspiring to a normal range of employments, he is treated as permanently incapacitated.
Ordinarily, the intellectual impotence of man is regarded as carrying with it moral incapacity as well, and the delusiveness of knowledge is one of the strongest arguments for pessimism.
Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher
The number of people of employable age in receipt of incapacity benefit for longer than six months has quadrupled - from half a million in 1981 to two million in 2002.
The offences cover incapacity benefit, income support and jobseeker's allowance.
The Sun
Meanwhile, disability charities criticised a measure designed to help unemployed incapacity benefit claimants back to work as unhelpful.
Times, Sunday Times
The guidance gives no advice on how the question of incapacity is to be determined.
Or a politically correct reluctance to joke about mental incapacity?
Times, Sunday Times
This has enabled him to come off incapacity benefit and improve his chances of finding work.
Times, Sunday Times
Its plans to contact potential debtors as proposed may not be enough to reach vulnerable people with certain health conditions, such as mental incapacity.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the past years, I have become increasingly aware of the tendency of many intelligent high functioning people on some days I dare to include myself, to freeze in the sense of a real incapacity to process emotions or thoughts in the midst of a situation that is at all conflictual.
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Whatever the detail of the debates over incapacity benefit, there is no doubt that his sympathies do not lie with those he would consider shirkers.
He painted in strong terms the incapacity, and what he called the vindictive and treacherous disposition, of the king; and declared, that to liberate him from the confinement under which he was now placed, would be to expose to certain death, a princess, who, by her wisdom and courage, had been the salvation of the state.
Coronation Anecdotes
They were convinced of the incapacity of the free market significantly to diminish poverty and inequality.
The offences cover incapacity benefit, income support and jobseeker's allowance.
The Sun
Labour welfare reform focused on incapacity benefit, while housing benefit remains ripe for reform.
Times, Sunday Times
Incapacity to do this signals a failure of the imagination and/or basic knowledge of the ground-level details.
Evidence of his mental incapacity was never produced in court.
In light of the incapacity of the defendant to undergo trial, this is a practical change that keeps the need for community safety uppermost.
He wants to sort out a system for organising incapacity benefit, which he believes consigns hundreds of thousands of people to a lifetime trapped in a culture of welfare dependency.
This is at a time when the Government was talking tough about incapacity benefit.
The Sun
First, social security and healthcare systems that emphasise incapacity rather than capacity find it tougher to deliver results for people with long-term or chronic conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
As such, they feature a major dimension of wildness, the incapacity to share language.
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
Proper grounds for putting children into care are such things as cruelty, neglect or incapacity on the part of the parents, or because the children are orphans.
And despite claiming incapacity and council tax benefit, she had four luxury apartments around London.
Times, Sunday Times
Persons generally who were under no incapacity could make a will; those prohibited were such as had some defect of status, some vice or defect of mind, or even some sufficient defect of body, and those guilty of crime or improbity.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
They combined nobility of thought with practical incapacity; they did not spot the Gestapo informer planted on them.
Short term fostering meets the needs of children in all types of situations ranging from the sudden illness or incapacity of a parent through to the need to remove of a child following child protection concerns.
WalesOnline - Home
This arises from an understanding of the notion of incapacity covered by Article 35 as being confined to physical or mental incapacity as distinct from unfitness to serve.
This inability often arises from infancy, mental incapacity, or lack of access to counsel.
Rather than challenging this quietism and posing a political alternative, the radical critique of the global theorists, in fact, reflects and reproduces this sense of incapacity.
A novice defending counsel could get you off on the grounds of mental incapacity!
So many princes fail to enjoy true happiness only, because their feeble, narrow souls, are obliged to act in a sphere too extensive for their energies: it is thus that by the supineness, the indolence, the incapacity of their chiefs, nations frequently pine in misery; are often submitted to masters, whose exility of mind is as little calculated to promote their own immediate happiness, as it is to further that of their miserable subjects.
The System of Nature, Volume 1
As I said he was in a bad temper most of the time, frustrated to the point of tears by his incapacity.
Three quarters of incapacity benefit claimants checked by the Government have proved fit for work.
The Sun
All 1.5million claimants of incapacity benefit are undergoing checks to see if they are fit for work.
The Sun
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
First a strict new medical assessment was introduced to test eligibility for incapacity benefit.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end of sickness benefit claimants will move on to incapacity benefit if they are still without work.
Times, Sunday Times
Furthermore, AIDS typically does not kill its victims immediately but subjects them to a prolonged period of gradually mounting debility and incapacity.
In so far as incapability through incompetence is concerned, the general rule is that the employee's incapacity as it existed at the time of dismissal must be of such a nature and quality as to justify dismissal.
The huge scale of welfare dependency was exposed during a mass reassessment of incapacity benefit claimants.
The Sun
It may relate to the quality of information given, the impact of the regimen on daily life, the physical or mental incapacity of patients, or their social isolation.
Russian military experts estimate that the planning of the American military attack against Iran passed the point of nonreturn on February 20, when the director of the IAEA, Mohammed El Baradei, recognized, the incapacity of the Agency 'to confirm the peaceful character of the nuclear program of Iran.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Russian Military Experts Report US Attack on Iran Will Begin in Early April
The outcome was a pre-employment training course for those on incapacity benefit.
Times, Sunday Times
To say that such systems ‘could not be produced’ is to attribute an inability or incapacity to the Darwinian mechanism.
Sick leave is a privilege to assure the employee some continuity of compensation in times of illness or incapacity.
Christianity Today
It said it could do so, with written notice, as a result of "uncured incapacity," and also said that Mr. Sheen's flurry of media appearances violates part of his contract related to publicity.
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Six weeks of idle talk and inactivity cannot leave the least doubt as to the incapacity or ill-will of the Government.
There will always be a few who misclaim under any system from Incapacity benefit to
The Guardian World News
An untold number of people switch from benefit on the ground of unemployment to benefit on the ground of incapacity.
She returned to work after a long period of incapacity.
The main problem is the author's incapacity to convey his ideas.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Russian Military Experts Report US Attack on Iran Will Begin in Early April'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Russian military experts estimate that the planning of the American military attack against Iran passed the point of nonreturn on February 20, when the director of the IAEA, Mohammed El Baradei, recognized, the incapacity of the Agency "to confirm the peaceful character of the nuclear program of Iran.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Russian Military Experts Report US Attack on Iran Will Begin in Early April
He had to draw incapacity benefit and lost confidence.
The Sun
New incapacity benefit claimants and existing claimants under 25 will also face mandatory skills tests.
The Sun
They excel in fickleness, inconstancy, absence of thought and logic and incapacity to reason.
Too often, researchers say, physical incapacity is prolonged by depression and fear, when gentle exercise and behavioural therapy can break a cycle of inactivity.
But all current claimants of incapacity benefit would be reassessed.
The Sun
Evidence of his mental incapacity was never produced in court.
Edmonton Journal ran an article headlined "Volcano exposes mankind's limits," arguing that Eyjafjallajökull's "belch" has exposed the "striking incapacity of human beings, however smugly sophisticated, to either predict such phenomena or do much about them.
Reason Magazine
It was in vain for this unwieldy wretch to allege his utter incapacity; the boatswain's driver was commanded to whip him up with the cat-and-nine-tails; the smart of this application made him exert himself so much, that he actually arrived at the puttock shrouds; but when the enormous weight of his body had nothing else to support than his weakened arms, either out of spite or necessity, he quitted his hold, and plunged into the sea, where he must have been drowned, had not a sailor, who was in a boat alongside, saved his life, by keeping him afloat till he was hoisted on board by a tackle.
The Adventures of Roderick Random
An additional 2,000 is available for former claimants of incapacity benefit.
Times, Sunday Times
They ask for no evidence of the age or even proof of the ‘abducted’ woman's alleged mental incapacity.
The impotency which is a cause of nullity is the incapacity of having conjugal relations
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
I had expected a degree of disturbance and interruption as I switched over to Retirement Pension from Incapacity Benefit, and still do.
Where the intended beneficiary suffers from a mental or physical incapacity, a trust can be used to hold funds for that individual, with the management of the funds resting with the trustees.
None of them is working, and five are in receipt of incapacity benefit.
Times, Sunday Times
A narrow majority of 55 per cent said they had relied on benefits due to unemployment, illness or incapacity.
The Sun
Service agreements sometimes include a provision entitling the company to dismiss in the event of long-term incapacity.
A novice defending counsel could get you off on the grounds of mental incapacity!
Their benefit was then stopped but they still claim 90 a week incapacity benefit.
The Sun
It therefore includes both cognitive and volitional deficiencies, and places the insanity verdict more squarely on the ground of incapacity.
The Act has been amended to allow personnel who have been discharged as a result of a serious physical or mental incapacity to apply for an entitlement certificate after the two-year period.
Vikki gets incapacity benefit while Gary looks after the children full-time.
The performance suffered shipwreck, however, in the famous first finale, because of the untunefulness of the orchestra, and the incapacity of the enlisted stage bands.
Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
I have already said that I am not going to make a plea of diminished responsibility on the grounds of incapacity.
A party entered into the Arbitration Agreement while under a legal incapacity.
It also granted them a continuing power as attorneys in the event of his incapacity.
Was it not uneconomic to employ older workers whose apparent competence simply masked inevitably growing incapacity?
Lady Teazle and Mrs. Oakley were certainly no exceptions to this experience of a cold fit of absolute incapacity with which I received every new part appointed me, and my studying of them might have been called lugubrious, whatever my subsequent performance of them may have been.
Records of a Girlhood
A significant number of people die on the spot or are condemned to reduced lifespans marred by physical incapacity.
He wants to sort out a system for organising incapacity benefit, which he believes consigns hundreds of thousands of people to a lifetime trapped in a culture of welfare dependency.
The word "loon" is supposed to refer to its incapacity, and is from the same root as "lame.
Janey Canuck in the West
He had to draw incapacity benefit and lost confidence.
The Sun
However, a legal determination of incapacity is generally limited to specified rights, whereas incompetency is associated with a loss of legal rights.
The healthy but lazy who claim incapacity benefit are just as morally bankrupt as those benefiting from offshore tax havens.
Times, Sunday Times
The Government will also test existing incapacity benefit claimants.
The Sun
But the numbers on incapacity benefit who are "malingering" are a minority.
Labour conference live – Sunday 26 September
The agency wrongly assumed incapacity on her part and removed her children from her custody for their protection.
As the Court has noted in the past, however, the evidence is clear that, at the time of the Founding, “the common law set a rebuttable presumption of incapacity to commit any felony at the age of 14, and theoretically permitted [even] capital punishment to be imposed on a person as young as age7.”
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Dissatisfied with its incapacity to make councils cut spending, the government adopted a final sanction - rate capping.
It's almost a career choice to claim incapacity benefit in this area.
The Sun