How To Use Incapable In A Sentence

  • The faces he recognized were those of the laziest and most incapable workmen in the town -- men whose weekly wages were habitually docked for drunkenness, late hours, and botchy work. The Bread-winners A Social Study
  • But decades of research have gone by and scientists remain incapable of creating a sustainable fusion reaction that could be used to create reliable power.
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • Furthermore, those charged with supervising the company on our behalf and protecting our savings were either incapable or unable to force the insurer to live in the real world.
  • It would emasculate the trial process, and undermine public confidence in the administration of criminal justice, if a standard of perfection were imposed that was incapable of attainment in practice.
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  • He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.
  • Even though this denial has to some extent to do with Habermas’s understandable fight with the ghost of Heidegger, he seems now to turn this into a new orthodoxy, thereby showing how critical theory is incapable of critiquing its very foundational presuppositions such as valorization of rational argumentations, performative competence, validity claims and linguistic intersubjectivity instead of emotional intersubjectivity Craib, 1998. Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo and Beyond
  • But he proved just as incapable in manhood as he was in infancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • extended sense", but they are incapable of satisfying (B2), precisely because their way of satisfying (B1) is committed to a non-concatenative realization of syntactic structures. The Language of Thought Hypothesis
  • Siamese twins died Friday night due to a complex congenital cardiopathy (a badly formed heart that both shared and which was incapable of pumping blood), according to Radio Programas del Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • He was friendly and seemed incapable of something like this. The Sun
  • I repeat that we were incapable of waging what we called the simultaneous battle. The Speech
  • I'm actually suggesting that they are (largely) incapable of thinking outside the box (to use a well-overworn phrase). Coding Dispositions at GDC
  • Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture. Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
  • So, Tony, if you are incapable of political acts of kindness please step aside.
  • The slow and deliberate steps of philosophers, here, if anywhere, are distinguished from the precipitate march of the vulgar, who, hurried on by the smallest similitude, are incapable of all discernment or consideration.
  • Is it time for us in the Church to say that splitting atoms is unholy work, work that even ‘at its best’ is inherently incapable of giving glory to the God who made heaven and earth?
  • Being incapable of theory, being indeed incapable of thought, he can only deal in two things: what he calls practicality and what I call sentimentality. The wheels of justice grind slow…
  • Is it really true that we are incapable of sparing a single minute for sorrow and respect? Times, Sunday Times
  • Her deportment was the subject of reams of scurrility in prose and verse: it lowered her in the opinion of some whose esteem she valued; nor did the world know, till she was beyond the reach of praise and censure, that the conduct which had brought on her the reproach of levity and insensibility was really a signal instance of that perfect disinterestedness and selfdevotion of which man seems to be incapable, but which is sometimes found in woman. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 2
  • incapable of doing the work
  • The war also brings to us this disclosure, that the German autocracy is incapable of interpreting the British genius and understanding the true spirit of democracy. Some War Revelations
  • He and others: while again Mirabeau, we say, is cast forth from it, happily incapable of being replaced; and rests now, irrecognisable, reburied hastily at dead of night, in the central 'part of the Churchyard Sainte-Catherine, in the Suburb Saint-Marceau,' to be disturbed no further. The French Revolution
  • In both cases large, impersonal, bureaucratic structures proved incapable of responding to the needs of a more diverse population and their non-material aspirations.
  • When he believed in something, he was incapable of dissembling or prevaricating.
  • I'm so completely clumsy and incapable of handling a sword or a gun that I just gave up on it.
  • Christopher is mathematically gifted, but socially incapable, finding the simplest emotional empathy unfathomable.
  • It simply exists in an inoffensive and unexciting realm of commonplaceness that makes it incapable of standing out among the pack of infinitely better racers available for any of its chosen platforms.
  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves.
  • Colonel Brandon mentions wearing one, and Marianne takes this as a sign he is old and sickly, and incapable of being a lover.
  • an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues
  • The female incapable of intellectual purpose, governed by her whims and humours, is a misogynistic cliche not only of the time, but very much of his writings.
  • The atrocities of the Second World War coupled with developments in genetics, robotics, and space exploration (just to mention a few) are reflected in nihilism and existentialism philosophies, presenting the image of a man as a fluctuant entity, surrounded by relative values, incapable of seeking ultimate truths and haunted by the disintegration of ideologies that once he has held sacred. POSTMODERN LITERATURE:
  • He was apparently physically incapable of lowering his voice.
  • It was known that animal micro-organisms, unlike vegetable micro-organisms, after a cycle of life in which reproduction takes place by scission -- that is, by subdivision of a single body into several other bodies equal to the first, give place to _sexual forms_, masculine and feminine, which are separate, and incapable of scission, but are designed for _fusion into one another_, after which the organism recommences its cycle of scissions until it again reaches the sexual forms. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • Their foster carers appeared incapable of exercising any control over them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Veterans denied a pension and incapable of supporting themselves might seek charity under the provisions of the Poor Laws.
  • America's legionary army, compared to those of Europe, is large, yet it is incapable any longer of achieving grand goals. Michael Vlahos: America: Enemy of Change, Midwife of the Future
  • He seems incapable of checking his rage and increasingly bent on causing real harm to others.
  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.
  • But the wounded feelings and the timidity of Joan of France rendered her incapable of an effort to make the conversation more general; and at length, excepting a few interjectional civilities of the Lady Quentin Durward
  • The defendants traversed the allegation "that the ship was broken, damaged, and destroyed, and rendered incapable of pursuing the voyage, by any perils which the said assurers by the said policy did take upon themselves."
  • He was so upset that he was incapable of coherent thought.
  • Apparently the good senator is incapable of multi-tasking like the rest of us. Graham move imperils Obama agenda
  • The muzhik is a very matter-of-fact practical person, totally incapable of understanding what Russia
  • There is a greater effect on the nerve-centres, but less swelling of the wound itself, and, whereas the blood of the rattlesnake’s victim coagulates, the blood of the victim of an elapine snake—that is, of one of the only poisonous American colubrines—becomes watery and incapable of coagulation. I. The Start
  • Some analysts express concern that the new systems will be less secure and incapable of doing donkey work like batch processing.
  • One year ago, and Uncle Nat would have started with delight at the mention of a place so fraught with remembrances of _Dora_, but Eugenia's last cruel letter had chilled his love, and now, when he thought of Dora, it was as one incapable of either affection or gratitude. Dora Deane
  • He has become what he despises, a man incapable of care. Christianity Today
  • In this connection I desire to make a statement which may come as a surprise to many, and that is this: I have but lately -- within the past few days, in fact -- been informed that among persons addicted to the vice of slang the term nut is occasionally applied to other persons whom they suspect of being mentally incapable or, in short, deranged. Fibble, D.D.
  • They seem incapable of that level of joined-up thinking.
  • L for Legend@ the liberal name calling and demonization is getting real old and kinda shows that you dope addictted products of the NEA controlled education system are incapable of carrying on a discussion about issues. Nelson to support motion to proceed
  • In a State where there is a sense of virtue, a powerful man ought not to give way to the ill-affected, or expose the government to those that are incapable of it, nor suffer high trusts to be committed to those who want common honesty. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • James is speaking of those who are for one reason or another incapable of religious conversion.
  • To me, it illustrates that the son is incapable of distinguishing between singleness of purpose and monomania.
  • What would you do if you ever became paralysed or incapable?
  • Following these discoveries Ruzicka and his co-workers were able to prepare the whole series of alicyclic ketones with 9 to over 30 carbon atoms as ring members, compounds that had previously been believed to be incapable to existence. Leopold Ruzicka - Biography
  • She proves incapable of doing anything more than looking over samples and swatches when it comes to redecorating the kitchen.
  • In mounting such a challenge, an attorney argues that based on a person's answers to the lawyer's or the judge's questions, that person has proved himself incapable of carrying out his responsibilities as a juror.
  • It was first proposed by Lord Sandwich, to raise a laugh against the facetious Lord North, who happened to sit next to a Mr. Mellagen, a name deemed incapable of a rhyme. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • This type is not necessarily that of a woman whose daughter has married, but the type of a depressed woman of about fifty, aboulic, discontented with herself and others, domineering, and jealous, because she suffers from the mania of being loved though she is incapable of acquiring any one's affection. A Psychiatric Milestone Bloomingdale Hospital Centenary, 1821-1921
  • He began to drink heavily and seemed quite incapable of controlling his emotions.
  • The following year, in one of its many articles calling for an end to Italian immigration, the Saturday Evening Post argued that because southern Italians were part African, they were “incapable of self-government and totally devoid of initiative and creative ability.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The qwen pictures I find interesting because I am so large, because I have been called brutish, threatening, dominating, a danger, physcially incapable of knowing my own strength. If you hate Uke's, then you hate me: disgusting, stereotypical, submissive femme I am.
  • He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.
  • The one thing we are incapable of learning by imitating our friends and peers and playmates is the life trajectory that has been prepared for us.
  • A possible explanation is that the human eye and brain are incapable of processing all the necessary visual information to apply the rule
  • To be incapable of committing mayhem is not the mark of the civilized, merely the domesticated. School Suspends Six-Year-Old Boy For Bringing Folding Silverware to Lunch
  • Film stocks of the silent era were incapable of filming at night.
  • It is not much more than a year ago that he dismissed the UN as an inefficient, bureaucratic organisation incapable of decision or action.
  • A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity. Robert A. Heinlein 
  • He seems incapable of walking past a music shop without going in and buying another CD.
  • As a cyclist you are getting used to disregardful, incapable, or aggressive motorists.
  • Luckily, I was born with a body that renders me quite incapable of doing anything very well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advocates of out-and-out conquest argued that Indians were either subhumans or heathens and were therefore incapable of having dominion over themselves or over property.
  • After emerging, the moths were stored at 4°C. Moths are incapable of moving at low temperatures and thus they remained in good condition until all larvae were hatched.
  • The word incapable is too harsh though, I think. reply n00boen It’s All About The Data: Twitter Nabs Senior Scientist Utkarsh Srivastava From Yahoo
  • Now there was a pair – the first a diplomat sharing American good will overseas by hurling in the lap of the Japanese premier, the second destroying our image, incapable of speaking in extended sentences – he of the smirky grin, and lying to chase oil in the Middle East and to restore his Daddy's besmirked reputation. GOP senator warns of 'minor revolution' over health care
  • The doctrine of inerrancy asserts not only that the Bible is true, but that it is incapable of being false or even mistaken, impossible for it to not reflect the cosmic order of the universe and its Creator's plan.
  • Morons, who correspond to the common acceptation of the term feeble-minded, "can under proper direction become more or less self-supporting but they are as a rule incapable of undertaking affairs which demand judgment or involve unrestricted competition with normal individuals. Applied Eugenics
  • Those who assumed that somebody so ‘uncultured’ and naive was incapable of scheming found out their mistake too late.
  • Today, DOT is incapable of meaningful involvement in the key issues of logistics and intermodalism. Railroads Can Move Forward
  • It was easier when the body politic watched the jiggling mammaries on TV and drank beer by the caseload to forget their domestic trifles, but that darn internet went from being a cybernetic version of the Home Shopping Network for fatasses incapable of bestirring themselves beyond their own barcalounger, to something that could actually be used to communicate concepts requiring critical thinking and studied responses. Firedoglake » It’s High Time for Some Truth
  • The Fleming’s lance was, of course, in its rest, and woe betide the faitour whose lot it was to encounter its thrust; the first fell, incapable of further combat, and another of the felons encountered the same fate with little more resistance. Castle Dangerous
  • And, recollecting it, I am struck with the truth, that far more of our deepest thoughts and feelings pass to us through perplexed combinations of _concrete_ objects, pass to us as _involutes_ (if I may coin that word) in compound experiences incapable of being disentangled, than ever reach us _directly_, and in their own abstract shapes. Autobiographical Sketches
  • Churches and pro-life organisations fear that the bill could result in incapable adults being denied food and drink at the insistence of a relative empowered to act for them.
  • Remember, even if you conclude that she is indeed incapable, that she is human and don't demonize her.
  • Ultimately, he is strangely apolitical, incapable of transcending the limits of the entertainment industry.
  • The wives of samurai, even noblewomen, were discouraged from learning more than a syllabary system for transcribing sounds and ideas, and most were incapable of reading texts that employed Chinese ideographs.
  • This type of arrangement remains valid even if you become mentally incapable.
  • Incapable of making any broad appeal, the presidential contenders will resort to electoral fraud, character assassination, chauvinist appeals and outright violence to boost their chances.
  • But he goes on, — “The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and adds, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified,’ or decreed to justify, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • She ruled out topical references and jokes, understanding perfectly that her executive producer was incapable of appreciating either.
  • This is especially important in areas where francophones intermarry with anglophones and are incapable of transmitting the French language to their children.
  • No, but it is a relevant fact which was proved, indeed, incapable of disproof.
  • Incapable of reforming itself in the spirit of the new times, the decrepit empire sank into a deep economic and social crisis which it never overcame.
  • He seems incapable of walking past a music shop without going in and buying another CD.
  • The trees are bare, the land is bleak, closed, unproductive and numb, its furrows seemingly incapable of the new life we hope for in the spring.
  • I read somewhere that CRT HDTVs were incapable of outputting a true 720p/1080i picture and used a technique called bobbing and weaving to produce a faux 1080i image. High-Def Digest: All High-Def Disc News
  • I am not saying for a moment that every woman who is left to bring up a child on her own is incapable.
  • Majesty defamed, the honour of Parliament depraved, the writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations. On The Art of Reading
  • But he proved just as incapable in manhood as he was in infancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Private and family life is a flexible and elastic concept incapable of precise definition.
  • As a lawyer she's totally incapable.
  • Rumoured to be sickly, deformed and incapable of producing heirs, Carlos was widely held to have only a few years to live.
  • Although bats roost upside down, they are incapable of hovering in this position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author, like many older scholars, seems incapable of using simple constructions such as ‘seventy years’, preferring archaisms such as ‘three score and ten’ that make the writing unnecessarily heavy.
  • This lot are incapable of giving up the ghost until the final whistle has blown. Times, Sunday Times
  • My own belief is that she wrote the book because she was a compulsive blabbermouth who was simply incapable of keeping her memories to herself.
  • A seal of beryl, of chrysolite, of ruby; to make impressions (all in good time and proper place though) and receive none: incapable, just as they are, of splitting, or cracking, or flawing, or harbouring dirt. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • The police seem incapable of stopping that, so why would they be bothered about a millionaire footballer? The Sun
  • Nitrites react with haemoglobin to form methaemoglobin, which is incapable of transporting oxygen. Musings from a Stonehead
  • Even to conversation and acted plays, he gave an inattentive ear, instincts incapable of clear expression deafened him and blinded him; he was Milton’s lion35 rising up, pawing out of the earth, but unlike that lion, stuck half-way. Collected Works of W. B. Yeats Volume III Autobiographies
  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves.
  • The study of speech acts is indeed the study of a certain kind of human behavior, but for that reason it is in conflict with any form of behaviorism, which is conceptually incapable of studying human behavior. A Special Supplement: Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics
  • Combining multiple worries can send you into a catatonic state whereby you are incapable of any form of remedial action to resolve your panic.
  • One of my companions was actually incapable of speech for the next five minutes.
  • Between them, they have so eroded Kate's confidence and self-esteem that she is incapable of taking control of her own life, and she is trapped in an increasingly suffocating existence as she grows to adulthood.
  • At points like Green Corner or any of the other intersections along Park Street, a handful of policemen could be seen, wholly incapable of preventing crime or intercepting criminals.
  • It may look different if the person being detained is an infant utterly incapable of fleeing the jurisdiction or giving trouble.
  • That exercise provides no support at all for the idea that Heather is incapable of handling abstraction.
  • Why is it that theoretical plans and practical achievements in the Scottish health service are incapable of marrying up?
  • Her trouble is she's incapable of making a decision.
  • The protein of corn, zein, for example, was shown to be incapable of supporting life. Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the eighth annual meeting Stamford, Connecticut, September 5 and 6, 1917
  • It takes on a sinister undertone in the incapable vocals of a bladdered bunch of footy fans.
  • The groups you mention: the 'heterosexual couples who are beyond child-bearing age, or physically incapable of having children, or who simply choose not to', along with the various ersatz couplers; are all to be congratulated for their decision to emulate that most crucial of human relationships. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • _Thampion (tampon_, Fr., a bung, cork, or plug of wood) is now written _tampion_, and signifies the stopper with which the mouths of cannon are closed up, to prevent the admission of rain, or sea water, whereby their charges might be rendered incapable of service. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 1
  • This lot are incapable of giving up the ghost until the final whistle has blown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sergo, search me, the incapable reparteed with a selfevitant subtlety so obviously spurious and, raising his hair, after the grace, with the christmas under his clutcharm, for Portsymasser and Purtsymessus and Pertsymiss and Partsymasters, like a prance of findingos, with a shillto shallto slipny stripny, in he skittled. Finnegans Wake
  • But she seems utterly incapable of letting any traces of fame go to her head. The Sun
  • Only he seems incapable of taking any responsibility for it. The Sun
  • Capitalism is incapable of ending the scourge of unemployment.
  • Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. Sigmund Freud 
  • In February 2000 a High Court judge ruled that Johnson was insane and incapable of deciding to end his life.
  • The protector is seen as competent and capable and the person who needs to be looked after is seen as incompetent and incapable. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • One large board would also be incapable of dealing satisfactorily with queries about results, especially when there is a time limit set for application to university. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will not stay with any man incapable of that. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • Try as they might to update their image, it seems we in the press are incapable of reporting on those abiding British institutions without cracking mean-minded jokes about woggles and campfire ditties.
  • In 1989 I went to the Stanford Business School in California with a typical doctor's view of management: boring, uncreative, and best left to those incapable of doing anything better.
  • Her trouble is she's incapable of making a decision.
  • But he goes on, — “The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and adds, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified,’ or decreed to justify, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The favorite dog of ancient Egyptians, this breed is incapable of barking, instead uttering a sound called a yodel, which makes them perfect for those living in an apartment with thin walls or touchy neighbors. HowStuffWorks Daily Feed
  • Without wonder, men and women would lapse into deadening routine and little by little would become incapable of a life which is genuinely personal.
  • This is especially important in areas where francophones intermarry with anglophones and are incapable of transmitting the French language to their children.
  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.
  • We are sure they do not want to be seen as some infirm, incapable, old couple.
  • It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.
  • His enemies were coming on quickly now, leaping from tree to tree with a speed Matthew had previously thought them incapable of.
  • That must be done by government forces, which have proven incapable of the job. Times, Sunday Times
  • A difficult thing to do and made more so when you've grown accustomed to the shelter provided by an acquiescent state leadership seemingly incapable or unwilling to bring you to heel.
  • I'm sorry that you feel I'm so clearly blinkered and entrenched and incapable of having a reasoned discussion about it.
  • ‘White trash’ are characterized as indolent, lazy, promiscuous, ignorant and incapable of bettering themselves.
  • To the poet, the scientist seems unimaginative and literal-minded - with his head buried in the ground of facts, incapable of comprehending the larger significance of what he does.
  • But though the interest of the laborer is strictly connected with that of the society, he is incapable either of comprehending that interest, or of understanding its connection with his own. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • Drunk and disorderly incidents more than doubled from 12 to 26, and drunk and incapable offenders increased eight-fold.
  • It's true that Salmond is most likely persona non grata now on the other side of the Pond; but it is false to suggest that the Scottish government is incapable of of "taking difficult and powerful decisions". Archive 2009-08-01
  • One view sought the origin of the crisis in the abstract and unrealistic demeanour of the rapidly evolving, mathematised neoclassical theory that was incapable of answering important economic policy questions.
  • At one point it was believed she was incapable of speech and nearly labeled a mute.
  • Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. Sigmund Freud 
  • The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves.
  • Throughout his long and varied career, he has seemed incapable of getting stressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases the facial nerves are incapable to send impulses and grafts will not work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best jestbook in the world is that which he dictated from memory, without referring to any book, on a day on which illness had rendered him incapable of serious study. Is Shakespeare Dead?
  • They are all such comic caricatures that they are incapable of conveying real human cruelty or vicious snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real dopes are his lieutenants who appear incapable of helping out their tired leader.
  • He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.
  • These include things such as traffic jams, overcrowded public transport and call centres that seem incapable of answering our questions. The Sun
  • None of that explains why he suddenly seems incapable of writing a script. Times, Sunday Times
  • His last valet was a big, foundered, short-winded fellow of fifty-five, who was incapable of running twenty paces; but, as he had been born at Bayonne, M. Gillenormand called him Les Miserables
  • Had not almost every man suffered by the Press, or were not the tyranny thereof become universal, I had not wanted reason for complaint: but in times wherein I have lived to behold the highest perversion of that excellent invention, the name of his Majesty defamed, the Honour of Parliament depraved, the Writings of both depravedly, anticipatively, counterfeitly imprinted; complaints may seem ridiculous in private persons; and men of my condition may be as incapable of affronts, as hopeless of their reparations. Religio Medici
  • Because certain auxiliary equipment is lacking, the model owned by the DPRK is considered by experts to be incapable of achieving the level of quality seen on supernotes. North Korea and the Supernote Enigma : Coin Collecting News
  • Although he had not howled once, his snarling and growling, combined with his thirst, had hoarsened his throat and dried the mucous membranes of his mouth so that he was incapable, except under the sheerest provocation, of further sound. CHAPTER XVI
  • What we believe we say in the Baghdad and Medina divisions is we had attrited both of those formations, both materially and also morally (sic), to the point where when the first MEF, the Marines came on the Baghdad Division and then when 3rd ID hit the Medina Division, they were incapable of a coherent defense. CNN Transcript Apr 4, 2003
  • I always thought we had become incapable of saving. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are not speaking here of mere egoism, which is a species of acknowledgment of weakness that very young children are incapable of making to themselves, but which those who are older will try to avoid. Poise: How to Attain It
  • While self-sterile plants are incapable of fertilization by self-pollination, genetically different individual plants of the same variety can be fertilized by cross-pollination (Figure 6.9). 5. How plants live and grow
  • In some cases the facial nerves are incapable to send impulses and grafts will not work. Times, Sunday Times
  • This lot are incapable of giving up the ghost until the final whistle has blown. Times, Sunday Times
  • The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and addeth, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified;’ that is, according to our last exposition of the word ‘called,’ he hath purposed or decreed to justify, — to wit, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • We say that what the country needs is bipartisanship -- well we know that the GOP in incapable of doing it so we have to lead by example and help them to fake it until they make it. Obama on Lieberman - Swampland -
  • The ruling is incapable of ending the duel between the opposition and the ruling party.
  • The stripping away of history is informed, above all else, by a conceited impression of philosophy which is incapable of readapting itself to a context which resists certainty.
  • But I won't be left doddering here like some incapable ninny.
  • What you're saying, in essence, is that human society is incapable of using facts or knowledge that cannot be personalized in order to effect change in a society. hob says: The Unique, Experiential, Anecdotal "You" « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Heritage breeds were all but lost when industrial-scale poultry operations took over the market with the fast-growing Broad Breasted White, now found everywhere and so overbred it is incapable of carrying its own weight, much less flying or mating naturally. Wendy Gordon: The Blessing of Variety: An Eco-Omnivore's Thanksgiving
  • Here likenesses are employed by Van Helsing to severely diminish the assimilative potential of an Eastern culture, seen as incapable of the abstractions that universalize Western knowledge.
  • It was, no doubt, the fact that age and good living had made Sir Anthony altogether incapable of enjoying the kind of life which he desiderated, and that he would probably have eaten and drunk himself into his grave long since had that kind of life been within his reach. The Belton Estate
  • The liberal and reformist defenders of the profit system are incapable of providing a viable alternative to the right wing.
  • When I began stuttering, he continued, ‘Now that should teach you not to spread lies about how I'm incapable of sleeping in my boxers.’
  • If one of the meanest of human conditions is conscious heroism, paltrier yet is heroism before the fact, incapable of self realization! The Marquis of Lossie
  • Mr. Clio is taking out a loan because "Our compromised healthcare system is proving incapable of meeting the healthcare needs of one of my kids". Archive 2007-06-01
  • Like most arcane practitioners, the runagate Brothers were incapable of performing more than one magical action at a time. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Mais la bon hein j'suis incapable de faire poiroter un jeu neuf le temps d'en finir un autre alors si et je dis bien SI j'arrive a acheter KH2 et bien a mon avis j'vais passer ma vie a jongler avec Suiko5. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The question is not whether we should condemn somebody who acts conscientiously, but who is incapable of doing what he thinks morality requires.
  • The Dinka are incapable of doing anything without a poised elegance.
  • Yet the actual techniques proposed seem to result in data so limited or heavily redacted as to be incapable of full peer review. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why anyone would demonize Gays as being singularly incapable of behaving civilly is in itself a crime. Think Progress » Donohue: ‘There’s a connection between homosexuality and sexual abuse of minors.’
  • His sons are feckless dandies, incapable of working for a living. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A striking example of how elements which many people have thought so diverse as to be incapable of being brought together in amity and wisdom for the purpose of working out methods for their common advantages is shown in the recent Bonne Entente movement to bring the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec into closer sympathy. Win The War—The Next Step
  • There hanging on the wall is the declaration that you are a sophisticate, incapable of being shocked, and far removed from the booboisie who are offended.

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