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How To Use Incandesce In A Sentence

  • Once hot, the metal itself becomes a radiant heat source - and incandesces to a cozy red glow.
  • I got off it and he was incandescent with rage, much of which was to impress the owners. The Sun
  • The difference in turn-on time would generally not be noticeable for standard household incandescent bulbs, since they turn on very quickly.
  • I sit on the ledge and watch the sun play with incandescent shadows of deep green, as red deer graze in the distance.
  • The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
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  • Timberland said the new LED lamps are twice as efficient as the comparative foot-candle incandescent bulbs they replaced. Daily apparel and textile news and comment - from
  • The Prince was said to be incandescent with rage .
  • This was an incandescent performance of real beauty and power. Times, Sunday Times
  • I swung from blind happiness to almost incandescent, unfocused rage within a second, almost before I had a chance to think about it.
  • And the rising sun met the falling star and flashed into coruscant life, a roaring tide of fiery might that batted away cold beams and sent an incandescent lance of godly light in retaliation.
  • The Romanian-Jewish writer Mihail Sebastian 1907-45 came to the attention of the English-speaking world in 2000 with the publication of his incandescently angry and exacting World War II diaries. Tender and Tense
  • Surely you may say, the Earth is almost wholly rock and nearly all incandescent with heat.
  • The asphalt ground was a gleaming with a glint of gray, and it seemed to shine incandescently.
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Wildfire and Firecat barreled through the thick smoke, their laser rifles blazing an incandescent firestorm through the smoke.
  • And in the dusty biscuit-making place of the potters, among the felspar mills in the furnace rooms of the metal workers, among the incandescent lakes of crude Eadhamite, the blue canvas clothing was on man, woman and child. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • Mercurio D. Rivera's "In the Harsh Glow of its Incandescent Beauty" is a captivating story of revenge on the Neptunian moon of Triton. REVIEW: Interzone #226
  • How montbretia, a native of the South Africa veld, became established – miles from the nearest garden – is a mystery, but its orange blooms, as incandescent as coal in a furnace, added a fiery hue to a hot afternoon. Country diary: Durham coast
  • The incandescent gas mantle, developed by the German von Welsbach in 1885, greatly increased illuminating power and for a time helped fight off competition from electric lighting.
  • In fact, the heat alone that incandesces from the lava is enough to cause surrounding objects to burst into flames!
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I swung from blind happiness to almost incandescent, unfocused rage within a second, almost before I had a chance to think about it.
  • The quality and brightness of the light is improving all the time, and the best ones are now indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.
  • There was an incandescence to the display that brought them a 2-0 victory at home to Lyon three weeks ago.
  • And although such overabundant light is problematic in our age of energy consciousness, a substantial discussion concerning the use of less public and private illumination has taken second place to the more prominent campaign urging us to replace our incandescent suns with other, colder fluorescent suns, even though the adoption of compact fluorescent light is only trading one commodity for another. Jane Brox: Light! Less Light! The Evolution Of Artificial Light
  • She was incandescent with rage.
  • To me, one of the scariest things about the Bush Administration was that, like the Ace, most members of the Bush Administration would have considered this point to be “incandescently obvious.” Matthew Yglesias » The Anti-Terror Right’s Incentive Problem
  • Consider conducting important meetings under warmer incandescent or fluorescent lights.
  • Because of its low consumption of energy, the capacity of battery and solar panel are very low, so the lantern system had a better price versus performance ratio than incandescent lantern system.
  • Combining with GEF project funds, incandescent manufacturer utilizes its own inputs to carry out the conversion project to energy efficient lighting products.
  • When two writers are involved who happen to be great contemporary poets, artistic equals, the material that explodes out of the depths is bound to be incandescent, exhilarating, unearthly and passionate. Ted Hughes's final lines to Sylvia Plath bring closure to a tragic tale
  • Halogen lighting type fixtures provide a whiter, brighter appearance than standard incandescent or fluorescent type fixtures.
  • And in 1984 another eruption killed 200 people with a nuee ardente glowing cloud, a 300-kilometer-an-hour cloud of incandescent fragments and gas that roared down the mountain. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 1
  • It can illuminate like 15 w incandescence bulb, just connect to the telephone line.
  • Look at them at different times of the day, and in both natural and incandescent light.
  • His first idea was to replace the incandescent light bulbs with more modern energy-efficient bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • an incandescent bulb
  • He seemed to belong to a past which was already becoming remote, a past without the incandescent electric light, and without the photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage. Rational Review
  • I am incandescent with rage that such appalling suffering is being inflicted here in Britain. The Sun
  • In the render on the right, the same texture was mapped to just the Incandescence channel.
  • The incandescent plume towered like an awesome thunderhead heralding Armageddon. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • Deceleration of meteorites begins high in the atmosphere where the surface of the incoming body heats up to incandescence causing melting and ablation.
  • To reduce its greenhouse gases, Australian officials hope to phase out incandescent light bulb use by 2009.
  • Last night I finally placed an order and will relace all my incandescent bulbs when the new CFLs arrive. Seitan tastes like sheitan
  • But unlike ordinary incandescent bulbs, they don't have a filament that will burn out, and they don't get especially hot.
  • The quality and brightness of the light is improving all the time, and the best ones are now indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light of any combustible consumed on the "incandescent" system is derived from glowing particles of ceria, thoria, or similar metallic oxides; and the character or shade of the light they emit is a function, apart from the temperature to which they are raised, of their specific chemical nature. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The biggest impacts would have swathed our globe in incandescent rock vapor, boiling the oceans dry and sterilizing the surface worldwide.
  • His combustible persona waxed hot against those he saw as enemies of righteousness and justice, attracting true believers to its incandescence.
  • Regular incandescent light bulbs produce light by heating a small filament inside the bulb.
  • He was incandescent with rage.
  • These are typically more expensive but are said to last longer and the light quality is almost as good as incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are typically more expensive but are said to last longer and the light quality is almost as good as incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am incandescent with rage about the overselling of that mediocre piece of less-than-fluff that masquerades as the ultimate romantic comedy.
  • All the air which is needed to support combustion, as well as the excess of air which actually passes through the burner tube and flame in incandescent burners, is obviously sterilised; but so also is the much larger volume of air which, by virtue of the up-current due to the heat of the flame, is brought into anything like close proximity with the light. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The phasing out of incandescent bulbs has sparked a boom in Led lighting design. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest was indescribable: riding a meteorite through incandescence, shock, thunderblast, stormwind, night, mountains and caverns of cloud, rain like bullets, crazy tilting and whirling of horribly onrushing horizon, while the noise roared and battered and vibrations shook brains in skulls and devils danced on the instrument panel. The Rebel Worlds
  • Even on cloudy days, a tubular skylight can provide at least as much light as a 100-watt incandescent bulb - about 1,200 lumens.
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • He was incandescent with rage as he read the riot act to us in his office. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • The germ of the first knowledge of an explosive was probably the accidental discovery, ages ago, of the deflagrating property of the natural saltpeter _when in contact with incandescent charcoal_." [ Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • The bright spot is not an incandescent flare; it represents dust in the ejecta curtain spraying out from the comet, which is backlit by the Sun.
  • I was not an environmentalist then, and my impression of these people ranged from the nasality of John Denver to dogmatic feminists cramming political correctness into any available ear while claiming that they would save the world by recycling, biking to work or changing out the incandescent light bulbs. Giles Slade: The 'Deep Throat' of Green
  • For example, a 60-watt incandescent bulb has very little blue/purple in the spectrum of the light it emits.
  • To get me incandescent with rage, it usually just takes New Yorkers and a confined space.
  • Dolly was close to incandescent in her outrage, and swore at me in a most unladylike manner.
  • Under the arch of her eyebrows, her wide brown eyes glowed with their vague hint of secrecy, their quiet incandescence.
  • The phasing out of incandescent bulbs has sparked a boom in Led lighting design. Times, Sunday Times
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with fluorescents, which last longer and use less energy.
  • There is a joyous incandescence in the harmonies, a playful energy and a richness of colouration.
  • The darkness of the ink pierced into my eyes like it was incandescently glowing with blackness and burning into my soul.
  • candescent" (both of which are synonyms of "incandescent" in the sense of "glowing from or as if from great heat"). Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Not surprisingly, the buyer was incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has a folkie's unjaded commitment to social justice, a punk's DIY ethic, and the incandescent charisma of a born pop star.
  • Incandescent ceiling lights, when properly installed, are reasonably safe if the bulb wattages are in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
  • In an incandescent bulb, the filament is made of a thin piece of tungsten metal, coiled to fit inside the bulb; if it were stretched out, it would measure about 6 feet long!
  • I saw Ethan standing in the dark with the streetlamps incandescent light shine on him.
  • Mum was absolutely incandescent with rage at my treachery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sconces on the wall brightened, then erupted into searing incandescence that glittered on gold and shining jewels.
  • It is likely, therefore, that the poet's solution to this cultural para - dox was the juxtaposition of his favorite images in the context of an amorphous structure: gold representing the permanence of the state of pure being; light repre - senting the incandescent moment of victory when the hero became a presence, its occurrence a metaphor for the process of heroization, and its visible behavior mysterious and of short duration. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The glow touched the roses in the front yard, its silvery incandescence casting light into the shadowed bushes.
  • The controller contains photodetectors and a broadband infrared source such as the type of small incandescent lamp used in pocket flashlights.
  • From a safety standpoint, a rear incandescent stop lamp takes 250 milliseconds to light up once the brake pedal is depressed.
  • He is forced to sign a ‘Permission for Search’ which allows Ford detectives to ransack his home, turn out all his poor possessions in hopes of finding a Ford incandescent lamp or a generator armature.
  • For example, the largest would have excavated a crater the size of the British Isles, boiled the oceans and swathed the planet with incandescent rock paper sterilizing the surface pretty thoroughly.
  • Also, the wattage will in part depend simply on the tastes of the room's inhabitants; some people find a very high-wattage light harsh, even in an incandescent bulb.
  • In the meteoric incandescence of his beautiful youth, these qualities were in exquisite equipoise.
  • Most incandescent lamps operate with a color temperature of approximately 2900 degrees Kelvin.
  • They would probably drive a hybrid car and use an LED light instead of an incandescent one.
  • Chloride tungsten or titanium passed through hot tube, depositing a film of metal on the carbon; or filaments of zirconia oxide, or alumina or magnesia, thoria or other infusible oxides mixed or separate, and obtained by moistening and squirting through a die, are thus coated with above metals and used for incandescent lamps. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • Infiltration of water, reaching a certain depth, come into contact with incandescent masses of carburets of metals, chiefly of iron, and are at once decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • At this point the oxygen was added, and the mixed gases gave an incandescent light. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • The blow I loose bathes the room in incandescent white light. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • The fans, not surprisingly, were incandescent with rage. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • A senior party source said: ‘People are outraged and incandescent with rage.’
  • Amid that footrace, one company is already marketing limited quantities of incandescent bulbs that meet the 2012 standard, and researchers are promising a wave of innovative products in the next few years. Bright Idea
  • Brianna was incandescent, and breathing like a grampus. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • A pair of incandescent explosions ripped the metal apart, and the door was knocked spinning into the cave.
  • She straightened -- her arms swept out and the writhing vine, with its tendrilled heads of ruby bloom, five flames of misty incandescence, leaped into the faces of the soldiers now close upon us. The Moon Pool
  • The ceiling lights were old yellow incandescent bulbs, and the monastery's little foyer smelled of wax, incense, and unwashed feet.
  • The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
  • Incandescent Lamps , Candle Lamps, Spheroid Lamps, Refrigerator Lamps, Automotive Lamps . Lamps and Lampshades.
  • Now, it should be incandescently clear that no one who has any concern for the integrity and life of America today can ignore the present war. Chris Weigant: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Vietnam Speech
  • The presidency is less an office than a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
  • Rustic, nakedly beautiful and breathless, part Fahey as it dustily scratches away at your resistance until you can do nothing but succumb to its incandescent inner passion.
  • The lighting setup was four ceiling lights (two warm white incandescent and two daylight energy saving) with one fluorescent desk lamp for right-side illumination and a large halogen standing lamp (titled precariously and propped up by random furniture) at 45 deg which was the illumination source from the left and also the brightest of the lot. Anime Nano!
  • The incandescent bulbs, silvered on the tops to diffuse their light in a soft spread over the wall, function as punctuation points and visual anchors.
  • Pulses of bright crimson light began to melt a passage through, and the bright shots of incandescent light blasted through the accumulated ice of aeons.
  • But whilst he found it moderately interesting, it didn't arouse in him the same white hot passion that incandesced like a sun in Gifford, warming and illuminating everyone near.
  • Swirling scenes in incandescent jewel tones and bold black lines illustrate excerpts from the King James Version of the Bible, which are selected highlights rather than a continuous narrative. The Best Versions of the Easter Story for Children « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Specification: Good photochromism, needless to use additional ballast and used as a substitute for incandescent bulb.
  • When the torch heats the flux, it incandesces, giving off a brilliant yellow-orange flare, just like the one you get when dripping salt water onto a gas burner.
  • Like Hilberg's the style is simple, but it lacks Hilberg's incandescent intensity.
  • And that made him incandescent with fury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although in Act II, the Sylphs either sparkled like diamonds in their sunny glade or incandesced in the funerary moonlight, in Act I, the Sylph shined like the Evening Star - only in twilight.
  • LEDs use at least 80% less power than incandescent light bulbs and last 50 times longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not surprisingly, the buyer was incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • an incandescent performance
  • She knows that, if her countryfolk were livid at the prospect of their cash being used to bail out profligate Greece, they would be positively incandescent were she to soften her stance on Turkey. Turkey Knocks: Will EU Let It Enter?
  • Dolly was close to incandescent in her outrage, and swore at me in a most unladylike manner.
  • The tungsten filament of an incandescent light is an example of a wire under extreme conditions.
  • Always looking for new ways to reduce the use of light bulbs with something other than the mercury-laden fluorescent ones, the Purdue team has used the common techniques of reactive sputter deposition and organometallic vapor phase epitaxy to come up with viable LED technology that will finally make our incandescent technology obsolete. Vacation, the environment, and high-tech
  • The cheapest way to save electricity is to swap your incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mara stood there, face incandescent with rage, eyes blazing with purple wrath and entire body outlined in a shimmering nimbus of terrible light.
  • As expected, the shower facilities were well-stocked with towels and lotions and unguents of all sorts, spotlessly clean, and brightly lit, in a welcoming, warmly incandescent kind of way.
  • He quotes from the incandescent love sonnets of Louise Labe and Maurice Sceve with a startling but unaccountable urgency.
  • He was thinking about the spectrum of hydrogen, that is to say the set of separated coloured lines that are found when light from the incandescent gas is split up by being passed through a prism.
  • These are to be replaced by compact fluorescent light bulbs, a fact that has rendered much of the lighting industry incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It makes me incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Designers of Montgomery County's lighting retrofits found an even more efficient alternative to incandescent lamps for use in illuminated exit signs.
  • Unbowed incandescent woodprint squawker tanglement bibliographize ... Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • Navigation lights that use light emitting diodes in place of incandescent lamps are now available.
  • It was at this moment that Brownlow's agent appeared, an hour too late, with inadequate support, and incandescent with rage.
  • A warmer light, more like the glow of an incandescent bulb, is seen as essential to the widespread adoption of energy-efficient LED lighting. They Won. And Then What?
  • The incandescent inside gleamed and sparkled.
  • So even though we can calibrate an instrument very accurately against an incandescent source, we don't know how well the instrument can subsequently measure the chromaticity of a particular artifact.
  • The light of any combustible consumed on the "incandescent" system is derived from glowing particles of ceria, thoria, or similar metallic oxides; and the character or shade of the light they emit is a function, apart from the temperature to which they are raised, of their specific chemical nature. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The scream ended; the thing glowed with the power Van poured into it - then incandesced until it was too bright to look at. Magic's Price
  • And when he sometimes thinks he has found the right idea, he perceives that a drop of indescribable incandescence has fallen into the world, with a glow that makes the whole earth look different.
  • I would guess the filament in incandescent bulbs would be fried by a spike much more easily compared to fluorescent (gas). Voltage
  • Dominguez's tattered adorableness at the beginning, the way she warbles about what Glen Campbell would call the dreams of an everyday housewife, her lambent and then incandescent love for Seymour, all this she conveys with passion and conviction. James Scarborough: Little Shop of Horrors, STAGEStheatre, Fullerton
  • Camps are often filled with incandescent screw-in bulbs and floodlights.
  • This was an incandescent performance of real beauty and power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cliff is incandescent with rage. The Sun
  • Some cheered, but others were incandescent with rage and most of the comment centred on Rivera. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Q It's been probably a couple of years since the President lamented the fact that they still have what he called incandescent bulbs in the White House. Press Briefing By Todd Stern
  • Some cheered, but others were incandescent with rage and most of the comment centred on Rivera. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • ‘Yes, I was angry, even incandescent with rage,’ he said.
  • In his radioscope screen the Spirit of Terra now was visible as a tiny speeding dot with a ten-mile trail of incandescent gases astern. "Neutral Vessel" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • This dimmable 12-watt LED replaces a 60-watt incandescent, and according to Philips, will be in stores this December. Today's bright ideas win 'Lighting for Tomorrow' contest
  • Amid all this excitement one of the goons rode off on Andrew's bike. To say Andrew was incandescent with rage would not be overstating it, but he managed to compose himself enough to get into the car.
  • Mum was absolutely incandescent with rage at my treachery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contact: Rebecca Samuel, Media Relations, NXP Semiconductors, +1-408-474-8769 The deep dimming characteristics of incandescent bulbs are well understood and accepted by consumers with millions of off-the-shelf triac dimmers installed in homes and offices today. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • In the case of incandescent light bulbs, the position is entirely the opposite of that perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stared into that liquid, incandescent heart, and then flinched, despite all he could do, as a huge, fan-shaped billow of flame and sparks erupted from another vast piece of machinery.
  • Snowy arums and golden lilies choke the brooks, overflowing from the constant showers combining with a vertical sun to foster the wealth of greenery, the incandescent scarlet and yellow of hybiscus and allemanda glowing with the transparent depth of hue, beside which the fragile fairness of Through the Malay Archipelago
  • In Island of Soay, a bank of cloud descends, obliterating the upper reaches of the landscape, yet the sun incandesces through the murk, casting golden yellow highlights on the dark ocean.
  • He seemed to belong to a past which was already becoming remote, a past without the incandescent electric light, and without the photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the same light output as an incandescent, most compact fluorescents use only one-third to one-fourth the energy.
  • Undersökningar, _ presented to the Stockholm Academy in 1853, he not only pointed out that the electric spark yields two superposed spectra, one from the metal of the electrode and the other from the gas in which it passes, but deduced from Euler's theory of resonance that an incandescent gas emits luminous rays of the same refrangibility as those which it can absorb. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The lynx's pupils were wide open, and the golden-yellow tapeta in the backs of her eyeballs were glowing like incandescent lamps. Forest Neighbors Life Stories of Wild Animals
  • Instead of replacing high-wattage incandescent lamps with compact fluorescents, for example, one ESCO installed lower-wattage incandescent bulbs.
  • Gill had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.
  • At this point the oxygen was added, and the mixed gases gave an incandescent light. Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
  • From face to face and speaker to speaker his eyes would turn, boring like gimlets of incandescent ice, disconcerting and perturbing. The Mexican
  • Without sources of light, they're all lit by incandescent smolderings of light from odd corners.
  • God of mercy -- the ship, the _ship_!" gasped Sir Edgar, clutching my arm in a grip that left its mark on the skin for days afterward; and, as he spoke, the huge incandescent mass fell full upon the hull of the The Cruise of the "Esmeralda"
  • In the case of incandescent light bulbs, the position is entirely the opposite of that perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her beauty had an incandescent quality to it.
  • It was a place rather dingily lighted, the darkest portions having incandescent lights, filled with machines and work benches. Sister Carrie
  • Buchner relies instead on an incandescent emotional realism which welds together the impressionistic nature of the play's structure and argument.
  • Dusk was past, a heavy overcast blocked the starlight, and outside of the incandescent glow that spilled from the open door, the darkness was complete.
  • Pitsor said new bulbs now on the market include more advanced incandescent blubs that use 28% less energy than standard bulbs. Light bulb law faces challenge in Congress
  • They are called incandescent lights, and their colour depends on how hot they are. Photographers Handbook
  • Unlike an incandescent bulb, no filament is needed.
  • Animal rights supporters were incandescent with rage.
  • He claims to have shouted at the radio within five minutes of switching it on in the morning and of being incandescent with rage by the time he has read the daily papers.
  • His incandescent fury was perhaps his finest hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • His incandescent fury was perhaps his finest hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cheapest way to save electricity is to swap your incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stars were twinkling incandescently in the vast expanse of inky black sky overhead, a sight that we could rarely witness in the city.
  • The quality and brightness of the light is improving all the time, and the best ones are now indistinguishable from the old incandescent bulbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hall has fluorescent lights and incandescent spotlights mounted in the ceilings - the cases do not have their own internal illumination.
  • Fireflies may not mate normally near incandescent light because it mimics the spectrum they create when they light up.
  • But there is a joyous incandescence in the harmonies too, a playful energy and a richness of colouration.
  • A small but very important amount of tungsten is also used to make the filament in incandescent light bulbs.
  • I also had to change the headlights because the lights that it came with were incandescent.
  • He worked at fashioning his face into a war mask but a rosy flush incandesced beneath the dusky surface of his skin. Blood Test
  • The gun bounced in his grasp as incandescent energy leapt to evaporate a stretch of that many-times-severed, yet still tenacious limb.
  • They are regular line voltage incandescent dimmers.
  • These are to be replaced by compact fluorescent light bulbs, a fact that has rendered much of the lighting industry incandescent with rage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It observed, and noted, and took no action, as the visitor checked its speed with jets of incandescent gas.
  • If you’re looking for the latest advancements in incandescent light bulb technology, one place you don’t want to go is to a lighting trade show. Edison, Make Way for the L.E.D.’s - Bits Blog -
  • The way the energy courses through it and gives off a small incandescent glow are fantastic.
  • The thousands of glass pendants were incandescent with electricity, of all things. The Broken God
  • Her hair was tousled cutely around her face, and the darkness illuminated her eyes incandescently, as if he were staring into the eyes of an angel.
  • The lamps that we are all familiar with, primarily incandescent, heat the electrode, usually a piece of metal until it incandesces, or ‘glows’, producing light.
  • Ace: let us note the incandescently obvious that Goals 1-3 are Major Goals and Goal 4 is a sort of ‘Nice but Not Necessary’ sort of thing. Matthew Yglesias » The Anti-Terror Right’s Incentive Problem

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