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How To Use Inbreeding In A Sentence

  • Inbreeding may account for the fact that far fewer than half of all breeding mares foal each year.
  • The methodology is applicable to the investigation of parentage for all progeny developed from parental mating without subsequent generations of inbreeding.
  • This has already been a problem with Labs, which often suffer arthritic hips due to inbreeding.
  • One way to overcome inbreeding depression is by periodically introducing new genetic variation in a process known as outcrossing, where members of the breed are mated with individuals from outside the breed. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Second, there are no known cases in which all individuals of a population are self-sterile due to inbreeding depression, although complete self-sterility has been found in individual plants.
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  • In the absence of inbreeding, the most extreme value of coancestry is achieved by male polygyny together with female philopatry.
  • In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
  • The fix F suggests that A. is nearly outcrossing while the other two are marly inbreeding.
  • Recessive deleterious mutations are a major cause for the phenomenon of inbreeding depression, and diploidy may have evolved to mask the effects of recessive deleterious mutations.
  • This makes it possible to arrange matings by computer in order to minimize problems caused by inbreeding.
  • We also know that due to inbreeding, there are deformities, both physically and mentally.
  • Other wildlife veterinarians disagree, however, arguing that untreated disease and inbreeding have culled the reindeer population.
  • Offspring from smaller populations were on average more inbred, so inbreeding depression in clonal fitness was higher in small populations.
  • They propose that high levels of homozygosity due to inbreeding may lead to high rates of seed abortion.
  • I guess inbreeding is okay in that part of Canada? Hillbilly Wars – For the Record @ Attack of the Redneck Mommy
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • Successive generations of foxes often inherit the territory on which they are born, which would tend to promote inbreeding.
  • I think the problem isn 't so much Republican ideology, it's Republican inbreeding, which is wide-spread in most of the red states. Obama on health care reform debate: 'TV loves a ruckus'
  • Those decrease with increasing genetic stability and inbreeding.
  • With closer inbreeding, the relatedness of recent ancestors beyond the parents becomes an issue.
  • This ability decreases the negative effects of drift and inbreeding on genetic diversity in small populations.
  • In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
  • This emphasizes that there is a general effect of inbreeding that is an indirect result of the change in genotype frequencies.
  • Additional benefits of dispersal from the natal area might be avoidance of high levels of inbreeding or avoidance of local resource competition.
  • Furthermore, by inbreeding his livestock he fixed and exaggerated those traits he felt to be desirable.
  • Accordingly, the kindred was subdivided into 27 subfamilies to remove the loops created by inbreeding.
  • If they did nothing else they devised a marriage system to prevent inbreeding that is unparalleled in the universe.
  • It was also at BARC that Wright first proposed the variable he designated as F to express an inbreeding coefficient, the mathematical correlation that measures the decrease in heterozygosis from that in the foundation stock.
  • Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance are well documented in vertebrate societies.
  • Just like cousins who marry cousins, lack of genetic diversity, also called inbreeding, can cause populations to be less healthy and robust than non-inbred populations. Scientific advance may keep Tasmanian devils alive
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • This idiot is a perfect example of inbreeding in the South. Think Progress » Sen. Shelby Holding Up All Obama Nominees — Including Top Security Officials — To Secure Pork For Alabama
  • He delivered a speech about inbreeding and the consequent side effects.
  • I must confess that my initial thought on seeing the name Toulouse Lautrec was to wonder whether alcoholism, syphilis, voyeurism, dwarfism, osteopetrosis and inbreeding make the ideal image for a family eaterie. Aidan Brooks: Trainee Chef
  • The more investigative types questioned whether the unibrow could be a result of inbreeding (unsubstantiated), while fashion designers and stylists weighed in on whether the unibrow was still heinously uncool (oh most certainly). Buzzine » Polygamy Fashion
  • The only diffrence between line breeding and inbreeding is monatery. Think Progress » Cheney Casts Deciding Vote to Pass Budget That Hammers the Poor
  • This was most commonly achieved through the inbreeding were the result -- and often had tragic consequences. is the most notorious example of royal intermarriage. The Spark of Yahoo!
  • Here they fed on bats, took to inbreeding, and hibernated for decades or even centuries at a time.
  • The relative importance of LMC and of inbreeding depends on the number of foundresses that oviposit in a local patch.
  • In the 19th century, inbreeding nearly led to the extinction of the royal family.
  • Based on these two indicators, the effectiveness on the gene homogenization by one generation of gynogenesis was 3 and 6 times higher than that from one generation of full-sib inbreeding respectively.
  • Objective To study the genetic variation and inbreeding of Xishuangbanna miniature pig.
  • According to that article it is a question of crossbreeding vs inbreeding and recognizable characteristics that distinguish one group from another. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - BSG at the UN
  • The physical characteristics, vigor, and productivity of the intercrosses suggest that the negative effects of inbreeding in the Florida panthers of the 1970s are being remedied.
  • It is of further interest to note that, had a hypothetical homothere population become isolated in interglacial Britain, it may only have lasted for about 1000 years before become extinct due to inbreeding. Archive 2006-03-01
  • Furthermore, the best, and indeed the only way to fix a set of alleles within a breed is through inbreeding.
  • But there is an equally important downside: inbreeding.
  • This distribution has to be integrated numerically to obtain its first two moments and the average values of the mutation load and inbreeding depression.
  • I think that inbreeding is dictated by the structure of academia, at least in economics. David Colander on Graduate Study in Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Objective To study the genetic variation and inbreeding of Xishuangbanna miniature pig.
  • Many are in a poor physical state with dull coats and thin manes, suffering from a variety of ailments caused by inbreeding.
  • Similarly, inbreeding decreases the effective size of selection but unmasks deleterious alleles in homozygotes.
  • They may also be more susceptible to inbreeding and to genetic defects, say biologists.
  • The result of increased inbreeding and an associated fitness decline in long-term small populations stands in contrast to theoretical predictions about inbreeding in connection with incompatibility and tetraploidy.
  • He delivered a speech about inbreeding and the consequent side effects.
  • This may occur if females cannibalize their dead brothers or are prevented from inbreeding or competing with them.
  • Prof Bateson said inbreeding in pure breeds, breeding dogs for specific looks or extreme characteristics such as wrinkly skin and negligent management of "puppy farms" were all major welfare issues for dogs. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Assuming the captive-breeding and release challenges are not insurmountable, what about the problems of inbreeding ? SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Presumably they disperse to other areas, suggesting that inbreeding is unlikely.
  • Before coming to America, those living in small communities in Europe occasionally suffered from amaurotic idiocy, an inherited pathology attributed to inbreeding.
  • It would operate like inbreeding, which increases the odds of offspring inheriting the same deleterious recessive allele from both parents.
  • Pedigrees help select better parents for breeding and also help monitor inbreeding.
  • It is feared that such isolation may ultimately lead to inbreeding, gene loss and reduced fitness.
  • I have referred to a top-heavy alignment and co-ordination of national economies as a misorientation, and because I have no sympathy for a European inbreeding, I can only hope that the present rather one-sided pattern in economic and financial relations will in future leave more room for German-Canadian co-operation. The Future of European Integration and German-Canadian Relations
  • This was necessary to avoid the closer inbreeding when the breed became endangered.
  • The problem is, it's been fashionable and acceptable to be prejudiced and insulting towards the upper classes ( "chinless", "inbreeding" and so on). Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • In addition, the ratio of the metapopulation levels of genetic diversity in inbreeding vs. outbreeding species can also be heavily influenced by the structure of the populations.
  • At the same time the population has been isolated and, as a result, weakened by inbreeding.
  • The fitness consequences of inbreeding and outbreeding have intrigued biologists for a long time.
  • Sperm selection may thus be driven by the costs associated with inbreeding and outbreeding.
  • The genetic basis of inbreeding depression cannot be explained by means of simple model.
  • Thus among our horned cattle, the Jerseys have been brought to a point where, from the iniquitous inbreeding, which is against what may be called the morality of nature, they are fearfully subjected to tuberculosis. Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization
  • Furthermore, exogamy (or archaically ‘new blood’), mating outside the close kin group is favored for increasing genetic diversity, preventing inbreeding. The Volokh Conspiracy » Interracial Marriage Rates Going Up
  • And here we see a perfect example of why inbreeding is unhealthy for Mankind. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - And now, I leave you with this!
  • Very few bulls remain to impregnate cows, making inbreeding a pressing concern.
  • Many researchers expected that this would result in extreme inbreeding and high relatedness within colonies and would thus explain the evolution of eusociality in naked mole-rats.
  • With inbreeding among gametes, however, an entirely different picture emerges.
  • Franklin proposed the 50/500 rule used by conservation practitioners, whereby an Ne of 50 is required to prevent an unacceptable rate of inbreeding, while a long-term Ne of 500 is required to ensure overall genetic variability. Minimum viable population size
  • The most obvious is the mating system, which generates ‘short-term’ inbreeding, i.e., inbreeding caused by one or a few generations of consanguineous matings.
  • West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd called the inbreeding joke "an insult to all Americans. CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2008
  • Such strong inbreeding depression could explain the maintenance of SI systems where breakdown would be expected.
  • Such packs have little genetic diversity and are vulnerable to inbreeding.
  • Lower seed numbers in outcrossed fruits of self-fertile versus self-sterile plants probably reflect inbreeding depression due to mating of related individuals.
  • The international outcross did frequently provide some hybrid vigor - useful for covering up recessive negatives - in the short-term, but would have proved a disaster in the long-term as its principal achievement would have been to dilute valuable gene groupings that are better maintained by prudent inbreeding and line-breeding (as great breeders through the ages have demonstrated consistently). Thoroughbred News |
  • The Magi'i wish to forget him because he was a stronger magus than the First Magus and turned his back on what he saw as the ever-narrowing traditions and inbreeding of the Magi'i, then became a Mirror Lancer officer who used his magely abilities to lead the northern Mirror Lancers in the devastation of Cerlyn and the establishment of the northeastern cuprite mines. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • WASHINGTON (CNN) – Vice President Dick Cheney apologized Monday for what his spokeswoman called "an inappropriate attempt at humor" that implied that inbreeding is common among West Virginians, a remark that elicited outrage from the state's senior senator. Cheney apologizes to West Virginians for inbreeding joke
  • In Datura stramonium, no effect of inbreeding could be detected on resistance to two herbivores.
  • Not only was there already breeding between relatives in the captive population, but there might have been inbreeding in the wild too. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • hybrid offspring from these Arctic animal matings will likely be strong and healthy, because unlike inbreeding, which magnifies deleterious genes, so-called outbreeding can mask these genes. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Inbreeding doesn't cause disease - it's not a mystical force that weakens the strength of the dog.
  • Female hippos, for instance, appear to avoid inbreeding when choosing a mate.
  • He was born with a rare bone disease, probably the result of aristocratic inbreeding.
  • However, managers may also control the mating scheme to further decrease inbreeding.
  • You call it utopian meritocracy Vance, I call it Hollywood inbreeding. JUDE LAW’S KID IS AN ACTOR NOW
  • For example, in the evolution of selfing and outcrossing in plants, inbreeding initially selects against selfing lineages by lowering mean fitness.
  • I used to suppose that finding the right balance between inbreeding and outbreeding, minimising the costs of both, is best achieved by careful mate choice.
  • The first hypothesis predicts that outbreeding species should possess more genetic variation within a population and that inbreeding species show less variation within and more between populations.
  • This ability decreases the negative effects of drift and inbreeding on genetic diversity in small populations.
  • Moreover, the isolation of the men of the wetlands led to inbreeding.
  • Inbreeding may account for the fact that far fewer than half of all breeding mares foal each year.
  • Inbreeding may be beneficial if conditions favor the maintenance of locally adapted or intrinsically coadapted gene complexes.
  • This is known as '' [[inbreeding depression]] '', and '' outcrossing '', or '' outbreeding '' Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Every generation the mean inbreeding coefficient of the population was calculated from pedigree relationships, weighted by the different numbers of males and females.
  • Inbreeding has also plagued wild elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, and antelope populations.
  • He was born with a rare bone disease, probably the result of aristocratic inbreeding.

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