How To Use Inbred In A Sentence

  • Inspired by the intrepid babushka, I overcame the inbred fear of Russian salesmen and requested that my order be warmed as well.
  • Human beings often have an inbred dislike of the stranger.
  • We assume that the parents that initiate the cross are pure inbred lines.
  • Both were direct progeny of that parent, and one of these inbreds had additional backcrossing to that parent in its pedigree.
  • Nuclei were isolated from cell lines or spleen from transgenic animals or inbred mouse strains.
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  • Such a laboratory offered very attractive facilities and precious inbred guinea pig strains essential to my work in immunogenetics. Baruj Benacerraf - Autobiography
  • Plants for mutagenesis were the progeny of one pair of plants from this inbred population.
  • The Westboro Baptist Church: even their troglodyte, inbred, six-toed frogspawn get in on the hate! Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Hate Church gets $11 million fine
  • The most recent history of durum wheat has been marked by modern genetic improvement, involving the replacement of landraces by inbred varieties and the introduction of dwarfing genes (second part of the 20th century).
  • Aye, I thought I could detect a culchie inbred-hillbilly accent. The Bloomsday Dead
  • These differences between the two inbred lines may reflect differences in their origin.
  • Offspring from smaller populations were on average more inbred, so inbreeding depression in clonal fitness was higher in small populations.
  • They have an inbred ability to escape death by a whisker.
  • Yeah, it's called the inbred Appalachian baby-factory cult. ralph the wonder llama Says: Think Progress
  • Other Sahelian mammal species include an isolated and presumably highly inbred population of around 70 olive baboons Papio anubis, in the Tamgak massif, and an estimated 500 Patas monkeys Erythrocebus patas in the central massifs and plateaux. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • If inbred molestation is cool, consider me James McQueen. ‘THE COTTAGE’
  • Britain's envoy pigeon-toed it from the hall wearing an inbred public-school jowliness which he perhaps thought was manly. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • These breeding populations are referred to as inbred lines, for example, lines A and B. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • Cluster analysis as well as principal component analysis were performed for 12 quantitative characters of 30 inbred lines of rape genotypes (Brassica juncea L. ) .
  • DNA sequences from inbred or isogenic lines were obtained by direct sequencing of PCR products.
  • The climax of the movie, and oh boy is it ever a climax, was when the mayor held a press conference in the middle of the city square, surrounded by a crowd of inbred halfwits ingesting funnel cakes and holding balloons.
  • Just like cousins who marry cousins, lack of genetic diversity, also called inbreeding, can cause populations to be less healthy and robust than non-inbred populations. Scientific advance may keep Tasmanian devils alive
  • I have an inbred hatred of shops.
  • Joober and colleagues provisionally mapped PPI QTLs using recombinant congenic strains based on inbred lines C57BL / 6J and A / J PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Nice to see that flatshire’s paramedics are the same as the ones here in inbred-ville. on September 23, 2009 at 12: 42 pm Medic Who Said I Lied? (because I never) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For centuries we have mixed largely with our own kind, resulting in an inbred wariness of outsiders.
  • To pull the plug genetically on a malignancy and prevent it from even appearing was pretty unusual, even in inbred mice. Vaccinating Against Cancer
  • And then she realised that the real-life prince she'd been oohing and aahing over all episode is a hideous inbred fug sporting a nose you could cut wood with.
  • The constant slathering praise directed at the likes of them is the critical equivalent of a one-eyed chinless inbred mutant winning a beauty contest.
  • Lord Edward at once relieved the squaw of her pack by placing it upon his own shoulders, -- a beautiful instance of what the French call politesse de coeur -- the inbred politeness of the true gentleman. Self help; with illustrations of conduct and perseverance
  • The greatest effect of scours was on young inbred dams; mature outcross dams had a lower incidence of scours.
  • True story: years ago (when it was still, you know … relevant) one of our marketing drones put out a memo referencing heroin chic, and his inbred admin sent it out to the world with it spelled heroine sheik. MCDOUCHE STILL SMOKING ROCKS (I HOPE)
  • I guess that's what you can expect from a bunch in inbred Bible thumbers. Democrats point to 'Smoking Tweet' in GOP stalling health care
  • Captive birds can be inbred, or they can sometimes breed with yellow-crowned kakariki, which means they are not a pure native species. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Nuclei were isolated from cell lines or spleen from transgenic animals or inbred mouse strains.
  • A survey of 13 domestic breeds and 3 inbred strains was carried out.
  • Yeah, it's called the inbred Appalachian baby-factory cult. Think Progress
  • Local units began developing inbred parental lines and breeding stock that the seed trade would use to create proprietary varieties.
  • In a highly inbred or apomictic group, every individual would be a species according to the biological species concept.
  • And in the absence of contrarian perspectives, the faith tends to become inbred and stagnant.
  • The small, inbred population is more susceptible to decline via disease and natural disaster.
  • Previous studies suggest inbred green-veined-orchid embryos are twice as likely to abort as those arising from cross-fertilized flowers.
  • I have an inbred moral code.
  • Livestock has been crossbred, linebred, inbred and outcrossed for millenia. Better Breeding: The next Mega Buck
  • The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain.
  • Preliminary experiments showed that for plants grown during the period December to February, a rapid exposure to high levels of artificial light produced phytotoxic symptoms (whitening of leaves) in these inbred clover lines.
  • More calling the bovine faced, kebab munching, illiberal, fat arsed, wank film claiming, slack jawed inbred, large uddered, not sure where she bloody lives, the Rt Hon. Jacqui Smith is a cunt.
  • Genetic analysis of an inbred Pakistani family PKDF280, segregating prelingual severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss, provided evidence for a Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • For example, in inbred populations there may be very few heterozygotes but several different homozygotes.
  • The development of large numbers of molecular markers and interval-mapping methods paved the way for QTL mapping using intercrosses of inbred experimental organisms.
  • The goofball "conservative with a heart of gold" Prime Minister of Britain is what the brits call a toff, which sounds like toffee, but really translates more accurately into rich, inbred bastard. Progressive Bloggers
  • This inbred suspicion of government derives from our own political history and tradition.
  • Asian local native peoples have inbred native dog breeds without any crossbreeding with other dogs to maintain their pedigree and their specific physical characteristics.
  • I have used inappropriate words through my radio coms i.e. inbred, dick, dosser etc. Bigotgate – the Diversity Trainers nightmare. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • It's as though he has an inbred understanding of the rules of engaging with people with honesty.
  • More fun to play than to listen to, the kazoo is the simple inbred cousin of the harmonica. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Inbreds like yourself have to be greedy and live life as selfishly as possible because your souls were condemned from the moment your mothers engaged in incestuous copulation with their fathers, uncles and brothers. Think Progress » Cheney Casts Deciding Vote to Pass Budget That Hammers the Poor
  • Hollyoake M, Campbell RD, Aguado B (2005) NKp30 (NCR3) is a pseudogene in 12 inbred and wild mouse strains, but an expressed gene in Mus caroli. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Consequently, SSR markers could be used for measuring genetic variation and assigning maize inbred lines to heterotic groups.
  • Autoantibody profiles and systemic immune deposits in inbred, congenic, and intra-H-2 recombinant strains. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • What is significant is that vast organizational conglomerates suddenly found themselves saddled with the consequences of years of exclusionary and inbred policies.
  • Funny that in backwoods of Tennessee they call them Inbred Hicks, you call them Royalty. Think Progress » Limbaugh: Euphoria Over Alito, A “European” “Married Male”
  • Consequently, the genetic structure of this species is likely to be shaped by rare outcrossing events among colonists, followed by generations of self-fertilization to produce recombinant inbred lineages.
  • Recombinant inbred lines were generated from a cross between SRN39, an African caudatum genotype, and SQR, a Chinese kaoliang line.
  • I think every family has an inbred love that perhaps only shows in crisis.
  • With the inbred instinct of the hillsman he swung about and headed for the little, light-blue station at the head of the crooked street. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • The offspring of these three populations were tested for fusibility against both inbred lines by colony assays.
  • Root Characteristic of Inbred Lines of Maize in Different Aluminum - tolerance.
  • If modulation of the GA level is the underlying basis of heterosis, then the d1 / d1 hybrids should experience little or no heterotic response relative to d1 / d1 inbreds.
  • However, in all other cases, inbred lines have to be produced before outcrossing them.
  • But, then, those things wouldn’t let you indulge in xenophobic racists fantasies of a Pure America, you stupid * grrrr* … Subliterate inbred toothsucking fistfucker … that’s intense. What the fuck craigslist. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Many of these kittens are inbred and born with deformities and disease.
  • The plastic looking, fake smiling, with the intellect of an inbred are the Repukelicans. Top headlines
  • Avoid early planting dates if susceptible inbreds or hybrids are planted.
  • He seemed a courtly gentleman with the inbred manners of a diplomat.
  • For example, in inbred populations there may be very few heterozygotes but several different homozygotes.
  • So by now she had twenty of these inbred hell hounds running amuck in her stinking hovel of a home.
  • The orchids are dendrobium sp, and I rather think they are so inbred as to be useless to bees! In my garden
  • A unibrow does not an inbred make … however cro-magnon comes to mind Think Progress » First same-sex couple weds in D.C.
  • Page 55 sin, actual and inbred, which is the work of the devil. Life of Lucius B. Compton, the mountain evangelist, or, From the depths of sin to the heights of holiness,
  • We screened several hundred inbred and exotic maize lines for their tolerance to anoxia.
  • BTW, what did Burgess do, read that issue of Preacher where they had they retarded hillybilly inbred hicks that were supposed to be the untainted line of Jesus, and have a brainfart idea for a movie? JESUS MARRIED MARY, MAYBE HAD A BABY
  • This is because inbred individuals are more likely to express deleterious alleles as homozygotes than are outbreds.
  • Most dog breeds are highly inbred and therefore the level of homogeneity is greater in purebred dogs than in mutts.
  • Large difference exists Zea mays L . inbred lines in P uptake and utilization efficiency.
  • Most dog breeds are highly inbred and therefore the level of homogeneity is greater in purebred dogs than in mutts.
  • Later the two made the fundamental discovery that transplants from inbreds to hybrids were successful, whereas the reverse transplants were rejected.
  • His inbred passion for music is more than proven.
  • There is an inbred racism in some parts of the country.
  • Immortal mapping populations will be used as doubled haploids, recombinant inbred lines, nested association mapping (NAM) lines, high resolution lines, and nearly isogenic lines. Aktuellste Pressemeldungen der PresseBox
  • However, in the inbred line 66% of second-ear branches aborted, and no plants had more than two mature ears.
  • But tell me, is it true that bein 'inbred helps with banjo pickin??????? An affair of honor
  • Cluster analysis as well as principal component analysis were performed for 12 quantitative characters of 30 inbred lines of rape genotypes (Brassica juncea L. ) .
  • Underneath the bar graph are listed the inbred mouse strains or transgenics from which the analysis was made.
  • The development of this field from an outlandish rejection reaction in inbred mice to the mighty supergene system of today that all immunologists, cancer research workers and many virologists and developmental biologists meet in their daily work is one of the most exciting chapters in the enormous building of modern biology. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980 - Presentation Speech
  • Many of these kittens are inbred and born with deformities and disease.
  • As a former journalist he has an inbred curiosity about the world.
  • No wonder Europeans look down their noses at Americans and think we are an illiterate, inbred lot, these mobs shown all over the world do nothing to dispell that myth. Fears fuel emotional health care protests
  • I know a bunch of inbred, ignorant republicans who 'orgasmed' when Kennedy died. Stories / Popular
  • It seems only fair that if the foxes can be hunted by a load of chinless, inbred yahoos with roughly the same IQ as them, they should be allowed to fight back.
  • I had decided to switch from rat to mouse as a model organism because of the advantage of using isogenic inbred strains for dissecting a multigene family, and the possibility of generating transgenic mice. Linda B. Buck - Autobiography
  • This is especially true for F 2 populations derived from original intercrosses of inbred lines that exhibit linkage disequilibrium upon which QTL studies depend.
  • The pineys are a collection of Appalachian-esque people so inbred and ill-omened they are basically cut off from the rest of the world, both by choice and by circumstance. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Now, though, country defines its influences so narrowly it almost seems inbred.
  • More than ‘friendly’ as now they're all growing up, having family reunions and little inbred orgies and parties in there.
  • When you have an inbred arrogance, you are undoubtedly going to appear overbearing and rude.

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