How To Use Inauspicious In A Sentence
For me, the season started out inauspiciously with an email from long-time friend and colleague Steve Tracton also a CWG contributor when he learned about me joining the group.
My perceptions of winter, a review: Part I
When the exact character and effects of their policy defy simple articulation, something inauspicious is afoot.
AKMA’s Random Thoughts
The cooking competition series 'seventh edition opened inauspiciously when just 1.8 million people tuned in.
Top Chef DC Finale: Who Will Be Named Top Chef?
He wanted to make sure that he doesn't eat during the 'inauspicious' period.
The Times of India
Oh no, there's nothing inauspicious about your side of the bed.

Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the pair of them had an unorthodox, but happy marriage that lasted until Charlotte's death in 1943.
My follicular kingman homes for sale drowse fractiousness me this scrum to lender inauspiciously his defenseless panicle, his disorganisation to curb, and his steradian for noncausative to mustache.
Rational Review
To lose one leader in inauspicious circumstances is pretty bad.
Times, Sunday Times
These ‘genuine shifts in cohesion and cooperation’ the editorialist writes about did not arise from an inauspicious conjunction of the stars.
It began, inauspiciously, as a summer league team, but its dizzying ascent to prominence since then has been nothing short of meteoric.
Her start in life was inauspicious, enough to put many kids on the downward slope as soon as they were out of nappies.
To lose one leader in inauspicious circumstances is pretty bad.
Times, Sunday Times
But the day began inauspiciously and got worse before a solid finish by Armstrong, who might have been rethinking his comeback during five frigid hours in the rain — if he hadn't already endured much tougher struggles with cancer and doping allegations during a historic racing career that includes seven Tour de France titles.
Armstrong endures rainy, rocky day in Tour of California
However, in the hands of Scots director Saul Metzstein and writer Jack Lothian, the inauspicious subject matter is neatly woven into a slow-burning comic gem.
Also unflappable, including an inauspiciously silly early scene in which she mediates her way out of a coffee-shop holdup.
Roush Review: A Thursday Logjam
With population exploding in inauspiciously stressed water zones across all continents including the deserts of the American southwest and Rocky Mountains' dry eastern slopes and their nearby badlands, the limits to growth from lack of it will soon come into sharp focus.
Paul Gunther: Move to Detroit Quickly While There's Still Time
As Park View was considered inauspicious by many and it was dropped from the list of official residences of the Ministers.
For a man who changed the politics of Texas—and thereby of America—he started inauspiciously.
William Perry Clements: Lone-Star Giant
“The appellation of Bissextile, which marks the inauspicious year, is derived from the repetition of the sixth day of the calends of March.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » I Should Note for the Record
The lunar calendar and almanacs are also used to determine auspicious and inauspicious days for doing various endeavors, from starting a business, to getting married.
Those who were attached to Paganism, prompted by their aruspices, pronounced it to be a most inauspicious omen, portending the most unfortunate events; but it made a different impression on the emperor's mind; who, as the account goes, was farther encouraged by visions the same night.
Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquiti
Most influential, however, are the inauspicious occurrences that bode disaster.
This social revolution has taken 50 years to complete but had an inauspicious start.
Despite these inauspicious circumstances, it soon became clear that the two shared artistic and personal passions.
Many render [Greek: duocheres] 'inauspicious', 'ill - omened'; but as we do not know exactly what was in Demosthenes 'mind, it is better not to give the word a meaning which it does not bear elsewhere.
The Public Orations of Demosthenes, volume 2
Torrential rain almost drowned the celebrations as the launch of the Yorkshire Dales National Park's 50th anniversary celebrations got off to an inauspicious start.
It seemed like quite an inauspicious, dark year at the time, but 1981 was, like 1945, a turning point up from a bottom in some sense.
The English juniors started inauspiciously, beaten 24-6 by Scotland, but the girls beat a strong Swedish team by the maximum possible score.
Age is no barrier
From inauspicious beginnings, they moved up several notches until their three guitars created a vast dynamic, pulsating thrum on the final song.
My career in Fleet Street began inauspiciously: the very first feature I wrote for the Guardian, more than a quarter of a century ago, elicited a libel writ.
The problem with the whole strategy of fighting drugs in prison, however, is that the fight takes place in that most inauspicious of environments: prison.
In twilight, in perdition's lean and inauspicious loam).
Second April
Matshiqi says it is important to remember the "inauspicious" manner in which Zuma ascended to power as it sheds light on the delicate balance of power in the ruling party.
AllAfrica News: Latest
I do not know why, but there is a custom here that if something inauspicious happens to a family on a particular festival day, thenceforth the family does not observe that day.
It is a good subject for a boardroom chat, but an inauspicious one for a magazine article.
Despite an inauspicious damp start to the day, the sun came out as the 1,400 participants gathered for the event, which was held at Broughton Hall, near Skipton.
Proceedings started inauspiciously for the home team, when prevailing wisdom was they needed early points to stand any chance.
The sun made an inauspicious appearance in the morning sky, casting a orangy glow through the plum colored clouds along the horizon.
The dish that arrived resembled a spring roll surrounded by a sauce that had the consistency and colour of custard, but in spite of such an inauspicious start we were both pretty impressed.
It was an inauspicious beginning and there were many complaints about cancelled shows and misleading publicity.
Tuesday's day off started inauspiciously , with Yahoo Sports reporting talks between the Cavaliers and Heat that would have had Marion going to Cleveland for Anderson Varejao and Wally Szczerbiak.
It is inauspicious to walk under a ladder.
In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
The organisers claimed 30,000 delegates from all over Europe, made up of leftists, environmentalists and anti-war campaigners, but as a celebration it got off to an inauspicious start.
His success there attracted the attention of Gothenburg, where, despite that inauspicious start, he became the first Swedish coach to win the Uefa Cup.
For the next couple of minutes, he seemed to have forgotten that the eclipse was 'inauspicious' and the very reason why he was taking the purifying dip.
The Times of India
These female spirits linger near the places where, in life, they met untimely and inauspicious deaths or died childless.
Last year, in his first professional season, he made a similarly inauspicious start to the Challenge Tour, missing several cuts, being penalised for being late on the tee, and on one occasion disqualified.
Against this inauspicious backdrop there is, it has to be said, a deep crisis of leadership.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet out of this inauspicious premise, director Peter Hedges (who also scripted About a Boy and What's Eating Gilbert Grape) has created an extraordinarily fresh and universal film.
However, despite such inauspicious beginnings, by Act 2 Noel has successfully infiltrated the upper echelons of society and seems set for success.
He finished an 'inauspicious' shotgun anthology of Russian poetry, from Fet to Esenin to Ryzhii, in formal and experimental translations and is currently at work on a selected poems of Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva, to come out in '09 from Whale and Star Press.
Hidden away between a popular pub and a disused former bank it is an inauspicious, unimpressive building in the shadows of Aberdeen city centre.
A waterway is called inauspiciously a ‘drain’, but was clear and full of pondweed.
Despite these inauspicious circumstances, it soon became clear that the two shared artistic and personal passions.
The young hero has an inauspicious beginning, turns it to his benefit through pluck and luck, then begins the cursus honorum of the sea: sailor, midshipman, lieutenant, captain, admiral, commemorative 30th-anniversary boxed set, remainder pile, deliquescence.
At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
It was evident that they did not like the outlook of a voyage under such a captain and begun so inauspiciously.
Chapter 3
Hinrich began the season inauspiciously, when he spent the first five games on the injured list because of a viral illness.
Shakespeare coined the word "inauspicious," riffing on the Latin auspicium, the art of telling the future by observing the flights of birds: "And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars.
The Nation: Top Stories
I suppose I should have expected little more of the day after such an inauspicious start.
But, for many, sadly all snowdrops are to be shunned; like other white flowers, they are often considered inauspicious.
Because of what some pandits have been saying - that the year 2000 is inauspicious for marriages as it has three ‘shunya’ in its number.
These inauspicious yet historically important rooms have been hidden from the public for too long.
he started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th
The narrative begins inauspiciously in 1654 with the arrival of 23 Jewish settlers in New Amsterdam, whose governor, Peter Stuyvesant, greeted them as "hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ.
American Jews' Story Told in a New Home
my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven
‘The beginning was decidedly inauspicious,’ she writes.
Today started inauspiciously but as it drew on became progressively more pleasant and right now I am quite happy, which seems like a good thing for a new year, and a fantastic omen for things to come.
But the championship got off to an inauspicious start with the tsunami wreaking havoc on the Kollam coast on the inaugural day.
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this work -- wearied flesh.
He does not make himself anonymous by excusing his errors and sins as functions of inauspicious circumstances or bad social influences.
The second half began inauspiciously for the Scots.
To say she was superstitious was an understatement - she would book every single Friday 13 th off work, and any day that looked inauspicious on her horoscope.
Against this inauspicious backdrop there is, it has to be said, a deep crisis of leadership.
Times, Sunday Times
The clamour among Celtic supporters is for Strachan to have similar words in the shell-like of Thompson, who made an inauspicious comeback from injury last week.
Most nation-building missions fail, and conditions in Afghanistan make it a particularly inauspicious place to try to buck past trends.
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Unknown Aussie buys Bradman's "inauspicious" debut bat for 145,000 dollars News Feed
An indigo base is usually meant for an adult and often signifies an unhappy or inauspicious occasion.
Her first few weeks are inauspicious - her wardrobe, in which the emphasis is very much on leather, Lycra and PVC, alienates the rest of the female workforce, as does her brutal candour.
This death rite is known as Shraddha or tarpan and is considered as an inauspicious ceremony.
Archive 2009-09-01
In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
This inauspicious start was then followed up by a catalogue of errors and poor service.