
How To Use Inauguration In A Sentence

  • As if to presage that there is a new dawn in the world, with the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the strong winds coming from the Sub-Sahara have manifested themselves in the form of what Ghana typically knows as the harmattan season. Accra by Day & Night
  • The inauguration will be followed by cultural events where at least 50 colleges are expected to participate.
  • His inauguration cost roughly $ 44 million. Do the math.
  • If some on the wilder fringes of society have their way, he will be lucky to survive until his inauguration in January. The Sun
  • It has been enshrined in the holidaymakers' hall of fame since the 1971 inauguration of Walt Disney World in Orlando.
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  • Recent months, however, have seen the inauguration of two new large and highly professional contemporary art spaces.
  • Behind the scenes they are planning and plotting well before inauguration day. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inauguration of medical therapy for treating erectile dysfunction followed the discovery in 1982.
  • However, shortly after his inauguration, the coverage changed considerably.
  • In January, he delivered the benediction at the President's inauguration.
  • And it's scary to think how much more can go wrong before Inauguration Day.
  • His 1945 inauguration was right at the cusp of the critical events that put an end to World War II.
  • In Hannover, fireworks marked the inauguration of the AWD arena.
  • Next, there was Iran-Contra when St. Ronnie let ollie north run the government and make illegal deals with the Iranians (who had just recently releases 44 American is had held hostage for over a year, even keeping them longer at Reagan's request so he'd look good when they got released during his inauguration) and used the money to supply arms to the Contras, who wanted to overthrow the legitimately elected gov of Nicaraugua. Obama touts financial reform, says GOP stance 'deceptive'
  • The inauguration went well
  • They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.
  • A stunningly colourful inauguration service marked the enthronement of the 97th Archbishop of York at the city's Minster yesterday in a ceremony which broke from traditions dating back more than 1,200 years.
  • How coincidental is it that it falls on the eve of the inauguration of our first black president? To Have a Dream
  • Some Honor Guard members will escort dignitaries at the inauguration and the White House reviewing stand.
  • On the grassy grounds below was the area where the president came for the inauguration of Nelson Mandella.
  • An indication of times to come was evident in the procession that marked the inauguration.
  • The closure of the Metal Gallery in 2004, only a year after its inauguration, demonstrates all too clearly this lack of visibility.
  • Various designs were impressed on brass buttons - the new president's initials, a chain linking the states' initials, and an eagle and sunrise design that George Washington is reputed to have worn at his inauguration.
  • Edward Ayers, president of the University of Richmond, deejayed at his 2008 inauguration party. College presidents taste life outside their offices
  • Although all kings seemingly passed through a ritual inauguration - the evidence is less clear-cut for Wales than elsewhere - only the English kings were anointed with holy oil in the style of the main western European monarchies.
  • Last year, he was tapped by then President-elect Barack Obama to give a prayer at a preinauguration event. Top Stories
  • If some on the wilder fringes of society have their way, he will be lucky to survive until his inauguration in January. The Sun
  • The official state inauguration is taking place several blocks away in the Congress.
  • Washington's inauguration, an organization which was called the Tammany The Story of Manhattan
  • In a move that drew scant attention -- unlike the selection of Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation -- Barack Obama has chosed Sharon Watkins, head of the Christian Church Disciples of Christ, to deliver the sermon at a national prayer service the day after the inauguration. RELIGION Blog |
  • So the inauguration is Tuesday but in some places the changing of the guard has already taken place.
  • The inauguration of the system of constant psychological observation had greatly reduced the probability of acute danger resulting from a watch engineer cracking up, but King was forced to admit that the system was not a success; there had actually been a marked increase in psychoneuroses, dating from that time. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Usually we can count on the irascible Democratic Congressman Jim Moran (VA-8) for entertainment whenever he decides to open his mouth, but this time the irascibility was a tag-team effort with his wife LuAnn Bennett who both caused a scene on Inauguration Day at the Capitol. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • He was also responsible for the inauguration of the Empire Service, which has been held in Cheltenham for a number of years.
  • The fulfillment of this role came with the inauguration of the United Irishwomen during mid-May 1910.
  • Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will preside over their inauguration in The Hague this week.
  • Possibly his first little wolfish howl (for it would be monstrous to think that he or even Remus condescended to a _vagitus_ or cry such as a young tailor or rat-catcher might emit) may have symphonized with the ear-shattering trumpet that proclaimed the inauguration of the first The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • We found out that Rocky Delgadillo had 'tenured' all the executive positions, so it actually wasn't until a couple of days before Nuch's inauguration that a actually knew I had a job! Mayor Sam Interview: David Berger
  • Her arrest at a demonstration following the inauguration of President Bush brought to 20 the number of counts on which the court needs to arrange trials.
  • November 26th, 2009 BANGALORE/CHENGDU - Wipro Technologies, the global IT services business of Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT) announced the inauguration of its global delivery centre at Chengdu, China to provide IT and BPO services to its customers. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Bush's inauguration on 20 January is set to cost approximately $40 million - and that does not include the unrevealed cost of security for the events.
  • The inauguration of a new journal devoted to intercultural communication is a most welcome intellectual event.
  • I was back in Kerala for the inauguration of the P. Sukumaran Memorial Trust.
  • Ahead of the inauguration, the state media launched new attacks against him in a bid to influence his speech.
  • Be sure to check back for more updates throughout the day -- including updates on the toddler who died after being thrown from a skybridge at Tysons, and who's helping fund D.C. Mayor-elect Vincent Gray's inauguration. Lori's A.M. Buzz: Got rain boots?
  • For the inauguration, they picked a student among the participants to inaugurate the seminar.
  • In my book I rail against the hiatus between what I call the repudiation of a sitting president (think of Carter and George H.W. Bush) and the inauguration of his successor, which offers the opportunity for the repudiated president nonetheless to make mischief for his successor. Balkinization
  • His inauguration might offer the nation a new turn, and from that the congregations draw hope.
  • The lip-sync thing at the inauguration? Times, Sunday Times
  • Inauguration is a time for healing partisan divisions, and the address should be non-partisan and conciliatory.
  • However, the main flyover will be ready for inauguration by December 2004.
  • After what can only be described as a euphoric inauguration, Obama has encountered some trouble. National Coalition for History
  • Golf carts from a staging area to the steps near to a place of honor at the inauguration is a great idea. Tuskegee Airmen Honored With Invitation, but Challenged by Logistics - The Caucus Blog -
  • Plus, it's the hottest ticket in town, but getting a ticket to the Obama inauguration from a scalper could be a federal crime. CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2008
  • His role in pushing for and winning the referendum is already well established in Washington and won him invites to other exclusive receptions during the inauguration week. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his inauguration speech Brazauskas declared that upholding the independence of the state was his primary aim.
  • This destroyed the majority on which the Directors had been able to rely since the inauguration of the constitution.
  • For most of them, getting to the inauguration is a daunting prospect. Tuskegee Airmen Honored With Invitation, but Challenged by Logistics - The Caucus Blog -
  • Half a million marched in Washington, where metro system bosses said it was busier than on inauguration day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently, having celebrated the fifth anniversary of her inauguration, she intimated that, yes, she was interested in running for a second seven-year term.
  • Before its inauguration, the park was closed for a week to allow workers to add their final touches to the project.
  • Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
  • Such feasts might take place at inauguration ceremonies such as dynastic weddings, or to accompany the distribution of loot or booty from raids or trading expeditions.
  • In President Bush's second inauguration speech, he used the word ‘freedom’ as the keyword and invoked it a total of 27 times.
  • On the inauguration day itself, he demonstrated this commitment to integrity and unity by suddenly arriving in the autonomous province of Ajara, down in the south-east corner of the Black Sea.
  • The shortest inaugural address was given by George Washington at his second Inauguration, in 1793.
  • But the crowning point of the fetes was the inauguration of the Versailles Museum, that museum and dedicated by my father "To all the Glories of France! Memoirs (Vieux Souvenirs) of the Prince de Joinville
  • When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the inauguration rather than shake hands with him.
  • This ritual includes medieval regalia augmented with presidential seals, medallions and a mace as well as a section in the inauguration programme that describes the duties of the office.
  • He was to celebrate the inauguration in Florida speaking up for the black voters who feel disenfranchised.
  • One Reuters dispatch on the planned protests was headlined, ‘Leftists to Disrupt Inauguration.’
  • She also wore white to the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln.
  • Some fifty years later, in 1249, we can observe the fusion of old and new in the inauguration rites of Alexander III at Scone.
  • This man has 76 days to put together a government and plan an inauguration.
  • A ceremony was held earlier in the day to mark the inauguration of the program.
  • There was no foolish boasting in his talking about what he would do at the inauguration ceremony. Truman
  • H. E. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain delivers his congratulatory speech at the inauguration ceremony of Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre.
  • Luba Lukova, the artist responsible for the cover image on the forthcoming One-Straw Revolution, had a poster selected for the Manifest Hope exhibit in DC over inauguration weekend. Catch-all
  • the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration
  • In my inauguration speech last year I expressed my hopes and aspirations for the year.
  • Cricketers and the outlets' Managing Directors attended the inauguration of the Mega Fun Cricket Tournament.
  • How can Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States of America, invite one of the most divisive religious leaders in the world to invocate his inauguration? RELIGION Blog |
  • The inauguration is a well produced public spectacle of democracy.
  • Another performance that Kavita holds close to her heart was at the inauguration of the restored Bibliotheca Alexandria.
  • A glittering audience of presidents, premiers and royalty will attend the inauguration of the president, which will be completed by around midday.
  • The change is here made to accord with Christ's inauguration of the new testament, or covenant, as recorded in Lu 22: 20, "This cup (is) the new Testament in My blood, which is shed for you": the only Gospel in which the "is" has to be supplied. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Nigel Brown made history by driving the first Eurostar train conveying the Queen at the inauguration of the Channel Tunnel in 1994.
  • Terrorism experts fear that the inauguration is a ripe target. Calendar
  • Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
  • For example, the authors incorrectly state that John Brown was incarcerated in Richmond, misdate Confederate President Jefferson Davis's inauguration, and even get President George Washington's birthday wrong.
  • When Obama mentioned those who would destroy anything just to score political points; Cantor is first and foremost in that place. sice the inauguration he has led an assault on anything that can benefit Americans while secretly happy he can lie and say he is helping his district with dollars ... from the same stimulus he voted against. Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • Frum, a ready self-depreciator, predicted a definitive Republican defeat in the presidential elections last year, and his latest book,, out in paperback on Inauguration Day, challenges Republicans to take more moderate positions Guernica Magazine
  • Following his inauguration for a second term, Roosevelt immediately overstepped his mandate.
  • When the clock struck 9.30 marking the inauguration of the fair, the crowd had swelled to over 3,000.
  • And now, NOW, you are upset because a gay-basher is saying a prayer at the inauguration? A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • All inaugural ceremonies at the Capitol have been organized by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies since 1901, and the U.S. military has participated in Inauguration Day ceremonies from the first president, as the president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Presidential Inauguration | Edwardian Promenade
  • I'd like to place a bet she'll be humping in the Lincoln Bedroom the night of his dredded ignoration (I meant inauguration, really I did), any takers? SlashPhone
  • The New York Times reported a glut of white gloves on the market, citing their obscenely cheap prices as a result of glovers overstocking their wares in anticipation of the inauguration. The Presidential Inauguration | Edwardian Promenade
  • The president made his first trip to Capitol Hill since his inauguration a week ago, aides said, to listen to concerns from Republicans who have been threatening to oppose the measure over what they call insufficient tax cuts and excessive spending. - News Articles
  • The narrative, prompted by AP's inauguration of another website, and intended as a teasing commentary on this and 'the new creation' theology, as well as non-trinitarian alternatives to Christian orthodoxy and other developments on the (OST) site, might seem to have divagated itself into a non sequitur. Open source theology - Comments
  • In the remainder of this article, therefore, I want to illustrate the epistemic difficulties of understanding what a practice means through illustrations from three quite distinctive political periods that preceded the American Civil War: the Federalist period from the founding through John Adams' presidency, the Jeffersonian period from 1801 until Andrew Jackson's inauguration, and the so-called Jacksonian era from 1830 until Lincoln's administration. Mashaw on Antebellum Lessons on Government Practice and Presidential Direction
  • If some on the wilder fringes of society have their way, he will be lucky to survive until his inauguration in January. The Sun
  • Many of the popular, but unofficial collectibles being sold to mark the country's 55th inauguration are made overseas.
  • Breffnian empire and a place of inauguration on the hill of Tully-mongan, there had been real murder, of the rayheallach royghal raxacraxian variety, the MacMahon chaps, it was, that had done him in. Finnegans Wake
  • Inauguration indestructability of Harris Tweed inexplicability of actually choosing to be a gastroenterologist ingenious early Victorian epitaphs A Pleasing Form; a firm, yet cautious Mind
  • Ukraine's president nominated her a day after his inauguration.
  • But by inauguration week, the group was backtracking from that claim.
  • One year after the election of President Obama, as his initiatives for change collide with stubborn political realities, it gets harder by the day to recall the sunnier political realities they displaced: the soaring rhetoric of the campaign; the pomp and lift of Inauguration; even the headlong rush for results that marked his first hundred days in office. MyAppleMenu
  • To add pep to the proceedings, a surprise guest from the film world was to make her appearance onstage, soon after the formal inauguration was over.
  • Meanwhile, BBC News reports that the inauguration ceremony and all its associated shindigs are estimated to have cost an eye-watering forty million dollars.
  • Imperial said the simulcast will be the only free, outdoors event of its kind in San Francisco on Inauguration Day. - Local News
  • Even though there is a demonstrated difference that some things work and others do not, it is still difficult for administrations to do the kind of preelection and preinauguration work that pays off in the early months. The Strange Death of Liberal America
  • He made his first trip to Capitol Hill since his inauguration a week ago, aides said, to listen to concerns from Republicans who have been threatening to oppose the measure over what they call insufficient tax cuts and excessive spending. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • You know, we talked about the idea of a potential terrorist threat against the inauguration.
  • He says many points of view will be represented at his inauguration.
  • The painting was subsequently presented to former US president Franklin D. Roosevelt as a gift in commemoration of his third presidential inauguration.
  • he opposed the inauguration of fluoridation
  • That's just leftover confetti from the inauguration party last night. Boing Boing: November 2, 2003 - November 8, 2003 Archives
  • The speaker said he felt exhilaration because this was the first time he'd been at ‘the inauguration of a herdboy as vice-chancellor’, referring to his humble beginnings in rural Eastern Cape.
  • This ritual includes medieval regalia augmented with presidential seals, medallions and a mace as well as a section in the inauguration programme that describes the duties of the office.
  • Shortly after the first Inauguration, he wrote: ‘I walk on untrodden ground.’
  • The dogmatic element of the ancient astrolatry, as incorporated into the Christian creed, underwent no material change until the inauguration of the dark ages, when the bishops of the several churches, in the delirium of metaphysical speculation, concocted the previously unheard of doctrine of pre-existence of spirit, in conformity to which God was declared to be purely a spiritual deity, who, existing before matter, created the universe of nothing. Astral Worship
  • Inauguration indestructability of Harris Tweed inexplicability of actually choosing to be a gastroenterologist information technology (intimidating effects of) ingenious early Victorian epitaphs The Peach
  • In 1825, during the celebration of the inauguration of John Quincy Adams, it finally burst, but its forepart remains on display.
  • With the inauguration just days away, people are still getting accustomed to their new roles – including President-elect Barack Obama and his former Senate colleagues, many of whom far outranked him in seniority in the past. Call Me Barack (At Least for a Few Days More) - The Caucus Blog -
  • Such feasts might take place at inauguration ceremonies such as dynastic weddings, or to accompany the distribution of loot or booty from raids or trading expeditions.
  • At the inauguration of the column, the bodies of the martyrs of the revolution were transferred to a crypt beneath the statue.
  • Playing tennis meant I missed watching the inauguration of President Mbeki on TV.
  • Carmona had dressed himself in impressive ribbons and braids for the inauguration.
  • ReadWriteWeb: CNN. com's minisite "The Moment" will be Synthing the inauguration on January 20, combining crowd snapshots of this historic Tuesday into an immersive experience: TEDTalks (video)
  • Following the huge success of its inauguration last summer, Camp Xtra is once again taking place on the campus at Devizes School.
  • At the inauguration , the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President.
  • The British embassy contributed to the inauguration festivities by hosting a reception. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fulfillment of this role came with the inauguration of the United Irishwomen during mid-May 1910.
  • Colourful festoons and flags marked the inauguration of Sanjeevanam by K.J. Yesudoss on Monday morning.
  • Behind the scenes they are planning and plotting well before inauguration day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sierra Clubbers were glaring at fresh-cut stumps and fence posts, EFF lawbies at the suits running the multiphasic sight/sound anti-media ECM blanket, and polibloggers and libertarians at the 30ft live feed of the inauguration speech. 365 tomorrows » One Step Forward… : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • There was no foolish boasting in his talking about what he would do at the inauguration ceremony. Truman
  • Inauguration of Government-owned facilities are generally drab events.
  • He also performed at a concert during the week of the president's inauguration.
  • In the months following the school's inauguration, some village dwellers paid to have the same kind of work done on their own homes.
  • During inauguration, the president is vested with the power and authority of the office.
  • Shortly after the 1893 inauguration that made Cleveland the only U.S. president to serve a second nonconsecutive term, he detected a rough spot on the roof of his mouth. State Secrets
  • From the snowy fields of Iowa and New Hampshire to the crowded tarmacs of key battleground states to the steps of the Capitol on Inauguration Day, President Obama made clear that transitioning to a clean energy economy and tackling the challenge of global warming would be among his top priorities. Gene Karpinski: President Obama Earns B&#43 on First Year Report Card
  • The high after the inauguration to the recent string of either blatant dishonesty, or over scrutinized confirmations, disheartens us at a deep inner level that affects our confidence, our willingness to stay involved, and quite frankly leaves our collective hope on fragile ground. Kari Henley: Citizen Confidence -- are Americans Having "Honeymoon Blues?"
  • They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.
  • At William Henry Harrison's March inauguration in 1841, he stepped to the podium without hat or overcoat, under a louring sky, his trouserlegs flapping in the bitter wind, and delivered the longest address on record.
  • Today we turn our critical lens on the big blowout Washington party known as the presidential inauguration.
  • Moreover, the re-concentration of wealth in the hands of working Americans would lead to a long-term buoying effect on the health of the economy, and would help smooth out any future looking to move the Act in the first wave of legislation after the inauguration. Daily Kos
  • Blizzard for the inauguration fits in perfectly with the $hit storm about to hit the country. Latest Articles
  • The latest, a yellow-green hue called lemongrass, was inspired by Michelle Obama's Inauguration Day outfit. Undefined
  • Nevertheless, during inauguration festivities, some first-time visitors to the Concert Hall had difficulty orientating themselves through these interstitial zones.
  • Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans, wrote Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, in a letter to Mr. Obama today. Gay Activists Decry Pastor’s Role in Swearing-In - The Caucus Blog -
  • The inauguration of the new astronomer royal presaged a drastic reversal of fortune for John Harrison, whom Halley had always admired.
  • Abraham Lincoln grew his whiskers in the months between his election and inauguration, making full beards ubiquitous during the Civil War that dominated his presidency.
  • We may say that there were two dangers which constantly impended over the Roman Empire from its inauguration by Augustus to its redintegration by Diocletian -- a The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 03
  • His role in pushing for and winning the referendum is already well established in Washington and won him invites to other exclusive receptions during the inauguration week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the popular, but unofficial collectibles being sold to mark the country's 55th inauguration are made overseas.
  • The completion and inauguration of the Naval Port Development Project would see a boost in the economic activity and tourism in the capital town of Naval in Biliran Province and will strengthen the links between the provinces of Masbate, Leyte, Cebua, Samar, Surigao and to other Strong Republic Nautical Highway Eastern Seaboard. Arroyo unveils marker of P52.7 Million Port Development Project
  • If one donut is all you really want, you might want to stop into your local Krispy Kreme shop today (Jan 20th) because they are giving out one free donut to every customer in honor of Inauguration Day! Baking Bites » Print » Free Donuts at Krispy Kreme
  • After his second inauguration he ended price and wage controls and called for voluntary "restraints. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Within a short time of his election, a formal inauguration ceremony takes place, at which the woollen pallium is bestowed upon him.
  • On the inauguration day itself, he demonstrated this commitment to integrity and unity by suddenly arriving in the autonomous province of Ajara, down in the south-east corner of the Black Sea.
  • Inauguration is a time for healing partisan divisions, and the address should be non-partisan and conciliatory.
  • Later on inauguration day, Nixon was hosting what he described as a potluck dinner for the public. Neosho Daily News Homepage RSS
  • In the anxious interregnum before the Jan. 20 Inauguration, Permanent Washington bestirs itself, extending its hand and digging in its heels at the same time. CLINTON'S CHALLENGE
  • Actually Sharad Pawara attended the function but he was absent during the time of inauguration, sources say that he has just quited the function because of Sonia Gandhi. Mumbai Bridge Inaugurated
  • On the day of the inauguration, the Queen, on the royal yacht Britannia, and the King of Norway on board the Norge arrived at Sullom Voe. Undefined
  • Democrat, is having a small preinauguration dinner for close friends at the governor's mansion, and has parceled out so few invitations to his no-frills swearing-in ceremony that even some top aides have not made the cut. NYT > Home Page
  • Only weeks after Lincoln's inauguration, the Confederacy consummated its break with the union by firing on Fort Sumter in South Carolina, one of the last federal military outposts in the South.
  • A formal ceremony marked the inauguration of the exhibition.
  • Previous administrations set up preinauguration transition offices in Washington, but the new system is much more elaborate, reflecting the thornier issues that will face the next president. Bush Moves to Help Successor's Transition
  • While the inauguration of the mall was scheduled for 10.23 a.m., the crowd gathered an hour before bringing traffic movement to a halt.
  • No disrespect to Dr. King, Ben thinks, but the giddiest guy on Inauguration Day would have been Lenny Bruce. Savages
  • So the Inauguration, cause or pretext is as good a reason as any other to stop. Let Go | ATTACKERMAN
  • Shouting at the TV as Aretha Franklin sings at the Obama inauguration: Stuff My Wife Says That Disturbs Me
  • The first inaugural ball was held in 1809 following the inauguration of James Madison.
  • The Chief Minister requested the Railway Minister to fix the date for its inauguration, preferably next month.
  • At the time of writing, the general belief was, that at his inauguration into the Vice-Presidency he was intoxicated, and because of an indulgence in intoxicating liquors that could not be excused. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln
  • The coverage was seamless with no stop / start, no juddery images or sound drop outs, and most importantly no drop outs at crucial moments like the actual inauguration! Blah, Blah! Technology
  • Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • What we got was the wildest, most adventuristic and most disastrous foreign policy since Woodrow Wilson – who won the 1916 election with the slogan “He kept us out of war” – then led America into World War I a month after his inauguration. Archive 2004-09-01
  • In his inauguration speech Brazauskas declared that upholding the independence of the state was his primary aim.
  • In my inauguration speech, I spoke about, you will be judged on what you build, not what you destroy.
  • Mandela said it was a pity he hadn't invited Prinsloo to his inauguration and wished him the best of luck, saying they should have a "braaivleis" (barbeque) some time. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In April, on his first foreign trip following his inauguration, Lee traveled to the US.
  • We're counting down to his historic inauguration.
  • Right after the inauguration of the president, my inauguration, I had a big meeting with the Afghan people, in which I told the Afghan people of the problems that we had in Afghanistan with regard to poppies, and the effect it was causing to our country in terms of crime and support to terrorism, and the disreputation of Afghanistan. CNN Transcript May 22, 2005
  • The inauguration is certainly shaping up to be the social event of the season.
  • I thought someone made a good point in a different post - while the inauguration ceremonies are overblown and very expensive, having a big blowout is doing much more for the DC economy than canceling the celebration ever would. Balls? The Elite Were Elsewhere - The Caucus Blog -
  • I cannot find a CBBC article devoted to George W. Bush's first inauguration, but I am pretty sure the tone was not as adulatory as the page for Barack Obama is. You're never too young to be indoctrinated by the BBC
  • Today is the first time in sixteen years that I've watched a presidential inauguration, and I am genuinely glad that I did. Postcards from Europa (Pt. 4)

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