How To Use Inaudible In A Sentence

  • Because you're right, there is a great deal of sort of barely covered, sort of littling to nourish kind of (INAUDIBLE) kind of nationalism. CNN Transcript Nov 9, 2007
  • I used to be a diabetologist at the Johns (INAUDIBLE) Clinic before I went into mind-body medicine. CNN Transcript Jun 16, 2006
  • This wasn't easy when his cigar, speech impediment and habit of walking about conspired to make him inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taking a deep breath he blew a series of inaudible slow notes, making slight adjustments to the slide after each one.
  • Her sister lies sleeping on the couch, her quiet snores almost inaudible.
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  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • The (INAUDIBLE) nebule (ph) just brighter than anything before. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2009
  • His skin was hard and his breathing was almost inaudible. Bomber
  • While I applaud his early championing of mono, his work with George Harrison on All Things Must Pass was horrible (the vocal is almost inaudible), and his work with Lennon only acceptable because of the generally sparse arrangements. Three Sacred Cows « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Inaudible victims do not win compassionate co-workers with the ease of those who can articulate their needs in cogent words.
  • PERPER: What we found, however, were about nine prescription medications in her blood, including three medications which are against anxiety and depression (INAUDIBLE) benzodiazepine, that included Klonopin, Valium and Ativan -- Klonopin, Valium and Ativan -- and also an antihistaminic, benadryl. CNN Transcript Mar 26, 2007
  • The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.
  • He and others performed what they call psychiatric autopsies with (inaudible) and Eric Harris. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2007
  • His skin was hard and his breathing was almost inaudible. Bomber
  • At times he seemed to be in a colloquy with his disciples, though sadly their questions were inaudible to us.
  • With the almost inaudible drums barely maintaining a recognisable rhythm, loops, clicks and disembodied sounds build inside the mass as the lead moves in and out of the drone, always threatening to sink right into the fuzz.
  • Motoko can make herself and others invisible, inaudible, insubstantial… you get the idea.
  • You permit yourself an almost inaudible sigh and grin to yourself.
  • Outside the ring he was an inaudible and almost invisible personality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a hiss inaudible, or almost inaudible, to human ears. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • He read speeches in a soft voice sometimes inaudible in the crowd, smiled shyly and waved as if in amazement at all the attention.
  • Melinda, her reliable and religious baby-sitter, of the mousy brown hair and conservative clothing, now of the flower-like lily limbs and void of clothing of any kind, writhing religiously on their beige living-room couch like an octopus, being devoured by her shirtless husband, their faces lifting and meeting, mouths plastering and coming apart, gasps and moans inaudible above the high-powered shouting of the rock stars on the stereo. For the Sake of the Boy
  • This state takes pride in the fact that it's (INAUDIBLE) what they call retail politics. CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2007
  • There was a time when the film soundtrack was often played at such a low volume as to be almost inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We ` re going to put the (INAUDIBLE) you plunker (ph)! CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
  • Other mammals can hear frequencies that are inaudible to humans, both lower and higher.
  • And then we're going to see this kind of agitate the atmosphere over the next couple of days. (inaudible) systems possible in areas that already have seen flooding, that may very well be a news flash weather story. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2008
  • The jury -- the -- the judge has 90 days to issue what he calls a sentence, which is (INAUDIBLE) which is the reason he gave the -- the decision he did today. CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2009
  • The commentary on Renaissance Revolution was almost inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Receiving only an inaudible murmur in response, he returned his attention to the occupied seats across the room.
  • She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper.
  • Music is loud and brassy at times, nearly inaudible at others.
  • The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.
  • Outside all was quiet again until an almost inaudible knocking on the door.
  • The other aspect of it is if she ` s a long-term drinker, she ` s got, you know, severe liver damage, then she might have some bleeding problems or we call bleeding diastases and (INAUDIBLE). CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2008
  • And each time I left the little rooms I would hear another almost inaudible sigh of relief from behind me.
  • Ashlee muttered something inaudible, and fixed her eyes on the ground.
  • Al Shahab as they're known, are battling what they called the infidel Christian occupier Ethiopia and (inaudible) its regime. CNN Transcript May 3, 2008
  • That they exist is something of a miracle, so one should not grumble that the lines are often inaudible.
  • Damien mumbled an inaudible reply and began sipping his coffee.
  • But then he felt the shaking of her body and heard the almost inaudible sound of a muffled sob.
  • The second "a", being unstressed in PSem, was probably pronounced as a short schwa and thus explicably inaudible to some Indo-European ears. Thoughts on Nostratic, Semitic 'seven' & neolithic trade
  • What we call churn is someone who has not (inaudible) in a year. Home Page
  • Leta, almost asleep, murmured something inaudible.
  • Her voice is hushed just above the inaudible level, which might be because her voice is failing her after weeks of discussions.
  • My life is simple now, and when the fog lifts, the boat is filled with, as John Muir said, "holy, beamless, bodyless, inaudible floods of light. Katie Amatruda: How I Navigated The Four Stages Of Divorce
  • It shouted something inaudible over the roar of flames and fumbled with the locks on my ankles.
  • And possibly, just possibly, a tiny, shrew-footed, virtually inaudible, pitter-patter of rage. BEHINDLINGS
  • I suddenly fell silent, hearing the near-inaudible pad of feet against carpet.
  • QUAID: Two combat search and rescue helicopters known as jollies responded (INAUDIBLE) They worried that you wouldn't come get them because of the sandstorm. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2007
  • Accordingly, an effective way to keep sly felines out of places they oughtn't be is by using strong pulsating ultrasonic waves, inaudible to the human ear.
  • Lyrics are either totally inaudible or are in Japanese, but you can scream along anyway.
  • (INAUDIBLE) Gordon Campbell should be fixing roads the roads, one road he should fix is Bella Coola. CNN Transcript May 17, 2008
  • Fishery managers believe that a few low-decibel pings in the ocean, usually inaudible 300 meters away, have to be better than killing porpoises in Maine or sperm whales in California.
  • Her voice trailed away to become almost inaudible.
  • The sound is inaudible to the human ear.
  • The next thing we are now going for is to find ways to improve the lot for the average Sierra-Leonian, to reduce the level of poverty that (inaudible) country. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006
  • This woman has so far massacred every single one of the covers she’s done…from the overblown vocal theatrics of ANGELS to the insipidly uninspired neutralness of her TAKE MY BREATH AWAY to the so-minimalist-it’s-almost-inaudible vocal tics of THESE BOOTS ARE MADE FOR WALKING. Pick Jessica Simpson's next single |
  • The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.
  • You don't like the word mediator, I know (inaudible) the American journalists. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2002
  • I was one of the what you call founding members but I [inaudible]. Oral History Interview with Modjeska Simkins, May 11, 1990. Interview A-0356. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • The result is a hiss inaudible, or almost inaudible, to human ears. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • He was thin and weak, and his voice was almost inaudible despite the relative quiet of a teaching hospital side room.
  • VLADIMIR PUTIN, RUSSIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): These journalist (inaudible) the Russian government. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2007
  • He has an almost inaudible cry, but a cough that could wake the dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brandon mumbled an inaudible reply before seating himself at the breakfast bar.
  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • He was mercilessly satirical on the failures of his pupils, to whom (having reduced them, by the most ridiculous imitation of their unfortunate vocal attempts, to an almost inaudible utterance of _pianissimo_ pipings) he would exclaim, "Ma per carità! aprite la bocca! che cantate come uccelli che dormano! Records of a Girlhood
  • And, by the way, there's a very specific cardiac dysrhythmia, (INAUDIBLE), French, which has come to be known to be especially associated with antidepressants. CNN Transcript Sep 27, 2006
  • The commentary on Renaissance Revolution was almost inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Demoniacally arthropodan be a coastward that gets inaudible and we go from paraleipsis topping backstop to scandinavian butty. Rational Review
  • Dong's answer came in an almost inaudible whisper.
  • Muffled sound renders some of the dialogue inaudible, particularly a joke in the opening scene.
  • His speech was followed by an uproar of applause, as its patriotism and self-devotion unquestionably deserved; and the shouts and clapping of hands would have been greatly prolonged, had they not been rendered quite inaudible by a deep respiration, vulgarly called a snore, from the sleeping Hercules. Tanglewood Tales
  • The last episode was particularly bad - at times the dialogue was almost inaudible under the music.
  • There was a time when the film soundtrack was often played at such a low volume as to be almost inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Noise, distortion and crosstalk are inaudible.
  • His voice was inaudible, but an announcer read an Arabic translation of his words.
  • That good-looking guy Warren Buffett in 2002 after buying General [inaudible] announced that these derivatives are the weapons of mass destruction and why he said that is because he found he couldn't find a true bid for his derivative book and it was based on what's called notional value. Undefined
  • th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time
  • RUSSERT (voice-over): Today just about all of the Buffalo smokestacks have given way to modern companies like (inaudible), which builds parts for satellites on what they call a campus, not a plant. CNN Transcript May 18, 2005
  • The worst was when one sect (INAUDIBLE) rose up against what they called the introduction of western education and nearly 1,000 people died. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2010
  • Since the early twenty-first century, lol has been a must-have abbreviation.1 Devised by internet users, it conveys mirth—“laughing out loud”—that is invisible and inaudible in purely onscreen interaction. The English Is Coming!
  • I heard the almost inaudible fissling that told of visitors round the fire.
  • He said the large aircraft must have been flying at 20,000 ft, high enough to be practically inaudible.
  • You see, Thelma Lou, this is what we call the deadly game (INAUDIBLE) apes. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2006
  • Ashlee muttered something inaudible, and then went to the bathroom to take her shower.
  • Mead muttered something inaudible and returned to the front of the room to continue with the lesson.
  • Click " dink " The sounds were faint, almost inaudible. The Magic of Recluce
  • The Narraboth, Sean Panikkar, acquitted himself beautifully, driven half-mad when Salome gets him to violate his commands, and singing well; Richard Berkeley-Steele made an ideally fatuous if half-inaudible Herod; and Doris Soffel was full of rage rather than camp as a stentorian Herodias. Washington National Opera unveils a lively 'Salome'
  • The patent covers real-time and batch analysis of audio data streams with the ability to render "undesired" words or phrases unintelligible or inaudible. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • AKBAR HASHEMI RAFSANJANI, IRANIAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): There's many people, as you have pointed out, make such judgments, but the majority of the Iranian people are satisfied (INAUDIBLE) with their revolution. CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2005
  • And this time when it went up, the governors of the two states where this happened -- Taraba state (INAUDIBLE) state, separately invited to the military, through me, to take care of what they called the lawlessness of young men who put illegal roadblocks on either side of the state boundary, and if you do not belong to their ethnic group, they take you and kill you. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2001
  • At times he seemed to be in a colloquy with his disciples, though sadly their questions were inaudible to us.
  • I was in the audience when you missed the shift and muttered something indecorous, and really it was almost inaudible.
  • Brandon mumbled an inaudible reply before seating himself at the breakfast bar.
  • However, the main road is not far away - just far enough to render passing traffic inaudible.
  • My life is simple now, and when the fog lifts, the boat is filled with, as John Muir said, "holy, beamless, bodyless, inaudible floods of light. Katie Amatruda: How I Navigated The Four Stages Of Divorce
  • The whistle was inaudible to the human ear.
  • Upstairs, though the T.V. was inaudible, an old man with a club caused much greater unrest.
  • The acting is not always up to the high musical standard, and at times the monologues are almost inaudible beneath the band's volume.
  • Sighing with frustration, she mumbled something inaudible for a moment.
  • DORA BOUCHOCHA, TUNISIAN FILM PRODUCER: The majority of Tunisian films were made after independence, and for those early filmmaker, the preoccupation was the colonial oppression, the war of independence, and then they moved on to the (inaudible), female emancipation and the advent of modernity (ph). CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2006
  • How do we re-establish or revoice (ph) ourselves more (INAUDIBLE) around the best of our traditions? CNN Transcript Aug 29, 2006
  • He has an almost inaudible cry, but a cough that could wake the dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was now with a feeling as if his blood were ice, as if his flesh had been turned into creeping and crawling things, and as if his hair all stood on end, that Lachlan, in a tone which fear rendered nearly inaudible, said for the third time, 'Indeed and in­deed, carlin, but you have waxed very large!' Archive 2007-12-01
  • Otherwise, the guitars were just walls of noise and the singer was largely inaudible.
  • The pros and cons of this fanciful idea are hard to assess, since he talks in a soporific monotone that renders half of what he says inaudible.
  • A moment later there was a soft, almost inaudible insufflation; the door stirred and moved outward perhaps six inches, then stopped. Destiny Narrowly Avoided
  • Above the kitchen chimney stack, the sky quavers on a high inaudible note.
  • Not a doubt of that," chimed in the fellow ex-minister, a worthy man, perfect red-tapist, but inaudible in the reporters 'gallery. My Novel — Complete
  • LEYMAH GBOWEE, LIBERIAN PEACE ACTIVIST: So (inaudible) today is to send out a signal to the world that we, the Liberian women in Ghana, at this conference, we are fed up with the war, and we are doing this to tell the world we are tired of fighting, the killing of our people. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
  • I had to lean close to his face to hear the almost inaudible reply.
  • Mysteriously snuffed out candles, weird sensations and shivers down the spine may not be due to the presence of ghosts in haunted houses but to very low frequency sound that is inaudible to humans.
  • As we track what we call our RAS -- the revenue and (INAUDIBLE) factor -- we're starting to see cargo, an improvement in yields and also in our passenger revenues in the back quarter. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2009
  • The singers, in blonde wigs and full slap, are often inaudible, and when they come off at the end they are bitterly disappointed.
  • I exalt the presbytism (INAUDIBLE), as a fellow presbyter and witness to the sufferings of Christ and one who has a share in the glory to be revealed. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • One said we don't allow baseball caps or any other headgear, which is sort of an odd thing and you don't classify (INAUDIBLE) or head scarves with baseball caps, so -- but in any case what the ... CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2008
  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • My father yells something inaudible before I hear our pickup sputter out of the driveway.
  • He says because George Bush, the president, declared has declared a crusade -- what he called a crusade against Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq, that he cannot accept the (INAUDIBLE) lawyers. CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2008
  • Her steed mumbled something inaudible as he restarted his ungainly walk to the church doors.
  • The city was almost inaudible apart from the muted clang of the trams.
  • In reality this is inaudible under water so don't rely on it to give you a reminder.
  • POWERS: (INAUDIBLE) COHEN (voice-over): Powers said he had no idea he had a knife in his head until his buddies pointed it out. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2007
  • As they continued walking down the street, Alex mumbled something inaudible, obviously trying not to smile.
  • His voice gave out on the final syllable, his distressed croak fading abruptly into an almost inaudible squeak.
  • an inaudible conversation
  • The nut tree before the house puts forth its green leaves and sheds its fragrance; its blossoms are lovingly embraced by the soft breezes, whispering to each other two by two, and offer their heads to be kissed, nodding and bowing; the song must be sung with an equal fragrance, each musical phrase in one breath: that is, with six inaudible breathings, without ritenuto. How to Sing [Meine Gesangskunst]
  • Fortunately, in all modern digital gear, aliasing is so low in level that it's inaudible.
  • Accordingly, an effective way to keep sly felines out of places they oughtn't be is by using strong pulsating ultrasonic waves, inaudible to the human ear.
  • His voice had fallen to an almost inaudible whisper, yet it thundered in Feng Yun - ching's ears.
  • It's kind of flabbergasting, if you think about it, that they are willing to be on camera just as bold as you can be, saying they do something (INAUDIBLE) CNN Transcript Mar 13, 2008
  • The plan to make the Middle East a place of chaos, to kill its people to create civil wars, to create sectarian rule, are made by powers who want to decivilize (INAUDIBLE). CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2007
  • CARLSON: Well, that's why he needs to take the Liddy Dole lavalier mike, you know, cruise around the audience doing the (inaudible) ... CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Republican National Convention: Powell, McCain, Nicholson Discuss Day One - August 1, 2000
  • There are too few seats, and so poor are the acoustics that without the 100 or so ugly microphones most members would be inaudible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Demoniacally arthropodan be a coastward that gets inaudible and we go from paraleipsis topping backstop to scandinavian butty. Rational Review
  • Outside the ring he was an inaudible and almost invisible personality. Times, Sunday Times

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