How To Use Inapt In A Sentence

  • Though the head and hand of her husband were lacking in the direction of her affairs, for which she had hitherto shown the indifference of a Creole and the inaptitude of a lackadaisical woman, she was determined to make no change in her manner of living. A Marriage Contract
  • Certain people interpreted this as a sign of the inaptitude of the female brain in this field. What Do Boys and Girls Draw? » Sociological Images
  • He was encouragingly hotel trombonist as one of the inapt daily toilsomeness, and his poeciliid were favism ionia from nester to reviewer. Rational Review
  • At first glance, the metaphor - a rising tide of mediocrity - seems inapt, even odd.
  • Much like President Bush's Kyoto alternative and inaptly named "Clear Skies Initiative," Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper's proposed Clean Air Act is filled with industry incentives, lax timetables, and no mention of the Kyoto commitments-something Environment Minister Rona Ambrose deemed "unachievable" in September. Canada's Commitment to Failure
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  • I often wondered how I had conceived that old idea of his inaptitude, until I was one day enlightened by the reflection, that perhaps the inaptitude had never been in him at all, but had been in me. Great Expectations
  • An article in last Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle makes a particularly inapt comparison.
  • But the comparison to Eisenhower's notorious caginess strikes me as quite inapt.
  • There are a number of points making this application inapt.
  • P.S. The terrorists in Iraq are there because we invaded the wrong country, making most of that reasoning inapt at best. The Volokh Conspiracy » Predator Drone Warfare — Assorted Links
  • I think the metaphor is completely inapt and is really an apples-and-oranges sort of thing.
  • My horse, inaptly named Pegasus, brings me to the base of Ahu Tepeu, a magnificent beetle-browed statue crowned with a red stone headdress weighing eleven tons. Richard Bangs: Skullduggery on Easter Island (Part II of II)
  • In such circumstances it is inapt to burden the courts of Jersey with this case in any way.
  • Yet it is not altogether inapt that the Hymn of Riego became the anthem of liberalism.
  • greater inaptness of expression would be hard to imagine
  • They don't seem to realize how the use of this inapt example demonstrates their inability to grasp the nature of new and different conflicts.
  • Comparisons to the mountains of Yemen are utterly inapt. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • I will follow the convention of referring to all non-left/liberal ideologies as ‘conservative,’ however inapt that may be.
  • However, it seems to me that your comparison is inapt, in that the Tea Party movement is a group of individuals acting collectively, but outside formal government, whereas the current understanding of “nudge” or “shove,” especially in the context of the original post, refers to the government using its monopoly onforce. The Volokh Conspiracy » Josh Wright on Behavioral Economics in the Obama Administration:
  • Here, the translation "circle" is inapt, as the Hebrew term entailed something spherical, not flat. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Powers chooses, to my chagrin, two phrases from my article, both meant to be humorous, to suggest that not only is my style of writing "inapt," a rather awkward word, in my opinion but, more importantly, who the hell am I to have anything posted on HuffPo in the first place? The Powers That Be
  • To address the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt declared national emergency, relying on a generation-old statute that was arguably inapt because it was intended for wartime, and the country was not then at war.
  • Given that she has no effective control over the center of Gaza, I think this is inapt. The Volokh Conspiracy » Gaza Blockade Violence News You May Have Missed
  • Some analogies are persuasive; other analogies are inapt.
  • I had been comparing the arcs with rainbows, which now seems inapt.
  • That analogy is singularly inapt to this particular situation.
  • A brown sunburnt gentleman, who appears in some inaptitude for sleep to be wandering abroad rather than counting the hours on a restless pillow, strolls hitherward at this quiet time. Bleak House
  • McPalin - Never fail to rise above their own heights of inaptitude, McLame makes W. look like Einstien in his prime. Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • Such military terms are inapt for a situation where the means and purpose of the events are unclear, as are the antagonists. Cybercrime Comes to the IMF
  • [69: 1] We have a Gillespie setting aside the Design Argument on the ground that the reasonings by which it is supported are 'inapt' to show such attributes as infinity, omnipresence, free agency, omnipotency, eternality, or unity, 'belong in any way to God. An Apology for Atheism Addressed to Religious Investigators of Every Denomination by One of Its Apostles
  • But this is best seen in quicksilver, which is not inaptly called mineral water. The New Organon
  • Moreover, the use of ‘shall’ in the condition is inapt: the condition was not requiring, merely enabling, the indoor market to the held on up to ten days throughout the year over and above Saturdays and Sundays.
  • This inapt degree of welfare has been publicly acknowledged as a triggering factor for the low social status and recognition of teachers in society.
  • And it strikes me as a singularly inapt analogy to make, an analogy that ought to make one question its user's underlying thinking about the problem.
  • In fact, I have seen this Act described as a treaty and I do not know whether, in real terms, that is an entirely inapt description.
  • The expression ‘cost of reinstatement, repair or replacement’ is wholly apt in relation to buildings, fixtures, fittings and goods, but wholly inapt in relation to economic loss.
  • In this respect, the oft-quoted cathedral metaphor is not inapt.
  • Many of the Bushisms strike me as unfair and inapt, which is why I comment onthem. The Volokh Conspiracy » Yesterday’s Bushism of the Day:
  • The problem is that it was not exercised because of inaptitude and an unbounded confidence that market participants could manage risk. Banking History Offers Lessons, but What Are They?
  • Those nutjobs are notorious for protesting military, LGBT, and any funeral that they can attempt to pin some sort of moral inaptitude on. Winnipeggers make us proud
  • His bold and free demeanour, his attachment to rich dress and decoration, his inaptitude to receive instruction, and his hardening himself against rebuke, were circumstances which induced the good old man, with more haste than charity, to set the forward page down as a vessel of wrath, and to presage that the youth nursed that pride and haughtiness of spirit which goes before ruin and destruction. The Abbot
  • Still, this is a somewhat closer matter; the framing of the question in the following paragraph is more clearly inapt.
  • Moreover, the use of the adverb ‘suddenly’ in the context is singularly inapt to describe the nature of the change to which the respondent's daughter would be exposed if she were now to be required to move school.
  • Well, many politicians and others use historical allusions, and they almost always are inapt because no two situations are the same.
  • Still, I think that Heidegger, like no other before him, has shown an aspect (and that itself is a laughably inapt term) of our world, an aspect we take for granted and have learned ever more easily to inhabit without thinking.
  • While there seem to be more and more programs to encourage girls who are interested in the sciences in engineering, old attitudes about the aptitude (or more accurately, inaptitude) of women in technical fields seem to be a long time in dying. Reaching for the Stars
  • Greater inaptness of expression would be hard to imagine.
  • While we might find the Iranian analogy entirely inapt we already saw that unlike Iranian security forces, the Egyptian military won't mow down its own people, Israel survives by planning for and worrying about the worst of all worlds. How Israel sees Egypt
  • Loads of machismo and inaptitude results in hilarious moments caught on tape. Tough Guys |

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