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How To Use Inanity In A Sentence

  • But if you're just an obstinate old scudder why not carry this inanity one step further and stop using punctuation or spacing between words? Writing Advice from Clyde Allison
  • The slogans paraded through his mind to the sound of their boots with hollow inanity. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Linda told him with amazing inanity that his opinion of her was unreliable; and, contented, he lightly pursued his admiration of what he called her boreal charm. Linda Condon
  • Leaphorn had glanced quickly at Naranjo, curious about how he would react to this inanity. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • He chuckles at the inanity of the idea of robotic soccer - do robots really need exercise?
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  • Through his pen, inanity became animate, and the captious craft of caricature was raised to character study.
  • Judging the actors is difficult because of the incoherency of the story and inanity of the dialogue.
  • Our Idiot Brother"—not "My" or "Your" or "Their" idiot brother—is goofily funny, and silly, and in many ways follows the currents of contemporary comedy into the gulf stream of inanity. 'Idiot Brother': Silly, Satirical and Smart
  • It's difficult to find someplace to start when you're offered this type of inanity.
  • He has also got a shrewd sense of humour, revealed by a hooded look of bored apprehension if the talk meanders into polite inanity, and by an appreciative chortle when it goes the other way, somewhere interesting.
  • This ridiculous sequel lives down to the inanity of its predecessor.
  • In a continuing gale of anger and inanity, with "liberal" and "conservative" already bashed into meaninglessness, who's up for more "debate"? Carla Seaquist: Is This a Culture That Wants to Save Itself?
  • But what makes these letters rise above inanity is the portrait they provide of a wartime capital cut adrift from moral bearings. Sunday Reading
  • Attempting to drown herself in inanity, she marries Peter Keating, only to leave him for newspaper tycoon Gail Wynand, publisher of the Banner, where Toohey's column appears.
  • To say that the "twist" in the plot is implausible certainly downplays the sheer inanity of it.
  • In honor of snow, this I leave you this bit of inanity from Letterman (click to view video at gawker. com). Off to Madison, WI! « Biodork
  • Inanity dogs the footsteps of the classic tradition, which is everywhere lackeyed, through a long decline, by the pallor of reflected glories. Style
  • As the devil of ill-luck would have it, half the audience did not know that H. had written it, but were displeased at his stealing from the "Road to Ruin;" and those who might have borne a gentlemanly coxcomb with his "That's your sort," "Go it" -- such as Lewis is -- did not relish the intolerable vulgarity and inanity of the idea stript of his manner. The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb — Volume 5 The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb
  • Detractors parody this as shorthand for his occasional tendency towards simpleminded inanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Twit Network, pokes fun at the inanity of some tweets 'content, our collective self-absorption, our obsession with celebrities and the painful convention of affixing "tw -" to beginning of any word related to social media. Mashable!
  • The bulbous eyes of a papier-mâché calf looked back at him, spellbound in eternal inanity. DISPLACED PERSON
  • This fast-paced, energetic series of comic sketches tackles the inanity of media culture and the people who thrive on it.
  • Viewers gazed in astonishment as the supposedly silver-tongued trial lawyer lurched from one inanity to the next.
  • A stern, deep voice which utters an egotistical inanity is still stern and deep (deep sounding, anyway). The Volokh Conspiracy » Remembering Justice Stevens as a Boss
  • Anger and frustration at the inanity of America's political culture underscore the best humour here.
  • Then he recalled the inanity and exacting requests of the great lady, and guessed how her reader was able to so boldly play his annoying trick. The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette
  • What you call inanity is yet another demonstration of a subject you have no clue about. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • The person who's pressed the button always has an inanity to their face. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • This film is more or less exactly why the average filmgoer prefers the inanity of quiz shows to unconventional arthouse fare.
  • I laughed many times, but entire episodes went by where I would sit and wait for some obvious inanity to conclude.
  • If putting up with your inanity is one of the conditions of eternal life, I think I’ll take my chances with mortality. Think Progress » Brownback Holds Up Drawing Of Embryo, Asks ‘Are You Going To Kill Me?’
  • May 22nd, 2007 at 11: 54 am on a smaller level, the inanity of referring to “the enemy” in iraq always catches my attention: it’s a signifier that the scriber is a total idiot. Matthew Yglesias » Is John Hood a Robot?
  • The surprising thing here is not the over-the-top mayhem, but the inanity of the infrequent dialogue scenes.
  • And I'd even go so far as to say that nothing was more political than this sovereign and slightly unreasonable decision, qualified by some we shall be kind enough not to mention here as an "inanity" or a "crime" or a bet that was "lost in advance", to craft something European through the shared efforts of two national workshops. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Arte Is Twenty
  • He pokes fun at bourgeois inanity through the vehicle of the structured American sitcom.
  • The point of Finkelstien bringing this to the attention of The Times readerproloteriat was to hopefully empathize with the inanity of certain daft policing strategies, dreamed up by promotion hungry cretins. Welcome ‘Times’ Readers « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He says that the decision of the school board was one of breathtaking inanity.
  • The general spirit of bonhomie and celebration lifts even curmudgeons like me over the worst stretches of inanity.
  • In ruling that intelligent design had no business being taught in public school science classes, Judge Jones referred to the "breathtaking inanity" of the Dover Area School Board. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: The 'Breathtaking Inanity' Of Rick Santorum And Michele Bachmann
  • The thought is wiredrawn to inanity, but the words make it perfectly clear that the poet was the only one of the lady's lovers -- to the definite exclusion of all others -- whose name justified the quibbling pretence of identity with the 'will' which controls her being. A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • The House voted 55-42 along party lines to strip Daniel G. LeBlanc from a measure confirming Mr. Kaine's 34 agency head appointments and his chief of staff. linkOf course, Governor Kaine reacts with what can only be described as inanity: From On High
  • Inanity in memoirs by athletes, politicians and movie stars. 2009 January 29 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams".

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