

  1. the quality of being ill-advised

How To Use inadvisability In A Sentence

  • Though I must say that when I've encountered such things, I could not help sending a rather pointed letter about plagiarism and its extreme inadvisability. Exactly.
  • And now, because of the inadvisability of doing so again - at least not without a show of public support for such a move - the idea of a referendum has been floated to get around this problem.
  • He repeatedly roiled the international currency markets with offhand comments about the value of the dollar and the inadvisability of bailouts of countries like Turkey, Brazil and Argentina.
  • One look at Constellation's technical and funding woes speaks to the inadvisability of this. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: March 2010 Archives
  • Was it not Mr. ALBERT CHEVALIER who used to sing some hortatory lyrics upon the inadvisability of introducing your donah to a pal? Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, June 6, 1917
  • At the same time, prominent articles appeared in the news media attempting to carefully explain U.S. government thinking on the impracticality or inadvisability of using nuclear weapons. The Iran Consensus Grows More Dangerous
  • Rand Simberg reflects on the delayed apocalypse as well as the inadvisability of having a name unsuitable to one's gender. The Speculist: June 2005 Archives
  • Valley of the Dolls had been so crucial in my life not because of its word to the wise about the inadvisability of mixing Seconal and Scotch, but for the three sentences that explained how to go about getting undressed before the first time you have sex: go into the bathroom, take your clothes off, and reemerge with a towel wrapped around yourself. What Girls Want
  • Any of the locals could have told Oswaldo about the inadvisability of swimming in the Terraba.
  • But clearly Freeman is right about the inadvisability of unconditional financial aid to Israel and also about the fact that Israeli violence has regrettable consequences. Matthew Yglesias » AIPAC vs. Chas Freedman
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