How To Use In-chief In A Sentence

  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • He is reportedly dissatisified with the performance of U.S. regional military commanders-in-chief.
  • On Navy Day July 27, 2008 the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky spoke of a revival of Russian naval power over the next decade and declared that the navy would add six carrier battle groups to its complement of warships. News on
  • Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger asked about Google's role in this freemium world; 40 % of the traffic to its sites comes from Google.
  • Yes, sir," Captain Blake said, and watched his commander-in-chief smile arctically. Beyond the Sunrise
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  • He had no executive experience—Washington was a former commander-in-chief and plantation owner; Jefferson was getting valuable training as chief wirepuller of an opposition party. America's First Dynasty
  • The tenants-in-chief, and their undertenants, were always battling for their holdings.
  • The first film they previewed for me was Cinescape Editor-In-Chief Anthony C. Ferrante's feature film debut BOO!
  • King, and comes to hold the position of a tenant-in-chief (_une seigneurie collective populaire_). Medieval Europe
  • In similar fashion, a study on Joint Professional Military Education in 1999 found that the regional commanders-in-chief believe officers need to be exposed to joint matters earlier in their career.
  • As the war gained in importance, so too did Stalin's authority as the commander-in-chief and leader.
  • For his villain-in-chief, however, Garner repurposes a name filched from the Norse pantheon - originally, Nastrond signified the underworld Shore of Corpses, but in Garner's Alderley he is the unseen Great Spirit of Darkness, moving against the child protagonists by means of minions like the "svart alfar". Blogposts |
  • What Mr. Obama was really doing was a lot of fence-mending, because the United States was seen as the principal obstacle - and Mr. Obama as the footdragger-in-chief - that prevented any ambitious agreements from being signed. NYT > Home Page
  • Nevertheless, says Stephen Daniels, pediatrician-in-chief at Children ' s Hospital, Denver, the findings are part of an emerging and increasingly consistent picture where lifestyle starting early in life is a very important factor for long-term cardiovascular health. Predicting Heart Health in Children
  • December 5th, 2009 1: 27 pm ET it is odd that the "certifcation of birth" that Obama produced would not be acceptable as proof of birth or citizenship to pass a high-level security clearance with a defense contractor, yet somehow the American public has given him a "pass" on this to be commander-in-chief. Palin defends Obama birth certificate inquiries
  • Marshal found that a tough resistance awaited him, although the allied commander-in-chief, Bernadotte, moved with the utmost caution, as if he were bent on justifying Napoleon's recent sneer that he would "only make a show" (_piaffer_). The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • The interview was recorded minutes after the announcement and the interviewer is Adam Smith, Editor-in-Chief of Nobelprize. org. George E. Smith - Interview
  • I couldn't have scripted a smoother year," says Jeffrey Hirsch , editor-in-chief of the "Stock Trader's Almanac," an annual book that compiles market statistics and esoterica. Stocks Going By the Book
  • I think most Muslims outside New York City are more concerned about the backlash than the actual center, which most of them will never directly benefit from," said Shahed Amanullah, the editor-in-chief of the website altmuslim. com and a group of other Islam-themed sites. Muslim Summit Planned Over NYC Islamic Center
  • So there I was - Colonel Harry Paget Flashman, late of the 11th Hussars, 17th Lancers and the Staff, former aide to the Commander-in-Chief, and now acting-sowar and rear file in the skirmishing squadron, 3rd Cavalry, Bengal Army, and if you think it was a mad-brained train of circumstance that had taken me there - well, so did I. Fiancée
  • The rubble had hardly stopped vibrating in Iraq when our cocky Commander-in-Chief -- himself an "undistinguished" former Air National Guard pilot -- shamelessly played dress-up in a navy flight suit to declare "mission accomplished" in Iraq. The Excuses Administration
  • The wartime direction of all troops and forces involved in an operation was a centralized one, with commanders-in-chief and their staff in charge of command and control during military operations.
  • Land could be freely transferred, but the new vassal must hold direct of the king or from a tenant-in-chief. 1272-1307
  • It does make sense but nevertheless, at least in theory, the president should be the commander-in-chief.
  • The interviewer is Adam Smith, Editor-in-Chief of Nobelprize. org. Willard S. Boyle - Interview
  • We wait for the spate of new data on the health of the euroland economies, we wait for the policymakers to come up with some device that satisfies the markets that the eurocracy has come up with a structure that controls national budgets to the satisfaction of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, euroland's paymaster-in-chief. Spain Can Still Avoid Financial Doom
  • They are the liars-in-chief, the gatekeepers of vaults of dirty big secrets which wait for the deployment of journalistic diligence and courage to be uncovered.
  • Navy Hospital Corpsman First Class Francis Nicola received a unique Christmas gift Thursday: a phone call from his commander-in-chief. Obama makes Christmas call to sailor
  • The president is also commander-in-chief of the armed forces - a position he takes immediately on taking the oath of office.
  • The month after the startling triumph of a brainy presidential candidate, with the economy tanking and Texas staring at a $9 billion budget shortfall, our piffler-in-chief, Gov. The Texas Observer: In the Current Issue
  • At least going on all these tours is good preparation to become nodder-in-chief. CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2008
  • Then Jacob Weisberg, chairman and editor-in-chief of the Slate Group, agreed with Friedman's contention that there should be no torture prosecutions because we had all "acquiesced" in the Bush-Cheney Torture Agenda; we were all "the President's accomplices," and thus "pursuing criminal charges would be too hard legally and politically and too easy morally. Rory O'Connor: Media Torture
  • The little boy loved toy soldiers and drafted speeches for the commanders-in-chief.
  • She became editor-in-chief at Vogue during the 1960s youthquake and helped evolve the fashion sense of the era.
  • The Senate of ancient Rome, another republic with imperial entanglements, entrusted war-making to a commander-in-chief, the imperator or emperor, whose office became all-powerful, hereditary, and its holder a living god.
  • Do they have real solutions to address these challenges -- or are they like our current footdragger-in-chief, full of empty promises and emptier measures? Gene Karpinski: Political Donors Organize To Raise Global Warming in '08
  • Usually granted in connection with wardships, the king's rights over the marriage of his tenants-in-chief had longer term implications for Edward III's ‘new nobility.’
  • The jury comprises MP Priya Dutt, actors Om Puri and Victor Banerjee, Justice Leila Seth and The Indian Express Group Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta, and awards are presented to "silvers" who've achieved something remarkable. Screen News
  • And with all attention directed towards the death-struggle just up the road, no one was paying the least heed to the big Kabuli badmash scratching himself furtively outside the Commander-in-Chief's funkhole. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • It is only at the cost of long and ruinous conflicts that bishops and other prelates establish some distinction between their position and that of the ordinary tenant-in-chief. Medieval Europe
  • He was in essence an illuminator of the darker recesses of the national psyche, a demythologiser-in-chief, a forensic dissector of PIRA-friendly doublethink, and a debunker of CJH at a time when it was far from fashionable. Slugger O'Toole
  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • Witnesses are first examined-in-chief by the Prosecutor, then cross-examined by defence counsel, and subsequently re-examined by the Prosecutor.
  • In early 1942 she was appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the Grenadier Guards, at sixteen she carried out her first public engagement, when she inspected the regiment.
  • It was Miltiades who swayed the Athenian commander-in-chief, Callimachus, to wage battle, and it was Miltiades who had his reputation enhanced the most by the events of Marathon. Asher Smith: 2,500 Years Later, Political Lessons From Marathon
  • First he approached Prince Ajatasattu, son and heir of King Bimbisara and commander-in-chief of the Magadhan army. Buddha
  • After skillfully ducking and dodging the two shoes hurled at his face at his final press conference in Baghdad, our dodger and ducker-in-chief calmly reported the size of the famous shoes. David's Flying Shoes v. Goliath's Bloody Ruse
  • Despite the snubber-in-chief talk, there was plenty of back slapping and patting at this summit. CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2008
  • The commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet said on Tuesday, the military situation between China and Taiwan is quiet and neither side appears to be in combat position.
  • Without his directorate, and no longer having the urgent support of the prime minister and the commander-in-chief, he drifted.
  • This change was occasioned by the opening of armistice talks, nominally between the opposing commanders-in-chief.
  • There's such a thing as virtual modesty," said Shahed Amanullah, editor-in-chief of altmuslim. com, a popular online magazine. Is Facebook A Sin? Some Muslims Think So
  • It is far more familiar, unfortunately, to consider a president as a commander-in-chief of a nation's armed forces.
  • It took two terms of an intelligent commander-in-chief, and another moral equivocator, former law professor Bill Clinton, for the Republicans to search again for an unequivocal moral crusader with not a whole lot going on upstairs. James Marshall Crotty: Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America
  • The Spanish kings, in conformity to the martial spirit of the times when cards were introduced, were all mounted on horseback, as befitted generals and commanders-in-chief; but their next in command (among the cards) was el caballo, the knight-errant on horseback -- for the old Spanish cards had no queens; and the third in order was the soto, or attendant, that is, the esquire, or armour-bearer of the knight -- all which was exactly conformable to those ideas of chivalry which ruled the age. The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
  • By contrast, US Presidents, acting as commander-in-chief, have dispatched US troops abroad on more than 120 occasions.
  • Whereas the president, the existing commander-in-chief, can say, Listen, I know how the world works.
  • Policy wonk, nerdy control freak, bureaucrat-in-chief, charisma-free bore and junketeer are some of the kinder epithets the whingeing Aussies have applied to the man.
  • This is the kind of manufactured issue that our politics has become obsessed with and, once again, distracts us from what should be my job when I'm commander-in-chief, which is going to be figuring out how we get our troops out of Iraq and how we actually make our economy better for the American people. Top Stories
  • States have long stopped being separate political entities electing one overseeing commander-in-chief.
  • It will be the commander-in-chief, the president of the United States.
  • By the conduct and courage of Johanan, though the death of the slain is not revenged, yet the prisoners are recovered, and he now becomes their commander-in-chief, ver. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The tenants-in-chief might then grant the land to sub-tenants in return for rents or services, or work the estate themselves through a bailiff.
  • The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is a civilian. Think Progress » Missouri Lawmaker’s Argument Against Repealing DADT: It Would Be A ‘Cultural Affront’ To Terrorists
  • The unparalleled rapidity with which he rode from Cape Town to Grahamstown, a distance of 600 miles, accomplishing it in less than six days; his indefatigable and most able exertion from the moment of his arrival to expel the savage enemy from the ground their unexpected and treacherous invasion had gained – to afford protection and support to the inhabitants; to restore confidence and to organize the armed population, and combine the resources of the country – have been beyond all praise, and justly entitle him to the grateful acknowledgments of the Colony and of the Commander-in-Chief. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Big-eyed amphibians peer out from nearly every page of this collaborative effort by the curator of herpetology at the Bronx Zoo and the editor-in-chief of Wildlife Conservation magazine.
  • It was ordered that "no tenant-in-chief of the king, no officer of his household, or of his demesne, should be excommunicated, or his lands put under an interdict, until application had been made to the king, or in his absence to the grand justiciary, who ought to take care that what belongs to the king's courts shall be there determined, and what belongs to the ecclesiastical courts shall be determined in them. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 06 (From Barbarossa to Dante)
  • The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.
  • But, as commander-in-chief and defence minister, it is virtually impossible that she knew nothing about what was taking place.
  • Breyer and Ginsburg are fine Supreme Court justices and capable defenders of the status quo, but neither are what Cass Sunstein has called "visionaries" - justices that have "a large-scale understanding of where the nation should be heading" and are "entirely willing to press a controversial theory about, say, liberty or equality or the president's power as commander-in-chief, even if that theory offends many Americans. Doug Kendall: The Supreme Court Intensity Gap
  • The man who's been called the confectioner-in-chief came to the White House in January 2007 to turn out cakes, pastries and cookies for President George W. Bush, who Yosses says "enjoyed dessert immensely. KLTV - Local and National News
  • Well she's made such a case for herself - Bosnia sniper fire, "hard working white people", "not a muslim as far as I know", "John McCain has passed the commander-in-chief threshhold, Obama gave a speech", Bill's claiming Obama "slimed" Hillary (and note - that was just YESTERDAY!). Hillary Supporter Dianne Feinstein: The Race Is Over, Make Hillary Veep
  • The Haitian-born Jean said it would have felt "kind of strange" to remain a French national, given the duties she will be assuming, including the title of commander-in-chief of the Canadian Forces. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Apple has entered the market with its iTunes film sales very quietly and only hardcore Apple fans seem to have noticed," said Patrick Zandl , the editor-in-chief of, a Czech Internet technology news site. Eastern Europe Is Tough Market for Apple's iTunes
  • But real health care reform of the kind that Democratic candidates were promising during last year's presidential campaign is dead, killed by the timidity of the promiser-in-chief, President Barack Obama (and by the massive corruption of the Democrats in Congress, who hav e accepted the tainted coin of the health care industry). Say 'Good-bye' to the Nice Health Care Reform, Kids
  • editor-in-chief
  • Reform was further hampered by the reactionary commander-in-chief from 1856 to 1895: the Duke of Cambridge who, as the queen's cousin, was held to be irremovable.
  • Here was the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, in a combat zone on Thanksgiving day, serving chow to his soldiers.
  • Rodrigo later rendered such distinguished services in the war in which Sancho became involved with Aragon that he was made alferez (standard-bearer or commander-in-chief) of the king's troops. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • One among them wore a yellow sash, trimmed in gold, about his waist, and on his breast two yellow circles with red crosses interlapping, denoting his rank to be the Grand Dragon of the Realm, or Commander-in-Chief of the State. The Clansman An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan
  • Soares, as Commander-in-Chief, urged the government to respond to military pressure for changes in pay and professional career structures.
  • I am 17 yrs old and i think obama will be a great commender-in-chief" .. Report: Girl "Safe And Asleep" In Hillary's 3 A.M. Ad Is Supporting...Obama!
  • I'm not sure what the lifetime tally is on terrorists, but a graphic graphic from buzzfeed. com shows the score on which of our commanders-in-chief back to McKinley has knocked off the most pirates: Barack H. Obama. Phil Bronstein: Obama's Measured Pirate Reaction -- Just Like a Democrat?
  • ‘They were renegades back then, and I guess we still are,’ said the veteran pilot and editor-in-chief of Ultralight Flying!
  • Our twitcher-in-chief has hit 100! Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Lord commissioned Peter to be a leader of the apostolic church, he presented his role not as commander-in-chief or company executive but as a provider of food.
  • Where the general duty of allegiance has lapsed into oblivion, the tenant-in-chief is in all but name a dependent king, and the feudal state becomes a federation under a hereditary president, who occasionally arbitrates between the members of the federation and occasionally leads them out to war. Medieval Europe
  • While setting up a discussion, John McLaughlin quoted Naomi Klein's "squib" on a new Obama book titled The Mendacity of Hope, by Roger D. Hodge, the former editor-in-chief of Harper's magazine: Joseph A. Palermo: The McLaughlin Group: It's the "Professional Left's" Fault
  • He also defended himself against Journal editor-in-chief Robert Thomson's initial statement that he cast "aspersions" on the Journal and its reporters. Bill Keller Responds to the Journal's Latest Accusation
  • The army under the British commander-in-chief in the Far East, Field Marshal Archibald Percival Wavell, was defeated and in disarray. A Covert Affair
  • McCain has been cheeleader-in-chief of the military's Iraqi "surge" strategy. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Moqtada & McCain
  • -- Feudal seignior, and suzerain, that is to say, commander-in-chief of the great resident army whose willing forces had served to reconstruct society in the ninth century, the King, through the remotest of his origins -- that is to say, through the immemorial confusion of sovereignty with property -- was the owner of France, the same as an individual owns his private domain. [ The Modern Regime, Volume 1
  • STEPHANIE OSWALD, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, "TRAVELGIRL" MAGAZINE: A babymoon are the new hot thing for couples to do. CNN Transcript Feb 11, 2006
  • Once he had deployed his forces on the battlefield, the commander-in-chief could only sit in his headquarters many miles behind the front line and hope for the best.
  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • Its a shame that the commander-in-chief told more than he should have about the plan. NATO to commit at least 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan
  • A courageous commander-in-chief, who tells West Wing advisors sipping lattes in Italian calfskin loafers what they have to do, rather than ask the George Bush question, "What should we do? Anthony D. Romero: Obama: Close Gitmo On Day One -- You Can Do It. We've Got Your Back.
  • Great the cabinet save 243 million, but how much has the great BHO, aka the spender-in-chief, wasted on worthless travel so he can continue his campaign tour. Obama's Cabinet claims $243 million in federal savings
  • You've got to remember that he is going to be, when he becomes king, commander-in-chief.
  • He is a retired four-star general who served as commander-in-chief of US Atlantic Command until 1997.
  • No papal bull or brief, no papal legate might be received without royal approval, and no tenant-in-chief or royal officer could be excommunicated without royal permission. B. The British Isles
  • There are paintings and photographs of generals, lieutenants, sergeants, privates, secretaries and commanders-in-chief.
  • To this day, the monarch is the “commander-in-chief” of the British armed forces. Matthew Yglesias » Presidential Trouble
  • Meanwhile, David Gergen, a former advisor to several Democratic and Republican presidents, says its been a mixed year for the new commander-in-chief. Did Obama have a good 2009?
  • During that period, Japanese admirals or Commanders-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet of Japan had great power, more so that the present Prime Ministers.
  • The cautiousness is a change from Sago, but in some ways Manchin is playing the same role: comforter-in-chief to a state whose identity is so linked with coal that a statue of a miner graces the grounds of the Capitol. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The emergency laws give sweeping powers to the president, as defence minister and commander-in-chief of the security forces.
  • It is easy to see why people describe her as the country's comforter - in-chief.
  • A couple of them then came forward to me sniggeringly, satisfied that they were not to be reported to Peking or wherever their commander-in-chief may have his residence -- they probably had no more idea than I had. Across China on Foot
  • David Landau, formerly editor-in-chief of Haaretz, called forthrightly for just such a boycott: 'I call on parliaments throughout the democratic world, and inter-parliamentary associations, to boycott Israel's parliament, once the pride of the Jewish people, until it buries the bill and recovers its democratic heritage.' Global Issues News Headlines
  • Up to 250,000 people are expected to march in the city against the new commander-in-chief this weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're one of those who spends whatever extra income you might have in the world's luxury restaurants, you will regard him as the gastro-wizard-in-chief, the man who at El Bulli, his restaurant north of Barcelona, moved haute gastronomy on from the calcifying tropes of nouvelle cuisine to a brave new modernist tomorrow; who ushered in the age of foams and hot jellies, spherified olives and desserts cooked in liquid nitrogen. Reinventing Food – Ferran Adrià: The Man Who Changed the Way We Eat by Colman Andrews – review
  • The emperor was commander-in-chief of the imperial army. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The power of the commander-in-chief was absolute.
  • Up to 250,000 people are expected to march in the city against the new commander-in-chief this weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • A former White House chief of staff for President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Sununu described Mr. Gingrich as having a penchant for "self-aggrandizement" and "off-the-cuff thinking" that "is not what you want in a commander-in-chief. Tough Talk as Romney Takes Aim at Gingrich
  • The Commander-in-Chief agreed to the plan and also authorized Stirling to recruit a further six officers and up to forty men.
  • The commander-in-chief was given 36 hours to secure a withdrawal of his troops from the combat zone.
  • Call him an egg-head, number cruncher-in-chief or simply the stats man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lincoln also was the first Commander-in-Chief to declare medicines contraband of war.
  • The emperor was commander-in-chief of the imperial army. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • There are paintings and photographs of generals, lieutenants, sergeants, privates, secretaries and commanders-in-chief.
  • After an hour and 16 minutes of delay, umpire-in-chief Dave Phillips decided the field was unplayable, and called the second game.
  • This meant that not only all lands held of the king by a deceased tenant-in-chief, as well as the person of the heir, returned to royal custodianship, but also all other of the deceased's lands held of any lord whatsoever.
  • The official went on to say that the US military usually invites the commander-in-chief of a branch of Taiwan's armed forces to visit the US each year.
  • The young lieutenant later became Lord Roberts and commander-in-chief of the Indian army.
  • It's commanders and senior officers work for the commander-in-chief.
  • I also "complimented" Cheney for (according to Bob Woodward's book) defiantly not bowing his head in the Oval Office when our intellectually challenged Commander-in-Chief asked him and the other advisors to pray with him for God's help in slaughtering Middle Easterners. CounterPunch
  • BLATTER UPThe Fiver imagines that Fifa belcher-in-chief Sepp Blatter is going to be very annoyed indeed when he finds out that an interview with him has today appeared on some new-fangled contraption called a "website" - owned and operated by none other than Fifa, the very organisation presided over by the planet's most stubborn and penguin-shaped technophobe. Obsequious To The Point Of Becoming A Human Suppository
  • They were trying to build their theory of the “unitary executive,” a commander-in-chief privilege that would allow them to set policy without answering to anyone but themselves. The Good Fight
  • Well, they're certainly concerned, but I think we give the president, our leader, our commander-in-chief, the benefit of the doubt.
  • The express language of it is: 'By virtue of the power in me vested as commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and Government of the United States, and as a _fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion_.' The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Make the splurger-in-chief honestly calculate the cost of the surge, and make him explain what new taxes will pay for it. James Heffernan: Memo to Pelosi and Reid: Why Not Back the Surge -- But Only If We're All Taxed to Pay for It?
  • Why must my name forsooth be given up to the Commander-in-Chief as that of the most guilty of the grumblers? The Virginians
  • A present for a the slimy midget "hizzoner" thief-in-chief: arbooz ( "Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. Latest Articles
  • Lanfranc reminded him, first, that he was not at the bar as a bishop, but as a tenant-in-chief of the king; secondly, that the bishops judging him were acting in a like temporal capacity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The president is the commander-in-chief, but only within the legal framework established by the Constitution and Congress.
  • All inaugural ceremonies at the Capitol have been organized by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies since 1901, and the U.S. military has participated in Inauguration Day ceremonies from the first president, as the president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Presidential Inauguration | Edwardian Promenade
  • Private chases created by tenants-in-chief since 1154 outside their own demesnes were likewise abrogated, in accordance with the provisions of the Forest Charter.
  • Maybe one day you will realize this man has brain unlike the previous Coward-in-Chief. Obama admin releases list of health care execs to visit WH
  • If you call of school or close early ... doubleR: I see where our Harvard-educated Narcissist-in-Chief not once, but twice pronounced the word corpsman as "Corpse-man" during a speech. stories
  • It looked to him, in his highly wrought-up state, that he was not only being second-guessed but mocked by the commander-in-chief, Pacific Fleet. Sea of Thunder
  • gurrier-in-chief" during the previous day's rowdy set-to in the chamber. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • New York Post Editor-in-Chief Col Allan said in a statement the cartoon was "a clear parody.
  • As president you were also commander-in-chief of armed forces.
  • As I mentioned before, I think McCain's only play is to make this campaign about electing a commander-in-chief and play on the fears of "losing" a conflict we are reminded is looking peachier and peachier if we just stay the course. McCain Challenges Obama To Visit Iraq
  • He last visited the US when he was the commander-in-chief of the army.
  • CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!? the overly excited announcer would yell, and Cantor would then rush the ring and be suplex slammed by the commander-in-chief. HUFFPOST HILL - Dems Promote Dem Bill By Making It Less Dem-y
  • = -- Before Richard reappeared in England each tenant-in-chief had to pay the aid which was due to deliver his lord from prison (see p. 117), but this was far from being enough. A Student's History of England, v. 1 (of 3) From the earliest times to the Death of King Edward VII
  • Worried, Gates offered two inconsistent defenses of himself: the letter was a forgery, and the offending phrase must have been “stealingly copied” by Hamilton when he was on his mission to Albany.8 Washington then told Gates the truth: that his own aide Wilkinson had blurted the words out in a tavern to another officer, who had passed it along to the commander-in-chief. Alexander Hamilton, American
  • One all-powerful editrix-in-chief recently joined a gym and went once, never to return. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the snubber-in-chief talk, there was plenty of back slapping and patting at the summit. CNN Transcript Nov 21, 2008
  • He was to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
  • The battalion went on parade to welcome the new commander-in-chief.
  • He rendered a report to the commander-in-chief.
  • Periodically, after an engagement had liteen tidily finished and the casualties removed from the gfeerie. they would be summoned to Hanoi, nearly four fears 'flight away, addressed by the Commander-in-Chief, lodged for one night in a Press Gamp where they boasted that the barman was the best in Indo-China, flown over the late battlefield at a height of 3,000 feet (the limit of a heavy machine-gun's range) and then delivered safely and easily back, like aschool-treat, to the Continental Hotel in Saigon. The Quiet American
  • His son George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge, a commander-in-chief of the British army, inherited the land and leased it out for building, including the Cambridge Asylum.
  • We have all joined, tonight, in tendering this dinner to the Toronto Scottish, a regiment which we rightly hold in highest esteem, and to do honour with them to Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, their Colonel-in-Chief. Dinner in Honour of The Toronto Scottish Regiment
  • But is it the mixing of religion and politics in general that Americans oppose, or could it be what R. R. Reno, editor-in-chief of First Things, identifies as "mingling certain kinds of religion with certain kinds of politics? Jonathan D. Fitzgerald: The Necessary Mix Of Religion And Politics
  • What Mr. Obama was really doing was a lot of fence-mending, because the United States was seen as the principal obstacle -- and Mr. Obama as the footdragger-in-chief -- that prevented any ambitious agreements from being signed. Steven Hill: Europe's Post-Copenhagen View of Obama
  • The ship hauled away from the dock and proceeded to Mare Island, California, in accordance with the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Squadron.
  • It was to be the first British victory in the Second World War and he did it all with irregulars, including kibbutz volunteers he had trained in Palestine and had specially brought down at his request; and it was done, once again, through his old protector Archibald Wavell, whom at this point had become a full General and Commander-in-Chief of all British Forces in the Middle East. Robert Eisenman: Who Killed Orde Wingate?
  • Its commander-in-chief was General Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell was put in charge of the cavalry.
  • ‘One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander-in-chief.’
  • Mr. Nujaifi told The Wall Street Journal last month that he would defend the constitutional right of Sunni provinces to hold referendums on establishing their own semiautonomy, and propose ways, such as a constitutional amendment, to place checks on Mr. Maliki's near-absolute powers as commander-in-chief. Iraqi Crisis Ebbs as Sunnis Return to Cabinet
  • There are paintings and photographs of generals, lieutenants, sergeants, privates, secretaries and commanders-in-chief.
  • He was the observer of "Vek" (Century) newspaper, the editor-in-chief of the magazine «International cooperation in the educational sphere», the editor-in-chief of the ITAR-TASS Publishing house, the senior lecturer of the interuniversity Center on studying of Russia within Peoples 'Friendship University of Russia. APA
  • Though everyone in the cast is as good as it's possible to be, Ms. Coon is the sorceress-in-chief, giving a performance whose quiet warmth and unmannered simplicity leave no doubt of why Henry fell for Annie. What Goes and Comes Around
  • The man who's been called the confectioner-in-chief came to the White House in January 2007 to turn out cakes, pastries and cookies for President George W. Bush, who Mr. Yosses said The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • He is the commander-in-chief, he is our president, he has his power, and he is exercising it.
  • The service of our British cousins is very much appreciated by the American public and families of serving troops – even if our so-called “Commander-in-Chief” does not. Welcome Home 3 Rifles BG « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Their preparation might be entrusted to the commander-in-chief of the Land Forces and commanders of wartime military districts.
  • (January 7, 2010) - "We have a big problem; it's that other people are shaping the story about us," Shahed Amanullah, editor-in-chief of altmuslim. com, told IslamOnline. net. Altmuslim
  • Let the president be seen as the coercer-in-chief. GOP: The Fight Is Not Over
  • Yes, during war the US president is the commander-in-chief.
  • He's also ed-in-chief of near-future sf webzine Futurismic, a learning fictioneer and poet, a reviewer of books, music and concerts, a cack-handed third guitarist for a fuzz-rock band, and in need of a proper haircut. MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • He is the first commander-in-chief without active duty military experience since Franklin D.. Roosevelt.
  • She plays Lady Anne, wife of the commander-in-chief of the parliamentary army, Sir Thomas Fairfax.
  • He was Marx-ian propagandist and polemist-in-chief, but not a revolutionary politician of the proletariat. My Life
  • This was not, I hasten to add, what Derrida himself believed, but unfortunately what was most often represented as "Derridean" was indeed this sort of anti-intellectual nonsense (its anti-intellectualism disguised by much obscurantist theory-ese), the result of which, finally, was the complete loss of credibility on the part of academic literary study and, unfortunately, the labeling of Derrida as the obscurantist-in-chief. Philosophy and Literature
  • But inarticulateness can be a serious liability when nuanced explanations from the Commander-in-Chief are required.
  • The first was the sacred standard of the Prophet Mohammed, and accompanied the grand vizier in his capacity of representative and vice-regent of the sultan; and the latter was the banner which was always planted in front of the pavilion inhabited by the seraskier, or commander-in-chief of the Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • Make that beguiler-in-chief, Hillary…and do your homework on the Bill of Rights and Constitution as Senator Feingold has. Firedoglake » It’s High Time for Some Truth
  • And of course, the president's their commander-in-chief all the more so.
  • The president, who had to be a natural-born citizen of the United States, was to be commander-in-chief of the military and the state militias when brought into federal service.
  • For the last five years, I have worked at PRWeek, where I most recently held the title editor-in-chief. The Full Feed from
  • But having been sacked from field command and kicked upstairs to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Army, he found his true métier as an administrator and reformer.
  • Pursch arranged for her to be detoxed in at home before being admitted to the Navy hospital as the spouse of a commander-in-chief. Ford helped pioneer addiction treatment
  • The objections from the cable companies have come for both political and commercial reasons, said Burman, the former editor-in-chief of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Al Jazeera English Blacked Out Across Most Of U.S.
  • Commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Fleet, last week announced the operational results the fleet has achieved over the past year.
  • How dare they critize a sitting commander-in-chief. Rumsfeld says Obama made 'bald misstatement'
  • The prime minister is very protective of the First Minister and has managed to rid the father of the Nation of his baiter-in-chief.
  • The Constitution we are likely to inherit from a second Bush Administration will be a bit like the famous New Yorker cartoon of the New Yorker's vision of the World, with the Commander-in-Chief Clause dominating the page in powerful, large letters, and the rest of the Constitutional text shrinking away into tiny, barely readable prose. Balkinization
  • Tainted by sex, drugs, race and class, AIDS has no place in this homogenized-homosphere battling for issues such as Marriage Equality and its Denier-in-Chief, Pres. The Full Feed from
  • And in demanding massive escrow accounts to be distributed by political appointees through extra-legal processes, the president has assumed the role of extortioner-in-chief. Hayward Testimony: All That Was Missing Were The Waterboards
  • The commander-in-chief, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, was Scots, but could only offer to out-produce and out-slaughter the Central Powers.
  • He is the first marine to take over the navy commander-in-chief's office, as well as the first native Taiwanese marine general.
  • In hard times, being the bellyacher-in-chief is a valid role. Deepak Chopra: Sarah Palin: Fooling None Of The People All Of The Time
  • There are paintings and photographs of generals, lieutenants, sergeants, privates, secretaries and commanders-in-chief.
  • With these latest actions, the government is institutionalizing a procedure under which the president, invoking his position as commander-in-chief, can issue an edict and imprison anyone he chooses.

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