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How To Use In vain In A Sentence

  • But try telling that to the little old lady who has waited in vain a couple of years for a vital eye operation.
  • Finishing the mission so our troops will not have died in vain is the most screwed up thing I have ever heard. Think Progress » 9%.
  • Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
  • I tried in vain to start a conversation.
  • Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph. Charles Dickens 
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  • Except the Lord keep the city, the _Wakeman_ waketh in vain. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ripon A Short History of the Church and a Description of Its Fabric
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • If the world again sinks into the ruins of some ideological framework this history will have been written in vain and later people will revise it for themselves. Nobel Lecture - Literature 2000
  • Where even the vinously literate search in vain for clues, getting down on their knees to turn over handfuls of soil or gazing down from the crest of the slope in utter bewilderment.
  • As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
  • An old dog barks not in vain
  • For two hours Erasmus Smith, the Boer predicant, argued in vain in behalf of his flock. A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year Volume Two (of Three)
  • Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vainTom Thompson reads “Ode to a Nightingale” by John Keats
  • The thing is reduced to a cruel mockery when stores and granaries are over-gorged, while people clamor in vain for clothing and food, and drop dead within reach of these prime elements of warmth and sustentation. Black and White
  • In vain he travelled to the most esteemed saints and the most celebrated martyries. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Ivory screamed as she wriggled and twisted, trying in vain to get away.
  • But city girls wait in vain for theirs to grow big and sexy.
  • Towards the middle of the plain, there lay the bodies of several men who had fallen in the very act of grappling with the enemy; and there were seen countenances which still bore the stern expression of unextinguishable hate and defiance, hands which clasped the hilt of the broken falchion, or strove in vain to pluck the deadly arrow from the wound. The Monastery
  • That's what happens when you use my name in vain. The Sun
  • Ye can stop as ye are, little lay mothers, and wait in wish and wish in vain till the grame reaper draws nigh, with the sickle of the sickles, as a blessing in disguise. Finnegans Wake
  • The demand for quarters, seldom refused to a vanquished foe was at once found to be in vain. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.
  • Without ears to hear, the nightingale would sing in vain.
  • After much search, and lumbering painfully up two or three staircases in vain, and at last going about in a strange circuity, we found her in a small chamber of a large old building, situated a little way from the brow of the Tarpeian Rock. Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 1.
  • He seeks in vain to occupy his days with rural pursuits, -- he to whom the excitements of a metropolis, with all its corruption and its vices, were the sole sources of the turpid stream that he called "pleasure. My Novel — Volume 12
  • The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.
  • We sought in vain for cyanite, which we had discovered in some blocks near Maniquarez. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Because keeping Love locked up within ourselves is to go against the spirit of God, it proves that we never knew Him, that He loved us in vain, and that His Son died to no avail. Blog De Ganz | Archive | September
  • They faded away in distress, in vain and into the forgotten pages of local history.
  • Bad enough to just kill someone but when they start taking God's name in vain then watchout. Christian Atrocities: Humanity's "Sin" or God's?
  • Hundreds of tarred and burning hoops were skilfully quoited around the necks of the soldiers, who struggled in vain to extricate themselves from these fiery ruffs, while as fast as any of the invaders planted foot upon the breach, they were confronted face to face with sword and dagger by the burghers, who hurled them headlong into the moat below. A Wanderer in Holland
  • Five days after this last trial I gave him assafetida in large quantity, flattered by a hope that his extreme sufferings from the state of his respiration, might perhaps arise in part from spasm, but my hopes were in vain. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • She pitied her aching "fum," and kissed it herself to make it feel better; but all in vain; "the pain kept on and on;" the "fum" grew big as fast as the candy had grown little. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway
  • In what other sport but cricket could you get 26,000 people splashing around in the puddles of a filthily overcast ground, waiting in vain for a game that might never resume?
  • It was in vain to argue the tyranny of some husbands, when he could turn upon us the follies of some wives; and that wives and daughters were never more faulty, more undomestic, than at present; and when we were before a judge, who, though he could not be absolutely unpolite, would not flatter us, nor spare our foibles. Sir Charles Grandison
  • But of what they call counterfeit pleasures they make naught; as of pride in apparel and gems, or in vain honours; or of dicing; or hunting, which they deem the most abject kind of butchery. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
  • He made many appeals to the Government of the day for restoral of his patents, and offered to find security for payment of the debt due by his firm to the Crown, but in vain. Industrial Biography
  • Matthew Gilson Joseph Epstein Perhaps with this last reference he is playing off a quote from Saint-Simon: "Mme de Saint Simon, all goodness, tried in vain to check our most outrageous utterances, but the brakes were off and there ensued the most fearful struggle between the expression of sentiments that, humanly speaking, were quite natural, and the sensations that they were not altogether Christian. Boulevardier's Delight
  • Some ABC bunting waiting in vain for a puff of wind
  • They became trapped by the rapidly incoming tide and eventually drowned as rescue teams - who could hear Stewart Rushton's calls for help - worked in vain to locate them.
  • She attempted in vain to introduce some order into the classroom.
  • One searches in vain through the colonial period for evidence of Americans armed with guns rising to defend their liberties, whether in organized militia units or unorganized crowds.
  • When the gems were discovered in 1930, the British colonial government tried in vain to slap strict controls on mining.
  • Goes, has gone in a hurry, the wish detains is also in vain however, the cosmic inventory all have the rule which one live, nobody can change.
  • He attempted another smile, but the effort was in vain, suddenly he felt cold all over, and mortally afraid.
  • If, as it must be, what I have said, 'in vain,' is really the fact Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
  • He was at pains to stress that his whole-hearted commitment to drawing in larger crowds with gate reductions and the acquisition of quality players seems to be in vain.
  • And so that these young people will not have died in vain, as President Lincoln said, we have to recommit our country to a sense of community.
  • She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
  • He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.
  • First, Methods and means of reformation had been tried in vain (v. 13): In thy filthiness is lewdness; thou hast become obstinate and impudent in it; thou hast got a habit of it, which is confirmed by frequent acts. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The wood that had been drawn for the fire was green, and it ignited too slowly to satisfy the shivering impatience of women and children; I vented mine in audibly grumbling over the wretched fire, at which I in vain endeavoured to thaw frozen bread, and to dress crying children. Roughing It in the Bush
  • Jesus shall come to effect, by His presence (Isa 11: 4; Da 7: 17), that which in vain is looked for, in His absence, by other means. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In vain I say unto myself that this must be a mere fantasy of mine; I, who am marked with the 'frost of eild,' who will soon be -- let me see -- seven-and-thirty years old. Olive A Novel
  • Three days we spent in vain endeavour to find "baloo," and on the fourth we wended our toilsome way up the hill again to Gulmarg. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • He reaches the walls of the city, and the Romans, to save it from destruction, send emissaries, old friends of Coriolanus, to propose terms, but in vain.
  • He said a car had just managed to squeeze past the people carrier, and he had tried to do the same but in vain.
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • In vain, you will have harassed your mind with cankering thoughts for half a lifetime; for it will be just as if you had gone through the confused mazes of a dream on the third watch! Hung Lou Meng
  • But they did not turn turtle in vain: they hatched a monster that has enslaved millions of people. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
  • Horrified bystanders tried in vain to drive the berserk animal away until a policeman grabbed a fire extinguisher and sprayed it. The Sun
  • Vets tried in vain to save two others. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the press benches those deputed to chronicle the roll-call of the accused had adopted a glassy-eyed fascination with the process, scanning the lists of handlers of stolen goods for genuine firestarters, mostly in vain. England riots: justice grinds on as courts sit through the night
  • Lewis XII strove in vain to alarm him by the National Council of Tours, -- Germany, by severe gravamina (complaints of national grievances against the Papal Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
  • 91 The light brigantines of the Greeks were scattered in ignominious flight: the nine castles of the Venetians maintained a more obstinate conflict; seven were sunk, two were taken; two thousand five hundred captives implored in vain the mercy of the victor; and the daughter of Alexius deplores the loss of thirteen thousand of his subjects or allies. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • There, 150 years ago this month, 132 delegates from 21 states bickered, bargained and tried in vain to bridge the chasm that widened beneath them even as they met. The Willard: Where hope collapsed as slavery raged
  • While the living comrades of those buried in a New Caledonia cemetery stand at salute, a bugle sounds ‘Taps’ - voicing the promise that they have not died in vain.
  • He footslogged it around the world-famous Dal Lake, visiting all the Mughal Gardens at Nishat, Shalimar and Harwan and the Botanical Gardens, but all in vain.
  • Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph. Charles Dickens 
  • If Scotland be to rest under the happy reign of Robert Bruce, then envy cannot again assail Sir William Wallace, and my father has not shed his blood in vain. The Scottish Chiefs
  • An old dog barks not in vain
  • Creuse, to friends who came to get us, and we spent three weeks there, looking in vain for quarters where a family could stay for three months. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • But we look in vain for such passionate exponents of the figure as Fairfield Porter, Bob Thompson, Euan Uglow or Graham Nickson, all of whom, with differing ­degrees of painterliness, created fierce dramas out of concentrated scrutiny of the body. The Analysis Is Skin Deep
  • They are fighting in vain, though, because the genie is already out of the bottle and the world will never be the same again. Reliable Sources: Journos spar over Obama presser question
  • Even if we eventually get lost in our own inarticulateness, our attempts to speak of God truly are not in vain, nor are they of purely academic interest.
  • When the tickets went on sale last March they sold out in two hours, leaving an number of fans who had camped out overnight angry their efforts were in vain.
  • Their necromantic forms in vain Haunt us on the tented plain; We bid these spectre shapes avaunt, Ashtaroth and Termagaunt. The Talisman
  • In vain the Communists tried to burnish their image, formally abandoning the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat at their twenty-second party congress in February 1976.
  • She tried in vain to break the restraints or shake off the helmet.
  • He quotes without confutation the assertion that ‘the globe may be surveyed and history may be reviewed in vain for any evidence of a considerable country in which want can be fairly attributed to an increasing population.’
  • The Duchess had asked me to come take pictures, so I did, trying in vain to navigate the difference between too-bright flash and too-dim no-flash, trying to get a picture of Janice with her mouth open instead of thoughtfully pursed, which is how it somehow managed to be ever time my camera thought through its digital mazes and finally took the shot. Janice Erlbaum
  • The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.
  • The night hung motionless over the Foregate and the valley of the Meole, and the woods through which the sheriff and his men had hunted in vain, plotting clearly, for those longsighted eyes, the passage of Picard's bright red cap through the trees, and mapping the way by which, later, he must return. The Leper of Saint Giles
  • However, old salts may at first find themselves trying in vain to snick the safety on before holstering.
  • Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127.
  • I have this day had to disrate William Thompson - Cook & Steward in his capacity as Steward from his slovenly and dirty habits, we have now been 22 days at sea during which time has never once washed out the Cabin or Pantry although I have frequently requested him to do so, but finding all remonstrances in vain.
  • Her counterpart left in vain and vapidity.
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
  • The Iraqi authorities try in vain to turn a deaf ear to the UN economic sanction which would eventually produce enormous impact upon the former's politics and economy.
  • He has inspired imitators, tolerated plagiarists and confounded the computer geeks who try in vain to turn his craft into software.
  • However this proved to be in vain when some quick thinking at a tap penalty saw Dodworth go nearly the full length of the field to tie the game.
  • Bedouin might know the course to follow but I would wander in vain, searching for the resurfaced track. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • “Thou swearest thy gods in vain, foul paynim,” said Kenilworth
  • In vain she struggled to regain control of herself, but it was too late.
  • The fly then landed on National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Davis (Va.), who tried in vain to swat the insect.
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • You'll never stow yourself away on board my brig again, will you?" asked our flagellator of each of us alternately, with an alternate lash across our backs to give emphasis to his question, making us jump up from the deck and quiver all over, as we tried in vain to wriggle out of the lashings with which we were tied. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • All efforts to reconcile her with her husband were in vain.
  • He was dead, and all my pleading with him not to leave me was in vain.
  • The line is cut and police try in vain to re-establish contact. The Sun
  • “Give the workingman the right to employment as long as he has health,” he said, “assure him of care when heis sick and maintenance when he is old, and the socialists will sound their birdcall in vain.” FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • In vain has the directory of the Bas-Rhin ordered its release; the Belfort municipality paid no attention to the order. The French Revolution - Volume 1
  • But instead of that he found himself hors'd up in a trice, though he appeal'd in vain to the priviledges of the University, pleaded adultus and invoked the mercy of the spectators. Andrew Marvell
  • Please do not allow him to die in vain. The Sun
  • The actor waits - in vain - for his director to call out ‘Cut!’
  • In vain, when freed, did Ponta try to avoid the clutching arms and twining body. Chapter 5
  • Ted Wilson, chaplain to the fire department, recalls the rota of fast food chains and local pizza joints providing endless free meals for rescue workers and the vigils of those who hoped for news of loved ones, often in vain. The Guardian World News
  • The team captain vainly tried to rally his troops.
  • A lazy human blunder rendered a colossal scientific effort in vain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later in an interpellation session with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lee Chun-yee (李俊毅), the premier elaborated on his remark, saying that war would be the last choice if all peaceful means were in vain. Archive 2008-06-01
  • They put up a magnificent second-half fight, hitting the bar once and seeing two efforts cleared off the line - but it was in vain.
  • He had tried his best to get rid of them, advanced the rent, implored, chicaned, but all in vain. The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume II
  • Poor Aunt Barb didn't know the frequency, and so she jiggled in vain until someone heard her cries for help and came to the rescue.
  • Evil times will not bear plain dealing, that is evil men will not; and the men the prophet here speaks of had reason to think themselves evil men indeed, when wise and good men thought it in vain to speak to them and were afraid of having any thing to do with them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • While the woman goggled at me, her brain vainly attempting to take precious processing cycles away from analyzing reality TV to comprehend what had just been said to her, I stepped around her, handed my jar of salsa to the cashier, and completed my purchase. The Weather's Fine, Wish They Weren't Here
  • Hold fast -- for life!" pantingly screamed Professor Featherwit, as he strove in vain to check or change the course of his aeromotor, now for the first time beyond control of that master-hand. The Lost City
  • Yet you would search in vain for a person who more sharply belied the image of idle arrogance this conveys. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Hi daddy,’ I said sunnily hoping to ease the thick tension that had settled upon us but my efforts were in vain.
  • The older girl slipped in and began to remove her jacket, taking a pause to shake her head free of snowflakes, though only in vain as they clung to her flaming hair.
  • As a go-between of Gods and men, Hermes may be a _doublure_ of Apollo, but, as the Hymn shows, he aspired in vain to Apollo's oracular function. The Homeric Hymns A New Prose Translation; and Essays, Literary and Mythological
  • Alexander's reign affected also the specific Jewish problem, which the homoeopathic reforms, designed to "ameliorate" a fraction of the Jewish people, had tried to solve in vain. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • He saw only the necessary stages that had led to it, and to him they seemed natural; but to Adams, still living in the atmosphere of Palmerston and John Russell, the sudden appearance of Germany as the grizzly terror which, in twenty years effected what Adamses had tried for two hundred in vain, —frightened England into America’s arms, —seemed as melodramatic as any plot of Napoleon the Great. Indian Summer (1898–1899)
  • It was a grassy, briery, moist defile, affording some shelter to any person who had sought it; but the party perambulated it in vain, and ascended on the other side. Wessex Tales
  • As for the miserable piece of zoologically human wreckage who dares take in vain the name of a creature (my mother) who is as far above it as angels are above slime, well, creature, does it feel good to imitate human beings? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Or without the smoking, to breathe where tobacco is burnt, -- _that_ calms the nervous system in a wonderful manner, as I experienced once myself when, recovering from an illness, I could not sleep, and tried in vain all sorts of narcotics and forms of hop-pillow and inhalation, yet was tranquillized in one half hour by a _pinch_ of _tobacco_ being burnt in a shovel near me. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett, Vol. 1 (of 2) 1845-1846
  • On the contrary "-- he heard, as if somebody else had perpetrated it, the horrible repetition --" I mean to say -- "His brain fought for another phrase madly and in vain. Mr. Waddington of Wyck
  • _Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for naught, and in vain_. Daily Strength for Daily Needs
  • They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.
  • She waited in vain for him to declare himself.
  • Search the Scriptures with the teachableness of a little child and thy labour will not be in vain.
  • But we look in vain for the “sails of silk and ropes of sendal,” which are alone appropriate to this dream-world. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • As if truly he had prayed in vain; or had feignedly professed that the remedy was in the hand of God. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • We took Lucy along because Dad loves to see her and tries in vain to get her to play fetch the ball.
  • It was the custom of the Norman builders to start building from the easternmost part of the church, as the more sacred part of the structure, and then build westwards; so that probably this foundation-stone, for which diligent search has been made in vain, was in the eastmost wall of the original Norman Lady Chapel -- in fact, the Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Norwich A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it
  • It was in vain that he said "I had rather have no power at all and no seigneurie at all [than] not to be able to keep up the rights of it. A Canadian Manor and Its Seigneurs The Story of a Hundred Years, 1761-1861
  • People looking for villains will search, mostly, in vain. Times, Sunday Times
  • She ran to alert neighbours who battled in vain to douse the blaze until firefighters arrived. The Sun
  • Political friends and foes alike tried, in vain, to console him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.
  • In vain he hoped to carve out an alternative career as a journalist and cricket writer.
  • A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.
  • It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter.
  • One looks in vain in Korea for the kind of investigatory and regulatory zeal that usually greets corporate corruption cases in other parts of the world. . . . Means Changing Korea
  • ” “Vanity of vanity saith the Preacher, … all is vanity, ” where the word “vanity” indicates that striving is in vain, because death comes to all, and “there is no new thing under the sun. Ecclesiastes
  • He had "belled" in vain for several days, searched in vain the limits of his wonted range, and at last set out in quest of some little herd whose leader his superior strength might beat down and supplant. The Watchers of the Trails A Book of Animal Life
  • We have at length arrived at the tall sandstone precipices of Dunnet, with their broad decaying fronts of red and yellow; but in vain may we ply hammer and chisel among them: not a scale, not a plate, not even the stain of an imperfect fucoid appears. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Already he could clearly discern the treetops round about him; but it was in vain that his eye sought the view of the old brown church tower and the weather-worn roofs.
  • But they did not turn turtle in vain: they hatched a monster that has enslaved millions of people. Times, Sunday Times
  • As my daughter may well do this, it seems that all my prudence and thrift will have been in vain. Times, Sunday Times
  • For people that claim to know God I hope you know that taking the name of God in vain is sin. Cornyn: Obama is 'now looking like a mere mortal'
  • Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
  • She attempted in vain to introduce some order into the classroom.
  • But now he was tied with a chain that defied his teeth, and he strove in vain, by lunging, to draw the staple from the timber into which it was driven. The Mad God
  • He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.
  • It’s as bad as saying that science is verified by induction, which is also a very old and nonrelevant model that is often and in vain referred to. Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
  • Orlando, utterly unable to answer this raillery, now wished her once more health and happiness; and said (again vainly attempting to appear unconcerned) – 'I really do not love to contradict ladies, my dear Mrs Lennard! so you must have your own way, however your suspicions may wrong me.' The Old Manor House
  • Now it is in vain to talk of contractions, of spasms, of turgescence; all this evidently fails to reach the case of the St. - Médard _succors_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • There are those of us who advised in vain that this sordid matter be quietly and wisely settled and not be bruited about in public.
  • I was more methodical this time, going through the presented menu, trying, in vain, to taste every dish.
  • Dark forms capered amidst the flames, pausing only to hack at the battered forms of those that had tried in vain to defend the fortress.
  • Medics battled in vain to save the road accident patient after discovering him lifeless. The Sun
  • But they did not turn turtle in vain: they hatched a monster that has enslaved millions of people. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried in vain to bring his temper under control.
  • Bedouin might know the course to follow but I would wander in vain, searching for the resurfaced track. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • I have been trying in vain for the past few months to find a pair of skinny jeans that are not low-rise.
  • Unlike Howie, Madeline had resurfaced a handful of times, demanding money in far-flung locales, and twice Beth and Hammer had flown wherever it was and tried in vain to intercept her.
  • His eminent danger filled him with terror, and he receded some paces, but in vain endeavoured to reillumine his torch, which was soaked with water. Alroy The Prince Of The Captivity
  • The line is cut and police try in vain to re-establish contact. The Sun
  • That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika).
  • The mountains themselves appeared the spiny backbones or monstrous prehistoric behemoths that were buried in thousands of layers of earth, and trying in vain to free themselves.
  • I think his Excellency Don Rafael Maroto, the pacificator of Spain, is an amiable character, for whom history has not been written in vain. The Paris Sketch Book
  • She had to spend two days on the phone with insurance and repair companies, trying in vain to get the courtesy car to which she is supposed to be entitled.
  • The woman fell trying in vain to keep hold of the bag.
  • Therefore, the interest in red carrot and its color is not in vain.
  • Charles Krauthammer is more succinct in reminding us "that for three decades, since Jimmy Carter's synfuel fantasy, Washington has poured billions of taxpayer dollars down a rat hole in vain pursuit of economically competitive renewable energy. Battery-powered cars and other projects government should avoid
  • They emptied a grain store and scoured ponds and a reservoir in vain. The Sun
  • Several farmers tried in vain to till the barren land.
  • His wife and the villagers try in vain to bring him back to health and sanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • They emptied a grain store and scoured ponds and a reservoir in vain. The Sun
  • He remembered Jenny searching her workbox in vain.
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
  • nester" has his cabin and is struggling, generally in vain, to dig a living out of the soil in a region which God never made for farming. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • He threw his coned head to and fro, then, on hind legs, he reached his front paws forward and began swatting (in vain ...). Smokey
  • It was in vain that the late warden endeavoured to comfort the heart of the old bedesman; poor old Bunce felt that his days of comfort were gone. The Warden
  • In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.
  • But the trustees wanting to macadamize the miserably pitched street of the town, he bethought him of dust in summer and mud in winter, and drew up a long memorial to the lords of the soil, remonstrating with them on their impolitic conduct; but all in vain. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 376, June 20, 1829
  • Milk and butter, however, became rare -- the former being reserved for the hospitals, the ambulances, the mothers of infants, and so forth -- whilst one sighed in vain for a bit of Gruyère, Roquefort, Port-Salut, Brie, or indeed any other cheese. My Days of Adventure The Fall of France, 1870-71
  • In vain sends peace to peaceless lands, to restless nations rest. Collected Poems
  • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
  • Chapter 127 1. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • Echoing Myhrvold, we might charitably say that de Grey's proposals exist in a kind of antechamber of science, where they wait possibly in vain for independent verification. The Speculist: July 2006 Archives
  • Because, as He says in Psalm 127: 1: “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Matthew Yglesias » The Actually Existing Constitution
  • In vain do we look for Providence in the workings of nature.
  • I tried many tonics, tablets and exercise but all was in vain.

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