How To Use In use In A Sentence

  • Randall-Maciver and Wilkin illustrate a vertical loom in use among the Kabyles, _Libyan Notes_, London, 1901, Pl. IX., and although the details of the illustration are not clear the text indicates the existence of one heddle: "The warp is decussated by means of a horizontal rod and leashes. Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms
  • Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
  • There is also a platform for special passenger trains that is only in use when a race is on.
  • Penguin used to do these great science fiction paperback editions, and they had one series with really evocative paintings — glossy, garish, almost hyperrealist — on the covers. Ballardian » The 032c Interview: Simon Reynolds on Ballard, part 2
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
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  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • She couldn't bear to throw away anything that might come in useful one day.
  • In 1746 a gristmill was established on the site, which survived in use until 1866, when it was moved and continued to grind for many more years.
  • Large parts of the marsh are now in use as a buffer area when food stock is temporarily depleted.
  • That seemed to be the problem the democrats had when Palin used the term reload. Top headlines
  • The patients, all of whom were habitual heroin users, were aware of an abnormal local reaction from the time of the suspect injection.
  • Filler rods and wire reels, when not in use, must be kept in closed packets and containers and stored in a dry place at a uniform temperature.
  • Many materials are already in use or in development, including wood waste, sewage cake, agricultural by-products and waste from the food processing industry.
  • I find it unsettling that Stalin used to toss breadballs at his wife during dinner, that he spoiled his children and that he loved growing mimosas.
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
  • She couldn't bear to throw away anything that might come in useful one day.
  • She called the ankus ‘an elephant management tool that has been in use for thousands of years.’
  • [25] A moidore was a gold coin from Portugal or Brazil in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • Versions of his orthopedic innovations are still in use today. The Sun
  • This precision-made brailler, in use for over 50 years, is available in an electric version. Fred's Head from APH
  • Keep it,(Sentence dictionary) it might come in useful.
  • It is famously understood that Darwin used a tree diagram to represent evolutionary relationships.
  • There seemed something raffish and ungentlemanly about dealing in used cars, at least to the members of the court. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • This mountain used to be the site for a quarry.
  • At that time, street heroin use was virtually unknown in Australia.
  • The essential point is that people who read and write weblogs, like those who see value in Usenet, or those who rely on email, are prepared to put up with a few inconveniences for the sake of the benefits of their chosen communications medium.
  • This problem is particularly acute in the automobile industry where the rosin used in soldering flux, varnishes, lacquers and surface finishes is thought to be a major cause of dermatitis.
  • For example, odds for endometrial tumors fell by 39 percent among long-term statin users, while the risk for melanoma dropped by 19 percent, the study found. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Michael again used the wipers to clear the windscreen.
  • Decades ago, lighthouses evolved into scenic anachronisms as the U.S. Coast Guard converted the sites still in use into fully automated navaids.
  • The fraudsters will also ensure that the site is encrypted and appears safe, with a padlock appearing in users' browsers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not calculation but humility - together with his understanding that it is preferable not to rust unburnished but to shine in use - that gave him another lease on life.
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
  • The farthing was a small coin used in Judea, equal to two mites. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • The output from a single handset can vary enormously, ranging from a minimum of two milliwatts to a maximum of about a watt, depending on whether the phone is in use and how good the signal is.
  • The closest ring, at Tucki Tucki, lies on a trading route that once stretched to the Bunya Bunya mountains in Queensland, and was still in use for corroborees until at least 1880 (and probably for long afterward).
  • The surgical techniques and the procedural protocols in use today are the same we used then. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Roman Catholic hospital in Kumamoto, a provincial city in southern Japan, in December sought official approval of the system modelled on the “Babyklappe” in use in Germany. Japan Approves First ‘Baby Hatch’ | Impact Lab
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • * Disconnect the remote control when the winch is not in use. Winching How-To: Never Get Your Truck Stuck Again
  • It does not charge the appliances when in use, as so many units do. Times, Sunday Times
  • We mentioned in the Introduction that earlier sociological studies of deviant behaviour provide notes of caution about investigating phenomena like heroin use.
  • According to the characteristics of low voltage power line, the automatic relay routing algorithm with relay constraints is employed in user data receiving.
  • Their distinctive rotative engine was complete by 1787, and 4,000 horsepower was in use by 1800, over half in Lancashire, Staffordshire, London, and Yorkshire.
  • When not in use, equipment is easily tucked away into specially designed, built-in maple cabinets, headboards, and niches.
  • Without the kiln, which is designed to reach the perfect temperature to cause the clay to harden, the piece of clay would remain useless. Babes with a Beatitude
  • Can such mutants be identified in the genetic screens presently in use, or is there a need for improved or even novel screens?
  • The code is handily printed on a label underneath too, along with the default web admin username and password, plus instructions on how to use the WPS button, and how to reset and restore the router to factory defaults. PC PRO - Today
  • A laundry pen can also come in useful. The Sun
  • And I'm far from the only one who has been flimflammed by articulate, accomplished candidates who turned out to be psychotic, fascist, or just plain useless even before the ink was dry on their personnel forms.
  • Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor. CODE BREAKER
  • The material may have come from a pig-derived enzyme called trypsin used early in development, Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
  • Etymologists are uncertain about exactly when the word hippie came into existence, although it is clearly a variation of the term hipster, which had been in use during the forties, in reference to devotees of jazz music. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • On November 25 he saw heavy plant and machinery in use.
  • In 1905, cocaine was replaced by the synthetic drug novocaine This in turn was replaced by lignocaine, which is in use today.
  • But some of the Tompkins Square Park "crusties" - a loose-knit group of mainly young heroin users and drinkers with whom Pupshaw used to hang out - say Pupshaw's head was badly injured in the attack and that police aren't investigating as thoroughly as if the victim had been a Undefined
  • The trick is known to just about every two-bit crook in the cellular age: If you don't want the cops to know where you are, take the battery out of your cell phone when it's not in use.
  • Fiacre driver [A "fiacre" is a small horse-drawn cab.] (Small pendant sign below this empty slot says "in use".) ErosBlog: The Sex Blog
  • In art, the astronomer has originated and perfected the many powerful and beautiful instruments now required for taking observations, and these, when compared with the instruments in use in bypast times, are excellent evidences of modern progress in this direction. Lectures on Popular and Scientific Subjects
  • The exhibition would also include the display of various fishing nets, hooks and scale size models of fishing gear now not in use.
  • The cause of wire breaking of the wire rope in use is analyzed.
  • Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe the electromagnetic radiation of light.
  • All have a 6 speed automatic gearbox, which is truly excellent in use.
  • On page 88, Livio writes “An Indian plate from 595 already contains writing of a date in Hindu numerals using decimal place-value notation, implying that such numerals had been in use for some time.” Somali pirates, U.S. crew, Rush Limbaugh, and Barack Obama.
  • Every opening into an elevator shaft or hoistway and every opening through a floor, other than a stairway, shall be closed when not in use. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Kate Gosselin used to mock her ex-husband by calling his manhood "stubby", it has been reported. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • [2] A pistole was a Spanish gold coin in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1722
  • There are three new stands, but because of a dispute with the government, they are not in use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The growth of acquisitive crime predated the spread of heroin use, but eventually these trends became interconnected and fueled each other.
  • When not in use for bullfights also, the Plaza is a pleasant square with pavement cafes where many people enjoy the locally produced drink - aniseed aperitif.
  • Furthermore, of the estimated 1500 known biocidal active agents currently in use, such is the expense of registering products that only some 370 have been notified under the directive and many perfectly good products will fall by the wayside. Sloppy journalism
  • In some cases, there have been requests for decisions concerning yet unpublished combinations that might be confusable with combinations already in use.
  • Her skin used to be clear, but now it was blotchy and there were still a few nasty bruises on her bony legs.
  • Surveys of viewing patterns show that in an average household the television set is in use over seven hours a day.
  • When not in use, the doors and windows of the Tetra-Shed fold into itself to form a fully enclosed structure, one that might appear to be a downed UFO or a religious artifact from the future.
  • My ablutions are esteemed the most complete of any man’s in the capital, and the mode of my abstersion the most in use. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • The smackheads (heroin users) are using it then coming down on gear (heroin).
  • A GPS device tends to lose much of its energy when sitting unused for a few day, meaning that in practice, a dedicated device will likely need to be plugged-in when in use. Faceoff: GPS navigator vs. cell-phone navigation
  • The surgical techniques and the procedural protocols in use today are the same we used then. Times, Sunday Times
  • One such system in use on military transport planes costs $ 1. 6 million to install per aircraft.
  • The Department of Health has set up an advisory group to look at the most effective treatment for heroin users.
  • Hobson's work is mainly remembered because Lenin used it to construct his own, quite distinct, theory of imperialism.
  • A fabric called linsey-woolsey was most frequently in use and made the most substantial and warmest clothing. Daniel Boone The Pioneer of Kentucky
  • The sherardizing process again uses zinc, this time in the form of zinc dust mixed with an inert filler which, together with the parts to be coated, is placed in a sealed container.
  • _trouse_, is of every-day use in this county of Hereford for trimmings of hedges; that it is given by Grose as a verb in use in Warwickshire for trimming off the superfluous branches; and lastly, that it is employed as a substantive to signify shreddings by Philemon Holland, who, if I rightly remember, was many years head master of Coventry Grammar School: Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Charles Darwin used Werner's Nomenclature of Colors but the only mention of "broccoli-brown" in Voyage of the Beagle is in a description of some kind of planaria. Archive 2008-05-01
  • When not in use it can be folded to the size of a golf bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • Metal exclusion grids and escape hatches are now in use in prawn fisheries around the world to stop bigger fish being wastefully killed.
  • Unusually, instead of classical scenes, Poussin uses biblical stories to depict his Seasons, with each canvas colouristically distinct. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Humans are neotenic apes, ostriches are neotenic birds; we retain useful infantile characteristics into adulthood.
  • There are three new stands, but because of a dispute with the government, they are not in use. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know how long the word missional has been in use. Archive 2010-02-01
  • A correspondent from General Sherman's army says that the Whitworth rifle in use by the Southern skirmishers and sharpshooters is a weapon greatly to be feared, as persons nearly a mile and a half from the Foreign and Colonial Intelligence
  • Ulysses cannot abide the idleness of age and continues to reflect: "How dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust unburnished, not to shine in use! Peter Davis: Milestone or Millstone?
  • In user terms it is less convenient.
  • Triple chants have been composed and a few quadruple chants also exist, but in use these become tiresome.
  • There are within it two piscinae and two aumbries at different levels, indicating, no doubt, an alteration of level in the altar itself during the period that this chantry was in use. Bell's Cathedrals: A Short Account of Romsey Abbey A Description of the Fabric and Notes on the History of the Convent of Ss. Mary & Ethelfleda
  • Getting used to the ribbon is the main user complaint, but once past that it's not so bad. Office 2010 Builds Hit BitTorrent, Features Win 7 Taskbar Integration | Lifehacker Australia
  • You do away with the incentive for those addicts to go out and recruit other heroin users.
  • Only the ground floor has remained in use after the first floor was deemed structurally unsafe in the 1950s.
  • The main aim of several sets of video materials is to present examples of language in use in an appropriate context.
  • The main uses of garnets are for abrasives and grinding materials; they also provide semi-precious gemstones such as rhodolite, demantoid, and grossular.
  • Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.
  • Green Tags function on the principle that electrical power is fungible - that is, one unit of it is identical in use to another, regardless of its source.
  • Nearly ninety-nine percent of Austrians speak German, although at least four different dialects are in use.
  • According to the Gregorian calendar, which is the civil calendar in use today, years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years, with the exception of centurial years that are not evenly divisible by 400.
  • Leo found that when detectives actually attempted to gain incriminating information, their techniques yielded a partial admission or full confession more than three-fourths of the time. 83 He hypothesized that this level of success would be similar in departments where similar tech-niques are in use. 84 While their precise effectiveness in the terrorism context has not been evaluated systematically, the methods used in American police departments are very similar to those experienced with interrogationboth in the U.S. and abroad assert to bet he most effective. Scalia Openly Condones Torture : Law is Cool
  • If the backsaw had been made as hard as the other saws, it likely would have broken in use, since, as noted before, the teeth were too brittle to set as it is.
  • an Interpol Red Notice is the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today
  • Jeff Cain uses historical, botanical, and geographical research on the invasive mustard plant spread throughout California by Franciscan monks to mark the El Camino Real to propose a 600-mile native biome restoration of the historic royal road. Bill Bush: I Shot Andy Warhol: This Artweek.LA (June 13-19)
  • In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
  • _mitra_, and [Greek: tiara], Lat. _tiara_, to designate two different kinds of covering for the head in use amongst the Oriental races, each one of a distinct and peculiar form, though as being foreigners, and consequently not possessing the technical accuracy of a native, they not unfrequently confound the two words, and apply them indiscriminately to both objects. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • The network transmit program in user's tasks of the system is based on UDP. It includes network card driving function, protocol layer handling function and user interface function.
  • Other instruments developed from this time also included the Wright respirometer, still in use in anaesthetics.
  • The authors said they can say with certainty that there are a significant number of people at different stages of developing problems with heroin use/misuse.
  • Our use of this metaphor is not intended to imply that heroin use is a physical disease with viral or organic origins.
  • The accommodation is some distance from the clubhouse, so a hire car comes in useful.
  • The sconces on the walls varied - they were both on display and currently in use.
  • Do not overload plug sockets and make sure you switch off electrical items when not in use. The Sun
  • A remote access dial in user service(RADIUS) authentication, authorization and account system is constructed.
  • Perhaps our leaders would do better using British pint as a measure of economic value rather than the volatile currencies now in use. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put away knives, the blender, mixer, toaster, food processor, and hot appliances when not in use.
  • Spanish pharmacies had become paradises for dope fiends, and heroin users often maintained themselves with opiates and tranquilizers obtained in these facilities.
  • By the mid-4th century Coptic script was widely used, and both Coptic and Greek scripts were in use simultaneously.
  • a couple of steamer chairs that were not in use, and they sat down near together, and dad took hold of her hand to see if she was nervous, and he told me I could go any play mumbletypeg in the cabin, and I went in the cabin and looked out of the window at dad and the widow. Peck's Bad Boy Abroad Being a Humorous Description of the Bad Boy and His Dad in Their Journeys Through Foreign Lands - 1904
  • Another important argument is furnished by the certain use of terracotta plates as acroteria. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • Three Olympic handball courts will be in use, on the main pitch at the Showgrounds, well-known home of Sligo Rovers FC.
  • High-ratio hypoids are gaining in use because they can be ground for greater accuracy.
  • Moreover, since May 2002, users of the newest Java handsets have been able to select one downloaded appli to run in the background, even when the handset is not in use. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » News surfing from your cell
  • All heteropterans have a beak-like mouth (rostrum) that originates at the anterior tip of the head and lies posteriorly underneath the body when not in use. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Yet more than 3,000 strains of bacteria have already been isolated, and may potentially contain useful new compounds.
  • Once a scourge of the inner city, heroin use has spread to deprived rural areas and small towns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though simple graves were always in use among the poorest folk, the commonest form of tomb at all periods is a rock-cut chamber entered by a door in one side, to which access is given by a shaft or sloping passage (_dromos_) cut likewise in the rock. How to Observe in Archaeology
  • The claim is that in use, The Putting Arc will quickly teach correct body movements, while at the same time ‘unteaching’ ingrained bad ones.
  • Those made of hair, in use among the Mexicans, fulfill the precited conditions. The Prairie Traveler A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions
  • Temporary traffic lights will be in use 24 hours a day during the period of the works.
  • In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.
  • More than 300 words and phrases are being examined, with OED researchers hoping to antedate them (find an earlier use) or postdate them (find a recent example to prove a word is still in use).
  • Thousands of electronic voting machines 'okayed' by the Ciber labs were in use last Nov, despite what the Times reports as a failure by the company to follow quality-control procedures and an inability to 'document that it was conducting all the required tests.' ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT Front Page Stunner: Feds shut down e-vote testing lab last summer...
  • If successful it will mean gentler treatments for cancer sufferers as many drugs currently in use have toxic side effects.
  • Abyssinia, again, the liturgy is in a language called Geez, which is no longer in use as a living tongue and is not understood. Chosen Peoples Being the First "Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture" delivered before the Jewish Historical Society at University College on Easter-Passover Sunday, 1918/5678
  • The phrase "crony capitalism" is one Palin used in a speech in Iowa last weekend and repeated last night. notes on its website that less than one percent of recipients reported "adverse events" after receiving the vaccine. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The consumption per microprocessor increases while the number of microprocessors in use exponentially grows.
  • Why did the incidence of heroin use continue to climb?
  • PayPass is MasterCard’s mobile payments processing effort currently in use at gas stations, supermarkets and other stores. Can Stickers Drive Mobile Payments?
  • Yet he never knew of the hair-cloth smock, the discipline, the cord and sack-cloth that lay stored in the large carved awmry, and were secretly in use on every fast or vigil, not with any notion of merit, but of simple obedience, and with even deeper comprehension and enjoyment of their spiritual significance, of which, in her cloister life, she had comprehended little. The Chaplet of Pearls
  • Methods of stocktaking vary according to the kind of stock records in use.
  • Some double lens lorgnettes are hinged between the lenses and fold out to a single plane when in use.
  • The black DT200 (70.39mm x 12.52mm x 22.78mm) features a capless design to protect the USB connector when not in use and is enhanced for Windows ReadyBoost (where the memory is used to improve a PC's performance without having to add additional memory "under the hood"). First 128GB USB flash drive available (but bring your wallet) | Sync Blog
  • The main aim of several sets of video materials is to present examples of language in use in an appropriate context.
  • Changes in user access requirements can be entered from the central location for all building occupants.
  • There are loads of gardening gadgets and new tools around to tempt the unwary shopper, but in my view most of these novelties will not stand the test of time and you would be unlikely to find them still in use by this time next year.
  • Why did the incidence of heroin use continue to climb?
  • Preservation advocates say it's far better to "repurpose" beautiful old buildings no longer in use than to tear them down. A Sacred Mission
  • In use, the gamepad is comfortable to hold, with a vulcanised rubber grip.
  • Make sure your chimney damper is closed when not in use.
  • 1914 - Edouard Belin uses the fax machine to aid in news reporting, letting journalists fudge datelines for the first time.
  • It looked much like a satori stone which the aficionados of zanshin use to strengthen their hands. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Once upon a time, Britain used to have competent burglars and muggers and robbers. The Sun
  • The other main users seem to be people preparing sermons or Bible studies and those who simply want to read for edification.
  • Many materials are already in use or in development, including wood waste, sewage cake, agricultural by-products and waste from the food processing industry.
  • robots are in use throughout industry
  • But it goes to a range of clients, doing jobs of all sizes - from launching a community centre to smartening up a pensioner's kitchenette - so even half-tins from DIY projects come in useful.
  • Heavy metals, lead, mercury, cadmium and brominated flame retardants are all found in computer equipment and remain stable and relatively harmless while the machinery is in use.
  • It is mostly in use where the case in point is organizing combined effective engagement of the enemy or planning employment of air defense forces and assets.
  • Methyl bromide, which is heavily used on chemically grown strawberries, is one of the most toxic agricultural chemicals in use (toxic to humans and to the atmosphere). Maria Rodale: Strawberry Whip: A Simple Spring Dessert
  • The book is replete with the pidgin used by the lascar. Book Review: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • This was a typical Romano-Celtic temple set inside a larger temenos, built before AD 100 and probably remaining in use up to the C5.
  • Hide boats carrying tin from Britain to Gaul are mentioned by Pliny, using earlier sources, and in the currachs of western Ireland we see the same tradition still in use even today.
  • They found that 36 per cent of statin users had cataracts diagnosed compared with about 34 per cent of people not taking them. Times, Sunday Times
  • A vampire load (also known as a phantom load) is the power that is sucked from a piece of electronic equipment when it is seemingly turned off (but still in standby use) or not in use. Ward Off Energy Sucking Vampires Just in Time for Halloween
  • In his optimism, Sale has even talked about exporting ethanol, at the same time touting Manitoba as a cheap place to grow the grain used to distil ethanol.
  • The bad news is that we will need to be a little more careful to insure that the takedown screw remains tight when the rifle is in use.
  • Among the cards in use, 3.5 million were issued by Thai commercial banks, over 1 million by foreign banks and some 4.8 million by non-bank institutions.
  • Court staff were also warned to be on their guard and instructed to ensure court rooms were locked at all time when not in use.
  • Laser socket provides power for high-tech laser cutting instruments; when in use, warning signs outside theatre are automatically lit.
  • Brazil is employing a version of an idea now in use in some 40 countries around the globe, one already successful on a staggeringly enormous scale. An anti-poverty program that works
  • Heroin use on a sizable scale is a fairly recent development in Limerick.
  • The alternative to statin use is a greatly increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Times, Sunday Times
  • What it means is that under current weather conditions (32 degrees Fahrenheit) with all energy-consumptive features in use (satellite radio, windshield defroster, cabin heat set at 74 degrees Fahrenheit, headlamps fully on, front-seat heat set at midrange) we theoretically can drive that far, at a speed of 100 mph, before needing that gasoline-fueled assistance. 2011 Chevrolet Volt
  • Ziegler-Natta catalyst system then in use by Shell to produce isotactic polypropylene was no where near as efficient as those currently in use, and the level of inorganics remaining in the polymer was high. Richard E. Smalley - Autobiography
  • In addition, use a timer system to monitor when the machine is in use. Corporate Cloak and Dagger
  • The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.
  • Flannel continued in use until the 1870s, when a rough cotton calico replaced it.
  • The culture of kiss-and-tell journalism, encouraged by all manner of intrusion, and thin uses of the public interest defence he's a hypocrite because he's a journalist, causes constant battles between tabloids and celebrities. It should be curtains for celebrities with a bedroom secret
  • The DVD may be in use by another application or is copy - protected.
  • Use a plug strip for appliances that can be switched off when not in use.
  • It is already in use by more than 50 local authorities across the country, and has been given the thumbs-up by boffins at the Transport Research Laboratory.
  • This mountain used to be the site for a quarry.
  • Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor. CODE BREAKER
  • The satellite phone in the apartment had been in use almost constantly.
  • They do ride one of the really old stinkpot buses, usually 815, when the trolley is not in use on the route. fdr Mall Expansion Approval Likely at
  • Electrical equipment should be switched off when not in use. Stay Well This Winter
  • ZAKARIA: It's a difficult question because McCain used to be more of a kind of hardheaded, pragmatic Republican, the type of Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft. CNN Transcript May 30, 2008
  • Monkey Shoulder is a blend of three Speyside malts -- after aging in used bourbon barrels, Stewart selects the 27 best barrels of the bunch and ages them further until he deems them bottle-worthy. Tony Sachs: Candy? Flowers? Feh! New Spirits To Wow Your Sweetie This Valentine's Day
  • The upstairs gym is being relocated, but the downstairs gym is still in use.
  • Always switch off appliances that are not in use.
  • The fireplace in use exhausts household air until a negative pressure situation exists.
  • He urged people to keep mobile phones out of sight when not in use, and to use them to make essential calls only.
  • The hauberk and its short-sleeved diminutive - the habergeon - would continue in use, but it is clear that additions to this protection were being acquired by those who could afford them.

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