in turn

  1. in proper order or sequence
    the stable became in turn a chapel and then a movie theater
    talked to each child in turn
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How To Use in turn In A Sentence

  • The difference in turn-on time would generally not be noticeable for standard household incandescent bulbs, since they turn on very quickly.
  • The consecutive statements, allegations, and counterallegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant, or prosecutor and accused, in a legal proceeding.
  • This in turn has triggered the disappearance of a system of symbols that once enabled immediate identification of a woman's status.
  • Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.
  • In turn, the gallery's window is fitted with giant windscreen wipers to sweep away a continuous downpour of "rain" inverted commas seem necessary to any description of Weber's wonderfully artificial sculptural conceits. This week's new exhibitions
  • And the more people who go see them, the more "bankable" Nicolas Cage becomes in the eyes of Hollywood producers, which in turn allows Nicolas Cage to make more movies.
  • Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.
  • He falls into a stupor, into utter oblivion of the world about him, becomes in turn excited and confused, his senses begin to functionate in a fallacious manner, and he thus succeeds in shutting out from consciousness, for the time being at least, the entire unbearable situation. Studies in Forensic Psychiatry
  • The topmast in turn supported the topgallant mast, which could be lowered and replaced, if necessary, even at sea.
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
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