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How To Use In principle In A Sentence

  • In principle, there was nothing that could not be absorbed into this radically Christianized world.
  • All forms of classical orthodoxy either explicitly reject or reject in principle kenotic theology.
  • To protect man's rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law.
  • In principle, file-sharing is hardly different from tape-to-tape recordings that we all made when we were kids.
  • Council also approved in principle the text for a booklet Guidance on professional conduct incorporating a code of professional practice.
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  • Her idea is sound in principle.
  • Ramsey-optimal prices are not concerned with alternative means of supply: hence they are in principle susceptible to competitive entry.
  • Yorkston has no objection to their plans in principle, and suspects that many of his counterparts may be of a similar mind.
  • The importance of communication to and from employees is readily accepted, in principle.
  • They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
  • I don't think anyone, in principle, disapproves of revenge when the punishment imposed on the perpetrator is exactly the appropriate amount. What's Wrong with REVENGE?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Avirulent bacterial strains can, in principle, also cause infections.
  • Such resolvability, at least in principle, is what moral objectivism would lead us to expect. Moral Relativism
  • They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
  • But in their report council officers recommended that councillors agree in principle to underwrite the loan for Fulford Cemetery, and revise the existing agreement to increase then annual fee.
  • In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
  • I guess the main principle we want to promote is a simple principle of “say on pay,” that shareholders have a chance to actually scrutinize what CEOs are getting paid. Matthew Yglesias » What Is The Problem That Obama’s Bad Advisors Are Responsible For?
  • The mother must ultimately establish before the appellate tribunal that the motions judge erred in principle or materially misapprehended the evidence.
  • Stevens International Inc. said it agreed in principle to settle a class-action shareholder lawsuit against it.
  • That would be to limit the operation of the provision to artificial situations, for which there is no justification either in principle or in the language used.
  • At the November 2007 OPEC summit meeting in Vienna when Ecuador came back to this organization, OPEC approved in principle a resolution in support of the Yasuni-ITT proposal (to leave oil in the ground in a territory with uncontacted indigenous people and of great biodiversity value), and it also voiced interest in the so-called Daly-Correa ecotax. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • A wholly celibate marriage is thus in principle quite conceivable, as is some variation of marriage between those more at home physically with those of their own gender.
  • They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
  • It has agreed in principle to a forum on Europe in which the issues at stake will be debated in a calm atmosphere.
  • All of the Axial Age faiths began in principled and visceral recoil from the unprecedented violence of their time. The Great Transformation: Summary and book reviews of The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong.
  • Setting aside the question of cost, what do you think of the idea in principle?
  • It has an electoral system which in principle should be the envy of the world.
  • In principle, tasks such as quantum cryptography, secret sharing and dense coding all benefit from using qudits larger than the qubit.
  • If the idea is coherent, then we should in principle distinguish two kinds of instrumental value, one final and the other nonfinal. [ Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value
  • If this Laplacian determinism is accepted, nothing whatever can be unpredictable in principle. Emergent Properties
  • In principle, because stem cells are self-renewing, they are, unlike the cells they generate, immortal.
  • In principle, this whole sequence of events, foreseen and foreshadowed from the moment of your birth -- from _this moment_ -- can be avoided. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Nevertheless, it is a common error, which we shall meet again, to leap from the premise that the question of God's existence is in principle unanswerable to the conclusion that his existence and his non-existence are equiprobable. The God Delusion
  • Opposing adultery in principle is not the same as "believing the adulterer is a monster who ought to wear a red letter on his breast," says New York University sociologist Todd Gitlin. Those Cheatin' Hearts
  • It is, in principle, possible that sphingosine could be involved in the regulation of gene expression and signal transduction.
  • After a short but rather storied history, infamous PlayStation 3 jailbreaker George "GeoHot" Hotz and Sony Computer Entertainment of America have settled their legal dispute, with a statement on the PlayStation Blog stating the two parties "reached an agreement in principle" around 10 days ago. Sony Settles With Playstation 3 Hacker George Hotz
  • Freedom, democracy, security, solidarity, free enterprise and self-government are the main principles of the programme.
  • The universal Turing machine is a hypothetical device that scans a digital tape and, in principle, can solve any computable problem.
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • Although an agreement in principle exists, market observers still fear that it won't be enough to prevent bondholders from having new terms foisted on them in the form of a restructuring or default. Euro Drops Below $1.44
  • The Supreme Soviet approved the proposals in principle on Nov. 17.
  • In principle, the steady drone of flat, slack sentences reproduces the demoralised world they depict, not the limits of the writer's talent.
  • In some cases, such as ethnic separatist movements, straightforward concessions may in principle remove the cause of violence.
  • Companions in other words can provide short-cuts to learning, whereas they should be, in principle, providing signposts, which guide the scholar when he or she transacts complex intellectual mazes.
  • In principle, platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • I completely agree with this in principle, having done my own tiny share of anorakish fact-checking and dissecting of slipperiness here over the last couple of years (such as this). Freemania
  • Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.
  • On the other hand, the Roman and Greek laws, while considering the mutuum, or loan for consumption, as a contract gratuitous in principle, allowed a clause, stipulating for the payment of interest, to be added to the bond. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • In principle this meant developing countries should have the right to have access to cheap generic drugs.
  • If, however, he were to, say, come on this program, another program, and basically try to clarify what I call the smaller questions, the questions about the affairs, even though he thinks in principle he doesn't have to. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2001
  • in principle, we agree
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • The movements of economic quantities were determinate, at least in principle.
  • In principle there are infinitely many three-dimensional forms that could correspond to a given two-dimensional perspective picture.
  • However, they were often infringed when two or more different arms were combined (or marshaled) within one shield and two tinctures that should in principle not touch each other necessarily became adjacent.
  • Yeo demanded that the government announce ‘in principle, compensation for farmers who suffer irrecoverable losses’.
  • He said he had nothing against the Queen but he was opposed to the idea of monarchies in principle. Queen's visit to Ireland could mark the start of a new era, says Gerry Adams
  • Usually this measurement is done in the computational basis, but since quantum mechanics allows one to express an arbitrary state as a linear combination of basis states, provided that the states are orthonormal (a condition that ensures normalization) one can in principle measure the register in any arbitrary orthonormal basis. Quantum Computing
  • West Wiltshire District Council has agreed in principle to free up some land for the proposed redevelopment of the waterside area of Trowbridge.
  • Seeing from foreign lawmaking examples, the tax special priority should be prior to the tax general priority in principle.
  • It may seem fantastic, but the fact that in aqueous solution, [the] water component can be slowly supercooled to the glassy state and warmed back without the crystallization implies that, in principle, if the suitable cryoprotectant is created, cells in plants and living matter could withstand a large supercooling and survive," Bogdan explained. Boing Boing
  • The uttering of simple and obvious tautologies should, in principle, have absolutely no communicative import.
  • Many new and innovative subject areas are included. 37 centres have submitted requests for permission in principle to run Pilot Schemes.
  • In Max Weber's great essay, "Politics as a Vocation," there is vividly expressed a standpoint opposed to the old view of the State as essentially "natural," with the violence and coercion which it in fact practices being in principle eliminable. A Special Supplement: On Violence
  • They agree to the plan in principle.
  • Their criticism could in principle be correct, but in fact doesn't describe real scientists.
  • General Mladic had also agreed in principle to open a corridor to Cerska.
  • The proposal appears to apply in principle to virtually any species except bowheads and blue whales, though in practice I think the government is more interested in assessing stocks of fins, humpbacks, pilot whales and several dolphins.
  • The Soviet Union communized the region after World War II, and it has adopted liberal democracy in the last decade, at least in principle.
  • In goodness of heart, and in principles of piety, this exemplary couple was bound to each other by the most perfect unison of character, though in their tempers there was a contrast which had scarce the gradation of a single shade to smooth off its abrupt dissimilitude. Camilla
  • Although a hot-wire anemometer is simple in principle, its actual use is a matter of some complexity.
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • Finally, there is what I shall term the evidential aspects of NDEs ” those aspects of what is reported that can in principle be verified objectively, in such a way as to show that something has occurred that is not explainable through normally recognized natural processes. Afterlife
  • Thanks to the labours of those observers who have devoted their attention to that difficult but most important branch of study, organogeny, or the investigation of the development of the various organs, and to the researches of the students of comparative anatomy or morphology, the main principles regulating the arrangement and form of the organs of flowering plants seem to be fairly well established, though in matters of detail much remains to be cleared up, even in such important points as the share which the axis takes in the construction of the flower and fruit, the nature of the placenta, the construction of the ovules, and other points. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Since then the device has remained essentially unchanged in principle.
  • Any attempt to take unilateral preventive action within another state, or to render unrequested assistance in these circumstances would in principle appear to be a violation of the source state's sovereignty.
  • In principle, the building is demountable and may be re-erected next year in Ireland.
  • So our question becomes: can we make sense of the idea of a language that is (in principle) untranslatable?
  • In addition, any word — this again applied in principle to every word in the language — could be negatived by adding the affix UN -, or could be strengthened by the affix PLUS -, or, for still greater emphasis, Nineteen Eighty-four
  • I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.
  • Saur has agreed in principle to buy out its partner to produce closer ties with its other operation, Cambrian Environmental Services.
  • Therefore, perception of the induced stimulus was, in principle, to be determined by vection aftereffects alone.
  • In principle, non-disjunction during spermatogenesis could lead to aneuploidy, which might cause fetal death.
  • As well as being wrong in principle, it is wrong in terms of club competition.
  • There is no distinct boundary between the perceived and the apperceived, and Wundt's analogy may be misleading [50] to the extent that it gives the impression of two separable forms of attention able in principle to subsist together simultaneously (that is, apperception focusing upon a point in the perceptual field while that field continues to be perceived). Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • Stevens International Inc. said it agreed in principle to settle a class-action shareholder lawsuit against it.
  • These hypotheses, I contend, must be refutable in principle.
  • As the afternoon wore on, he resorted to covering his grizzled features with his hands, as if finding it hard to face further evidence that his scheme is hopelessly impracticable as well as offensive in principle.
  • It is understood that agreement has been reached in principle, and that only terms remain to be finalised.
  • Once one deals in principles that are so fundamental, intractable and as slippery as fairness, then the devil, as one says, is in working through its details.
  • In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.
  • In principle, everyone had the power to prevail over astral influences.
  • In principle, because stem cells are self-renewing, they are, unlike the cells they generate, immortal.
  • At the time, the two sides had indicated their agreement in principle by "initialing" the two protocols, the text of which was not published until August 31. Harut Sassounian: Who Will Blink First, Armenia or Turkey?
  • Her idea is sound in principle.
  • Adjustment to full employment could in principle occur without any tendency towards inflation.
  • In principle, platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • The list of avoidable killings not legally construed as murder even in principle could go on and on.
  • Councillors yesterday accepted the idea in principle after a presentation by Homesmith.
  • In principle, if a ship had a clock keeping Greenwich time, the navigator could measure the angle of the Sun to note local noon and compare it to the clock.
  • The implementation group set up to formulate a structure for an umbrella body for equestrianism has ‘agreed, in principle, to proceed with the establishment of the body’.
  • When even Douglas Laycock, a quite moderate professor of law at Virginia, and probably the country's leading theorist about church and state, says that "in principle" the "under God" language in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, but that current litigation to remove it is "many decades premature", he is not only affirming Akin's point, but is dooming liberalism to years and years of anti-God attacks. Bruce Ledewitz: Well, Don't We Liberals Hate the Public God?
  • I agree with you in principle about land conservancies, but have reservations about the practice. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Wherein I Actually Agree with Dianne Feinstein
  • Through an arrangement of gearing, this drives a wheel - which could, in principle, be used to generate electricity.
  • They are agreed in principle but not in detail.
  • Judges will normally interpret contracts strictly and will use certain principles when it comes to resolving inconsistencies and ambiguities.
  • Thus, in principle, any violation of rights recognized by the Convention carried out by an act of public authority or by persons who use their position of authority is imputable to the State.
  • In principle, in Islam there are no intermediaries between man and God, the relation being direct and unmediated.
  • This is an inclusive or purposive concept of community which in principle excludes no one, but which cannot be assigned to you.
  • Again, while he has the utmost of moral stability and constancy, and also great firmness of intellectual adhesion to main principles, there is in him a certain minor changefulness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
  • But the way some Orthodox seem to see it, the dissensus is irresolvable in principle. Orthodoxy on churches outside "the Church"
  • In principle, continuity is eminently desirable but the principle shrivels if what is being continued doesn't have demonstrable worth.
  • I am not convinced that it is possible to provide a conclusive argument to show that paternalism is never in principle justified in any such case.
  • In principle, therefore, comparison of different haplotypes should permit the identification of sequence motifs that determine haplotype specificity.
  • He said that despite his Euroscepticism, he was not in principle opposed to a constitutional treaty for the European Union.
  • On July 30 the Defence Ministry announced a decision in principle to purchase anti-aircraft missile systems for the first time.
  • For where, upon a survey of the world lying under gentilism, can we find truth even in principles of speculation, but much less in those of practice? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • The government accepts whaling in principle as long as it is carefully regulated.
  • The rehearing of procedure of second instance in our code of criminal procedure is too brief in principle, which leads to the casualty of several aspects of the judicial justice.
  • It seems here to amount to the claim that things like consciousness, agency and free will are real - though non-physical - and that they are, in principle, beyond scientific, or at least mechanistic, explanation.
  • In principle it should be possible to generalize the model to allow for the possibility of hierarchical subdivision but we do not attempt this here.
  • He rejects, it is true, the very idea of consistency in principle as important for its own sake.
  • Their ideas sound fine in principle but they haven't worked out the economics behind the policies.
  • Yet in principle, the freedom to access information is not intended to allow people to access classified information.
  • The main principle that we pursued in the self-tuning design of DM4 network subsystem and I/O subsystem is the concept of an online feedback control loop.
  • In any case, all churches' services and ministrations were in principle available to all men and women.
  • In principle, more sophisticated models could take into account factors such as bed blockage, staff availability, emergency admissions, and non-attendance and could support decisions about how best to operate a booking system.
  • If early education is worth studying at all, the educator who devotes his attention to it will find it necessary to define the differences in principle between the Montessori programme and other programmes, and to carry out careful tests of the results obtainable from the various systems and their feasible combinations. The Montessori Method
  • In principle this meant developing countries should have the right to have access to cheap generic drugs.
  • The AVM is seeking to encourage Western people to engage in long-term Christian mission according to these twin principles: using the language of the people being reached, and without foreign subsidy to one’s Christian ministry. Deep, Diverse, Difficult: the Long Slow Task of Vulnerable Mission
  • If [libertarians] allow that [using recreational drugs, watching pornography, engaging in extramarital sex, and so forth] might nevertheless be morally wrong, the conservative can in principle endorse the libertarian program. Confusionism
  • In principle any losses occasioned thereby are recoverable however they may be characterised.
  • They have accepted the idea in principle.
  • In principle, correspondence- and interpretation-computations together can distinguish between the three types of perception in question.
  • In principle, its objectives were commendable, enshrining the idea that government information belonged to the people whose taxes paid for it to be generated.
  • That episcopal ordination made one a member of the episcopal college was accepted in principle by the second session.
  • They have approved the changes in principle.
  • Changes in entropy or information content based on new constraints are calculated with respect to the appropriate reference state which can, in principle, be related to other reference states.
  • When Lavoisier presented his antiphlogistic system, this system proved in principle so perfect that one could confidently predict that many well-known substances, such as alkalis and alkaline earths, were not elements but oxides of hitherto unknown metals - Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • In principle, the greater the number of stacked layers, the better the homogenization will be.
  • But in principle a properly placed electrode should be able to trigger neurons in his somatosensory state map as if his tongue or jaw had moved. World Wide Mind
  • In principle, similarly, a testator should not be permitted to render his dependants' statutory rights nugatory by covenants to make bequests by will.
  • At that meeting there was agreement in principle as to matters recorded by Mr Crossley in a contemporaneous manuscript note.
  • To consider the color of eyebrow pencil and hair color to match, in principle, than the hair is not deep.
  • He had a completely different set of dumb-ass reasons for opposing the Civil Rights Act. You see the same thing in principled pro-Sweat Shop (heh) pundits. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of “No”
  • The island receives broadband internet via large masts which transmit to special receivers mounted on homes, similar in principle to TV aerials.
  • In principle, I'm sure all of our diplomats support democracy promotion.
  • In principle, many European countries adopt the stance that all lawful and serious agreements are contracts.
  • In principle there seems little reason to regard the Internet as sacrosanct, one network that is necessarily free of taxation.
  • In short, while the approach to development in continuity is important, both practically and in principle, it is not as though this supercedes these long-utilized historical expressions, nor is it an absolute requirement it be approached in each and every instance. Continuity, Beauty and Dignity within the Liturgical Arts and their Development
  • I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happen in practice.
  • They are agreed in principle but not in detail.
  • Alongside of Hebraism, which is Euhemeristic in principle, allegorical methods of interpretation were put forward. Atheism in Pagan Antiquity
  • However, there is another option, often adopted in the liberal mainstream, which is based on a meliorist view of progress, and in principle always leans in the pacific direction.
  • In principle one might expect to find that war was a matter of continuous, violent, and mutually murderous activity.
  • Age faiths began in principled and visceral reaction against the unprecedented violence of their time. The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong: Questions
  • A certain principled conservative I have a good deal of respect for regards Niebuhr as a prophet. Reinhold Niebuhr wrote it after all « Dating Jesus
  • In other words, we can conclude that all known adaptations are, in principle, explicable by natural selection. Crossroads
  • Nevertheless, there is good evidence that the tertiary structure is in principle deducible from the sequence of amino acids. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • I agree with you in principle, but we'll need to discuss the details.
  • In principle, one can be a Protestant fundamentalist without being a premillennial dispensationalist.
  • I think Mr. Lloyd accepted, in principle, that that would be so.
  • Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context.
  • In principle, she was concerned about the increasing lack of ‘interaction’ in the shop, not so much the fact that these Wi-Fi freeloaders were occupying space without buying a single cup of coffee.
  • There is nothing that justifies this demand, and nothing that supports the belief that it is satisfiable even in principle.
  • It would differ very greatly in degree from the simple algorithm of the thermostat, but need not differ in principle.
  • Although Atkinson was a modernist in principle, he was also capable of building in the true Arts and Crafts tradition.
  • In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
  • In principle, it is patent rights that confer property rights in innovations.
  • The financing for the deal has been approved in principle.
  • The civil servants on these committees are, in principle, members of a team and not departmental spokesmen.
  • The controversy in principle concerned the place of supranaturalism in the search for truth. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Consequently, it appears that in principle at least, both corporations and their officials could be deterred, unlike their conventional counterparts.
  • A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill.
  • In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.
  • In principle, because stem cells are self-renewing, they are, unlike the cells they generate, immortal.
  • His speech two weeks before the spending review betrays coalition nerves that the public supports deficit reduction in principle, but will recoil from the speed, scale and specifics of the government's plan. George Osborne: cuts must be fast and deep to avoid decade of debt
  • Procedures in other parts of the world and in other epochs were similar in principle although different in detail and in the degree of elaboration which was thought necessary or found feasible.
  • Many people who support the First Amendment in principle want to restrict free speech in certain situations.
  • I do not want to go into details, but would nevertheless stress the enormous simplification of the micro-apparatus as compared with the macro-procedure in connection with the methoxy determination; the weighing of the substance in tin-foil caps is new in principle and of great advantage, as the hydriodic acid does not bump because of its tin iodide content. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • The importance of communication to and from employees is readily accepted, in principle.
  • The British insistence on the rule of law is not only right in principle, but is also proving safer in practice for our troops.
  • In principle we could have a radio interferometer which is on the scale of the cis-lunar or even the inner solar system. 35 Radio Observatories Link to Break Record | Universe Today
  • Next to make them expert in the usefulest points of grammar, and withal to season23 them, and win them early to the love of virtue and true labor, ere any flattering seducement, or vain principle seize them wandering, some easy and delightful book of education would be read to them; whereof the Greeks have store, as Cebes, 24 Plutarch, 25 and other Socratic discourses. Of Education
  • Even assuming this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon.
  • In principle, for a complete representation of the turbulence, this process has to be continued to all orders.
  • In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible.
  • He even had no objection in principle to Luxembourg's compromise proposal to freeze Britain's rebate at slightly below its present level for the lifetime of the budget.
  • In this energy range, there is no reason, in principle, to have a different scattering behavior for protons and deuterons.
  • The journal Radiocarbon publishes the most up-to-date curves which in principle permit the conversion of radiocarbon dates to calibrated dates.
  • Since such legislation is not compatible, in my view, with Community law, they should, in principle, be entitled to seek restitution for those payments.
  • Hence slackening is not a concession in principle but is called for by the circumstances.
  • My friend Michelle Minton argues that high tech firms trying to do business in censorious China ought to take their ball and go home in principled protest against the Green Dam Youth Escort program. Only Nextel Could Go to China
  • A degree of fundholding already occurs in principle in some medical schools.
  • This absolutism is wrong in principle, and it's also bad politics.
  • Although Atkinson was a modernist in principle, he was also capable of building in the true Arts and Crafts tradition.
  • I do not want to go into details, but would nevertheless stress the enormous simplification of the micro-apparatus as compared with the macro-procedure in connection with the methoxy determination; the weighing of the substance in tin-foil caps is new in principle and of great advantage, as the hydriodic acid does not bump because of its tin iodide content. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • In principle, there is no reason why these same assumptions cannot be exported to the realm of international relations.
  • Councillors yesterday accepted the idea in principle after a presentation by Homesmith.
  • It is clear that psychoanalysis is not going to be falsifiable (in principle) in the way that the physical or biological sciences are - that is, by producing an experiment that can conclusively falsify it.

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