
How To Use In place In A Sentence

  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • When the tax credit was in place, a person could buy a house for $8,000 down (the bluebook value of a 2005 Dodge Caravan). Tom Silva: Why Should We Care About Housing?
  • There was thunder too and lightning and in places rain. Bomber
  • Taking up so much of the roof area, it has to stay sealed with the glass permanently in place to maintain the car's body rigidity.
  • Within four years he managed to dislodge the shah then in place Ahmad Shah Qajar and coronate himself, making his 5-year-old son crown prince. A Monarch Dethroned
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  • A number of people contacted the paper to claim that flu cases were clogging doctors' surgeries and forcing schools to appoint supply teachers in place of ailing staff.
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • A huge team of people will ensure that the necessary security measures are in place.
  • The faucets are in, the light fixture is in place (albeit the wrong place right now), and the toliet has been removed. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Claire looked at her feet, shuffling uncomfortably in place.
  • And so, with this in mind, and in the spirit of wild experimentation, this week, in place of the usual guttersnipe sneering, I bring you art. Charlie Brooker's Screen burn: TV listings in haiku
  • She is wearing blue eye liner and blue eye shadow and blue lip gloss and she has her hair tied up high with a blue hairband and two blue barrettes holding her hair in place.
  • It is necessary to hold these pastilles in place, which is done by means of a grid or frame, of antimonious lead, surrounding and firmly binding them.
  • Wisconsin Deer Baiting and Wildlife Feeding Regulations [PDF 243KB] pamphlet provides the regulations that are in place for counties where deer baiting and feeding is banned, as well as the regulations that have been developed in the counties where deer baiting and feeding is allowed, but regulated. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
  • Manufacturers are examining ways of using cementitious or fibrous core insulating materials in place of the plastic insulations.
  • Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • So we've actually put in place a helpline, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for people to call, where they'll get professional assistance from people who are trained counsellors.
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • If ‘we’ has not taken over from ‘me’, the attitudes needed for successful community are not in place.
  • Once a system is in place, it should be maintained through audits and further spending if required. Computing
  • Rather than supporting businesses that seek to reclaim brownfield land, however, many cities have in place archaic laws full of clauses and subclauses that add further time and cost to a project.
  • Her dress still appeared neatly in place, with no rips or tears in its fabric.
  • Only when an influence is exerted, whether immediately or through a third party, from one upon another has society come into existence in place of a mere spatial juxtaposition or temporal contemporaneousness or succession of individuals. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • Gin he had hauden till 's fiddle, he wad hae been playin 'her the nicht, in place o' 's airm lyin 'at 's side like a lang lingel (ligneul -- shoemaker's thread).' Robert Falconer
  • These can be taken in place of subjects such as history, geography and modern languages.
  • With a Labour candidate in place they won by a mile.
  • Complexes suggested for Bombay, Calcutta, Jullundur, Kanpur, and Madras would have similar facilities and output, except for product lines specific to certain places. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • The other reason cuts on this scale have been possible is that the government has hidden behind Darling's tax increases, arguing fatuously that it should receive credit for keeping them in place. Tax cuts for high earners make no sense – give them to those on low incomes
  • Elsewhere in Wiltshire, flood warnings were in place in Melksham and drivers were disrupted by floodwater in Lacock.
  • Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
  • Hydrosols can be used in place of water in creating facial toners and other skin care products.
  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • In place of teeth it has the well-known substance called whalebone, which grows from the roof of its mouth in a number of broad thin plates, extending from the back of the head to the snout. Fighting the Whales
  • As with any verbatim transcript, it can be a little hard to follow in places, but it's worth plowing through the whole thing if you're really interested in all this.
  • Power lines and telephone cables can be set in place even if all you need for now is a naked bulb.
  • As already indicated, to make a contract that insurance should be in place is all that would be needed, and that is not a difficult or onerous duty to perform.
  • All of the steel grillages and columns that were left in place or incorporated into the new structure were sandblasted to remove accumulated rust.
  • With a grid in place, you roughly break down the garden into distinct spaces.
  • It will call for improved career structures to be put in place to attract doctors to rural practices and for them to be given support to keep them in their jobs.
  • Wark's job as a plater is to cut and shape the steel, while McArdle's is to put the structure in place on the berth before the welders come along and join the steel blocks together.
  • Newly designated sergeants and corporals were conscripted to the task of squad supervision and many exasperating occasions arose when a recruit got the wrong "foots" in place and was commanded to "change the foots. The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
  • Some women wear a shayla, a black gauzy scarf wrapped around the head and held in place by a variety of hats, head circlets, or jewelry.
  • Masses are deposited in tidal channels or shallow pools that retain water at low tide, and are secured in place by a long sand-mucus tether buried firmly in the substrate.
  • The original distribution channels through Merisel and Dicken Data and service via Xerox remain in place.
  • We are putting the structure in place and installing a winning mentality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peel and core the pears, taking care to leave the stalks in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • In places where there is no water for farming, men migrate to urban areas in search of work leaving women behind to fend for the old, and the infirm and the children.
  • There were two wounds, one abdominal and one perineal with a tube drain in place draining into a bag.
  • Yet when it happens there is a mad scramble to see what is possible in terms of rescue and then what needs to be put in place to avert marine ecological disaster, prior to rescuing or salvaging the vessel.
  • Proposals and projects are already in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm hoping that by the time I get home, the office tile has been grouted, dried and the furniture put in place.
  • _ -- Most children, if not all, even when they have very early formed R correctly (involuntarily), introduce other sounds in place of it in speaking -- e. g., they say _moigjen_ for "morgen," _matta_ for "Martha," _annold_ for "Arnold," _jeiben_ for "reiben," _amum_ for The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • Bio-security measures were in place at the weekend in the area of the Marley showground housing the cloven-hoofed animals.
  • In places the sound of the river rises up the gravel slope, and thirsty dogs rush down for a drink and cannot reascend; should the owner go down to fetch the dog, he or she will be trapped as well.
  • The Ireland voyage was arranged in place of a transatlantic crossing which was cancelled due to ongoing discussions over the vessel's financial problems.
  • Crews hope to have a temporary above ground sewer bypass in place a little later today.
  • The drawings included drawing 24G showing standard curtain walling, a reconstituted slate roof and at ground floor level the columns in place of the fins, to which we have already referred.
  • The government on its part is putting in place the regulatory frameworks for the gas industry.
  • Over each, now, a wooden shelter was in place, already bleached by the sun.
  • By tucking the ends of the paper strips into the chicken wire holes, the first few strips will eventually stay in place.
  • Users can put in place screen locks and other security mechanisms to stop strangers accessing personal devices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The requisite clowning, braggadocio and hip-hop historicism are in place and well articulated, and an unprecedented, post-9/11 political pique has surfaced.
  • A bony layer of cementum covers the outside of the root, under the gum line, and holds the tooth in place within the jawbone.
  • A strap fastens under the chin to keep the helmet in place.
  • Should we have an itil type sla in place for moodle/sle? SQHQ» Blog Archive » Twitter Digest for 2010-03-15
  • We all can trust in the words of the Lord as he brings hope in place of despair and light in place of darkness.
  • Some of the credit belongs to the new structure we've put in place at the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Far Orientals begin their year when Nature begins hers, instead of starting anachronously as we do in the very middle of the dead season, much as our colleges hold their commencements, on the last in place at on the first day of the academic term. The Soul of the Far East
  • He wears a long, white cotton thobe, bleached and pressed to a dazzling crispness, and a red-checked ghutra headdress held in place by the black agal headband, the wool cord once used by the Bedouins to hobble their camels. Richard Bangs: Bahrain: Once Was Paradise
  • She froze in place, her arms and legs locking together, her feet rooted to the ground.
  • If Kerry had had his way, the Soviet Union and the nations behind the Iron Curtain would still be in place - groaning under inefficient, totalitarian Communist regimes.
  • In places where I would be steady, she would add an exclamation point. Times, Sunday Times
  • The snow along the roadside was six feet deep in places.
  • She was at the sink up to her elbows in soapsuds, doing a little dance in place to a popular song playing on the radio.
  • This vacuum not only holds products in place, it also compacts the package size, reducing the amount of space they take up in cartons.
  • His consultant was impressed with the speed that the arm was repairing in places.
  • The lane is streaked with curvilinear snow, in places trodden into blue ice.
  • There's a treatment system in place to descale it. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, he is just plain wrong in places: a photomicrograph is not the same as a microphotograph. Annoying and pretentious terms.
  • The road snaked upward, its old pavement cracked in places, making the ride a bit rough.
  • The barrier to decreasing the size of the granule is the ability to do it with all the controls in place at the server," he says. WallStreetAndTech - All Stories
  • Sundaram says that their confidence again stems from the differentiated strategy that Shanghvi has put in place even for the domestic market. India's Pharma Contrarian
  • And in some parts of Eastern Europe frappés are made with cola in place of coffee.
  • Residents said that no such plan was put in place before the licence was renewed. Times, Sunday Times
  • To tackle that, clear weight restriction signs could be put in place before vehicles reach West Chevin Road, as well as hazard markings and warning signs.
  • He's rock solid holding me in place. The Sun
  • But if you have loose soil, consider using landscape timbers or another edging material to hold everything in place.
  • The biggest task is the Government's short time-scale, as changes would be in place by 2007 and, obviously, there is a lot to be done to achieve a smooth transition.
  • Security cordons around the airport were quickly put in place, removed, then reinstalled. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the scene of her first fender-bender -- in Altadena -- she emerged from her little coupe with dark glasses, chignon and wide-brimmed hat all firmly in place. Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: Selling Mother's Louis Vuittons on eBay
  • There are SO many laws already in place to correct discriminatory lending, that strenghtening of the CRA was NOT needed … but it was … to the point that Banks lended against solid and normal business practices. gimmee a break. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • Defences now being put in place have been calculated to ensure a relatively watertight town for the next 50 years.
  • In place of industrial employment have come services. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prevalence of infi - delity, immorality and vice as surely indicates ap - proaching calamities, as clouds indicate a shower, winds forebode a storm, or the conjunction, or op - position of the sun and moon, in certain places in the heavens, presignifying an eclipse. Sermons delivered on various occasions : first published singly, now republished and collected into a volume, with two new one, never before printed
  • I accept the submission that a contributing factor to the need for extra training was the delay by the contractor in having all the equipment in place, commissioned and operating on time.
  • The council discovered that there were loose slates on the roof which would have fallen into the street without the gutter in place.
  • Villa, for all their recent travails, have the infrastructure in place to challenge for honours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only buy a panama hat with a sweatband, which helps keep your hat in place and prevents it from stretching out.
  • Portraits in miniature occupy an uncertain place in art historical studies.
  • However there will also be export trade diversion when a union country supplies a partner country in place of the imports from third countries.
  • The apprehensions of the Health Department are valid if we go for indiscriminate digging in places where there are chances for water stagnation.
  • The forestry here, at the back of the swimming pool, will be cleared of soft woods leaving the native hard woods in place and will provide an amenity area for visitors and locals.
  • There is already a deal in place at Bravo for a new TV series, Project Red, which deals exclusively with films that are either shelved or stopped before production.
  • Recordings are clear although they suffer from some slight reverberation in places.
  • Fields around Horwich are flooded in places, and all along the railway line to Bolton acres of land are seen under water.
  • Tie three loops of string around the belly of the fish to hold the filling in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Temporary facilities have been in place since the former service area building was razed to the ground last October.
  • I long to move - my whole body trembles with excitement - but the restraints on my legs and wrists keep me firmly in place.
  • For its part, the Council will put in place proper recycling facilities with tractability and accountability to ensure best environmental practice and reuse of scarce resources.
  • The feelings that the listeners recorded at the time are in line with anecdotal evidence of experiences in places that have infrasound.
  • A colonial attire that is still seen on males in the rural areas is loose baggy pants called bombachas, and a short jacket with a neckerchief in place of a shirt.
  • The concrete walls are largely unadorned, but in places are tinted dull pink or blue and clad in horizontal slats of dark tropical hardwood.
  • Moreover, in place of relativistic cosmology's inductive empiricism, Milne opted for a hypothetico-deductive rationalism.
  • It had a pointed roof of some rough material, dull under the sun, and gave rootage in places to vines, even a small tree. Galactic Derelict
  • There is a procedure in place, with a single authority which will issue instructions.
  • For example, excise duties on alcohol and tobacco will be raised by more than inflation, because of the duty escalator put in place some years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then fix in place with grips and a spritz of hairspray. The Sun
  • A dummy bolt is in place in the receiver so headspace is set at the same time.
  • Governments, if allowed, will continue to boondoggle along unless there are lawful reforms in place to prevent it.
  • However if the "breakpoint" is to persist, the trap needs to stay in place and the instruction simulated. Rails Wiki
  • Some say a resumption of commercial whaling, with the right controls in place, could produce a better outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were carpeted with a faded red and blue runner held in place with brass stair rods and rings.
  • Limerick Community Council has advised that recycling banks are now in place at the car park at Twohig's Supervalu, Killarney Road.
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • In other words, there are qualitative differences in places; some are sacred, some are not.
  • Then his father draws back the blankets to reveal two shattered legs, the bones held in place by external fixators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Road closures remain in place around the crash site. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a bit of jazz-funk guitar chording releases control, the ensemble breaks into a mild freakout held in place with rapid snare work.
  • In Germany huge swathes of the Black Forest died, leaving the stark outlines of leafless conifers in place of the formerly rich vegetation.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • If instead you have electronic air cleaners in place of a ducted system, follow manual instructions for regular cleaning of filters.
  • The cup remains in place for up to three hours, collecting between 10 to 20 milliliters of blood, which is poured into a container in a collection kit Cryo-Cell ships out.
  • He said that the framework introduced by the Government should remain in place for the next few years to minimise further disruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as the funding is in place, perhaps this spring, the Perriseaus plan to break ground.
  • GREG ABBOTT, TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL: The state of Texas situation would never have occurred had we had in place the kind of law enforcement ideas that are being talked about today. CNN Transcript Jul 25, 2008
  • Grass was growing well in places where the work had been completed.
  • Remarkable similarities between certain placental and implacental mammals, between the bird's-head processes of On the Genesis of Species
  • Crowns and tiaras adorned the heads of nobility, earrings and nose studs enhanced the natural beauty of the face, necklaces and pendants highlighted a graceful neck, and brooches and fasteners held drapes and garments in place.
  • In the middle of last decade, when Tom Delay and state Republican leaders redrew the Texas state map in a way that removed half a dozen Democratic seats, they didn't touch the minority districts already in place. Dylan Loewe: Debunking the Redistricting Myth
  • A system of chilled water running throughout the building is used in place of traditional air conditioning.
  • Hold the stem in place with a strong tie that does not rub the stem or branches when it is windy. The Sun
  • Stagnant water can be prevented from developing by stopping water collecting in places such as gutters and flat roofs by removing debris such as leaves and twigs.
  • ‘A few short ribs at the bow and stern will be fitted later when the new keelson is in place,’ said John Steer, one of the committee members.
  • Throughout the fall tour, the dancers shaped their plans, meeting in places like late-night restaurants.
  • Thrust out and lifted just above the snow of the tuft before me was the jeweled hand of a kinnikinick; and every snow-deposit on the slope was held in place by the green arms of this plant. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • A stainless steel ball detent and spring hold the sight disk in place.
  • The school now has two compost bins and a wormery in place to cater for the volume of waste.
  • In places it is punctured by bollards and peeled back to form benches, revealing glazed voids packed with multi-coloured fluorescent tubes that scintillate seductively with kaleidoscopic light.
  • Instead of the familiar smooth blue-green, her exoskeleton was a rich, deep purple, the chitin worn rough and pebbly in places. Dirge
  • Once we socialize or governmentalize -- pick your poison nomenclature that the right wing will use to mislabel it -- healthcare for big industry, it will be easier, when we have the system in place, to provide it to people who are laid off. Printing: Impeachment, Bush's Child Health Care Veto and Univeral Single Payer Health Insurance
  • Regarding any possible future disclosure of the applicant's caution data, there now existed a statutory framework in place for disclosure of criminal record information to prospective employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • All the original furniture, fittings and candelabra are in place and only the marble floor is covered by a carpet.
  • And the ban will stay in place as long as the coastal strip is starved of much needed rain.
  • The March is a simple enough dance: march in place with exaggerated arm swings.
  • Press back in place 8 Extend the life of existing flat roofing by coating with rubberised roofing compound such as Isoflex.
  • The failure to disarm remains the overt reason why sanctions are still in place more than ten years after an internationally binding ceasefire.
  • In the other, a wooden thumbscrew holds the guide in place.
  • Cod are voracious feeders sometimes and will pick up a multitude of offerings in certain places and at various times of the season, so whatever you use, do make sure it is in the best possible condition.
  • Until those in Washington turn away from the fraudulent system we have in place due to the universal embracement of keynesian economics it will only continue to get worse. Gregg defends GOP opposition, says Dems moving too far left
  • Court officials hope to have 12 jurors and two alternates in place by Friday.
  • Use a sheer loose powder to lock it in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do they hear about the intolerable strain placed on the heart when blood becomes the consistency of jam? Times, Sunday Times
  • In place of any old lobster clambake, consider having a super deluxe lobster clambake, which is sure to please a variety of tastes. Undefined
  • Finally, in the first years of contact with Europeans, Māori chiefs would draw their moko (facial tattoo) on documents in place of a signature. Frances McInnis: Five Conversation Starters: Jesse James and Tattoos
  • At the second appointment, your dentist will take off the temporary crown and cement the gold or porcelain one in place.
  • They have a long-range plan in place and I am proud to be a part of that.
  • They did not attempt to put one king in place of another, but to dethrone human nature and discrown the very manhood of the race. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • In places where tribes hate each other, a tribe that outbreeds its rival will become the majority, even if it can’t fight. 翻译:婴孩战论
  • Use a sheer loose powder to lock it in place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some schools stayed closed yesterday and airlines struggled to catch up as the US north-east plowed out after the powerful weekend snowstorm that piled snow nearly four feet deep in places.
  • The play on words, imagery and alliterations that fall in place so spontaneously are a treat for the philologist.
  • There is also a mismatch between where people want to die and current trends in place of death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jinx kept pacing, lashing his tail in agitation, and Elanor's eyes followed him wherever he went, though her head was frozen in place.
  • Her legislated Church was in place to secure outward conformity, and she firmly resisted any changes which might threaten this aim.
  • This system consists of an adjustable crossbar with metal fork mounts to hold your bike securely in place.
  • The cartridge may be held in place with a threaded ring or a retainer clip.
  • Future plans for the garden include a wooden henge that should be in place this summer, and thanks to a grant from Scottish Natural Heritage the plant sales area will be completely upgraded.
  • For example, the hall carpet is frayed in places and the lounge carpet is a bit faded. The Sun
  • The story has a tribal storyteller style to it and is almost ritualistic in places - what prompted this?
  • In place of our advertised programme, we will have live coverage of the special memorial service.
  • More speakers are added over the rear doors, the audio/video switcher is installed, and the door speakers are put in place.
  • I was just pinning up the sheers before basting them in place, but that can wait.
  • Then, whoever is 'it,' begins to ask questions, and we answer, only we put the word 'teakettle' in place of the real word. Cricket at the Seashore
  • Prepare for gale force winds in places. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speed restrictions are in place following two early morning derailments, both of which involved a piece of track equipment and resulted in no injuries. Metro delays finally lifted
  • He piles his life high with complexities and in place of life being for necessities, and they few and simple, it is largely for comforts which we call necessities, and Professor Huxley has said that the struggle for comforts is more cruel than the struggle for existence. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • A company might use live videoconferences or videotaped presentations if this technology is already in place.
  • These materials (such as diatomite, pumice, expanded clay and shale, etc.) may be used in place of perlite without losing any of the benefits that perlite provides. Perlite
  • In place of crystal balls they have given us ‘Internet-enabled computing’, video conferencing and mobile telecommunication.
  • Slowly the the boat came into dock with the moorings and a slight thud resounded through out the ship as the cuffs locked down the ship holding it in place.
  • Check the fit of the pieces before gluing them in place.
  • Restrictions remained in place on the city's main thoroughfare for a couple of hours as gardaí cordoned off the scene and ambulances ferried the injured to hospital.
  • This method would be quite acceptable if the mercury stayed in place within the filling. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • Loose feathers should be glued in place and the wing covered with maline or a hair net of the same color. Make Your Own Hats
  • The policies which were put in place left the work force feeling cheated since they had expected to gain control of industry, and there were strikes and unrest in the country.
  • If stains are placed afterward, stencils should be left in place until after the staining process is complete.
  • A rubber gasket and galvanized washer and nut hold the pipe in place and seal the hole.

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