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How To Use In other words In A Sentence

  • Mosely constructed a level three Menger sponge—in other words, a sponge after three iterations of cube removal figure F. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • In other words, you can look at one face and see loess topped by a paleosol and then covered in flow deposits. NYT > Home Page
  • In other words, he was responsible for formal receptions - known as levees - and dinners.
  • In other words, a person cannot be domiciled in a federation or confederacy.
  • In other words, agriculture provided labour for the new factories in the towns and, eventually, food supplies to feed the new industrial working class.
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  • In other words, you can adjust the zoom and camera angle to be as far away or as close up as possible, and as upside down and round about as you like.
  • In other words, you're soon going to be paying me the equivalent of several place settings of Fiestaware. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • In other words, he ekes the maximum out of his action.
  • In other words, to ensure good governance where all are treated equally and justly.
  • My best guess is if negotiations haven't got anywhere by the end of Eid, in other words towards the end of this week, then I think there will be a battle for Sirte, but not yet. ruled out the extradition of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi . The Guardian World News
  • In other words, simultaneous measurements can only be mutually compatible for observables corresponding to operators that commute with each other.
  • In other words, women often get attached before their cognitive machinery is up and running at full throttle.
  • (Isaiah 59: 15-16) (this is the only place where the word appalled is used for the way God feels -- in other words, the only thing which we know God is appalled by is if people are not doing justice) "Blessed are they who maintain justice .... As People of Faith . . . We Must Impeach
  • In other words, forgiveness is for real sin, not for foibles, mistakes, excusable blunders, and things we can't help.
  • After inactivation of the diphtheria poison, or in other words after the detoxication of the body fluids by the addition of diphtheria antitoxin, the dyscrasia is overcome; in its place appears, so to say, a eucrasia. Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
  • In other words, surely small variations to wording cannot make a significant difference to people's replies?
  • The ninth-place finisher in other words, the first person to lose Saturday nets a cool $1.25 million. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The lottery schemes are what is known as the ternary combination of seventy-eight numbers, being one to seventy-eight, inclusive; or in other words, 'three number' schemes. Lights and Shadows of New York Life or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City
  • In other words, this is a story not about institutional sclerosis, but about the necessarily contingent process of institutional change.
  • In other words, we would need to be able to demonstrate hard evidence of non-compliance and non-cooperation.
  • In other words, its aim is to exploit its heritage as a global luxury brand based around its colourful, modern rainwear.
  • In other words, it cannot be overlooked in the lawsuit of not using delivery of dossier and the lawsuit of both libelant and paraclete proof-providing.
  • In other words a fat calorie was exactly the same as a carbohydrate or a protein calorie.
  • In traditional logic the I and O statements are considered subcontrary to one another; in other words, they can both be true at the same time, but cannot both be false.
  • These institutions were "industrial schools" "reformatories" and "orphanages"; in other words, the children were considered outcasts and, therefore, expendable. No Wall Between Church and State: Ireland and The Largest Child Abuse Scandal in History
  • In other words, what could you do with a femtosecond x-ray source?
  • To-day I became strongly impressed with the idea, that the balloon was now actually running up the line of apsides to the point of perigee -- in other words, holding the direct course which would bring it immediately to the moon in that part of its orbit the nearest to the earth. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 1
  • Spread out over 7 years since we invaded, that works out to be about $100.57 billion PER YEAR out of an average annual federal budget of roughly $3.2 - $3.4 TRILLION ($3200 billion - $3400 billion) or in other words ... a whopping 2. 9% of every federal dollar spent over the last 7 years. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • In other words, I have a horrid feeling that that nasty thing might come back.
  • In other words, this is your typical Pinkwater novel: screamingly funny, unbelievably weird, and fantastically awesome. Boing Boing
  • An entrepreneur, in other words, uses resources in new ways to maximize productivity and effectiveness.
  • In other words, a plot element should be deployed in a timely fashion and with proper dramatic emphasis.
  • In other words, I am neither an anarchist who wants no government, namely unrestrained devitalization, nor a socialist, whose cry is for all government -- that is, restriction and rigidity. Piano Mastery Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers
  • In other words, researchers at a typical site directly observe one killing every seven years. in a response to Sussman and Marshack, published in the same volume as their analysis, that chimpanzee coalitionary killings are "certainly rare. Scientific American
  • In other words, people are pictured as valuing goods in terms of the bundles of attributes which these possess.
  • In other words, we can't afford to properly police copyright laws so we'll try and use emotional blackmail to keep people in line.
  • His recuperative perception, in other words, is the substantive basis of a dramatic engagement.
  • The unfunded liabilities in entitlement schemes are already showing that they're reaching their tipping points a decade earlier than projected; for the last five months, Social Security has taken in less money into the "trust fund" than it has disbursed - in other words, the tipping point predicted (variously) in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2023, etc - it is here and now: social security is now having to be made whole by the general fund. Latest Articles
  • In other words, we are confronted with an intractable conflict attractor. Peter T. Coleman, PhD: The Mathematics of Middle East Conflict and Peace
  • In other words, the problem was that the election process was so tainted that it feared its attempts to whitewash the poll would be rapidly exposed.
  • But there are far too many sassy waitresses, far too much Jim Beam in clinking glasses, far too many people reckoning instead of thinking – far too much caricature instead of character, in other words. The OLM Blog
  • Stone's time, in other words, is unrecompensed.
  • In other words, what we need is a genuine commitment to the principles of universal brotherhood and sisterhood.
  • In other words, incorporating plyometrics into your workout will condition you for the dynamic demands of your sport, the kind that ordinary training can't prepare you for.
  • Likewise, in most instances, digital documents that are identified as originals, needing to be securely stored for a defined period of time due to regulatory demands, are stored as originals - in other words, the actual original file is transferred to an archive medium such as disk or tape. CMS Watch Trends and Features
  • In other words, I relearnt the lesson of not judging a book by its cover - the cover can be deceiving.
  • For this, a decentralisation of the initiative is necessary, or in other words, an affirmed self-organisation of the struggle. Anarchist news dot org - Comments
  • My escort explains that they are daman trails, in other words the trails worn by Turkoman raiders passing back and forth on their man-stealing expeditions, before their subjugation by the Russians. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • In other words, the name "governmentalism," while intended as a word of opprobrium for socialism, really indicates the amazing misconception which the critics have of the nation itself, and of the relation of the nation's life to its self-direction. The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • In other words, he bases his argument on the grounds of biological essentialism, which will connect him to African Americans.
  • In other words it is a part of the larger and even more complex issue of the relevance of current cost accounting.
  • Concentrations of CO2 are now 380 ppm -- in other words, off the chart. Who can sue to force the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases?
  • The most important post-war innovation was the shuttleless loom which permitted major increases in the speed of weaving and elimination of shuttle-changing - in other words, an integration of the process. Chapter 6
  • AZZ makes specialty electrical equipment for power companies and other customers and provides galvanization services in other words, corrosion resistance for steel makers. 3 Stocks Sitting At Takeover Prices
  • John - That's basically just a restatement in other words of what Revenant said! It might be in bad taste... but the Washington Post is talking about it so....
  • In other words, it is a node between the dumb router and smart layer control elements that not only touches some of the packet but is involved in more of a control plane manner.
  • In other words, she's a resume-padder, an exaggerator, a lier. Obama Memo: "No Support For Claim That Clinton Has Passed `Commander-In-Chief Test'"
  • In other words, if that bitch Carpenter hadn't hocussed me up the Pearl with her lies, I'd have been safe and away. Flashman And The Dragon
  • Making allies of the enemies of democracy because they share putative interests with us is, in other words, not realism but foolish self-deception.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • In other words, the natural world becomes visible only to the extent that it has been colored; that is, troped by our desire, which denaturalizes it, turns it into the trope through which it signifies itself.
  • If you buy the biblical spin of the Religious Right folks -- that make up the bulk of the Tea Party movement -- the implication is clear: Jesus will soon return, send all Democrats, gays, blacks, progressives, liberals, college-educated unbelievers, etc., to Hell, while saving what Sarah Palin calls "us" "Real Americans" -- in other words unreconstructed frightened and resentful white lower middle class Americans. AlterNet
  • Each countenance must be seen in its incommensurable particularity - in other words, as a unique beauty which cannot be replaced, substituted, or reduced to another.
  • In other words, Bulgaria will again have to diplomatically maneuver and make its choice in a vulnerable situation.
  • In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard.
  • In other words, there are qualitative differences in places; some are sacred, some are not.
  • In other words: nowadays no one shaves himself, but everyone is shaved by a barber.
  • As a result, the inequality volume constraint is not always active at the optimum solution. In other words, less material may lead to a stiffer structure for an optimum material layout.
  • In other words, it seemed that as petty commodity traders these marketwomen were often unable even to reproduce their present conditions.
  • In other words, a lot of white folks will not even blink twice at this kind of negative iconography because they are enured to it by their racist culture. McCain Campaign's Ad Spending Now Nearly 100 Percent Devoted To Attack Ads
  • In other words, more aneuploid embryos are formed than ever show up as pregnancies, and more pregnancies with aneuploid embryos spontaneously terminate at some early stage than ever continue to term. Delayed Childbearing
  • In other words, only for the requisite 10% holdback.
  • In the early 1900s it became clear that one has to state precisely what basic assumptions are made in Set Theory; in other words, the need has arisen to axiomatize Set Theory. Set Theory
  • Similar stone cups are dated to the first century, placing this cup within the first century simply by fact of its artisenship. in other words an archeologist can proximate its date it simply by looking at it. The Valencian "Holy Grail"
  • In other words, why should construction and manufacturing being male-dominated and health and education be female-dominated, and further why should that remain true as the sector mix changes? Matthew Yglesias » The Gendered Division of Labor
  • This just might be the same administration that said that the churches and the institutions they run such as schools and…adoptions agencies, hospitals, that they have to provide for their employees free of charge contraceptives, morning after pills, in other words abortive pills, and the like, at no cost," Romney added. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In other words the Greek seems to encompass a profound complexity of meaning as regards the placement (if that is the right word) of the head cloth, napkin, or, in fact, the σουδαριον/sudarium (in essence the same word, evidently a technical term in the repertoire of near eastern undertakers in Roman-occupied Palestine). Archive 2009-04-01
  • In other words, you try to take what's mine, pal, and I'm going to stop you with the best means available.
  • More than some unilinear stage in the evolution of society, ‘information society’ indexes the distance between where people believe organizations are and where they should be: it is, in other words, a function of the imaginary.
  • Overall excellence for each has now become something of a byword on the music scene; in other words, the programme content is a display for some of the finest young talents around to do the works full justice.
  • In other words, the fissile material produced by these reactors is recycled at least twice until the final waste results in an actinide-free byproduct that has a half life of about 200 years. Think Progress » Demoralizing His Supporters, Obama Calls Nukes, Coal, And Oil Drilling ‘Clean Energy Jobs’
  • People who've gone to "Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia ..." he lectured -- in other words, "experts" -- think they know so much more than people who haven't. Cindy Handler: What's Dumb About the "Elitism" Debate
  • Federal Trade Commission charges Thursday, Twitter is is just now accepting responsibility for past privacy and security lapses that resulted in involved a hacker's automated password guesser, which uncovered a Twitter administrative password that was a lower case, dictionary word (in other words: not very secure), resulting in a number of prominent users 'accounts -- including Barack Obama's -- being used to transmit spammy offers for free gasoline. hacker gaining access to a Twitter employee's personal email account, and eventually to personal information about founder Evan Williams. DailyFinance
  • In other words, the dismissal was not much more than a blip in the otherwise smooth-running system of parliamentary democracy.
  • In other words, when the men get tired of the women spending long hours agonising over jewellery, they can just step next door for a swig.
  • And neither of those terms of respect are exclusive - in other words, there can be more than one innovator, and indeed, there are.
  • And I find the 'turn' is not cute, but cutesy - in other words, trite. "Scorpions" by Chris Fox
  • A criollo in Argentina is a person or a family descended from Spanish ancestry, in other words, no added mixture of non-Spanish blood.
  • “The caller, in other words, you, is described as incoherent and hysterical.” Red Wolf
  • In other words, the function of one organ could have facilitatory as well as inhibitory actions on other organs via their connections, namely meridians, blood, and qi (vital air).
  • By means of a generous employment of free counterpoint, in other words a kind of polyphony in which the various voices use different melodies in harmonious combination, he gained a potent auxiliary in his cunning workmanship, and emphasized the folly of rejecting the contrapuntal experiences, of, for instance, a Sebastian Bach. For Every Music Lover A Series of Practical Essays on Music
  • The human being, in other words, may be the victim of generations of male choice even more than female choice.
  • In other words, the problems are much more complex than Mr. Baker understands or cares to discuss.
  • In other words, Salomon carved a tiny fraction out of each financial transaction.
  • Even at £29 I might have gone for the Dover sole until I saw it was described as poached, in other words probably cooked sous-vide, or boil-in-the-bag to use a less technical and not quite accurate term. Evening Standard - Home
  • In other words, Helga Dernesch and Herbert von Karajan made the cut, despite frankly unidiomatic contributions from Karajan, but Birgit Nilsson -- under three different conductors, all in better sound than a 1903 wax cylinder. "Top" Ten Immolation Scenes?
  • in other words, we are broke
  • In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.
  • So he is a fraud, a common thief in other words.
  • Law and his colleagues Steven Majewski (University of Virginia) and Kathryn Johnston (Columbia University) solved this problem by allowing models of the dark matter halo to be "triaxial" – in other words, have different lengths in all three dimensions. Milky Way Has a "Squashed Beachball"-Shaped Dark Matter Halo | Universe Today
  • Of course I am not so foolish as to suppose that all my work can have been achieved without _some_ penalty, and I have noticed for some time a decided change in my buoyancy and hopefulness -- in other words, in my usual The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • In other words, Caravaggio died because of his artistic success as a naturalist.
  • In other words, how can you explain teleology by dysteleology? Against Darwinism
  • In other words, a number is rational if we can write it as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are both integers.
  • In other words, no state will be required to grant marriage benefits to unions other than marriage; those incidents are left up to the voters to decide.
  • Referring to the root of belief in Middle English (lief, meaning "wish"), he said that belief is a heartfelt wish that things be or turn out a certain way; in other words, there is a way things should be and a way they shouldn't be, and belief is a wish that they be the way they "should. Ed Gurowitz, Ph.D.: Belief Is Easy, But Faith Takes Discipline
  • The numbers which accompany the letters in your code represent the actual amount of allowance you have, in other words tax free income, before you have to pay tax.
  • The great thing about the Rule of Law is its lack of selectiveness; in other words, the Rule of Law applies to everyone regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation. Shannyn Moore: The LIEonization of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens
  • In other words, Europe has been weak wherever individual countries acted as national states.
  • In other words, in the hyperbolic disc the rectangles needed for the argument simply do not exist.
  • In other words, it is a biblical and doctrinal criterion, not an ecclesiastical or historical one.
  • It was punchy, plain, said what it thought - punky in other words. The Music Of Death, Alive Again
  • In other words, Churchill recognized that power rests upon dependence.
  • In other words it's a photo of about 30 hungover Marine radio operators and wiremen. All we need is Blog?
  • I thus associate the compact world of the admirable hill-top, the world of a predominant golden-brown, with a general invocation of sensibility and fancy, and think of myself as going forth into the lingering light of summer evenings all attuned to intensity of the idea of compositional beauty, or in other words, freely speaking, to the question of colour, to intensity of picture. Italian Hours
  • Planning may, in other words, impede itself from functioning as its proponents claim it should. The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • In other words, Glen created Glenda in order to sublimate his repressed sexual/maternal desires, and compensate for a lack of female attention.
  • Much wisecracking, little introspection, in other words, as an officer who has used his brains and not the rulebook to solve military situations gets sent to the arse end of nowhere to serve with a crew of misfits on an old rustbucket, wherein he is reunited with an old sidekick. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Starship Mutiny - Mike Resnick
  • In other words, the new scripts do not require that you leave behind everything and move into a tipi or grass shack as your indigenous ancestors once lived.
  • In other words, humour should be neither gratuitous nor excessive, but judicious.
  • In other words, a technological breakthrough supposedly ushered in new symbolic meanings.
  • In other words, they kind of scour the area the first time and here they go for round two. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2007
  • In other words, the banks operate a 10 percent liquidity ratio.
  • Big Mike whose real name is a Frenchie sounding Michel Lapointe aged 37, was in prison for conspiracy, drug trafficking and gangsterism in other words the bloke is a thug. Old Bitter Balls
  • In other words, Matta-Clark accomplishes with architecture an operation analogous to what the minimalists and the process artists accomplish with sculpture when they deprive it of its anthropomorphic and immortal aspects.
  • I believe the orang pendek is a great ape closely related to the orang-utan – in other words an undiscovered species of ponginae. On the trail of the orang pendek, Sumatra's mystery ape | Richard Freeman
  • In other words, he was an easy, if overwrought, target.
  • So in other words, it's permanently a horrendous mix of straightness and waviness.
  • In other words, this therapist was an alcoholic and a drug addict.
  • The existence of the premiums is responsible for the low levels of labour utilisation - in other words, unemployment. IOL: News
  • In other words, the blues is about having lived whereas the violin draws heavily on a technical ability that can be gained in a practice room.
  • In other words, he did waffle on with his answer.
  • In other words, these birds of a feather defrock together.
  • In other words, the usual epideictic speech inculcates values, while these political songs employed values as topoi for a purpose more typical of deliberative speech.
  • In other words, I suggest that accomplishment may again outstrip expectations. Some Economic and Financial Consequences of Defence
  • In other words, religion is our way of making sense out of nonsense, necessary precisely because life, in and of itself, may well be meaningless.
  • In other words, their attention has been drawn to a stimulus, without any knowledge or appreciation of the significance of the stimulus.
  • In other words, one product is used over the course of a year followed by use of a different classification (mebendazole, organosphosphate, avermectine, etc.) of dewormers the next year.
  • In other words, electrical activity was seen to develop in the cerebellum in connection with eyeblink conditioning.
  • In other words, investors don't see Harrisburg heralding a Meredith Whitney -esque muni-meltdown. Overheard: Big Shrug
  • In other words, a sprinkle of salt is harmless but 3 grams of salt will kill an adult.
  • Mom's high heels may look great but if they're wobbly and unsteady -- in other words, easy to trip over -- consider something more well-grounded .. Halloween costume tips: Keep them scary -- and safe
  • In other words, my words, these men were sold, butto whom? the U.S. military? Freedom!
  • In other words, a long-ago ancestor species that spent its time in the trees moved to the ground and began walking upright.
  • It is bridge financing in other words, predicated on growing the target's base of resources and output, rather than a bet on commodities. KKR's Unconventional Gas Bet
  • In other words, a scarcity value attaches at present to the possession of a licence.
  • The longer he considered them, the faster he was able to gather useful information: gaps in time, how missing components from his inbuilt equational field could be compensated for; he was, in other words, able to think abstractly. Anders: A Brief History
  • In other words, knowledge is always of a reality that exists independently of knowers and perceivers.
  • In other words, aggressive fantasy may suggest or stimulate aggressive behaviour, rather than drain off the motive to behave aggressively.
  • In other words, whichever route one takes in this intellectual landscape, it descends into the same perdition.
  • In other words, the amount of oil one can actually buy futures for so that you're buying what you need and you can't overbuy. CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2008
  • Aviation Week," which is a weekly journal here in the United States reporting today that air force tracking, ground-based air force tracking cameras, at about 60 seconds before the plane exploded -- in other words when it was still largely intact in the skies over Arizona and going into Texas, that these cameras showed serious structural damage to the inboard, what's called the inboard leading edge of the left wing. CNN Transcript Feb 7, 2003
  • In other words, participant observers frequently buttress their observations with methods of data collection that allow them access to important areas that are not amenable to observation.
  • In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.
  • In other words, this is a revenge movie, which makes us the despicable, deserving victims.
  • He has a weakness and that would be his heart, or in other words, the ones he cares about and loves.
  • Empedocles, and others, to prove there must be something self-existent and eternal, or in other words, "that nothing which once was not can ever of itself come into being," he uses it to disprove a divine creation, and even presents the maxim in an altered form -- viz., "nothing is ever _divinely_ generated from nothing;" [787] and he thence concludes that the world was by no means made for us by _divine_ power. [ Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • In other words, the handset makers and network equipment vendors are in for years of tough negotiations.
  • So, in other words, it's probably not a person-to-person transmission.
  • He found some alleviation from self-torment in _David Copperfield_, and he determined to borrow a feather from 'the master's' pinion -- in other words, to place an autobiographical novel to his credit. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • In other words, only the paragraph structure of stretches of discourse about individual, primarily human, characters is being discussed.
  • In other words, they disagreed then and disagree now fundamentally with the characterization of the threat.
  • And while Areva hasn't revealed details of its bid, European Union regulators would certainly question the offer if it appears to overvalue the transmission and distribution unit - in other words, if the bid is state aid in disguise.
  • Thus Aristotle avoided the idea that God was inactive and self-contemplative for an eternity, and then for some unknown reason, or by some unknown motive, commenced to act outwardly and produce; but he incurred the opposite hazard, of making the result of His action, matter and the Universe, be co-existent with Himself; or, in other words, of denying that there was any time when His outward action _commenced_. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • In other words, how much oil you think will be recoverable from a field, ie the reserves, depends on how much you are willing to invest, which in turn depends on prices. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » More on Peak Oil
  • He is, in other words, breathtakingly unspun. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, the frequency components higher than the cutoff frequency will be stopped by a low-pass filter.
  • In other words, at issue here is the ethical dilemma of undertaking human experimentation based on inappropriate and incomplete basic research.
  • In other words, when Bogart takes a long, hard look at the lovely Ingrid Bergman's dewy face in Casablanca, his gaze permits us to do the same without having to explain the politics of our pleasure.
  • In other words some kind of artifical insemination. The Volokh Conspiracy » Spock Retires
  • In other words, the trap of language is not language but literalism.
  • In other words, the ROC is not the legitimate government of Taiwan.
  • In other words, the play isn't about man/goat sex, but rather the fear and wonder of finding ourselves in unmapped territory.
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • For all its white heat, in other words, the sur-reality of Friday Night left me alone in the earthbound darkness, coolly and contractively contemplating the state of my own connubial bond.
  • Precision in meaning and reproduction of a contract style, or in other words, semantic equivalence and stylistic equivalence, constitute the soul of criteria for the translation of IBC.
  • You could be heavily reward dependent, indifferent to novelty, and mildly harm avoidant—a stay-at-home hedonist, in other words. Mind Wide Open
  • In other words, try to just outlast your opponent with pure possessionary basketball. MVN
  • In other words, women get emancipated but remain unliberated.
  • In other words, I am a lower-class black lesbian feminist whose nation is Palestine.
  • Technopoly, in other words, is totalitarian technocracy.
  • The company that sold the "remanufactured" tire told us that they put not only new treads on their tires, but also new shoulders and sidewalls -- in other words, they replaced the entire outside of the tire. Deceptive Environmental Claims: How Should The Federal Trade Commission Clean Up Advertising Pollution?
  • In other words, by the time the doctors had discovered what was the cause of her recent complaints of abdominal pain, she had become jaundiced from a bile duct obstruction and even worse, had liver metastases.
  • In other words there are truss rodless mandolins out there but they are no longer being made. Mandolin Cafe News
  • In other words this is sassy, bold, sophisticated cooking.
  • In other words, the big killers in Scotland are the legal drugs - tobacco and alcohol.
  • In other words, they actually believe that children use cardboard toys to cast spells and foretell the future.
  • It has remained the past practice with Indian leaders to solve their own problems first and then leaving the problems of others unsolved which in other words means that heads we win and tails you lose.
  • The Eleatic visitor, in other words, upholds a metaphysics that is, in many respects, like the one that Socrates is made to defend. Plato
  • In other words, “Pull up ya damn pants and get offa my lawn!” Really, it’s okay.
  • The ceremonial inferiority or uncleanness in consumable goods due to "commonness," or in other words to their slight cost of production, has been taken very seriously by many persons. The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
  • In other words, where a five step galliard generally consists of four steps, followed by a cadenza, an eleven step generally consists of ten steps, followed by a cadenza.
  • Their manipulation gives to the touch a sickening, grating sound -- in other words, we have crepitus. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • The Supreme Court, in other words, has seldom been a showcase of intellectual distinction.
  • In other words, you would capsulize their response.
  • In other words, he is innocent of intentionally misinforming or misleading the audience.
  • In other words, there is a monarchical structure in political life paralleled by henotheism in religion.
  • The ability of your children to have a positive emotional reaction begins with a firm grounding in their feeling loved, secure, and competent, in other words, their self-esteem. Dr. Jim Taylor: Freak Out or Geek Out?: Children's Emotional Reactions to Achievement
  • So in other words, nudity is being clothesless with a purpose and therefore feels, to me at least, more deliberate and empowered, whereas nakedness is sort of unintentional, and therefore more careless or even vulnerable. Bookslut

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