How To Use In order In A Sentence
Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
In order to prevent the pipe buckling at the sagbend a horizontal tension was applied to the pipe by tensioners situated on the deck of the vessel.
Most of this I've written down to get my own thoughts in order before I start draughting letters to the media, but first I have a couple of weeks of university to catch up on… sheesh.
I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does.
I-claudius Diary Entry
The overall seaminess of that enterprise is so underreported that just last week, one of the Post's own reporters felt like they had to obtain a quote in order to get the dictionary definition of "lobbyist" into their story.
Peter Orszag's Move From The White House To Citigroup Should Definitely Trouble You

Their false testimonies could not be allowed, because at least two of them were needed to coincide in order for the testimony to be legal.
Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
Both these people have lied and manipulated people through the press to believe one facade after another in order to get whatever it is they want…
RITA-award-winning author and WU contributor Barbara Samuel is auctioning off some critiques on eBay in order to raise money for the AVON breast cancer walk in late June.
Writer Unboxed » 2008 » June
It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
But his police career ended in a welter of accusations that in order to obtain results, he hadn't just bent the rules, he'd twisted them out of shape.
All items of the total landscaping package had to be measured in order to submit realistic costs.
It bemuses me that I need a face-to-face situation in order to be able to construct my own argument without feeling overwhelmed.
“In order to balance the budget this biennium, which is $182 billion, we used $14 billion in federal stimulus money to balance it,” said State Sen. Steve Ogden, R-Bryan.
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » David Dewhurst Explains Texas Budget Deficit Was Not a Budget Deficit If You Look at It Cross-Eyed
Finally, one general feature of the framework of this subsection is worthy of note, in order to facilitate comparisons between models.
She points out that many high performers in Generation Y roughly speaking, people born between 1975 and 1995 job-hop in order to strengthen their resumes.
NPR Topics: News
We have endured hardship in order to provide continuous feedback.
According to him, ‘In Europe the farmers throw dirt around the asparagus in order to blanch it.’
Some people go to alcohol recovery centers in order to dry out.
Pasture lands and meadow lands are often greatly improved by replowing and harrowing in order to break up the turf that forms and to admit air more freely into the soil.
Agriculture for Beginners Revised Edition
Consequently, the young pig must be provided a large amount of energy from fat or carbohydrate in the colostrum in order to survive.
Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. Margaret Mead
The skilled trades were dominated by craft guilds which imposed strict limitations on entry in order to guarantee their market.
Throughout the whole of competition policy there is a presumption that intervention is justified in order to preserve the public interest.
Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles.
Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
According to the synergetics theory economy, social and ecological subsystem should coordinate with each another, in order to maintain the water resources system as an sequential system.
Never one to shy away from diversity, Watanabe has blended straight jazz with bebop, Latin and even African rhythms in order to create some truly unique sounds.
Ever so a person, can in order to my every move and happy or frustrated for a long time.
Neuropsychological evidence points towards our tendency to confabulate stories that we believe to be true in order to fit together disparate pieces of information.
It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin
Phyllotaxis, which need not be entered into fully here; but in order the better to estimate the teratological changes which take place, it may be well to allude to the following circumstances relating to the alternation of parts.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Let us get our own house in order for the benefit of the regulation of light aviation in general.
I ended up walking on the unshovelled areas in order to have a more secure footing.
Near the end of his reign, King Behanzin ordered his troops to burn the royal palaces rather than see them fall into French hands.
In order to prevent this happening, most recipes suggest ‘washing’ the sides of the pan with a wet pastry brush to brush down any undissolved sugar; easier still is to put a lid on the pan and let steam do the trick.
However, in order to make something that constitutes a filling, edible meal, some creativity is still needed.
How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation.
She has a competition weight of 63.5 kilos but, in order to remain light, eats a mere 2,000 calories a day when she is at peak fitness.
Rather, he appears to have seen it as an organon for the acquisition of knowledge from unquestionable first principles; in addition he wanted to use it in order to help make clear the epistemic foundations on which our knowledge rests.
Saving Prostitutes in Sevilla
The men hit the hay early, in order to be out hunting at dawn.
The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
“Hadn’t you better settle your wig?” says I, offering it to him on the tip of my cane, “and we’ll arrange time and place when you have put your jasey in order.”
Novels by Eminent Hands
A year period lending rate is used for no-risk guerdon rate in place of national debt interest rate in order to match actual circumstance.
I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_.
History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
Unbeknown to you the real motive is to question you in order to undermine your position.
In order to mine the deep pipes in which diamonds were found, capital, technology, and control of water were all-important.
Also, please keep in mind that in order to conceal my identity I'm speaking through a harmonizer--in reality my voice sounds exactly like Keith David's.
Keeping it Reeled In: Hope or Delusion?
It would appear that they formed in order to capitalise on certain perceived economic benefits.
It is imperative that couples should communicate in order to know the root of the conflict.
In order to convey the coal by using gravity, most coal mines have upward angle of inclination.
While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering.
The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
You must be referring to yourself as a progressive in order to mock progressives, deucedly clever of you.
Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
It should not be enough that he was subjected to blandishments and payment in order to persuade him to give evidence.
If the color you purchased doesn't turn out the way you intended, it's imperative that you consult an experienced colorist in order to get it retouched.
In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
People do not have to be taxpayers in order to have payments into a pension plan boosted by tax relief from the Inland Revenue.
In some pools, there are no fish or other aquatic animals at all because fishermen have even evacuated all the water with pumps in order to catch the fish.
Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.
In the development of better asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts it is important to increase the energy difference between the transition complexes in order to obtain, as a consequence, larger enantiomeric excess.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
So, the increasingly relaxed attitude of the police has meant that more musicians are now able to do a spot of casual busking in order to make some quick cash.
Along with his National Security Advisor he should be consolidating intelligence from all sources and digesting it in order to make the correct decisions.
Morphing "spacesuit" can adjust on astronaut's body to ensure perfect fit The 4-mm long 'peacock spider' and its mating ritual to attract a mate Walking while talking on cell phone risky for older people: Study LONDON - India has urged Western countries to stop eating beef in order to cut greenhouse emissions.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
This program status report is required in order to receive accreditation.
The measure of core column is adopted to superhigh column, in order to making up the ductility of aseismic performance.
Tapwave already bundles web browsing software with the consoles, which to date have had to connect to a mobile phone via Bluetooth or infrared wireless links in order to provide Internet connectivity.
Conan the Pseudonymous: 1. in order to really train the mind to observe the "suchness" of now, and to incorporate so many ...
Savage Minds
In order for cyclothymia to be diagnosed, hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms must be present alternately for at least two years.
After taking lead out of the gasoline the compression ratios had to be dropped to 8 and 9 to 1 in order to avoid preignition igniting of the fuel which the lead was in there to prevent.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More Good Summer TV:
The ‘amentum’ was the thong, or strap of leather, with which the lance, or javelin, was fastened, in order to draw it back when thrown.] [Footnote 36: _Not used to bear.
The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.
About mid-career, in order to create a mask of professionalism, many journalists tend to pulp the optimism and joy they first felt at writing.
She has rearranged her childcare in order to get into town for 8.20 am and give herself a better chance of finding a parking space.
Lord of the Rings, the tale of a pacifist-turned-assassin lugging a rifle to a dictator's heartland in order to get off that one critical shot.
Zornhau: Merlin's Snake Oil – or why arcanists are not artillery
In order for to find out if a suit jacket was sewn or glued, simply ask your tailor or the salesman you're consulting.
Television companies have been massaging their viewing figures in order to attract more advertising revenue.
Was there not some case law regarding message boards and comments that we utilized at nancies. org in order to avoid the assumption of responsibility for third party content (board posts, comments, etc)?
Waldo Jaquith - “Motion to Compel” in Garrett subpoena
In order to get what he wants Esko dirties, bloodies, his hands in the waters any real architect must swim in.
An Interview with Richard Rayner about Cloud Sketcher
A kind of pneumatic tray automatic drill was designed in order to improve work efficiency and work environment.
Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area.
Hydrofluoric Acid
The main drivers of this long-term fiscal gap are, in order, the spending growth associated with Medicare and Medicaid, the revenue losses from the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, and increases in Social Security costs ...
Economists' Voice on Fiscal Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
She decided to be a nun in order to avoid meeting him.
The promise was made on November 8th in order to de-escalate the stand-off with police who were preparing to attack those inside the building as well as their supporters on the street.
In order to reduce the computational load of the full-search VQ, a mean-match correlation vector quantizer, MMCVQ, is presented for fast image encoding in this paper.
Harry McGlade becomes a dognapper in order to stop a dognapper, or something like that.
Archive 2010-03-04
It applies S-curve and adaptive control method in order to improve system performance and strengthen adaptability in kinds of complex circumstance.
It is the abuse of the filibuster that has been the issue here and that repugs have no integrity, no honesty in dealing, no sense of fairness or justice — there should be some way to preserve the filibuster in order for the minority to be heard, but something must be done to prevent the abuses of the repugs.
Think Progress » Sen. Tom Udall Calls Reid’s Promise To ‘Take A Look At The Filibuster’ A ‘Warning Shot’ To Republicans
In order to make sure the white guy driving the minivan with Jesus and NRA bumperstickers on the back is not an illegal alien Caucasian Australian with a perfect American accent, it only makes sense that caucasians carry the same ID materials any other race is required to.
Think Progress » Arizona legislature demands immigrants and President of the United States verify their status.
The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Then all the evidence is interpreted in order to fit the theory.
These clubs often wait for a contract to expire before signing a player, in order to eliminate any transfer fee involved.
The important issue that arises is how best to conduct this battle, and a general observation upon it seems in order.
In fact you appear to have to be very advanced in magical theory in order to understand most of the obscure written references about it.
Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
There's an awful lot of research that's required still in order to optimise the process.
As it says in the beginning, -- "Tending babies is an art, and every art is founded on a science of observations; for love is not wisdom, but love must act _according to wisdom_ in order to succeed.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
In order to enhance the single-phase auto-reclosing success rate, we must inhibit the arc current and the Transient Recovery Voltage efficiently.
The respect is designed in lamplight, indirect lighting combining direct lighting is given priority to, in order to emphasize the lobby of the space is concise, modern and metrical sense.
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One reads books in order to gain the privilege of living more than one life. People who don't read are trapped in a mine shaft, even if they think the sun is shining. Garrison Keillor
I worry about incremental reforms that take so many people off the tax rolls in order to make them politically palatable.
All goods should be put in order on the shelf before the supermarket opens.
Kate Augusto, Danielle Capalbo and Nick Mendez report that Ayman Nour, a leading political dissident in Egypt, has decided to return to prison and finish his sentence in order to dramatize what he calls the Egyptian government's ongoing lack of respect for democratic values.
Archive 2009-05-01
This gap is important in even-numbered years in order to accommodate the spectacle of the World Cup or the Summer Olympics, perhaps even the Commonwealth Games or the European Football championships.
Factor in the lowering of military recruiting standards in order to fulfill the unmet needs of the War, we've got problems.
In order to most rapidly re-employ all Americans and to speed a strong recovery, the president must change course.
Romney lays out plan to fix economy
You must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu.
Too many commentators opt much too quickly for an ascription of confusion in order fallaciously to 'solve' a problem in textual interpretation.
In order for parents to express these worries, however, the child must at some time have produced actual behaviour.
Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.
Dancers may want to vary their physical experience in order to prevent overuse injuries such as tendinitis.
This explains the "finagling" I referred to that had to be done, in order to make the words fit.
Yikes! Wrong Song on Thursday
Hamstrung by his uncle, he was having to go through an exasperating charade in order to nobble the project.
Andrea, then, was wont to cast in moulds of this material such natural objects as hands, feet, knees, legs, arms, and torsi, in order to have them before him and imitate them with greater convenience.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 03 (of 10), Filarete and Simone to Mantegna
In some instances, you need to respond immediately to those requirements in order to be granted or to maintain organic certification.
Pensacola, in order to relieve the guard of the fortin; on which the
History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
Old guys spend more time sitting up late after the family's asleep, and in these hours your old guy will plan and replan his upcoming expedition, put new laces on his wading shoes, tie flies, dress in all his Arctic gear in order to see what it's like to move around in, call another insomniac old guy and check out up-to-the-minute river conditions, and so on.
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Using its front legs the giant water bug gripped the turtle inserting its syringe-like rostrum into the prey's neck in order to feed.
They knew that several clerks lived in the shop and they felt that they would have to kill them in order to assure a successful robbery.
God is envisioned as the Law giver, but also as subject to or criticizable in accord with the Law -- and sometimes envisioned as consulting the Law in order to decide how to act.
Tikkun Magazine - Current Thinking
He is undertaking the walk in order to raise money for victims of the tsunami disaster and underprivileged people in the local community.
Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.
Results and Conclusions:Our simulations show that in order to improve the focal shape, the outer diameter of the annulus must be as large but the radius of acoustic lens must be as small as possible.
If they are that desperate for a news story perhaps some investigative journalism might be in order.
In order to stimulate a recessive economy and pay for the cost of escalating welfare programs, Congress will add to the national debt.
Now a time has come when the country, in order to seek the final riddance from terrorism, will have to throw aside its mutual differences and hostilities and rise as a single united force.
She was prepared to sacrifice having a family in order to pursue her career.
In order to be in tip-top shape for the upcoming Olympics, athletes must train vigorously and sacrifice time that they would normally spend with their families or their loved ones.
After graduating, he decides to become a complete conformist in order to deflect any future criticism, much to the horror of his artsy parents.
In order to aggrandize afresh their power, the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again.
Athletes must be ten years of age in order to run in the Championship events.
Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism, both of which are commendable aims.
In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment.
In order to be successful on the field, everyone needs to generate positive energy and emotion.
Each element of the three-way partnership must outperform the market in order for the model to work.
Second, your mind begins to problem - solve in order to interpret this incongruity or surprise.
Another population of Asiatic lions is desperately needed in order to safeguard the survival of this subspecies.
In military, both guidance and Anti-TBM ask the equipment fast and flexible to locate and track accurately the random or moving goal in order to finish a serial action suck as aiming and track attack.
Urban legend says that he is a graduate of Harvard, the only perfect score of people, in fact, he got a B in the fourth grade, while others are very rare perfect score in order to graduate.
People put up their homes as collateral in order to raise the money to invest in the scheme.
She refused to use insinuation in order to gain favor.
We laid out a third trench 3 m east of the second trench in order to further investigate the large central room of the northern series as well as to uncover its southern wall and part of the large central courtyard (tentatively identified as the palaestra of the complex).
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Near the Theater Report 7
Conflict transformation avoids allocating blame or dwelling on the past, no matter how painful, in order to try to achieve shared futures.
In order to metabolize fructose (and sucrose for that matter but thats simply because sucrose has fructose in it) the body does need to make a few enzymes primarily aldolase-B
I'm Back - And Not a Moment Too Soon
I would add that in order to creat great content, what you require is to write about your passion.
The Ultimate Hack for Writing Productivity | Write to Done
Its essential character is to protect and utilize the living and constantly changing natural territorial landscape in order to ensure its integrity and typicality.
Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of preference.
What is even more violent is that in order to escape further pain and buffets, Cheryl found herself clinging for salvation in this instant to the very same social yardstick used to measure her a non-person.
Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
In the case of very tightly woven microfibers, you may wish to tip the pattern slightly off-grain in order to prevent puckered seams.
Do you have great faith: give it my all, in order to live more happy more beautiful.
The transactions motive simply means that firms must hold cash in order to conduct normal business transactions.
you have to join the union in order to get a job
We had to return to the site where the scientist had discovered the rock in order to find more.
The NHS in the UK imports doctors from other countries in order to redress the perceived shortage of doctors in this country.
Nekkid girls and boobies alert, distasteful showiness of much skin, and they all wanna fight each other in order to be the Queen of wherever the heck they are.
Anime Preview: Spring 2009 First Impressions – Batch 1 « Undercover
By this substitution of a sure job for a possible masterpiece, military science made a deliberate sacrifice of capacity in order to reduce the uncertain element, the bionomic (read biological) factor.
On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug along with others such as celecoxib had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of thedrugs.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The AMA Open to Medical Marijuana Research
As has been stated above one of the main fuel tanks was removed from the fuselage in order to adapt the aircraft from its original single-seater design.
Given the performance of most bond funds the past three years, perhaps some benign neglect was in order.
What kind of mailmen head into enemy territory in order to deliver a surprise blow?
Anime Nano!
He ordered detailed cadastral surveys in order to determine whether a tithe of produce or a fixed impost on agricultural land would be the most efficient method of taxing agricultural revenues.
When Bishop and Williams (no relation to the writer) were hanged for burking, i.e., murdering people in order to provide "subjects" for dissection, their bodies were sent to
Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
In order to maintain efficiency, we have had to close the surplus production capacity.
The programme which was intended to allow accomplices in serious crimes to turn supergrasses and give evidence in order to secure convictions was first introduced in 1997 in the wake of the Guerin murder.
From the dawning of Greek Classicism to well beyond the Italian Renaissance, artists learned to faithfully master contrapposto, linear perspective, and the like in order to achieve the great, mythic aspiration of beauty.
Rebecca Taylor: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Baldessari
What kind of mindset is that that you have to start killing unborn babies in order to help people?
ProWomanProLife » A new kind of hidden agenda
We all want to minimize the impact on the innocent, but losing to evil in order to avoid hitting a population is worse.
He relinquished the Armed Services chairmanship in order to head the Appropriations Committee, where he secured continued funding for the war.
Both had holstered their guns so in order to avoid causing panic amongst the passengers.
In order to be able to convict him, they're going to be able to tie him, circumstantially or through direct evidence, to the deaths of these individuals.
The statements are needed in order to take forward a class action lawsuit against the domain registrar.
Keane's mastery of the holding role in midfield gave the Reds the chance to go out and attack Olympiakos, contradicting the notion that they will have to bore in order to succeed.
In order to deal with the problems of budgeting for this it is necessary to know something of company financial and cost accounting.
The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
Our goal therefore was to determine to which group individual sequences belong in order to clarify orthology and paralogy and to provide a framework for gene comparisons.
In order to protect her, my grandmother killed her daughter off.
In order to accomplish peeling off between castor capsule and castor bean, the bulk loads and direction are very important.
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Archive 2008-06-01
That means fringe players could all be off-loaded in order to make way for a clutch of new faces.
Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case.
In a general sense, the corridor rule states that in order for any life insurance policy to avoid being classified as a MEC, there must be a "corridor" of difference in dollar value between the death benefit and the cash value of the policy. Headlines
The awards committee has been afforced with new members in order to reflect the changing world.
By the 1890s, they had installed steam power in order to boost the power from the Frome.
In order to improve the prediction accuracy, a rolling learning-prediction procedure was introduced to deal with the time variant property of the bioprocess.
Wine makers now can siphon the wine from one barrel to the next in order to leave the solids, called pomace, in the bottom of the fermenting tank.
Berks county news
Wishing to send you a copy of this edition, and also to include the expenses and probable returns in the account, in order that you might see more clearly what you may reasonably expect in future to derive from the works, I have waited till this edition should be ready.
Letter 410
Environmental audit General property audit - collates information on a building or property portfolio in order to establish a long-term strategic plan.
In order to realize the target of the group 'frugalness economic, green Environmental Conservation, modern style system, innovative management' .
The ABC were never in fact supporting the concert, but merely recording it, in order to broadcast the event at a later date.
Large incomes were required before titles were awarded, but fiefs and landgrants were carved out of conquered territories in order to endow the new titles.
The cuticle of the anterior margin of each segment is thickened towards the interior of the animal in order to form a pachycyclus for the attachment of longitudinal muscles.
In order to consume or deploy 4GL functions as Web services, I4GL provides an interactive tool called 'w4gl' that collects the necessary inputs from the user and records them in the database.
A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current; as a result the total current density in the device is increased.
In order to put the time and energy necessary into our continuing publication, we need the help of readers, content contributors, and financial sustainers.
In order to do that successfully he will have to develop smart new ways of searching to find what he wants quickly and easily, and be able to access it instantaneously and precis it intelligently to give him exactly what he needs.
In order, however, that everything may be laid before it in my power pertinent to such specific issues as aie legally raised, I beg leave to introduce Major Asa Bird Gardner as my counsel.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
Anything that was seen to be unsafe, somebody stopped something for - stopped a ship from loading or discharging in order to have a look at it, examine it and modify it, or what have you.
For a brief time in the 1990s, nerds rose to a spectacular height with the rise of computers – a nerd-dominated domain – when people were forced to kiss a lot of nerd tuchis in order to get their networks to run.
Overcoming Your Nerd-Dom: Part 1 In A Possibly-Continuing Series
The goal of this paper is to review the known facts on biosocial interaction effects in relation to antisocial and violent behavior in order to highlight this important yet under researched field.