How To Use In large quantities In A Sentence

  • Again, on earth, methane is produced in large quantities by primitive organisms called archaea. The Sun
  • Large chunks of U.S. cash are held abroad, where they are sometimes used in large quantities for black market transactions and as stores of value in countries whose own currencies are inflationary or inconvertible. Back to the Macro Text, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The cash was used to help her track down a commercial manufacturer that could produce her products in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a few hours after the must has been put in the vat the liquid will commence to ferment, the gas will be thrown off in large quantities, and bring upon the surface the stems, hulls, and seeds, which form what the French term chapeau (hat). Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Used in small amounts for culinary purposes but poisonous in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Because PCBs bioaccumulate, they are found in large quantities in animals high up the food chain, especially those with lots of body fat.
  • This enables the chef to plan delicate, difficult to prepare recipes in large quantities using traditional equipment.
  • Many businesses around the town are sitting targets for tendering counterfeit Euro notes that are currently circulating in large quantities.
  • If eaten in large quantities, the colocynth might even cause death.
  • Therefore, only those species required in large quantities are cultivated to any significant extent.
  • This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
  • The national dish, ‘oil down,’ is a stew-like concoction made in large quantities with local vegetables such as callalou, dasheen, breadfruit, green fig, and plantain.
  • Before European industrialization in the nineteenth century, the companies generally found it difficult to sell such goods in large quantities.
  • Strong "arrack" [10] is brewed in large quantities from the gornuti palm, and the scene of debauchery that succeeds the first day of the feast is indescribable. On the Equator
  • They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.
  • It contains caffeine though so shouldn't be consumed in large quantities. The Sun
  • Here is a salt called chlorate of potassa, which is now made in large quantities for bleaching, and chemical and medical uses, and for pyrotechnic and other purposes. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • The national dish, ‘oil down,’ is a stew-like concoction made in large quantities with local vegetables such as callalou, dasheen, breadfruit, green fig, and plantain.
  • As cartel pricing crumbled, imports flooded in in large quantities for the first time.
  • There is a poisonous camas, which is sometimes mistaken for the genuine root, but which cannot be eaten in large quantities without fatal results. The Discovery of Yellowstone Park
  • In large quantities it can cause tremors as well. Food Watch
  • The synthetic molecules are easily modifiable and can be produced quickly in large quantities at lower cost, Kodadek said. Early steps toward an Alzheimer's blood test
  • Here is a salt called chlorate of potassa, which is now made in large quantities for bleaching, and chemical and medical uses, and for pyrotechnic and other purposes. The Chemical History of a Candle
  • Households that use heating oil have to buy it upfront and in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although large fish may be loners, leerfish will shoal in numbers if bait is present in large quantities and fishing at this time, such as during Natal's sardine run, can be phenomenal.
  • It all starts with one pill, afterwards Tramadol is consumed in large quantities.
  • The materials extracted from the quarries contain large quantities of fibrous amphiboles; these materials are used widely in the local building industry.
  • Unsolicited bulk email (UBE) or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted e-mail messages, frequently with *commercial* content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. Jerome R. Corsi's #1 bestseller "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality."
  • Our country will go on exporting oil and gas and petrochemicals in large quantities. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • But in large quantities it can act as an asphyxiant. Times, Sunday Times
  • From what has been said regarding the richness in potash of certain commonly occurring minerals, such as felspar, it is only natural to infer that most soils must contain large quantities of this substance; and this is so. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • This was a marine plant called dulse, which, in these waters, grows very plentifully, and is gathered and dried by the people in large quantities. Lost in the Fog
  • Grapes mature, yet there is always a very pungent tartness, which is felt remaining in the throat when one eats them in large quantities, arising from defect of cultivation. The Founder of New France : A chronicle of Champlain
  • The chemical was sprayed in large quantities from aircraft in a bid to defoliate the landscape and deny cover to enemy forces.
  • With the weather turning colder, homes will have bought heating oil in large quantities.
  • I was inclosed had come in contact with another, and that I had been broken off from it, and was floating on the sea with other pieces, which, when collected in large quantities, are termed a floe of ice. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • It is found in large quantities in leafy vegetables and cereals. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Now in the sea the earthy matter is present in large quantities, and consequently the testaceous animals are formed from a concretion of this kind, the earthy matter hardening round them and solidifying in the same manner as bones and horns (for these cannot be melted by fire), and the matter (or body) which contains the life being included within it. On the Generation of Animals
  • This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
  • After the First World War it employed ex-servicemen and ordered new rolling stock in large quantities in order to strengthen the national industry.
  • Used in small amounts for culinary purposes but poisonous in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities.
  • Be warned! the next person who even LOOKS like they are about to chastise me for consuming it in large quantities is gonna get a book inserted into a NON book shaped orifice! Archive 2009-08-01
  • In large quantities, the gas could cause asphyxiation.
  • It is found in large quantities in leafy vegetables and cereals. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • This phenomenon indicates that, when organic nitrogen is applied in large quantities, part of the nitrogen is denitrified by the activity of micro-organisms. Chapter 18
  • The blood vessels are seen in large quantities on the surface of the muscular aponeuroses.
  • The food that bears eat is not often found in large quantities and would not be enough to feed a group, or sloth, of bears.
  • It is usually easy to determine that mites are present in large quantities using simple methods, but then one usually has to consult an acarologist to get a proper identification, since this can be a highly demanding task requiring specialist skills.
  • The only currency to retain confidence was the gold sovereign, which had been shipped into Greece in large quantities by the British authorities to finance resistance activities.
  • They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.
  • The monomer, ethene or ethylene, is obtained in large quantities from the cracking of petroleum.
  • Zircon is rarely present in large quantities in any one rock, making it what geologists call an accessory mineral.
  • When drunk frequently or in large quantities, alcohol is addictive.
  • Households that use heating oil have to buy it upfront and in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brackish and ocean waters may contain large quantities of sodium chloride as well as many other soluble compounds leached from the crust of the earth.
  • The cash was used to help her track down a commercial manufacturer that could produce her products in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Found in large quantities in brain and nervous tissue. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • The bush upon which it grows is a salsolaceous bramble [Note 72: Nitraria Australis], and is found in large quantities on the saline flats, bordering some parts of the Murrumbidgee and Murray rivers; and along the low parts of the southern coast, immediately behind the ridges bounding the sea shore. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • This Southernism, which originally meant having the luxury of eating the highest-quality parts of the pig, now simply refers to enjoying good food in large quantities.
  • Knowing the difference is vital as the ‘bitter’ varieties have high levels of cyanogenic glucosides, an unpalatable form of cyanide, which can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.
  • The cash was used to help her track down a commercial manufacturer that could produce her products in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Animals and birds in large quantities added motion and color to the street scenes, together with brightly caparisoned elephants, stately camels, and white bullocks with their long horns and dreamy eyes, drawing the little two-wheeled _ekka_, which sometimes carried four occupants. Travels in the Far East
  • It's cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities.
  • These algae are very dangerous in large quantities and could eventually destroy all other life in the aquarium if not controlled.
  • Notice of a case in which the larvæ of a dipterous insect, supposed to be _Anthomyia canicularis_, Meig., were expelled in large quantities from the human intestines. Insects and Diseases A Popular Account of the Way in Which Insects may Spread or Cause some of our Common Diseases
  • Seeds grown for food generally contain large quantities of stored carbohydrate, protein and other reserves.
  • The cash was used to help her track down a commercial manufacturer that could produce her products in large quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other biological processes produce oxygen in large quantities on our planet, and again this is one of the earth's unique qualities.
  • Both types are eaten boiled, mashed, fried, etc. In Africa D. rotundata types are used in large quantities for the preparation of 'fufu'. Chapter 37
  • Found in large quantities in brain and nervous tissue. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • The drug is very effective - the only snag is that it cannot be produced in large quantities.
  • I am guessing the manufactures don't want to be caught with the "uncoded ammo" in large quantities if the bills pass and then they would have to dispose of all of it. Halt on sale of Ammunition by June 30 2009?
  • It was at first manufactured from common clay, which contains about one-fourth its weight of aluminum, but in 1855 Rose announced to the scientific world that it could be obtained from a material called "cryolite," found in Greenland in large quantities, imported into Germany under the name of "mineral soda," and used as a washing soda and in the manufacture of soap. Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882
  • They are now developing ways to produce the vaccine in large quantities and cheaply.

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