How To Use In general In A Sentence
Edgar Allan Poe, I am fond of believing, earned as a critic a good deal of the excess of praise that he gets as a romancer and a poet, and another over-estimated American dithyrambist, Sidney Lanier, wrote the best textbook of prosody in English; [31] but in general the critical writing done in the United States has been of a low order, and most
A Book of Prefaces
The portrait, reputed to be the most widely reproduced photograph in the world, has come to symbolize not just the ideals of the Cuban revolution but of revolution in general.
The Latin American brotherhood was a pretty awful in general, coming out of some deranged ideas of Simon Bolivar, and it was an extraordinarily awful thing during the Cold War.
Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
Arbon, are you speaking in generalities (Microsoft OS products are 'iffy' right out of the box!) are do you have current experience with an unstable Win7 product?
Computers in mexico
The interface between syntax and pragmatics may in general be summarized in a Kantian apophthegm: pragmatics without syntax is empty; syntax without pragmatics is blind.

Ian Hecht at Marturia. net fires one of the first Terra Insegura reviews into the the blogosphere, and though he has some quibbles (not to be confused with tribbles – although both can multiply rapidly on occasion, tribbles are furrier), in general, he likes it.
LeaderPost preview of Follies, avec moi
Nowadays the word jabberwocky is used to mean nonsensical language in general. †"V Venkata Rao, Ahmedabad
The Times of India
Let us get our own house in order for the benefit of the regulation of light aviation in general.
Tucson is a city that's very supportive of cycling in general, and El Tour in particular.
The programme first of all explains how a Bouncer works on fitness in general and in rehabilitation plus other problems such as arthritis.
Despite increased understanding of the nature of the disease in general, the factors that contribute to symptomatic destabilization are little studied and much remains conjectural.
If at all, the Euro increases trust in sane long term policy just like the EU institutions in general for Italy, thus reducing investment risk which leads to more growth.
Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Matter With Italy?
In general this is a well designed and well made sweater with a stud fastened neck closure and medium height collar.
He hammers too much in general upon our opinion's incertainty, and the possibility of erring makes him not venture on what is true.
Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
The line on which we now found ourselves was in general close to, but still below, the crest of the ridge at nearly all points.
Times, Sunday Times
In general, it was assumed in the early development of international law that control of natural resources depended on the acquisition of sovereignty over land territory and territorial seas.
I like games in general, and especially football.
In general, each message contains a source, a destination, metadata, as well as the data payload itself.
In general, bottle-fed infants tend to gain weight more quickly, suggesting that eating more could lead to them crying less.
Times, Sunday Times
In general terms, what we're talking about here is a situation where A and B have a contract or agreement to which C is not a party, whereafter B and C engage in activitity forbidden to B by their contract ot agrement with A, giving rise to the question of whether A has any claim against C.
"An act of adultery between the defendant and the spouse of the plaintiff..."
In general, I use it to describe the comparisons of independent outcomes in search of inductive consilience.
Now that the conference has voted in favour of coalition, does that mean that you would feel compeled yourself to vote with the coalition on bills in the assemblyeven if you felt that a certain bill was making too much of a concesion to the other party or was in general against your LibDem principles?
Back in circulation
The big question that drives this is, for RPGs in general, and for a given product, how elastic is the price curve really?
So What Is A “Fair” Price For A Gaming PDF? « Geek Related
But now with the internet and e-books, and the slowdown of the high street in general, it's come to the point where we can no longer cover our overheads," he continues, referring to the Formby branch.
BBC News - Home
Mr Buthelezi on Wednesday criticised the media in general for what he termed their blatant misrepresentation of the IFP position at multiparty talks.
ANC Daily News Briefing
In general, an effective rebuttal will require evidence that Marjorie's actions were voluntary.
Latin homo is a masculine noun that can mean a human being, a male person, or humanity in general.
Mesell Malkontent of Faux News, the gripping cutting edge metaphorist megamedia propaganda outlet, a non-contributor of the pasty pedantry and PIG’s Pundits in General, spouts ‘demon duck du jour’, and claims, somehow, she knows, somehow, that Hezbollah is just a beauty pagent…
Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
The true doctors are those in general practice, outside the gilded edifices.
Times, Sunday Times
Whatever the short-term problems in this area, the outlook and for twentieth-century sculpture in general remains bright.
Morton's text is generous with information about cetacean life in general and observations of killer-whale behavior in particular.
Yet it is arguable that by exciting the imaginations of his audience old Leonardo helped broaden the future audience for the arts in general.
In general it has to be dumped in derelict and unguarded houses, where such of it as is not looted is ruined by damp.
As I Please
In general culture, references to women often reflect stereotyped versions of femininity with the term feminine.
Wild Feminine
It is, in the first place, a pity that there is so little written of the history of these people, so little material from which to gather the development of the idea of acrobatics in general, or of any one phase in particular.
Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
These people would not rest until the west in general, and the US in particular were ingulfed in endless wars agaainst tmost if not all Arab and Muslim people and countries. Enemy of the State « Blog
Neither do I have a problem in general with people who wish to follow religious beliefs.
In some quarters there has been some recrudescence of the _Shakti_ cultus, with its often obscene and horrible rites, and the unnatural depravity which was so marked a feature in the case of the band of young Brahmans who conspired to murder Mr. Jackson at Nasik represents a form of erotomania which is certainly much more common amongst Hindu political fanatics than amongst Hindus in general.
Indian Unrest
The results are in general agreement with the previous typological categories defined by Railey in showing a general progression from incurvate, thin specimens to excurvate, thicker forms through time.
Nor are they fully explained - although less efficient digestion in general is probably a reasonably accurate explanation.
Sports in general since then has made much headway thanks to those who worked hard for its development in rural districts and thanks to the unstinted efforts made by the present Minister of Sports S.B. Dissanayake at grassroot level.
We needed to keep him quiet and in general play we did that.
The Sun
In the fourteenth century this custom greatly increased, and small additional side aisles and transepts were often annexed to churches and called mortuary chapels; these were used indeed as chantries, but they were more independent in their constitution, and in general more ample in their endowments.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Carlisle A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
There is nothing here that will be new to historians in the field, but it provides a good general introduction to the problems and possibilities of churchwardens ' accounts in general, and these accounts in particular.
In general, if the ash is soft and the odor is of burning hair or paper, the fabric is a natural fiber.
Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the Devil; for which reason I have, long since, as good as renounced it. Thomas Carlyle
In general students are interested in the same things that concern the general public.
I hope that this kind of bibliographical, aesthetic, and technical information, as well the ability to manipulate images on one's home computer to detect what has heretofore required examination of the originals, stimulates new ways to teach, research, and think about art in general and Blake in particular.
In general we would expect the strength of these impacts broadly to be associated with the size of the change involved.
In general, users have listed three primary benefits from the managed telephony service.
Terms which express the same idea in general or in part, are "luminism" and "plein-air painting.
An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition
In general, these two closed chains are linked catenanes, and the type of linkage reflects a topological property of the original substrate.
In various European countries wine vinegar is in general use and is made by acetification of the juice of grapes.
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
I'm not a fan of the honours system, or peerages in general because very few genuinely deserve to be lifted in status.
You can cultivate a laconic shrug of the shoulders for use when the conversation turns to your putting, or putting in general.
In general, there are several main issues to consider when outfitting yourself for warm weather hunting.
Juliet McMaster explores how in juvenilia in general the presence of "sexual knowingness in a child, especially a girl" is usually met with "resistance": "[w] riting and doing it are seen as perilously close, although the same assumption would not apply in the case of subjects less loaded" ( "Virginal Representations" 304-5, close window
'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
In general hybrid varieties provide the best production of central heads and better performance in hot weather.
As to the Drosera, the Dionaea, and insectivorous plants in general, they are fed by their roots, like other plants; they too fix, by their green parts, the carbon of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere.
Evolution créatrice. English
I try to limit pop-culture references and colloquial clues to a handful within each puzzle and in general each clue is some form of a dictionary definition.
At postgraduate level the Renaissance School will offer advanced specialist training in generalism to keep generalists firmly based in ‘whole patient medicine.’
She would come home from school, play with her dog, then go through old scrapbooks with pictures of her family: on holiday and at weddings, and just snapshots in general.
This had a powerful influence on the Russian intelligentsia and society in general of that time.
Many friends in general, one in special.
In general, a plain carpet makes a room look bigger.
The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular.
I think the country is probably more moderate and reasonable in general than the atmosphere has become.
This so-called rebirth of the Italian cinema in the late 1980s is emblematic of the cyclical character of Italian cinema in general, which is often characterized by film historians as a series of crises and rebirths.
As geology has become the focus of more attention, it has aroused the curiosity of young people about nature in general.
In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.
It was too superficial an examination of the subject, which ironically reminded me that there is quite a bit that I don't know about history in general.
There is a powerful argument for saying that, in general, it should be subject to the rules of administrative law.
[422] Note in passing that this marks the beginning in general of the universal chronography of history, and consequently of the general Christian outlook upon the entire course of human history.
The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
This cartoon is a savage satire of animation as it stood at the time and TV in general.
Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures – The Complete Series » DVDs Worth Watching
The prevalence of competitions in general shows the American need to be better than anyone else at something, whether it is selling cars or memorizing state capitals or knowing how to spell dvandva.
A Conversation with Myla Goldberg about Wickett's Remedy
He considers attitudes to antiquity and to change in general terms, and looks at perceptions of old traditions and proverbial lore.
Jane had written a short note, thanking me for reading romance novels in general and wishing me luck with my studies.
The bassoon is the legitimate bass to the oboe and to the wood wind in general.
Scientific American Supplement No. 819, September 12, 1891
The book starts by attempting to establish a commonly recognized definition of 'shipmaster', described in general terms as 'a qualified seafarer in charge of a ship '. - Photown News
In general, factions within the parties control the branches and manoeuvre for control of seats or regions which then become their fiefdoms - new members which they do not control are a threat.
In general, people have two types of physical condition: either the yin dominates or the yang does.
It is used as a tonic and antiperiodic in intermittent fevers and in general where tonic treatment is indicated.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
If you become less gluttonous, less greedy, less myopic, more savvy about the world in general, they don't win; you win.
Those who are put off by misery memoirs in general should avoid it.
Times, Sunday Times
Johnny was a lovely man and his warm smile will not be forgotten or his great outlook on life in general.
In general, most rennet produced in the US comes from calves that have not been processes in accordance with Islamic requirements, so the rennet produced is not acceptable.
While these catchphrases have been used and abused to the point of becoming banal, they are both historically accurate as well as symbolic of the attitudes that made the Apollo program in general a success.
But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular.
Such fridges are far less harmful to the environment than the hydrofluorocarbon units in general use.
Times, Sunday Times
I highly recommend this book for all who have an interest in plant biology and programmed cell death in general.
It may be correct to say that complainants in general exhibit a wide variety of behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
There are often pragmatic reasons for the preference of certain types of conjunction and the frequency with which conjunctions are used in general.
Ayres and Martiñas (1995) also argue that the exergy of waste streams is a proxy for their potential ecotoxicity or harm to the environment, at least in general terms.
Energy quality
His efforts were directed primarily at how structures evolve in people in general.
In general, the deep sea is considered to start at the aphotic zone, the point where sunlight loses its power of transference through the water.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Phase changes are fundamental to many biological and non-biological processes on the Earth and in the universe in general.
Euphemisms seem to be popular in the NOB culture, in general.
'Passing' in San Miguel
His ideas on social justice were the foundation of new humanism and of Romanticism in general.
It may be correct to say that complainants in general exhibit a wide variety of behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Women in general have learned to admire men's booties, but those who hang with gay men will step it up.
Discussions of the American alliance in this volume, and our economic and cultural bonds therein, are in general incurious, dogmatic and one-dimensional.
It was not an unhandsome face, though generally the expression it wore was one of good-humored dissatisfaction with life in general.
I hope it’s different this time, because a screwhead like Hayden clearly doesn’t belong anywhere near the CIA and I say this as somebody who’s never been particularly fond of the CIA in general.
Firedoglake » Good On Ya
Although the Canadian homicide rate in general has declined to its lowest level in 30 years, there has been significant increase in filicides.
Siobhan stressed the originality apparent within the works, and described some of the processes involved in etching and printmaking in general.
In general, however, they found that consumers took better care of appliances on hire purchase and that servicing costs were lower.
My main point, as some people have brought up, is that this is not a "pedophile crisis" it's not an "ephebophile crisis" it's not a "gay crisis"'s a crisis with priests breaking celibacy in general.
The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
Foxes cause great damage to livestock and farms in general, and as such they are considered to be a pest.
In general order of accuracy, these methods include a piezoelectric accelerometer, a coiled spring mechanism, and a hairspring mechanism.
The Small Change Diet
In general, focus group discussions consisted of honest, open and frank opinions of what the students thought about the class.
In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable.
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
They do not hesitate to dress idiosyncratically, speak dramatically and in general cultivate affectations that would be bizarre in most other professions.
I am a trained doctor and I have used homeopathy in general practice and in a homeopathic hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
Summer, the development of vitiligo in general faster, slow down or stop the spread of winter.
In general terms Spenser's female characters are praised for fulfilling the roles of supportive partner or chaste virgin.
You see, I think this movie, which has been denounced by the Salt Lake Trib's critic Sean Means because it carried an unexpected darkside, is illustrative of a big problem that the entertainment industry in general suffers from right now.
Simple Tricks and Nonsense: Movie Review: 13 Going on 30
I drunkenly choked on the beer I was drinking at the time and felt suddenly sexually unsure about not only men in general but women in general as well.
Inevitably, peacekeeping training remains a minor component of training in general.
Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing.
This gives me hope for media bombast in general, that it can be scaled back without the whole house of cards collapsing.
Thus it only remains to treat in general of the question as to the reconcilableness of the idea of the origin of species through evolution, through gradual development, _in general_ with a theistic view of the world.
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
Convenience is their strong suit and in general they are fine when time is an issue and you want a quick fire without all the muss and fuss of natural firewood.
The Greek equivalent of Turkish gulets are known as caïques, yet in general the term motorsailers is used.
All three species have similar flower phenology: in general, the terminal raceme matures acropetally and the flowers are first staminate, then pistillate, and the sexual stages do not overlap within the flower.
Thousands of desperate-looking bad-tempered people had descended on Oxford Street in general and Selfridges in particular and were swarming like so many mad bees looking for a so-called bargain.
For in talking about his native Fon tribe, Olympe is talking about language in general and about writing novels in particular.
As such, in general lexicons the concept has the attributes of a power-play, oriented to the accomplishment of willed ends, albeit in the limited bounds of conversational interaction and behavior.
I've learnt so much about dealing with it and about human tenacity in general.
The Sun
In general, a graph consists of an array of points, or nodes, joined by line segments, which are often called edges.
In general, novels of this type are well researched and exhibit a relatively high quality of writing.
Maybe us guys would be less douchebags in general if we were called to ask on this kind of jackassery, rather than receiving a pat on the back and a "boys will be boys" absolution.
The Zero Boss
The report, produced by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, argues that the high incidence of sexual abuse by priests reflected the growing aberrance of American society in general during that period, including "drug use and crime, as well as changes in social behavior, such as an increase in premarital sexual behavior and divorce.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Sexual License of the 1960s Does Not Excuse Pedophile Priests
In general, geeks are very happy to tell you anything, whether you wanted to know it or not.
Die Ziet ist unendlich lang is an admonition that can be profitably invoked upon human enterprise in general far oftener than it is, but the time for this particular enterprise is very closely limited by circumstances.
The Jewish Problem in America
And in these days Annie had at length finished her fair copy of Hector's last book, writing it out in her own lovelily legible hand -- not such as ladies in general count legible, because they can easily read it themselves; she could do better than that, she could write so that others could not fail to read.
Far Above Rubies
In general, the practitioners consider religious practice and belief to be important in their life and work, and they all express faith in God.
In general there is an inverse correlation between the extent of drainage and northerliness.
Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
In general, the higher the Overlap Threshold, the more subsenses.
In general, all garden shredders have a high watt motor and come with silent crushing system.
I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular.
Holy Writ
There is considerable variation in leaf morphology in V. riparia; in general leaves are glabrous to thinly pubescent with conspicuous tuft-form domatia in vein axils.
Theseus killing the Minotaur in the labyrinth of Crete, and labyrinths in general, were favorite subjects for church pavements, especially among the Gauls.
Topics of discussion: reasons why craft beer (and beer in general) is male-dominated; women's perception of beer as fattening; how to introduce women to craft beer; and whether women prefer fruity, "chocolatey" beers.
While analogical change within the numeral set is common and possible in general, it doesn't appear probable here when Starostin's typically "parenthetic" *ŋi̯u "3" has not been demonstrated with regular sound correspondences using a competently reconstructed phonology that doesn't violate phonemic markedness at every turn.
The hidden binary behind the Japanese numeral system
Jim's juvenilia, in general, are lacking in distinction, but they do chart a rapidly maturing interest in poetry.
And male-male anal rape in general (think about cartoons after 9/11 that featured American soldiers anally raping Osama Bin Laden, etc.).
Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Monsters | Her Bad Mother
It must be added, that, though the effluvium which is left by the footsteps of man is in general sufficient to induce lions to avoid a village, there are exceptions; so many came about our half-deserted houses at Chonuane while we were in the act of removing to Kolobeng, that the natives who remained with Mrs. Livingstone were terrified to stir out of doors in the evenings.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
In general, the river basins that drain into this ecoregion are of high relief, therefore seasonally intense rainfall and highly erodable soils make them prone to erosion caused the removal of vegetation for agricultural practices, timber, fuelwood, and livestock grazing.
Southern Dry Pacific Coast mangroves
The strength of the argument lies in its concern for the welfare of citizens in general.
In general, the strain intensity is commonly considerably higher in the granodiorite dykes than in the tonalitic wall-rock gneisses, which probably reflects strain localization into the dykes.
They posed in hallways, foyers, in front of doors, in generally nondescript spaces.
However most of these positive correlations were explained away by the fact that people of higher socioeconomic status are in general more likely users of print media.
Patenting in general increased over this period, and specifically, patenting anchored in existing firm knowledge also increased.
In general, food preservation has been generally approached in the past, for instance, via acidulation, thermal treatment, chemical preservatives, hydrostatic treatment, refrigeration and combinations thereof.
The word parable (Hebrew mashal; Syrian mathla, Greek parabole) signifies in general a comparison, or a parallel, by which one thing is used to illustrate another.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
In general, I'm an additive writer rather than a subtractive one -- I write short, and then have to go back and fill in the holes and expand stuff and let white space in.
Funny how the whole world--historically--feels the urge to chase the sun to rest
The dorsal fin generally was uncoloured, unspotted, and semitransparent.
+ The second sort (odium inimicitiae, or hostility) aims directly at the person, indulges a propensity to see what is evil and unlovable in him, feels a fierce satisfaction at anything tending to his discredit, and is keenly desirous that his lot may be an unmixedly hard one, either in general or in this or that specified way.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
Though my Kirby cuke purchase was a good buy, in general, low price is not why you go to these markets.
Steve Poses: Farm Stands of Salem County, NJ
Aromaticity beyond that is even less well defined than aromaticity in general.
Evidence of Aromaticity
The preacher has an obligation to do more than speak in generalities.
Christianity Today
Brood parasites in general lay eggs with shells thicker than those of their hosts.
She contested competitions and gained experience in general riding, equitation, show jumping, one-day events, cross country, stable management, riding and teaching.
The deputy bursar pointed out that the service was not just for women, as attacks on men were more frequent than most people thought, although attacks in general were not a regular occurrence.
The endogen in general use is the elai's, which is considered to supply a better and more delicate liquor than the raphia.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
I then have a submit button that when pressed I want it to perform some validation, and if they have missed required fields reshow them that include with text saying "Required", I can do this easy enough in general with session variables but the problem is the include.
In general, lime does not move downward further than plow depth in an organic soil.
In general, the longer the password and the more complicated it is, the more difficult it is for an unauthorized person to crack it.
But, in general the musical tastes of the kids in Wales was basic to say the least.
Uploading effects your ping more than downloading in general, because your upload is already quite slow on most connections.
NSA privacy busting patent
No one actually knows when sledging started, but since time immemorial disparaging remarks have been part of the sport in general - and cricket in particular.
Hyde Park, at that time of the day in general, was usually overpopulated with high-and-mighty lords and ladies prancing along its pathways for their ‘morning’ rides.
At a time when the photography of sculpture in general is being problematized and historicized, it behooves the field to think analytically about the implications of various photographic strategies in its publications.
It's not a biting criticism of the Anglican Church or of religion in general but a light-hearted poke at the churchmen of England.
Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy.
The discourse of Sarah Palin and her friends is appalling on its own, but worse is the way in which their readings of the Constitution and American history in general have been accepted as uncontroversially true by so many voters.
Robin Lakoff: Education: Yes, but Why?
She can't be referring to obloquy in general, since it is her campaign that is firing out slurs and false allegations at an astonishing pace.
In fact, I am not really a big perspirer in general.
Hats Off to Single Parents
In general, vocalizations are varied and include: trumpeting, whistles, twitters, honks, barks, grunts, quacks, croaks and growls.
In general, phenomenism is opposed to substantialism, and it is supposed that those who do not accept the former doctrine must accept the latter, while, on the contrary, those who reject substantialism must be phenomenists.
The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
How many pure, uncombined, vowels are there in General American speech?
I saw this much more as a limitation of/trope from the romantic comedy genre in general.
In general, respondents felt confident in their abilities to deal with alcohol problems.
However, in general practice a classification on an etiological basis is probably more practical and we shall consider inflammation of bursae and thecae as _infectious_ and _noninfectious_.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Pork griskin is in general extremely hard.
Sorry if I had to disqualify your entry for lack of taste or offensiveness in general.
I'm not an expert, so I can only speak in general terms on this matter.
There is no hard-set rule on what land can be developed; in general, virgin forest cannot, farmland can.
Golf in Greece: a Byzantine ordeal
I don't think this is indicative of approval, nor promotion, by the "matriarchy" in general.
Desperate Feminist Housewife Moms Rule The World!
Similarly in the ´13C record, humate-induced changes in colour and growth rate correspond to changes in vegetation cover and temperature that indicate, in general, that drier periods were cooler, whereas wetter times were warmer Holmgren et al., 1999.
The MWP and LIA in Kenya and South Africa « Climate Audit
The will of the spirit must become something which it is not, as yet, from the very start, — truly free; and it is free only when that feebleness, which is primarily merely a sort of clumsiness, is overcome, — when the spirit is not only in general willing to do God’s will, but also shows in each particular case the same unwavering willingness.
Christian Ethics. Volume II.���Pure Ethics.
With all the consolidation and "corporatization" that's happened to the publishing industry, not to mention the evolution of media in general and its impact on how publishing works, literary agents in particular have it much harder these days than they did in the '60s, '70s, and '80s.
Ain't We got Fun!
In general, constraint satisfaction problems are NP-Complete.
We're trying to raise awareness about the environment in general and air pollution in particular .
Wolcott is referring to Niccolò Machiavelli, a philosopher and writer in the Italian Renaissance, who inspired the political term Machiavellianism, defined as "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct," according to the Oxford English Dictionary. | news
Faithful to his instincts of petty tyranny, the Cæsar kept the praefect of Rome kneeling before him for close on half an hour; all this while volleys of vituperations poured from his mouth against all traitors in general, and more especially against the praefect whom he accused of selling his services only in order to gain his own ends.
"Unto Caesar"
In general, consciousness of sexism in language is a younger-generation, urban, and politically liberal concern.
There was no apparent deviation in the ordinary progress of the pustule to a state of maturity from what we see in general; yet there was a total suspension of the areola or florid discolouration around it, until the scarlatina had retired from the constitution.
On Vaccination Against Smallpox
If the discovery of the moons is confirmed, scientists say it will further understanding of how the Pluto system evolved, as well as shedding new light on other Kuiper Belt objects with satellites, and the Kuiper Belt region in general.