How To Use In fact In A Sentence

  • A lot of the wrinklies, in fact, come along with holes in their shirts and jerseys.
  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • A lot of the foods that we connect with African-Americans, whether totemically, whether positively or negatively, are indeed and in fact foods from the continent. NPR Topics: News
  • In fact, it involved a great deal of heart-searching before we reached that conclusion.
  • The thanatological philosophies of spirit that Schelling here wishes were dead are in fact very much alivehence the reiterated forcefulness of his censure. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
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  • In fact, the longest continuing presence is often the audit partner.
  • In fact, it should not recommend either, since the spicy salami, bocconcini and tomato panino is too stingy on fillings.
  • In fact - as a percentage of the population - there's basically a direct analogy between the number of gay tax-payers and the number of gay students.
  • Defence lawyers routinely accuse victims who failed to make 'vigorous enough' protests, as in fact having consented.
  • In fact, little by little the term necromancy lost its strict meaning and was applied to all forms of black art, becoming closely associated with alchemy, witchcraft, and magic. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • In fact, I found myself reluctant to skip any topic in the book.
  • What caught my eye about this is that it bears interesting relation to Bakhtin's concept of the dialogism of the "living word" -- in fact, capitalize that "w" and it would be downright eerie. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning...
  • In fact, to tell the truth, it was my cribbing book, and I always kept it by me when I was writing at Athens, like a gradus, a _gradus ad Venetia
  • In fact, children of heavy smokers are often fervent anti-smokers.
  • In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
  • In fact, areas where the outdoor temperature routinely falls to about 15 degrees are not good candidates for heat pumps.
  • The series in fact comprises only two: one in the form of a monk's habit and cowl, and one depicting a pin-striped business suit and tie.
  • In fact what we have been witnessing in recent times is an extension of the state sector under the cloak of trying to ensure proper economic competition.
  • In fact, all three trends are already discernible. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I suddenly realized I was in fact wearing minging orthodontic equipment.
  • In fact, he is something of an "anorak" on the subject. The NUT's John Bangs – the best leader they never had – is stepping down
  • In fact, that it isn't, really, a sci-fi film makes it so successful.
  • These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the Aether and Gravitation
  • It was, in fact, the accidental discovery of several mind-altering drugs in the middle of the 20th century that drew me into research on brain functions and mental illness.
  • In fact, I always behind you, and sent you a back.
  • In fact, this was a players' production, as most Cowboys performances, and frankly most football games, are.
  • In fact some of today's most well-known teachers were skipped one or two dans during aikido's early years.
  • The power has gone out and even when it's on there appear to be beefy dips and surges on the line - so large in fact that one particular voltage spike took out my TV in an impressive cloud of smoke.
  • In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention.
  • In fact the people that were chosen for management were usually total screwups and were dangerous around such equipment and aircraft..usually their day consisted of walking around asking the mechanics, “Are you done yet?” smoking cigarettes and generally just collecting a paycheck. Think Progress » Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
  • In fact, animated political toons have been part of the Web ever since bandwidth would allow.
  • Recently there was some research done which showed that of the sports that are on the anti-siphoning list, the free-to-airs had in fact only shown 16% of telecasts of those sports.
  • In fact, the history of the Church demonstrates that praxis is not only inseparable from, but actually flows out of didache or teaching. Archive 2008-07-13
  • The first national party conventions, in fact, were held in Baltimore in preparation for the 1832 election.
  • In fact, I was told that if you look up the word gullible in the dictionary you will find my picture. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • In fact, the back was so far away from the stage, a time delay on the punchline created a wave of laughter.
  • How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation. Redgauntlet
  • In fact he was suspicious of any technological advance that might weaken the ‘master race’.
  • The two in fact are related: the ideas resonate differently in different parts of the world, exemplifying with remarkably clarity the issues introduced in the previous sections.
  • I work very hard - in fact, I've had to work like a slave because I was a slave to drugs.
  • In fact, the cause of sleep paralysis is "a marked dissociation between level of alertness and muscle atonia that often occurs in SOREM (sleep onset - REM) sleep episodes (1). Serendip's Exchange
  • In fact, social status throughout Polynesia had two quite distinct and separable aspects to it.
  • In fact, the average winter low in Sitka is 30 degrees, much warmer than many continental towns on our list. 12 Terrific Small Towns You’ve Never Heard Of | Impact Lab
  • In fact, during deportation souteneurs buy tickets, bring meal, collect suitcases and even give money for the new passport.
  • In fact, the mark ties with that of the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers, an expansion team that lost the first 26 games of its existence, the longest losing streak in major American professional sports.
  • He was, in fact, a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene.
  • The Sixties versus the Eighties, in fact. The question is - does it work?
  • In fact there is little evidence of a direct link between tight family budgets and food theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
  • In fact, even today, I doubt my parents would spend money on items they would consider frivolous and useless.
  • In fact, as far as the majority of chemically susceptible persons are concerned, the scent of cosmetics is one of the most troublesome features of this problem. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • I establish, since it is clinically relevant, that you have not, in fact, had the penectomy and vaginoplasty yet, and are merely scarfing down hormones and getting all your facial hair yanked out. M.D.O.D.
  • In fact, one of the reasons Mao remains revered is that he is credited with “unifying China”. Matthew Yglesias » The Tomorrow People
  • But I was told that there, in fact, was those kind of indentures in the second column also, the vote for U.S. S.nator. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Leon County Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Election 2000 Contest - December 2, 2000
  • In fact, I am so frightened, I fear I might just mess my pants!
  • In fact on May 28 during the NPT's (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) review conference, 189 countries (including the US of President Obama), called for the Israeli government to comply with the treaty, favoring the creation of a denuclearized zone in the ME. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • And I-- I use the word revisit; in fact, it was in -- in many instances, it was visiting it for the first time. The Inextinguishable Symphony
  • In fact, our lunar friend provides an instructive example of how a vulgar and dogmatic notion of ‘science’ can be quite compatible with the most arcane fantasies.
  • In fact, the e-cigs are so realistic-looking, that, when I vaped one in public, a passerby or two admonished me on how bad smoking was for my health!
  • In fact, the Chief would most likely overrule me if I tried to lay one. SNOWJOB
  • In fact I would go out of my way to ensure she would not be elected by joining whomever is going against her. Alaska's soon-to-be governor praises Palin
  • In fact once they have worn a sunsuit and realise that they no longer have to suffer two hourly suncream applications, children become very keen indeed to wear their sunsuits which offers great peace of mind to Mum and Dad!
  • I learned the word dépanneur 'convenience store'; I heard the affricated d and t; I did not notice the tense/lax vowels or the -tu questions; I did notice the contractions (chais &c) and a feature nobody mentioned in the comments, the raising of nasalized vowels: vent sounded almost like vin (with /æ/ as in hat), and vin had a high [e] and sounded diphthongized ([veiN]) -- in fact, one guy said matin so that it struck my ears as [matiN]. MONTREAL 2.
  • In fact the survey question made no mention of shutting out vehicles, nor denying access to a major section of the Desert Park and to the gullies.
  • When the smell was pure oak, I remembered childhood woods; in fact one particular place in one particular wood.
  • In fact we have separate sets of basic, yet essential, equipment, which are sent to each of the three races.
  • COLLINS: In fact, there is one that's called aristolochia. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2004
  • In fact, there is more scratching on this CD than on any I have heard in recent years.
  • In fact, you are reinforcing the fear and the waking behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the voices in the next room became obstreperously loud of a sudden, the cause of which vociferation it is necessary to explain before we go farther. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The so-called "particularism" of Israel's idea of God was in fact the real strength of Israel's religion; it thus escaped from barren mythologisings, and became free to apply itself to the moral tasks which are always given, and admit of being discharged, only in definite spheres. Prolegomena
  • It is a story not in fact of possibility but of one central failure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Town Hall seems fair game for criticism, but in fact there has been a concerted attempt, especially in the past few years, to get things moving.
  • In fact, my computer is almost slower without my working enchantments on it.
  • In fact, it took a highly deceptive sales campaign to get Americans to support the invasion, and even so, voters were never as solidly behind the war as America's political and pundit elite.
  • In fact in the recent case before the High Court, the counsellor failed to come up with a clear finding.
  • In fact the mandolin is the instrument of my heart. ' Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • In fact, they are downright ugly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the off-grid market consists of some of the largest industrial enterprises on the planet, operating in remote and often extreme environments. Let the Market Pay for Renewable Energy
  • For many multinationals, in fact, offshoring can be a public-relations nightmare at both ends of the pipeline.
  • In fact he could not dismiss his vision of the two Nachmans.
  • In fact, I don't know how I'd managed if he hadn't taken my part against the merchants in Calicut. Spice and the Devil's Cave
  • This is far from being a work of mere trainspotting; in fact, in a strange way, it catalogues the architectural, social and economic history of modern Britain.
  • Not surprisingly, the twistiness of the daffodil was much higher (fourteen times higher, in fact) than its bendiness, explaining why these plants are far more likely to turn in the wind than to bend over.
  • In fact today orchids like the phalaenopsis or cattleyas are very easy to grow.
  • It also has a narrow canal (the urachus) which serves to remove the urine of the foetus; in fact the subsequently formed bladder takes its origin from a dilation of the urachus. The Veterinarian
  • In fact, the word Bible comes from the word Byblos, another Carthaginian port from which the majority of Egyptian papyrus was exported. Blowback
  • In fact, old buddy, leave me.
  • And if you would now in fact make this chdce, it woald put an end to your present difficulties about your child. The Works...
  • We suspected that most people would not spontaneously think in terms of this curvilinearity and would, in fact, think that fuel consumption decreases as a linear function of MPG. The Miles Per Gallon Illusion | clusterflock
  • In fact in the physical world the only "darkside" is a black hole. Alex Jones' Prison
  • In fact, the completed windows do possess a freshness that is striking to find in the medium of monumental stained glass.
  • Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
  • In fact, of all the areas of Middle Eastern studies, political science is the one where Said has probably had the least impact.
  • Hmph. I not only sneer at the ornateness of the furniture, I sneer at the people who purchase such trash, and in fact, it is so distasteful, I regret I must extend that sneer to include the entire nation. Rare Michael Jackson Portrait By Andy Warhol Up For Sale
  • He had almost finished this particular cow and the bucket was full almost to the brim, in fact some of the deep froth (the sign of a good milker) was almost but not quite spilling over.
  • In fact, it would put only a small amount of money into the hands of those who really need it.
  • Bekker said there was a perception in South Africa that the IFP favoured confederalism, when in fact it stood for federalism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Woke this morning with the grim realization that I had not polished the column - in fact, I'd just roughed it out, sketched out the basic ideas.
  • In fact, this is a difference between the northern and southern hemispheres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Souls being spiritual, there is no reason for their disaggregation, that is, their demise, and in fact they do not die. Initiation into Philosophy
  • It will be a criminal offence to hold yourself out as a Chinese medical practitioner or a herbal dispenser of Chinese medicines, and a range of other appellations, if in fact one has not been registered by the board.
  • In fact, our fleet is known to be the youngest and most modern of any major airline in the world.
  • His departure, in fact, went almost unremarked.
  • In fact, a total of 958 C&O carloads of Sewell coke were shipped to 17 states during this year, as far away as California, Arizona, and Oregon.
  • In fact, it is easy to run out of superlatives for a gig as good as this and I defy anyone to emerge disappointed by what they have seen and heard - these guys are in danger of setting themselves some impossibly high standards.
  • In fact no positive identification of him is ever made.
  • In fact, some 'loads' abusers have ingested up to 12 grams of glutethimide and greater than 2.5 grams of codeine (often in combination with acetaminophen or aspirin) on adaily basis. 5 Complications from chronic abuse should also be considered. Loads
  • (In fact, a 90 percent windfall profit tax on the bailout-created profits of the 19 largest banks would be the ideal way to promote a robust caulker jobs program.) Les Leopold: Clinton's Cash for Caulkers? Not enough Economic Insulation
  • While serious in subject and sad in fact, the play is written with brio and excellent humour.
  • Last year, in fact, only four Americans tasted victory.
  • Childhood obesity is, in fact, the key plank of government policy today. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact my whole being was permeated by the leaden-armed pervading weakness one feels when forced to work in the small hours.
  • In fact, most violent crimes against sex workers remain unreported. Open Invitation to the Int’l Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers « Bound, Not Gagged
  • In fact, as other articles pointed out, our -- as no fitting word has been found for it, let's go with -- withdrawal was a magnificent feat of reverse engineering, worthy of a force that was a nonpareil on the planet. Tom Engelhardt: Debacle!
  • For Hare, however, any apparent case of akrasia must in fact be one in which the agent is actually unable to do Weakness of Will
  • In fact you appear to have to be very advanced in magical theory in order to understand most of the obscure written references about it.
  • In fact, the British flacks have used their facade of congeniality and cooperation to spread some of the most blatant falsifications of the campaign.
  • In fact, this barely even felt like a movie about animals - it just happened to feature a horse prominently.
  • In fact, the title notwithstanding, it's one of the most remarkably faithful sequels you'll ever see, in tone, setup, and execution. Alex Remington: Harold & Kumar 2: Best War on Terror Movie Ever (Though That's Not Saying Much)
  • This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us.
  • The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
  • In fact I was informed that the people of the area, not just the parents, had the same claim on the school as the Department.
  • In fact Pachycephalosaurus had a 10-inch thick skull, and probably used it as a battering ram in ritual contests.
  • It's a niche product which means that it won't suit everybody; in fact it may not suit most people.
  • In fact, the response went on to totally digress from the topic and talked more about the airline’s new premium cabins, and not customer service. » 2010 » March » 09 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • In fact, coagulation of complex cells into cooperative communities was such a winning strategy that it evolved several times. SuperCooperators
  • He is forbidden, in fact, to be himself a good citizen; forbidden to be anything more than the colourless instrument of a system of compromise and countercheck. Irish Books and Irish People
  • That statement is untrue; in fact the opposite is the case.
  • What comes next to the oesophagus is the gut; in fact, the gut is continuous with the oesophagus, and runs its whole length uncomplicated to the outlet of the residuum. The History of Animals
  • It perpetuates the image of the boorish, boerewors eating, brandy drinking supporter when, in fact, our supporters are highly intelligent with a keen understanding of the game.
  • I don't have any evidence, but it seems that many types of humor may in fact generally anger him to the point of bursting a vein or two.
  • When I walked out of the prison cell towards the door leading to freedom, I have made it clear his own pain and resentment if not able to stay behind, so in fact I still in prison.
  • The bakery owners later gave up their lease after it emerged that the liquid had in fact been body fluids from the two men.
  • In fact, these kinds of films need melodrama; they need action or events that externalise the emotions driving the story.
  • You can in fact be certain that private capital accumulation is a fundamental necessity in our system, while maintaining that (minor) redistribution is an ongoing requirement. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There were painted mallards, wood ducks, and mergansers carved where possible in and on the armrests, in fact.
  • The shifting of language in communities may in fact be accelerating with increased mobility and technological advances.
  • In fact there are fascinating glimpses of the Babylonians coming to terms with the fact that division by 7 would lead to an infinite sexagesimal fraction.
  • Sarah Pickin, 23, spotted the ancient piece of "confectionery" during a dig in north-west Finland, but had to check with colleagues whether her hunch was correct or if it was in fact a fossilised piece of animal dung. Student Finds Neolithic Chewing Gum | Impact Lab
  • In fact, students clamor for the courses - admittedly, more loudly in some regions of the country than others.
  • In fact, the proliferation of viruses and the onslaught of spam have left companies and consumers staggering.
  • In fact, valves can now be put in in a same-day procedure through a heart catheterization, rather than open-heart surgery. Tetralogy of Fallot — Life After TOF Surgery
  • In fact, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come home with me one exeat and meet my family.
  • It should not be confused with night terrors or panics, in which a child becomes acutely agitated and terror-struck at night, appearing to be awake while in fact asleep and unable to be woken.
  • However,… the world does not in fact break easily along neatly perforated lines.
  • In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Lacedaemonian, which is in fact a generalship, hereditary and perpetual. Politics
  • He seems rather dithery but in fact he works very calmly and efficiently.
  • In fact, cucumbers are not outstanding in any known vitamin or mineral, either.
  • In fact, the more a politician cozies up to the United Nations, the less I like him.
  • In fact, Robert E. Cray argues in his book on poor relief in New York that many rural towns erected workhouses and poorhouses before the American Revolution.
  • stuck to the plain facts
  • In fact, I argue that evolutionary processes are the only known processes which can generate such nested hierarchies.
  • Pickles is a grassroots "leafleteer" the type of a Local Government Pol and Political obsessive that are in fact the hallmark of the DimLebs. Eric Pickles made a fool of himself on Question Time
  • In fact, that ungraciousness was what led to the birth of this young magician.
  • The text emphasizes that agricultural management strategies and techniques influence other ecosystems, and that this interaction has spillover effects on the entire landscape, in fact, the planet.
  • This revenue-neutral property was believed essential for public acceptance, which in fact has been largely favourable.
  • A narrow gorge opens upon a semicircular hollow lined with ochraceous or ferruginous matter; in fact, part of the filon, which sends off fibrils in all directions. The Land of Midian
  • Besides, to acquire a holding, ‘the standard of farm competence required was very modest’ (so modest in fact as to necessitate in his opinion that each allottee be placed under an instructor).
  • If the product were in fact a cure, it would be widely reported in the media and your doctor would recommend it.
  • It also helped that the plate was huge - so big, in fact, that Vicky and I could barely finish half of it.
  • Instead of millions of vulnerable hosts to evolve within back then, we now have billions of chickens intensively confined in factory farms, arguably the Perfect Storm environment for the emergence and spread of hypervirulent, so-called "predator-type" viruses like H5N1. Kathy Freston: Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
  • In fact, the Penguins muddled to a sixth place finish in the regular season standings with a .500 record to become one of eight playoff qualifiers.
  • Now there's a very strong presumption that they must get a sentence for public protection, which is in fact life.
  • The results reveal that the main factor which influences the burnability is the grain size of crystal quartz.
  • Urban legend says that he is a graduate of Harvard, the only perfect score of people, in fact, he got a B in the fourth grade, while others are very rare perfect score in order to graduate.
  • Thus Helen of Troy may have been a bewitching casus belli — and her elopement with Paris may have led to the deaths of thousands — but in fact she was acting with aret é ; she showed herself to be in close attunement with Aphrodite, who demanded an obedience not only to herself but to the imperatives of the heart. The Gods Return
  • In fact, Bayley stayed away from DNA sequencing as a professional courtesy to Branton, making progress in chemically modifying the hemolysin to use it as a single-molecule sensor for drugs, chemicals, and metal ions. The $1,000 Genome
  • It's a natural progression, in fact, because Bittman's actually been touting tatsoi and pushing purslane for more than a decade. Kerry Trueman: Mark Bittman: Leafy Green Revolutionary?
  • One of her closest friends - in fact, her closest friend - lived in Nice with her brother.
  • The rule as it has developed in common law jurisdictions is in fact an exception to an exception to a rule of evidence.
  • In fact, one of the reasons I joined this gym in particular is because a) it is only for women but it is not the right-wing pro-life fascist don’t-even-get-me-started Curves, and b) I can show up in cut-off sweats, lululemons that give awesome camel toe or a t-shirt with coffee stains on it and not feel like a total shlepper. I Like To Move It Move It
  • In fact, I doubt that the nice distinction which Mr Mostyn sought to draw will be capable of identification in most cases.
  • In fact, however, a finer semolina flour is available; this is used for making pasta, so durum wheat is sometimes called macaroni wheat.
  • In fact, the church will be in collusion with evil if it does not stand on the side of the victim.
  • 'in times she be; but there's something about her I don't quite fancy; the plain fact is, she's rather _quair_, and I shall go up to the village. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • In fact, they have a home there which they call the silo home. CNN Transcript May 3, 2009
  • In fact, ubiquitin-mediated protein breakdown is involved: the plant recognises and rejects its own pollen! The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004
  • In fact, it can exhibit ordered structures with length scales ranging from micrometers to nanometers.
  • In fact, as far as the majority of chemically susceptible persons are concerned, the scent of cosmetics is one of the most troublesome features of this problem. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • Very few people, even propagandists knowingly lie, and they tend to believe what they peddle is in fact very true. Matthew Yglesias » Chait Responds
  • Molecular phylogenies have suggested that hemichordates are in fact a sister lineage to the echinoderms.
  • In fact, he was scheduled to go to work on a destroyer when he happened to attend a lecture by a “frogman” with Underwater MIKE MEEKS
  • In fact, I thought I might have hallucinated it entirely.
  • In fact, the emotion is more deeply felt and communicated because it is so tranquilly expressed.
  • I have in fact been quite active in the past month, attempting to take advantage of lower share prices and repositioning the portfolio. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so in fact the chairman has said many times that if you had to calendarise a normal seasonal comparison if Q3 is a 100, Q1 will be 60, Q2 is 80 and Q4 is 80. Home Page
  • In fact, the term sacra pagina or "the sacred page" has long been used in Christian tradition to emphasize the theological dimension of Scripture. The Sacred Page
  • He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league together.
  • When I walked out of the prison cell towards the door leading to freedom, I have made it clear his own pain and resentment if not able to stay behind, so in fact I still in prison.
  • Our body image in fact is central, if ambiguously so, to our mental and physical well-being.
  • In fact, I had completely forgotten that we were eating in a vegetarian restaurant.
  • The wolf was so full, in fact, that he could not fit out through the exit again.
  • Just remember that you do not - in fact, should not - share all the intimate details of your private life with them.
  • That rumour has no foundation/is without foundation in fact.
  • In fact, Harrison's love for Hawaii, where he had a house for many years, shows through in the rhythmic ukulele strums that form many of the songs' foundations.
  • In fact, firebombs, which have a similar effect to napalm, were used against enemy positions in 2003.
  • In fact, we owe much of what we know about managing neuropathic foot ulcerations related to diabetes to Dr Brand's pioneering work.
  • In fact, some individuals may hide the true facts of a product's performance to ensure that deletion is not considered at all.

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