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in conclusion

  1. the item at the end
    last, I'll discuss family values

How To Use in conclusion In A Sentence

  • In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.
  • In conclusion, our results show that a high percentage of tobacco smokers tend to be drinkers also.
  • In conclusion Gogira is a clasic movie and i'd be thrilled to see more of the series but I realy dont think we need some 'out of origenal ideas americans' reamaking a clasic into a nothing but explosions chik flik. kambulcs Rumor: New Godzilla Movie in Discussion Stage at Legendary Pictures? | /Film
  • In conclusion, early maladaptation, that is, upregulated thrombin generation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, occurred in one-third of the SCT patients associating with the development of GVHD, a finding suggesting an interplay between coagulation and immunology during SCT. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In conclusion, self-ligating brackets showed reduced frictional resistance in comparison to steel ligated brackets only under certain conditions. Self Ligating Orthodontic Brackets
  • In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.
  • In conclusion, the use of specific molecular probes and insitu hybridisation allows a functional analysis of tissue macrophages.
  • In conclusion, patients with cholesterol gall stones produce less metastable hepatic bile measured by the evidence of shorter nucleation time.
  • In conclusion, I would say that we need to go see the film to support Mathieu andd all great actors not only the "starts", but do not expect to watch a movie by Mathieu with a good casting or a good SF movie. take it like a "boum boum action" movie and the result should be fine. Babylon A.D.'s Mathieu Kassovitz Opens Up About Fox Negatively «
  • In conclusion, this book has much to offer avian ecologists, especially those interested in grassland ecosystems.
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