How To Use In all In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • Revenge is a by-the-book sequel, crowbarring in all of the memorable features of the first movie, spicing them up with even more ludicrous ultra violence and adding a few new twists to the tale.
  • Traditional methods for liquid or semiliquid fecal incontinence management, such as the use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, and moisturizers, are only moderately successful in alleviating the consequences of fecal incontinence. New Data Shows Budget Impact of Fecal Management System in Hospital ICU
  • The difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
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  • This dilemma perfectly sums up the impasse in all republican-loyalist negotiations.
  • In all the sale extends to 800 lots, ranging across plant, machinery, tools, office equipment, furniture and computers.
  • We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.
  • You have truly surpassed yourself in all manner of possible ways!
  • Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value.
  • The floorboards creak in all the right places, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • It gives guidance in all matters of manuscript preparation and publication.
  • ‘Players in megabucks tournaments might have great ability in one area, whereas the players on tour have great ability in all areas,’ he says.
  • Murder, rape, road rage, dacoities and rampant acts of terrorism have become an everyday affair in all the provincial capitals including the federal capital. Whether A Dictator Or Democrat: Please Explain
  • Early screenings suggested as much, or suggested trouble at least, as preview audiences found the film too dark and violent, all in all too un-Leo.
  • With her pupils dilated to blackness, and spitting vituperation in all directions, the very last thing she seems is sane.
  • Their green rings, circular or ovoidal in form, abounded in all parts of the country, and it was in these circles they were said to dance through the livelong night. Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
  • What splendor and pulchritude, what symmetry in all things, what assets for the necessities of life have you not granted and assigned to this land and its inhabitants! Brotherhood of the Butterfly Net
  • Cascades of earls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tortoiseshell hatpins, 76 items in all, poured out.
  • However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament. European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
  • Just as the new convert to Islam sees the work of God in all things, the Marxist neophyte is tempted to understand all human activity through the lens of the base/superstructure model.
  • Democrats believe in all those things too but if you choose not to, we don't lable you un-American or un-qualified to be in any political party. RNC resolution won't 'handcuff' Steele, co-sponsor says
  • The world will be no less confrontational just because of its economic plight; in all probability it will be more so. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except for the frequent conferences now in the new Forty-second Street offices that commanded a view of two rivers and a vast battledoor and shuttlecock of the city, it was the first time in all those years that stretched from the night at the Waldorf that they had sat thus tête-à-tête. Star-Dust
  • In all stores adequate ventilation should be provided as an aid to temperature control with mechanical air conditioning if needed.
  • Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike. The Satanic Verses
  • Still, on watching the movie a good couple of decades since I last read the book, as much as I found it enjoyable enough, I couldn’t help but start to think through just what Lewis is saying here, in allegorical terms, just how it all turns on the idea that, by the rules of Deep Magic, Edmund must die. Thoughts on Narnia
  • Now that grand finale will not happen, which must have induced sadness yesterday in all but the hardest of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made.May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true,and make you happier than you have ever been before.
  • I've given you the password to my heart in all its anagrammatic permutations; but you seem to insist this is nothing but a start; so herewith, at last comes the story of my first puppy— Spill
  • But we also need to bring in some quality players and I want top-class competition in all positions.
  • In all honesty, the only thing I was actually doing right was my schoolwork.
  • Previous gastric surgery was uncommon in all three groups and showed no significant difference.
  • It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin 
  • She did not know that this Congo River was the home of the Crocodile, the biggest, fiercest, scaliest, hungriest Crocodile in all Africa. The Curious Book of Birds
  • Their tympanum is not homologous with the tympanum of mammals and saurians (extant diapsids) because it developed independently in all three groups.
  • This year the colourful event shirt features a clown and will be on sale in all sizes from the tiniest to the gigantesque.
  • Again, a fear of ghosts walking may be the best explanation for burials that appear ‘respectful’ in all other ways.
  • The velarium, or awning, is advertised in all the inscriptions yet found which give notice of public games. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Your eyes glow every single morning, and you're always smiling; you doodle both your names in all the books, even deface public property.
  • In all things, even till this instant, (being the utmost period of my life) I have evermore found my Fathers love most effectuall to me; but now it appeareth farre greater, then at any time heretofore: and therefore from my mouth, thou must deliver him the latest thankes that ever I shall give him, for sending me such an honourable present. The Decameron
  • His semi in ‘Foulness, near Southend’ has long been reduced to ‘a condition of untouchable sordor’, and is also ‘saturated with pornography in all its forms’.
  • Someone who can, in all deliberateness, actually give forth that depraved statement would do well, truly, to reconsider or shut up.
  • Eminent theatre personalities Zohra Segal and Ebrahim Alkazi and noted 'mridangam' Carnatic artist Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman are the other three chosen for Padma Vibhushan award by the government which, in all, named 130 people, including 13 in the category of foreigners, NRIs and PIOs. 43 are Padma Bhushan and 83 are Padma Shri. The Times of India
  • The road was uneven, full of random stones and broken asphalt, thrusting themselves in all directions.
  • We oppose racism in all its forms.
  • He states, that Mr. Hastings received for the appointment of Munny Begum to the rajahship two lacs of rupees, or about 22,000_l. _, and that he received in another gross sum one lac and a half of rupees: in all making three lac and a half, or about 36,000_l. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
  • A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
  • Farm shops go from strength to strength and growing vegetables in allotments is fashionable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • This dress moves in all the right places, so you can shake your thing on the dance floor all night long. The Sun
  • Native Tanzanians preside in all positions in major religions.
  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • The Catalinas, in all of their grandeur, are going through that process of deformation right now.
  • These principles apply equally in all cases.
  • All in all, I love summer very much! You should start practicing your English from now on.
  • With a penetrable fourth wall, a spot of audience participation and plenty of gleeful nonsense, this is pantomime in all but dame.
  • And this again is true for each one of you, in all that you do in your own individual lives.
  • Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigour, and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field; all their service wherein they made them serve, was with rigour_. History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • ‘All these polls indicate is that there will be a dogfight for the last seat in all key marginals and the vote will be so tight it is hard for anyone to call it,’ the Fine Gael spokesman said.
  • The contents of the second included copies of three of the Countess's psalm metaphrases, and, in all probability, a copy of her translation of Petrarch's Trionfo della Morte.
  • Look for details on delivery charges, they should be clearly marked in all ads.
  • In all, some 15.5 million pills were confiscated and the street price for the drug doubled or trebled over the course of the three months from February 1 to April 30.
  • It's no secret that inner-city coaches in any sport have one of the toughest jobs in all of high school athletics.
  • Each radium atom is decaying into four more alpha-emitting radionuclides, creating in all 12,500 particles.
  • It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Of course, not all of these changes apply to all persons and groups in all societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • These problems occur in all families.
  • All in all, the new summerhouse cost under £ 200 to construct.
  • In all such eases, odd as it may sound, our judgment may actually be said to retroact and to enrich the past. Meaning of Truth
  • Dororo's main character Kou Shibasaki (The Sinking of Japan) as the woman warrior Dororo, who was a precocious street child and self-styled "greatest thief in all of Japan".
  • Derivative teachers are mediocrities, and probably also boring if not interesting in all the wrong ways. Ad Fontes, a Mystical and Protestant View of Teaching « Unknowing
  • We thank him sincerely for his generous gesture in allowing this debate to take place.
  • In all three cases the conclusion reached was that a deliberate intention to breach the order was not a necessary element for a finding of contempt of court.
  • I don't believe in all these silly diets.
  • There were file cabinets scattered in all sides of the room, and also drawers, cabinets, and tall shelves.
  • While I'm not an alpinist myself, this book has been inspirational in all my outdoor activities.
  • Graduation is a time for rejoining and is also a time for reflection.You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself.Wish you well in all your understandings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.
  • Of the gambling – booths there was a plentiful show, flourishing in all the splendour of carpeted ground, striped hangings, crimson cloth, pinnacled roofs, geranium pots, and livery servants. Nicholas Nickleby
  • They let in all sorts of riff-raff here, don't they?
  • As with any verbatim transcript, it can be a little hard to follow in places, but it's worth plowing through the whole thing if you're really interested in all this.
  • he posted signs in all the shop windows
  • In all but the most one-sided encounters, however, the ascendancy shifts between the teams.
  • It's in all its glory and ready to go back indoors for the tinsel and twinkling lights. The Sun
  • For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • All in all it was the sort of night to make Edgar Allan Poe salivate at its possibilities. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • In all the Archegoniate (including the majority of gymnosperms) fertilization and the first critical phases of embryogeny occur within the shelter provided by the archegonium and the adjacent gametophytic tissue.
  • The inner circle represents activities that are accepted as sport in all countries and fulfil all of Rodgers' criteria.
  • Until it appeared on the bill in all its 10 glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • My sister went on to describe noises she'd been hearing, the regular old creaks and cracks that are heard in all houses and she'd also heard a clicking sound.
  • Kennaquhair, or because it agrees with scenes of the Monastery in the circumstances of the drawbridge, the milldam, and other points of resemblance, that therefore an accurate or perfect local similitude is to be found in all the particulars of the picture. The Monastery
  • Though you were our ally you seized by force a city in alliance with us, namely Messene, which had been admitted to our friendship and enjoyed precisely the same privileges as Lacedaemon. The History of Rome, Vol. V
  • They have been expected to start at the lowest rank and have been trained in all facets of the business.
  • Soon the guard - about half a dozen soldiers and NCOs in all - marched out with an extremely rapid step and exaggerated movements; they came to a halt with a massive goose-step.
  • While this is happening, what appeared at first to be a spaghettilike jumble of the ninety-two chromatin strands condenses into chromosomes that upon close examination are actually twenty-three pairs of pairs, that is forty-six pairs or ninety-two chromosomes in all. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • But the lack of finance in all but the commercial sector is inhibiting.
  • It is beyond any understanding how he could have been caught up in all of this.
  • This allows the complexities of the grape to shine through, a quality inherent in all great wines.
  • Whereas SmHox8, SmHox1, and Smox1 were all strongly expressed in eggs and miracidia compared to other stages, SmHox1 was much more weakly expressed in all the other stages.
  • We had a splendid turnout and it was lovely to see so many people taking part in all the activities and enjoying themselves.
  • He was tall, probably a foot taller than me, and he had dark hair, hazel-green eyes, a square jaw, and the look of one who was serious and dedicated in all that he did.
  • Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
  • The ill-natured Marx, the venomous Lenin, the murderous Stalin all had a deep-seated loathing of all those who disagreed with them.
  • In all experiments the algae were treated with benzoquinone, to inhibit metabolic activity in the chloroplast and to maintain an oxidized plastoquinone pool.
  • In all but parts of eastern Slovakia, the stress is on the first syllable of a word; longer words (three or more syllables) have secondary accents.
  • Biophilia, it's there in all of us, needing only a small excuse to come pouring out. Times, Sunday Times
  • By arrogance I don't mean pride, for there is no harm in being proud of what we have achieved in all fields of human activity.
  • In all, twenty three men who are based in towns in Mayo were dismissed on the grounds that they were not suitable for the work involved.
  • Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
  • Currently studying Law at Melbourne University, she was dux of Girton Grammar School in Bendigo, received a Premiers Award, the Australia Award and received the highest VCE score in all of regional Victoria.
  • In the leaf, Ca-HGO was detected in all chlorenchyma cells; in the stem, it was observed in the same sites described for Ca-TDC1; in the root, no expression was detected. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • "Twenty in all, " her brother answered, his voice ragged.
  • Old guys spend more time sitting up late after the family's asleep, and in these hours your old guy will plan and replan his upcoming expedition, put new laces on his wading shoes, tie flies, dress in all his Arctic gear in order to see what it's like to move around in, call another insomniac old guy and check out up-to-the-minute river conditions, and so on. The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
  • But all in all, what with the weather and a degree of jadedness occasioned by a bit of sleep disturbance, it's not been a thrilling day.
  • I could hardly keep up it, and spilling bottles in all directions.
  • With summertime abandon, the new arrivals sent their limbs flurrying in all directions.
  • Resolution I. -- That the Society be called the Fabian Society (as Mr. Podmore explained in allusion to the victorious policy of Fabius The History of the Fabian Society
  • Violins and clarinets were used in instrumental combinations in all areas, with the bagpipe (ubiquitous since the Middle Ages) prevalent in Bohemia, and the double bass and dulcimer in Moravia.
  • The Department claims that evidence available to them is that the scheme is working well in all respects.
  • Do you think that Hume wanted a general theory of human nature to explain why human beings act, think, perceive and feel in all of the ways that we do?
  • They are the arguments that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world.
  • There used to be, and belike is yet, a custom, in all maritime places which have a port, that all merchants who come thither with merchandise, having unloaded it, should carry it all into a warehouse, which is in many places called a customhouse, kept by the commonality or by the lord of the place. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • One of the youngest and fastest teams here, Germany rained in the goals, 13 in all and four each against pretournament favorites England and Argentina. A Fun, Creative Germany
  • A narrow gorge opens upon a semicircular hollow lined with ochraceous or ferruginous matter; in fact, part of the filon, which sends off fibrils in all directions. The Land of Midian
  • The site now employs about 7,000 people directly, although many more are involved in allied industries or in ongoing construction projects.
  • That necessary ditching, in all likelihood, will now be done in time for the next election.
  • It iz teh beautifull, eubie, i rmembr, drivin thru n seein all de harse farmz, adn summo harse farmz adn teh cuttin ov teh hedgis tu b animulz U don’t like brekfist in bed? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm , but I've seen hope when persist in writing.
  • Must he not be talking ‘ad captandum’ in all this? Theaetetus
  • American offices in Afghanistan admitted to me that they used the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • A healthy living co-ordinator will go to bingo sessions to canvass ideas for a £1 million healthy living centre in Allerton.
  • In all appearance it is impregnated with nitre, if not with something more mischievous: we know that mundic, or pyrites, very often contains a proportion of arsenic, mixed with sulphur, vitriol, and mercury. Travels through France and Italy
  • We will be standing in all 59 parliamentary seats across Scotland.
  • The assumption that gender parity in all things is inconducive to sustainable propagation arrives at the footstep of the ideas in Steve Sailer's article "The Return of Patriarchy?". The Audacious Epigone
  • The only surprise in all the puerile humour is just how sour the film's view of marriage is. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we're trying to create is a group with the ability and technique in all aspects of the game.
  • For the past 13 weeks the 10 students doing the course have been studying performance and stagecraft, which takes in all aspects of performing, under the direction of teacher Virginia Norrie.
  • There are six people in all in my family.
  • Part of his genius as a writer is that he reminds us that we are not atomized, anonymous beings in modern life; we affect others in all kinds of ways, all the time.
  • The sky is filled with the remnants of the enormous cumulonimbus rain clouds that have been building up, emptying their contents and building up again all day.
  • It is, however, much more common in alluvial grounds than among primitive and pyrogenous rocks. The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Do you like to be deeply involved in all the daily detail, or are you a willing delegator?
  • There are kitchens in all campus accommodation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caitlin allowed herself the leisure of investigating him more closely.
  • In Germany it is called the ruffle pigeon, in allusion to the feathers on its breast; and it has rarely any feathers on its feet. The Book of Household Management
  • He manages to arrest his fall by grabbing ‘the last outlying knot of starved herbage ere the rock appeared in all its bareness’.
  • Where refugees are forced or coerced to return to their country of origin to fight, this is tantamount to refoulement, which is prohibited in all circumstances. 2. Protection
  • It took all in all 4 days to do it, 2 days hanging wallpaper and 2 days for the preparations.
  • It is unnecessary to juxtapose the legal and relational aspects of covenant theology. In all three covenants, personal relations are premised upon just legal relations.
  • The odds of him dying early, of Smith having early onset Alzheimer's Disease, hell, of just getting a minor concussion which he plays through and doesn't dare tell anyone because he's afraid of being fired -- NFL players have the crappiest contracts in all of professional major league sports, not to mention those contracts are year-to-year (if I remember correctly) -- just went sky-fracking-high. Archive 2009-10-01
  • He said that socialism in all its forms cannot accommodate any economic development beyond the hunter-gatherer stage.
  • Heating in all houses is gas-fired, and allowances for kitchen, tiling, feature fireplaces, and sanitary ware is included.
  • He is the rock star in all but name, wearing the same lank mane and trademark grungy threads.
  • Nicholas the fish, spread out in all his glory, like a polypod awash, or Mary Anerley : a Yorkshire Tale
  • This exercise is going to ignite a deep burn in all your back muscles.
  • Kenji Kamiyama succeeds in all the ways that Oshii fails: characterization, dialogue, depicting the nitty-gritty lived experience of the future. MIND MELD: Anime Film Favorites (+ The Top 14 Anime Films of All Time!)
  • If I were to ask you to describe your traveling companion I should in all probability learn that his features were very indistinct; he probably wore dark glasses, perhaps also a beard, a heavy coat -- an ulster, most likely -- and no doubt also a scarf wound tightly about his neck and chin. PORNOGRAPHY
  • In all, you can access up to 150 dictionaries, glossaries and reference works about the word you're exploring.
  • They bled in all sthenic disease for ‘spasms of the extreme arteries, for congestion,’ etc.
  • The main casualty in all of this is the integrity of the governmental process.
  • Indian food (such as chapattis, a flat bread; samosas, vegetable or meat-filled pastries; and masala, a spiced rice dish), is widely available in all urban areas.
  • These sources give us valuable insights into her autodidacticism in all its profusion and chaos, as well as her modernity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Don't call in all our bad debt, we told them, and in return we'll label as terrorists these freedom-fighters who want to escape your insane corporate fascismand you can even come to Cuba and "interrogate" them. Freedom!
  • Laxity of the skin after distention is often seen in multipara, both in the breasts and in the abdominal walls, and also from obesity, but in all such cases the skin falls in folds, and does not have a normal appearance like that of the true ` ` elastic-skin man. '' Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In all measurements, a completely uniform and homogeneous image was obtained.
  • But, as in all instances of dysfunction, miscommunication seems to lie at the root of the problem.
  • Infection control precautions were substantially strengthened in all hospitals across the region, and we've been abele to contain community spread, as I say. CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2003
  • So, as they say in all the old cowboy movies, let's vamoose, muchachos! CLASS TRIP
  • For the rest I will take care that due warning is given, and a notice put up in all places, to prevent you being entered on the census as absent; and to get put on the census just before the lustration is the mark of your true man of business. [ The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order
  • The story might have him playing an effete easterner converted into a "real" American by the Old West, or demonstrating manly American virtues in decadent Europe or corrupt Latin America, or good-humoredly asserting American common sense in response to vogues like health faddism or pacifism, but in all these plots he was the exact same wholesome, attractive fellow he had always been. The Silent Superstar
  • In a thick bottomed pan put in all ingredients except the first extract of coconut milk, tomatoes and salt.
  • This pocket-sized book is filled with advice on dealing with emergencies in all age groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • All in all, she was suddenly feeling so deeply vulnerable that she was scared to death of what might happen next.
  • All in all, men no longer need to be concerned that they will be put on the spot to learn mambos and cha chas in class.
  • _ -- The whirl is the upstroke in all looped letters. The Detection of Forgery A Practical Handbook for the Use of Bankers, Solicitors, Magistrates' Clerks, and All Handling Suspected Documents
  • But are we really so lacking in self-awareness as to miss our own role in all this? Times, Sunday Times
  • Notwithstanding that these growth rates are not precisely exponential, in all cases they are clearly not linear.
  • Many other trial records evidently contain allusions to fairies which have been cloaked with demonological definition, however only those which contain direct references to fairies will be used as evidence of popular fairy belief.
  • In all likelihood, the debt was incurred on Lord Petre's ‘iorney to Axminster’ exactly twelve months earlier, a year being a round term for a loan.
  • All in all there are plotlines and deep character developments that your average three year old just can't appreciate.
  • From here the pair walked to a specially designed mandap, a gazebo style structure used in all Indian weddings, and sat on ornate thrones as a Hindu priest, known as a pandit, performed the ceremony. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Some of the most energetic protectionist measures are erected against agricultural products in all countries.
  • From what you can see, the interior is densely packed with a bewildering array of molecules in all shapes and sizes.
  • He buzzed his assistant and she brought in the new holo posters, already on display that very day in all of HI's Los Angeles holotheaters.
  • That would entail the existence of causal relations between such persons, in all their physical complexity, and the divine being.
  • Because you don't say 'Ain't nobody ever gonna find a body' when you're talking about a living child," said prosecutor Connie Spence, referring to a jailhouse informant's testimony about a statement Fountain allegedly made. Homepage CP Container
  • The prostyle is in all respects like the temple in antis, except that at the corners, opposite the antae, it has two columns, and that it has architraves not only in front, as in the case of the temple in antis, but also one to the right and one to the left in the wings. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • From what we’ve seen Connie do over the last four years, it seems as if her self-assigned mission is to identify artists in all media who are making nondogmatic, nondidactic work that nonetheless aims to change political consciousness, encourage those artists, and bring them together. Living Justice
  • Information recorded for all nests in all years included date found, incubation stage determined by floatation or candling, and status (parasitized or not parasitized).
  • They mustered eighteen in all, and in half an hour they were ironed in a row along the stanchioned rail of the torpedo-boat. The Wreck of the Titan or, Futility
  • It is then left to stand about six hours, when the mass, or marc, as it is called, is put into a coarse bag and pressed; more water is then poured over the marc, which is again pressed, till as much water has been added as will make the proportion in all four gallons of water to ten pounds of fruit. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.
  • Once you understand the role of darts in shaping a garment, you will be glad to have them in all your clothing.
  • Her dark hair was disarrayed in all directions about her head, and her icy blue eyes leered up at me from beneath a veil of hair.
  • Phenomenology involves a radical change in all such positings of real existence.
  • Among his other servants he had a young man called Pyrrhus, who was sprightly and well bred and comely of his person and adroit in all that he had a mind to do, and him he loved and trusted over all else. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • I was comprehensively thrashed in all four rounds.
  • All in all the Magnum features integrated aerodynamics, the engine with high torque from low revs, with good fuel consumption.
  • In all animals, retinal light damage was the most severe when intense light exposure began during the dark period.

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