How To Use In agreement In A Sentence

  • the two parties were in agreement
  • At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction. Let's Get Back to People
  • So she nodded in agreement, but he didn't release her wrist.
  • We were all in agreement and began to set up the volleyball net.
  • Most economists are in agreement that in order to grow an economy saving is a must.
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  • As if on cue, the chestnut roan he had given her to ride stomped its hoof in agreement, undoubtedly tired and hungry herself.
  • For example, students and professors were in agreement that students sitting at the front of a class make better grades; in reality, this notion had been disconfirmed several years earlier.
  • Men wiped sweat from their brows and then raised their damp handkerchiefs in agreement or protest.
  • In contrast, HPLC determination of hydroxyproline content, as a surrogate marker for collagen protein levels, demonstrated no significant differences between the bleomycin groups - in agreement with the Ashcroft scores. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These results are in agreement with those observed in biomimetic systems.
  • This is in agreement with other workers who have shown that fade does not occur with histamine.
  • The social worker nods in agreement. Times, Sunday Times
  • She can make you laugh, nod your head in agreement or cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • It was his wish, Hay said, providing his Excellency was in agreement, to sign the treaty to permit the construction of the interocean canal. The Path Between the Seas
  • The crowd nods in agreement that they are in the presence of a fine basketball player.
  • Many people in the audience nodded in agreement.
  • I'll send you a dm on twitter. btw - thank you for that stance about changing color - a lot of us are in agreement with you. Can we grow the number of readers?
  • It's reassuring to know our numbers are in agreement with previous estimates of the mass of the stars based on the stars' motion.
  • In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestine secreted fluid on day 5 after parasite administration.
  • This leads to a significant blue shift in the long-wavelength emission band, not in agreement with measurement.
  • All parties involved found themselves in agreement that the fixture should remain unfulfilled.
  • In its heroic period the Freudian school, in agreement on this point with the other, enlightening Kant, demanded the ruthless critique of the superego as something alien to the ego, something truly heteronomous.
  • in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
  • These data were in agreement with our previous results on epidermoid A431 cell proliferation that showed a beneficial effect of esterification of the phosphonic groups PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hmm, nodded the others in agreement, as if they were on Gardeners Question Time and someone had just made a valid point about greenfly. What's Going On
  • The one good thing is that all the experts seem to be in agreement that mortgages are set to fall.
  • Yet their accounts are in agreement on so many fundamental points that there is little reason to question their basic accuracy.
  • New Zealanders are in agreement that children should not be assaulted or brutalised.
  • Our data are also in agreement with results of recent studies.
  • E. coli SSADH is also redox regulated, furthermore it reveals that the bacterial SSADH is structurally suited for NADP Recombinant E. coli SSADH was purified as a tetrameric molecule (determined by analytical size-exclusion chromatography; data not shown) which is in agreement with the previous description in the literature. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Everyone is in agreement that size is not that important from a practical point of view.
  • But either way, I think we're all in agreement that some commercial product directed by noted auteurs, whether successful or not, is often doing artistic things that go unrecognized by many critics and moviegoers.
  • Hesvan (Heshwan) or subtracted from the month Kislev (Kislew), as need arose, in order to keep the months in agreement with the moon; secondly, eight years out of every nineteen were made "embolismic", i.e. an intercalary month seems to have been introduced when necessary, at this point, in order to prevent the 14th day of Nisan from arriving too early. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • However, responding to praise often perplexes students because they don't see a need to reply to a compliment with which they are in agreement.
  • We enjoyed both and were in agreement that they were great palate fresheners.
  • In the main agreement, Germany recognized its frontier with France and Belgium as specified in the Treaty of Versailles, along with the demilitarized status of the Rhineland.
  • Emily nodded slowly in agreement while kicking a box to the corner.
  • An additional hurdle for existing leaseholders is that they must gain agreement from the freeholder if they wish to convert from leasehold to commonhold.
  • Cornelia grimaced in agreement, but her expression cleared as she identified the voices. A Wicked Gentleman
  • He seems to have flip-flopped on a number of issues and he seems to be a bit reckless with what he says, but he hasn't done enough of that for people to laugh in agreement if you write about those things.
  • Everyone said in agreement clinking their cans with Adia's.
  • Flavonoid glycosides were also distributed in the other mesophyll tissues, although to a considerably lower extent, in agreement with other reports.
  • Your Honour, I think we are in agreement that the matter should be heard as soon as possible.
  • The two sides are in agreement on the need for arms reduction.
  • The party leadership are in agreement on this matter.
  • This is in agreement with other workers who have shown that fade does not occur with histamine.
  • In agreement with highways officials, our engineers will wind up the major part of work in the area on Friday.
  • Claire practically rolled her eyes in agreement when we suggested that Victor - who was mellow and flirtatious to a fault - had slacked off.
  • Increasingly, more insurers are partaking in agreements and codes of conduct which bind us to the correct ethical position for the long-term future.
  • I find myself very much in agreement with the underlying principles of the bill.
  • Everyone who saw him was in agreement that the triumph of his long career was Mathias, the guilt-ridden burgomaster in Leopold Lewis's melodrama The Bells.
  • The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at sword's points on the matter of abortion.
  • That puts me in agreement with somewhere around half of the electorate in the US and a somewhat greater percentage of people world wide.
  • I am also in agreement that perpetrators must be held responsible for their actions.
  • These properties are in agreement with recent experiments on the isotonic response of single muscle fibers carried out by Edman and Curtin.
  • We have completed the analysis of your AE-35 difficulty, and both our Hal Nine Thousands are in agreement.
  • Casting" is the new "format," according to DiSanto and the other panelists on the "Let's Make a Talent Deal" panel, who were all in agreement in re how crucial "multi-dimensional" cast members have become to the success of the docu-soap genre that's super-hot these days. Reality TV execs: It's all about the casting
  • Satisfied that his three navigators were in agreement, the pilot ordered the bombardier to pick out a mean point of impact, synchronize, and drop the bombs.
  • Their companions nodded sagely in agreement as they prattled on.
  • We're all thoroughly in agreement that these first-past-the-post elections are a bad thing.
  • Discussion resulted in agreement on the remainder, and the main body of the corpus was re-examined to accommodate changes to the original coding system.
  • The whole family was in agreement with her about/on what they should do.
  • The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee.
  • I nodded in agreement, my mouth full of toasties.
  • If he were 10 year younger, I would not be in agreement with Mr.Foxman. kth Says: Matthew Yglesias » Bauer Against Mitchell
  • Trade sanctions provide a means of encouraging participation in agreements and penalizing signatories that step out of line.
  • I do not personally know any of the recipients of your attacks, yet I seem to find myself in agreement with some who did bother to respond to your selfish and misguided diatribes.
  • He nodded in agreement, his bow unstrung and resting on his back.
  • She can make you laugh, nod your head in agreement or cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • Both organisations are in agreement that we have got to get this right.
  • Quearney and I are in agreement that bulbs seem to be ideally suited to an Irish climate.
  • In agreement with Dr. Bellamy were a host of other respected climatologists including the 19,000 who have signed a declaration that rejects Gore’s accusation that the rise of greenhouse gasses is caused by mankind’s use of fossil fuels. Think Progress » Earth’s temperature highest in 400 years.
  • Most of them accepted tradition and creeds only as they contained and were in agreement with the apostolic witness.
  • David, in agreement with you on the subject of "worsted" vs. "bested" - worsted is a type of yarn and I assume Mr Hudson isn't implying that Robin Hood turned rich people into wool. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Given the gory, carnage strewn 250-plus pages that precede that statement, the reader can only nod dumbly in agreement.
  • I giggled in agreement with him as we passed; our solitary walks interrupted for a brief moment with neighbourly pleasantries, now to continue alone and quiet once again.
  • The leadership of the movement is in agreement on this issue.
  • Dinael blinked, but inclined his head in agreement.
  • The therapist discusses these plans with Liz's general practitioner, who was in agreement with the arrangements made.
  • in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
  • But it can be less troublesome simply to nod one's head in agreement rather than diverge from orthodox opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am in agreement with you that she should be given more responsibilities.
  • Moira nodded in agreement and we both started down the stairs to talk to the guys.
  • We were in agreement that the food was good, and the portions generous.
  • We are in agreement or partial agreement on many of the most significant issues, but we shall have to remain at odds on a few.
  • The assessment results are in agreement with the actual situations of flood in Hubei Province.
  • Statistics are in agreement with field estimates.
  • Although this was a very highly selected study group, the results were in agreement with our findings.
  • Yet their accounts are in agreement on so many fundamental points that there is little reason to question their basic accuracy.
  • In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestine secreted fluid on day 5 after parasite administration.
  • At last, Arlan nodded in agreement, leaning back against the tree and biting his lip, allowing his pain to overcloud his arrogance.
  • Dr. Kamblin and I are in agreement that the sun involved is somewhat less promising than the bluewhite star we last hit was, and there don't seem to be any evident astronomical reasons for the computeA having sounded the alarm at all. And all the Stars a Stage
  • The whole family was in agreement with her about/on what they should do.
  • In this statement Critias appears to be in agreement with Protagoras and many other of his contemporaries in the sophistic idea that excellence is teachable.
  • Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.
  • These are in agreement with previous field research on dry matter partitioning in plants with different rice cultivars.
  • In this respect it is in agreement with those theorists who claim that social psychology should be an historical discipline.
  • This is in agreement with a style of making decisions in regard to appraisals based on the worst case scenarios.
  • The predictions of these models are in agreement with results from laboratory studies.
  • Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures.
  • Though her English is fluent, I assumed this somewhat peculiar phrase was a Gallicism, and I merely nodded solemnly in agreement. Winners
  • He heard a gruff voice saying: "Ah'm no so sairtain o 'it mesel'," which seemed to accord with the name of Leatham's skipper, and then came Benson's voice raised in agreement. The Pit Prop Syndicate
  • I can see sager heads than mine, nodding in agreement here. At My Table
  • This would be in agreement with previous computer simulations of the permittivity of cytochrome c.
  • We are all more or less in agreement that the last ten years or so of the bootleg cut or flared shapes tend to be more flattering than the drainpipes or baggy clown trousers nipped in at the ankle that we all sported 20 years ago.
  • in accord in agreement with: This action would not be in accord with our policy.
  • The centers of corresponding ellipsoids are close, in agreement with well-known restrictions on the hydrogen bonding of electronegative atoms.
  • I'm in agreement that the divorce rate is exceptionally high and mostly avoidable.
  • Hi lionheart Miles here God hears his peoples prayers and I am sending a prayer request to the church's here that the prince gets your letter and heeds to it.and ask that we all join in agreement. HRH Prince William - Future King of England
  • As if in agreement, her arm gave another painful throb.
  • In agreement with a tumor suppressor function, HD-PTP expression inhibits ras-mediated transformation of NIH-3T3 cells; this effect is abrogated by deletion of its PTP domain as well as by incorporation of a C / S mutation suggesting that HD-PTP catalytic activity regulates this function PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I will pass on a useful rule of thumb for spotting the kind of blinkered fundamentalist evolutionists with whom it really is a waste of time trying to debate (quite a few seem to have congregated here) They are the people who in contradistinction to being right (sc. in agreement with themselves) recognise only one category: ie, being a liar. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Narboni was a declared Averroist (see below, 9), but he might have tried to find in Ibn Bajja something in agreement with Averroes 'philosophical thought. Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on Judaic Thought
  • The population structure in the vairone is, in principal, in agreement with the two main ichthyogeographic districts (PV and TL), except for the two populations in the Middle Adriatic, which we identify as additional major "district". BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In agreement with published literature, amphibole and pyroxene appeared to dissolve ahead of feldspar.
  • In this respect it is in agreement with those theorists who claim that social psychology should be an historical discipline.
  • We have completed the analysis of your AE-35 difficulty, and both our Hal Nine Thousands are in agreement.
  • Mally leant back and nodded in agreement.
  • We are in agreement with their decision.
  • The couple nodded in agreement with her, and I became aware that I had somehow stumbled across a house of covert dissidents who I'd always been told were the most abominable and despicable of all people.
  • The meeting had ended in agreement to establish a permanent liaison committee.
  • As I recall the stratosphere measurements show cooling and that in direction at least is in agreement with the climate models. Does Hansen's Error "Matter"? « Climate Audit
  • But it can be less troublesome simply to nod one's head in agreement rather than diverge from orthodox opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • In eight cases, the skin prick tests were positive, although only one serological test was in agreement with the skin test.
  • Not very many of the delegates seemed in agreement that an October election is on the cards.
  • That was the status quo last Thursday, when, under the collective bargaining laws, the parties meaning the mayor on one side and the unions on the other brought to the commission what is called an "impasse" or stalemate in negotiations, meaning in this case that the parties were deadlocked on one issue, but in agreement on the bulk of the agreement. Xavier L. Suarez: The Dos and Don'ts of Dealing With an Impasse
  • All bodies are in agreement that the use of foreign workers is set to mushroom over the next few years.
  • I think if the world is in agreement that we are all going to monitor and then attempt to compliantly board and attempt to then direct those ships into a port where they can then be inspected, that is real progress," he said.
  • In this respect it is in agreement with those theorists who claim that social psychology should be an historical discipline.
  • Although this was a very highly selected study group, the results were in agreement with our findings.
  • I giggled in agreement with him as we passed; our solitary walks interrupted for a brief moment with neighbourly pleasantries, now to continue alone and quiet once again.
  • But they are all in agreement that he is not a simple controversialist just for the sake of it.
  • The hospital management and the council seem in agreement that cash is a palliative but not a panacea.
  • She nodded in agreement with whatever her uncle said.
  • If there are exclusionary provisions in agreements, the existence of privilege will not prevent the agreements being provided.
  • The ladies under the dryers nodded in agreement, doing untold damage to their new hairstyles as they banged them against the inside of the dryers.
  • The application of this scheme to the diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the Bay of Beibuwan (the Gulf of Tonkin) gives the results in agreement to the observations.
  • The congregation of roosters gathered for the urgent aviary consultations nod in agreement.
  • Polish communist youth, not always in agreement with their parents, felt this "unfreedom," as another extremely popular German writer of the mid-sixties, philosopher Herbert Marcuse, called it. 1968 the Year that Rocked the World
  • Oddly enough, Koplow's conclusion is in agreement with the Bush administration that also wishes to preserve the stockpiles.
  • Note that there is variation not only in verb agreement, but also in agreement with demonstratives - this vs. these.
  • The structural results are in agreement with experimental literature data.
  • Looks pretty lame to me, and I think everyone would be in agreement the the title is god-awful. Salt Movie Trailer #2 | /Film
  • Claire practically rolled her eyes in agreement when we suggested that Victor - who was mellow and flirtatious to a fault - had slacked off.
  • The results are in agreement with classical ones.
  • On the other hand, the similar extent to which low doses of either compound are retained suggests that once absorbed, both selenate and selenite can be utilized effectively for replenishing Se stores, in agreement with previous findings. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • The judge kept nodding in agreement.
  • The league and its players union are seemingly in agreement on one thing: A deal for a new collective bargaining agreement is not imminent before the league's new calendar year and free agent signing period begin Friday. - Upshaw: 'We're deadlocked' as NFL labor talks break off
  • Trade sanctions provide a means of encouraging participation in agreements and penalizing signatories that step out of line.
  • The meeting was in agreement that action has to be taken to end the monopoly.
  • They smiled at his name transiently, but in agreement: the tattler-spout of their set was, a fatal person to encounter, and each deemed the sudden apparition of him in the very early morning along the Carlsruhe road rather magical. The Amazing Marriage — Complete
  • The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee.
  • She nodded her head in agreement.
  • Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's claim in the Dáil that the February marchers were in agreement with government policy is in stark contrast to opinion poll evidence.
  • Many people in the audience nodded in agreement.
  • The brokerage is not charged the full fund fees by the funds themselves in agreement that the brokerage will carry their fund as part of their XYZ retirement plan. Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The latter procedure was in agreement with the recommendations from the local ethical committee.
  • The most common types of injuries were contusions, sprains, and strains, which is in agreement with the previous results.
  • Linguists across the world are, though, in agreement: "Moldovan" is Romanian. MOLDOVAN/ROMANIAN.
  • She nodded her head in agreement.
  • The assessment results are in agreement with the actual situations of flood in Hubei Province.
  • The leadership of the movement is in agreement on this issue.
  • The Shareholders 'were in agreement with the Board of Director's recommendation to distribute a payment of cash dividend at the rate of 5\% of the issued capital of the Bank (being 5 baiza per share) and stock dividends at the rate of 5\% of the capital (being one bonus share for each 20 shares), which results in the increase of capital shares from 646,153,846 to AME Info Latest News
  • In General the Chamber is in agreement with the Draft Plan and its aims and objectives.
  • The cat purred in agreement, rubbing against the girl's cheek.
  • At first my husband and I were in agreement that we wouldn't circumcise him.
  • The dimensions are in agreement with the measurements performed with x-ray crystallography on cryogenic 3D LH2 crystals.
  • In contrast to scavenging raptors, corvids and marabous, the azhdarchid rostrum does not appear to have been well braced around its openings (this is the naris in the birds, but the nasoantorbital fenestra in the azhdarchids), nor (with its bony dorsal crest) is the skull well suited for probing into body cavities, nor is the long, stiff neck in agreement with this lifestyle. Archive 2006-04-01
  • But it can be less troublesome simply to nod one's head in agreement rather than diverge from orthodox opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The social worker nods in agreement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also on the list were "head-nodder," meaning a supporter of someone being interview on television who stands next to them nodding their head in agreement, "cyberbully" and "roar factor," meaning the influence a home crowd has on a referee or umpire. Reuters: Top News
  • What was also striking about the Senate bill was how the pols felt compelled to win agreement from the oil, coal and nuclear industries before even considering moving forward on it. David Helvarg: Sex, Oil and Videotape
  • I think we're largely in agreement, but I think that this notion of "dissensus" really needs to be fleshed out. Serendip's Exchange -
  • I have transferred her correction to this edition, although it is not in agreement with other uncorrected copies of the first edition.
  • The meeting had ended in agreement to establish a permanent liaison committee.
  • We are in agreement with their decision.

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