How To Use Impure In A Sentence
Cratyn was so annoyingly devout, he probably felt the need for penance if he had an impure thought.
If he had kissed her with those uneloquent and untrained lips of his, impure in their purity, she would never have forgiven herself.
Too Old for Dolls A Novel
impure thoughts
And that may be faid to be impure or mixt, which is partly voluntary, and partly involun - tary; voluntary abfolutely or upon the whole, but fecundum quidy or in a certain refpefit in - voluntary, or againft the inclination of the Will.
An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal Or Intelligible World. Design'd for ...
The missiles that fly are also schools that have not been built, water supplies that remain impure and diseases that stay uncured.

I'm not the only one either, who came here because they did something wrong or amoral or impure and is going to eternal damnation.
But part of the recognition of the Fall is to realize that though no person is wholly good or wholly evil, one is still obliged to fight on the side of justice, even if one's side is tainted by sin and impure motives.
Now, it is clear that this sacrifice is brought as a consequence of impurity from the fact that the same sacrifice of two turtle-doves or two pigeons is brought by a leper, a woman who has had an impure issue, and one who has just given birth.
The Bedouin traditionally hang amulets on the body of adults to prevent the evil eye, devils, impure spirits and other illnesses from attacking the bearer of the amulet.
In relatively pure condition it is called kaolin; in the impure state, mixed with sand and other substances, it forms common clay.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
The clitoris is considered to be an impure part of the girl-child and bleeding it is believed to make her pure and free of evil spirits.
ProWomanProLife » Thanks, Ayaan Hirsi Ali!
All the veins except the pulmonary veins carry impure (venous) blood; the pulmonary veins carry arterialized (oxidated) blood from the lungs.
A Handbook of Health
His motives are impure but his impact is the equivalent of warming sunshine after a bleak winter of bitter darkness.
Hydrosol, extracted from Australian Tea Tree, with a herbal-spicy scent. It has a cleansing, purifying and balancing effect. For impure, oily skin and combination skin.
Thus the impure sublunary fire conveys neither heat nor light, but as it kindles upon some earthly materials of wood, stubble, or the like; but the nobler and celestial fire in the body of the sun, that works all these effects by a communication of its own virtue, without the interposal of those culinary helps: it affords flame and light, and warmth and all, without fuel.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
Yet I knew that my urges were impure and sinful, and that it was my duty as a Christian to resist them until the day of my wedding to my beloved Emily.
Truth is after all universal and all over the place, though in bits and pieces at times, disguised, hidden, not unlike traces of gold mixed with impure minerals.
Riding my bike would clear my mind of all the impure thoughts implanted by corporate America and unleash unbridled creativity.
This particular chapter starts with the classification of water and goes on to describe how water gets impure or polluted, modes and methods of purification of water and a host of other topics.
And pure perfection with impure defeature — how far those may be to blame, it is not my work to inquire.
Unspoken Sermons Third Series
There'll always be people saying stupid things – I'm sure than on an astrology board somewhere, some astrologist is really shouting his mouth off – and I don't see it as my mission to make sure that other people aren't having impure thoughts.
When Mixing Science and Theology is OK
The cold solution is added to 1-1/4 parts of the above valerianic acid; the mixture is warmed for some minutes (not too long or too much) in a water-bath, and then mixed with a little water, by which means the impure valerianate of amyloxide separates, which is washed with water and carbonate of soda.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Her claim that the term impure (teme’ah) is obfuscated because of its biblical connotation of transmission of impurity and the rabbinic usage of unavailability for sexual purposes needs further clarification.
Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
Let the one in books that speak the truth edify religious men, and the other in lying fables delight impure demons.
This latter case is analogous to the melting of a highly impure crystal.
Although steel scrap is legal trade, the waste, if indeed it arrived, would have been hugely impure.
He did not let up on his fight against impure or adulterated milk until the state legislature declared in 1864 that _every baby, city born or country born, no matter how humble its home, has the right to pure milk_.
Civics and Health
Chert is sometimes called hornstone; also the term chert is often applied to any impure flinty rock, including jaspers.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
If there were no compression by ligatures or otherwise, of any other part of the system, and if the impure blood came back to the lungs for renovation as fast as it ought, still it would not be properly depurated or renovated, unless the lungs acted in a full, healthy and rigorous manner.
The Young Woman's Guide
Such a scheme by the ruling party is shameless because the motives behind it are impure.
They clean the impure water from the impurities and chlorine makes water fit for drinking.
A woman in Stoney Creek, Adelaide Hoodless, suffered the loss of her baby son as a result of impure milk.
The Rabbis learn from the plural “damim” that she saved him from two transgressions: from committing bloodshed, and from having relations with her when she was menstrually impure (BT Megillah loc. cit.).
Abigail: Midrash and Aggadah.
The supply did subsequently prove to be impure.
`So what I want to know is what is the fifty-six percents impure you puts in?
It was a well-known fact that imperfect drainage, impure water, overcharged graveyards and want of ventilation, which was usual in places like this, carried the cholera germs.
When I view La Belle Noiseuse, a movie which features more than 90 minutes of a naked Emmanuelle Beart, my thoughts are not impure or unclean.
Thrice I parted company with otherwise good friends because I perceived impure motivations.
Um, that a work of literature is not to be crushed and censored by ignoramuses whose ability to think has not yet passed the horizon of Pavlovian responses to ritually impure words?
As has been seen, ruins and impure places such as privies and Hammám-baths are the favourite homes of the Jinn.
Arabian nights. English
When the powder was mixed with impure water, large numbers of babies got sick.
Will it not follow that he is so, if he engage us to receive a doctrine that gives liberty to sin, or by which we are so far from being justified that we remain impure sinners, and unfit to be conversed with?
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
They're impure, contaminating a virtuous America with their sinful behavior.
Uvarovite is formed from the metamorphism of impure siliceous limestones and some other rocks that contain chromium.
(through whose tortured glottis the word nymphet has decisively been lifted into the linguistic mainstream from the minor Jacobean rivulets of Drayton and Drummond), whose speech is effectively spoonerized by the "tender, mysterious, impure, indifferent twilight eyes" of "Haze, Dolores" (to firmly place the child where she belongs -- in a school attendance list):
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
A perpetual fire of fulminating balls would bang from under the feet of the faithful; odors of impure assafoetida would mingle with the fumes of the incense; and wicked drinking choruses would rise up along with the holy canticles, in hideous dissonance, reminding one of the old orgies under the reign of the
The Paris Sketch Book
There is always hope of reform for a dull, uneducated, stolid man, led by accident or temptation into guilt; but where a man of great ability, and highly educated, besots himself in the intoxication of dark and terrible excitements, takes impure delight in tortuous and slimy ways, the good angel abandons him forever.
Lucretia — Complete
Drug addicts are being sold impure substances which are far more harmful than the real thing.
He has the narrowing, slightly impure face of Pan's favourite.
My friend, Mr. Webster puts it this way: Profane1: Not being concerned with religion or religious purposes, secular 2: Not Holy because unconsecrated, impure, or unsanctified 3: Serving to defile what is Holy.
As has been seen, ruins and impure places such as privies and Hammám-baths are the favourite homes of the
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Typhoid fever, also due to a bacillus, which enters the body chiefly in impure water but sometimes in milk or other foods, is distinctly a preventable disease.
Some of the Triumphs of Modern Medicine
Vilely; with act impure stain'd the facinorous house.
The Poems and Fragments of Catullus
Why, you’re absolutely correct, SoS, not about the ogle part – Sarahcuda is married, and her religion has certain strictures regarding what is permissible with regard to impure thoughts, etc.
Think Progress » Paranoid Beck would embarrass her, Palin focused on googling NYC landmarks right before their interview.
The first seven level bhumi minds are called “the seven unpurified bhumi minds” (ma-dag sa-bdun, seven impure bhumis).
Ridding Oneself of the Two Sets of Obscurations in Sutra and Highest Tantra According to Nyingma and Sakya
The various samsaric worlds are known as ‘impure realms,’ that is, places where the condition of samsara prevails among the inhabitants.
The Pariyars' low status is continually emphasized through association with one of the most impure and contaminating phenomena of all in Hinduism - death.
We will not, then, malign our river as gross and impure, while it can glorify itself with so adequate a picture of the Heaven that broods above it; or, if we remember its tawny hue and the muddiness of its bed, let it be a symbol that the earthliest human soul has an infinite spiritual capacity, and may contain the better world within its depths.
Mosses from an Old Manse
The external manifestations of pure and impure emotions may be the same.
Still impure, the gas was then passed through condensers and scrubbers to remove tar, and then through iron oxide purifiers to remove other impurities.
And she is all the more real because it is France, impure, the country of light loves and immodest passions, where all that is sensual comes to the surface, and the courtesan is the queen of ignoble fancy, that has brought forth this most perfect embodiment of purity among the nations.
Jeanne d'Arc
In addition to plucky songwriting, its sheer honesty offers a voyeuristic thrill: Clark sounds naked to the point of sexual, even when her subjects are far removed from impure thoughts.
This impureness can break the backbone of one's country if they are unheeded. News
And we may sometimes have impure thoughts when we see the photograph of a pretty woman with big breasts.
After all, few things can be more insidious than impure water, since water is one of the natural resources we take for granted.
There'll always be people saying stupid things "“I'm sure than on an astrology board somewhere, some astrologist is really shouting his mouth off" “and I don't see it as my mission to make sure that other people aren't having impure thoughts.
When Mixing Science and Theology is OK
In Oreo, the cultures of old worlds are destroyed or remixed in the making of Americans, as the impure offspring ultimately chooses between reproduction or extinction of the patrilineal heritage.
Picamar blue is produced when a few drops of baryta-water are added to an alcoholic solution of impure picamar, or even to wood-tar oil deprived of its acid.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
Among the scams: air "sterilizers," photon machines, immune boosting supplements, and non-prescription Tamiflu that turned out to be powdered talc and a generic chemical,or even worse, unapproved doses of the drug that could be impure, subpotent, superpotent or contaminated.
Swine flu scams on the rise
Vesuvianite forms as a result of contact metamorphism on impure limestones and is usually found with other exotic minerals.
His conclusions are that a copper acetylide is always produced if impure acetylene is allowed to pass through neutral or ammoniacal solutions of copper; that dry acetylene containing all its natural impurities except ammonia acts to an equal extent on copper and its alloys, yielding the explosive compound; that pure and dry gas does not act upon copper or its alloys, although it is possible that an explosive compound may be produced after a great length of time.
Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
A direct profession of faith would be insufficiently impure, a denial of the brownness of real life.
The materials alchemists used were typically impure mixtures whose composition varied according the site from which they originated.
In speaking of the properties of lead, the old English Bartholomew says: "Of uncleanness of impure brimstone, lead hath a manner of neshness, and smircheth his hand who toucheth it ... a man may wipe off the uncleanness, but always it is lead, although it seemeth silver.
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
And yet here was his work being proclaimed impure, degenerate, unnatural.
Jesus, God in the flesh and understood as perfectly holy, was comfortable with the worst of people in a society which believed holy men demonstrated that holiness by shunning impurity and demonstrably impure people.
Observing that the water charged with gelatinous particles is in an impure state, and that the luminous appearance in all common cases is produced by the agitation of the fluid in contact with the atmosphere, I am inclined to consider that the phosphorescence is the result of the decomposition of the organic particles, by which process (one is tempted almost to call it a kind of respiration) the ocean becomes purified.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
As a female germ can not produce a child without the addition of a male germ, so there latent impure particles in the blood can not generate disease without meeting their affinitive poison.
Victorian Medical Science
(almost twice as heavy) a metal impureness corporate dSLR.
The "purple" is the badge of empire; even as in mockery it was put on our Lord. decked -- literally, "gilded." stones -- Greek, "stone." filthiness -- A, B, and Andreas read, "the filthy (impure) things.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
What can he say about the FDA, an agency that keeps us safe from impure food and poisonous pharmaceuticals?
Already, it had begun to dissect the impure from the pure and to find logic at the speed of existence.
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The case supposed, that our own hand, or eye, or foot, offend us; that the impure corruption we indulge is as dear to us as an eye or a hand, or that that which is to us as an eye or a hand, is become an invisible temptation to sin, or occasion of it.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
The author also claims that impure water can certainly make you sick, but the vast majority of travelers' intestinal symptoms are due to poor food handling practices.
But compared with sickness that is always real and palpable, defilement not resulting from disease (e.g., ritually impure food), is fictional.
He has the narrowing, slightly impure face of Pan's favourite.
As everything is the unity of pureness and impureness, both have their value as well as significance, and they can transform into each other under certain conditions.
In the developed world, bottled water owes part of its popularity to the view that tap water is impure, contaminated, and hence risky.
With its impure spirits, the evil eye is thought to afflict human beings, animals, agriculture and property.
In actual fact, it was because the Catholic Church - until very recently - abhorred women being near the altar or singing in Church, because of all that impure, blood thing.
Added Yoo, The pure and impure shall be cleansed from the Earth with fire, as commanded by my Dark Lord!
Think Progress » Yoo: Congress Cannot Stop the President From Using Nukes
He further probed: “Perhaps you are [menstrually] impure?”
Tamar: Midrash and Aggadah.
The inexperienced ought here to be guarded against the highly improper practice of some artists, who strew their pictures while wet with acetate of lead, or use that substance in some other mode, without grinding or solution; which, though it may promote present drying, will ultimately effloresce on the surface of the work, throw off the colour in sandy spots, and expose the paintings to peculiar risk from the damaging influence of impure air.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
`So what I want to know is what is the fifty-six percents impure you puts in?
Here's a suggested reading for all who fear a Catholic will become ritually impure by associating with people who have Incorrect Opinions.
With no discussion, he glossed the legal meaning of obscene as ‘[t] ending to stir the sex impulses or to lead to sexually impure and lustful thoughts’.
In oil, verdigris is permanent with respect to light and air, but moisture and an impure atmosphere change its colour, and cause it to effloresce or rise to the surface through the oil.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
Some of these causes are difficult to remove because they are created by impure air, pollution from industry and motor vehicles.
The lustre of this is the true "adamantine," or diamond, brilliancy, and the other and impure divisions of this particular lustre are: _splendent_, when objects are reflected perfectly, but of a lower scale of perfection than the true
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
If the book does well, there will be greater recognition as a writer and some money, but that is not to say that the motives are impure.
The troops, already debilitated by the impure drinking water and hunger on the long, hot march from Batesville, were quickly overcome with malaria, as had been predicted.
She was accused of having impure thoughts about her male students.
In some religions, pork is considered impure.
Those who condemn this movie on the ground that it "promotes impure thoughts" are making a statement about themselves.
Any blood found to be impure or infected with any disease is discarded.
When the hogsheads were full of the crudely cured, moist, and impure "muscovado" sugar, they were headed up and sent to port.
American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
Aristotle saith that of brimstone that is boisterous and not swiftly pured, but troublous and thick, and of quicksilver, the substance of lead is gendered, and is gendered in mineral places; so of uncleanness of impure brimstone lead hath a manner of neshness, and smircheth his hand that toucheth it.
Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
Among the scams: air "sterilizers," photon machines, immune boosting supplements, and non-prescription Tamiflu that turned out to be powdered talc and a generic chemical, or even worse, unapproved doses of the drug that could be impure, subpotent, superpotent or contaminated.
Swine flu scams on the rise
She whispered the last words as they were impure to say, and according to everyone I've known… they are impure.
However this has nothing to do with nuclear power, where impure plutonium is a minor by-product of the fission of uranium.
People develop many ailments due to impure water.
In the context of traditional Hindu society, Harijan have often been associated with occupations regarded as ritually "impure," such as any involving leatherwork, butchering, or removal of rubbish, animal carcasses, and human waste.
Jim Luce: Touching the Untouchables in a Rural Indian Village
Since purification is another name for the process of ridding oneself of fleeting stains, Maitreya called the three viewpoints "impure," "impure and pure," and "completely pure" - yet another usage of the terms impure and pure.
Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 12 Advanced Points concerning Seeing That a Tantric Master Is a Buddha
It is desirable that all aquarial tanks should have a movable glass cover to protect them from dust, impure gases, and smoke.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
Countervailing these reactions there is one other, and I think it is an emotion, a sensation rather, that entirely disarms these impurer thoughts and provides the surest signal one has encountered authentic art.
And yet here was his work being proclaimed impure, degenerate, unnatural.
Still impure, the gas was then passed through condensers and scrubbers to remove tar, and then through iron oxide purifiers to remove other impurities.
Cratyn was so annoyingly devout, he probably felt the need for penance if he had an impure thought.
These were extralegal considerations, irrelevant, impure.
Moral impurity does not render a person ritually impure.
And pure perfection with impure defeature -- how far those may be to blame, it is not my work to inquire.
Unspoken Sermons Series I., II., and II.
Anyway, the 1960s weren't ready for an instrument whose notes were so impure and untempered.
Times, Sunday Times
DIARRHEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, ETC., are often caused by eating indigestible or tainted food, such as unripe or decaying fruit, or stale vegetables; or by drinking impure water or poisoned milk (see p. 321).
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
The water is particularly impure and that's one of the reasons that many hotels are choosing to evacuate their residents.
Rabbinical authorities have given the idea its approval on the grounds that it could be a life-saving measure even though pigs are also considered impure by Jews.
Jesus seems neither to have confirmed nor to have denied that eating impure food leads to ritual defilement.
Vilely; with act impure stain'd the facinorous house.
Poems and Fragments
The checking is a part of the new scheme ‘Impure to Pure’, which offers to exchange impure jewellery of any karatage for Tanishq's pure 22 Kt jewellery.
According to Shinto beliefs, a woman is made impure by her menstrual cycles, meaning she should not even touch the sumo ring, let alone fight in it - a rule true in professional sumo even today.
New laws restrict the sale of impure chemicals.
Babylonish dispersion, was to go to a people and country equal, if not superior, to his own: but to go to the dispersion among the Greeks, was to go into unclean regions, where the very dust of the land defiled them: it was to go to an inferior race of Jews, and more impure in their blood; it was to go into nations most heathenized.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The cold solution is added to 1-1/4 parts of the above valerianic acid; the mixture is warmed for some minutes (not too long or too much) in a water-bath, and then mixed with a little water, by which means the impure valerianate of amyloxide separates, which is washed with water and carbonate of soda.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
As for cognition of the impure appearances of seemingly true existence, the term grasping for true existence (bden-par grub-pa) has two meanings.
The Validity and Accuracy of Cognition of the Two Truths in Gelug-Prasangika
There are pure people and impure people.
Moreover, the Bohemian had sung songs of worldly vanity and impure pleasures, he had derided the cord of Saint Francis, made jest of his miracles, and termed his votaries fools and lazy knaves.
Quentin Durward
Jones asks, ‘What happens then, when works of art solicit impure bodily pleasures?’
The "I Am Christine O'Donnell" Pledge ⢠I think masturbation is selfish and impure.
Edward Murray: Apparently, I'm Christine O'Donnell
A common fossil in the basal impure limestone beds is a bivalve that Silberling referred to as ‘an unidentified concavo-convex radially ribbed oysterlike pelecypod.’
We are born out of two things either out of lust or out of love, birth out of love is very rare, it may happen one in a million, because it is rare to be in love, if you ware in love there is nothing to explain it, there is no symptoms to lay down and say "if you have all these then it is love", I am trying to avoid the word "pure love" because there is nothing called pure or impure, it is only love, which is a verbalisation of the divine. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
Keep good company, never mixing with adulterers, thieves or other impure people.
Pharmacists refused to accept shipment of this product because they thought it was impure.
In order that Allah may seperate the impure from the pure, Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim), one on top of the another in a Heap and cast them into Hell.
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Breast milk is always sterile, unlike the one served in bottles that could be contaminated because of mixing impure water.
Tropical dysentery is a third disease due to a protozoa parasite, the amoeba coli taken in with impure water.
Some of the Triumphs of Modern Medicine
A pleasing compromise position was that the ritually impure might handle such coins through a layer of cloth; but could unbelievers be relied on to behave with such delicacy towards Muslim scripture?
Jesus allows himself to be handled in public by a notorious woman who, with her unbound hair and hysterical display, is rendering him as ritually impure as she is herself.
The Blubber Point Member, characterized by impure limestone and calcareous sandstone with minor shale, represents shallow, inner carbonate shelf deposition.
The rhymes are, as a rule, quite exact, the few cases of impure rhymes being mainly those in which short and long vowels are rhymed together, e.g. "mich": "rich" or "man": "han".
The Nibelungenlied
The exclusion of the eunuch is ideologically accomplished by designating him as ritually impure.
What is known as emery is the more or less impure product from the same source.
The Wonder Island Boys: The Mysteries of the Caverns
Chert is sometimes called hornstone; also the term chert is often applied to any impure flinty rock, including jaspers.
Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
He tried, without success, to rid his mind of any impure thoughts about Julia.
I don't know how to say this, but lately I've been having impure thoughts.
These boundaries determine who is in and out, pure and impure, and loyal and disloyal to the group ethos.
Ask God to cleanse you of all sin and impure thoughts and motives.
But these streams ought to be free from contamination by sewage matter, or any drainage which might convey the germs of fever, or other blood poison: for, as we are admonished, the Water-cress plant acts as a brush in impure running brooks to detain around its stalks and leaves any dirty disease-bringing flocculi.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
It is impossible for a man whose affections are bestialized, whose practices are libertine, and whose imaginations are all impure, to receive the truth that there are such things as purity and virtue, and that there are men and women around him who are virtuous and pure.
Lessons in Life A Series of Familiar Essays
How to understand and handle the relationship between pureness and impureness correctly is a philosophical, practical and ideological issue that has universal significance and deserves concern.
Yet, she was also expressing her concerns that their love might not be transcendently spiritual, that there might be a sinful, impure component to it.
They smoked cigarettes or drank water using their left hand, which is considered impure.
But the water industry said the product's implication was that tap is impure, which was not the case.
The Rabbis further deduced from this narrative that a bride who comes without a blessing is forbidden to her husband, as if she were menstrually impure.
Rebekah: Midrash and Aggadah.
A method of tuning in which some concords are made slightly impure so that few or none will be unpleasantly out of tune.
The bipolar division of the environment into pure wilderness and impure everything else has deeply compromised environmentalism and sometimes skews environmental history.
Although menstruating women are considered ritually impure and may not enter temples, discrimination against women is not pronounced.
Thrice I parted company with otherwise good friends because I perceived impure motivations.
The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted notion of women being unworthy of performing religious ceremonies or being impure and temptation incarnate.
Pythagoreans believed that anyone who downgraded his life by immoral and impure acts would be born as animal in his next life.
No young man will go through the motions of the dance, hour after hour, without thinking impure thoughts.
Stephen has been particularly sinful-thinking impure thoughts and frequenting prostitutes-and the hellfire sermons terrify him into a resolution to give all this up and live a holy life again.
Had not the term "pure" been so often abused in philosophic literature, had it not been so often employed to suggest that there is something alloyed, impure, in the very nature of experience and to denote something beyond experience, we might say that esthetic experience is pure experience.
John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
The first phase of diagenetic albite constitutes an impure, turbid variety including albitized grains of original plagioclase and alkali feldspar.
In most, if not all, ancient religions with a belief in reincarnation, the soul entering a body is seen as a metaphysical demotion, a sullying and impure rite of passage.
All are combinations of other media and thus, necessarily impure.
These deaths are a result of inadequate medical supplies, impure water and nutritional deficiencies.
Oh father, I have had many impure thoughts, really, really dirty thoughts, and about a married man too.
In Africa like most third world countries, most of the water consumed is impure.
While Hargood initially disdains purity--at one point he proudly describes himself as "impure"--he comes to see that purity cannot be separated from autonomy, a respect for one's own liberty and the liberty of others.
The Marriage of Souls
To confuse things further, although St. Paul viewed the homosexual acts he referred to as impure, “dishonorable,” and “shameless,” he didn’t say that they were evil or a sin.
The God Box
We know you like Latin with essies impures, (and your liber as they sea) we certney like gurgles love the nargleygargley so, arrah-beejee, tell that old frankay boyuk to bellows upthe tombucky in his tumtum argan and give us a gust of his gushy old.
Finnegans Wake
The word 'adulterate' means 'to make impure, spurious or inferior by adding extraneous or improper ingredients' and I guess this applies to learning new values and ideas as filling our heads with extraneous or improper ingredients as well.
Tim Hanni: Pervsion, Corruption and Wine Appreciation
Wohler is generally credited with having isolated the metal in 1827, although an impure form was prepared by Oersted two years earlier.
I couldn't believe it, I had no idea I was that unresistant to impure thoughts.
Sheepdip Diary Entry
The worldly-minded persons work with the lower or the impure mind.
The problem with obtaining LSD is that so much of it is impure; either weak or heavily cut with speed.
But the odds are higher that I will suffer immediate and drastic consequence from rotten food or impure water than I will from anger, spite and bitter words.
Not only is tree ring data an impure proxy for temperature, it is also not available in enough geographic/temporal density to provide accurate analyses — even if you could remove the effect of cofactors.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Climate Scientists, Unfiltered
And so we may observe that impure Silver and Lead being expos'd together to a moderate Fire, will thereby be colliquated into one Mass, and mingle
The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of
There is a touch of humanity in it, and always some germ of sympathy will bourgeon and bloom around the once populous abodes of men, whether they were tenanted by the pure or by the impure.
Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
That means eliminating impure tastes in the brewing process so the flavour of the hops can emerge untainted.
Secondly, Because the example of Christ teaches us so much; for he washed his disciples 'feet before he admitted them to eat of this supper; signifying how thou shouldst lay aside all impureness of heart, and uncleanness of life, and be furnished with humility and charity, before thou presumest to taste of this holy supper (John xiii.
The Practice of Piety: Directing a Christian How to Walk, that He May Please God.
His spirit is considered to be impure, dangerous, contaminated and contagious.
It is obtained impure, as a by product, when for the preparation of valerianic acid, fusel-oil is distilled with bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Eventually Russian officialdom accepted that, in terms of healthy eating, impure US chicken legs were better than no meat at all.
Had not the term "pure" been so often abused in philosophic literature, had it not been so often employed to suggest that there is something alloyed, impure, in the very nature of experience and to denote something beyond experience, we might say that esthetic experience is pure experience.
Pure Experience
Though coal and clay are frequently produced in this manner, yet I have no doubt, but that they are likewise often produced by elutriation; in situations on declivities the clay is washed away down into the valleys, and the phlogistic part or coal left behind; this circumstance is seen in many valleys near the beds of rivers, which are covered recently by a whitish impure clay, called water-clay.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
He secluded her from all things he considered impure, and deprived her from all physical activity he deemed improper.
Several "halophyte" (salt tolerant) plant species and seaweed species can be processed to yield an impure form of sodium carbonate, and these sources predominated in Europe and elsewhere until the early 19th Century.
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They could contain contaminated, counterfeit, impure or subpotent or superpotent ingredients, "Saben said. The Buzz
Some Jews even consider many actions and foods and even associations with some persons as ‘ritually impure.’