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How To Use Impunity In A Sentence

  • The ferries, warships, water taxis, huge container vessels, yachts and fishing tinnies ply with impunity one of the greatest anchorages and working harbours in the world.
  • This criticism that Romney seems to dish out with impunity is bording on TREASON ..... Romney accuses Obama of not protecting troops
  • They continue to break the law with impunity.
  • The Rara bands come out of Voodoo societies that have gay congregations where gay men are permitted to cross-dress with impunity. Irene Monroe: The Roots Of Voodoo's Acceptance Of Gays
  • The impunity of police and denial of due process to victims is disturbing to rights activists.
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  • If the lowest ruffian may stab your good name with impunity in England, will you be so uncandid as to exclaim against Italy for the practice of common assassination? The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • As long as we remain complacent in the face of injustice ... it will continue with impunity. Another Face of Brutality
  • What struck me most, after this long passage of time, is what we deem “permissible” on the screen today: We can — with impunity — rape, skewer, torture, vilify, scarify, plunge fangs into carotid arteries, sodomize…women can reveal frontal nudity within a half-inch of genitalia; men can stand frontally nude with only a hand cupped over the thingy…but only frontal. Buzzine » Tushy Tarts, Smelly Farts…
  • Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
  • On 6 May 2002, the US government took the unprecedented step of repudiating its signature of the Rome Statute and began a worldwide campaign to weaken the Court and to obtain impunity for all US nationals from the jurisdiction of the Court. Think Progress » EU wants answers on secret prisons.
  • Yet the police and security services let him roam the streets with impunity. The Sun
  • They continue to break the law with impunity.
  • Make-up and jewellery are worn openly and pupils are late for school ‘with impunity’.
  • Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
  • This tribunal is independent, with a clear mandate from the Security Council to uncover the truth and end impunity. UN Secretary-General Urges Intensive Middle East Talks
  • Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
  • While utter fabrications - such as phony academic degrees and made-up jobs - are big no-nos, you can commit some sins of omission with virtual impunity.
  • Some ministers seem to be able to break the rules with impunity.
  • Since the joint capsules and ligaments play a crucial role in the kinematics of the tarsal joints, they cannot be stripped away with impunity.
  • The result would hardly prove consistent with the object and purpose of the Statute and its intent to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes.
  • She said: 'It is very damaging that a public figure could behave like this with seemingly relative impunity. The Sun
  • Now I can pursue them with impunity; I can reinvent myself as a roguish sophisticate, a literary hunk. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • He bought and sold thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods with seeming impunity for years, all the time informing on the criminals he dealt with to the police.
  • The police officers felt they could act with impunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • People were murdered with impunity and worse than this, it became a narco-state.
  • A reader recently alerted me to this shoe's existence, and though I've pored over the description that's "pored" and not "poured," which is what you do with impunity and awesome sauce and while it does have some bike-specific features I haven't been able to figure out what's "fixie" about it: Turning It Out: The Bicycle Mating Rituals of Spring
  • The thoughts of becoming a subject of raillery for coxcombs, and losing my money to boot, stung me to the quick; but I made a virtue of my indignation, and swore that no man should with impunity either asperse the character of Melinda, or turn my behaviour into ridicule. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • In the real world, the laws go unenforced and impunity is the norm, " she said.
  • All the bodily defects and deformities that orthopedy treats, give but a feeble idea of the humps, the tortuosities, the dislocations we have inflicted upon ourselves in order to depart from simple common sense; and at our own expense we learn that one does not deform himself with impunity. The Simple Life
  • ONE MUST have been a witness to innumerable instances of two-wheeler riders jumping or overshooting a signal with impunity.
  • Impunity hardens sinners in impiety, and the patience of God is shamefully abused by many who, instead of being led by it to repentance, are confirmed by it in their impenitence. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • They were also where couples copulated with impunity. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The police officers felt they could act with impunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this war is allowed to pass with impunity, these will be the consequences.
  • Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • How can we misrule with impunity if there is no serious opposition?
  • Together these investigations and convictions are effectively countering the long tradition of impunity enjoyed by corruptionists.
  • Unusually, given the country's climate of almost complete impunity, three army officers were convicted of his murder.
  • He went on to point out that as oil traders know they will be backstopped by purchases for the SPR, they can ‘keep betting on higher prices by buying contracts with impunity.’
  • All the panto business that now gets a bad name at international matches - whistles, jeers, catcalls and other animal noises - can come out again, with impunity.
  • This was a time when sociology was the subject to study, male lecturers could bed their female students with impunity, and British cinemas regularly screened sexploitation films.
  • It became possible for individuals to espouse different values and to behave differently with at least relative impunity. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • That was innocent and harmless but as time went on more and more conventions were broken with more and more impunity.
  • An officer who wants to take it easy, for example, or run personal errands can do so with virtual impunity.
  • Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • So that it may, I confess, give temporal impunity to such as transgress upon this account, but for all that, it can never by so doing warrant the transgression itself; it may indeed indemnify the person, but cannot take away the guilt, which, resulting from the very nature of the action, is inseparable from it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • No; he can rob her with impunity, even to waste publicly on a courtezan; and the laws of her country — if women have a country — afford her no protection or redress from the oppressor, unless she have the plea of bodily fear; yet how many ways are there of goading the soul almost to madness, equally unmanly, though not so mean? Maria; or The Wrongs of Woman
  • Are they going to speak out against impunity, especially for a former legislator who knows the importance of the rule of the law?
  • To affirm that Robespierre was a pedantic "swotter" is not to reveal the causes of his absolute power over the Convention, at a time when he had spent several months in decimating it with perfect impunity. The Psychology of Revolution
  • Yet corruption and impunity are thriving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such men can "crouch" with impunity, there is no one to run them down and no law to punish them. " Eagle Clippings " by Jack Thorne, Newspaper Correspondent and Story Teller, A Collection of His Writings to Various Newspapers
  • But if we situate its controversial coverage in a general climate of political profiteering and impunity of leaders, then Al Jazeera appears more a network on a mission, not only to report but to restore Arab dignity and replace muzzled politics with a new culture of civil dialogue. Nabil Echchaibi: Al Jazeera and the Promise of the Arab Revolution
  • These gangs operate with apparent impunity.
  • The idea that the federal government would allow them to be murdered with impunity is unacceptable. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • The bill is another example of Bush's lawyerly "hairsplitting" which is aimed at gutting the clearly articulated provisions of the Geneva Conventions so that he can carry out his torture-regime with impunity. How did we sink so low in just 6 years?
  • What about the trespassers who trampled on his rights with impunity?
  • And the fight against impunity is one of these implications. Médecins Sans Frontières - Nobel Lecture
  • They used the word dickhead on the radio, with impunity. Article Feed
  • In the current conjuncture of forces, a police union only exacerbates the culture of impunity that envelops police forces in this country. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Yet the police and security services let him roam the streets with impunity. The Sun
  • He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak.
  • Two so-called ‘impunity laws’ passed in 1986 and 1987 exculpated lower-ranking officers and imposed a definitive date, called ‘final point’, after which the criminals of the dirty war could not be tried.
  • Morality is concerned with how one ought to act rather than actualities such as what one does or might do given impunity from consequences.
  • Impunity corrodes societies and creates hierarchical value systems over the value of human lives.
  • We still practice a version of freebooting, we still have our own version of extraterritoriality, and we do it all with impunity. Tom Engelhardt: Missing Word, Missing World
  • The point being that chimps tend to kill with impunity in the wild.
  • He can deceive himself with impunity on the tribunes, comitia, and dictatorships. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • As a child, we had them for particularly rainy days walking to school when, because of their nature, we could splash in puddles with impunity and squelch our way through mucky grass verges.
  • The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.
  • Additionally, units may be forced to fight when attempting to disengage from the enemy, and only the largest or most mobile forces can do so with impunity.
  • Once the sambuca was the center of attention, the other ships could draw up alongside the rest of the seawall and send troops up ladders with impunity. The Grass Crown
  • Impunity maketh insolence; insolence, hatred; and hatred, an endeavour to pull down all oppressing and contumelious greatness, though with the ruin of the Commonwealth. Leviathan
  • When the rule of law is not respected, arbitrariness and impunity dominate the political scene.
  • It cited "reports of arbitrary deprivation of life, torture, impunity, poor prison conditions - particularly in pretrial detention facilities - and arbitrary arrest and detention." ... March 2005
  • Has the ability to use force with impunity lowered the moral standard for the recourse to force considerably from the last-resort requirements of just war?
  • He said the tribunal is independent and has a clear mandate from the Security Council "to uncover the truth and end impunity. UN Chief Gives Strong Backing to Hariri Probe
  • The young Oxonian, on the contrary, had led out one of his maiden aunts, on whom the rogue played a thousand little knaveries with impunity: he was full of practical jokes, and his delight was to tease his aunts and cousins; yet, like all madcap youngsters, he was a universal favorite among the women. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • The satellite, therefore, with its celestial impunity was the perfect platform.
  • Here, however, in this land of convents and confessionals, such a presence as his was not to be suffered with impunity in a “pensionnat de demoiselles.” Villette
  • Those involved in such attacks often enjoy complete impunity.
  • The distinction of what is called dulia and latria was invented for the very purpose of permitting divine honours to be paid to angels and dead men with apparent impunity.
  • I hope he is not able to hide there in impunity the way other murder suspects have.
  • Certain thugs and vandals appear to have impunity from arrest.
  • Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity.
  • But if you have the atropine injectors in the same hands of the people who have the nerve gas, they can become offensive, because then the soldiers use nerve gas with relative impunity.
  • And in the void of our collective silence, the government continues to act with brutal impunity.
  • Perhaps that could be called a papist bull, though hardly with impunity. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 2 No 1
  • The attack prompted journalists to protest against what they call the impunity that allows such attacks to take place. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2008
  • Or perhaps the remark was a mere evasion, a way of saying politely to a prominent churchman that Africans desperately need to end the culture of impunity.
  • In this world view objecting to isreali overkill is “anti jewish”, and objecting to american troops raping and killing innocent iraqis with impunity is “anti-american”. Think Progress » 66.
  • Their impunity to prosecution and the lightness of the sentences they do get when they are caught is a joke and has bred an arrogance that makes my stomach churn.
  • The fate of Charleston, now desolate and in ruins, is but another historical illustration, added to many foregoing ones, that reason, law, and justice cannot be set at defiance, by however strong a will, with ultimate impunity. The Federal Occupation of Charleston
  • That impunity led to the indiscriminate slaughter of peasants mentioned above.
  • Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Max is of a generation who are able to be open about their sexuality with relative impunity.
  • When we covet a thing yet unforbid, we are apt to fear that it may be forbid; but when once we can with impunity and defiance overleap prohibited bounds, there remains afterwards nor fear nor shame. The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
  • Those who call for an end to impunity view crimes committed in wars or civil conflicts in the same way as crimes committed by common criminals.
  • The eloquence of Rienzi was prompt and persuasive: the multitude is always prone to envy and censure: he was stimulated by the loss of a brother and the impunity of the assassins; nor was it possible to excuse or exaggerate the public calamities. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • This week's poster child for the cop culture of impunity is Constable Mike Wasylyshen of the Edmonton Police Force, er, Service. Archive 2009-08-01
  • People live in fear of armed groups who can strike with seeming impunity.
  • It is a curious fact, that the whites born in the torrid zone may walk barefoot with impunity, in the same apartment where a European recently landed is exposed to the attack of the nigua or chegoe (Pulex penetrans). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The rationale for enmeshing a rising China in a system of global rules breaks down if Beijing violates those rules with impunity. China's Rare Earths Gambit
  • Anybody that wants to cross our borders and live here anonymously with impunity is welcome. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 26, 2010
  • The alienator recognizes that he (she) can do so with impunity. Judges and the Development of Parental Alienation Syndrome
  • Maybe you should be less of a hack and admit that a system where politicians lie with impunity is unworkable and undemocratic. Matthew Yglesias » Are Televised Negotiations Even Possible?
  • With reasonable care the thing might be done almost with impunity -- though there was never wanting, of course, the not entirely unpleasurable excitement of knowing that you were breaking the law, that somebody _might_ have turned informer, and that at any moment a raid might be made. Stories of the Border Marches
  • The employment protection legislation operates to restrict the grounds on which an employer can terminate the contract of employment with impunity.
  • A victim who "forgives" at this point is staying in a situation in which s/he will continue to be viewed as an object that can be harmed without impunity by the perpetrator. Jesus Did Not Say 'Forgive and Forget'
  • Mr Godoy Toscano's desafuero may not mark an end to impunity in Mexican politics, but it does symbolically put every miscreant politician in the country on notice.
  • Many of the rules seem to lack teeth when it comes to punishing erring hospitals that continue to dump their waste with impunity.
  • "If I had a more generic name, I'd sign petitions with impunity, " he said.
  • The brilliant scarlet coral-like berries which are found set closely about the erect spike of the arum in the autumn [35] are known to country lads as adder's meat -- a name corrupted from the Anglo-Saxon _attor_, "poison," as originally applied to these berries, though it is remarkable that pheasants can eat them with impunity. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The sentiment of the film is that it is time for injustice and impunity to end.
  • With the legalisation of the paramilitaries, they hope to legitimise impunity for these crimes against the Colombian people.
  • He said: 'The energy companies are able to protect and improve their profit margins with seeming impunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
  • The inability to get to the bottom of things -- or the top -- when military malfeasance is at issue is an instance of the "culture of impunity. Archive 2009-10-01
  • It certainly isn't the purist's simulated shooting gallery: The free-roaming levels play like a first-person shooter, with weaponry and cartoonish aim to match, so you're free to Rambo across the landscape, mowing down jackrabbits and wild turkeys with impunity — just don't get too close to the odd killer boar. Shoot to Thrill
  • He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak.
  • He behaved badly with impunity as he knew the teacher was weak.
  • U.S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff made clear that the American abstention was not related to UNAMID, but to the issue of impunity.
  • War crimes will only end when potential war criminals fear punishment; that will only happen when we end impunity.
  • Now I can pursue them with impunity; I can reinvent myself as a roguish sophisticate, a literary hunk. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Ever after, these persons can handle the most venomous snakes with impunity; can make them come by calling them, have great pleasure in fondling them; and the bite of these persons is poisonous! Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
  • This jerk is acting with as much impunity against his constituients, and the Republican party, as the O is acting against the will of the American people. Graham torpedoes cap-and-trade bill rollout. | RedState
  • The apathy, lack of understanding and political will and gross corruption in the government enhances the scope of the industry to continue with impunity.
  • And the term "impunity" has been removed in every instance. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The courts rapidly lost their power, and the worst people, both Americans and Creoles, practised every kind of rascality with impunity. The Winning of the West, Volume 2 From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783
  • Senior MPs know they can leak with impunity to journalists because the press isn't going to bite the hand that feeds it.
  • Though libel law has always applied to Web content, most bloggers have flown beneath the radar, making it possible to disseminate their sometimes injudicious remarks with virtual impunity.
  • Any small pinholes or leaks in the system could allow pathogens into the pipeline where they could multiply with impunity
  • Not only had the slaveholders perpetrated the preponderance of atrocities, and with impunity at that, but they had begun to boast that northerners and New Englanders were congenitally soft and altogether lacking in "chivalric" and soldierly qualities. The Man Who Ended Slavery
  • We were able to conduct hit-and-run attacks on enemy supply points with relative impunity.
  • Experts said that fraudsters were acting with virtual impunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prime minister had destroyed the industrial base with fanatical cruelty, with an impunity largely supplied by the obsequiousness and weakness of the opposition.
  • Drug warlords smuggled out opium with impunity. The Sun
  • To the eye of ordinary vigilance, the bundle is abandoned waste, which may be kicked or trod on with impunity.
  • Yet the police and security services let him roam the streets with impunity. The Sun
  • • We should be allowed to uncouple a "to" from its verb with impunity. Lucy Mangan: All style and substance
  • There was a feeling that living was much harder for those who obeyed the law and that impunity favoured criminals.
  • She leant on an ivory-headed crutch-cane, and was followed by a fat phthisicky dog of the pug kind, who commonly reposed on a cushion, and enjoyed the privilege of snarling at the servants, and occasionally biting their heels, with impunity. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Another fatuous, badly drafted piece of Labour tyranny flouted with impunity; sorry, not "flouted" because it's all entirely legal! Archive 2005-10-01
  • No other group of workers would get away with it with such seeming impunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're over a certain age, say 75, and you have a sweet grandmotherly voice, you may be able to call them ‘dear’ and ‘honey’ with impunity.
  • A mix of fear, state collapse and impunity has allowed those militias to operate ungoverned since the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the defendant union official could with impunity threaten to call on the boilermakers who worked for the plaintiff to strike unless shipwrights also so employed were dismissed.
  • State authorities, including Governor Jaques Wagner, and many local residents blame the striking police for spurring a crime wave and a sense of impunity in the city. Police Strike Leaves Brazilian Tourist City on Edge
  • These gangs operate with apparent impunity.
  • Yet the police and security services let him roam the streets with impunity. The Sun
  • He should not be allowed to mistreat Agency employees with impunity. STAGE FRIGHT
  • He should not be allowed to mistreat Agency employees with impunity. STAGE FRIGHT
  • The impunity for such abuses has served to perpetuate the conflict and has led to serious human rights atrocities committed by both sides.
  • Courtiers enforced them with impunity, since patents rested on royal prerogative - the common law courts lacked the power to vet them without royal assent.
  • Now I can pursue them with impunity; I can reinvent myself as a roguish sophisticate, a literary hunk. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • The pomp of processions, the sound of bells or of psalmody, is interdicted in their worship; a decent reverence for the national faith is imposed on their sermons and conversations; and the sacrilegious attempt to enter a mosch, or to seduce a Mussulman, will not be suffered to escape with impunity. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The ferries, warships, water taxis, huge container vessels, yachts and fishing tinnies ply with impunity one of the greatest anchorages and working harbours in the world.
  • One essential consequence of doublethink is that the Party can rewrite history with impunity, for "The Party is never wrong. Background information for George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • It was in this atmosphere of total impunity that the 31 August attack took place.
  • The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists has been very vocal about the massacre and critical of what it calls impunity in the killings of journalists in the Philippines. Defense Attorneys Acknowledge Journalists Died in 2009 Philippines Massacre
  • I find that the father was justified in feeling that the mother was refusing to obey court orders, with impunity.

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