How To Use Impudent In A Sentence

  • There stood our granddaughter, and in her gray-green eyes and impudent grin I saw the reflection of our Christmas Boy.
  • And for the first time in his career, when he smelt burning wood pulp and looked down at the line of messenger boys with a ready-made frown and caught the eyes of Mickey, the "littlest," smiling impudently at him, Skinner's Dress Suit
  • He, on the other hand, is impudent, and addresses the Lord with pert familiarity.
  • I swim here with Byron because I dread to swim alone, and tolerate all his impudent remarks.
  • The king hearing the pope named, waxed maruellous angrie: for they of Rome began alreadie to demand donations and contributions, more impudentlie than they were hitherto accustomed. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (2 of 12) William Rufus
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  • Herbert, a young officer in the ant A.S.C. When we first knew Herbert (or "'Erb" as he was known in those days), he was an impudent and pushful private. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, February 7, 1917
  • ‘I'd call you an idiot, but it would be an insult to stupid people,’ Lon retorted with an impudent grin.
  • ‘Oh, you impudent child,’ Mrs. Hastings muttered through clenched teeth.
  • Mr Loffts Letter will tell how Nats piece go on; and Isaac can tell you more, and can, if he likes, tell your townsman Reynolds that he is an impudent dog to attempt to father verses that he never wrote. Letter 120
  • She's tolerant toward those impudent colleagues.
  • He is the most impudent fellow in nature.
  • Her aunt, the model upon which she had been formed, was indeed the very essence of insipid formality but the boy was very pert and impudent, and prated without ceasing. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • First, Methods and means of reformation had been tried in vain (v. 13): In thy filthiness is lewdness; thou hast become obstinate and impudent in it; thou hast got a habit of it, which is confirmed by frequent acts. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Tad Sobber was impudent, and as a consequence was marched off to a storeroom which was occasionally used as a "guardhouse" by the teachers and Captain Putnam. The Rover Boys on the Farm or Last Days at Putnam Hall
  • How impudent u are to say such a thing.
  • We went on through the trees toward the caves -- an excited and disorderly mob that drove before it to their holes all the small life of the forest, and that set the blue-jays screaming impudently. CHAPTER XV
  • Nevertheless, he somehow bribed his way out of hospital to shoot down an impudent intruder strafing his base.
  • Such was his confidence, that when a moose-bird impudently hopped up to him, he reached out at it with a playful paw. The Wall of the World
  • They are impudent children, brazen-faced, and cannot blush.
  • At first he doesn't care for her impudent suggestion, but then he realises that she might actually be onto something.
  • Hardcastle had found him impudent because the man, Marlow, had treated him like a servant (someone else had told Marlow that the house was an inn, and so he thought Hardcastle was the innkeeper).
  • However, the German piece will ever remain as a generous attempt to vindicate the honour of a name deformed by impudent ridicule; and its dazzling effect, strengthened by the rich ornateness of the language, deservedly gained for it on the stage the most eminent success. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
  • The dark-eyed, black-haired, modestly-attired, and even sober-looking girl, who put out her hand with a very simple movement, and spoke, with considerable self-possession truly, but certainly not with an impudent air, bore but scant resemblance to the "brazen hussey" who had haunted The Golden Shoemaker or 'Cobbler' Horn
  • The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.
  • A lean , swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently.
  • Lascivia superat equum, impudentia canem, astu vulpem, furore leonem. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • There was no danger of her beauty telling any tales; and besides, she could put on as brazen-faced a swagger as the most impudent dog in town.
  • They had been stopped at the Dazio coming back, and the young officials there, who seemed impudent and desoeuvre, had tried to search their reticules for provisions. A Room with a View
  • Their versification is traditional, though impudent rhymes and elusive caesuras shocked diehards.
  • an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
  • Inspired by this veritable bouleversement, H. Feigl impudently defined philoso - phy as “the disease of which it should be the cure.” Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • De Sica's fifth film was not a financial success, however, and its negative reception was in part engineered by those who saw it as an impudent criticism of Italian morality.
  • It was his pleasure -- and seemingly the pleasure and privilege of all lineman's gangs the world over -- to whistle blithely and to call impudently to any passing petticoat that caught his fancy. Half Portions
  • It is to the opposition leader's credit that he did not eviscerate the impudent youth on the spot.
  • I give you "impudently" if we agree the bosoms can be "ample". Pardon my giggles.
  • True, it was innovative and his talent unquestionable; but still there was a feeling among many that such a fresh and impudent style may be better employed elsewhere.
  • She'd never grown very big and was a little bow-legged, but she trotted around after him, black and impudent with short smooth ears. THE GOLDEN LION
  • ‘Oh, yes we will,’ Jacob said with an impudent grin.
  • She is impudently vernal, like Hogarth's more plebeian Shrimp-Girl, and even more fluorescent in her dewiness.
  • The "Mahisa-jataka," No. 278, tells how an impudent monkey voids his excrement on a patient buffalo (the Bodhisatta) under Filipino Popular Tales
  • Amidst the wild license assumed by the soldiers of De la Marck, one who was excluded from the table (a lanzknecht, remarkable for his courage and for his daring behaviour during the storm of the evening), had impudently snatched up a large silver goblet, and carried it off declaring it should atone for his loss of the share of the feast. Quentin Durward
  • You're a terrible actress,’ Tristan folded his arms and grinned impudently at her.
  • The bumptious, impudent, selfish, "hateful" boy may become a man of force, of learning, of decided capacity, even of polish and good manners, and score success, so that those who know him say how remarkable it is that such a "knurly" lad should have turned out so well. That Fortune
  • He championed victims of injustice and the public came to view him not as an impudent libertine but as a patriarch and a sage.
  • A Jesuit, who was formerly a missionary among the cannibals, at the time when Canada still belonged to the king of France, related to me that once, as he was explaining these Jewish laws to his neophytes, a little impudent Frenchman, who was present at the catechising, cried out, “They are the laws of cannibals.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He stared back at her; first impudently, then he almost seemed to wilt beneath the strength of Magdalena's gaze.
  • Sundarar, on the other hand, is impudent, and addresses the Lord with pert familiarity.
  • I could no longer tolerate his impudent double-crossing
  • The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.
  • This Australia was impudent, naive and ignorant of the ways of the world; it was yet to put away childish things.
  • Then he gathered up his son and fled; for he said that thou didst change a quiet trader into an impudent bandier of words with the Kim
  • That impudent magicker was the one you name Saint Zeth, and I hold him no ill will, for through his boldness I was able to advise and console many a Cathran ruler face-to-face … until the times changed. Conqueror's Moon
  • It may have sounded somewhat impudent, particularly in my sullen tone of voice.
  • Had he been the kind of letterless country fellow, or bookless fellow whom the Baconians and Mr. Greenwood describe, the contemporary witnesses cited must have detected Will in a day; and the story of the "Concealed Poet" who really, at first, did the additions and changes in the Company's older manuscript plays, and of the inconceivably impudent pretences of Will of Stratford, would have kept the town merry for a month. Shakespeare, Bacon, and the Great Unknown
  • Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen
  • She'd never grown very big and was a little bow-legged, but she trotted around after him, black and impudent with short smooth ears. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Then he gathered up his son and fled; for he said that thou didst change a quiet trader into an impudent bandier of words with the Sahibs, and he feared a like fate. Kim
  • He assumed the character of a draper for the moment -- why he chose to spell draper "drapier" nobody knew -- and he certainly succeeded in putting on all the semblance of an honest trader driven to homely and robust indignation by an impudent proposal to injure the business of himself and his neighbors. A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)
  • I must destroy those impudent toddlers, and this time, I won't leave their fate in the hands of an incompetent, backstabbing crow!
  • That was before composer Kurt Weill came along and impudently chose to ignore those traditional boundaries.
  • We're Big Coffin Hunters just like you! "one called impudently across to him. Wizard and Glass
  • Oh! you scoundrel! you impudent bawler! everything is filled with your daring, all Attica, the Assembly, the Treasury, the decrees, the tribunals. The Knights
  • Impudenter so masculorum aspectibus exponunt, insolenter comas jactantes, trahunt tunicas pedibus collidentes, oculoque petulanti, risu effuso, ad tripudium insanientes, omnem adolescentum intemperantiam in se provocantes, inque in templis memoriae martyrum consecratis; pomoerium civitatis officinam fecerunt impudentiae. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • He is the most impudent fellow in nature.
  • She wore it with tipsy pride: a pink frock of slazy silk with as full a flowing skirt as any on Fifth Avenue during the hour of promenade, a green silk mantle, and a hat as flat as a plate trimmed with faded roses, soiled streamers hanging down over her impudent chignon. Sleeping Fires: a Novel
  • Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Yet, I didn't understand that she was intentionally disguising her feelings with sarcasm; that was usually the last resort of people who are timid and chaste of heart, whose souls have been coarsely and impudently invaded; and who, until the last moment, refuse to yield out of pride and are afraid to express their own feelings to you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Lying and unfaithfull; w'd doe things on purpose in contradiction and vexation to her mistress; lye out of the house anights and have contrivances w'th fellows that have been stealing from o'r estate and gett drink out of ye cellar for them; saucy and impudent, as when we have taken her to task for her wickedness she has gone away to complain of cruell usage. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • Alexandria makes the term signify in Syria, impudent, thieving, wicked. Arabian nights. English
  • Two minutes later they scored again, Harris impudently back-heeling the ball home following a goalmouth scramble.
  • _Latini (sic diis placet) hoc biennio magistri dicendi extiterunt; quos ego censor edicto meo sustuleram; non quo (ut nescio quos dicere aiebant) acui ingenia adolescentium nollem, sed, contra, ingenia obtundi nolui, corroborari impudentiam. A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
  • How impudent u are to say such a thing.
  • My problem is not with the fact that people do not know what it is, my problem is with the currently impudent attitude towards that which is unfamiliar and the reluctance to admit to ignorance.
  • Decked out in full make-up, pomaded hair, and impossibly high stack heels, he impudently swaggers through the film in ‘come ravish me’ midriff-baring outfits.
  • The health of the lake had floundered from the impact of man’s imprudent and impudent use, from continuous inordinate water consumption, from the leaching of toxins into the drainage basin, and from the effects of contentious political forces jockeying for self interest while failing to provide Lake Chapala with a viable chance for life. Huichol Voices
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • That impudent fellow needs to be sat on firmly.
  • To the right a spit of land stuck out like an impudent tongue, dividing the sea from the intertidal waters. A WOMAN WITHOUT LIES
  • Why will you tolerate that impudent fellow?
  • You don't know anything about me, you impudent little brat! MEDALON
  • A sea-gull with slow, deliberate flight and long, majestic curves circled round us, and as a reminder of home a little English sparrow perched impudently on the fo'castle head, and, cocking his head on one side, chirped merrily. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • You wonder at the judgement of God that such unauthentic, crass, impudent lies not only lived, but prevailed for so many centuries.
  • She was always the outsider, refusing to conform to traditions, obstinate and impudent.
  • Architectural projects of our day are often impudent and arrogant, and our age seems to have lost the virtue of architectural neutrality, restraint, and modesty.
  • I will only add (and send all my three letters together), that we all blame you in some degree for bearing the wicked Jewkes in your sight, after her most impudent assistance in his lewd attempt; much less, we think, ought you to have left her in her place, and rewarded her; for her vileness could hardly be equalled by the worst actions of the most abandoned procuress. Pamela
  • As the beggars and wanderers went slinking out of the room, some called impudently, cheerfully: Twilight in Italy
  • This was the hardest trial of all, but she looked so handsome and sorrowful, and had such a nice air about her, that all her pans, and jugs, and plates, and dishes were gone before noon, and the only mark of her old pride she showed was a slap she gave a buckeen across the face when he axed her an impudent question. Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories The Young Folks Treasury, Volume 1
  • Slenderly penciled, a little darker than her light brown hair, they just fitted her irregular nose that was feminine but not weak, that if anything was piquant and that picturesquely might be declared impudent. CHAPTER XVIII
  • But what so impudent, so arrogant, so unblushingly disregardful of propriety, as that he should endeavour to select his victim from such a family as the Pallisers, and that he should lay his impious hand on the very daughter of the Duke of The Duke's Children
  • Their versification is traditional, though impudent rhymes and elusive caesuras shocked diehards.
  • Some praises proceed merely of flattery; and if he be an ordinary flatterer, he will have certain common attributes, which may serve every man; if he be a cunning flatterer, he will follow the arch-flatterer, which is a man’s self; and wherein a man thinketh best of himself, therein the flatterer will uphold him most: but if he be an impudent flatterer, look wherein a man is conscious to himself that he is most defective, and is most out of countenance in himself, that will the flatterer entitle him to perforce, spreta conscientia [in disdain of conscience]. LIII. Of Praise
  • Yon Lord Curzon's an impudent birkie," she said, with a rush of tears to her eyes that seemed even to herself an excessive comment on Lord Curzon; then the knock came. The Judge
  • Nevertheless, he somehow bribed his way out of hospital to shoot down an impudent intruder strafing his base.
  • At the same time I desire one part pt the dispute betwixt us may be finished by an answer to these questions: Is not calling a guiltless man an impudent slanderer, pdumny, and quite a different revenge than a slight joke? anc) has not Mr. Warburton done that in the note in question? Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
  • His thoughts are blatantly impudent to say the least.
  • How impudent u are to say such a thing.
  • the student was kept in for impudent behavior
  • It used to be that if there was an over-the-top comedian who said impudent things that outraged stuffed-shirt reactionaries, they would always be coming from the left.
  • She's as lively and impudent as the title suggests, and she exudes star power whenever she's on screen.
  • a lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently
  • ‘Do not be impudent,’ the elders said, still speaking as one.
  • ‘I think this is an arrogant, impudent and immoral act,’ Sneh said.
  • Pardi," cried Madame Duval, "if I don't think all the footmen are the most impudentest fellows in the kingdom! Evelina, Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World
  • You don't know anything about me, you impudent little brat! MEDALON
  • Along the way, Henri flirted with Geneva by mockingly fluttering his eyes at her and impudently grinning.
  • Egregium specimen dent, saith Erasmus, let them approve themselves worthy first, sufficiently qualified for learning and manners, before they presume or impudently intrude and put themselves on great men as too many do, with such base flattery, parasitical colloguing, such hyperbolical elogies they do usually insinuate that it is a shame to hear and see. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She looked so sorrowful, and had such a nice air about her, that all her pans, and jugs, and plates, and dishes were gone before noon, and the only mark of her old pride was a slap she gave a buckeen across the face when he asked her an impudent question.
  • Does this impudent, dishonourable journalist think he is the equal of Tolstoy, physically, intellectually, artistically, or morally?
  • Her grandmother is the local wise woman and midwife, and she and Nell have innocent dealings with fairies, while impudent piskies moon at passing inhabitants for fun.
  • Chairmen splashed us as they passed; and impudent dandies powdered and patched and laced and bewigged like any fizgig of a girl would have elbowed us from the wall to the gutter for the sport of seeing M. Radisson's moccasins slimed. Heralds of Empire Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade
  • I glared at her, not caring if she thought me rude or impudent.
  • He let out an amused, mocking grin, took out another impudent puff of smoke, then replied, ‘It's not written in the school handbook.’
  • He looked up, feeling my gaze, and grinned impudently.
  • How impudent u are to say such a thing.
  • There is nothing more, the solemn oath taken, that Siegfried can do, and in his stalwart fashion he turns his back on the whole troublesome business, with the sensible suggestion that the wild woman from the mountains be given rest and quiet "until the impudent rage shall have spent itself which some unholy wizardry has suscitated" against them all. The Wagnerian Romances
  • He is sent to such as are impudent and hard-hearted, who will receive no impressions nor be wrought upon either by fair means or foul, who will take a pride in affronting God's messenger and confronting the message. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Full-voiced, agile and impudently funny, she bounded around the stage, blithely tricking the Forester's vain and stupid chickens, appropriating the old Badger's den, learning about love from the Fox, chomping on a rabbit, and howling defiance at Harašta, who shot her. The Beauty of the Beasts
  • So here, you see, a lower court was impudently preparing to try and redecide a cause which had already been decided by its superior, a court of higher authority. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2

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