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How To Use Imprudent In A Sentence

  • Ja’afar had also acted generously but imprudently in abetting the escape of Yahya bin Abdillah, Sayyid and Alide, for whom the Caliph had commanded confinement in a close dark dungeon: when charged with disobedience the Wazir had made full confession and Harun had (they say) exclaimed, “Thou hast done well!” but was heard to mutter, “Allah slay me an I slay thee not.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is, however, often imprudent and officious to try and fix the problems and arbitrate the quarrels of strangers.
  • Her response is understandable, if imprudent.
  • It is imprudent of presidents and trustees to approve budgets that were not crafted by those with the relevant academic and fiscal know-how.
  • This very journey of his up to London would be most imprudent, if it should become necessary for him to give up all hope of holding the prebend. Framley Parsonage
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  • would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy
  • I have merely decided that such a move would be imprudent at this time.
  • His logic was that opponents would be deceived by the ship's appearance, and make rash and imprudent mistakes during confrontation.
  • It would be imprudent of the Pentagon not to be developing contingency plans.
  • Crumwell (though the greatest Dissembler livinge) alwayes made his hypocrisy of singular use and benefitt to him, and never did any thinge, how ungratious or imprudent soever it seemed to be, but what was necessary to the designe; even his roughnesse and unpolishednesse which in the beginninge of the Parliament he affected, contrary to the smoothnesse and complacency which his Cozen and bosome frende Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • It is probably not surprising that this extravagantly rich and imprudent character made enemies, and they jumped at the chance to bring him down when it arose.
  • To further minimize the imprudent use of antibiotics for treatment of influenza, diagnostic techniques should be considered.
  • So overdraft charges were not so much a subsidy from the poor to the rich as they were from the imprudent, who had overdrawn their accounts, to the prudent account holders of all income levels. The Free Checking Restoration Act
  • The health of the lake had floundered from the impact of man’s imprudent and impudent use, from continuous inordinate water consumption, from the leaching of toxins into the drainage basin, and from the effects of contentious political forces jockeying for self interest while failing to provide Lake Chapala with a viable chance for life. Huichol Voices
  • I guess the answer is that most people are inexperienced and imprudent investors who tend to believe ‘salespeople’ too easily.
  • In short, the president made imprudent remarks without taking into consideration the current situation the nation is now faced with.
  • Quum membra absque capite aliquid operantur, ut, dum sese lacerant aut perdunt, demens est homo: sic, dum membra Christi sine capite Christo aliquid tentant, insana sunt, sese gravant et perdunt imprudentibus legibus. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Billions of pounds would be lost by imprudent banks and investors who have foolishly underwritten the scheme. CORMORANT
  • I think it's probably imprudent for an independent counsel to make any predictions about the outcome of the case.
  • They are accounted one of the most ancient clans in the Highlands, and it is certain they were a people of original Celtic descent, and occupied at one period very extensive possessions in Perthshire and Argyleshire, which they imprudently continued to hold by the coir a glaive, that is, the right of the sword. Rob Roy
  • After eating his usual copious breakfast, he had imprudently asked the waiter for a Russian paper; and, as he read, and sipped his kummel, which he found a little insipid and almost made him regret the vodka of his native land, his eyes fell upon a letter from Odessa, in which there was a detailed description of the execution of three nihilists, two of them gentlemen. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • I reminded the committee that it was imprudent to embark on any major capital programme without having funding in place.
  • In the course of the next year but one, Vilela made a visit to Kioto, Sakai, and other places, during which he is said to have gained a convert in the person of the daimio, of the small principality of Omura, who displayed an imprudent excess of religious zeal in the destruction of idols and other extreme measures, which could only tend to provoke the hostility of the Buddhist priesthood. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 09
  • The Act will not redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich, but from the imprudent borrower to the prudent borrower.
  • Placet tamen pudor adolef - centis, quamvis eum flul - titiae C imprudentiae arguat frater, cui gravius pecca - tum videbatur in fiiga. Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae sex novissime recognitae cum selecta varietate lectionum et ...
  • That soul who is Kyu in the first story (and Kokila, Katima, and so on thereafter) is combative, imprudent, and prone to getting himself (or herself) killed; while Bold (Bihari, Bistami . . . ) is more comfortable in the world, meliorist and optimistic. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The phrase itself expresses this antipathy; and when applied by a negro to a white man is regarded by the latter as a dire insult, and usually procures for the imprudent black a scoring with the "cowskin," or a slight "rubbing down" with the "oil of hickory. The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
  • Her son the present provincar and his wife likely judged it imprudent, too. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • But as in roses we must beware of the venomous flies called cantharides; so must we take heed of the calumnies and envy lying hid under smooth and well-couched phrases and expressions, lest we imprudently entertain absurd and false opinions of the most excellent and greatest cities and men of Greece. Essays and Miscellanies
  • I think in this case, he would not do anything imprudent.
  • In any long-term longitudinal survey of budgetary costs, I think it would be imprudent and misleading not to adjust for the effects of inflation," says Stephen I. Schwartz, editor of the journal Nonproliferation Review and director of a 1998 study by the left-leaning Brookings Institution on long-range nuclear-weapons spending in the U.S. As Shuttle Sails Through Space, Costs Are Tough to Pin Down
  • By their imprudent actions, they make the people of this country ludicrous and laughing-stocks to others.
  • I remembered my imprudent sister and sighed, frowning.
  • Stepahnie, what you write has value, but it glosses over the fact that there are millions, yes, millions, of your fellow citizens who HAVE behaved in a very prudent risk averse manner, and they are going to get hammered along with everyone else, and policies which exacerbate the exposure the risk averse to hammering caused by the behavior of the imprudent/mendacious discourages prudent risk averse behavior in the future. Matthew Yglesias » On So-Called “Irresponsible” Borrowers
  • Making an immediate move seems imprudent and unnecessary.
  • This has, indeed, long since been insufferable; although it ought chiefly to be imputed to the imprudent penuriousness of our own merchants and inhabitants, who, it is to be hoped, shall, through the abolition of this seawant, become wiser and more prudent. Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • It was imprudent of you to lend money to a stranger.
  • imprudently, he downed tools and ran home to make his wife happy
  • Yet while he opposes new program spending, the professor agrees that immediate federal tax cuts would be imprudent.
  • Yet error in all its forms - from misstatements to imprudent acts - can and should serve a healthy role in personal development.
  • That position is both morally insupportable and legally imprudent.
  • Carrying out the original aim of a quick war with minimal civilian casualties would require taking chances that officers here now deem imprudent.
  • Happily tact was coming with advancing years, and she did not attempt to mingle in the conversation, which was resumed by Charles observing that the strangest part of the affair was the incompatibility of so novelish and imprudent a proceeding with the cautious, thoughtful character of both parties. The Heir of Redclyffe
  • He works imprudently and obtrusively, and is never a stable man.
  • She said it would be imprudent and refused to do so.
  • It would be imprudent to write them off as doomed archaic survivals.
  • He must be held primarily responsible for the lack of cohesive direction of the company and the imprudent way in which it has been run
  • But if they are needy as a consequence of their criminal, irrational, or imprudent behavior, then it is not a fine thing.
  • intriguer" [34105] is imprudent enough to present himself there. The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • Any time the stupid gets piled up as deep and wide as Behe piled it here, it would be imprudent to dismiss the possibility that the stupid-piler did not, in fact, “miss” anything, but, instead, is actively lying about the topic of the stupid. ERV & HIV versus Behe. Behe loses. - The Panda's Thumb
  • Your cousin Melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street.
  • The _accident_, I use the term philosophically, not popularly, the accident of a man's being married, or, in other words, having entered imprudently into a barbarous and absurd civil contract, cannot alter the nature of things. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • So many people vowed to boycott sponsors of the biased docudrama that airing it on primetime TV became financially imprudent.
  • an imprudent remark
  • Her son the present provincar and his wife likely judged it imprudent, too. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • About the same time, Mr. Sparrman, who had imprudently gone out alone to botanize, was assaulted by two men, who stripped him of every thing which he had about him, excepting his trowsers, and struck him again and again with his own hanger, though happily without doing him any harm. Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
  • But as the faith, which is not founded on revelation, must remain destitute of any firm assurance, the disciple of Plato imprudently relapsed into the habits of vulgar superstition; and the popular and philosophic notion of the Deity seems to have been confounded in the practice, the writings, and even in the mind of Julian. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Everyone knows that it's imprudent to indignify a somebody. Robert Fuller: Why Do We Want to Be Famous?
  • It would be imprudent to resign from your present job before you are offered another.
  • Countries followed imprudent policies that favored monopolistic crony capitalists, inflation that magnified poverty and currency overvaluation.
  • very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas
  • Whilst people may blame these Asian economies for borrowing excessively and '. ' imprudently '.

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