

  1. susceptible of improvement

How To Use improvable In A Sentence

  • But the thoughts of men have widened with the process of the suns, and they have found that there are developments in other races than the Greeks, in which men will show an improvableness that proves that God's ways in endowing men have been higher than their ways. Imperialism
  • As I thought about the history of Labor Day, I understood the importance of judging the government's ability to lead and facilitate for health care the kind of multifaceted, continually improvable reform that transformed the workplace from what it was in the early 20th century to what it is today. John Kenagy: An Obama Health Care Reform Scorecard
  • And it may perhaps be added that one of the chief reasons for believing heartily in the last Book is the delectable and unimprovable contrast which La Quinte and her court of intellectual fantastry present to this picture of intellectual materialism. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • You can see from other compounds that have been filed on recently that things in the 30\% range people feel those are fileable and potentially improvable and we would believe that if we can be at that range or above that we should be in a pretty good shape. Biotech Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions ” all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Materialistic solutions in the science of man, humanitarian ends in legislation, naturalism in art, active faith in the improvableness of institutions -- all these are once more the marks of speculation and the guiding ideas of practical energy. Diderot and the Encyclopædists (Vol 1 of 2)
  • Men have not been optimists in the matter of the improvableness of humanity. Imperialism
  • Let succuba succumb, the improvable his wealth made possible! Finnegans Wake
  • The existing improvable strategies are sorted into gas filtration and kitchen ventilation, which have different applied methods and functions respectively.
  • Before we proceed to the direct subject of the present enquiry, it may not be improper to resume the subject of human improvableness, and consider it in a somewhat greater detail. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
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