

[ US /ˌɪmˈpɹɛsmənt/ ]
  1. the act of coercing someone into government service

How To Use impressment In A Sentence

  • The Confederate policies of impressments sometimes helped manufacturers convince Federal authorities that their production for the Confederate government had been based upon compulsion.
  • The United States defended its right to naturalize foreigners and rejected Britain's claim that it could legitimately practice impressment on the high seas.
  • Resolved, that our senators be instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use their best endeavors to effect the repeal of the impressment law of the Confederate States, or to so remodify the law as that the government shall pay the market prices whenever impressment shall be necessary; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1863-64. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accompanying Documents.
  • Unable to buy supplies, military commanders resorted to impressment of food and animals, undermining civilian morale and burdening farmers nearest the troops.
  • Beattie focuses on the policies of military impressment, recruitment and drafting, as well as the conflicts over discipline, resistance, morale and honor which characterized popular reactions to military obligations.
  • Away from the army lines and great centers of cities, the suffering was dreadful; impressments stripped the impoverished people; conscription turned smiling fields into desert wastes; fire and sword ravaged many districts; and the few who could raise the great bundle of paper necessary to buy a meal, scarce knew where to turn in the general desolation, to procure it even then. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • The British practice impressment had gone on for hundreds of years, and the independence-minded Americans were no longer willing to tolerate such an affront to their sovereignty.
  • The British practice impressment had gone on for hundreds of years, and the independence-minded Americans were no longer willing to tolerate such an affront to their sovereignty.
  • The Army's position is akin to the old British practice of impressment of sailors which was based on the premise that ‘once a British subject always a British subject.’
  • The last conflict between Britain and the USA began when the British blockade of Napoleonic Europe and naval impressment of American sailors inflamed relations.
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