
How To Use Impression In A Sentence

  • Companies need to be able to handle surges, otherwise the cost of generating leads is wasted and prospective customers who cannot get through may get such a bad impression of the company that they do not bother calling back.
  • National Provisions Company, and went out preaching fiat money and a subtreasury for the farmers 'crops, trusting to God and the flower garden about his little white house, to keep the family alive -- it is odd that Jeanette's childish impression was that General Ward was a man of consequence in the world. A Certain Rich Man
  • The Franks and other Germanic tribes were never absorbed into the Roman world, rather, they added a Germanic impression to that world.
  • Neither Chout, turned down initially by Diaghilev, nor the piano concerto, rejected comprehensively by its muse Paul Wittgenstein the LPO's soloist was Leon Fleisher, quite banished that impression of mechanical note-spinning. LPO/Jurowski; Betrothal in a Monastery; Psappha ensemble; SCO/Ticciati – review
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
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  • A Serious Man" draw from their writer-directors 'personal histories, while "Nine" reimagines Fellini's semiautobiographically impressionistic "8 as a musical.
  • We never found it, but your humility left an indelible impression on me, and I decided that is how I want to treat people.
  • Unfortunately, the show's message to millions of impressionable teens is that it's OK to take drugs.
  • Impressionistic cloud cities carved in some kind of webbed driftwood. Beowulf's Children
  • I have always been under the impression that an author must have correct facts to back a story.
  • I think the younger generation have obtained from somewhere or other the impression that I am uncool.
  • The incident left a vivid impression on me.
  • From plain backgrounds at the start, they moved on to intricate landscapes - landscapes now completely disassociated from the Impressionism that first reigned at Coyoacan. Printmaking - From Revolution To Establishment
  • A double impression 'bite' is made, allowing both the shape of the teeth to be cast and the occlusion to be fixed.
  • The impression of warmth and comfort and beauty predominated, though he was unable to analyze it; while the simplicity delighted him -- expensive simplicity, he decided, and most of it leftovers from the time her father went broke and died. Chapter XVIII
  • Figures like this are exceptional in the extreme and give a completely unrepresentative impression of the national picture.
  • You should try to form an impression of the person the adjectives describe.
  • During the first quarter of the twentieth century, Old Lyme was the center of a leading Impressionist art colony.
  • The paintings of the Post-Impressionists, including Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which formerly hung in the claustrophobic, columned Bellechasse gallery, are cosseted now one floor below in small, elegant, midnight-blue galleries dedicated to the late scholar Françoise Cachin, who served as the museum's first director. New Visions Arrive at the Orsay
  • However, there is a kind of awayness where the individual gives others the impression, whether warranted or not, that he is not aware that he is “away.” Behavior in Public Places
  • To start, pour a small amount of dry pigment forming a mound onto a nonporous slab surface, such as glass or marble; then, make an impression in the center of the mound and, into that, pour a small amount of linseed or other oil. Daniel Grant: Some Artists Make Their Own Paints
  • Their attempt to soften the electorate's impression of her as a scientific cold fish is one of the few amusing spectacles in a grim political landscape.
  • The stone that hurled on his head was checked up on Tom's hand impression.
  • Brousse gave the impression of being a man in charge of his business.
  • But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: _ "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury -- she'd marry me in a minute -- she'd marry_ YOU; _but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you .... The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • So we're given the impression of Connor's leg shaking and his voice wobbling.
  • French Impressionism had paved the way for all subsequent 20th century art movements.
  • I didn't get much of an impression of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.
  • He blames the impression held by many that they can negotiate better prices at the large new dealerships in Murfreesboro.
  • First, if the shaft of a long bone be hit above the junction of diaphysis and epiphysis, the cancellous tissue in and extending from the medullary cavity is pulverised, and examination of fragments from such fractures gives the impression of the inner aspect having been scraped clean. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • This enumeration is evidently designed to convey an impression of universality [Baumgarten]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This charming, home-loving, God-fearing young man was on early evening television, blaring into the living-rooms of millions of impressionable young people.
  • An impression of the original statue group on top may be gained from the chariot groups on the triumphal arch in the relief on the south.
  • Of the entire team, Elvira was the most companionable, genial and impressionable member, always bubbling with enthusiasm and high spirits.
  • The secret of a good momory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it-- We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. 
  • He had ridden the camel all the way from the coast and was under the impression that they had become friends.
  • On the other hand if the essential feature of the moving pictures is the combination of various views into one connected impression, we must look back to the days of the phenakistoscope which had scientific interest only; it is more than eighty years since it was invented. The Photoplay A Psychological Study
  • They must leave with a terrible impression after seeing the state of our streets.
  • First impressions are the most lasting. 
  • The reason is that some of these disyllabic prepositions are used as adverbs, and, when separated from their nouns, give one the impression that they are used as adverbs. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • Underneath the horizontal skyscraper is a landscaped area with a number of water features which give the impression that the building is floating on water. digg this digg this email this email this tweet this tweet this facebook this facebook this Steven Holl’s LEED Platinum Horizontal Skyscraper Completed! Vanke Center by Steven Holl – Inhabitat
  • Prices were up for all of the auction house's major art categories, including £ 766.6 million in Impressionist and modern art, up 53% from 2009; ₤ £ 602.6 million in post-war and contemporary art, up 148%; ₤ £ 569.6 million in Asian art, up 145%; and ₤ £ 334.2 million in jewelry, jadeite and watches, up 55%. Jump in Art Sales at Christie's Points to Market Rebound
  • For a few days, starting today, an artist's impressions of a new-look town centre will be on display in the Harpur Suite in the town centre and staff will be on hand to discuss the latest ideas for revamping the area.
  • Building her account around key verbs, which she would both act out while she spoke and express in onomatopoeic rhythms and tones that (re) produced history even as she uttered it, Cufassane gave the impression that she was an expert potter even though she had never made a pot in her life. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • That leads to a general impression of rowdy behaviour and general yobbery.
  • Two flyhalves made indelible impressions in Sunday's Springbok rugby trials - one of them an Old Selbornian.
  • The colliquation of his spirits: My heart is like wax, melted to receive the impressions of God's wrath against the sins he undertook to satisfy for, melting away like the vitals of a dying man; and, as this satisfied for the hardness of our hearts, so the consideration of it should help to soften them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • This creates a very strong impression of a foreign accent, and is something that should obviously be avoided.
  • I had the impression that artificial intelligence was sort of your bailiwick. T2©: RISING STORM
  • There is no sustained analysis to speak of, merely impressionistic detail woven into a narrative of tedious detail and worthless prose.
  • he watched the impression of the seal on the hot wax
  • This impression was often based on an aversion to the strong odour of the camels rather than the cameleers themselves.
  • In Bakhtin's view, people frame their speech according to the reactions they hope to produce or the impression they want to make.
  • And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • As soon as Christ was alone with his disciples he gave them a description of those desolations which is recorded in the following chapter, and is so plain, and made such an impression on the Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • As part of our art curriculum, our sixth-grade students studied the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist era.
  • The impression given is of a glittering career, effortlessly achieved.
  • Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • His pictures are quick, fragmented, impressionistic, but coloristically very lovely. The Online Photographer
  • The results are obviously going to be impressionistic at best, but I think it's better than nothing.
  • These gave smokers the false impression that a lower tar choice is somehow less harmful, whereas in reality smokers simply compensate in the way they smoke.
  • No New Zealand player has made an impression on this tour comparable with the impact made by many individuals in 1980.
  • That Thoreau gave the impression of being what country folk call a crusty person -- curt and forbidding in manner -- seems pretty well established. The Last Harvest
  • This impression is reinforced by the panoramic curve of the back wall, which, even though it is painted a uniform dark grey, suggests a cyclorama or stage backdrop.
  • You're second impression most likely be, vodka and coffee don't play so nice when they're on an unchaperoned date.
  • Throughout his examination, Tadese sat motionless, submitting so pliantly as to give the impression of not being there at all.
  • -- But I had the impression that the author of the Spectator was afflicted with a dropsy, or some such inflated malady, to which persons of sedentary and bibacious habits are liable. The Poet at the Breakfast-Table
  • He predicted Jones would “discountenance the movement under the impression that the United States will have the right, and will be bound to remove the Mexican military from east of the Rio Grande after annexation.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • Hot on the heels of the National Galleries of Scotland's blockbusting Monet show comes another Impressionist.
  • He fondled the impression of her as of silverspun wire, of fine leather, of twisted hair-sennit from the heads of maidens such as the Marquesans make, of carven pearl-shell for the lure of the bonita, and of barbed ivory at the heads of sea-spears such as the Eskimos throw. CHAPTER X
  • Witnessing the devastation and tragic scenes of human suffering left an indelible impression on Burchett and had a profound effect on the rest of his life.
  • She may give the impression that she wears the trousers but it's Tim who makes the final decisions.
  • The little man did not know, that time was wanted for imagination to make the roadway or riverway of a true story, unless we press to invent; his mind had been too busy on the way for him to clothe in speech his impressions of the passage of incidents at the call for them. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The switches are large and solid, and the bold shapes and contours give the impression of utility without ever approaching the austere.
  • Similar cosmological impressions stir in "gnostic" tracts dating from Sumer, Egypt, Persia, India, the Far East, Greece, Anatolia, etc., - not to mention Christianity - eg. the cosmic Christ - or - "cosmocrator". Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
  • The title track, which opens the album, slowly introduces the multiple elements of this work, reverently contrasting them to establish a perfect balance of impressions.
  • The lean, purposeful man who gives the impression of getting things done may set more hearts aflutter than he knows. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • She was the most companionable, genial and impressionable member of the team, always bubbling with enthusiasm and high spirits.
  • My general impression was that he seemed a pleasant man.
  • I get the impression that Mr Ataie has decided what he wants to say and then created characters to fit his theme.
  • I was under the impression that “therapsid” always referred to a kind of synapsid reptile and was distinct from “pelycosaur” another kind of synapsid think dimetrodon. Controversies in Evolution: 'Jurassic beaver' unearthed in China - The Panda's Thumb
  • Apart from slight hesitations and minor delays from the cinematographer (much to everyone's amusement) they left an indelible impression.
  • Both Jones and Roberts left indelible impressions on the Masters and on the world of golf.
  • Though I can make a cursory record, a quick sketch of those first sensations and impressions that flood the traveler, I find these jottings to be incomplete - just notes.
  • Any outline of this work must compress the author's variegated analysis into a thin catalogue of schematic impressions.
  • Were it not for the defensive deficiencies, the first-half impression that Stuttgart were no more than a well-muscled, stuffy side might have continued unrevised beyond the interval.
  • The radiologic impression was that the lesions represented splenic abscesses, and the patient subsequently underwent a splenectomy.
  • "He did not convey an air of benignity," one historian of the University has said; "in fact, he gave the impression of toughness."
  • Tall palm trees and thick forests of cactuses give travellers the impression that they are staying in a tropical region.
  • He expanded this chain to 3 more eateries with his flagship palce called "Emeril's" in 1990 and by 1995 he had found a place for "Emeril's New Orleans Fish House" at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las vegas, the first ever to make an impression in the sin-city. 1999 saw the growth of his name, fame and food at Universal Studios in Orlando and a steakhouse in Vegas. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Several barriers in his consciousness that normally stand sentinel around his impressions of women become pliable and my image begins to migrate towards that of his mother.
  • Let's not give the impression that we are entering into this with dewy-eyed naivety.
  • The Pro Football Hall of Fame member, now 73 years old, recalls the spartan Marion County coal camp of his youth, where his teachers Mrs. Hornyak and Mr. Wolfe made lasting impressions. 59 Top Stories, Sports and Weather
  • The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
  • If it had been in one of those accepted as genuine and poetical I would have remembered the ballad, but my impression is that it was condemned as a fabrication for this and other neologies. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • Tom Goldstein, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where impressionable novitiates are prepared for the high calling of the Fourth Estate, avowed that Wright was just ‘a corporate citizen’ doing his job.
  • His recollections are more generous, but notably concerned with the moral impression made on Gandhi, rather than the reverse.
  • And both mouths, while generously proportioned, carried the impression of girlish sweetness and chastity along with the muscles that could draw the lips to the firmness and harshness that would not give the lie to the square, uncleft chins beneath. CHAPTER IX
  • 'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • I get the impression that it is not the type of place for a kaffee-klatsch that others have described here, nor a good place to find fresh fruit and vegetables. Page 2
  • Apparently the horse jumped particularly well and his trainer expects him to make a big impression in novice chases.
  • The special representative in South Africa of the Organisation of African Unity, Legwaila J Legwaila, on Monday rejected what he called the provocative linkage that gave the impression the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • All individual differences are due to the spheral impressions. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • Sabriel felt a strong undercurrent of understanding pass between them, and received the profound impression that she had made a loyal friend for life.
  • He had been under the impression they were still abreast of Washington.
  • Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
  • You'll get a false impression/idea of the town if you only visit the university.
  • Degas was an artist torn between traditional art and the modern impressionist movement.
  • The overall impression is of a man with a warm and capacious heart and an affection for others that sustained his creative enterprises to the end.
  • However, I was fully under the impression that he had memorised every word, not that this in any way detracted from the presentation. Treat Your Presentation Like A Performance To Nail Timing, Delivery | Lifehacker Australia
  • unfavorable impression
  • an impressionable youngster
  • The refereeing is much looser and more impressionistic, even at an academic press. Cooked Books « Isegoria
  • Lots of oak, flavors of pineapple and mango, and high alcohol were tasters' impressions here.
  • It was difficult to avoid the impression that he was assisting them for selfish reasons.
  • They are children at that age where impressionability is at its peak and their vulnerability to influences equally so. Corrin Varady: All in the Name of National Interest
  • Her early work consisted mostly of impressionistic nudes and still lifes painted with a bold palette.
  • Tall palm trees and thick forests of cactuses give travellers the impression that they are staying in a tropical region.
  • And the dinginess of the article produced at last out of an omnium-gatherum sort of kitchen cupboard, made an ominous impression upon the country girl, accustomed Mistress and Maid. A Household Story.
  • If you read these lines out loud, you can hardly avoid getting an impression of the intended rhythm.
  • His formative student years were spent in Paris as a pupil of d' Indy at the Schola Cantorum, though he learnt more from the impressionism of Debussy and Ravel.
  • The moccasin is made of a sheep hide reversed to give the comfort of wool and the false impression of security by the leather outer.
  • Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • What they don't have is the right to redefine a word to give a false impression. We Need To Revote on the Marriage Amendment
  • No, I am not talking about being an actuary, which is supposed to be one of the best jobs in the USA and confirms my general impression about the mental soundness of some people who live in the land of the WWE. Dream job!
  • When the revaluation of 19th-century art took place with the final recognition of the impressionists, this contrast was too blatant to be ignored.
  • The impression is thereby given that an emphasis on revival is a peculiarly Welsh phenomenon.
  • Minimalist art is not a recognizable style like impressionism, but rather an art movement.
  • Perhaps that's in no small par t due to Fox's insistence on creating an alternate universe in which to attract a niche audience for advertisers, while ignoring boldface that it has any influence on the highly impressionable, which is what's new online!
  • At the conclusion of one of these eight or ten hour parties, the outside observer and non-participant might have the impression that the scene resembles an apocalyptic movie.
  • The fact that egalitarian economic policies have no obvious correlation with per capita GDP within Europe or the Commonwealth makes a strong impression on egalitarians in those countries.
  • 'The first instance I shall give of the abiding influence of strong impressions received in infancy, is in the character of a lady who is now no more; and who was too eminent for piety and virtue, to leave any doubt of her being now exalted to the enjoyment of that felicity which her enfeebled mind, during its abode on earth, never dared to contemplate. The Mother's Book
  • The impression was warmer than that of a hospital, but not "homelike" -wise, since this was the entrance to her surgery as well as to her home. The Serpent's Shadow
  • I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression.
  • As the official photographer for Vanity Fair's Oscar shindig for roughly a decade, Fink has made Hollywood parties look as fatiguing as they are fabulous, and his aweless impressions are now collected in "The Vanities" Schirmer/Mosel, $68. NYT > Home Page
  • The general appearance of the holding, its grass, crops, and animals, give a valuable first impression.
  • I got the impression that Mrs. Fleming was the boss of the family.
  • In response, three states have adopted public financing systems to reduce the public's impression of bias in their states' elected judiciaries: New Mexico, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Doug Kendall: Will the Supreme Court Prevent Citizens United From Being Fixed?
  • When she turned to face him, he got the distinct impression she approved of his stagecraft. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • Thinking back, the impression I have is of a cotton plant painted silver.
  • Her performance here did nothing to change my impression of her as an airheaded floozy.
  • They are of the greatest rarity, and each impression was treated as a unique work.
  • Like I said, that was just my impression at the time and it didn't raise any of my "hackles," or "heckles. Cesc Fábregas risking his and Arsenal's reputation with petty battles | Dominic Fifield
  • To thank the customers, Microsoft is donating 201 million online ad impressions to charitable causes.
  • As his eye gives the impression of floating over the landscape, his liking for gouache over a pastel ground give what David Britton calls ‘an ethereal quality, where translucent layers of colour float over a solid base’.
  • The impression the debtor seeks to give in his affidavit evidence is that he is not well placed financially.
  • A person I went to school with, Janna Underinner, is now working with one of the Oregon Coast reservations (it may be the Grand Ronde reservation) to make Chinook wawa their language (I'm a little fuzzy about the exact situation), so your short story would be good, but my impression is that Chinook Jargon is based on Nuuchanuulth which is Wakashan, not Salishan. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of the hydrocolloid impression used in PFM crown and bridge.
  • Once they got a closer look at how scientists work, we thought, they might form more realistic impressions that would contradict traditional images of science as isolated and antisocial.
  • Quand vous cliquez sur "follow xyz" à droite de la vidéo, ça donne l'impression qu'il ne se passe rien, mais en fait, la personne est effectivement rajoutée à vos amis. Seesmic Tips — Climb to the Stars
  • We all bring to a film our own storehouse of experiences, impressions, prejudices.
  • But it is impossible by words to convey any idea of the effect of his conversation, and of the impression made by so much philosophy, gaiety and humour, accompanied by a manner at once so animated and simple.
  • Like impressionism, art nouveau was an International revolt against the traditional academic art style.
  • He made a name for himself by buying paintings by contemporary British artists and was the first dealer to place French and British Impressionist paintings in public institutions.
  • Jagged impressions of brightly shining lights, like broken sunbeams gone horribly wrong, they flittered through his mind. Healing the Highlander
  • An impression of a heel was left in the mud.
  • First Impression: Dixie is described as a giggly, chatty, and ditzy Southerner. 5-Star Baby Name Advisor
  • You ordered shorts instead of pints, because you thought it useful to give the impression that you had money.
  • And if what we think is true is based on wrong ideas or impressions, the results can be devastating.
  • It feels too long, and yet I get the impression that the film was severely butchered in post-production.
  • To summarize the most effective method of gaining attention -- _hit each sense to which you appeal as strongly as you can, without making a disagreeable impression, strike as many senses as possible, and keep on using your sense-hitting device as long as necessary to get or to recover exclusive favorable attention_. Certain Success
  • * mais sur tout ` a noircir par des infames calomnies la sainte et salutaire Doctrine, dont nous faisons profession, nous sommes obliges, pour desabuser l'esprit de ceux qui pourraient avoir este preoccupes de ces sinistres impressions, de faire une brieve The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • As the man assembles without distinction samples from different areas, each track feeds on combined atmospheres, creating intricate impressionist patchworks of intense beauty.
  • With each copy printed from a woodblock, the impression quality worsened due to the wear of the block.
  • It made a very forceful impression on me.
  • At his best, and that is often, this transplated Englishman goes beyond impressionism to provide an undogmatic assessment of what Americans (indeed, people all over the planet) have done to the earth. Landscape's Grittier Aspects
  • Look, we know people form impressions within the first few minutes.
  • The legal system's terms and mystique create an impression of complexity and unapproachability.
  • The impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over.
  • We all fall victim to the unquestioning use of terms that are created by someone, somewhere, to create an impression of something that means something else.
  • I also thought about the influence that celebrities have on young impressionable teeny boppers.
  • Attempts have been made by various groups to work with trained sensitives in the presence of a crystal skull and record the impressions that they psychically receive.
  • - While I was still under the almost first impression of grief for the loss of my dear and honoured father I received a letter from Windsor Castle, written by Madame Beckersdorff, at the command of her majesty, to desire I would take the necessary measures for being presented to son altesse royale Madame The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • All of this I must say with the caveat that I am a syntactician and not a phonetician; these are impressions not based in observation but introspection, and there is no quicker way to discover a false truth than introspection. “Ms.”-ing the point « Motivated Grammar
  • Unfortunately, fairly or unfairly, the way this has been done has created the impression in some minds that the President is running for a fourth term by proxy.
  • This creates a rather spooky atmosphere and because of the many camera angles gives the impression that you are being watched.
  • Her body language reinforced the impression.
  • The superciliary ridges are prominent, but as the hair of the eyebrows is constantly kept shaved, there is not such an impression of prominence as in the Christianized Mandáyas of the southeastern seaboard of The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • I will watch it late and give my impressions in time for your morning coffee (or mimosa…)
  • The most notable of these artists is the master of French Impressionism Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • If only we hadn’t let our impressionable kids hear the word achoo at such a tender age, they never would have gotten caught up with that fast crowd! Why is Pharrell's sneeze getting bleeped? |
  • The experience made an indelible impression on me.
  • And the impression of overinvestment gleaned from economic statistics finds support in anecdotal evidence of corporate behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a dream she has lived on so long that it has become part of herself, and it is my impression that if anything happened to break her belief in it she would die, -- yes, _die! Vagabondia 1884
  • Our findings provide preliminary and highly tentative impressions.
  • Contemporary accounts give the impression of a watchful, mistrustful regime, of a country bristling with fortresses and teeming with soldiers.
  • The boy had the distinct impression he was about to meet some one who would welcome his arrival.
  • The literary artist in a similar manner makes use of words and sounds to convey his impression of life.
  • She gives the impression of being very busy.
  • They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.
  • Mr. Frye perfected his impression by matching Nixon's vocal tones and modulations, by adopting a few of the president's catch phrases, such as "Let me make this perfectly clear," and by creating a few of his own, including "I am the president, and make no mistake about that. David Frye, mimic who used Nixon as object of satire, dies at 76
  • Gaugin: The painter who invented his own brand of artistic licence life and work for which he can be reverentially remembered: his extensive travels, his experimentalism and his "primitivist" painting style honed in Tahiti - a bold reaction against the Impressionism embraced by most of his - Articles related to Keira Knightley takes on performance art
  • If you put them inside the tag, no part of the page body will actually render until after the script has loaded and executed, giving the user the impression that your page is loading slowly.
  • He said: ‘The regional committee's statement gives the impression that the union has prejudged the issue.’
  • Perhaps the best amalgamation of Kahane's effectively intricate arrangements and the newly acquired electric guitar sheen occurs on "Last Dance," a melancholic portrait of a new widow, or perhaps an abandoned lover "She takes her bundle of pills, she poaches her egg and eats it/And feels his slight impression like crushed pillows hold the shape of a body after nights of sleep and shadows". Daniel J. Kushner: After Aesthetics: Gabriel Kahane's Where Are The Arms
  • One of the book's most compelling sections weaves together the varied auction history of Claude Monet's "Le Pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil," an exemplary Impressionist landscape. An Auction Life, Self-Appraised
  • `Mine's a pint," she called, giving a very credible impression of his voice and mannerism. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Some of us, many of us, never outgrow those first impressions and remain fixated on children and teenagers. THE ILLUSION OF HOME AS SANCTUARY FOR CHILDREN

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