
How To Use Impossible In A Sentence

  • It's impossible to look at yourself in a pair of new frames and not see another character. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm still feeling a bit cranially sprained, mind you, but the cat seems perfectly happy to be spending a snow day on the couch with me, watching S3 of Mission: Impossible. The Snowpocalypse Continues
  • It seemed impossible that anyone could come alive through that cyclone of destruction. The Sun
  • It seemed impossible that anyone could come alive through that cyclone of destruction. The Sun
  • The bird became so tame that it was impossible to release it back into the wild.
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  • That being impossible here, let us return to the topic of theism and the relation of evil to divine purpose.
  • KURTZ: It's probably impossible, Wolf, to overcover a story like this. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
  • The searing heat and dense, acrid smoke inside a burning building make it almost impossible for firefighters to see what is around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's almost impossible to climb up the cliff.
  • What was supposedly impossible, rapid large swings in currency values, became an almost everyday event.
  • It's impossible if you stick to the rules.
  • Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 
  • Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
  • We'll only give in when it becomes mathematically impossible to catch them.
  • In his famous "antinomies", he proved four propositions: first, that the universe is limitless in time and space; second, that matter is composed of simple, indivisible elements; third, that free will is impossible; and fourth, that there must be an absolute or first cause. The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition
  • George Bush developed a policy, he annunciated it in a magnificent speech 10 days after 9 / 11, and then he went into a war in Afghanistan that everybody thought was going to be impossible.
  • This makes the task of introducing tolerance to parasites or disease via genetic modification exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • Find supermarket shopping almost impossible now, barely able to walk let alone push a trolley so did my first internet shop last night. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Naturally the availability of what we have today was unthought of and in most cases seemed impossible, but most television sets were capable of providing at least up to four basic channels.
  • This image is on the purchased ticket, making transfer all but impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, the huge student population makes it impossible for teachers to conduct seminars or offer individual tutorials to students.
  • It comes down in favour of a blueprint that for sound political and environmental reasons will prove impossible to realise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, it's quite impossible to live without roast rib of beef (of which more on Friday) and braised oxtail.
  • The bills are entirely regular, as impossible to impersonate as lifelong acquaintances. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • Therefore it's impossible to estimate the actual value of the deal.
  • The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
  • They recognized that getting the nuclear genie back in the bottle was nigh impossible.
  • That was not an impossible ideal but it did require a subtle mind to grasp it.
  • It's a magical scene, impossible to choreograph, and yet Mr. Gardner captures such instances again and again. Rocking and Rolling in the Wild, Wild East
  • It even implies that it's impossible to second-guess myself, yet I do it anyway!
  • Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible.
  • It was as impossible to be ambivalent about Diana as it is to be equivocal about going to war.
  • What dance intends to communicate seems impossible to translate into a casual conversation.
  • It is phonologically impossible since Tamil has no [z] sound and since the retroflex approximant sometimes romanized < z > cannot appear in initial position.
  • _a priori_ almost impossible that the inhabitants of Wenus had never heard of Pozzuoli -- would guard me from the jellifying Mash-Glance of the The War of the Wenuses
  • Most patients succumb when the diaphragm and rib muscles become paralyzed, and breathing becomes impossible.
  • It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.
  • For good reasons, developing nations reject cap-and-trade solutions, in part because it is impossible to define comparable cap-and-trade policies for radically differing economies in a fair manner; emission taxes would be much more commensurable between different economies. The Advantages of an Emissions Tax
  • It's impossible to put a price on such a rare painting.
  • It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
  • An impossible list to compile. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's impossible to stay fully hydrated while actually climbing, so rehydrating at the end of the day or during breaks between hard effort is essential.
  • I became delirious, and quitting that staircase, which methought it was impossible for me to reascend, I sprung forth into the void with an execration. The Paris Sketch Book
  • Without timely feedback from the relevant stakeholders and interested parties, it's next to impossible to find satisfactory solutions.
  • The deer was ravaging the man's fields, and he had killed it in sudden passion, and not for gain; and he had carried it into the royal forest in the hope that that might make detection of the misdoer impossible. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • The church has slid so far into consumerism it is nearly impossible to live out your faith without paying for it.
  • We can try to departmentalize our lives, but it's impossible.
  • It is impossible to gauge the extent of the damage.
  • The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water.
  • The cost of the flood damage is impossible to quantify.
  • When the sun rises they shine with a brilliant light that makes it impossible to keep one's eyes fixed upon it.
  • It is next to impossible for a fruit bat to avoid the grit, which adheres to the sticky fruit it eats as well as to the animal itself; even as a bat grooms itself, it gets a mouthful of the ash.
  • But fixture congestion would make that proposal virtually impossible. The Sun
  • It was an impossible dream, like Védrine's dahabeeah ending in a punt on the Loire. The Immortal Or, One Of The "Forty." (L'immortel) - 1877
  • The ice made it impossible to get a purchase on the road.
  • However, our sensors indicate that those creatures are composed of photons that are not moving relative to us, which according to quantum chromodynamics, is impossible. 365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • His sense of humour, always in evidence, made it impossible for him to seem pompous or self-important, and he never attempted to disguise his own fallibility as a human being.
  • The vagus also is directly concerned with the deglutitory act, for swallowing is impossible if both vagi are cut. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Logging on gives you apage full of little hand grenades: impossible-to-understand, context-free sentences that take five minutes of research to unravel and which then turn out to be stupid, irrel­e­vant, or pertaining to the tele­vi­sion series Battlestar Galactica. » Blog Archive » Openly Twitter-Doubting
  • Bringing them together under one banner seemed impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though I have found it virtually impossible to 'change' somebodies morals after a certain formative period in their lives. Child Abuse Alert
  • One legal expert last night said in future it may be impossible for a prosecution to succeed unless the evidence is indisputable.
  • I agree that they make difficult platforms from which to shoot but they also make impossible precisely and a helo is a darn sight bigger target than an outboard engine. Army Rumour Service
  • The wry twist of amusement around his lips finally proved impossible to resist.
  • It was impossible for Council officials to process that amount of work in one month.
  • It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.
  • Perfection is impossible to achieve in that kind of work.
  • But the licensing authority has reported her to the police, making it impossible to send in a post-dated cheque. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hollywood SciFi flic can pretend to be as progessive as possible, anti-imperialist eco-warriors fighting against a capitalist military-industrial complex, but it seems it is impossible to subvert the gender dichotomy even a little bit. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • It is impossible for the client to recover.
  • It is sometimes impossible to avoid conflict altogether.
  • My imagination galloped around the possible, the impossible and the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • You need a designated fanner, as it is impossible for one person to fan sufficiently and mix. Archive 2005-04-01
  • Its surface had become heavily crazed, making it impossible to examine the specimen, so the balsam was removed with xylene.
  • This is impossible to make in small quantities. Times, Sunday Times
  • My wife finds this impossible to deal with and it's causing many arguments. The Sun
  • Once spray painted, these meters are unreadable by Parking Enforcement Aides, meaning vehicles can't be ticketed as it's impossible to see if the meters were fed or not. The Parking Ticket Geek: Has The Parking Meter Revolt Begun?
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • I just want to be able to buy healthy food at a reasonable price. Is that asking the impossible?
  • Such mental attitudes are difficult, if not impossible , to change.
  • The bottom comes up to eighty feet, which makes it impossible to duck under anything larger than a motorboat. NIMITZ CLASS
  • In the intervals between them endless open carriages moved along, lined with white, filled with white dominos, drawn by horses all protected and covered with white cotton robes, against the whiter 'confetti' -- everyone fighting mock battles with everyone else, till it seemed impossible that anything could be left to throw, and the long perspective of the narrow street grew dim between the high palaces, and misty and purple in the evening light. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • It is impossible to ease off in storm.
  • Yet in practice this apparently simple expedient is frequently impossible.
  • By the late 1620s, it was impossible to obtain a licence to publish any theological books containing predestinarian opinions.
  • In case it is impossible to use italicisation one may underline the italicised parts of the examples above.
  • My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
  • Fortunately for us, we had made ourselves perfectly acquainted with the country the previous day, and instantly realized that escape by our right (as we faced Lucknow) was impossible, because of a huge impassable _jhil_. Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief
  • It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected.
  • It was impossible to hear anything over the deafening crashing of the desks or the unbearable exploding of the hallways.
  • His ability to hit the volley at seemingly impossible angles is legendary. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, what is impossible within the fixed boundaries of political organisations may be more plausible in the far more fluid world of political ideas.
  • Solid acting oddly enough, only the train falling is totally impossible (like the Viper scenes happen every day in LA) I mean the rest of the unrealism is in check with their abilities. Sound Off: Wanted - What Did You Think? «
  • It's impossible to say how much a person's behaviour is predetermined by their genes.
  • A silver lame number with impossible décolletage, my "Carmella Soprano" fur, diamond bunny necklace, a wiglet straight out of Valley of the Dolls, and matching Birkenstocks. Susie Bright: The Catties: Susie's Red Carpet Awards
  • Such appeals were virtually impossible before an order in April 1996 by now-Chief of Naval Operations Adm.
  • The twentieth century has demonstrated that it is impossible to tame capitalism by means of social reformist policies.
  • Lord Kelvin, who is President of the prestigious Royal Society once said that heavier-than-air flying machines were impossible, and the Chairman of the major computer company, DEC, said that no-one would want a computer in their home.
  • But the formulation was different, so it's impossible to say whether the effect would be the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was impossible to judge the Germans on their walloping of hapless Saudi Arabia.
  • It is impossible not to love Rio, and it is not just the shapely bottoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The big important systems such as atmosphere, food, environmental, navigation, and drill were protected with so many back-ups and fail-safes that it was almost impossible for them to freeze.
  • Regularity in habits was impossible to a student who had prolonged fits of what he called his mathematical trances. Great Astronomers
  • Getting him to sit down at story time proved impossible but by the age of four he was reading newspapers.
  • Neighs, whinnies, and snorts, along with the clip-clop of hooves as the horses tore through the camp, made it all but impossible to hear.
  • To remove a conviction so generally adopted, Quentin easily saw was impossible — nay, that any attempt to undeceive men so obstinately prepossessed in their belief, would be attended with personal risk, which, in this case, he saw little use of incurring. Quentin Durward
  • It was in these vales that the Saxons of the plain and the Gad of the mountains had many a desperate and bloody encounter, in which it was frequently impossible to decide the palm of victory between the mailed chivalry of the low country and the plaided clans whom they opposed. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Those songs are so full of life and spirit here, it's impossible not to be swept up in their grandeur and occasional sadness and desolation.
  • It s impossible today to evaluate Putin's exact role in Spag.
  • Nothing could have seemed less useful than the study of mosquitoes, the differentiation of the different species, their mode of life, etc., and yet without this knowledge discoveries so beneficial and of such far-reaching importance to the whole human race as that of the cause and mode of transmission of malaria and yellow fever would have been impossible; for it could easily have been shown that the ordinary _culex_ mosquito played no rôle. Disease and Its Causes
  • It is impossible to believe, and yet the evidence is irrefutable.
  • He was, indeed, as Dr. Lavendar said, a man of humble mind; and yet with his humbleness was a serene certainty of belief as to his soul's welfare that would have been impossible to John Fenn, who measured every man's chance of salvation by his own theological yardstick, or even to Dr. Lavendar, who thought salvation unmeasurable. The Voice
  • It's very difficult, " I said. "Impossible, " she chimed in.
  • It was impossible for the family to buy a new car.
  • So little about his story can be verified that it remains impossible to know. Times, Sunday Times
  • His style, too, is often tortuous and gnomic, and it can be almost impossible to see what he actually means, as the endless discussions of his analysis of the causes of the war show.
  • It is impossible to isolate parts of the system of government to which the label may authoritatively be attached.
  • Moss has crept between the bricks until it's impossible to distinguish old sections of paving from new.
  • It's impossible to predict what he'll do - he just acts when the spirit moves him.
  • It would be almost impossible to paraphrase any one of these. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He's showing no more interest than before, except for a spark of amusement on his face that's impossible for me to miss.
  • It is impossible to write an honest letter to somebody who may send it on to a third party.
  • Only a fundamentalist Freudian would maintain that simple love or charity is impossible in this world.
  • It is impossible for a modern author to create the necessary tone for an epic without lapsing into irony, because the material conditions preclude the creation of new myths.
  • They were around us throughout the dive at such close distance, making it impossible for us to concentrate on searching for the mimic octopus.
  • If countries have to work together and have to work with companies from other countries, then it makes it nigh impossible – certainly undesireable – for anybody to work on an orbital superweapon. Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
  • When reason is abdicated and replaced by the bellicose creeds of opposing religions, peace is impossible.
  • This has been a glorious year full of impossible stories. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can catch the vast majority of people, but hunting down every last tax dodger is virtually impossible.
  • In a vacillating economy it is impossible to calculate resource allotment.
  • It is impossible to keep libel and slander hidden in one country as before, thanks to the internet. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long as the public identifies order with law, it will believe that an orderly society is impossible without the law the state provides.
  • And it has become impossible to resist the temptations of the market economy.
  • But if it was difficult to keep racism on it, it was impossible to even breathe the word heterosexism.
  • The aim is to make it impossible to trace specific data to individual computers. Times, Sunday Times
  • More often than not, due to the delay and lack of adequate care of the socket, a ready fitting of the artificial eye is impossible.
  • Without a good number of experienced, committed blockaders on the ground even a brief tactical victory would be impossible. The Brawl in St. Paul
  • In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
  • Hansen and Quinn give us eight distinct patterns, such as “alpha followed by an epsilon becomes long alpha, alpha followed by epsilon iota becomes long alpha with an iota subscript,” and so on, for eight impossible to memorize (at least for me) rules. Greek is hard « paper fruit
  • If he voted the impossible the disastrous possible happened instead — and responsibility was forced on him willy-nilly and destroyed both him and his foundationless temple. Police Need Intelligence Shock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He left Russia because the lack of equipment made experimental science impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is equally impossible that we should behold such interposition in any form with indifference.
  • It becomes virtually impossible when your enemy is trying to inflame every atavistic passion in order to defeat you.
  • In their urge to smirk and wink, they make it impossible for the profundity of any work in the show to shine through. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible to write an honest letter to somebody who may send it on to a third party.
  • And he can light the blue touchpaper on a Roman Candle, but it may be impossible to tell whether the ensuing two second fizzing is the intended special effect or a product malfunction.
  • Blofeldism, an impossible and megalomaniac belief in world domination, is a perfect parody of Nazism and Stalinism —just as empty and just as deluded, although, thanks to 007, not nearly as deadly.
  • Worse than parental leave, she says, is the 120-day annual allowance for parents to tend to sick children, which is impossible to plan and which is suspected of being widely abused.
  • it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces
  • It is impossible to measure their bulk properties, such as color, malleability, ductility, melting and boiling points, and densities.
  • Apres tout je vous rappelle que dimanche je ne suis pas la donc il m'aurait ete impossible de vous ecrire ma note hebdo! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • They're also impossible for an untrained voice like mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should reflect the Humanism and endue with more meanings, but it's impossible to deny the importance of Humanism . In the face of sustainable developmen...
  • It's almost impossible to imagine it but the colossal cave-in sealed them off way back on Aug. 5. Erica Heller: Did You Hear the One About Four Comedians Trapped In a Mine?
  • Yes, indeed; sometimes when we see them walking down the street it is impossible for us to tell, without indelicate scrutiny, who is a boy and who is a girl.
  • When a thesis receives one citation in each of five separate years, it is impossible to assign a peak.
  • But this is impossible without a thorough grounding in history, both ancient and modem.
  • It was impossible to tell which it was that the snooper was concentrated on. THE QUEST FOR K
  • It is almost impossible to manage. The Sun
  • And getting on in life is nigh on impossible. The Sun
  • It was impossible to take him out to dinner, for example, as was our custom with guest soloists and conductors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible to have a portfolio where you are not investing in companies with ethical issues because it is an imperfect world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very tight standards calling for performance levels that impossible to reach may cause behavioral problems.
  • After two and a half years of going through life with OOS, my employer still continues to give me deadlines to meet even though more often than not it is really impossible.
  • It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.
  • Two years ago this is what it delivered as a couple of the City's biggest names met to discuss a deal long thought impossible. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have to try for our pride and we will try to go for the miracle but know it's practically impossible. The Sun
  • Sediment had covered them to such a depth that retrieval was impossible.
  • … But the more this happens, the more will men not only feel, but also know, their unity with nature, and thus the more impossible will become the senseless and antinatural idea of a contradiction between mind and matter, man and nature, soul and body. Kasama
  • -- one called the hulks, and the other the police -- is a life in which success means never-ending toil, and peace and quiet seem quite impossible. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • Also, food trends are impossible to take seriously — see chia seeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's impossible to get along with him.
  • I looked at the aisles of Oreos and Clorox cleaner, pretending to shop, but window-shopping at a gas station minimart, I found out, was nearly impossible. The Adults
  • Orders were passed on the other side of the hall, the hissing language of the serpent priests impossible to understand. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • It's impossible not to be awed by the grandeur of temples and throne rooms of a country still in love with its benevolent monarchy.
  • Nothing seemed impossible; the whole of biology was about to become transparent to this wondrous new science.
  • His successor is thus in an almost impossible position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ken, is it impossible to be friends with Tom Cruise without being dubbed a Scientologist? CNN Transcript Mar 18, 2008
  • It was impossible for him to leave all these arrears of suffering behind him, and he wished, before entering joyously into the future, to obtain a quittance from the past. Les Miserables
  • The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". 
  • It would be impossible to learn who was the first aerial trapezist, for instance, or where high wire performing was brought from, just when the trick of adjusting the body to these difficult and strenuous rhythms was originated. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • I find it highly improbable, almost impossible, that poor minions who were duped into planting explosive fire extinguishers which ended up in mass murder of their fellow citizens would remain silent all these years for fear of their own, guilt-ridden lives. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • It's practically impossible for me to get home in less than an hour.
  • It is impossible to stop the forward march of progress/time.
  • When a thesis receives one citation in each of five separate years, it is impossible to assign a peak.
  • Given the scarcity of examples of bird painting on Niderviller faience or porcelain, it is impossible to say what Gerverot's birds may have looked like.
  • It has seemed all but impossible to avoid the trap of an appropriationist logic of domination built into the nature/culture binarism and its generative lineage, including the sex/gender distinction.
  • Raised beds make gardening possible on sites where growing plants would otherwise be impossible.
  • At this juncture, it is impossible to say whether she will make a full recovery.
  • It is clear that cappotto is impossible because South has three trumps to the king.
  • It is virtually impossible to have a head-on collision on a motorway where all the traffic is going in the same direction.
  • It was almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of death.
  • Even the amount of time remaining is almost impossible to predict.
  • Few things are impossible in themselves, and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed.
  • Unless you were a hotel resident, it was more or less impossible to drink legally outside the home after 10 o'clock at night.
  • You're impossible," he said, picking up the channel selector. A TASTE OF REALITY
  • Because representation through speaking is impossible, Ginsberg is free to do whatever he wants to answer a question.
  • It was becoming impossible to see the map in the gathering darkness.
  • I guess it must be nearly impossible to transcend the uninviting, unappealing, unnerving stigma of hospitals - regardless of good or bad design.
  • Unfortunately, for me, the audio is almost impossible to hear. Meet Dana Walsh (R CAND, CA-08). | RedState

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