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How To Use Imposition In A Sentence

  • This type of power - a culture that radiates outward and a market that draws inward - rests on pull, not on push; on acceptance, not on imposition.
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Hackworth did this through reimposition of a strict but fair discipline, introduction of and training in proven and successful fieldcraft, and leadership from the front.
  • Terms that have both are called appellative terms and should be distinguished from substance terms or natural kind terms, which have signification by imposition. Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
  • Fuller became a thorn in the government's side on many other issues, particularly the great questions of royal finance, purveyance and impositions.
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  • Oppression or unjustified imposition can never be tolerated.
  • Had the acetate been used, the imposition of the poems directly over the images of the subjects 'faces would have integrated word and image but would have resulted in considerable obscuration of both the text and the faces. Gerard Malanga's Journey From Andy Warhol's Stage Dancer To Factory Poet
  • It was an elaborate charade which, through the performance of ritual, disguised the imposition of the royal will.
  • They alleviate the difficulties of observing subtle changes that are difficult to observe with more established methods such as superimposition.
  • Many qualitative researchers are disdainful of approaches to research that entail the imposition of predetermined formats on the social world.
  • This video is of an incident took place after IMPOSITION of an insane shariat in Swat, after so called Pak Tea House
  • A violent conquest would be followed by a prolonged period of martial law before the successful imposition of the English law became practicable.
  • This obviously touches on several representaion complexes, possible family inconscious impositions, but it mainly, or at least initially, encourages this feelings on most cases due to the sheer feeling of liberty and status one would get from working in Google. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #155 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • However, membership drives had built up the numbers and a stronger voice was available for dealings with the government on matters such as the imposition of sales tax (1933), the customs charge of primage (1935) and censorship. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • The imposition of such a sanction is punishment.
  • Instead he is talking of changing legislation to allow the imposition of martial law.
  • Imposition of liability based upon nothing more than pure "foreseeability" has been barred at least since Drug and Device Law
  • Union that the capital resource of commercial imposts, which is the most convenient branch of revenue, can be prudently improved to a much greater extent under federal than under State regulation, and of course will render it less necessary to recur to more inconvenient methods; and with this further advantage, that as far as there may be any real difficulty in the exercise of the power of internal taxation, it will impose a disposition to greater care in the choice and arrangement of the means; and must naturally tend to make it a fixed point of policy in the national administration to go as far as may be practicable in making the luxury of the rich tributary to the public treasury, in order to diminish the necessity of those impositions which might create dissatisfaction in the poorer and most numerous classes of the society. The Federalist Papers
  • [133], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Larger companies may roll up multiple products into one value, but it shouldn't be much imposition to provide the separate, "unrolled" values per title. "100K Group" lists? (Or, 'The Numbers Game' Part 2)
  • While her political future may be up in the air, Sarah Palin's populist star wattage remains undeniable as she basks in an undimmed political limelight for a core of supporters bored by what they describe as a lackluster Republican Party leadership and angry at the Obama administration's expansion of government and imposition of power. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • It is right to acknowledge, however, that the contractual position as between the parties may also negative the imposition of a duty of care in tort.
  • The added revenue can be invested in new schools or health-care clinics in areas where education and medicine are scarce; it can subsidize short-term make-work projects to appease the angry unemployed or patronage networks that control dissent at the local level; it can finance the construction of better roads and bridges to open internal trade; it can bankroll the imposition of martial law. The J Curve
  • I do not believe the imposition of high subscription prices helps subsidise access for people in developing countries.
  • Especially a scenario made all the more bothersome by the strange imposition of the exclusive use of a solitary word.
  • The pockets of the farmers, on the other hand, will reluctantly yield but scanty supplies, in the unwelcome shape of impositions on their houses and lands; and personal property is too precarious and invisible a fund to be laid hold of in any other way than by the imperceptible agency of taxes on consumption.
  • Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. William Shakespeare 
  • Karsh, which is the name of a sea monster, very strong and daring; though there be other reasons given for its imposition. 6 The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • That case concerned the imposition of a condition subsequent to the grant of a licence.
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • The word acquires its modi significandi through a second act of imposition encoding all of the general syntactic roles it can play in connection with other words and expressions, i.e., the various parts of speech it can fulfill (e.g., noun, verb, adverb) and the grammatical forms of these parts (e.g., the gender, number, and case of nouns; the tense and mood of verbs). Thomas of Erfurt
  • It seems to me that this is a totally unnecessary imposition by government on neglected and over bureaucratised rural villagers.
  • In addition the superimposition of political and personal texts demonstrates how affect is both individuated and socialised, often simultaneously.
  • The formation of the self in and through language requires the imposition of order, so that certain forms of consciousness – what Kristeva calls the 'semiotic' as opposed to the 'symbolic' – are denied. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 1: Modernism and the Scholastic Revival
  • The imposition of luxury tax on five-star hotels by State Governments also does not help the tourist.
  • Most of their priestcraft was a vulgar imposition upon the ignorance and credulity of the common people. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 03
  • I had mixed feelings, however, about the imposition of Western literary references on the study.
  • Cllr Brian Stanley said that it was a severe imposition of people working in the town to have to pay weekly car parking charges.
  • Figure 5: Conflict logs: abandoned roundwood logs as a result of the imposition of a timber exporting embargo on Liberia, May 2005. Opportunities for development in Africa
  • The dictates of scheduling and age profile are a product of the increasing imposition of marketing priorities and not the instincts of broadcasting.
  • Originally they were such proceedings, but the prosecutor did not seek the imposition of a penalty.
  • This can lead to fervent acceptance or rejection uninformed by understanding, the imposition of one mode of thinking on another.
  • Many other directors also began to view such demands as an imposition upon their artistic freedom.
  • There would have to be cogent evidence to justify the imposition of a requirement for plain packaging, which would have the effect of destroying such rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can not however expect the Swan Hunter work force to accept the imposition of such working conditions at any price.
  • The imposition of a criminal charge against a student does not suggest that, during the pendency of the action, the student will engage in any similar act. The Volokh Conspiracy » What Should Landlords Do If a Tenant Is Accused of a Violent Crime?
  • The idea behind this imposition of blanket bans was to prevent the temptation to discriminate against particular marches.
  • Boucher refused to speculate when asked if the action could lead to the imposition of emergency or postponement of general elections in Pakistan.
  • Repression after a while does not need imposition by the regime, it is more effective when self-imposed through fear, resignation and apathy.
  • Such imposition of ‘nationalist’ corporate statism has most commonly been identified with variations of fascism.
  • Graphic arts darkrooms, imposition of negatives, inadequate proofing systems, platemaking - all difficult procedures requiring high degrees of skill - are replaced by your desktop computer.
  • A philosophy of mutual support and teamwork means that decisions are arrived at through consultation rather than by imposition.
  • There's a large swathe of opinion in Britain that regards the EU as some foreign imposition designed to undermine the imperial glory that is Britain.
  • Moreover, the imposition of new tactics to forget-such as the creation of a new language-is followed by exclusionist strategies of displacement for those who refuse to accept these changes.
  • But if the imposition of a punitive tax serves to reduce demand for starter homes, the strategy may backfire.
  • Examining the implications of submediant superimpositions as two keys helps illuminate structures in these pieces that are hidden when viewed through a single tonality.
  • It is a stinging aporia, an imposition on the logical life of that which we call ‘God,’ and requires some negotiation on the part of the preacher.
  • Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship.
  • Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship.
  • Such impositions of meaning shape the sexual experience, and space becomes eroticized by social actors through their construction of a sense of place.
  • A denominative term such as ˜white™ signifies by imposition a substance that is white, but it signifies by representation the whiteness inhering in the substance. Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
  • Stanley, for example, was often called a boor and a brute when in reality he was merely hiding a fine nature behind the armour necessary to resist native imposition and worse. An African Adventure
  • So the relevant exports took place in the six months immediately preceding the imposition of that total ban.
  • It appears, from this passage, that the imposition of hands was a ceremony used in consecrating persons to holy offices in the ancient, as, from the example of our Lord and His apostles, it has been perpetuated in the Christian Church. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The imposition of the tax on books caused a sharp rise in price.
  • This is so, he concluded, because for the generality of humankind death comes as an imposition: it is a form of abjection to which all must submit with resignation, and which all must accept because they have no choice.
  • The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.
  • These and so many others are cases of adoption by nonnative users of English, not of imposition. The English Is Coming!
  • It is the owner's desire to foster a commercial advantage by inviting persons to visit the premises that justifies imposition of a higher duty. Christianity Today
  • Ad placitum, are the characters real before mentioned, and words: although some have been willing by curious inquiry, or rather by apt feigning, to have derived imposition of names from reason and intendment; a speculation elegant, and, by reason it searcheth into antiquity, reverent, but sparingly mixed with truth, and of small fruit. The Advancement of Learning
  • Nice is said to yield the king half a million of livres, about twenty-five thousand pounds sterling, arising from a small donative made by every town and village: for the lands pay no tax, or imposition, but the tithes to the church. Travels through France and Italy
  • It opens with an outline map and the superimposition of the rather rigid zones used by the emergency planners.
  • The memoirs note the nightly patrols by proctors searching for students, an offence liable to bring hefty fines and other impositions.
  • This kind of schizoid superimposition is becoming a theatrical cliché, and if you don't groove on it and TV trivia, you may not join in the aficionados' laughter.
  • Future historians will ask whether a society that anguished over the imposition of ever more absurd politically correct terminology might not have been better employed in curbing some of the excesses of the rock music industry.
  • The World Bank has been particularly outspoken on this issue, with the imposition of fees a condition for higher education lending in several countries.
  • These matters are remitted to the Ontario Court of Justice for the imposition of a sentence warranted in law.
  • The Authority's proposals had involved the imposition of import controls and production quotas.
  • The imposition of councillor Jeff Sainsbury says much about the right hon. Gentleman and about the unrepresentative character of the development corporation.
  • Similarly, consider the president's imposition of steel tariffs that were obviously inconsistent with his free trade principles.
  • Courtenay feels his mother's desperate need so acutely that he can be unduly harsh, chastising his younger self for the visits he never made or the letters he never wrote back because it became too painful an imposition.
  • They can't understand this latest imposition on their way of life.
  • he listened but resented the imposition
  • The central aspect of free trade, as the name implies, is the free flow of goods into and out of countries without any imposition of tariffs.
  • These forests were largely unaffected by the disafforestations made by Richard I and John, and the communities within them suffered from John's increasingly rigorous imposition of forest law.
  • The overarching discretion of the trial judge to take into account the particular circumstances of the offender is essential to the imposition of a fair and just sanction.
  • Multiple exposures, jump cuts, slow-motion, negative film sequences, superimposition, freeze-frame and angled cameras are just a few of the cinematic effects utilised by Deren.
  • There is no evidence for the superimposition of two entirely separate high-grade metamorphic regimes either in the calc-silicate rocks or in the associated pelites.
  • And so, while widespread job cuts and the soaring cost of basics such as food and fuel are making life impossibly tough for many thousands of people on the breadline, footloose bankers and hedge fund managers are busily arguing that the 50p top tax rate is such an imposition that they're considering upping sticks and moving to Switzerland. It is time to mind the gap (again)
  • [339], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • A denominative term such as ˜white™ signifies by imposition a substance that is white, but it signifies by representation the whiteness inhering in the substance. Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
  • Philosophical miserableness, stoicism, nihilism and spiritual (not pragmatic) scepticism all lead to the view that only the imposition of order will suffice No wonder this the life hating, paranoid Nixonite figure of Gordon Brown appeals to every cowardly pessimistic fibre of the nation. The Pontiff Is In...
  • That would be a constraint on me and an imposition on the viewer.
  • Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
  • The potential for peers to inhibit or disinhibit a potential offender's sexual imposition is supported by research on physical aggression.
  • On the one hand, the law is traditionally, and rightly, ready to relieve them against hardship and imposition.
  • They are fun games which, it is true, allow you to sometimes do some pretty disturbing things, but their imposition of penalties and consequences for those actions is also well-handled although the way you can magic away your wanted status by getting a respray is rather silly. The GTA3 Trilogy
  • With reference to the imposition supposed to be set Porson (Vol. ii., p. 71.), and shown by C. at p. 106. to be by Joshua Barnes, I question whether any imposition were ever set him: for I have heard Mr. Summers (Porson's first instructor) observe, that he was a well-conducted man during the whole of his undergraduateship; others have reported the same of him. Notes and Queries, Number 63, January 11, 1851
  • Never does one feel the imposition of a despotic “I” that St Paul identified as the very voice of the devil, but the benevolence of a friend to the truth whose ambition may have been, according to his own terms, to “versify the Sophia Perennis.” Introducing Jean Biès
  • A recent form of regulatory water-use restriction is the imposition of specific water-use technologies in building codes.
  • Resolutely unglamorous, Chadsey's young men, no hunks, preen and pose, sometimes grotesquely transformed by superimpositions that seem to be materialized projections of their fantasies, like the vulpine shadow in "Portrait (Pink Beak)," the black mud luchador mask (or terrorist balaclava) in "Blackface Rod," the dangling penis in the standing/spread-eagled protagonist of "Marines," or the extra sets of arms in the androgynous "Red Head (Shift). ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
  • Since the calender was a popish imposition, we will back to the Julian calender The Volokh Conspiracy » “Year of Our Lord”
  • Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
  • The works feature allover compositions in which the superimposition of reticulated lines or irregular patterns of cellular outlines, or a combination of both, are set against dark red or blue grounds.
  • Here Period V of late Roman date saw the imposition of an inhumation cemetery upon the earlier pattern of ditched enclosures.
  • Hence it is probably safe to assume that a far more mature media, with a lot of money muscle and political connections now, would oppose any such imposition with the same, or perhaps more, zeal.
  • It has also been suggested that the possible imposition of obligations upon signature may deter States from taking that step.
  • If courts are to intervene by the imposition of public law standards upon a private body they must adopt a careful and principled approach.
  • Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. William Shakespeare 
  • In my experience, after a certain age it becomes an imposition on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases the abjuration was the only ceremony required; in others abjuration was followed by the imposition of hands or by unction, or both by the laying on of hands and by unction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The imposition of radio silence during such missions made me more of a gunner than a radioman.
  • This could include the imposition of sanctions or in extreme circumstances suspension of the client from that establishment.
  • As Hoke put it: ‘The most important transfer of technology from the armories to the watch factories was the imposition of a rigid system of organization and the elevation of the machine shop to a position of supremacy.’
  • From an aesthetic point of view this loss is not too serious, since the imposition of the alternatim form and the stressing of imitative counterpoint have made these compositions rather impersonal. Archive 2009-06-01
  • But this is not the imposition of a direct legal sanction.
  • The report says that in all likelihood it would hasten the imposition of congestion charges or tolling on the M50 to control demand on the motorway.
  • Thomas Paine, during the Revolutionary War, argued in The Crisis that there are serious moments in the life of a country when "to deceive is to destroy; and it is of little consequence, in the conclusion, whether men deceive themselves, or submit, by a kind of mutual consent, to the impositions of each other. Tony Blankley: Afghan War Becoming a Bloody Farce
  • There the court held that the imposition of ‘fines’ on the heirs of a deceased was criminal in nature.
  • In doing so, the church becomes what it was in its earliest days - a community of resistance against the external impositions and lifestyle colonialism of the dominant order; a place of prayer and alleluia.
  • He urged the imposition of a modest period of disqualification.
  • But most policy takes a different approach, the imposition of pollution standards that regulate the maximum amount of allowed pollution.
  • Since the calender was a popish imposition , we will back to the Julian calender The Volokh Conspiracy » “Year of Our Lord”
  • [Note, however, that some courts hold, controversially, that a pardon does not preclude the imposition of attorney discipline based on the underlying conduct, because a pardon “cannot work such moral changes as to warrant the assertion that a pardoned convict is just as reliable as one who has constantly maintained the character of a good citizen.”] Bush "Revokes" A Pardon (When Do Pardons Vest?)
  • They may resent the imposition of American culture in the form of movies and music, but that’s only because our popular culture is so *popular* that it drowns out native culture. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Why Do They Hate Us?”:
  • The initial imposition of a Bavarian administration soon after Independence, the effort to shed traces of 'obscurantism' and the 'barbarity' of Ottoman rule; the Western bourgeois invasion of local customs and traditions; the long-standing effort to reconcile the Ottoman past with the legacy of Greece as the centre of European civilisation; and the intense conflict between right and left visions of Greek society since the Second World War have all generated tensions about national identity that have often found expression through various treatments of the 'woman question'. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • It was banned following the imposition of martial law in 1981 but continued its activities underground. Twentieth Century History - Basic Facts
  • Already defeated in so many battles, they were now also at discord among themselves; the execution of the party of Tydeus son of Ion, by Pedaritus upon the charge of Atticism, followed by the forcible imposition of an oligarchy upon the rest of the city, having made them suspicious of one another; and they therefore thought neither themselves nor the mercenaries under Pedaritus a match for the enemy. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Add to this that he had remained steadily at the bottom of his class during the entire period, and that once he had received an "impot" (or imposition) from Mr Rastle, and it will easily be understood that he soon gained favour among his fellows. The Fifth Form at Saint Dominic's A School Story
  • His aggressive behaviour on remand had led to the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.
  • Making some sort of imposition on the players' own free time would also be a more appropriate form of redress.
  • In July 1988 the Lords voted by 120 to 94 to reject the imposition of charges for eye tests.
  • But if the extent of the imposition is more serious like detentions and incarcerations, I think it's entirely unjustified.
  • Here is not the swift impatient journeywork of a rough and ready hand; here is no sign of such compulsory hurry in the discharge of a task something less than welcome, if not of an imposition something less than tolerable, as we may rationally believe ourselves able to trace in great part of Marlowe's work: in the latter half of _The Jew of Malta_, in the burlesque interludes of _Doctor Faustus_, and wellnigh throughout the whole scheme and course of _The Massacre at Paris_. A Study of Shakespeare
  • There are no sanctions mandated by the agreement, but US laws permit imposition of sanctions against violators.
  • Mr McCall said the management was still ‘more intent on imposition than negotiation’.
  • Policies based on downsizing the public sector and the imposition of tight monetary policies had often undermined growth and hampered technological progress.
  • But many Western analysts now argue that Tehran's regional soft power has declined over the last couple of years, following the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, the fallout from the Islamic Republic's June 2009 presidential election, and the imposition of new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear activities. Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett: Iran's "Soft Power" Increasingly Checks U.S. Power
  • The distinction between threat and imposition of economic pressure is important since the threat can sometimes be sufficient to secure compliance.
  • Such critics have argued for the imposition of transaction taxes to choke off short-term capital flows.
  • Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. William Shakespeare 
  • Sir, I do prefer an unfairly long imposition to an attack of pneumonia," and with that he sailed out of the room; the "impot" was, of course, never done. The Loom of Youth
  • Five million people have died in the past five years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and yet there has been no imposition of sanctions on the various factions and precious little in the way of condemnation either.
  • These solutions reek of elitism, of rule from above, of imposition.
  • Most of them are terrible at graphic design, and often see its deployment as an unwelcome imposition on their aesthetic vision.
  • But the imposition of authoritarian control and discipline creates exactly the opposite of the effect intended.
  • Chrismation and Imposition of hands after Baptism, followed as it was by Communion, was evidently the only normal form of Confirmation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Further, the county council has not yet given its consent to the imposition of any traffic regulations.
  • Import restriction is effected through such measures as imposition of tariffs, fixing of quota, allowing imports only against licenses.
  • We must find an accord, even if it involves the imposition of peace keeping force between the contentious parties.
  • But coincidences of this kind -- which permit imposition of exceptional harm on one group provided the primary purpose of the harm is making money -- are precisely what is meant by the term "institutional racism. The Full Feed from
  • If he did, he'd find, not only arguments like that, but even some nuts pining for the imposition of a fascist state or some other form of dictatorship.
  • The imposition was seen by many as a provocative move. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my experience, after a certain age it becomes an imposition on them. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Abram called Hagar had been commanded to give that name to her son; but Moses follows the order of nature; because fathers, by the imposition of the name, declare the power which they have over their sons. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Thus, it is uncontested that the administration is wholly responsible for the imposition of the new steel tariffs.
  • As resistant as this is to the imposition of narrative coherence, a feminist ethos is unmistakable.
  • No wonder obeying national laws or paying taxes feels such an imposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The power to control was originally limited to the imposition of conditions.
  • The imposition of any one version of knowledge would be expected to reflect the ideology of the controlling political group.
  • Alas! but in what sense that does not imply some infusion of power or light, something given and inwardly received, which would not have existed in and for the recipient without this immission by the means or act of the imposition of the hands? The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The first point to note is that the imposition of a transaction tax would be completely ineffective in the face of such global capital flows.
  • My wife and I attended a noon Ash Wednesday service of communion and imposition of ashes.
  • Perhaps she complimented it by stating that if one entity is going to take the other it won't be a superimposition rather an eclipsing which is not going to travel any longer. Personal Weblog of Deepak Vasudevan
  • The imposition of the Book of Common Prayer in 1549 was accompanied by the publication of various metrical psalters, whose simple four-part harmonizations of psalm tunes allowed the vernacular texts to be heard easily.
  • Scandalising the court is a form of contempt that can lead to the imposition of punishment.
  • The submission also condemned what it called biased commentary and the imposition of a particular economic ideology in news and current affairs. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • White supremacists proclaimed him a threat to white womanhood, and then responded with lynching and the imposition of rigid segregation in the South, and with police surveillance, ghettoization, and antimiscegenation laws elsewhere in the United States. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The smuggled electronic products and the luxury tax imposition have really hurt the local electronics companies, making them less competitive on the local market.
  • The second piece of legislation which Darling proposed was the imposition of a stamp duty.
  • There has been no analysis whatsoever of what impact the levy and cost impositions will have on registered motor vehicle dealers.
  • The Government should be fair and consistent with its expectations and impositions.
  • Behind this rejection of the "literary" as anything other than a window on culture and beyond that mostly an imposition by overweening writers claiming an exalted power they don't ultimately possesses is an attitude that might indeed be described as "normative conclusion" as Fish uses the term. Art and Culture
  • The Court of Appeals framed the issue as follows: “[W] hether the imposition of felony consequences, based upon possession of small amounts of marihuana, which would constitute a violation outside of prison (see Penal Law §§ 221.05, 221.10 [2] [absent aggravating circumstances, not present here, possession of 25 grams or less of marihuana is a non-criminal violation]), comports with the Legislature’s intent as codified in Penal Law §§ 205.00 (4) and 205.25 (2).” NY Court of Appeals
  • The superimposition of the tonic and dominant forms of the motif does not bring a resolution, only an uneasy symbiosis.
  • The report claims that this would be more effective than resorting to timber import restrictions and the imposition of logging bans.
  • That layer would not be an imposition; it would be democratically accountable.
  • They are protesting against the imposition of a 1 percent pay rise for 2003 by the prison service.
  • The quantity of taxes to be paid by the community must be the same in either case; with this advantage, if the provision is to be made by the Union that the capital resource of commercial imposts, which is the most convenient branch of revenue, can be prudently improved to a much greater extent under federal than under State regulation, and of course will render it less necessary to recur to more inconvenient methods; and with this further advantage, that as far as there may be any real difficulty in the exercise of the power of internal taxation, it will impose a disposition to greater care in the choice and arrangement of the means; and must naturally tend to make it a fixed point of policy in the national administration to go as far as may be practicable in making the luxury of the rich tributary to the public treasury, in order to diminish the necessity of those impositions which might create dissatisfaction in the poorer and most numerous classes of the society. The Federalist Papers
  • The government's imposition of arbitrated settlements appears to have backfired: teachers continue to hold fast for improved classroom conditions.
  • Ad placitum, are the characters real before mentioned, and words: although some have been willing by curious inquiry, or rather by apt feigning, to have derived imposition of names from reason and intendment; a speculation elegant, and, by reason it searcheth into antiquity, reverent, but sparingly mixed with truth, and of small fruit. The Advancement of Learning
  • It also railed against Mexico's imposition of a 20 percent tax on beverages and syrups made with sweeteners other than cane sugar.
  • On the contrary, I expect to treat of various fallacies, delusions, and deceptions in ancient and modern times, which, according to Webster's definition, may be called "humbugs," inasmuch as they were "impositions under fair pretences. The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
  • In so far, however, as the imposition of the doctrine was a means to an end, namely, to radicate [sic] him in selected centers where he fell within social and governmental control, it can not be criticized. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • When next the mayor and aldermen appeared before the council, they resisted the talliage on the following grounds: (363) — In the first place, because, although the king might talliage cities and boroughs that were of his demesne, he could not, as they understood, talliage the City of London, which enjoyed exemption from such an imposition by charter. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • The uniformity of administrative structures was reflected, later, in the imposition of a national, decimal system of weights, measures, and currency.
  • Imran Khan demands the imposition of shariat in Pakistan Bloggers.Pakistan
  • I am so tired of people acting as if my toddler is an imposition. Last Time I Checked, Babies Were People Too - Her Bad Mother
  • Women's groups also resented the imposition of limits for gender discrimination while damages for racial bias were unlimited.
  • It is the imposition of a harsh term in a circumstance where someone is in a disability.
  • The former, she charged, would allow for the creation of military zones, or the local imposition of martial law if authorities wanted to address a localized security matter.
  • Do you suppose they have accepted the imposition of a British parliament ? ANTI-ICE
  • A one-day workshop to give DTP operators a good understanding of printing impositions covering terminology, folds and folding systems, plotting imposition layouts etc.
  • The preservation condition is strong in dismembering because of polycyclic tectonic movement′s superimposition in the marine strata of Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Region.
  • Chapter 4: Based on the previous achievements of the calculation and theoretical analysis of the surge-chamber ground swell, analyze the influence of the superimposition on it and the superpose time.
  • The preferred policy has, so far, been the imposition of sanctions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agricultural Tax Imposition and Administration of Hangzhou Fiscal Bureau.
  • The imposition of luxury tax on five-star hotels by State Governments also does not help the tourist.
  • As for the possible load imposition of per directory. htaccess files, the same directives can instead be put into the main httpd. conf file for the Directory/Virtual Host which ensures the rules are only loaded when the server starts, rather than when a directory is accessed. Scripting News for 4/7/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • King suggests that the imposition of fines on member states that are already struggling defeats the purpose.

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