How To Use Importunity In A Sentence
The Provoste gaining no other grace at this time, would not so give over for this first repulse, but pursuing her still with unbeseeming importunity; many private meanes he used to her by
The Decameron
All this, as was most natural and proper, only stimulated the Lady’s curiosity; neither was her importunity to be parried with, — “Thank God, I am no makebate — no tale-bearer, — thank God, I never envied any one’s favour, or was anxious to propale their misdemeanour-only, thank God, there has been no bloodshed and murder in the house — that is all.”
The Abbot
If we consider how essential to such a masterpiece is inoculation of belief in the tender age of childhood, the system of missions appears no longer merely as the height of human importunity, arrogance, and impertinence, but also of absurdity; in so far as it does not confine itself to people who are still in the stage of _childhood_, such as the Hottentots, Kaffirs,
Essays of Schopenhauer
his importunity left me no alternative but to agree
All this, as was most natural and proper, only stimulated the Lady’s curiosity; neither was her importunity to be parried with, — “Thank God, I am no makebate — no tale-bearer, — thank God, I never envied any one’s favour, or was anxious to propale their misdemeanour-only, thank God, there has been no bloodshed and murder in the house — that is all.”
The Abbot

He believes her in a consumption; and has brought a physician of his intimate ac-quaintance to visit her: but she, and we all are con vinced, that medicine will not reach her case: and she affected to be startled at his supposing she was in so bad a way, on purpose, as she owned, to avoid his kind importunity to take advice in a malady that nothing but time and patience can cure.
Sir Charles Grandison
Our Governess is as active and watchful as ever, down with the Sun and up with the Lark, and then doth her messenger summon us to desert our beds, if she perceives any unwilling, she subtilly tempers the unpleasantness of her early importunity; she perswades them thereunto, by alledging, what benefit thereby will accrew to their healths; nor is her accustomed care to be discommended, since therein she aims not only at the benefit of our Bodies, but the eternal welfare of our Souls in the performance of our duties to God and our Parents.
The Gentlewoman's Companion: or,%0AA Guide to the Female Sex
The Englishmen extricated themselves from their importunity by bestowing, as is usual on such occasions, a donative of small coin upon those who appeared most needy, or most deserving of their charity one tall woman stood on the steps close to the door, and extended her hand to the elder Philipson, who, struck with her appearance, exchanged for a piece of silver the copper coins which he had been distributing amongst others.
Anne of Geierstein
But neither philosophical curiosity, nor commercial industry, have yet fixed their abode here, where the importunity of immediate want supplied but for the day, and craving on the morrow, has left little room for excursive knowledge or the pleasing fancies of distant profit.
A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
Plead the precious blood with unceasing importunity, and it shall be with you according to your desire.
Having given our names at the gate, we repaired to the dogana, or custom-house, where our trunks and carriage were searched; and here we were surrounded by a number of servitori de piazza, offering their services with the most disagreeable importunity.
Travels through France and Italy
Perhaps, too, we hear the dramatist wrestling with his own inner feelings, his own longing for mastery of women and at the same time his sense of shame and abashment at male giddiness and importunity.
As the complier of it engaged in the undertaking at the instance and importunity of many persons of eminent account and distinction, so she can truly assure them, and the world, that she has acquitted herself with the utmost care and fidelity.
English Housewifery
Influenced by such considerations, he yielded to the first importunity of the beldame, whom he dismissed at a very small distance from the village, after he had earnestly exhorted her to quit such an atrocious course of life, and atone for her past crimes, by sacrificing her associates to the demands of justice.
The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom